Proceedings of thee Third Internatioonal Symposium oon Renewable Ennergy and Sustainnability, P T Temixco, Moreloss, México, Septem mber 9-11, 2015 DRYING BANANA W WITH SOLAR R ENERGY AS A PRETREEATMENT FO OR BIOETHANO OL PRODUC CTION L. Fernando San ntis‐Espinosaa*, Bianca Yadira Perez‐Sariñ ñanaa, Carlos A A. Guerrero‐FFajardob, c a Sergio o Saldaña‐Trin nidad , and Sebastian P.J. a b In nstituto de Energías Renovables U UNAM, Privada Xo ochicalco s/n CP 6 62580, Temixco, Mor. México; Universidad c Naacional de Colom mbia, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Quím mica 11001, Bogotá, Colombia; Universidad Po olitécnica de Chiapas, CP 29010 Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Ch hiapas, México; *Corresponding au uthor: lfsae@ier.u his research h shows thee results off the dryingg kinetics off mango as a first Th sttep of prettreatment ffor biofuelss production. This method explo oits the po otential of the carbohydrate pressent in the raw materiial, which consists off 20 g/L of ssimple ferm mentable suggars based o on 10 g dry matter out of 100 m mL of distilleed water. D Dehydration n was carrieed out by n natural convvection ussing a solarr dryer. Thee dehydratio on achieved d 95.6% mo oisture removal in 28 8 h and reached m maximum ttemperaturres of 52 °C and 56 5 °C, co orrespondin ng to first and secon nd phases, respectively. The minimum teemperature reached w was 21 °C. TThis paper sshows the d drying rate, drying teemperature, and grams water rem moved on grams of dryy mass. Thee speed off drying waas obtained d in the firrst stage, between b 0 to 4 hourss, with raadiation maaximums off 991 and 1014 1 W/m2 2 for that d day. The sp peed of drying, observed at thee peak of raadiation, waas 0.060 g H2O/ H g dryy mass/ m min. A solar dryer in transparent acrylic a was used, whicch had an in nternal vo olume of 0 0.125 m3. TThe dehydration was performed d through natural n co onvection. Keeywords: Baanana; Solar dehydratio on; Dry basis; Wet basiis; bioethan nol. L. Fernando San ntis‐Espinosa, Bianca B Yadira Perez‐Sariñanaa, Carlos A. Guerrero‐Fajardo o, Sergio Saaldaña‐Trinidad,, and Sebastian n P.J. (2015) Drrying Banana w with Solar Energgy as a Pretreattment for Bioethanol Prod duction. Posterr Session: Bio ofuels and alteernatives; Procceedings of th he Third International Sym mposium on Ren newable Energyy and Sustainab bility (Eds. E. San ntoyo, P.J. Sebaastian, M. Ló ópez de Haro), TTemixco, Morelos, México, Sep ptember 9‐11, 22015.