Review of European and National Election Results Second update February 2016 STUDY Public Opinion Monitoring Series Directorate-General for Communication EPRS | European Parliamentary Research Service Author: Jacques Nancy, Public Opinion Monitoring Unit | PE 570.422 Directorate-General for Communication Public Opinion Monitoring Unit II Update REVIEW LES ÉLECTIONS EUROPÉENNES ET NATIONALES EN CHIFFRES EUROPEAN AND NATIONAL ELECTIONS FIGURED OUT Mise à jour – 4 février 2016 Élections européennes 2014 B-1047 Brussels - Tel. +32 2 28 42485 F-67070 Strasbourg - Tel. +33 3 88 1 74082 - Updated – 4 February 2016 2014 European elections DANS CETTE EDITION Page IN THIS EDITION Page EDITORIAL 1 EDITORIAL 1 I. COMPOSITION DU PARLEMENT EUROPEEN 4 I. COMPOSITION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT 4 A. COMPOSITION DU PARLEMENT 4 A. COMPOSITION OF THE PARLIAMENT 4 · AU 04/02/2016 5 · ON 04/02/2016 5 · AU 01/07/2014 6 · ON 01/07/2014 6 B. REPARTITION FEMMES - HOMMES PAR GROUPE POLITIQUE 7 B. PROPORTION OF WOMEN AND MEN IN THE POLITICAL GROUPS 7 · AU 04/02/2016 8 · ON 04/02/2016 8 · AU 01/07/2014 10 · ON 01/07/2014 10 · DEPUIS 1979 11 · SINCE 1979 11 II. ELECTIONS EUROPEENNES 2014 EVOLUTIONS AU 04/02/2016 12 II. EUROPEAN ELECTIONS 2014 EVOLUTIONS ON 04/02/2016 États Membres mis à jour CZ, DK, DE, EL, ES, FR, HR, IT, CY, LT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SK, SE, UK Updated Member States CZ, DK, DE, EL, ES, FR, HR, IT, - TABLEAUX COMPARATIFS EE2014 ET 04/02/2016 - COMPARATIVE TABLES EE2014 AND 04/02/2016 - PARTIS POLITIQUES REPRESENTES AU PE - POLITICAL PARTIES REPRESENTED IN THE EP - REPARTITION DES ELUS PAR GROUPE POLITIQUE - ELECTED MEMBERS BY POLITICAL GROUP - RESULTATS DES DEUX DERNIERES ELECTIONS NATIONALES ET DES EUROPEENNES DE 2014 - RESULTS OF THE LAST TWO NATIONAL ELECTIONS AND OF THE EUROPEAN ELECTIONS 2014 - TABLEAUX COMPARATIFS TAUX DE PARTICIPATION DES DEUX DERNIERES ELECTIONS NATIONALES ET DEUX DERNIERES EUROPEENNES - COMPARATIVE TABLES TURNOUT IN THE TWO LAST LEGISLATIVE ELECTIONS AND THE TWO LAST EUROPEAN ELECTIONS - ELECTIONS PRESIDENTIELLES AU SUFFRAGE UNIVERSEL DIRECT - DIRECT PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS - SOURCES - SOURCES 12 CY, LT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SK, SE, UK NB Dans cette édition, nous ne reprenons que les tableaux ayant fait l'objet d'une modification dans certains pays ( changement de MEP, changement de groupe, nouveau groupe, élections nationales et présidentielles ) depuis le 24 juillet 2015, date de la première actualisation de la Review, jusqu'au 4 février 2016. NB This edition includes only the tables of those Member States where changes occurred from 24 July 2015 (first update of the Review) to 4 February 2016 (change of MEP, change of group, new group, national and presidential elections). Review des élections européennes et nationales en chiffres. Edition spéciale - Novembre 2014: DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit Actualisation de l'édition spéciale EE2014 – 4 février 2016 Update of the special edition EE2014 – 4 February 2016 EDITORIAL EDITORIAL Cette édition du 4 février 2016 est la deuxième actualisation de la Review des élections européennes et nationales, publiée en novembre 2014 par l'Unité de Suivi de l'Opinion Publique de la DG Communication. The edition of 4 February 2016 is the second update of the Review of the European and National Elections, published in November 2014 by the Public Opinion Monitoring Unit of DG Communication. The edition of November 2014 focused on results of the European elections of May 2014, historic report on the 35 years of direct elections of the European Parliament - since 1979, and various national polls. Cette publication de novembre 2014 était consacrée aux résultats des élections européennes de mai 2014, à l'historique de 35 ans des élections directes du Parlement européen depuis 1979, ainsi qu'aux différents scrutins nationaux. The first update referred to the composition of the EP as of 24 July 2015. Sa première actualisation date du 24 juillet 2015. Which are then the noticeable events that occurred in the period from July 2015 to February 2016? Quels sont les faits marquants à relever au cours de cette période qui va de juillet 2015 à février 2016 ? I. Évolution de la composition du Parlement Européen I. How the composition of the European Parliament has changed L'actualisation porte en premier lieu sur les modifications intervenues au sein du Parlement européen depuis la publication de la première mise à jour en juillet 2015. The current update focuses first on the changes that have happened within the European Parliament since the publication of the first update of the Review EE2014. On notera tout particulièrement le remplacement de huit députés européens qui, pour une raison ou une autre ne siègent plus au Parlement européen. À retenir également que trois Membres du PE ont changé de groupe politique. Particularly noteworthy is the replacement of eight MEPs who for one reason or another do not longer sit in the European Parliament. Furthermore, three Members have changed political groups since the previous update. * DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 1 Compte tenu du non-remplacement actuel d'un député européen (CZ-GUE/NGL), le Parlement européen compte, au 4 février 2016, 750 membres, soit : 216 affiliés au groupe PPE, 190 au groupe S&D, 75 au groupe CRE, 70 au groupe ADLE, 51 au groupe GUENGL, 50 au groupe Verts/ALE, 45 au groupe ELDD, 38 au groupe ENF et 15 Non-inscrits. II. Given the present non-replacement of one MEP (CZ-GUE/NGL), the European Parliament comprises, as of 4 February 2016, 750 Members, that is to say: 216 MEPs of the EPP group, 190 of the S&D group, 75 of the ECR group, 70 of the ALDE group, 51 of the GUE/NGL group, 50 of the Greens/EFA group, 45 of the EFDD group, 38 of the ENF group and 15 Non-Attached Members. Évolution du nombre de partis nationaux au Parlement européen II. How the number of national parties in the European Parliament has changed Lors de la constitutive de juillet 2014, le Parlement européen comptait 203 partis politiques nationaux pour 751 députés. Au 4 février 2016, ce nombre s'élève à 209. At the constitutive session of July 2014, there were 203 parties represented by 751 MEPs. As of 4 February 2016, the number of parties has risen to 209. Du fait de certaines évolutions politiques au sein des États Membres, 6 nouveaux partis sont rentrés au Parlement européen depuis la première actualisation du 24 juillet 2015: As a result of political changes in the Member States, there have been six new parties represented in the European Parliament since the first update of 24 July 2015: Allianz für Fortschritt und Aufbruch (DEECR), fondé et représenté au PE depuis le 19 juillet 2015; Λαϊκή Ενότητα/Popular Unity (ELGUE/NGL), créé le 21 aout 2015 et représenté au PE depuis le 2 septembre 2015; Génération Citoyens (FR-ALDE), fondé le 17 July 2015, représenté depuis le 2 septembre 2015; Les Français Libres (FR-NI), créé et représenté au PE depuis le 13 janvier 2016; Conservatori e Riformisti (IT-ECR), fondé le 16 juillet 2015 et représenté depuis le 7 décembre 2015; Partido Democratico Republicano (PTALDE), créé le 5 october 2014 et représenté depuis 27 october 2015 Par ailleurs, notons que le parti roumain Partidul Conservator ne fait désormais plus partie du Parlement européen depuis août 2015 ; DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit Allianz für Fortschritt und Aufbruch (DEECR), founded on 19 July 2015 and represented since then; Λαϊκή Ενότητα/Popular Unity (ELGUE/NGL), founded on 21 August 2015, represented since 2 September 2015; Génération Citoyens (FR-ALDE), founded on 17 July 2015, represented since 2 September 2015; Les Français Libres (FR-NI), founded on 13 January 2016 and represented since then; Conservatori e Riformisti (IT-ECR), founded on 16 July 2015, represented since 7 December 2015; Partido Democratico Republicano (PTALDE), founded on 5 October 2014, represented since 27 October 2015; Besides, we point out that the Romanian Partidul Conservator ceased to be represented in the European Parliament since August 2015. 2 Actualisation de l'édition spéciale EE2014 – 4 février 2016 Update of the special edition EE2014 – 4 February 2016 Enfin, le lecteur remarquera le changement du nom du parti suédois Folkpartiet Liberalerna (FP), devenu Liberalerna (L). III. Finally, the reader will note the change of name of the Swedish party Folkpartiet Liberalerna (FP) to Liberalerna (L). Résultats comparatifs par pays III. Comparative results per country Cette actualisation tient également compte des élections qui se sont tenues dans les États membres depuis la mise à jour du 24 juillet 2015. Au 4 février 2016, 5 scrutins législatifs ont eu lieu (EL, ES, HR, PL, PT), ainsi qu'une élection présidentielle au suffrage universel direct (PT). The current update also takes into account the elections held in the Member States since the update of 24 July 2015. From that date to 4 February 2016, there were held five general elections (EL, ES, HR, PL, and PT) and one presidential election by direct universal suffrage (PT). Au total, depuis la constitutive du 1er juillet 2014, il y a donc eu au sein de l'UE : 14 élections législatives, 4 élections présidentielles au suffrage universel direct et 1 élection présidentielle indirecte. From the Constituent session of 1 July 2014, there have been in the EU: fourteen general elections, four presidential elections by direct universal suffrage and one indirect presidential election. Enfin, pour chaque État membre, le lecteur trouvera les résultats des deux dernières élections nationales. Ces tableaux permettent de saisir l'évolution de la situation politique dans les États membres. For each Member State, the results of the last two national elections have been indicated. The tables shall allow the reader to grasp the changing political situation in the Member States. *** *** Public Opinion Monitoring Unit: Public Opinion Monitoring Unit: Jacques Nancy Jacques Nancy 02 284 24 85 Laura Basiacco Alice Chiesa Elise Defourny Said Hallaouy Mirela Junie Luisa Maggio Manuel Märker Katarzyna Oniszk Laura Basiacco Alice Chiesa Elise Defourny Said Hallaouy Mirela Junie Luisa Maggio Manuel Marker Katarzyna Oniszk DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 3 02 284 24 85 I. Composition du Parlement européen Composition of the European Parliament A. COMPOSITION VIII LÉGISLATURE COMPOSITION VIII LEGISLATURE 04/02/2016 01/07/2014 DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 4 VIII LEGISLATURE The European Parliament 750 NB MEPS (04 February , 2016) EPP BE BG CZ DK DE EE IE EL ES FR HR IT CY LV LT LU HU MT NL AT PL PT RO SI SK FI CD&V cdH CSP GERB DSB Coal (TOP 09 a Starostové ) Ind (former TOP09) KDU-ČSL ECR PS sp.a 4 3 1 BSP 4 4 N-VA ALDE 4 4 BWC VMRO 2 1 1 2 ODS 2 4 3 ČSSD 4 KF 1 3 1 1 S 3 3 CDU CSU 34 29 SPD 5 IRL 1 1 SDE 27 27 AfD ALFA (former AfD) FAMILIE 1 1 FG 4 4 Ind. 1 1 FF 1 1 N.D. 5 5 PASOK (Elia) 4 2 Ind. (ex ANEL) 1 1 PP To potami 17 16 PSOE 2 14 13 UDC (Coal. CEU) 1 1 LR (ex UMP) 20 19 PS Ind. (ex UMP) PSC 1 5 4 1 15 12 2 1 2 1 1 4 PRG V TS-LKD HDZ HSS FI NCD (Coal. NCD+UDC) SVP DISY Ind. (former DISY) CSV FIDESZ KDNP PN/NP CDA ÖVP PO PSL PSD CDS-PP PNL Ind. (former PMP) UDMR PMP 0 13 12 0 PD Ind. (former PD) 31 29 FI 2 CR (former FI) 2 1 1 EDEK DIKO 2 1 1 1 0 4 Saskaņa SDP 1 2 2 LSDP 2 2 3 3 12 11 1 3 3 5 5 LSAP MSZP DK PL/MLP PvdA 5 5 SPÖ 23 19 SLD Ind. 4 UP 7 6 PS 1 12 8 PSD 1 PPU 2 UNPR 1 5 N.Si SLS 1 1 6 3 1 1 1 3 3 KOK 4 3 1 8 2 5 1 0 1 2 2 3 KDH SDKÚ - DS SMK - MPK Most-Hid O Ind. (former O) SDP SDS SE UK S&D 4 2 1 1 7 6 1 7 1 1 4 2 2 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 3 1 1 8 8 LLRA (AWPL) 1 1 1 SDP 2 2 4 4 ANO2011 4 4 V RV FDP FREIE WÄHLER ER KE KD 1 0 FI 1 20 20 Cons. UUP 1 1 DIE LINKE Ind. (ex Tierschutzpartei ) 8 7 1 0 GRÜNE PIRATEN ÖDP Ind. IU (Coal. IP) AGE (Coal. IP) Podemos 1 5 C's 2 EH Bildu (Coal. LDP) 1 UDI 7 1 FG 4 3 MODEM 4 PR-UDI GC (ex NC) (ex UDI) 1 1 2 1 1 0 HNS IDS-DDI 0 SYRIZA LE (former SYRIZA) Ind (former SYRIZA) UOM 1 0 DP D66 VVD MPT PDR (former MPT) Ind. (former PNL) Ind. L (change of name: former FP) C 21 20 Ldem 1 0 0 20 0 13 2 1 1 96 1 1 0 0 13 11 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 11 XA 5 3 21 KKE 2 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 1 1 NPD DiePartei 54 1 6 6 Ind. 1 1 FN RBM ORAH 20 18 FN 1 1 0 2 0 17 17 LN 3 2 74 1 0 11 5 5 0 73 0 0 0 6 1 0 0 0 8 1 1 0 0 11 0 0 0 SP PvdD LKS 1 LVZS 1 1 Déi Gréng/Les Verts EGYUTT-PM LMP GroenLinks GRÜNE 0 PCP (Coal. CDU) BE 4 3 1 0 0 Verjamem-Lista Dr. Igorja Sŏltesa 0 1 1 VAS VIHR 1 2 V 1 1 1 1 SF 1 1 5 M5S TT 1 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 3 3 21 0 0 2 2 0 4 4 3 3 0 0 PVV FPÖ KNP 1 1 KNP 4 4 2 2 JOBBIK 0 6 26 0 18 1 1 51 0 0 21 1 1 0 32 KORWiN 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 13 1 1 0 0 0 13 2 0 0 20 1 1 73 15 750 Ind. (former PC) 1 4 MP 4 GP SNP PL-PW 6 3 UKIP 2 1 50 216 190 75 70 51 Tot. NB On the 4th February 2016, the total number of Meps in the EP is 750 instead of 751, because 1 seat is vacant and waiting to be replaced in CZ. DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 1 1 0 0 0 17 2 2 1 4 3 1 3 0 AKEL 1 KESK SFP (RKP) 0 0 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 3 2 1 0 DP LRLS Europe Ecologie 21 L'Altra Europa con Tsipras Ind. 1 Coal. ZZS NECat (Coal. EPDD) ICV (Coal. IP) COMPROMIS (Coal. Primavera) Total 0 LFL (ex FN) 7 4 3 1 1 0 19 16 2 1 0 F NA 1 1 Vl. Belang Svobodni 8 3 1 1 1 SF Ind. 2 1 1 0 2 2 5 N 0 PS 6 0 2 0 3 1 1 1 SAP 2 KSČM 0 OL'aNO NOVA SaS 3 0 UPyD Ind. PNV (Coal. CEU) CDC (Coal. CEU) 0 DeSUS M 3 2 1 1 1 0 4 3 1 6 4 1 1 11 4 ERC (Coal. EPDD) Ind. NEOS PiS Ind. PR 3 1 2 4 3 1 ENF 0 0 0 4 4 DPS EFDD 2 1 1 ECOLO Groen! 0 1 SMER-SD 0 4 2 2 1 1 0 0 SGP CU Greens/EFA 6 3 3 1 Coal. NA (TB/LNNK+VL!) 1 1 1 LAB 1 1 15 12 Ind. (former PDL) 1 2 SD 4 HKS GUE/NGL Open VLD MR SD 2 22 22 45 Ind (former UKIP) 1 1 38 DUP VIII LEGISLATURE (2014-2019) The European Parliament 751 MEPS (Constitutive Session 01 July 2014) EPP BE BG CD&V cdH CSP GERB 6 RB 1 CZ DK FG 4 4 Ind. 1 1 N.D. 5 5 PP UDC (Coal. CEU) 17 16 PSOE/PSC 1 UMP HDZ (Coal. HDZ, HSS, HSP AS et al.) HSS (Coal. HDZ, HSS, HSP AS et al.) FI NCD (Coal. NCD+UDC) UDC (Coal. NCD+UDC) SVP V TS-LKD LU CSV/PCS FIDESZ (Coal. Fidesz, KDNP) KDNP (Coal. Fidesz, KDNP) PN/NP CDA AT 0 UPyD EAJ-PNV (Coal. CEU) CDC (Coal. CEU) C's 1 2 HNS (Coal. SDP, HNS, IDS et al.) IDS-DDI (Coal. SDP, HNS, IDS et al.) 1 ERC (Coal. EPDD) NECat (Coal. EPDD) ICV (Coal. IP) COMPROMIS (Coal. Primavera) Europe Ecologie ORAH 191 DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 0 11 17 17 LN 5 5 73 6 0 0 0 1 1 Ind. (Coal. ZZS) 1 1 TT 1 1 2 2 0 8 0 11 1 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 6 0 3 3 21 0 0 6 2 2 0 4 4 26 3 3 0 0 4 4 4 4 18 3 2 GroenLinks 1 0 GRÜNE 0 1 1 3 3 0 1 2 2 7 4 SP 3 PvdD 1 1 0 2 1 ΑΚΕΛ/ΑΚΕL 0 2 1 D66 1 VVD 0 NEOS 19 17 1 1 0 MPT SMK - MPK Most-Hid 74 M5S 0 SDKÚ - DS 23 23 0 0 4 4 1 1 FN LKS LVZS 0 Déi Gréng/Les Verts 0 JOBBIK PVV FPÖ 0 KNP 4 3 1 0 Ind. 2 2 PCP (Coal. CDU) BE 1 1 1 1 0 DeSUS 1 1 4 3 VAS 1 3 2 V 1 1 1 SF 2 1 SaS 54 3 3 0 SMER-SD 0 L'Altra Europa con Tsipras 0 KDH 4 1 1 1 1 6 6 Ind. 5 3 2 0 1 0 0 0 221 FG (Coal. FG) PCF (Coal. FG) PG (Coal. FG) UOM 11 4 1 5 1 4 1 1 1 1 0 3 1 2 1 1 0 1 1 LAB IU (Coal. IP) AGE (Coal. IP) Podemos EH Bildu (Coal. LDP) PM (Coal. EGYÜTT-PM) LMP 6 5 1 20 20 Cons. UUP 21 NDP DiePartei XA KKE 0 SD S (SAP) FI 8 4 1 1 2 7 6 1 Svobodni 1 1 1 1 DP LRLS 0 DP/PD 0 0 4 3 1 0 11 0 16 12 2 2 M KD 0 0 1 1 4 2 2 3 3 3 3 PS 6 0 3 3 12 11 1 3 3 5 5 2 2 0 0 0 SDP 0 4 3 1 6 6 1 1 Ind. 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 OL'aNO NOVA (Coal NOVA, KDS, OKS) 96 3 2 1 1 1 SF Ind. 0 SYRIZA PSD (Coal. PSD, PC, UNPR) PC (Coal. PSD, PC, UNPR) UNPR (Coal. PSD, PC, UNPR) SDS N.Si (Coal. N.Si, SLS) SLS (Coal. N.Si, SLS) 2 1 1 0 8 8 PDL PNL UDMR PMP 13 0 0 PiS PR Ind. 0 13 11 1 1 1 1 1 SGP (Coal. SGP, CU) CU (Coal. SGP, CU) 21 8 7 GRÜNE 1 PIRATEN ÖDP 0 Ind. 31 31 PvdA 0 0 1 PL/MLP 1 1 1 1 17 13 PD 2 1 1 2 2 ∆ΗΚΟ/DIKO ΚΣ Ε∆ΕΚ/KS EDEK 4 4 Saskaņa SDP 2 2 LSDP MSZP DK 17 1 1 F (SF) 2 LSAP/POSL 0 3 2 N. 1 4 3 DIE LINKE 1 Tierschutzpartei 5 LLRA (AWPL) 0 4 4 V. (V) B. (RV) 8 7 FDP 1 FREIE WÄHLER UDI/MODEM UDI TB/LNNK (Coal. NA) 21 0 0 HSP AS (Coal. HDZ, HSS, HSP AS et al.) 0 Total 1 1 Vl. Belang 3 3 13 13 2 0 ECOLO Groen! 4 4 KSČM 20 20 PS/PRG SDP (Coal. SDP, HNS, IDS et al.) NA 0 2 2 ANO2011 1 1 4 EFDD 2 1 1 1 PS PSD (Coal. Aliança Portugal) CDS-PP (Coal. Aliança Portugal) SE Total 4 4 7 6 1 15 5 6 2 2 5 3 1 1 6 2 ÖVP KOK UK 2 1 DPS 4 2 ANEL 2 14 14 PASOK (Coal. Elia) To potami Greens/EFA 0 ER KE FF GUE/NGL 6 3 3 5 5 5 5 PT FI ALDE 4 4 Open VLD MR 5 5 SPÖ 23 19 SLD 4 PO PSL SK O. (DF) 1 1 LV SI 3 3 SDE ∆ΗΣΥ/DISY RO A. (S) 1 1 HR PL ODS BWC (Coal. BWC, VMRO et al.) VMRO (Coal. BWC, VMRO et al.) IRL FR NL ČSSD 4 4 4 27 27 AfD FAMILIE ES MT 4 34 29 SPD 5 EL HU BSP N-VA CDU CSU IE LT PS sp.a C. (KF) Coal TOP 09 KDU-ČSL EE CY ECR 4 3 1 7 4 3 1 1 DE IT S&D 4 2 1 1 7 51 0 0 0 21 0 0 0 32 1 1 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 13 1 1 VIHR 1 1 0 0 13 1 1 MP 4 4 SD 2 2 0 20 1 1 GP SNP PL-PW 6 3 UKIP 2 1 24 24 DUP 1 1 73 52 751 Verjamem 1 2 2 KESK SFP (RKP) 0 FP C 20 19 LDP 1 70 67 6 52 50 48 I. Composition du Parlement européen Composition of the European Parliament B. REPARTITION HOMMES/FEMMES PROPORTION OF MEN AND WOMEN 04/02/2016 01/07/2014 DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 7 VIII Parliamentary Term (2014 - 2019) PROPORTION OF WOMEN IN THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT BY POLITICAL GROUP 04 February 2016 Country BE BG CZ DK DE EE IE EL ES FR HR IT CY LV LT LU HU MT NL AT PL PT RO SI SK FI SE UK Total Absolute Value EPP S&D ECR ALDE GUE/NGL Seats Men Women Men Women Men Women Men Women 21 17 20 13 96 6 11 21 54 74 11 73 6 8 11 6 21 6 26 18 51 21 32 8 13 13 20 73 4 5 6 1 27 1 2 3 11 11 2 11 1 2 2 2 9 1 3 3 16 5 10 3 5 1 3 0 2 1 2 3 3 2 14 2 1 1 1 13 1 1 1 7 5 1 13 2 2 2 3 6 2 4 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 750 150 7 2 2 6 9 3 4 1 2 1 3 2 2 2 7 2 2 2 1 2 1 66 3 7 8 1 18 2 1 1 4 1 1 2 3 4 11 1 1 2 9 2 2 3 2 4 4 1 2 2 4 11 104 86 2 1 2 1 1 1 3 4 2 5 3 2 1 1 Men 4 Women 1 4 1 1 4 15 6 57 18 Women 2 4 4 3 2 2 7 1 1 2 2 3 2 40 Women Men Women 6 1 4 3 1 2 3 5 0 3 9 1 11 9 8 4 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 Men Women 1 15 12 15 8 61 3 5 16 29 43 6 45 5 4 10 4 17 2 15 9 39 14 23 5 9 5 10 43 6 5 5 5 35 3 6 5 25 31 5 28 1 4 1 2 4 4 11 9 12 7 9 3 4 8 10 30 71,43% 70,59% 75,00% 61,54% 63,54% 50,00% 45,45% 76,19% 53,70% 58,11% 54,55% 61,64% 83,33% 50,00% 90,91% 66,67% 80,95% 33,33% 57,69% 50,00% 76,47% 66,67% 71,88% 62,50% 69,23% 38,46% 50,00% 58,90% 28,57% 29,41% 25,00% 38,46% 36,46% 50,00% 54,55% 23,81% 46,30% 41,89% 45,45% 38,36% 16,67% 50,00% 9,09% 33,33% 19,05% 66,67% 42,31% 50,00% 23,53% 33,33% 28,13% 37,50% 30,77% 61,54% 50,00% 41,10% 2 472 278 62,93% 37,07% 1 1 2 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 30 25 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 16 1 6 26 29 21 29 16 1 25 13 13 Total % in the Group 69,44% 30,56% 54,74% 45,26% 76,00% 24,00% 57,14% 42,86% 49,02% 50,98% 58,00% 42,00% 64,44% 35,56% 65,79% 34,21% 86,67% 13,33% Total % in the 20,00% 8,80% 13,87% 11,47% 7,60% Parliament (750) 2,40% 5,33% 4,00% 3,33% 3,47% Red: Changes from 24/07/2015 to 04/02/2016. DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 8 3,87% 2,80% 3,87% 2,13% 3,33% 1,73% 1,73% TOTAL Percentage Women 1 2 TOTAL Number Men 1 1 2 1 1 Men 1 7 3 1 1 Men NA 1 1 1 2 3 1 ENF 1 EFDD 2 1 1 2 1 Women 4 1 2 16 Men Greens/EFA 0,27% Women in the European Parliament February 2016 37% Women Men 63% DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 9 VIII Parliamentary Term (2014 - 2019) PROPORTION OF WOMEN IN THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT BY POLITICAL GROUP ON THE CONSTITUTIVE SESSION 01 JULY 2014 Country BE BG CZ DK DE EE IE EL ES FR HR IT CY LV LT LU HU MT NL AT PL PT RO SI SK FI SE UK Total Absolute Value EPP S&D ECR ALDE GUE/NGL Seats Men Women Men Women Men Women Men Women 21 17 21 13 96 6 11 21 54 74 11 73 6 8 11 6 21 6 26 18 51 21 32 8 13 13 20 73 3 5 6 1 27 1 2 3 11 11 2 13 1 3 2 2 9 1 3 3 16 5 10 3 5 1 3 1 2 1 2 3 3 2 14 2 1 1 1 13 1 1 1 7 5 1 14 3 2 2 3 6 1 4 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 751 152 7 2 2 6 9 3 4 1 1 3 7 8 1 17 2 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 7 2 5 2 1 2 1 4 1 1 3 3 4 11 1 1 1 5 4 2 3 3 1 1 2 1 1 4 4 2 4 5 3 2 2 6 1 Women Men 14 6 104 87 55 15 4 Women 1 2 6 1 1 7 1 41 2 Women 3 1 9 1 1 8 13 4 Women Men Women 71,43% 28,57% 70,59% 29,41% 76,19% 23,81% 61,54% 38,46% 63,54% 36,46% 50,00% 50,00% 45,45% 54,55% 76,19% 23,81% 59,26% 40,74% 56,76% 43,24% 54,55% 45,45% 60,27% 39,73% 83,33% 16,67% 62,50% 37,50% 1 6 5 5 5 35 3 6 5 22 32 5 29 1 3 1 2 4 4 11 8 12 8 10 3 4 7 11 30 15 474 277 10 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 3 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 26 26 1 1 1 26 2 3 1 2 3 1 17 1 7 29 21 30 18 37 Total % in the Group 68,78% 31,22% 54,45% 45,55% 78,57% 21,43% 61,19% 38,81% 50,00% 50,00% 58,00% 42,00% 62,50% 37,50% 71,15% 28,85% Total 751 % in the Parliament (751) 20,24% 9,19% 13,85% 11,58% DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 7,32% 2,00% 5,46% 3,46% 3,46% 10 3,46% 3,86% 2,80% 3,99% 2,40% 4,93% TOTAL Percentage 15 12 16 8 61 3 5 16 32 42 6 44 5 5 10 4 17 2 15 10 39 13 22 5 9 6 9 43 5 4 3 1 TOTAL Number Men 2 3 2 1 1 1 3 1 Men 1 1 1 2 3 1 NA 1 2 3 1 2 9 1 2 Men 1 2 16 Women EFDD 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 4 5 1 2 2 4 11 2 69 1 1 1 2 Men Greens/EFA 2,00% 90,91% 9,09% 66,67% 33,33% 80,95% 19,05% 33,33% 66,67% 57,69% 42,31% 55,56% 44,44% 76,47% 23,53% 61,90% 38,10% 68,75% 31,25% 62,50% 37,50% 69,23% 30,77% 46,15% 53,85% 45,00% 55,00% 58,90% 41,10% 63,12% 36,88% PROPORTION OF WOMEN IN EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT POLITICAL GROUPS SINCE 1979 EP 1979-1984¹ EP 1984-1989² EP 1989-1994³ EP 1994-1999 4 EP 1999-2004 5 EP 2004-2009 6 EP 2004-2009 7 EP 2009-2014 8 Constitutive EP EP 2009-2014 9 Outgoing EP EP Group % EP Group % EP Group % EP Group % EP Group % EP Group % EP Group % EP Group % EP Group % PPE 8,33% PPE S 20,54% S L 7,50% L CDI COM 45,45% 25,00% ARC COM 12,73% EP Group % EP Group % 15,70% PPE 21,79% PPE-DE 25,75% PPE-DE 23,13% PPE-DE 24,31% EPP 33,58% EPP 34,31% EPP 31,22% EPP 30,56% 21,54% PSE (S) 21,11% PSE 28,79% PSE 36,11% PSE 39,90% PSE 41,47% S&D 40,22% S&D 42,86% S&D 45,55% S&D 45,26% 19,35% LDR 16,33% ELDR 29,55% ELDR 34% ALDE 38,64% ALDE 40,00% ALDE 45,24% ALDE 42,17% ALDE 38,81% ALDE 42,86% V 43,33% V 52,17% ARC 23,08% ARE 31,58% 25% 19,51% PPE GUE 21,43% CG 21,43% ED 12,70% ED 16% ED 14,71% DEP 27,27% RDE 20,69% RDE 10% DR EP 2014-2019 11 EP 2014-2019 10 Update February Constitutive EP 2016 6,25% DR Greens/ Greens/ Greens/ Greens/ Greens/ Greens/ Greens/ 41,67% 47,62% 46,51% 54,55% 49,12% 42,00% EFA EFA EFA EFA EFA EFA EFA GUE 32,14% GUE/ NGL 35,71% GUE/ NGL 29,27% GUE/ NGL 29,27% EDN 26,32% EDD 12,50% IND/ DEM 8,11% IND/ DEM 18,18% RDE 19,23% FE 11,11% 42,00% ECR 12,96% ECR 22,81% ECR 21,43% ECR 24,00% GUE/ NGL 28,57% GUE/ NGL 37,14% GUE/ NGL 50,00% GUE/ NGL 50,98% EFD 15,63% EFD 6,45% EFDD 37,50% EFDD 35,56% ENF 34,21% 11,76% UEN 23,33% TDI 5,56% UEN 18,52% UEN 11,36% NI 20,00% NI 14,29% NI 8,33% NI 11,11% NI 22,22% NI 24,14% NI 13,33% NI 18,52% NI 21,24% NI 28,85% NI 13,33% Total 16,34% Total 17,74% Total 19,31% Total 25,93% Total 30,19% Total 30,41% Total 31,21% Total 35,05% Total 36,16% Total 36,88% Total 37,12% RED: Changes from 24/07/2015 to 04/02/2016 ¹ Situation on 17 July 1979 ² Situation on 24 July 1984 ³ Situation on 25 July 1989 4 Situation on 19 July 1994 5 Situation in July 1999 6 Situation on 10 August 2004 DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 7 Situation on 25 March 2009, including Bulgaria and Romania Situation on 20 July 2009 9 Situation on 7 May 2014 10 Situation on 1 July 2014 11 Situation on 4 February 2016 8 11 II. Élections Européennes 2014 Évolutions du 24/07/2015 au 04/02/2016 European Elections 2014 Developments from 24/07/2015 to 04/02/2016 Résultats par États Membres mis à jour Results for updated Member States CZ, DK, DE, EL, ES, FR, HR, IT, CY, LT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SK, SE, UK - TABLEAUX COMPARATIFS 2014 ET 04/02/2016 - COMPARATIVE TABLES 2014 AND 04/02/2016 - PARTIS POLITIQUES REPRESENTES AU PE - POLITICAL PARTIES REPRESENTED IN THE EP - REPARTITION DES ELUS PAR GROUPE POLITIQUE - ELECTED MEMBERS BY POLITICAL GROUP - RESULTATS DES DEUX DERNIERES ELECTIONS NATIONALES ET DES EUROPEENNES DE 2014 - RESULTS OF THE LAST TWO NATIONAL ELECTIONS AND OF THE EUROPEAN ELECTIONS 2014 - TABLEAUX COMPARATIFS TAUX DE PARTICIPATION DES DEUX DERNIERES ELECTIONS NATIONALES ET DEUX DERNIERES EUROPEENNES - COMPARATIVE TABLES TURNOUT IN THE TWO LAST LEGISLATIVE ELECTIONS AND THE TWO LAST EUROPEAN ELECTIONS - ELECTIONS PRESIDENTIELLES AU SUFFRAGE UNIVERSEL DIRECT - DIRECT PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS - SOURCES - SOURCES DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 12 Changements dans la composition du Parlement européen et élections nationales au 04 fevrier 2016 Changes in the Composition of the European Parliament and national elections since 4 February 2016 NB : Member State Page Belgium Bulgaria Czech Republic Denmark Germany Estonia Ireland Greece Spain France Croatia Italy Cyprus Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Hungary Malta The Netherlands Austria Poland Portugal Romania Slovenia Slovakia Finland Sweden United Kingdom Not applicable Not applicable Page 14 Page 18 Page 22 Not applicable Not applicable Page 28 Page 35 Page 43 Page 50 Page 57 Page 64 Not applicable Page 68 Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Page 72 Not applicable Page 76 Page 84 Page 92 Not applicable Page 96 Not applicable Page 100 Page 104 En rouge, les Etats Membres où des changements sont intervenus entre le 24/07/2015 et le 04/02/2016. In red, the Member States where changes occured from 24/07/2015 to 04/02/2016. DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 13 Czech Republic DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 14 CZECH REPUBLIC COMPOSITION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT EE 2014: EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT (2014-2019): 20 seats Constitutive session: 01/07/2014 4/02/2016 Turnout 2014: 18,2% Votes Party Seats ANO 2011 TOP 09 No. % 244.501 16,13% ECR ALDE GUE/ NGL Greens /EFA EFDD NA 4 Party Seats Group ANO 2011 4 ALDE Coalition TOP 09 a Starostové 3 Ind. 2 1 0 241.747 15,95% 4 Ind. 1 ČSSD S&D 4 1 STAN 1 EPP 1 EPP 3 214.800 14,17% 4 KSČM 166.478 10,98% 3 KDU-ČSL 150.792 9,95% 3 ODS 116.389 7,67% 2 Svobodní 79.540 5,24% 1 Other parties 301.245 19,73% TOTAL Valid votes 1.515.492 100% Blank and spoiled 12.758 TOTAL Votes 1.528.250 21 4 ČSSD 3 2 1 4 2 4 3 0 RED: Changes from 24/07/2015 to 04/02/2016 1 In the EE2014, STAN formed a coalition with TOP 09. However, TOP 09 did not get a seat. 2 One MEP for Coal. TOP 09 a Starostové (national party: STAN) became independent on 20/11/2015. 3 One KSČM MEP passed away on 23/01/2016 and at the time of the publication of this update the seat is still vacant. DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 15 S&D 2 GUE/NGL KDU-ČSL 3 EPP ODS 2 ECR Svobodní 1 EFDD TOTAL SEATS 3 20 KSČM 3 7 4 1 0 3 POLITICAL PARTIES IN THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT 04/02/2016 CZECH REPUBLIC Abbr. Name of the National Party EE List Name Group in EP ANO 2011 ANO 2011 ANO 2011 ALDE STAN Starostové a nezávislí Koalice TOP 09 a STAN EPP ČSSD Česká strana sociálně demokratická Česká strana sociálně demokratická S&D KSČM Komunistická strana Čech a Moravy Komunistická strana Čech a Moravy GUE/NGL KDU-ČSL Křesťanská a demokratická unie – Československá strana lidová Křesťanská a demokratická unie – Československá strana lidová EPP ODS Občanská demokratická strana Občanská demokratická strana ECR Svobodní Strana svobodných občanů Strana svobodných občanů EFDD DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 16 CZECH REPUBLIC: Elected MEPs - 20 seats 04/02/2016 List EE 2014 Surname Name Gender Outgoing MEP (yes/no) Current National Party Previous National Party (if applies) Succeeded to Independent EP Group Niedermayer Ludek M No TOP09 Ind. EPP TOP 09 + STAN Polčák Stanislav M No STAN Ind./STAN EPP Ind. EPP Ind. EPP Pospíšil Jiří M No TOP09 KDU-ČSL Šojdrová Michaela F No KDU-ČSL TOP 09 + STAN Štětina Jaromír M No TOP09 EPP KDU-ČSL Svoboda Pavel M No KDU-ČSL EPP KDU-ČSL Zdechovský Tomáš M No KDU-ČSL EPP ČSSD Keller Jan M No ČSSD S&D ČSSD Poc Pavel M Yes ČSSD S&D ČSSD Poche Miroslav M No ČSSD S&D ČSSD Sehnalová Olga F Yes ČSSD S&D ODS Tošenovský Evžen M Yes ODS ECR ODS Zahradil Jan M Yes ODS ECR ANO 2011 Charanzová Dita F No ANO 2011 ALDE ANO 2011 Dlabajová Martina F No ANO 2011 ALDE ANO 2011 Ježek Petr M No ANO 2011 ALDE ANO 2011 Telička Pavel M No ANO 2011 ALDE KSČM Konečná Kateřina F No KSČM GUE/NGL KSČM Maštálka Jiří M Yes KSČM GUE/NGL KSČM Ransdorf Miloslav M Yes KSČM GUE/NGL Svobodní Mach Petr M No Svobodní EFDD RED: Changes from 24/07/2015 to 04/02/2016 DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit Date of change Date of change --Different nationality TOP 09 + STAN TOP 09 + STAN Former EP Group 17 Mr RANSDORF Miloslav passed away and his seat's become vacant on 23/01/2016 EFDD 16/10/2015; NI 20/10/2015 Denmark DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 18 DENMARK COMPOSITION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT EE 2014: EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT (2014-2019): 13 seats Constitutive session: 01/07/2014 4/02/2016 Turnout 2014: 56,32% Votes Party O (DF) Seats No. % 605.889 26,60% EPP S&D 4 ECR ALDE GUE/ NGL Greens/ EFA EFDD NA 4 Party Seats Group O (DF) 1 3 ECR 1 1 ECR A (S) 3 S&D V (V) 2 1 ALDE F (SF) 1 Greens/EFA C (KF) 1 EPP N 1 GUE/NGL 2 ALDE Ind. A (S) 435.245 19,10% 3 V (V) 379.840 16,70% 2 F (SF) 249.305 11,00% 1 C (KF) 208.262 9,10% 1 N 183.724 8,10% 1 B (RV) 148.949 6,50% Other parties 65.480 2,90% TOTAL Valid votes 2.276.694 100% Blank and spoiled 55.523 TOTAL Votes 2.332.217 3 2 1 1 1 1 13 1 1 3 4 3 RED: Changes from 24/07/2015 to 04/02/2016 1 2 One O (DF) MEP became independent on 16/10/2015. One MEP changed parties from V (V) to B (RV) on 19/12/2015. DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 19 B (RV) 1 1 0 0 2 TOTAL SEATS 13 POLITICAL PARTIES IN THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT 04/02/2016 DENMARK Abbr. Name of the National Party EE List Name Group in EP DF Dansk Folkeparti O. Dansk Folkeparti ECR S Socialdemokratiet A. Socialdemokratiet S&D V Venstre, Danmarks Liberale Parti V. Venstre, Danmarks Liberale Parti ALDE SF SF – Socialistisk Folkeparti F. SF – Socialistisk Folkeparti Greens/EFA KF Det Konservative Folkeparti C. Det Konservative Folkeparti EPP - Folkebevægelsen mod EU N. Folkebevægelsen mod EU GUE/NGL RV Radikale Venstre B. Radikale Venstre ALDE DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 20 DENMARK: Elected MEPs - 13 seats 04/02/2016 List EE 2014 Surname Name Gender Outgoing MEP (yes/no) Current National Party Previous National Party (if applies) Inde-pendent EP Group C. Det Konservative Folkeparti BENDTSEN Bendt M Yes KF EPP A. Socialdemokratiet CHRISTENSEN Ole M Yes S S&D A. Socialdemokratiet KOFOD Jeppe M No S S&D A. Socialdemokratiet SCHALDEMOSE Christel F Yes S S&D O. Dansk Folkeparti DOHRMANN Jørn M No DF ECR O. Dansk Folkeparti KARLSSON Rikke F No O. Dansk Folkeparti MESSERSCHMIDT Morten M Yes DF ECR O. Dansk Folkeparti VISTISEN Anders Primdahl M No DF ECR B. Radikale Venstre PETERSEN Morten Helveg M No RV ALDE V. Venstre, Danmarks Liberale Parti ROHDE Jens M Yes RV V. Venstre, Danmarks Liberale Parti TØRNÆS Ulla F No V ALDE N. Folkebevægelsen mod EU KARI Rina Ronja F Yes Folkebevægelsen mod EU GUE/NGL F. Socialistisk Folkeparti AUKEN Margrete F Yes SF Greens/EFA DF RED: Changes from 24/07/2015 to 04/02/2016 DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 21 V Ind. ECR ALDE Former EP Group Date of change Succeeded to Date of change --Different nationality Germany DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 22 GERMANY COMPOSITION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT EE 2014: EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT (2014-2019): 96 seats Constitutive session: 01/07/2014 4/02/2016 Turnout 2014: 48,1% Votes Party Seats EPP No. % CDU 8.812.653 30,00% 29 CSU 1.567.448 5,30% 5 SPD 8.003.628 27,30% 27 GRÜNE 3.139.274 10,70% 11 DIE LINKE 2.168.455 7,40% 7 AfD 2.070.014 7,10% Greens/ EFA 29 CDU 29 5 CSU 5 SPD 27 S&D GRÜNE 11 Greens/EFA DIE LINKE 7 GUE/NGL 2 ECR EFDD NA 27 11 7 7 7 AfD 1 1 5 ECR 986.841 3,40% 3 3 FDP 3 ALDE FREIE WÄHLER 428.800 1,50% 1 1 FREIE WÄHLER 1 ALDE PIRATEN 425.044 1,40% 1 PIRATEN Tierschutzpartei 366.598 1,20% 1 NPD 301.139 1,00% 1 FAMILIE 202.803 0,70% 1 ÖDP 185.244 0,60% 1 Die PARTEI 184.709 0,60% 1 Other parties 512.442 1,80% 0 TOTAL Valid votes 29.355.092 100% 96 Blank and spoiled 488.706 TOTAL Votes 29.843.798 1 1 1 8 4 8 1 GUE/NGL NPD 1 NA FAMILIE 1 ECR ÖDP 1 Greens/EFA 1 Die PARTEI 1 NA 2 TOTAL SEATS 96 1 27 Greens/EFA Ind. 1 34 1 2 13 0 RED: Changes from 24/07/2015 to 04/02/2016 2 EPP FDP ALFA 1 Group Seats ECR ALDE GUE/ NGL Party S&D Five MEPs left AfD for ALFA, which was founded after a split from AfD on 19/07/2015. The MEPs joined ALFA between 19/07/2015 and 01/09/2015. The Tierschutzpartei MEP became independent on 09/01/2015. DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 23 POLITICAL PARTIES IN THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT 04/02/2016 GERMANY PARTIES REPRESENTED IN THE EP Abbr. Name of the National Party EE List Name Group in EP CDU Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands EPP CSU Christlich-Soziale Union in Bayern e.V. Christlich-Soziale Union in Bayern e.V. EPP SPD Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands S&D GRÜNE BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN Greens/EFA DIE LINKE DIE LINKE DIE LINKE GUE/NGL AfD Alternative für Deutschland Alternative für Deutschland ECR FDP Freie Demokratische Partei Freie Demokratische Partei ALDE Freie Wähler FREIE WÄHLER FREIE WÄHLER ALDE Piraten Piratenpartei Deutschland Piratenpartei Deutschland Greens/EFA NPD Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands NA Familie Familien-Partei Deutschlands Familien-Partei Deutschlands ECR ÖDP Ökologisch-Demokratische Partei Ökologisch-Demokratische Partei Greens/EFA Die Partei Partei für Arbeit, Rechtsstaat, Tierschutz, Elitenförderung und basisdemokratische Initiative Partei für Arbeit, Rechtsstaat, Tierschutz, Elitenförderung und basisdemokratische Initiative NA PARTIES NO LONGER REPRESENTED IN THE EP Abbr. Tierschutzpartei Name of the National Party 1 PARTEI MENSCH UMWELT TIERSCHUTZ EE List Name Past Group in EP PARTEI MENSCH UMWELT TIERSCHUTZ GUE/NGL NEW PARTIES IN THE EP DURING THE VIII LEGISLATION Abbr. ALFA2 Name of the National Party Allianz für Fortschritt und Aufbruch EE List Name Group in EP - ECR RED: Changes from 24/07/2015 to 04/02/2016 1 One MEP left the Tierschutzpartei at the end of 2014, staying in GUE/NGL as Independent. 2 Five MEPs left AfD for ALFA, founded after a split from AfD on 19/07/2015. The MEPs joined ALFA between 19/07/2015 and 01/09/2015. DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 24 GERMANY: Elected MEPs - 96 seats 04/02/2016 List EE 2014 Surname Name CDU - Niedersachsen BALZ Burkhard Gender M Outgoing MEP (yes/no) Current National Party Yes CDU EPP EPP Previous National Party (if applies) Independent EP Group Date of change CDU - Schleswig-Holstein BÖGE Reimer M Yes CDU CDU - Nordrhein-Westfalen BROK Elmar M Yes CDU EPP CDU - Baden-Württemberg CASPARY Daniel M Yes CDU EPP CDU - Rheinland-Pfalz COLLIN-LANGEN Birgit F Yes CDU EPP CSU DESS Albert M Yes CSU EPP CDU - Brandenburg EHLER Christian M Yes CDU EPP CSU FERBER Markus M Yes CSU EPP CDU - Nordrhein-Westfalen FLORENZ Karl-Heinz M Yes CDU EPP CDU - Hessen GAHLER Michael M Yes CDU EPP CDU - Niedersachsen GIESEKE Jens M No CDU EPP CDU - Baden-Württemberg GRÄSSLE Ingeborg F Yes CDU EPP CSU HOHLMEIER Monika F Yes CSU EPP CDU - Sachsen JAHR Peter M Yes CDU EPP CDU - Thüringen KOCH Dieter-Lebrecht M Yes CDU EPP CDU - Mecklenburg-Vorpommern KUHN Werner M Yes CDU EPP CDU - Rheinland-Pfalz LANGEN Werner M Yes CDU EPP CDU - Nordrhein-Westfalen LIESE Peter M Yes CDU EPP EPP CDU - Baden-Württemberg LINS Norbert M No CDU CDU - Hessen MANN Thomas M Yes CDU EPP CDU - Niedersachsen McALLISTER David M No CDU EPP CSU NIEBLER Angelika F Yes CSU EPP CDU - Nordrhein-Westfalen PIEPER Markus M Yes CDU EPP CDU - Niedersachsen QUISTHOUDT-ROWOHL Godelieve F Yes CDU EPP CDU - Nordrhein-Westfalen REUL Herbert M Yes CDU EPP CDU - Sachsen-Anhalt SCHULZE Sven M No CDU EPP CDU - Baden-Württemberg SCHWAB Andreas M Yes CDU EPP CDU - Nordrhein-Westfalen SOMMER Renate F Yes CDU EPP CDU - Nordrhein-Westfalen VERHEYEN Sabine F Yes CDU EPP CDU - Nordrhein-Westfalen VOSS Axel M Yes CDU EPP CSU WEBER Manfred M Yes CSU EPP CDU - Baden-Württemberg WIELAND Rainer M Yes CDU EPP CDU - Sachsen WINKLER Hermann M Yes CDU EPP DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 25 Former EP Group Succeeded to Date of change --Different nationality GERMANY: Elected MEPs - 96 seats 04/02/2016 List EE 2014 Surname Name Gender Outgoing MEP (yes/no) Current National Party Previous National Party (if applies) Independent EP Group Date of change CDU - Berlin SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD ZELLER BULLMANN ERTUG FLECKENSTEIN GEBHARDT GEIER GROOTE HOFFMANN KAMMEREVERT KAUFMANN KÖSTER KREHL LANGE LEINEN LIETZ MELIOR NEUSER NOICHL PREUSS RODUST SCHULZ SCHUSTER SIMON SIPPEL STEINRUCK von WEIZSÄCKER WERNER WESTPHAL Joachim Udo Ismail Knut Evelyne Jens Matthias Iris Petra Sylvia-Yvonne Dietmar Constanze Bernd Jo Arne Susanne Norbert Maria Gabriele Ulrike Martin Joachim Peter Birgit Jutta Jakob Martina Kerstin M M M M F M M F F F M F M M M F M F F F M M M F F M F F Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes CDU SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD EPP S&D S&D S&D S&D S&D S&D S&D S&D S&D S&D S&D S&D S&D S&D S&D S&D S&D S&D S&D S&D S&D S&D S&D S&D S&D S&D S&D FAMILIE GERICKE Arne M No Familien-Partei Deutschlands ECR AFD AFD AFD AFD AFD AFD HENKEL KÖLMEL LUCKE PRETZELL STARBATTY TREBESIUS Hans-Olaf Bernd Bernd Marcus Joachim Ulrike M M M M M F No No No No No No ALFA ALFA ALFA AFD ALFA ALFA RED: Changes from 24/07/2015 to 04/02/2016 DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 26 AFD AFD AFD AFD AFD Former EP Group ECR ECR ECR ECR ECR ECR Succeeded to Date of change --Different nationality GERMANY: Elected MEPs - 96 seats 04/02/2016 List EE 2014 Surname Name Gender Outgoing MEP (yes/no) Current National Party Previous National Party (if applies) Independent EP Group Date of change AFD von STORCH Beatrix F No AFD ECR FDP LAMBSDORFF Alexander Graf M Yes FDP ALDE FDP MEISSNER Gesine F Yes FDP ALDE FREIE WÄHLER MÜLLER Ulrike F No FREIE WÄHLER ALDE FDP THEURER Michael M Yes FDP ALDE Die Linke DE MASI Fabio M No Die Linke GUE/NGL Tierschutzpartei ECK Stefan M No Die Linke ERNST Cornelia F Yes Die Linke GUE/NGL Die Linke HÄNDEL Thomas M Yes Die Linke GUE/NGL PARTEI MENSCH UMWELT TIERSCHUTZ Ind. GUE/NGL Die Linke LÖSING Sabine F Yes Die Linke GUE/NGL Die Linke MICHELS Martina F Yes Die Linke GUE/NGL Die Linke SCHOLZ Helmut M Yes Die Linke GUE/NGL Die Linke ZIMMER Gabriele F Yes Die Linke GUE/NGL B'90/Grüne ALBRECHT Jan Philipp M Yes B'90/Grüne Greens/EFA ÖDP BUCHNER Klaus M No ÖDP Greens/EFA B'90/Grüne BÜTIKOFER Reinhard M Yes B'90/Grüne Greens/EFA B'90/Grüne CRAMER Michael M Yes B'90/Grüne Greens/EFA B'90/Grüne GIEGOLD Sven M Yes B'90/Grüne Greens/EFA B'90/Grüne HARMS Rebecca F Yes B'90/Grüne Greens/EFA B'90/Grüne HÄUSLING Martin M Yes B'90/Grüne Greens/EFA B'90/Grüne HEUBUCH Maria F No B'90/Grüne Greens/EFA B'90/Grüne KELLER Ska F Yes B'90/Grüne Greens/EFA B'90/Grüne LOCHBIHLER Barbara F Yes B'90/Grüne Greens/EFA PIRATEN REDA Julia F No Piratenpartei Deutschland Greens/EFA B'90/Grüne REINTKE Terry F No B'90/Grüne Greens/EFA B'90/Grüne TRÜPEL Helga F Yes B'90/Grüne Greens/EFA Die PARTEI SONNEBORN Martin M No Die PARTEI NA NPD VOIGT Udo M No NPD NA DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 27 Former EP Group Succeeded to Date of change --Different nationality Greece DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 28 GREECE COMPOSITION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT EE 2014: EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT (2014-2019): 21 seats Constitutive session: 01/07/2014 4/02/2016 Turnout 2014: 59,97% Votes Party SY.RIZ.A. Seats No. % 1.518.608 26,57% EPP S&D ECR ALDE 6 GUE / NGL Greens / EFA EFDD NA 6 Party Seats Group SY.RIZ.A. 4 GUE/NGL 1 GUE/NGL LE 3 1 GUE/NGL N.D. 5 EPP X.A. 3 NA Ind. 5 2 N.D. 1.298.713 22,72% 5 X.A. 536.910 9,39% 3 PA.SO.K. 1 458.403 8,02% 2 2 PA.SO.K. 2 S&D TO POTAMI 377.438 6,60% 2 2 TO POTAMI 2 S&D K.K.E. 349.255 6,11% 2 K.K.E. 2 NA AN.EL. 197.701 3,46% 1 Ind. 4 1 ECR Other parties 979.444 17,13% 0 TOTAL Valid votes 5.716.472 100% 21 TOTAL SEATS 21 Blank and spoiled 225.724 TOTAL Votes 5.942.196 3 2 1 5 4 1 0 6 0 0 5 RED: Changes from 24/07/2015 to 04/02/2016 1 PA.SO.K.was part of the Coalition Elia in the EE2014. One SY.RIZ.A member became Independent on 28/09/2015. 3 On 02/09/2015, former SY.RIZ.A member joined LE, which was founded on 21 August 2015 by parliamentarians formerly affiliated to Syriza. 4 Former AN.EL. became Independent on 01/07/2015. 2 DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 29 POLITICAL PARTIES IN THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT 04/02/2016 GREECE PARTIES REPRESENTED IN THE EP Name of the National Party Name of the National Party in English SY.RIZ.A./ΣΥ.ΡΙΖ.Α. Συνασπισμός Ριζοσπαστικής Αριστεράς N.D./Ν.Δ. EE List Name Group in EP Coalition of the Radical Left SYNASPISMOS RIZOSPASTIKIS ARISTERAS GUE/NGL Νέα Δημοκρατία New Democracy NEA DIMOKRATIA EPP Ch.A./Χ.Α. Λαϊκός Σύνδεσμος - Χρυσή Αυγή Popular Association – Golden Dawn LAIKOS SYNDESMOSCHRYSI AYGI NA ELIA DA/ Ελιά ΔΠ ΠΑ.ΣΟ.Κ. Πανελλήνιο Σοσιαλιστικό Κίνημα PA.SO.K. Panellínio Sosialistikó Kínima ELIA - DIMOKRATIKI PARATAXI S&D River/Ποτάμι Το Ποτάμι The River TO POTAMI S&D K.K.E. Κομμουνιστικό Κόμμα Ελλάδος Communist Party of Greece KOMMOUNISTIKO KOMMA ELLADAS NA Abbr. PARTIES NO LONGER REPRESENTED IN THE EP Abbr. AN.EL./ΑΝ.ΕΛ.1 Name of the National Party Ανεξάρτητοι Έλληνες Name of the National Party in English Independent Greeks EE List Name Past Group in EP ANEXARTITOI ELLINES - PANOS KAMMENOS ECR NEW PARTIES IN THE EP DURING THE VIII LEGISLATION Abbr. 2 LE Name of the National Party Λαϊκή Ενότητα Name of the National Party in English Popular Unity EE List Name Group in EP - GUE/NGL RED: Changes from 24/07/2015 to 04/02/2016 1 On 7 January 2015, one MEP left ANEL to become Independent 2 On 02/09/2015, former SY.RIZ.A member joined LE which was founded on 21 August 2015 by parliamentarians formerly affiliated to Syriza. DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 30 GREECE: Elected MEPs- 21 seats 04/02/2016 List EE 2014 Surname Name Gender Outgoing MEP (yes/no) Current National Party Previous National Party (if applies) Independent EP Group Date of change N.D./Ν.Δ. KEFALOGIANNIS Manolis M No N.D. EPP N.D./Ν.Δ. KYRTSOS Georgios M No N.D. EPP N.D./Ν.Δ. SPYRAKI Maria F No N.D. EPP N.D./Ν.Δ. VOZEMPERG Elissavet F No N.D. EPP N.D./Ν.Δ. ZAGORAKIS Theodoros M No N.D. EPP ELIA ANDROULAKIS Nikos M No PASOK S&D TO POTAMI GRAMMATIKAKIS Giorgos M No TO POTAMI S&D ELIA KAILI Eva F No PASOK S&D TO POTAMI KYRKOS Miltiadis M No TO POTAMI S&D AN.EL. MARIAS Notis M No SY.RIZ.A. CHRYSOGONOS Konstantinos M No SY.RI.ZA SY.RIZ.A. CHOUNTIS Nikolaos M No EL SY.RIZ.A. KOULOGLOU Stelios M no SY.RIZ.A. KUNEVA Kostadinka F SY.RIZ.A. PAPADIMOULIS Dimitrios SY.RIZ.A. SAKORAFA Ch.A. ANEL Former EP Group Ind. Succeeded to Date of change --Different nationality ECR GUE/NGL GUE/NGL GLEZOS Emmanouil 20/07/2015 SY.RI.ZA GUE/NGL KATROUGKALOS Georgios 27/01/2015 No SY.RI.ZA GUE/NGL M No SY.RI.ZA GUE/NGL Sofia F No EPITIDEIOS Georgios M No X.A. NA Ch.A. FOUNTOULIS Lampros M No X.A. NA K.K.E. PAPADAKIS Konstantinos M No KKE NA Ch.A. SYNADINOS Eleftherios M No X.A. NA K.K.E. ZARIANOPOULOS Sotirios M No KKE NA SY.RI.ZA RED: Changes from 24/07/2015 to 04/02/2016 DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit SY.RI.ZA 31 Ind. GUE/NGL GREECE National and European Elections - Results of Votes EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT (2014-2019): 21 seats Vouli ton Ellinon: 300 seats Vouli ton Ellinon: 300 seats European Election National Election National Election MAY 2014 JANUARY 2015 SEPTEMBER 2015 Turnout: 59,97% Turnout: 63,62% Turnout: 56,16% Party % Seats Group Party % Seats Party % Seats SY.RIZ.A. 26,57% 6 GUE/NGL SY.RIZ.A. 36,34% 149 SY.RIZ.A. 35,46% 145 N.D. 22,72% 5 EPP N.D. 27,81% 76 N.D. 28,09% 75 9,39% 3 NA X.A. 6,28% 17 X.A. 6,99% 18 8,02% 2 S&D PA.SO.K. 4,68% 13 PA.SO.K. 6,29% 17 TO POTAMI 6,60% 2 S&D TO POTAMI 6,05% 17 TO POTAMI 4,09% 11 K.K.E. 6,11% 2 NA K.K.E. 5,47% 15 K.K.E. 5,55% 15 AN.EL. 3,46% 1 ECR AN.EL. 4,75% 13 AN.EL. 3,69% 10 EK 1 3,44% 9 X.A. PA.SO.K 1 1 Others 17,13% 0 Others 8,62% 0 Others 6,40% 0 TOTAL 100% 21 TOTAL 100% 300 TOTAL 100% 300 Enosi Kentroon (EK) Union of Centrists. DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 32 GREECE Turnout of the last two National Elections JANUARY 2015 SEPTEMBER 2015 Difference in percentage points 63,62% 56,16% -7,46 Turnout of the last two European Elections JUNE 2009 MAY 2014 Difference in percentage points 52,61% 59,97% +7,36 RED: Changes from 24/07/2015 to 04/02/2016 DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 33 GREECE: Sources Sources of information for the 2009 European elections data: Sources of information for the 2014 European elections data: September 2015 National Elections:{"cls":"level","params":{"level":"epik","i d":1}}{"cls":"main","params": {}} January 2015 National Elections:{%22cls%22:%22main%22,%22params% 22:{}} DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 34 Spain DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 35 SPAIN COMPOSITION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT EE 2014: EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT (2014-2019): 54 seats Constitutive session: 01/07/2014 4/02/2016 Turnout 2014: 43,81% Party P.P. PSOE PSC IU 1 ICV 1 ANOVA 1 PODEMOS UPyD EAJ-PNV 2 CDC 2 UDC 2 NECat 3 Independent 3 C's Votes No. 4.098.339 % 26,09% Seats EPP 16 16 ALDE GUE/ NGL Greens/E FA EFDD NA 14 1.575.308 10,03% 6 1.253.837 1.022.232 7,98% 6,51% 5 4 4 851.971 5,42% 3 1 1 4 1 1 5 1 2 497.146 326.464 302.266 1.176.782 361.567 3,16% 2,08% 1,92% 7,49% 2,30% 2 1 1 TOTAL Valid votes 15.710.216 100% 54 Spoiled votes 287.925 TOTAL Votes 15.998.141 1 1 2 1 1 17 14 0 8 11 4 Party Seats Group P.P. EPP UPyD 7 Ind 7 EAJ-PNV CDC UDC NECat ERC C's EH Bildu COMPROMIS 16 13 1 4 1 1 5 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 TOTAL SEATS 54 PSOE 6 PSC IU ICV ANOVA PODEMOS 13 1 23,01% 4,01% Others Blank votes ECR 3.614.232 630.072 EH Bildu 4 COMPROMIS 5 S&D 0 0 S&D GUE/NGL Greens/EFA GUE/NGL GUE/NGL ALDE ALDE ALDE EPP Greens/EFA ALDE GUE/NGL Greens/EFA RED: Changes from 24/07/2015 to 04/02/2016 NB: In Spain blank votes are included in the total number of votes 1 IU, ICV, Anova, EUiA and others formed the coalition "Izquierda Plural" in the European Elections 2014. The MEP elected for the party Anova on the list of "Izquierda Plural" has inscribed in the EP under the name of the coalition "Alternativa galega de esquerda en Europa" (AGE). AGE is a coalition between Anova, Esquerda Unida a.o. 2 CiU, EAJ-PNV, CCa-PNC, CxG formed the coalition "Coalición por Europa" (CEU) in the European elections 2014. 3 NECat, Independants, ERC and others formed the coalition "L'Esquerra pel dret a decidir" (EPDD) in the European elections 2014. The MEP elected as Independent on the list of "L'esquerra pel dret a decidir" (EPDD) has inscribed in the EP under the name of the party "Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya" (ERC), a member of the coalition EPDD. 4 Euskal Herria Bildu, Bloque Nacionalista Galego and others formed the coalition "Los pueblos deciden" (LPD) in the European Elections 2014. 5 COMPROMIS, Equo, Cha and others formed the coalition "Primavera Europea" in the European Elections 2014. 6 One PSOE MEP left S&D to NA to go back to S&D on 21/07/2015. 7 One MEP from UPyD became independent on 24/06/2015. DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 36 POLITICAL PARTIES IN THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT 04/02/2016 SPAIN Abbr. Name of the National Party EE List Name Group in EP P.P. Partido Popular P.P. - PARTIDO POPULAR EPP PSOE Partido Socialista Obrero Español S&D; NA PSC Partit dels Socialistes de Catalunya PSOE - PARTIDO SOCIALISTA OBRERO ESPAÑOL IU Izquierda Unida GUE/NGL LA IZQUIERDA PLURAL - COALICIÓN LA IZQUIERDA PLURAL ICV Iniciativa per Catalunya Verds ANOVA1 Anova - Irmandade Nacionalista PODEMOS PODEMOS PODEMOS GUE/NGL UPyD Unión, Progreso y Democracia UPyD - UNIÓN PROGRESO Y DEMOCRACIA ALDE EAJ-PNV Euzko Alderdi Jeltzalea-Partido Nacionalista Vasco CDC Convergència Democràtica de Catalunya UDC Unió Democràtica de Catalunya NECat Nova Esquerra Catalana ERC 2 Greens/EFA GUE/NGL ALDE CEU- COALICIÓN POR EUROPA ALDE EPP Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya EPDD - L'ESQUERRA PEL DRET A DECIDIR Greens/EFA C's Ciudadanos – Partido de la Ciudadanía C's - CIUDADANOS-PARTIDO DE LA CIUDADANÍA ALDE EH BILDU EH BILDU LPD - LOS PUEBLOS DECIDEN GUE/NGL COMPROMIS COMPROMIS PRIMAVERA EUROPEA Greens/EFA 1 The MEP elected for the party Anova on the list of "Izquierda Plural" has inscribed in the EP under the name of the coalition "Alternativa galega de esquerda en Europa" (AGE). AGE is a coalition between Anova, Esquerda Unida a.o. 2 One MEP elected as Independent on the list of "L'esquerra pel dret a decidir" (EPDD) has inscribed in the EP under the name of the party "Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya" (ERC), a member of the coalition EPDD. DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 37 SPAIN: Elected MEPs - 54 seats 04/02/2016 List EE 2014 Surname PP AYUSO PP PP Name Gender Outgoing MEP (yes/no) Current National Party Yes PP Previous National Party (if applies) Independent EP Group Date of change Pilar F DE GRANDES PASCUAL Luis M Yes PP EPP DEL CASTILLO VERA Pilar F Yes PP EPP PP DÍAZ DE MERA GARCÍA CONSUEGRA Agustín M Yes PP EPP PP ESTARÁS FERRAGUT Rosa F Yes PP EPP PP FISAS AYXELA Santiago M Yes PP EPP GAMBÚS Francesc M No CiU (UDC) EPP PP GONZÁLEZ PONS Esteban M No PP EPP PP HERRANZ GARCÍA Esther F Yes PP EPP PP ITURGAIZ Carlos M yes PP EPP PP JIMÉNEZ-BECERRIL BARRIO Teresa F Yes PP EPP PP LOPE FONTAGNÉ Verónica F Yes PP EPP PP LÓPEZ-ISTÚRIZ WHITE Antonio M Yes PP EPP PP MATO Gabriel M Yes PP EPP PP MILLÁN MON Francisco José M Yes PP EPP PP VALCÁRCEL SISO Ramón Luis M No PP EPP PP ZALBA BIDEGAIN Pablo M Yes PP EPP PSOE AGUILERA GARCÍA Clara Eugenia F No PSOE S&D PSOE AYALA SENDER Inés F Yes PSOE S&D PSOE BLANCO LÓPEZ José M No PSOE S&D PSOE CABEZÓN RUIZ Soledad F No PSOE S&D PSOE FERNÁNDEZ Jonás M No PSOE S&D PSOE GARCÍA PÉREZ Iratxe F Yes PSOE S&D PSOE GARDIAZABAL RUBIAL Eider F Yes PSOE S&D PSOE GUERRERO SALOM Enrique M Yes PSOE S&D PSOE GUTIÉRREZ PRIETO Sergio M Yes PSOE S&D PSOE JÁUREGUI ATONDO Ramón M No PSOE S&D PSOE LÓPEZ Javi M No PSC-PSOE S&D PSOE LÓPEZ AGUILAR Juan Fernando M Yes PSOE S&D 38 Succeeded to Date of change --Different nationality EPP CEU DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit Former EP Group CAÑETE Miguel Arias 06/11/2014 1. S&D 14/04/2015; 2. NA 21/07/2015 SPAIN: Elected MEPs - 54 seats 04/02/2016 List EE 2014 Surname Name Gender Outgoing MEP (yes/no) Current National Party Previous National Party (if applies) Independent EP Group Date of change PSOE RODRÍGUEZ-PIÑERO FERNÁNDEZ Inmaculada F No PSOE S&D PSOE VALENCIANO Elena F No PSOE S&D UPyD BECERRA BASTERRECHEA Beatriz F No UPYD ALDE CEU BILBAO BARANDICA Izaskun F Yes EAJ-PNV ALDE UPyD CALVET CHAMBON Enrique M No C's PUNSET BANNEL Carolina F No C's UPyD GIMÉNEZ BARBAT Maria Teresa F No UPYD UPYD UPYD Ind. ALDE GIRAUTA VIDAL Juan Carlos 03/02/2016 ALDE MAURA BARANDIARÁN Fernando 24/11/2015 NART Javier M No C's ALDE PAGAZAURTUNDÚA RUIZ Maite F No UPYD ALDE CEU TREMOSA I BALCELLS Ramon M Yes CiU (CDC) ALDE LA IZQUIERDA PLURAL ALBIOL GUZMÁN Marina F No IU GUE/NGL LA IZQUIERDA PLURAL COUSO PERMUY Javier M No IU GUE/NGL PODEMOS TORRES MARTÍNEZ Estefanía F No PODEMOS GUE/NGL PODEMOS GONZÁLEZ PEÑAS Tania F No PODEMOS GUE/NGL PODEMOS BENITO ZILUAGA Xabier M No PODEMOS GUE/NGL LPD JUARISTI ABAUNZ Josu M No EH BILDU GUE/NGL LA IZQUIERDA PLURAL LÓPEZ BERMEJO Paloma F No IU GUE/NGL PODEMOS URBÁN CRESPO Miguel M No PODEMOS GUE/NGL PODEMOS SÁNCHEZ CALDENTEY Lola F No PODEMOS GUE/NGL LA IZQUIERDA PLURAL SENRA RODRÍGUEZ María Lidia F No AGE1 GUE/NGL LA IZQUIERDA PLURAL VALLINA Ángela F No IU GUE/NGL EPDD MARAGALL Ernest M No NECat Greens/EFA PRIMAVERA EUROPEA SEBASTIÀ Jordi M No COMPROMIS Greens/EFA EPDD TERRICABRAS Josep María M No ERC2 Greens/EFA LA IZQUIERDA PLURAL URTASUN Ernest M No ICV Greens/EFA 39 Different nationality SOSA WAGNER Francisco 20/11/2014 C's DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit Succeeded to Date of change --- ALDE UPyD RED: Changes from 24/07/2015 to 04/02/2016 Former EP Group MEYER Willy 15/07/2014 ECHENIQUE Pablo 25/03/2015 JIMENEZ VILLAREJO Carlos 11/09/2014 IGLESIAS Pablo 27/10/2015 RODRIGUEZ-RUBIO Teresa 05/03/2015 SPAIN NB National and European Elections - Results of Votes Congreso de los Diputados : 350 seats EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT (2014-2019): 54 seats Congreso de los Diputados : 350 seats National Election European Election National Election NOVEMBER 2011 Turnout: 68,94% % 44,62% MAY 2014 Turnout: 43,81% % Seats 26,09% 16 13 23,01% 1 4 10,03% 1 1 7,98% 5 6,51% 4 1 5,42% 1 1 Party PP PSOE PSC IU ICV Seats 186 28,73% 110 6,92% 11 UPyD Coal CiU (CDC, UDC) EAJ-PNV CC ERC 4,69% 5 BNG COMPROMIS-Q AMAIUR FAC GBAI 1 4,17% 16 1,33% 0,59% 1,05% 5 2 3 Others 0,75% 0,51% 1,37% 0,40% 0,17% 4,70% 2 1 7 1 1 0 TOTAL 100% 350 Party PP PSOE PSC IU 2 ICV 2 ANOVA 2 PODEMOS UPyD CDC 3 UDC 3 EAJ-PNV 3 NECat 4 Ind. 4 C's EH BILDU 5 COMPROMIS 6 Others Blank votes TOTAL 1 1 2 1 1 4,01% 3,16% 2,08% 1,92% 7,49% 2,30% 100% 54 NB Group EPP S&D GUE/NGL Greens/EFA GUE/NGL GUE/NGL ALDE ALDE EPP ALDE Greens/EFA ALDE GUE/NGL Greens/EFA DECEMBER 2015 Turnout: 73,20 % Party % PP 28,72% PSOE 22,01% IU et al. 7 Seats 123 90 3,67% 2 20,70% 69 2,25% 8 1,20% 0,33% 2,39% 6 1 9 C's EH BILDU 13,93% 0,87% 40 2 Others 3,60% 0 TOTAL 100% 350 PODEMOS et al. 8 9 CDC DC 9 EAJ-PNV CC ERC In Spain, blank votes are included in the total of the results. 1 Geroa Bai (GBAI - Yes to the Future) was founded in 2011. 2 IU, ICV, Anova, EUiA and others formed the coalition "Izquierda Plural" in the EE2014. The MEP elected for the party Anova on the list of "Izquierda Plural" has inscribed in the EP under the name of the coalition "Alternativa galega de esquerda en Europa" (AGE). AGE is a coalition between Anova, Esquerda Unida a.o 3 CiU, EAJ-PNV, CCa-PNC, CxG formed the coalition "Coalición por Europa" (CEU) in the EE 2014. 4 NECat, Independants, ERC and others formed the coalition "L'Esquerra pel dret a decidir" (EPDD) in the EE2014. The MEP elected as Independent on the list of "L'esquerra pel dret a decidir" (EPDD) has inscribed in the EP under the name of the party "Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya" (ERC), a member of the coalition EPDD. 5 Euskal Herria Bildu, Bloque Nacionalista Galego and others formed the coalition "Los pueblos deciden" (LPD) in the EE2014. 6 COMPROMIS, Equo, Cha and others formed the coalition "Primavera Europea" in the EE 2014. 7 In the 2015 national election, Izquierda Unida and other political parties formed the coalition " Unidad Popular (UP)" at a regional level. 8 In the 2015 election, Podemos was part of different coalitions at regional level: En Comu Podem (Cataluna) 3,69% and 12 seats, En Marea (Galicia) 1,63% and 6 seats, És el moment (Comunidad Valenciana) 2,67% and 9 seats. 9 CDC, DC et al. formed the coalition "Democràcia i Llibertat" (DiL) in the national election 2015. The party DC was founded in July 2015 by former members of UDC. DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 40 SPAIN Turnout of the last two National Elections NOVEMBER 2011 DECEMBER 2015 Difference in percentage points 68,94% 73,20% +4,26 Turnout of the last two European Elections JUNE 2009 MAY 2014 Difference in percentage points 44,87% 43,81% -1,06 RED: Changes from 24/07/2015 to 04/02/2016 DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 41 SPAIN: Sources Sources of information for the 2009 European election: Sources of information for the 2014 European election: pe=PDF December 2015 National Election: November 2011 National Election: DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 42 France DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 43 FRANCE COMPOSITION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT EE 2014: EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT (2014-2019): 74 seats Constitutive session: 01/07/2014 4/02/2016 Turnout 2014: 42,43% Votes* Party No. Seats EPP S&D ECR GUE/ NGL ALDE % Greens/ EFA EFDD NA Party GC 7 PR-UDI EELV 2 18 1 2 1 19 1 12 1 4 1 1 1 6 FG 3 UOM 1 TOTAL SEATS 74 FN FN 1 4.712.461 24,86% Ind. 1 - - UMP 3.943.819 20,81% 20 2.650.357 13,98% 13 1.884.565 9,94% 7 PS PRG MoDem UDI EELV PCF 2 PG 2 et al. 2 UOM 3 1.696.442 8,95% 20 12 1 6 1 6 6,33% 3 52.017 2.815.387 0,27% 14,81% 1 TOTAL Valid votes 18.955.761 100% 74 Blank and spoiled 792.132 TOTAL Votes 19.747.893 6 1 1 1 1 20 13 0 7 4 6 1 Ind. RBM 4 LFL 5 LR 6 Independent PS PRG MoDem UDI 1 1.200.713 Other parties 23 24 23 Seats * The final results were announced by the national electoral commission on the 28th of May 2014. Due to rounding the total does not amount to exactly 100%. RED: Changes from 24/07/2015 to 04/02/2016 1 At the Constitutive session, one Member who had been elected for the FN became independent and joined the EFDD group. 2 Lists Front de Gauche composed of PCF+PG+et al. 3 List LDG 4 On the 17/07/2014, 2 MEPS previously registered as FN chose to represent "Souveraineté, Indépendance et Libertés/ Rassemblement Bleu Marine." 5 One former FN MEP changed group from ENF to NA on 10/11/2015 and founded the political mouvement "Les Français Libres" (LFL) on 13/01/2016. 6 On 29/05/2015, UMP changed its name to LR. 7 One MEP former UDI and then Independent is now part of Génération Citoyens (GC) which was founded on 17/07/2015. DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 44 Group NA ENF4 EFDD ENF NA EPP S&D ALDE Greens/EFA GUE/NGL POLITICAL PARTIES IN THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT 04/02/2016 FRANCE PARTIES REPRESENTED IN THE EP Abbr. FN Name of the National Party Front national PS Parti Socialiste PRG Parti radical de gauche UDI Mouvement démocrate MoDem L'Union des démocrates et indépendants EELV Europe Ecologie PCF Parti Communiste Français PG Parti de Gauche UOM Union pour les Outre-Mer EE list name Group in EP LISTE BLEU MARINE - NON A BRUXELLES, OUI A LA FRANCE (LFN) NA; ENF LISTES UNION DE LA GAUCHE- PARTI SOCIALISTE/ CHOISIR NOTRE EUROPE (LUG) S&D LISTE UDI MODEM LES EUROPEENS (LUC) ALDE LISTE EUROPE ECOLOGIEDONNONS VIE A L'EUROPE (LVEC) Greens / EFA LISTE FRONT DE GAUCHE -STOP A L'EUROPE DE LA FINANCE-L'HUMAIN D'ABORD ! (LFG) GUE/NGL LISTES DIVERS GAUCHE- L'UNION POUR LES OUTRE-MER (LDVG) GUE/NGL PARTIES NO LONGER REPRESENTED IN THE EP Abbr. UMP 1 Name of the National Party Union pour un Mouvement Populaire EE List Name Past Group in EP POUR LA FRANCE, AGIR EN EUROPE LISTE UNION POUR UN MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE (LUMP) EPP NEW PARTIES IN THE EP DURING THE VIII LEGISLATION Abbr. Name of the National Party EE List Name Group in EP RBM Rassemblement bleu Marine LISTE BLEU MARINE - NON A BRUXELLES, OUI A LA FRANCE (LFN) ENF LR Les Républicains POUR LA FRANCE, AGIR EN EUROPE LISTE UNION POUR UN MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE (LUMP) EPP GC2 Génération Citoyens - ALDE LFL3 Les Français Libres - NA RED: Changes from 24/07/2015 to 04/02/2016 1 On 29 May 2015, UMP changed its name to LR. 2 One MEP former UDI and then Independent is now part of Génération Citoyens (GC) which was founded on 17/07/2015. 3 Former FN/DI MEP changed group (from ENF to NA on 10/11/2015) and founded the political mouvement "Les Français Libres" (LFL) on 13/01/2016. DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 45 FRANCE: Elected MEPs - 74 seats 04/02/2016 Constituency List EE 2014 Surname Name Gender Outgoing MEP (yes/no) Current National Party Previous National Party (if applies) Independent EP Group SUD-OUEST UMP ALLIOT-MARIE Michèle F No LR UMP OUEST UMP CADEC Alain M Yes LR UMP EPP EPP EST UMP DANJEAN Arnaud M Yes LR UMP EPP SUD-EST UMP DANTIN Michel M Yes LR UMP EPP ILE-DE-FRANCE UMP DATI Rachida F Yes LR UMP EPP MASSIF CENTRAL/CENTRE UMP DELAHAYE Angélique F No LR UMP EPP SUD-EST UMP GROSSETÊTE Françoise F Yes LR UMP EPP MASSIF CENTRAL/CENTRE UMP HORTEFEUX Brice M Yes LR UMP EPP OUEST UMP JOULAUD Marc M No LR UMP EPP ILE-DE-FRANCE UMP JUVIN Philippe M Yes LR UMP EPP ILE-DE-FRANCE UMP LAMASSOURE Alain M Yes LR UMP NORD-OUEST UMP LAVRILLEUX Jérôme M No ILE-DE-FRANCE UMP LE GRIP Constance F Yes EPP Ind. LR UMP EPP EPP EST UMP MORANO Nadine F No LR UMP EPP OUEST UMP MORIN-CHARTIER Elisabeth F Yes LR UMP EPP SUD-EST UMP MUSELIER Renaud M No LR UMP EPP OUTRE-MER UMP PONGA Maurice M Yes LR UMP EPP SUD-OUEST UMP PROUST Franck M Yes LR UMP EPP NORD-OUEST UMP SAÏFI Tokia F Yes LR UMP EPP EST UMP Parti Socialiste/ Choisir notre Europe Parti Socialiste/ Choisir notre Europe Parti Socialiste/ Choisir notre Europe Parti Socialiste/ Choisir notre Europe Parti Socialiste/ Choisir notre Europe Parti Socialiste/ Choisir notre Europe Parti Socialiste/ Choisir notre Europe SANDER Anne F No LR UMP EPP ANDRIEU Eric M Yes PS S&D BALAS Guillaume M No PS S&D BERÈS Pervenche F Yes PS S&D DENANOT Jean-Paul M No PS S&D GUILLAUME Sylvie F Yes PS S&D MANSCOUR Louis-Joseph M No PS S&D MARTIN Edouard M No PS S&D SUD-OUEST ILE-DE-FRANCE ILE-DE-FRANCE MASSIF CENTRAL/CENTRE SUD-EST OUTRE-MER EST DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 46 Former EP Group Date of change Succeeded to Date of change --Different nationality FRANCE: Elected MEPs - 74 seats 04/02/2016 Constituency OUEST NORD-OUEST SUD-EST ILE-DE-FRANCE SUD-OUEST OUEST OUEST ILE-DE-FRANCE ILE-DE-FRANCE SUD-EST EST NORD-OUEST List EE 2014 Parti Socialiste/ Choisir notre Europe Parti Socialiste/ Choisir notre Europe Parti Socialiste/ Choisir notre Europe Parti Socialiste/ Choisir notre Europe Parti Socialiste/ Choisir notre Europe Parti Socialiste/ Choisir notre Europe UDI MODEM/ LES EUROPEENS, liste soutenue par François Bayrou et Jean-Louis Borloo UDI MODEM/ LES EUROPEENS, liste soutenue par François Bayrou et Jean-Louis Borloo UDI MODEM/ LES EUROPEENS, liste soutenue par François Bayrou et Jean-Louis Borloo UDI MODEM/ LES EUROPEENS, liste soutenue par François Bayrou et Jean-Louis Borloo UDI MODEM/ LES EUROPEENS, liste soutenue par François Bayrou et Jean-Louis Borloo UDI MODEM/ LES EUROPEENS, liste soutenue par François Bayrou et Jean-Louis Borloo Surname Name Gender Outgoing MEP (yes/no) Current National Party Independent EP Group MAUREL Emmanuel M No PS S&D PARGNEAUX Gilles M Yes PS S&D PEILLON Vincent M No PS S&D REVAULT D'ALLONNES BONNEFOY Christine F Yes PS S&D ROZIERE Virginie F No PRG S&D THOMAS Isabelle F Yes PS S&D ARTHUIS Jean M No UDI ALDE CAVADA Jean-Marie M Yes GC de SARNEZ Marielle F Yes MODEM ALDE GOULARD Sylvie F Yes MODEM ALDE GRIESBECK Nathalie F Yes MODEM ALDE RIQUET Dominique M Yes PR-UDI ALDE RED: Changes from 24/07/2015 to 04/02/2016 DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit Previous National Party (if applies) 47 UDI MODEM; NC; Ind. ALDE Former EP Group Date of change Succeeded to Date of change --Different nationality FRANCE: Elected MEPs - 74 seats 04/02/2016 Constituency SUD-OUEST ILE-DE-FRANCE SUD-OUEST OUTRE-MER SUD-EST SUD-OUEST NORD-OUEST ILE-DE-FRANCE OUEST ILE-DE-FRANCE SUD-EST List EE 2014 UDI MODEM/ LES EUROPEENS, liste soutenue par François Bayrou et Jean-Louis Borloo UDI MODEM/ LES EUROPEENS, liste soutenue par François Bayrou et Jean-Louis Borloo Front de Gauche L'UNION POUR LES OUTREMER L'Europe de la finance, ça suffit ! Place au peuple ! Europe Ecologie/ Donnons vie à l'Europe Europe Ecologie/ Donnons vie à l'Europe Europe Ecologie/ Donnons vie à l'Europe Europe Ecologie/ Donnons vie à l'Europe Europe Ecologie/ Donnons vie à l'Europe Europe Ecologie/ Donnons vie à l'Europe Surname Name Gender Outgoing MEP (yes/no) Current National Party Previous National Party (if applies) Independent EP Group ROCHEFORT Robert M Yes MODEM ALDE LE HYARIC Patrick M Yes FG GUE/NGL MÉLENCHON Jean-Luc M Yes FG GUE/NGL OMARJEE Younous M Yes UOM GUE/NGL VERGIAT Marie-Christine F Yes FG GUE/NGL BOVÉ José M Yes Europe Ecologie Greens/EFA DELLI Karima F Yes Europe Ecologie Greens/EFA DURAND Pascal M No Europe Ecologie Greens/EFA JADOT Yannick M Yes Europe Ecologie Greens/EFA JOLY Eva F Yes Europe Ecologie Greens/EFA RIVASI Michèle F Yes Europe Ecologie Greens/EFA OUEST FN BERGERON Joëlle F No SUD-OUEST FN ALIOT Louis M No Front national ENF SUD-EST FN ARNAUTU Marie-Christine F No Front national ENF NORD-OUEST FN BAY Nicolas M No Front national ENF EST FN BILDE Dominique F No Front national ENF ILE-DE-FRANCE FN BOUTONNET Marie-Christine F No Front national ENF DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 48 Ind. EFDD Former EP Group Date of change EFDD until 16/10/2014; NA until 20/10/2014; NA 16/06/2015 NA 14/06/2015 NA 14/06/2015 NA 14/06/2015 NA 14/06/2015 Succeeded to Date of change --Different nationality FRANCE: Elected MEPs - 74 seats 04/02/2016 Constituency List EE 2014 Surname Name Gender Outgoing MEP (yes/no) Current National Party Previous National Party (if applies) Independent EP Group NA 14/06/2015 NA 1. NA 24/06/2015; 2. ENF 09/11/2015 FN BRIOIS Steeve M No Front national ILE-DE-FRANCE FN CHAUPRADE Aymeric M No Les Français Libres SUD-EST FN D'ORNANO Mireille F No Front national ENF SUD-OUEST FN FERRAND Edouard M No Front national ENF NORD-OUEST FN GODDYN Sylvie F No Front national ENF SUD-EST FN GOLLNISCH Bruno M Yes Front national NA EST FN JALKH Jean-François M No Front national ENF SUD-EST FN LE PEN Jean-Marie M Yes Front national NA NORD-OUEST FN LE PEN Marine F Yes Front national ENF OUEST FN LEBRETON Gilles M No FN/RBM MASSIF CENTRAL/CENTRE FN LOISEAU Philippe M No Front national ENF SUD-EST FN MARTIN Dominique M No Front national ENF SUD-OUEST FN MELIN Joelle F No Front national ENF MASSIF CENTRAL/CENTRE FN MONOT Bernard M No Front national ENF EST FN MONTEL Sophie F No Front national ENF EST FN PHILIPPOT Florian M No Front national ENF ILE-DE-FRANCE FN SCHAFFHAUSER Jean-Luc M No Rassemblement bleu Marine NORD-OUEST FN TROSZCZYNSKI Mylène F No Front national RED: Changes from 24/07/2015 to 04/02/2016 DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 49 Front national Front national Date of change ENF NORD-OUEST FN; Ind. Former EP Group ENF ENF ENF Succeeded to Date of change --Different nationality NA 14/06/2015 NA 14/06/2015 NA 14/06/2015 NA 14/06/2015 NA 14/06/2015 NA 14/06/2015 NA 14/06/2015 NA 14/06/2015 NA 14/06/2015 NA 14/06/2015 NA 14/06/2015 NA 14/06/2015 NA 14/06/2015 NA 14/06/2015 POTHAIN Jeanne 30/06/2014 Croatia DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 50 CROATIA COMPOSITION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT EE 2014: EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT (2014-2019): 11 seats Constitutive session: 01/07/2014 4/02/2016 Turnout 2014: 25,24% Votes Seats Party No. EPP S&D ECR ALDE Greens/ EFA Party Seats 4 HDZ 4 1 HSS 1 HKS 3 1 ECR SDP 2 S&D 1 HNS 1 1 IDS 1 OraH 1 TOTAL SEATS 11 % HDZ 1 GUE/ NGL EFDD NA Group EPP HSS 1 381.844 41,42% 6 HSP AS 1 SDP 2 HNS 2 2 275.904 29,93% 4 ALDE IDS 2 OraH 86.806 9,42% 1 Other parties 177.350 19,23% 0 TOTAL Valid votes 921.904 100% 11 Blank and spoiled 29.076 TOTAL Votes 950.980 1 5 2 1 2 0 1 0 0 NB: Croatia became an official member of the European Union on 1 July 2013. Elections to the European Parliament were held on 14 April 2013. 1 HDZ, HSS and HSP AS formed a coalition with BUZ, HDS and ZDS in the EE2014. 2 SDP, HNS and IDS formed a coalition with HSU in the EE2014. 3 The HSP AS MEP became first Independent and then joined HKS. DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 51 Greens/EFA POLITICAL PARTIES IN THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT 04/02/2016 CROATIA PARTIES REPRESENTED IN THE EP Abbr. Name of the National Party EE List Name Group in EP HDZ Hrvatska demokratska zajednica EPP HSS Hrvatska seljačka stranka Coalition HDZ + HSS + HSP AS + BUZ + HDS + ZDS SDP Socijaldemokratska partija Hrvatske HNS Hrvatska narodna stranka - liberalni demokrati Coaliton SDP + HNS + IDS + HSU S&D IDS Istarski demokratski sabor OraH Odrzivi razvoj hrvatske ORaH GREENS/EFA PARTIES NO LONGER REPRESENTED IN THE EP Abbr. HSP AS Name of the National Party Hrvatska stranka prava dr. Ante Starčević EE List Name Past Group in EP Coalition HDZ + HSS + HSP AS + BUZ + HDS + ZDS ECR NEW PARTIES IN THE EP DURING THE VIII LEGISLATION Abbr. HKS Name of the National Party Hrvatska Konzervativna Stranka DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 52 EE List Name Group in EP - ECR CROATIA: Elected MEPs - 11 seats 04/02/2016 List EE 2014 Surname Name Gender Outgoing MEP (yes/no) Current National Party Previous National Party (if applies) Independent EP Group Date of change HDZ, HSS, HSP AS, BUZ, HDS, ZDS MALETIĆ Ivana F Yes HDZ EPP HDZ, HSS, HSP AS, BUZ, HDS, ZDS PETIR Marijana F No HSS EPP HDZ, HSS, HSP AS, BUZ, HDS, ZDS PLENKOVIĆ Andrej M Yes HDZ EPP HDZ, HSS, HSP AS, BUZ, HDS, ZDS STIER Davor Ivo M Yes HDZ EPP HDZ, HSS, HSP AS, BUZ, HDS, ZDS ŠUICA Dubravka F Yes HDZ EPP SDP, HNS, IDS, HSU, SDSS BORZAN Biljana F Yes SDP S&D SDP, HNS, IDS, HSU, SDSS PICULA Tonino M Yes SDP S&D HDZ, HSS, HSP AS, BUZ, HDS, ZDS TOMAŠIĆ Ruža F Yes HKS SDP, HNS, IDS, HSU, SDSS JAKOVČIĆ Ivan M No IDS ALDE SDP, HNS, IDS, HSU, SDSS RADOŠ Jozo M No HNS ALDE ORaH ŠKRLEC Davor M No ORaH Greens/EFA DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 53 HSP AS; Ind. Former EP Group ECR Succeeded to Date of change --Different nationality CROATIA National and European Elections - Results of Votes Hrvatski Sabor: between 140-160 seats EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT (2014 - 2019): 11 seats NB Hrvatski Sabor: between 140-160 seats National Election European Election National Election SEPTEMBER 2011 Turnout : 54,32% MAY 2014 Turnout: 25,24% NOVEMBER 2015 Turnout : 60,82% Party %NB Seats Party HDZ 19,87% 30 HDZ 1 HDZ/HGS 8,61% 13 HSS 1 HDZ/DC 2,65% 4 HSP AS 1 SDP 61 HNS 13 HSU 3 52,98% IDS % 41,42% 6 Group Coalition Patriotic Coalition (Domoljubna koalicija) Croatia is growing (Hrvatska raste) EPP+ECR Koalition Pravo na svoje 3 SDP 2 29,93% HL -SR 3,97% 6 HNS 2 HDSSB 3,97% 6 2 HSP dr. Ante Starčević, HCSP 0,66% 1 Neovisna lista Ivan Grubišić 1,32% 2 HSS 0,66% 1 Minorities Others 5,30% 8 TOTAL 100% 151 Seats IDS 4 S&D + ALDE NB %NB Seats 39,07% 59 37,09% 56 12,58% 19 IDS, PGS, RI 1,99% 3 HDSSB 1,32% 2 Party HDZ, HSS, HSP AP, BUZ, HSLS, HRAST, HDS, ZDS SDP, HNS, HSU, HL-SR, A-HSS, ZS MOST Rada I solidarnosti Bandić Milan 365,DPS, DSŽ, HES, HRS ZELENI, ID-ID, MS, NSH, NOVI VAL, SU, UDU, ZELENI, ZS 1,32% 2 Successful Croatia (Koalition Uspješna Hrvatska) NH-PS, NS, BUZ, ZF, DDS 0,66% 1 Živi Zid 0,66% 1 OraH 9,42% 1 GREENS/EFA 8 19,23% 0 Minorities Others 5,30% Others TOTAL 100% 11 TOTAL 100% 151 NB Currently 151 (can vary, according to the law, between 140-160): 140 members of the parliament are elected in multi-seat constituencies to a four-year term; up to 8 from the 22 recognized minorities; 3 from non-residents/ the diaspora. Besides, according to the State Electoral Commission, the only available results are percentages of seats won not the effective ones. 1 Coalition HDZ+HSS+HSP AS+BUZ+HDS+ZDS. 2 Coalition SDP+HNS+IDS+HSU. DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 54 CROATIA Turnout of the last two National Elections SEPTEMBER 2011 NOVEMBER 2015 Difference in percentage points 54,32% 60,82% +6,50 Turnout of the last two European Elections APRIL 2013 MAY 2014 Difference in percentage points 20,84% 25,24% +4,40 RED: Changes from 24/07/2015 to 04/02/2016 DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 55 CROATIA: Sources Sources of information for the 2013 European election: Sources of information for the 2014 European election: November 2015 National Election:$FILE/Izvjesce_o_proveden im_izborima_Sabor_2015.pdf September 2011 National Election:$File/rezultati2011_ sumarni.pdf DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 56 Italy DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 57 ITALY COMPOSITION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT EE2014: EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT (2014-2019): 73 seats Constitutive session: 01/07/2014 4/02/2016 Turnout 2014: 57,22% Votes Party PD Seats N° % 11.203.231 40,81% 31 M5S 5.807.362 21,15% 17 FI 4.614.364 16,81% 13 LN 1.688.197 6,15% 5 Coal. NCD+UDC 1.202.350 4,38% 3 Lista TsiprasL’Altra Europa 1.108.457 4,03% 3 SVP 138.037 0,50% 1 Other parties 1.686.908 6,17% 0 100% 73 TOTAL Valid votes 27.448.906 Blank and spoiled 1.542.352 TOTAL Votes 28.991.258 EPP S&D ECR ALDE EFDD NA 31 17 13 5 2 Seats PD 1 29 Ind. 1 M5S 2 3 1 31 0 0 1 Two PD MEPs became independent on 19/01/2015 and 09/07/2015. One MEP left Coal. NCD+UDC for FI on 01/10/2015. 3 One MEP left FI to join CR (Conservatori e Riformisti) on 07/12/2015 2 58 3 0 17 5 S&D EFDD 12 EPP 1 2 Group 17 1 CR 3 LN Coal. NCD+UDC 1 17 Party FI 2,3 RED: Changes from 24/07/2015 to 04/02/2016 DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit GUE/NG Greens/ L EFA ECR 5 ENF2 2 EPP Lista Tsipras 2 Ind. 1 SVP 1 TOTAL SEATS 73 GUE/NGL EPP POLITICAL PARTIES IN THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT 04/02/2016 ITALY Abbr. Name of the National Party EE List Name Group in EP PD Partito Democratico PARTITO DEMOCRATICO S&D M5S Movimento 5 stelle MOVIMENTO 5 STELLE BEPPEGRILLO.IT EFDD FI Forza Italia FORZA ITALIA EPP; ECR LN Lega Nord LEGA NORD-DIE FREIHEITLICHEN-BASTA EURO ENF NCD Nuovo Centro Destra COALITION NUOVO CENTRO DESTRA -UDC EPP UDC Unione di Centro - Lista Tsipras-L’Altra Europa L'ALTRA EUROPA CON TSIPRAS GUE/NGL SVP Südtiroler Volkspartei SVP EPP NEW PARTIES IN THE EP DURING THE VIII LEGISLATION Abbr. CR1 Name of the National Party Conservatori e Riformisti RED: Changes from 24/07/2015 to 04/02/2016 1 On 07/12/2015, one MEP left FI to join CR (Conservatori e Riformisti). DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 59 EE List Name Group in EP - ECR ITALY: Elected MEPs - 73 seats 04/02/2016 Constituency List EE 2014 Surname Name Gender Outgoing MEP (yes/no) Current National Party Previous National Party (if applies) Succeeded to Independent EP Group NCD - UDC CESA Lorenzo M No UDC EPP Italy Islands FI CICU Salvatore M No FI EPP Italy North-West FI CIRIO Alberto M No FI EPP Italy North-West FI COMI Lara F Yes FI EPP Italy North-East SVP DORFMANN Herbert M Yes SVP EPP Italy South FI FITTO Raffaele M No CR Italy North-East FI GARDINI Elisabetta F Yes FI EPP Italy Islands NCD - UDC LA VIA Giovanni M Yes NCD EPP Italy South FI MARTUSCIELLO Fulvio M No FI EPP Italy South FI MATERA Barbara F Yes FI EPP Italy Central FI MUSSOLINI Alessandra F No FI EPP Italy South FI PATRICIELLO Aldo M Yes FI EPP Italy Islands FI POGLIESE Salvatore Domenico M No FI EPP Italy North-West NCD - UDC SALINI Massimiliano M No FI Italy North-East FI SERNAGIOTTO Remo M No FI ECR Italy Central FI TAJANI Antonio M No FI EPP Italy North-West FI MAULLU Stefano M No FI EPP Italy North-West PD BENIFEI Brando M No PD S&D Italy Central PD BETTINI Goffredo Maria M No PD S&D RED: Changes from 24/07/2015 to 04/02/2016 DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 60 NCD Date of change Date of change --Different nationality Italy South FI Former EP Group ECR EPP 19/05/2015 LUPI Maurizio Enzo 01/07/2014 EPP EPP 07/07/2015 TOTI Giovanni 09/07/2015 ITALY: Elected MEPs - 73 seats 04/02/2016 Constituency List EE 2014 Surname Name Gender Outgoing MEP (yes/no) Current National Party Previous National Party (if applies) Succeeded to Independent EP Group PD BONAFÈ Simona F No PD S&D Italy North-West PD BRESSO Mercedes F No PD S&D Italy North-West PD BRIANO Renata F No PD S&D Italy South PD CAPUTO Nicola M No PD S&D Italy Islands PD CHINNICI Caterina F No PD S&D Italy North-West PD COFFERATI Sergio Gaetano M Yes Italy Central PD COSTA Silvia F Yes PD S&D Italy South PD COZZOLINO Andrea M Yes PD S&D Italy Central PD DANTI Nicola M No PD S&D Italy North-East PD DE CASTRO Paolo M Yes PD S&D Italy North-East PD DE MONTE Isabella F No PD S&D Italy Central PD GASBARRA Enrico M No PD S&D Italy South PD GENTILE Elena F No PD S&D Italy Islands PD GIUFFRIDA Michela F No PD S&D Italy Central PD GUALTIERI Roberto M Yes PD S&D Italy North-East PD KYENGE Kashetu F No PD S&D Italy North-East PD ZOFFOLLI Damiano M No PD S&D Italy North-West PD MORGANO Luigi M No PD S&D Italy North-West PD MOSCA Alessia Maria F No PD S&D Italy North-West PD PANZERI Pier Antonio M Yes PD S&D Italy South PD PAOLUCCI Massimo M No PD S&D DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 61 Date of change Date of change --Different nationality Italy Central PD Former EP Group Ind. S&D MORETTI Alessandra 18/02/2015 ITALY: Elected MEPs - 73 seats 04/02/2016 Constituency List EE 2014 Surname Name Gender Outgoing MEP (yes/no) Current National Party Previous National Party (if applies) Succeeded to Independent EP Group PD PICIERNO Pina F No PD S&D Italy South PD PITTELLA Gianni M Yes PD S&D Italy Central PD SASSOLI David Maria M Yes PD S&D Italy North-East PD SCHLEIN Elly F No Italy Islands PD SORU Renato M No PD S&D Italy North-West PD TOIA Patrizia F Yes PD S&D Italy North-West PD VIOTTI Daniele M No PD S&D Italy North-East PD ZANONATO Flavio M No PD S&D FORENZA Eleonora F No MALTESE Curzio M No SPINELLI Barbara F No Italy South Italy North-West Italy Central Lista TsiprasL'Altra Europa Lista TsiprasL'Altra Europa Lista TsiprasL'Altra Europa Lista TsiprasL'Altra Europa Lista TsiprasL'Altra Europa Lista TsiprasL'Altra Europa Date of change Ind. S&D Ind. GUE/NGL Ind. GUE/NGL Ind. GUE/NGL Italy South M5S ADINOLFI Isabella F No M5S EFDD EFDD until 16/10/2014; NA until 20/10/2014. Italy North-East M5S AFFRONTE Marco M No M5S EFDD EFDD until 16/10/2014; NA until 20/10/2014. Italy Central M5S AGEA Laura F No M5S EFDD EFDD until 16/10/2014; NA until 20/10/2014. Italy South M5S AIUTO Daniela F No M5S EFDD EFDD until 16/10/2014; NA until 20/10/2014. Italy North-West M5S BEGHIN Tiziana F No M5S EFDD EFDD until 16/10/2014; NA until 20/10/2014. Italy North-East M5S BORRELLI David M No M5S EFDD EFDD until 16/10/2014; NA until 20/10/2014. Italy Central M5S CASTALDO Fabio Massimo M No M5S EFDD EFDD until 16/10/2014; NA until 20/10/2014. DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 62 Date of change --Different nationality Italy South PD Former EP Group ITALY: Elected MEPs - 73 seats 04/02/2016 Constituency List EE 2014 Surname Name Gender Outgoing MEP (yes/no) Current National Party Previous National Party (if applies) Succeeded to Independent EP Group Former EP Group Date of change Different nationality Italy Islands M5S CORRAO Ignazio M No M5S EFDD EFDD until 16/10/2014; NA until 20/10/2014. Italy South M5S D'AMATO Rosa F No M5S EFDD EFDD until 16/10/2014; NA until 20/10/2014. Italy North-West M5S EVI Eleonora F No M5S EFDD EFDD until 16/10/2014; NA until 20/10/2014. Italy South M5S FERRARA Laura F No M5S EFDD EFDD until 16/10/2014; NA until 20/10/2014. Italy Islands M5S MOI Giulia F No M5S EFDD EFDD until 16/10/2014; NA until 20/10/2014. Italy South M5S PEDICINI Piernicola M No M5S EFDD EFDD until 16/10/2014; NA until 20/10/2014. Italy Central M5S TAMBURRANO Dario M No M5S EFDD EFDD until 16/10/2014; NA until 20/10/2014. Italy North-West M5S VALLI Marco M No M5S EFDD EFDD until 16/10/2014; NA until 20/10/2014. Italy North-West M5S ZANNI Marco M No M5S EFDD EFDD until 16/10/2014; NA until 20/10/2014. Italy North-East M5S ZULLO Marco M No M5S EFDD EFDD until 16/10/2014; NA until 20/10/2014. Italy North-East LN BIZZOTTO Mara F Yes LN ENF NA 14/06/2015 Italy Central LN BORGHEZIO Mario M Yes LN ENF NA 14/06/2015 Italy North-West LN BUONANNO Gianluca M No LN ENF NA 14/06/2015 Italy North-East LN FONTANA Lorenzo M Yes LN ENF NA 14/06/2015 Italy North-West Lega Nord per l'indipen-denza della Padania SALVINI Matteo M Yes LN ENF NA 14/06/2015 DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 63 Date of change --- TOSI Flavio 11/07/2014 Cyprus DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 64 CYPRUS COMPOSITION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT EE 2014: EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT (2014-2019): 6 seats Constitutive session: 01/07/2014 4/02/2016 Turnout 2014: 43,97% Votes Party DISY No. % 97.732 37,75% Seats EPP 2 2 S&D ECR ALDE GUE / NGL Greens / EFA EFDD NA Party Seats Group DISY 1 1 Ind. 1 1 AKEL 2 GUE/NGL EPP AKEL 69.852 26,98% 2 2 DIKO 28.044 10,83% 1 1 DIKO 1 S&D EDEK 19.894 7,68% 1 1 EDEK 1 S&D Other parties 43.392 16,76% 0 TOTAL Valid votes 258.914 100% 6 TOTAL Seats 6 Blank and spoiled 7.977 TOTAL Votes 266.891 2 2 0 0 2 RED: Changes from 24/07/2015 to 04/02/2016 1 One MEP changed from DISY to Ind. on 26/11/2015. DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 65 0 0 0 POLITICAL PARTIES IN THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT 04/02/2016 CYPRUS Abbr. Name of the National Party Name of the National Party in English EE List Name Group in EP DI.SY./ΔH.ΣΥ. Δημοκρατικός Συναγερμός Democratic Rally DISY - Democratic Rally EPP A.K.E.L./Α.Κ.Ε.Λ. Ανορθωτικό Κόμμα Εργαζομένου Λαού Progressive Party of Working People Left - New Forces AKEL - Left - New Forces GUE/NGL DI.KO./ΔH.ΚΟ. Δημοκρατικό Κόμμα Democratic Party DIKO - Democratic Party S&D EDEK/ΕΔΕΚ ΕΔΕΚ Κίνημα Σοσιαλδημοκρατών EDEK Movement of Social Democrats-Green Party EDEK - GREENS S&D DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 66 CYPRUS: Elected MEPs - 6 seats 04/02/2016 List EE 2014 Surname Name Gender Outgoing MEP (yes/no) Current National Party Previous National Party (if applies) Independent DISY EP Group DI.SY./ΔH.ΣΥ. CHRISTOFOROU Lefteris M No DI.SY./ΔH.ΣΥ. THEOCHAROUS Eleni F Yes DI.KO./ΔH.ΚΟ. MAVRIDES Costas M No DIKO S&D EDEK/ΕΔΕΚ PAPADAKIS Demetris M No EDEK S&D A.K.E.L./Α.Κ.Ε.Λ. HADJIGEORGIOU Takis M Yes AKEL GUE/NGL A.K.E.L./Α.Κ.Ε.Λ. SYLIKIOTIS Neoklis M No AKEL GUE/NGL DISY RED: Changes from 24/07/2015 to 04/02/2016 DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit EPP 67 Ind. EPP Former EP Group Date of change Succeeded to Date of change --Different nationality Christos STYLIANIDES 03/11/2014 Lithuania DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 68 LITHUANIA COMPOSITION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT EE 2014: EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT (2014-2019): 11 seats Constitutive session: 01/07/2014 4/02/2016 Turnout 2014: 47,35% Votes Party Seats EPP 2 No. % TS-LKD 199.393 17,43% 2 LSDP 197.477 17,26% 2 LRLS 189.373 16,55% 2 TT 163.049 14,25% 2 DP 146.607 12,81% 1 LLRA (AWPL) 92.108 8,05% 1 LVZS 75.643 6,61% 1 Other parties 80.481 7,04% 0 TOTAL Valid votes 1.144.131 100% 11 Blank and spoiled 67.148 TOTAL Votes 1.211.279 S&D ECR ALDE Greens /EFA EFDD NA 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 0 RED: Changes from 24/07/2015 to 04/02/2016 1 One MEP left TT for DP on 01/07/2015. DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit GUE/ NGL 69 1 2 0 Party Seats Group TS-LKD 2 EPP LSDP 2 S&D LRLS 2 ALDE TT 1 1 EFDD DP 1 2 ALDE LLRA (AWPL) 1 ECR LVZS 1 Greens/EFA TOTAL SEATS 11 POLITICAL PARTIES IN THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT 04/02/2016 LITHUANIA Abbr. Name of the National Party EE list name Group in EP TS-LKD Tėvynės sąjunga Lietuvos krikščionys demokratai Tėvynės sąjunga Lietuvos krikščionys demokratai EPP LSDP Lietuvos socialdemokratų partija Lietuvos socialdemokratų partija S&D LRLS Lietuvos Respublikos liberalų sąjūdis Lietuvos Respublikos liberalų sąjūdis ALDE TT1 Partija Tvarka ir teisingumas Partija Tvarka ir teisingumas EFDD DP Darbo partija Darbo partija ALDE LLRA (AWPL) Lietuvos lenkų rinkimų akcija Lenkų rinkimų akcijos ir Rusų aljanso koalicija „Valdemaro Tomaševskio blokas“ ECR LVZS Lietuvos Valstiečių ir Žaliųjų Sąjunga Lietuvos Valstiečių ir Žaliųjų Sąjunga Greens/EFA RED: Changes from 24/07/2015 to 04/02/2016 1 One MEP left TT for DP on 01/07/2015. DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 70 LITHUANIA: Elected MEPs - 11 seats 04/02/2016 List EE 2014 Surname Name Gender Outgoing MEP (yes/no) Current National Party Previous National Party (if applies) Succeeded to Independent EP Group LANDSBERGIS Gabrielius M No TS-LKD EPP TS-LKD SAUDARGAS Algirdas M Yes TS-LKD EPP LSDP BALČYTIS Zigmantas M Yes LSDP S&D LSDP BLINKEVIČIŪTĖ Vilija F Yes LSDP S&D LLRA (AWPL) TOMAŠEVSKI Valdemar M Yes LLRA (AWPL) ECR LRLS AUŠTREVIČIUS Petras M No LRLS ALDE LRLS GUOGA Antanas M No LRLS ALDE DP USPASKICH Viktor M No DP ALDE LVZS ROPĖ Bronis M No LVZS Greens/EFA TT MAZURONIS Valentinas M No DP TT PAKSAS Rolandas M Yes TT RED: Changes from 24/07/2015 to 04/02/2016 DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 71 Date of change Date of change --Different nationality TS-LKD TT Former EP Group ALDE 1. EFDD until 16/10/2014; 2. NA until 20/10/2014; 3. EFDD until 19/05/2015. EFDD EFDD 16/10/2014; NA 20/10/2014. The Netherlands DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 72 THE NETHERLANDS COMPOSITION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT EE 2014: EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT (2014-2019): 26 seats Constitutive session: 01/07/2014 4/02/2016 Turnout 2014: 37,32% Votes Party Seats No. % D66 735.825 15,48% 4 CDA 721.766 15,18% 5 PVV 633.114 13,32% 4 VVD 571.176 12,02% 3 SP 458.079 9,64% 2 P.v.d.A. 446.763 9,40% 3 364.843 7,67% 2 EPP S&D 6,98% 2 PvdD 200.254 4,21% 1 Other parties 290.332 6,12% 0 TOTAL Valid votes 4.753.746 100% 26 Blank and spoiled 28.505 TOTAL Votes 4.782.251 EFDD NA 4 3 2 3 Group D66 4 ALDE CDA 5 EPP PVV 4 ENF VVD 3 ALDE SP 2 GUE/NGL P.v.d.A. 3 S&D 2 ECR GroenLinks 2 Greens/EFA PvdD 1 GUE/NGL TOTAL SEATS 26 1 SPG 1 3 Seats CU 2 5 Party 1 2 7 3 RED: Changes from 24/07/2015 to 04/02/2016 DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit Greens/ EFA 5 SPG 331.594 GUE/ NGL ALDE 4 CU GroenLinks ECR 73 2 0 4 POLITICAL PARTIES IN THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT 04/02/2016 THE NETHERLANDS Abbr. Name of the National Party EE List Name Group in EP D66 Democraten 66 Democraten 66 (D66) - ALDE ALDE CDA Christen Democratisch Appèl CDA - Europese Volkspartij EPP PVV Partij voor de Vrijheid PVV (Partij voor de Vrijheid) ENF VVD Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie VVD ALDE SP Socialistische Partij SP (Socialistische Partij) GUE/NGL P.v.d.A. Partij van de Arbeid P.v.d.A./Europese Sociaaldemocraten S&D CU-SGP ChristenUnie-Staatkundig Gereformeerde Partij ChristenUnie-SGP ECR GROENLINKS GROENLINKS GROENLINKS Greens/EFA PvdD Partij voor de Dieren Partij voor de Dieren GUE/NGL DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 74 THE NETHERLANDS: Elected MEPs - 25 seats 04/02/2016 Current National Party CDA Previous National Party (if applies) List EE 2014 Surname Name Gender Outgoing MEP (yes/no) CDA de LANGE Esther F Yes CDA LENAERS Jeroen M No CDA EPP CDA SCHREIJER-PIERIK Annie F No CDA EPP Independent EP Group Former EP Group Date of change van de CAMP Wim M Yes CDA EPP CDA van NISTELROOIJ Lambert M Yes CDA EPP PvdA JONGERIUS Agnes F No PvdA S&D PvdA PIRI Kati F No PvdA S&D PvdA TANG Paul M No PvdA S&D CU/SGP BELDER Bas M Yes SGP ECR CU/SGP van DALEN Peter M Yes ChristenUnie ECR ALDE D66 GERBRANDY Gerben-Jan M Yes D66 VVD HUITEMA Jan M No VVD ALDE D66 in ´t VELD Sophia F Yes D66 ALDE D66 SCHAAKE Marietje F Yes D66 ALDE VVD van BAALEN Johannes Cornelis M Yes VVD ALDE D66 van MILTENBURG Matthijs M No D66 ALDE VVD van NIEUWENHUIZEN Cora F No VVD ALDE SP de JONG Dennis M Yes SP GUE/NGL PvdD HAZEKAMP Anja F No PvdD GUE/NGL SP MINEUR Anne-Marie F No SP GUE/NGL GROENLINKS EICKHOUT Bas M Yes GROENLINKS Greens/EFA GROENLINKS SARGENTINI Judith F Yes GROENLINKS Greens/EFA PVV de GRAAFF Marcel M No PVV ENF NA 14/06/2015 PVV ZIJLSTRA Auke M No PVV ENF NA 08/09/2015 PVV MAEIJER Vicky F No PVV ENF NA 14/06/2015 PVV STUGER Olaf M No PVV ENF NA 14/06/2015 DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 75 Different nationality EPP CDA RED: Changes from 24/07/2015 to 04/02/2016 Succeeded to Date of change --- WILDERS Geert 26/06/2014; JANSEN Hans passed away 06/05/2015 replaced 01/09/2015 Poland DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 76 POLAND COMPOSITION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT EE 2014: EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT (2014-2019): 51 seats Constitutive session: 01/07/2014 4/02/2016 Turnout 2014: 23,83% Votes Party PO PiS PR 2 19 No. % 2.271.215 32,13% 19 2.246.870 31,78% 19 S&D GUE/ NGL ALDE Greens/ EFA EFDD NA 1 2 2 ECR 18 1 KNP 1 EPP 1 SLD UP Seats 667.319 505.586 9,44% 7,15% PSL 480.846 6,80% Other parties 897.649 12,70% TOTAL Valid votes 7.069.485 100% Blank and spoiled 232.165 TOTAL Votes 7.301.650 5 51 23 Group PO 19 EPP PiS 16 Independent 2 PR 1 SLD 3 1 UP 1 Independent 1 4 4 Seats 4 4 4 Party 5 19 0 0 0 0 4 KNP ECR S&D 2 ENF3 1 EFDD KORWIN 1 NA PSL 4 EPP TOTAL SEATS 51 The PiS list for the EE2014 included representatives of the PR party. SLD and UP formed a coalition for the EE2014. 3 On 16/06/2015, the creation of Europe of Nations and Freedoms (ENF), a new EP group was announced. MEPs from VI Belang (BE), FN (FR), LN (IT), PVV (NL), FPO (AT), KNP (PL), one PC (RO) and one UKIP (UK) joined the new group. DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 77 POLITICAL PARTIES IN THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT 04/02/2016 POLAND Abbr. Name of the National Party EE List Name Group in EP Platforma Obywatelska RP EPP Prawo i Sprawiedliwość ECR Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej + Unia Pracy S&D PO Platforma Obywatelska PiS Prawo i Sprawiedliwość PR Prawica Rzeczypospolitej SLD Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej UP Unia Pracy KNP Kongres Nowej Prawicy Nowa Prawica - Janusza Korwin-Mikke EFDD; ENF PSL Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe EPP NEW PARTIES IN THE EP DURING THE VIII LEGISLATION Abbr. KORWIN Name of the National Party Korwin DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 78 EE List Name Group in EP Nowa Prawica - Janusza Korwin-Mikke NA POLAND: Elected MEPs - 51 seats 04/02/2016 Constituency List EE 2014 Surname Name Gender Outgoing MEP (yes/no) Current National Party Previous National Party (if applies) Independent EP Group Warszawa PO BONI Michał M No PO EPP Śląskie PO BUZEK Jerzy M Yes PO EPP Wielkopolskie PSL GRZYB Andrzej M Yes PSL EPP Lubelskie PSL HETMAN Krzysztof M No PSL EPP EPP Warszawa PO HÜBNER Danuta Maria F Yes PO Dolnośląsko-opolskie PO JAZŁOWIECKA Danuta F Yes PO EPP Mazowieckie PSL KALINOWSKI Jarosław M Yes PSL EPP EPP Wielkopolskie PO KOZŁOWSKA-RAJEWICZ Agnieszka F No PO Podlaskie i Warmińsko-Mazurskie PO KUDRYCKA Barbara F No PO EPP Pomorskie PO LEWANDOWSKI Janusz M No PO EPP Podkarpackie PO ŁUKACIJEWSKA Elżbieta Katarzyna F Yes PO EPP Śląskie PO OLBRYCHT Jan Marian M Yes PO EPP Mazowieckie PO PITERA Julia F No PO EPP Śląskie PO PLURA Marek M No PO EPP Lubusko-zachodniopomorskie PO ROSATI Dariusz M No PO EPP Łódzkie PO SARYUSZ-WOLSKI Jacek M Yes PO EPP Małopolsko-świętokrzyskie PSL SIEKIERSKI Czesław Adam M Yes PSL EPP Wielkopolskie PO SZEJNFELD Adam M No PO EPP Małopolsko-świętokrzyskie PO THUN UND HOHENSTEIN, GRÄFIN VON Róża F Yes PO EPP Pomorskie PO WAŁĘSA Jarosław M Yes PO Małopolsko-świętokrzyskie PO WENTA Bogdan Brunon M No PO Dolnośląsko-opolskie PO ZDROJEWSKI Bogdan Andrzej M No PO EPP Kujawsko-pomorski PO ZWIEFKA Tadeusz M Yes PO EPP Dolnośląsko-opolskie SLD + UP GERINGER DE OEDENBERG Lidia Joanna F Yes Śląskie SLD + UP GIEREK Adam M Yes Lubusko-zachodniopomorskie SLD + UP LIBERADZKI Bogusław M Yes SLD S&D Wielkopolskie SLD + UP ŁYBACKA Krystyna F No SLD S&D Kujawsko-pomorski SLD + UP ZEMKE Janusz M Yes SLD S&D DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 79 EPP Ind. SLD UP EPP Ind. S&D S&D Former EP Group Date of change Succeeded to Date of change --Different nationality POLAND: Elected MEPs - 51 seats 04/02/2016 Constituency List EE 2014 Surname Name Gender Outgoing MEP (yes/no) Current National Party Previous National Party (if applies) Independent EP Group Wielkopolskie PiS CZARNECKI Ryszard M Yes PiS ECR Małopolsko-świętokrzyskie PiS CZESAK Edward M No PiS ECR Former EP Group Date of change Succeeded to Date of change --Different nationality DUDA Andrzej (PiS) 26/05/2015 Pomorskie PiS FOTYGA Anna Elżbieta F No PiS ECR Małopolsko-świętokrzyskie PiS GOSIEWSKA Beata M No PiS ECR Lubusko-zachodniopomorskie PiS HOC Czesław M No PiS ECR GRÓBARCZYK Marek Józef, 16/11/2015 Dolnośląsko-opolskie PiS KLOSOWKI Slawomir M No PiS ECR JACKIEWICZ Dawid Bohdan, 16/11/2015 ECR Warszawa PiS JUREK Marek M No PR Podlaskie i Warmińsko-Mazurskie PiS KARSKI Karol M No PiS Warszawa PiS KRASNODĘBSKI Zdzisław M No ECR Ind. ECR Mazowieckie PiS KUŹMIUK Zbigniew M No PiS Małopolsko-świętokrzyskie PiS LEGUTKO Ryszard Antoni M Yes PiS ECR ECR Podkarpackie PiS OŻÓG Stanisław M No PiS ECR PiS Śląskie PiS PIECHA Bolesław G. M No Lubelskie PiS PIOTROWSKI Mirosław M Yes ECR Podkarpackie PiS PORĘBA Tomasz Piotr M Yes PiS Dolnośląsko-opolskie PiS UJAZDOWSKI Kazimierz Michał M No PiS ECR Śląskie PiS WIŚNIEWSKA Jadwiga F No PiS ECR PiS Ind. ECR ECR Łódzkie PiS WOJCIECHOWSKI Janusz M Yes PiS ECR Kujawsko-pomorski PiS ZŁOTOWSKI Kosma M No PiS ECR Dolnośląsko-opolskie KNP IWASZKIEWICZ Robert Jarosław M No KNP EFDD Śląskie KNP KORWIN-MIKKE Janusz M No KORWiN Warszawa KNP MARUSIK Michał M No KNP ENF NA Małopolsko-świętokrzyskie KNP ŻÓŁTEK Stanisław M No KNP ENF NA RED: Changes from 24/07/2015 to 04/02/2016 DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 80 KNP NA 21/10/2014 NA NA 14/06/2015 NA 14/06/2015 POLAND National and European Elections - Results of Votes Sejm: 460 seats EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT (2014-2019): 51 seats Sejm: 460 seats National Election European Election National Election OCTOBER 2011 Turnout: 48,92% MAY 2014 Turnout: 23,83% OCTOBER 2015 Turnout: 50,92% Party % Seats Party % Seats Group Party % Seats PO 39,18% 207 PO 32,13% 19 18 1 4 1 4 4 EPP PO 24,09% 138 ECR PiS 37,58% 235 PSL 5,13% 16 Kukiz'15 NowoczesnaPL Others 8,81% 7,60% 0,18% 16,61% 42 28 1 0 TOTAL 100% 460 1 PiS 29,89% 157 SLD 8,24% 27 PSL RP 8,36% 10,02% 28 40 1 Others 0,19% 4,12% TOTAL 100% 460 German Minority PiS PR 1 SLD 2 UP 2 KNP PSL 9,44% 7,15% 6,80% S&D NA EPP German Minority Others 12,70% TOTAL 100% 1 The PiS EE2014 list included representatives of the PR party. 2 SLD and UP formed a coalition for the EE2014. 3 Coalition United Left (SLD+TR+PPS+UP+Zieloni). 3 National minorities are not bound by 5% treshold requirement. DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 31,78% 51 81 3 POLAND Turnout of the last two National Elections OCTOBER 2011 OCTOBER 2015 Difference in percentage points 48,92% 50,92% +2,00 Turnout of the last two European Elections JUNE 2009 MAY 2014 Difference in percentage points 24,53% 23,83% -0,70 RED: Changes from 24/07/2015 to 04/02/2016 DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 82 POLAND: Sources Sources of information for the 2015 European election: Sources of information for the 2014 European election: October 2015 National Election: October 2011 National Election: DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 83 Portugal DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 84 PORTUGAL COMPOSITION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT EE 2014: EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT (2014-2019) : 21 seats Constitutive session: 01/07/2014 4/02/2016 Turnout 2014: 33,67% Votes Party Seats PS No. % 1.034.249 31,49% 8 910.647 27,73% 7 PSD 1 CDS-PP 1 EPP S&D GUE/ NGL Seats Group PS 8 S&D 6 PSD 6 1 CDS-PP 1 3 PCP 3 GUE/NGL 0 PEV MPT 3 1 ALDE PDR 3 1 ALDE BE 1 GUE/NGL TOTAL SEATS 21 ALDE 12,69% 234.788 7,15% BE 149.764 4,56% Other parties 294.399 8,97% TOTAL Valid votes 3.040.772 93% Blank and spoiled 243.681 7,42% TOTAL Votes 3.284.453 100% NA EPP 3 PEV 2 MPT EFDD 8 PCP 2 416.925 Greens/ EFA Party ECR 2 2 1 21 1 7 8 0 2 4 0 0 0 RED: Changes from 24/07/2015 to 04/02/2016 NB The total percentage of votes includes blank and spoiled votes (7,42%) in accordance with the data published by the competent national authorities. 1 PSD and CDS-PP formed the coalition Aliança Portugal in the EE2014. 2 PCP and PEV formed the coalition CDU (Coligação Democrática Unitária) in the EE2014. 3 One MEP from MPT first became independent on 11/09/2014, then joined PDR on 27/10/2015. DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 85 POLITICAL PARTIES IN THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT 04/02/2016 PORTUGAL Abbr. Name of the National Party EE List Name Group in EP S&D PS Partido Socialista Partido Socialista (PS) PSD Partido Social Democrata Aliança Portugal CDS-PP Centro Democrático Social - Partido Popular (PPD/PSD.CDS-PP) PCP Partido Comunista Português PEV Partido Ecologista "Os Verdes" MPT B.E. EPP CDU - Coligação Democrática Unitária (PCP-PEV) GUE/NGL Partido da Terra Partido da Terra (MPT) ALDE Bloco de Esquerda Bloco de Esquerda (BE) GUE/NGL NEW PARTIES IN THE EP DURING THE VIII LEGISLATION Abbr. 1 PDR Name of the National Party Partido Democratico Republicano RED: Changes from 24/07/2015 to 04/02/2016 1 One MEP from MPT joined PDR on 27/10/2015. DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 86 EE List Name Group in EP - ALDE PORTUGAL : Elected MEPs - 21 seats 04/02/2016 List EE 2014 Surname Name Gender Outgoing MEP (yes/no) Current National Party Previous National Party (if applies) Independent EP Group Aliança Portugal (PSD+CDS ) COELHO Carlos M Yes PSD EPP Aliança Portugal (PSD+CDS ) FERNANDES José Manuel M Yes PSD EPP Aliança Portugal (PSD+CDS ) MELO Nuno M Yes CDS-PP EPP Aliança Portugal (PSD+CDS ) MONTEIRO de AGUIAR Cláudia F No PSD EPP Aliança Portugal (Partido Social Democrata+ Centro Democrático Social) RANGEL Paulo M Yes PSD EPP Aliança Portugal (PSD+CDS ) RIBEIRO Sofia F No PSD EPP Aliança Portugal (PSD+CDS ) RUAS Fernando M No PSD EPP PS ASSIS Francisco M No PS S&D PS FERREIRA Elisa F Yes PS S&D PS GOMES Ana F Yes PS S&D PS RODRIGUES Liliana F No PS S&D PS RODRIGUES Maria João F No PS S&D PS SERRÃO SANTOS Ricardo M No PS S&D PS SILVA PEREIRA Pedro M No PS S&D PS ZORRINHO Carlos M No PS S&D MPT FARIA José Inácio M No MPT ALDE MPT MARINHO E PINTO António M No PDR CDU (Coligação Democrática Unitária) FERREIRA João M Yes CDU GUE/NGL BE MATIAS Marisa F Yes BE GUE/NGL CDU (Coligação Democrática Unitária) VIEGAS Miguel M No PCP GUE/NGL CDU (Coligação Democrática Unitária) CALADO PIMENTA LOPES Joao Nuno M Yes CDU GUE/NGL RED: Changes from 24/07/2015 to 04/02/2016 DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 87 MPT; Ind. Former EP Group Date of change Succeeded to Date of change --Different nationality ALDE ZUBER Inês Cristina 30/01/2016 PORTUGAL NB European and National Elections - Results of Votes Assembleia da República : 230 seats EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT (2014 - 2019): 21 seats Assembleia da República : 230 seats National Election European Election National Election JUNE 2011 Turnout: 58,07% MAY 2014 Turnout: 33,67% OCTOBER 2015 Turnout: 55,86% Party % Seats Party PS 28,06% 74 PS PPD/PSD CDS-PP PCP 1 PEV 1 BE Others TOTAL NB 1 38,65% 108 11,70% 24 7,91% 16 PPD/PSD CDS-PP % Seats Group Party % Seats 31,49% 8 S&D PS 32,31% 86 38,58% 107 8,25% 17 BE 10,19% 19 PAN 1,39% 1 0 Others 9,00% 0 21 TOTAL 100% 230 2 2 27,73% 7 EPP 12,69% 3 GUE/NGL PCP 8 8,51% 100% 230 CDS-PP 3 PCP PEV 5,17% PPD/PSD 3 PEV MPT 7,15% 2 ALDE BE 4,56% 1 GUE/NGL Others 8,97% Blank and spoiled 7,42% TOTAL 100% The total percentage of votes includes blank and spoiled votes (7,42%) in accordance with the data published by the competent national authorities. PCP and PEV composed the CDU (Coligação Democrática Unitária). 2 Aliança Portugal (Partido Social Democrata+ Centro Democrático Social). For the 2015 elections, PPD/PSD and CDS-PP formed the alliance PAF (Portugal à frente). In the table, the 107 seats include the 5 seats PPD/PSD won in the autonomous regions of Madeira and the Azores, where the parties did not run together. 3 DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 88 PORTUGAL Turnout of the last two National Elections JUNE 2011 OCTOBER 2015 Difference in percentage points 58,07% 55,86% -2,21 Turnout of the last two European Elections JUNE 2009 MAY 2014 Difference in percentage points 36,77% 33,67% -3,10 RED: Changes from 24/07/2015 to 04/02/2016 DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 89 PORTUGAL Presidential Elections NB January 2016 Candidates Party 1 24/01/2016 Turnout 48,84% Marcelo REBELO de SOUSA - 52,00% Sampaio da NOVOA - 22,89% Marisa MATIAS BE 10,13% Maria de BELEM - 4,24% Edgar SILVA PCP 3,95% Vitorino SILVA - 3,28% Paulo de MORAIS - 2,15% Henrique NETO - 0,84% Jorge SEQUEIRA - 0,30% Cândido FERREIRA - 0,23% NB Official Results The majority of candidates don´t have the support of a political party. Although, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa is from PSD and Maria DE Belém (exsocialist minister) is from Socialist Party (S&D) but their parties didn't present specific candidates. 1 DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 90 PORTUGAL: Sources Sources of information for the 2009 European election: Sources of information for the 2014 European election: October 2015 National Election: June 2011 National Election: DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 91 Romania DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 92 ROMANIA COMPOSITION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT EE 2014: EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT (2014-2019): 32 seats Constitutive session: 01/07/2014 4/02/2016 Turnout 2014: 32,44% Votes Seats Party No. % 2.093.234 37,60% EPP PSD UNPR 16 PC PNL 835.531 15,00% 6 S&D ECR ALDE GUE/ NGL Greens/E FA EFDD NA Party Seats Group 12 PSD 12 S&D 2 UNPR 2 S&D 2 PPU 1 1 S&D Ind. 1 1 ENF PNL 2 8 EPP 6 2 ALDE Independent 1 ECR Ind. (M. Diaconu) 1 ALDE 2 UDMR 2 EPP 2 PMP 1 Ind. 1 Independent PDL 680.853 12,23% 5 Ind. (M. Diaconu) 379.582 6,81% 1 UDMR 350.689 6,29% 2 PMP 345.973 6,21% 2 Other parties 880.754 16,00% 0 TOTAL Valid votes 5.566.616 100% 32 Blank and spoiled 345.011 TOTAL Votes 5.911.627 5 1 15 16 0 1 0 0 0 RED: Changes from 24/07/2015 to 04/02/2016 NB PDL MEPS: four joined PNL in the EPP and one became Independent joing the ECR on 29/10/2015 . 1 Former PC MEPs one joined the new political party PPU and the other changed group to ENF becoming Independent. 2 Former PNL MEPs moved from EPP to ALDE one on 07/07/2014 and another on 17/11/2014. They are now Independents. DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 2 93 0 TOTAL SEATS EPP 32 POLITICAL PARTIES IN THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT 04/02/2016 ROMANIA PARTIES REPRESENTED IN THE EP Abbr. Name of the National Party EE List Name Group in EP UDMR Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania Uniunea Democrata Maghiara Din Romania EPP PSD Social Democratic Party S&D Alianta Electorala PSD+UNPR+PC UNPR National Union for the Progress of Romania S&D PNL National Liberal Party Partidul National Liberal EPP; ALDE PMP Partidul Mişcarea Populară Partidul Mişcarea Populară EPP PARTIES NO LONGER REPRESENTED IN THE EP Abbr. Name of the National Party EE List Name Past Group in EP PDL1 Democratic Liberal party Partidul Democrat Liberal EPP PC2 Conservative Party Alianta Electorala PSD+UNPR+PC ENF NEW PARTIES IN THE EP DURING THE VIII LEGISLATION Abbr. Name of the National Party PPU Partidul Puterii Umaniste RED: Changes from 24/07/2015 to 04/02/2016 Out of the five PDL MEPs, four joined PNL and one became Independent. 2 The two PC MEP one became Independent and the other joined the PPU. 1 DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 94 EE List Name Group in EP - S&D ROMANIA: Elected MEPs - 32 seats 04/02/2016 Current National Party Previous National Party (if applies) PDL Succeeded to Independent List EE 2014 Surname Name Gender Outgoing MEP (yes/no) PDL PNL BUDA BUȘOI Daniel Cristian Silviu M M No No PNL PNL PNL ȚURCANU Mihai M No PNL PDL MACOVEI Monica F Yes PNL MĂNESCU Ramona Nicole F No PNL NICOLAI Norica F Yes PNL Ind. ALDE PNL WEBER Renate F Yes PNL Ind. ALDE PDL PMP MARINESCU MUREŞAN Marian-Jean Siegfried M M Yes No PMP PREDA Cristian Dan M Yes UDMR PDL PDL PNL UDMR PSD+UNPR+PC PSD+UNPR+PC PSD+UNPR+PC PSD+UNPR+PC PSD+UNPR+PC PSD+UNPR+PC PSD+UNPR+PC PSD+UNPR+PC PSD+UNPR+PC PSD+UNPR+PC PSD+UNPR+PC SÓGOR STOLOJAN UNGUREANU VĂLEAN WINKLER BOȘTINARU CRISTEA DĂNCILĂ DRĂGHICI FRUNZULICĂ GRAPINI IVAN MOISĂ NEGRESCU NICA PAȘCU Csaba Theodor Dumitru Traian Adina-Ioana Iuliu Victor Andi Viorica Damian Doru-Claudian Maria Cătălin Sorin Sorin Victor Dan Ioan Mircea M M M F M M M F M M F M M M M M Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No No Yes No No No Yes UDMR PNL PNL PNL UDMR PSD PSD PSD UNPR UNPR PPU PSD PSD PSD PSD PSD PSD+UNPR+PC PAVEL Emilian M No PSD PSD+UNPR+PC REBEGA Laurențiu M No PSD+UNPR+PC PSD+UNPR+PC PSD+UNPR+PC SÂRBU TĂNĂSESCU ȚAPARDEL DIACONU Daciana Octavia Claudiu Ciprian Ana Mircea F M F M Yes Yes No No DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit Different nationality Eduard-Raul HELLVIG 02/03/2015 Ind. ECR EPP 27/10/2015 EPP PDL PDL; PMP EPP 07/07/2014 EPP 17/11/2014 EPP EPP Ind. EPP EPP EPP EPP EPP EPP S&D S&D S&D S&D S&D S&D S&D S&D S&D S&D S&D PDL PDL PC Corina CREŢU 01/11/2014 S&D PC Ind. ENF Ind. S&D S&D S&D ALDE PSD PSD PSD 95 Date of change --- EPP EPP PNL RED: Changes from 24/07/2015 to 04/02/2016 Date of change EPP PDL PNL PMP EP Group Former EP Group S&D 15/07/2015 Slovakia DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 96 SLOVAKIA COMPOSITION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT EE 2014: EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT (2014-2019): 13 seats Constitutive session: 01/07/2014 4/02/2016 Turnout 2014: 13,05% Votes Party Seats SMER - SD No. % 135.089 24,09% EPP 4 S&D ECR ALDE GUE /NGL Greens /EFA EFDD NA 4 Party Seats Group SMER - SD 4 S&D 3 EPP 2 KDH 74.108 13,21% 2 2 KDH SDKÚ - DS 43.467 7,75% 2 2 SDKÚ - DS 2 1 EPP OL'aNO 41.829 7,46% 1 1 OL'aNO 1 ECR 1 NOVA 1 ECR SaS 3 1 ECR NOVA 1 KDS 1 38.316 6,83% 1 0 OKS 1 0 SaS 37.376 6,66% 1 1 SMK - MPK 36.629 6,53% 1 1 SMK - MPK 1 EPP MOST - HÍD 32.708 5,83% 1 1 MOST - HÍD 1 EPP Other parties 121.081 21,48% TOTAL Valid votes 560.603 100% 13 6 TOTAL SEATS 13 Blank and spoiled 15.273 TOTAL Votes 575.876 4 2 1 0 RED: Changes from 24/07/2015 to 04/02/2016 1 NOVA, KDS and OKS formed a coalition in the EE2014. Only NOVA got a seat. One SDKU-DS MEP became independent on 25/02/2015 and joined KDH on 07/07/2015. 3 The SaS MEP moved from ALDE to ECR on 02/10/2014. 2 DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 97 0 0 0 POLITICAL PARTIES IN THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT 04/02/2016 SLOVAKIA Abbr. Name of the National Party EE List Name Group in EP SMER - SD SMER - Sociálna demokracia SMER - Sociálna demokracia S&D KDH Kresťanskodemokratické hnutie Kresťanskodemokratické hnutie EPP SDKÚ - DS Slovenská demokratická a kresťanská únia Demokratická strana Slovenská demokratická a kresťanská únia Demokratická strana EPP OL'aNO OBYČAJNÍ ĽUDIA a nezávislé osobnosti OBYČAJNÍ ĽUDIA a nezávislé osobnosti ECR NOVA Nová väčšina - Dohoda NOVA, Konzervatívni demokrati Slovenska, Občianska konzervatívna strana ECR SAS Sloboda a Solidarita Sloboda a Solidarita ALDE SMK - MKP Strana mad'arskej komunity Magyar Közösség Pártja Strana mad'arskej komunity Magyar Közösség Pártja EPP MOST-HID MOST-HÍD .MOST-HÍD EPP DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 98 SLOVAKIA: Elected MEPs - 13 seats 04/02/2016 List EE 2014 Surname Name Gender Current National Party Outgoing MEP (yes/no) Previous National Party (if applies) Independent EP Group Date of change SMK - MKP CSÁKY Pál M No SMK - MKP EPP SDKÚ - DS KUKAN Eduard M Yes SDKÚ - DS EPP KDH MIKOLÁŠIK Miroslav M Yes KDH EPP MOST-HID NAGY József M No MOST-HID EPP SDKÚ - DS ŠTEFANEC Ivan M No SDKÚ - DS; KDH KDH ZÁBORSKÁ Anna F Yes KDH EPP SMER-SD FLAŠÍKOVÁ-BEŇOVÁ Monika F Yes SMER-SD S&D SMER-SD MAŇKA Vladimír M Yes SMER-SD S&D SMER-SD SMOLKOVÁ Monika F Yes SMER-SD S&D SMER-SD ZALA Boris M Yes SMER-SD S&D OL'aNO ŠKRIPEK Branislav M No OL'aNO ECR SaS SULÍK Richard M No SaS ECR OKS+NOVA+KDS ŽITŇANSKÁ Jana F No NOVA ECR RED: Changes from 24/07/2015 to 04/02/2016 DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 99 Ind. Former EP Group Succeeded to Date of change --Different nationality EPP ŠEFČOVIČ Maroš 24/06/2014 ALDE 02/10/2014 Sweden DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 100 SWEDEN COMPOSITION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT EE 2014: EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT (2014-2019): 20 seats Constitutive session: 01/07/2014 4/02/2016 Turnout 2014: 51,07% Votes Party Seats No. % S 899.074 24,19% 5 MP 572.591 15,41% 4 M 507.488 13,65% 3 FP 368.514 9,91% 2 SD 359.248 9,67% 2 C 241.101 6,49% 1 V 234.272 6,30% 1 KD 220.574 5,93% 1 FI 204.005 5,49% 1 Other parties 109.911 2,96% 0 3.716.778 100% 20 TOTAL Valid votes Blank and spoiled 42.173 TOTAL Votes 3.758.951 EPP S&D ECR ALDE Greens / EFA EFDD NA 5 4 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 4 6 0 3 RED: Changes from 24/07/2015 to 04/02/2016 1 Folkpartiet Liberalerna (FP) changed their name to Liberalerna (L) on 22/11/2015. DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit GUE / NGL 101 1 4 2 0 Party Seats Group S 5 S&D MP 4 Greens/EFA M 3 EPP L1 2 ALDE SD 2 EFDD C 1 ALDE V 1 GUE/NGL KD 1 EPP FI 1 S&D Other parties 0 TOTAL SEATS 20 POLITICAL PARTIES IN THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT 04/02/2016 SWEDEN Abbr. Name of the National Party EE List Name Group in EP S Arbetarepartiet-Socialdemokraterna Arbetarepartiet-Socialdemokraterna S&D MP Miljöpartiet de gröna Miljöpartiet de gröna Greens/EFA M Moderata Samlingspartiet Moderaterna EPP FP1 (now L) Folkpartiet liberalerna Folkpartiet liberalerna ALDE SD Sverigedemokraterna Sverigedemokraterna EFDD KD Kristdemokraterna Kristdemokraterna EPP V Vänsterpartiet Vänsterpartiet GUE/NGL C Centerpartiet Centerpartiet ALDE FI Feministiskt initiativ Feministiskt initiativ S&D RED: Changes from 24/07/2015 to 04/02/2016 1 Folkpartiet Liberalerna (FP) changed their name to Liberalerna (L) on 22/11/2015; DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 102 SWEDEN: Elected MEPs - 20 seats 04/02/2016 List EE 2014 Surname Name Gender Outgoing MEP (yes/no) Current National Party Previous National Party (if applies) Independent EP Group KD ADAKTUSSON Lars M No Kristdemokraterna EPP M CORAZZA BILDT Anna Maria F Yes Moderaterna EPP M FJELLNER Christofer M Yes Moderaterna EPP M HÖKMARK Gunnar M Yes Moderaterna EPP S GUTELAND Jytte F No Arbetarepartiet-Socialdemokraterna S&D S HEDH Anna F Yes Arbetarepartiet-Socialdemokraterna S&D S LUDVIGSSON Olle M Yes Arbetarepartiet-Socialdemokraterna S&D S NILSSON Jens M Yes Arbetarepartiet-Socialdemokraterna S&D FI POST Soraya F No Feministiskt initiativ S&D S ULVSKOG Marita F Yes Arbetarepartiet-Socialdemokraterna S&D C FEDERLEY Fredrick M No Centerpartiet ALDE ALDE FP SELIMOVIC Jasenko M Yes Liberalerna (previous Folkpartiet liberalerna) FP WIKSTRÖM Cecilia F Yes Liberalerna (previous Folkpartiet liberalerna) ALDE V BJÖRK Malin F No Vänsterpartiet GUE/NGL MP ANDERSSON Max M No Miljöpartiet de gröna Greens/EFA MP VALERO Bodil F No Miljöpartiet de gröna Greens/EFA MP ENGSTRÖM Linnéa F No Miljöpartiet de Gröna Greens/EFA MP ERIKSSON Peter M No Miljöpartiet de gröna Greens/EFA SD LUNDGREN Peter M No Sverigedemokraterna EFDD SD WINBERG Kristina F No Sverigedemokraterna EFDD RED: Changes from 24/07/2015 to 04/02/2016 DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 103 Former EP Group Date of change Succeeded to Date of change --Different nationality Mme PAULSEN Marit 29/09/2015 LÖVIN Isabella 08/10/2014 United Kingdom DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 104 UNITED KINGDOM COMPOSITION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT EE 2014: EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT (2014-2019): 73 seats Constitutive session: 01/07/2014 4/02/2016 Turnout 2014: 35,6% Votes Party Seats No. EPP S&D ECR ALDE % GUE/ NGL Greens /EFA EFDD NA Party Seats Group UKIP 22 EFDD Ind. 1 LAB 1 20 ENF1 S&D 20 ECR 3 Grens/EFA GREAT BRITAIN UKIP 4.352.051 27,49% 24 LAB 4.020.646 25,40% 20 CON 3.788.405 23,93% 19 GP 1.244.975 7,87% 3 Ldem 1.087.632 6,87% 1 SNP 389.503 2,46% 2 PL-PW 111.864 0,71% 1 Other parties 833.748 5,27% 0 TOTAL 15.828.824 100% 70 SF 159.813 25,52% 1 DUP 131.163 20,95% 1 24 20 19 CON GP 3 1 0 20 19 1 0 2 Ldem 1 ALDE 2 SNP 2 Grens/EFA 1 PL-PW 1 Grens/EFA 0 TOTAL SEATS 70 SF 1 GUE/NGL 1 DUP 1 NA UUP 1 ECR TOTAL SEATS 3 6 24 NORTHERN IRELAND UUP 83.438 13,33% 1 Other parties 251.711 40,20% 0 TOTAL 626.125 100% 3 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 UNITED KINGDOM TOTAL Valid votes 16.454.949 Blank and spoiled 90.812 TOTAL Votes 16.545.761 RED: Changes from 24/07/2015 to 04/02/2016 1 One UKIP member joined ENF on 16/06/2015 and became independent on 02/10/2015. 2 In January 2015, one MEP left UKIP to CONS and changed from EFDD to ECR. DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 105 0 0 1 POLITICAL PARTIES IN THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT 04/02/2016 UNITED KINGDOM GREAT BRITAIN Abbr. Name of the National Party EE list name Group in EP UKIP1 United Kingdom Independence Party United Kingdom Independence Party EFDD LAB Labour Party Labour Party S&D CON Conservative Party Conservative Party ECR GP Green Party Green Party Greens/EFA Ldem Liberal Democrats Liberal Democrats ALDE SNP Scottish National Party Scottish National Party Greens/EFA PL-PW Plaid Cymru-Party of Wales Plaid Cymru-Party of Wales Greens/EFA NORTHERN IRELAND Abbr. Name of the National Party EE list name Group in EP SF Sinn Féin Sinn Féin GUE/NGL DUP Democratic Unionist Party Democratic Unionist Party NA UUP Ulster Unionist Party Ulster Unionist Party ECR RED: Changes from 24/07/2015 to 04/02/2016 1 One UKIP member who joined ENF previously, became independent on 02/10/2015. DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit 106 UNITED KINGDOM: Elected MEPs - 73 seats 04/02/2016 Constituency List EE 2014 Surname Name Gender Outgoing MEP (yes/no) Current National Party Previous National Party (if applies) Succeeded to Independent EP Group LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB CONS ANDERSON BRANNEN CORBETT DANCE DODDS GILL GRIFFIN HONEYBALL HOWITT KHAN KIRTON-DARLING MARTIN McAVAN MOODY MORAES SIMON STIHLER VAUGHAN WARD WILLMOTT ASHWORTH Lucy Paul Richard Seb Anneliese Neena Theresa Mary Richard Afzal Jude David Linda Clare Claude Siôn Catherine Derek Julie Glenis Richard F M M M F F F F M M F M F F M M F M F F M No No No No No No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB CON S&D S&D S&D S&D S&D S&D S&D S&D S&D S&D S&D S&D S&D S&D S&D S&D S&D S&D S&D S&D ECR West Midlands CONS DALTON Daniel M No CON ECR Eastern South East Scotland Eastern North West South West South West South East London North West Yorkshire & Humber CONS CONS CONS CONS CONS CONS CONS CONS CONS CONS CONS CAMPBELL BANNERMAN DEVA DUNCAN FORD FOSTER FOX GIRLING HANNAN KAMALL KARIM KIRKHOPE David Nirj Ian Vicky Jacqueline Ashley Julie Daniel Syed Sajjad Timothy M M M F F M F M M M M Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes CON CON CON CON CON CON CON CON CON CON CON ECR ECR ECR ECR ECR ECR ECR ECR ECR ECR ECR 107 Date of change Date of change --Different nationality London North East Yorkshire & Humber London South East West Midlands North West London Eastern North West North East Scotland Yorkshire & Humber South West London West Midlands Scotland Wales North West East Midlands South East DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit Former EP Group BRADBOURN Philip 08/01/2015 UNITED KINGDOM: Elected MEPs - 73 seats 04/02/2016 Previous National Party (if applies) Succeeded to Gender Outgoing MEP (yes/no) Current National Party Andrew Emma Anthea James Kay Charles Geoffrey Catherine Martina Jill Ian Jean Molly Alyn Keith M F F M F M M F F F M F F M M No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes CON CON CON UUP CON CON CON LDem SF PC SNP GP GP SNP GP ECR ECR ECR ECR ECR ECR ECR ALDE GUE/NGL Greens/EFA Greens/EFA Greens/EFA Greens/EFA Greens/EFA Greens/EFA (The Earl of) DARTMOUTH William M Yes UKIP EFDD EFDD until 16/10/2014; NA until 20/10/2014. UKIP AGNEW John Stuart M Yes UKIP EFDD EFDD until 16/10/2014; NA until 20/10/2014. Eastern UKIP AKER Tim M No UKIP EFDD EFDD until 16/10/2014; NA until 20/10/2014. North East UKIP ARNOTT Jonathan M No UKIP EFDD EFDD until 16/10/2014; NA until 20/10/2014. South East UKIP ATKINSON Janice F No ENF 1 EFDD until 16/10/2014; 2 NA until 20/10/2014; 3 EFDD again until 14/06/2015. Yorkshire & Humber UKIP BASHIR Amjad M No CONS ECR EFDD 23/01/2015 London UKIP BATTEN Gerard M Yes UKIP EFDD North West UKIP BOURS Louise F No UKIP EFDD West Midlands UKIP CARVER James M No UKIP EFDD Constituency List EE 2014 Surname Name East Midlands East Midlands West Midlands Northern Ireland Wales London Eastern South East Northern Ireland Wales Scotland London South West Scotland South East CONS CONS CONS UUP CONS CONS CONS LD SF PC SNP GP GP SNP GP LEWER McCLARKIN McINTYRE NICHOLSON SWINBURNE TANNOCK VAN ORDEN BEARDER ANDERSON EVANS HUDGHTON LAMBERT SCOTT CATO SMITH TAYLOR South West UKIP Eastern DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit UKIP 108 UKIP Independent EP Group Former EP Group Date of change Date of change --Different nationality Ind. EFDD until 16/10/2014; NA until 20/10/2014. EFDD until 16/10/2014; NA until 20/10/2014. EFDD until 16/10/2014; NA until 20/10/2014. UNITED KINGDOM: Elected MEPs - 73 seats 04/02/2016 Constituency List EE 2014 Surname Name Gender Outgoing MEP (yes/no) Current National Party Previous National Party (if applies) Succeeded to Independent EP Group UKIP COBURN David M No UKIP EFDD Yorkshire & Humber UKIP COLLINS Jane F No UKIP EFDD West Midlands UKIP ETHERIDGE Bill M No UKIP EFDD South East UKIP FARAGE Nigel M Yes UKIP EFDD South East UKIP FINCH Raymond M No UKIP EFDD Wales UKIP GILL Nathan M No UKIP EFDD East Midlands UKIP HELMER Roger M Yes UKIP EFDD Yorkshire & Humber UKIP HOOKEM Mike M No UKIP EFDD South East UKIP JAMES Diane F No UKIP EFDD North West UKIP NUTTALL Paul M Yes UKIP EFDD Eastern UKIP O'FLYNN Patrick M No UKIP EFDD East Midlands UKIP PARKER Margot F No UKIP EFDD South West UKIP REID Julia F No UKIP EFDD West Midlands UKIP SEYMOUR Jill F No UKIP EFDD North West UKIP WOOLFE Steven M No UKIP EFDD Northern Ireland DUP DODDS Diane F Yes DUP NA 109 Date of change Date of change --Different nationality Scotland DG COMM / Public Opinion Monitoring Unit Former EP Group EFDD until 16/10/2014; NA until 20/10/2014. EFDD until 16/10/2014; NA until 20/10/2014. EFDD until 16/10/2014; NA until 20/10/2014. EFDD until 16/10/2014; NA until 20/10/2014. EFDD until 16/10/2014; NA until 20/10/2014. EFDD until 16/10/2014; NA until 20/10/2014. EFDD until 16/10/2014; NA until 20/10/2014. EFDD until 16/10/2014; NA until 20/10/2014. EFDD until 16/10/2014; NA until 20/10/2014. EFDD until 16/10/2014; NA until 20/10/2014. EFDD until 16/10/2014; NA until 20/10/2014. EFDD until 16/10/2014; NA until 20/10/2014. EFDD until 16/10/2014; NA until 20/10/2014. EFDD until 16/10/2014; NA until 20/10/2014. EFDD until 16/10/2014; NA until 20/10/2014. This document provides a second update of the Review of European and National Elections, published in November 2014 by the Public Opinion Monitoring Unit of DG Communication. The Review was dedicated to the results of the European elections of May 2014 and to the history of 35 years of direct elections to the European Parliament since 1979, as well as to the different national elections. This latest edition addresses the changes in the European Parliament since the first update, published in July 2015. The reader will also find the results of the elections held in Member States since July 2015: five legislative elections (EL, ES, HR, PL, and PT) and one direct presidential election (PT). This is a publication of the Public Opinion Monitoring Unit Directorate-General for Communication, European Parliament PE 570.422 ISBN: 978-92-823-8597-5 doi 10.2861/961661 QA-04-16-027-EN-N The content of this document is the sole responsibility of the author and any opinions expressed therein do not necessarily represent the official position of the European Parliament. It is addressed to the Members and staff of the EP for their parliamentary work. © European Union 2016