Parc Científic Tel. +34 963544415 C. José Beltrán, 2 FAX. +34 963543273 46980 Paterna (València) PRE-DOC POSITION; PhD on MOLECULAR SPINTRONICS with Prof Eugenio Coronado We offer a doctorate scholarship at the Molecular Science Institute (ICMol) to work in the Coronado’s group during 3 years. During this period the selected student will perform a Master degree in Molecular Nanoscience (, as well as a PhD thesis in the doctorate program of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology of the University of Valencia. Project: Magnetic Molecules for Molecular Spintronics. This scholarship is linked with the European Project ELFOS: Electric Field control Over Spin Molecules ( Aim: The work will have five steps: 1) The chemical design and functionalization of magnetic molecules suitable to be attached to ferromagnetic electrodes. 2) The formation and structural characterization of self-assembled monolayers of these molecules on ferromagnetic surfaces. 3) The fabrication of spintronic devices based on these hybrid interfaces. 4) The study of the electric transport though these molecules. 5) The study of influence of the electric field on the magnetic properties of these molecules. Starting date: approx. jul-sept 2012 Duration: 2 years. If the student gets its Master Degree during this period, the grant will be extended 1 more year to allow him (her) to perform a PhD thesis. Scholarship stipend 1. Scholarships’ stipend will be €1,200 monthly (gross). The corresponding IRPF (income tax) will be deducted from this amount. 2. The scholarship also includes an additional stipend of: a) €1,600 to cover costs of travel and settling in the Valencia Region during the first year of the scholarship. b) €1,200 per year, where applicable, for registration fees for university master’s during the first two years of the scholarship. 3. The entity shall take out an accident insurance and public liability insurance, plus health insurance with coverage for the whole period of the scholarship, if applicants are citizens of countries which have no arrangements with the Spanish Social Security or if insurance coverage of such arrangements were not sufficient. Requirements of the beneficiary This scholarship is open to students fulfilling the following requirements within the period of submission of applications: a) A degree in chemistry, physics or materials science from a non-Spanish university, fulfilling requirements for admittance to a master degree. b) This degree has to be obtained after 1 January 2010. c) Knowledge of English (with good speaking skills) and Spanish (basic level). d) Not to be in possession of a PhD. Applicants required documents and deadline: - Application form (see below) Updated CV. Student record with marks. 2 letters of reference. These documents can be sent in English or Spanish by e-mail to Paco Escrig ( before April 11th 2012 Further documentation will be asked to the selected student. Evaluation The application will be evaluated by the research body, and the head researcher of the project shall provide a shortlist of candidates sorted by score, according to the following scale: a) b) c) d) Academic record (30%) Experience related with the applied project (20%) Adaptation of the report to the specific requirements of applied project (30%) Letters of recommendation (20%) The grant is financed by the “Santiago Grisolía” program of the Generalitat Valenciana SOLICITUD DE BECAS PARA LA FORMACIÓN DE PERSONAL INVESTIGADOR, EN CENTROS DE INVESTIGACIÓN DE LA COMUNITAT VALENCIANA. PROGRAMA SANTIAGO GRISOLÍA GRISOLIA/2012 / APPLICATION FOR SCHOLARSHIP FOR TRAINING PERSONNEL AT RESEARCH CENTRES IN VALENCIAN COMMUNITY. SANTIAGO GRISOLÍA PROGRAMME - GRISOLIA/2012 COD. UNESCO / UNESCO CODE ÁREA ANEP / ANEP AREA Química 2303 CÓDIGO NABS / NABS CODE Avance general del conocimiento: I+D financiada con Fondos Generals de Universidades (FGU) / Avançament general del coneixement: I+D finançada amb Fons Generals d'Universitats (FGU) ciencias Naturales: matemáticas, ciencias informáticas y de la información, ciencias físicas, ciencias químicas, ciencias de la Tierra y otras ciencias afines relacionadas con el medioambiente, ciencias biológicas (médica incluida en 12.3 y veterinaria en A DATOS DE LA PERSONA SOLICITANTE (*) / PERSONAL DETAILS OF APPLICANT (*) DNI / O DOC.EQUIVALENTE/PASAPORTE / PRIMER APELLIDO / SEGUNDO APELLIDO / 2nd NATIONAL ID / PASSPORT OR EQUIVALENT SURNAME 1st SURNAME NOMBRE /NAME NACIONALIDAD / NATIONALITY SEXO / GENDER FECHA DE NACIMIENTO (DD/MM/AAAA) / DATE OF BIRTH (YYYY/MM/DD) DIRECCIÓN A EFECTOS DE NOTIFICACIÓN / ADDRESS FOR NOTIFICATION C. POSTAL / POSTCODE DOMICILIO ( CALLE / PLAZA) / ADDRESS (STREET / SQUARE) NUMERO / No.. PAÍS / COUNTRY PROVINCIA /PROVINCE LOCALIDAD / CITY TELÉFONO / PHONE MÓVIL / MOBILE PHONE CORREO ELECTRÓNICO / E-MAIL B RESUMEN DEL EXPEDIENTE ACADÉMICO / SUMMARY OF ACADEMIC RECORD TÍTULO ACADÉMICO / ACADEMIC DEGREE UNIVERSIDAD / UNIVERSITY FECHA DE FINALIZACIÓN DE ESTUDIOS (DD/MM/AAAA) / STUDIES END DATE (YYYY/MM/DD) C SOLICITUD DE PROYECTO / PROJECT APPLICATION CÓDIGO PROYECTO / PROJECT CODE GRISOLIAP/2012/090 CENTRO DE INVESTIGACIÓN / RESEARCH CENTRE Instituto de Ciencia Molecular (ICMol) OTRO CENTRO DE INVESTIGACIÓN / OTHER RESEARCH CENTRE Universitat de València NOMBRE DEL PROYECTO / PROJECT NAME ELFOS: Electric Fields control Over Spin Molecules DATOS DEL INVESTIGADOR RESPONSABLE / PERSONAL DETAILS OF HEAD OF RESEARCH PRIMER APELLIDO / 1st SURNMAME CORONADO TELÉFONO / PHONE 963544415 D SEGUNDO APELLIDO / 2nd SURNAME NOMBRE /NAME MIRALLES EUGENIO CORREO ELECTRÓNICO / E-MAIL EUGENIO.CORONADO@UV.ES DOCUMENTACIÓN QUE SE ADJUNTA / ATTACHED DOCUMENTS SEXO / GENDER HOME Fotocopia DNI, documento equivalente, NIE y/o Pasaporte en vigor. / Photocopy of ID card, equivalent document, NIE (Foreign Residence ID No) and/or valid Passport Fotocopia del título o depósito para la expedición del mismo. / Photocopy of academic degree or deposit made for the issuance of degree Fotocopia del certificado académico oficial donde figurarán la titulación que se posea y las calificaciones obtenidas y sus fechas, con una traducción al español. / Photocopy of official academic certificate including your academic title and the grades obtained, together with th e dates (please also include a Spanish translation) Curriculum vitae, en español, actualizado de la persona solicitante y documentación justificativa de todos los méritos que se aleguen. / Applicant’s updated résumé in Spanish and supporting documents of all claimed merits Memoria sobre su participación en el proyecto de investigación. / Report on your participation in the research project 2 Cartas de referencia / 2 letters of recommendation Documentación acreditativa del conocimiento del español o del inglés / Supporting documents of knowledge of Spanish or English ___________, ___ _____________________ 20__ Applicant Signed by: _______________________________ (*) Los datos contenidos en esta solicitud podrán ser incorporados a un fichero informatizado con una finalidad exclusivamente administrativa (art. 10 al 13 del Decreto 96/1998, de 6 de julio, del Gobierno Valenciano, y la Ley Orgánica 15/1999, de 13 de diciembre). La persona firmante se hace responsable de la veracidad de todos los datos contenidos en este documento, sin perjuicio de la posible comprobación, si procede, por parte de la Dirección General de Investigación y Transferencia Tecnológica. La presentación de la solicitud conllevará, salvo denegación expresa del solicitante, la autorización al órgano gestor para recabar los certificados a emitir por la Agencia Estatal de Administración Tributaria por la Tesorería General de la Seguridad Social y por la Conselleria de Economía, Hacienda y Empleo que acrediten el cumplimiento de las obligaciones tributarias y con la Seguridad Social, en los términos establecidos en la Orden de 30 de mayo de 1996. Declaro bajo mi responsabilidad que todos los datos reseñados en la solicitud son ciertos, así como que la documentación aportada es auténtica. Declaro bajo mi responsabilidad no estar sometido a las prohibiciones que prevé el artículo 13 de la Ley 38/2003, General de Subvenciones, así como estar al corriente en el pago de obligaciones por reintegro de subvenciones. All the data contained in this application may be included in a computerised file for exclusively administrative purposes (article 10 - 13, Decree 96/1998, dated 6 July, Valencia Regional Government, and the Organic Law 15/1999, dated 13 December). The undersigned shall be fully responsible for the truthfulness of all the data herein contained, subject to any possible verifica tion, if appropriate, of said details by the Directorate-General of Research and Technological Transfer. The submission of this application shall, unless expressly prohibited by the applicant , authorize the managing body to collect all the certificates to be issued by the Spanish Tax Administration Agency, by the General Social Security Fund and by the Regional Dep for Economy, Treasury and Employment, which prove the compliance with the tax liabilities and with the Social Security, pursuant to the provisions of the Order dated 30 May,1996. I declare that all the details given in this application are true under my responsibility, and that the attached documents are authentic. I also declare under my responsibility that I am not subject to the prohibitions provided in Article 13, Act 38/2003, General Law of Subsidies, and that I am up to date with all the reimbursements, if applicable, related to the refund of subsidies. That I have returned the corresponding part of such subsidies if not invested as specifically agreed.