La Gestión de los Residuos de Aparatos Eléctricos y Electrónicos Panorama LAC y Actividades Regionales Evento RELAC-Empa, Lima, Perú, 27-29 de noviembre 2012 Daniel Ott // Project Manager LAC // Empa Empa – 20 años trabajando con los RAEE Auditoría técnica y investigación aplicada para Swico Recycling y SENS* Participación en el WEEE Forum desde 2006 Miembro fundador de StEP Proyectos de investigación en RAEE Análisis de retardantes de llama en plásticos de RAEE Procesamiento de pantallas planas Simulación y modelación de equipos y sustancias químicas en los RAEE (TRC, LCD, In, Hg, Li, etc.) Análisis y desarrollo de modelos de negocio en el sector informal Buenas practicas en el reuso Comparación de estrategias y tecnologías de reciclaje Cooperación técnica en la gestión de los RAEE con China, India, Suráfrica, Perú, Colombia, Marruecos, África del Oeste * Sistemas colectivos de recolección en Suiza Empa y los RAEE a Nivel Global Senegal Trinidad & Tobago: e-Waste Management in Africa e-Waste Management in T & T Assessment Study Assessment Study Funding Agency: Unido, Microsoft Project Partner: MPA Time Frame: 2010 Funding Agency: DSF Project Partner: SENECLIC Time Frame: 2007 - 2008 Morocco India: e-Waste Management in Africa Swiss e-Waste Programme Assessment Study Implementing a Clean e-Waste Channel Mainstreaming the informal sector Household e-waste collection Funding Agency: HP Project Partner: DSF, CMPP Time Frame: 2007 - 2008 Funding Agency: SECO Project Partner: GTZ, MoEF Time Frame: 2003 - 2008 Colombia: Swiss e-Waste Programme China: Assessment Study Facilitating the development of a national e-waste management strategy Swiss e-Waste Programme Supporting formulation of a “technical draft” for a national e-waste law Developing technical standards for recycling Funding Agency: SECO Project Partner: CNPML Time Frame: 2007 – 2011 Funding Agency: SECO Project Partner: NDRC Time Frame: 2003 - 2008 Peru: Swiss e-Waste Programme Assessment Study Facilitating the development of a national e-waste management strategy Kenya: e-Waste Management in Africa Funding Agency: SECO Project Partner: IPES Time Frame: 2007 – 2011 Assessment Study Funding Agency: HP Project Partner: DSF, KICTANeT Time Frame: 2007 - 2008 Brazil: Swiss e-Waste Programme Assessment Study Funding Agency: SECO Project Partner: FEAM Time Frame: 2008-2011 Chile: Swiss e-Waste Programme Assessment Study Funding Agency: EMPA Project Partner: SUR Time Frame: 2007 Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria: South Africa: Swiss e-Waste Programme Facilitating the development of a national e-waste management strategy The Basel Convention e-Waste Africa Project Funding Agency: SECO Project Partner: ITA, EWASA Time Frame: 2003 – 2008 Assessment Study Training Pilot e-Waste Management in Africa Funding Agency: SBC, EU Project Partner: African BCRCs, IMPEL, ÖkoInstitut Time Frame: 2009-2011 Uganda/Tanzania: e-Waste Management in Uganda and Tanzania Assessment Study Funding Agency: Unido, Microsoft Project Partner: UCPC/CPCT Time Frame: 2007 - 2011 Launching an e-waste recycling unit in Cape Town Funding Agency: HP Project Partner: DSF, Recover-e-Alliance, Envirosense Time Frame: 2007 - 2008 Empa y los RAEE en América Latina Trinidad & Tobago: e-Waste Management in T & T Assessment Study Colombia Swiss e-Waste Programme Assessment Study; Facilitating the development of a national e-waste management strategy Funding Agency: Unido, Microsoft Project Partner: MPA Time Frame: 2010 Funding Agency: SECO Project Partner: CNPMLTA Time Frame: 2008 - 2012 Brazil: Swiss e-Waste Programme Facilitating the development of a national e-waste management strategy Funding Agency: SECO Project Partner: FEAM Time Frame: 2009 Peru Swiss e-Waste Programme Assessment Study; Facilitating the development of a national e-waste management strategy Funding Agency: SECO Project Partner: IPES Time Frame: 2008 - 2012 Chile: Regional Platform RELAC Strategic cooperation Funding Agency: IDRC Project Partner: Sur Time Frame: 2006 - 2011 Programa de SECO/EMPA e IDRC/Sur Retos Ambientales Los RAEE contienen sustancias tóxicas (Pb, Cd, Sb, BFRs, etc.) A través del manejo inadecuado y la recuperación de las fracciones valiosos se pueden liberar las sustancias tóxicas Retos Logísticos Dónde están nuestros RAEE? …o allá? Aquí… Seminario Académico Internacional INNOVACIÓN – Septiembre 2011 Retos Tecnológicos MECANICO vs. MANUAL Reto «Mental» Tecnologías Energéticas Movilidad Productos Electrónicos Luminarias WEEE Events in LAC (selected) Dec 2005 North-South Dialogue on Experiences in Computer Recycling and Reconditioning, Santiago, Chile Jun 2006 International Workshop: Shared Responsibility for the Disposal of Computers, Brasilia, Brazil Nov 2006 International Workshop: "The refurbishment of PC recycling, an opportunity for LAC", San Jose, Costa Rica Jul 2008 International Workshop RELAC Roundtable, Santiago, Chile Oct 2008 International Workshop REWAS 2008 with e-Waste Workshop, Cancun, Mexico Sep 2009 E-Waste Study Tour for LAC, Switzerland and Austria Nov 2009 International Workshop Launch of Regional Document RELAC, Panama, Panama Apr 2010 RELAC Meeting, Mexico City, Mexico Oct 2010 RELAC Meeting Public Sector, Lima, Peru Mar 2011 Workshop and Publication of Regional Document RELAC, Medellin, Colombia Oct 2011 E-Waste Side-events at COP10, Cartagena, Colombia Dec 2011 eLAC / CEPAL International Seminar on WEEE, Santiago, Chile May 2012 International Dialogue & PACE Meeting, San Salvador, El Salvador Sep 2012 Intercambio Latinoamericano RAEE 2012, D.F., México WEEE Events in LAC (selected) Dec 2005 North-South Dialogue on Experiences in Computer Recycling and Reconditioning, Santiago, Chile Jun 2006 International Workshop: Shared Responsibility for the Disposal of Computers, Brasilia, Brazil Nov 2006 International Workshop: "The refurbishment of PC recycling, an opportunity for LAC", San Jose, Costa Rica Jul 2008 International Workshop RELAC Roundtable, Santiago, Chile Oct 2008 International Workshop REWAS 2008 with e-Waste Workshop, Cancun, Mexico Sep 2009 E-Waste Study Tour for LAC, Switzerland and Austria Nov 2009 International Workshop Launch of Regional Document RELAC, Panama, Panama Apr 2010 RELAC Meeting, Mexico City, Mexico Oct 2010 RELAC Meeting Public Sector, Lima, Peru Mar 2011 Workshop and Publication of Regional Document RELAC, Medellin, Colombia Oct 2011 E-Waste Side-events at COP10, Cartagena, Colombia Dec 2011 eLAC / CEPAL International Seminar on WEEE, Santiago, Chile May 2012 International Dialogue & PACE Meeting, San Salvador, El Salvador Sep 2012 Intercambio Latinoamericano RAEE 2012, D.F., México REWAS Conference 2008 Artículo para REWAS Study Tour Suiza/Austria 2009 Documento Regional 2010-2011 Cuáles son las «fuerzas motríces» y principales actores? «PRODUCTORES» GOBIERNOS (OEMs, Importadores, Distribuidores, etc.) (p.e. Ministerios de Ambiente o Salud) En coordinación con: gestores, consumidores, academia, ONGs, etc. Armonización Regional Primer paso en LAC: Documento de «Lineamientos para la Gestión de los RAEE en LAC» Proceso y Estructura del Documento Proceso de Elaboración: Panamá 2009: Diagnóstico México 2010: Estructura documento y conformación grupo de trabajo Lima 2010: Trabajo con el sector público Medellín 2011: Revisión final y compromiso Estructura: 1. 2. 3. 4. Conceptos claves de la Corriente RAEE Elementos de los Sistemas de Gestión RAEE Protocolo de Manejo para el Ciclo de Vida de los RAEE Propuestas para un Marco Regional Llamado para Afiches: Empa-RELAC Panorama del Estado Actual Mexico WEEE Generation: WEEE Legislation: Compliance schemes: WEEE Recyclers: Costa Rica 300.000 tons/year (2010) 2.7 kg/capita/year No, but considered in the General Waste Law (as special waste) and in 2 Official Mexican Standards (NOM) No collective nor individual compliance schemes, only corporate take-back programs 10 licensed companies WEEE Generation: WEEE Legislation: Compliance schemes: WEEE Recyclers: No data available Yes, Decree for WEEE management since 2010 2 compliance schemes (collective: ASEGIRE) 6 licensed companies Colombia WEEE Generation: 110.000 tons/year (2010) 2.4 kg/capita/year WEEE Legislation: Decrees for computers & peripherals, batteries and lighting equipment since 2010 Compliance 1 collective, several individual schemes: (starting 2012), selective public take-back campaigns WEEE Recyclers: >5 licensed companies Ecuador WEEE Generation: WEEE Legislation: Compliance schemes: WEEE Recyclers: No data available No, but a specific regulation for WEEE management is planned. No collective nor individual compliance schemes, only selective take-back campaigns 2 licensed companies Peru WEEE Generation: WEEE Legislation: Compliance schemes: WEEE Recyclers: Bolivia 100.000 tons/year (2010) 3.4 kg/capita/year Decree on WEEE management in process for approval, 2 technical standards (INDECOPI) No collective nor individual compliance schemes, only publicprivate take-back campaigns 4 licensed companies WEEE Generation: 30.000 tons/year (2010) 2.6 kg/capita/year WEEE Legislation: No, but elaboration of technical standards in process Compliance No collective nor individual schemes: compliance schemes, take-back campaigns through civil society WEEE Recyclers: No licensed companies Argentina Chile WEEE Generation: WEEE Legislation: Compliance schemes: WEEE Recyclers: 70.000 tons/year (2010) 4.2 kg/capita/year No, but Law project for WEEE and General Waste Bill in preparation No collective nor individual compliance schemes, only selective take-back campaigns >2 licensed companies WEEE Generation: WEEE Legislation: Compliance schemes: WEEE Recyclers: 120.000 tons/year (2010) 3 kg/capita/year Not yet, but National WEEE Bill is proximate to approval No collective nor individual compliance schemes, only corporate take-back programs >5 licensed companies Generación de RAEE: LAC Estimaciones de la Generación de RAEE y PC Waste 2010 Poblacion [Mio.] Generación RAEE total [t] Generacíon RAEE por hab. [kg/cap.] PC Waste total [t] PC Waste por hab. [kg/cap.] Argentina 40.5 120'000 3.0 - - Bolivia 10.9 30'000 2.8 - - Chile 16.8 70'000 4.2 10'500 0.63 Colombia 46.3 110'000 2.4 10'000 0.22 México 112.3 300'000 2.7 - - Perú 29.5 100'000 3.4 9'500 0.33 Total países 256.3 730'000 2.8 - 3.1 30'000 0.3 -0.4 Total LAC 600.0 1.5 - 1.8 Mio. 2.5 - 3.0 150'000 - 200'000 0.25 -0.35 País Fuente: EMPA RAEE 1.5 – 1.8 millones de toneladas PC Waste 150.000 – 200.000 toneladas RELAC: Collaboration with StEP Intercambio Latinoamericano RAEE 2012 RELAC-Empa Lima 2012 Se espera: Dar un paso más en la armonización regional y el aprendizaje común Fortalecer el intercambio públicoprivado Consenso sobre como proceder en el tema de los Estándares Técnicos a nivel regional Consenso sobre como proceder en el tema de los MTF y Basilea El Mundo Virtual de los RAEE