March 8, 2015 | Third Sunday of Lent I, the LORD, am your God . . . You shall not have other gods besides me. ~ Exodus 20:2a, 3 300 East Ta Avenue • Orange, CA 92865 Telephone: (714) 637-4360 • Fax: (714) 637-4311 CLERGY SCHEDULE OF MASSES Rev. Patrick Rudolph, Pastor Rev. Agus n Escobar, Parochial Vicar Rev. John Duy Nguyen, Parochial Vicar Rev. Antonio Zapata, In Residence Deacon Dave Blake Deacon Joseph Esparza Deacon Juan Espinoza Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 9 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12 noon, 2 p.m. (Spanish), 5:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. (Spanish) Monday - Friday: 6:15 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. Wednesday: 7 p.m. (Spanish) Saturday: 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. (Sunday Vigil) Holy Days of Obliga on: as announced First Friday of each month beginning at 9 a.m. and concluding at 8 a.m. on Saturday with Benedic on. BAPTISMS Please call the Parish Office for informa on and to schedule Bap sm Prepara on. Programs are available in English or in Spanish. MARRIAGES CONFESSIONS Please call the Parish Office for informa on. Six months advance no ce is required. Marriage Prepara on is available in English or in Spanish. Saturday: 3:30 to 4:45 p.m. First Friday of each month: 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Fridays during Lent: 9 a.m. A NOINTING OF THE S ICK , C OMMUNION FOR THE S ICK & H OMEBOUND MINISTRY CENTER STAFF Irene Ahedo, Office Manager Margie Balch, Chris an Service Joseph Ciccoianni, Principal, St. Norbert Catholic School Charlene Dumitru, Adult Faith Forma on John Erhard, Music Ministry Carmen Estrada, Hispanic Ministry Janine Kilgore, Liturgical Ministries Kirsten King, Youth Faith Forma on & Confirma on Maria Mar nez, Business Manager Robin Mayes, School of Religious Educa on EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Kindly call the Parish Office to make MINISTRY CENTER HOURS Monday - Friday: 9 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Saturday: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Sunday: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. arrangements. FUNERALS At the me of death, kindly call the Parish Office for assistance in making arrangements. St. Norbert Parish is a dynamic community of disciples of Jesus Christ striving to continue His ministries of prayer, love and service. ST. NORBERT CATHOLIC CHURCH | WWW.STNORBERTCHURCH.ORG 2 Stewardship Reflecting on God’s Word Third Sunday of Lent All of us wish we could be holy, we say, if only Jesus would come and do to the temple of our faith what he did to the temple of Israel’s faith: cast out what doesn’t belong, because we don’t seem to be able to do it for ourselves, at least not with much effec veness. We try to pray and find ourselves daydreaming about what to make for supper, about the latest family argument, about the mee ng we’re going to a end, about where we’re going to spend our money. We try to simplify, but we also like our lives the way they are. We like the cut of style, the thick of our lawn, the escape of vaca on, the high from shopping or chocolate or day me soaps or whatever catches our fancy. We wish we would love be er, care be er, have more compassion or pa ence, be more generous, but original sin always gets in the way—only we don’t call it original sin. We say we don’t have willpower or the energy. So what are we to do? John’s Gospel promises that God will come and drive such stuff from our lives. In fact, the promise is that God will do it whether we wish God to or not, which is probably a good move on God’s part simply because most of us are a bit fearful of what God may clear away. —Rev. Joseph J. Juknialis Copyright © 2014, World Library Publica ons. All rights reserved. Great News! PSA 2015 Pledge Recap We’re off to a tremendous start! We are certainly a parish that embodies our theme of Living Our Faith with our generous response to this year's Pastoral Services Appeal. We con nued our tradi on of reaching our diocesan assessment of $151,000. Now EVERY pledge will go directly to paying off our Family & Youth Center loan, YTD balance of $449,925! If you have NOT pledged yet, we s ll need to have your pledge. Remember - each of us can make a difference—BIG or SMALL. Thank you all again for your incredible support! This is where we are as of February 23, 2015: Diocesan Assessment: $151,000 Number of pledges received: 435 Amount Pledged: $189,438.21 If you haven’t done so already, please take the me now to make your commitment. It’s easy, simple and makes a big difference for everyone in our parish. No gi is too great or too small! Pledge envelopes are available at the back of the church (ves bule), at the Ministry Center or for convenience, you can go on-line to our parish website: and click on the PSA icon to make your pledge on-line. Living our Faith—what be er way than through the PSA campaign! ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Stations of the Cross Friday Evenings during Lent at 7:30 p.m. All are welcome to join in this tradi onal Lenten prac ce of prayer and reflec on following Jesus on his way to Calvary. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Support Catholic Education at the Taste of St. Norbert! Our parish school is preparing for our annual auc on fundraiser— The Taste of St. Norbert. We expect to welcome 250 guests for this, our most important fundraiser of the school year. An event of this size carries with it a considerable investment. Can you support our school? Please consider making a contribu on toward the success of this amazing evening by purchasing a sponsorship package or making an underwri ng gi . For details on the Sponsorship packages, or other informa on, please call Pa y Bornhop at (714) 637-6822 x204. Thank you for your considera on. Sponsorship Packages are available at the following levels: Pla num: $2,500; Gold: $1,500; Silver: $750. Underwri ng Opportuni es include contribu ng the following expenses: Catering: $5,000; Bar: $2,500; Party Rentals: $1,000; Decora ons: $750; Band: $600; Invita ons: $500; Prin ng Costs: $25. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Weekly Parish Offering Thank you for your con nuing support of St. Norbert Parish. For the fiscal year July 1, 2014, to June 30, 2015, our parish budget calls for $27,900 to be donated weekly at the Sunday collec on. The collec on for Sunday, March 1, was $24,892.62. These collec ons are not only for opera ng expenses each week, but also for any ongoing repair work, upgrades, etc. to our parish facility. Your regular dona ons are needed for the good of St. Norbert Parish and the spread of the Gospel. 3 MARCH 8, 2015 | THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT Parish Life Save the Date Respect Life Blood Drive The 40 Days for Days for Life campaign con nues with prayers and witnessing in front of Planned Parenthood at 700 S Tus n in Orange. 87 Known babies have been saved with one in Orange County, but more prayers and witnessing are needed to help mothers to choose life for their babies. See www.40Daysfor and come pray with us. Senate Bill 128 (SB128 for assisted suicide) con nues to be promoted by many senators and assembly reps. Please call your representa ves and let them know you are against SB 128, educate your friends, family, and associates about SB128, and involve yourself ac vely while showing great compassion for those in pain, suffering and dying. If you would like documents such as SB 128, CMA opposi on to SB 128 and why to oppose this bill, e-mail for informa on. Most of all, pray pray, pray for our Lord’s help. ________________________________________________________________________ St. Joseph Table Sunday, March 22 St. Norbert Knights of Columbus Council 15733 will host a Red Cross/St. Joseph Hospital Blood Drive on Sunday, March 22, from 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the Ministry Center. To sign up, go to, go to the BLUE Give Blood, Find a Blood Drive window on the upper right corner of the page, enter StNorbert, and click on the arrow. On the next page, click on + More details, then select an appointment me. You can also sign up a er Masses on March 14 and 15. For more informa on or assistance, please contact Bill Everest at bill.everest70@ or (714) 633-9154. The need is constant ~ The gra fica on is instant Give blood ~ Save lives ________________________________________________________________________ March Christian Service Food Collection Sunday, March 15 The Italian Catholic Federa on will celebrate St. Joseph Day with our annual St. Joseph Table on Sunday, March 15, a er all Masses. We will be selling delicious homemade desserts and other home-baked items. We will accept dona ons of baked goods and other foods on Saturday, March 14, from 10 a.m. un l 1 p.m., and on Sunday morning, March 15. All proceeds from this event will be used to help support Chris an Service Ministry here at St. Norbert Church. This and other fun events such as our annual Lasagna Dinner are put on by the fantas c group of Italian Catholic Federa on members here at St. Norbert. If you are looking for a way to give back to our community and have fun at the same me, join our growing branch! For more informa on, please call Joe or Rose Digrado at (714) 974-1978. ________________________________________________________________________ Taco Sunday & Unique Boutique Be sure to stop by the Ministry Center next Sunday, March 15, for Taco Sunday, our Unique Bou que AND the Italian Catholic Federa on’s St. Joseph Table. The St. Joseph Table will open a er the 7:30 Mass, with an array of delicious food items for sale. Tasty Mexican foods will be served at Taco Sunday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. In addi on, the Sewing Circle’s Unique Bou que will feature special items for Easter. Coffee and Doughnuts will be available during Bou que hours, from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. This month we’re collec ng individual serving cups of applesauce. Kindly leave your donations in the Ministry Center any time during the month. Thank you for your continued assistance in helping us feed those who are hungry. ________________________________________________________________________ Fish Fry Join us on Fridays during Lent from 5 to 7 p.m. in the Ministry Center Hall for great food, wonderful company and FISH! The cost is $7 for fish, cheese pizza, fish tacos or quesadillas. Dinners include French fries & coleslaw. Clam chowder and desserts are available for additional charge. Take out is available, too! Hosted by St. Norbert Catholic School Junior High students. Congratulations! ¡Felicidades! Mike & Mary Faley Married 25 years on March 3, 2015 Rodolfo & Elvira Orozco Married 45 years on March 8, 2015 Did you remember to “Spring Forward”? We’re back on Pacific Daylight Saving Time as of 2 a.m., Sunday morning, March 8. Don’t forget to turn all your clocks and watches forward. It’s a good to time to change the batteries in your smoke detectors too! ST. NORBERT CATHOLIC CHURCH | WWW.STNORBERTCHURCH.ORG 4 Youth & Teen Ministries School of Religious Education First Reconciliation & First Eucharist Youth Ministry & Confirmation Serving Junior High through College-Age Young Adults Parents, please mark your calendars for the next event on this journey. The combined SRE and SNCS First Communion Retreat will take place on Sunday, March 22, in the Family & Youth Center. The retreat will begin with the 9 a.m. Mass and conclude at 1:30 p.m. At least one parent for each child must a end. Youth Day Catechists Needed Tuesday, March 10: Confirmation Classes for Years 1 & 2 in homes from 7:30 to 9 p.m. _______________________________________________________________________ Catechists are always needed for the SRE English Faith Forma on classes. During your Lenten journey, I ask you to ponder saying “yes” to the call. Consider sharing your Faith story with our children for classes beginning in the fall. Can you give one hour of your me one day a week for approximately six months? You do not need to be a professional teacher. Training will be offered over the summer. You simply need to love Jesus and help the children on their faith forma on journey. Together in Jesus we can make a difference! Please call Robin Mayes at (714) 998-1070 for more informa on. St. Norbert Catholic School Now Enrolling for Fall 2015 St. Norbert Catholic School is now accep ng applica ons for prekindergarten through eighth grade for the 2015-16 school year. Space is limited and tui on assistance is available. Age eligibility varies for the first three grades: Thursday, March 12, from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Anaheim Convention Center. ________________________________________________________________________ Confirmation ________________________________________________________________________ Confirmation 2 Retreat All paperwork and payments for the C2 retreat are PAST DUE! If you have not already turned in your forms and payment, please do so immediately! ________________________________________________________________________ Vision Leadership Team Wednesday, March 11, from 5 to 7 p.m. in the Youth Ministry Room. It’s retreat month – lots to prep, plan and pray on! All Juniors and Seniors are welcome! All retreat paperwork for Vision teens is past due. Please turn in any outstanding paperwork at our mee ng this week. ________________________________________________________________________ Leadership Retreat Dinner Meeting Sunday, March 22, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. All Confirma on teachers, adults, co-teachers and Vision teens who are helping lead the C2 retreat must a end our final Leadership mee ng in the Youth Room. We will begin with Mass and dinner will be served. Thank you for saving this dates on your calendars! ________________________________________________________________________ Preschool (3-yr.olds): Must be 3 years old by September 1, Junior High Ministry 2015 Pre-K (4-yr.olds): Must be 4 years old by September 1, 2015 Kindergarten: Must be 5 years old by September 1, 2015 Monday, March 9: Forma on #11 from 4 to 5:15 p.m. in the YM Room. Each Thursday through the end of the school year, our principal Mr. Joe Ciccoianni will be available from 3:15 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. to show you around the school campus and answer ques ons about enrolling your child(ren). We hope to see many new faces and look forward to mee ng our future SNCS families! For more informa on about our school, visit or call us at (714) 637-6822. Please note: We will not be open for visits on March 19, April 2 or May 28. ________________________________________________________________________ World Youth Day The next payment is due by Wednesday, April 1. ________________________________________________________________________ Service Opportunities All teen volunteers must sign-up in advance with Helen via e-mail at Fairview Developmental Center: Sunday, March 15, from 9 to 11:30 a m. Teens will help people with disabili es a end Mass, by transferring them from their rooms to the center where Mass is celebrated. Chris an Service Food Distribu on: Saturdays Shi s are available from 8 to 11 a.m. OR 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Join us to help our Chris an Service Ministry serve our community. Please e-mail Helen to sign up for March Chris an Service Opportuni es. 5 MARCH 8, 2015 | T HIRD SUNDAY OF LENT Faith Formation & Enrichment R.C.I.A. Words of Faith This year two adults, four teenagers and seven children will be Bap zed, Confirmed and receive First Eucharist at the Easter Vigil. Also, two children who were bap zed as infants in another Chris an denomina on will make a Profession of Faith, which brings them into the Catholic Church, and will receive Confirma on and Eucharist. The children and teens have been preparing for two years, the adults for over one year, for this important moment in their lives. During Lent they enter into a period which the Rite refers to as Purifica on and Enlightenment, which includes the Scru ny Rite on the third, fourth, and fi h Sundays of Lent. This rite, which includes an exorcism and a blessing, asks God to remove any darkness of a achment to evil from them, and to fill them with the light of Christ. from our Elect who will receive the Sacraments of Bap sm, Confirma on and Eucharist at the Easter Vigil. From Nicholas H., age 11: Those who are about to become Catholic have been asked to write a statement of their faith, a few of which will be in the bulle n today and on the following Sundays in Lent. Look for them in the area where the Wondering Why ar cle is usually printed. Please pray for these Elect and Recognized during this Lenten Season. I want to be bap zed because I want to wash away my sins and get clean, and then it could help me be be er at being nice to others. _______________________________________________________________________ Lenten Book Study During Lent, we will be reading and discussing the book Jesus: A Pilgrimage by Jesuit priest James Mar n. In his book, Fr. Mar n reflects on the life of Jesus through the eyes of a pilgrim to the Holy Land, blending Scripture and personal experiences to gain a deeper understanding of Scripture, the places where Jesus lived and preached, and the story of Jesus’ life. This is a deligh ul book to read and will give us much to think about during the days of Lent. This Wednesday, March 11, we will be discussing Chapters 10—14. Please read the chapters and note any ideas that you would like to discuss when we meet on Wednesday. _______________________________________________________________________ Prayer & Meditation with Scripture We welcome you to join us on Tuesday evening, March 10, when we will reflect on the Lenten Scriptures in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel at 7:30 p.m. This weekly hour of prayer time utilizes varying prayer forms each week, including Lectio Divina, centering prayer, prayer of remembrance, Taizé prayer and Ignatian meditation. It is a time to meet with others in quiet and peace away from the busyness and noise of the world. You are all most welcome! I want to be bap zed because I want to be a lot closer to God. I want to follow God in his faith and religion. I want to receive the Eucharist because I want to be God’s child and follow him. I love Jesus because he died on the cross to take our sins away and to clean our souls. I want to be a Catholic because I want to follow my mom and dad and my Godparents. From Carlos F., age 11: I love Jesus because he died for us and helped us be together. He also loves us. A er that, we could love all the people. From Emily A., age 11: I want to be a Catholic because I want to be part of Jesus’ family and the Catholic community. I also want to know more about Jesus and about my religion. From Cinthia S., age 15: I want to be bap zed because I want to be accepted in the Catholic religion. I want to receive Jesus as my only savior. I would like to be a part of his family and have him in my heart. I want to receive Eucharist because I want to be part of Jesus’s family. I want to receive him every Sunday and start my week off like that. I love Jesus because I find peace with him. With him by my side I feel like there is faith and hope. I know that when I have him with me I’ll always find the right way. I want to be a Catholic because I like this religion. I want to follow the first and original religion. I believe in one God and one God only. Please pray especially for Nicholas, Carlos, Emily and Cinthia during this third week of Lent. LA IGLESIA CATÓLICA DE SAN NORBERTO | WWW.STNORBERTCHURCH.ORG 6 Ministerio Hispano Reflexionemos sobre la Palabra de Dios Tercer Domingo de Cuaresma Todos nosotros deseamos ser santos o santas y decimos con un suspiro que ojalá Jesús viniera para hacer con el templo de nuestra fe lo mismo que hizo con el templo de Israel: echar afuera todo aquello que no debe estar ahí, ya que no parece que nosotros podamos hacerlo solos, al menos no con mucha efec vidad. Tratamos de rezar y nuestra mente divaga hacia lo que vamos a hacer para la cena o hacia la úl ma discusión en la familia, a la reunión que vamos a ir, o cómo vamos a gastar nuestro dinero. Tratamos de simplificar las cosas, pero a la vez queremos que nuestra vida siga como está. Nos gusta el corte de pelo que está de moda, nuestro césped de buena hierba, escaparnos a unas vacaciones, el gusto que nos da ir de compras o comer chocolate o ver las telenovelas o cualquier cosa que se nos antoje. Deseamos mejorar en la manera que amamos o que nos preocupamos por los demás, tener más compasión o paciencia, ser más generosos, pero el pecado original lo obstaculiza todo —lo único es que no lo llamamos pecado original. Más bien decimos que nos falta la fuerza de voluntad o la energía. ¿Qué hacer entonces? El Evangelio de Juan promete que Dios vendrá a echar afuera todas esas cosas de nuestra vida. De hecho, la promesa es que Dios lo hará, queramos nosotros que lo haga o no, lo cual es una buena decisión por parte de Dios sencillamente porque a la mayoría de nosotros nos da un poco de medio pensar en lo que Dios va a ex rpar de nuestra vida. —Padre Joseph J. Juknialis Derechos de autor © 2014, World Library Publica ons. Todos los derechos reservados. ¡Una gran no cia! Resumen de la PSA 2015 ¡Hemos tenido un gran comienzo! Somos ciertamente una parroquia que encarna nuestro lema Viviendo Nuestra Fe con nuestra generosa respuesta a la Campaña para los Servicios Pastorales de este año. Seguimos con nuestra tradición de lograr la meta diocesana de $151,000. ¡Ahora cada promesa irá directamente al pago del préstamo del Centro Familiar y Juvenil!, el saldo acumulado anual es de $ 449,925. Si usted todavía NO ha hecho su promesa, recuerde que aún necesitamos que la haga. Cada uno de nosotros puede hacer una diferencia—GRANDE o PEQUEÑA. ¡Gracias a todos por su increíble apoyo! Aquí es donde estamos al 23 de febrero de 2015: Compromiso diocesano: $151,000 Número de promesas recibidas: 435 Total prome do: $189,438.21 Si no lo ha hecho todavía, por favor tómese el empo para hacer su promesa. Es fácil, sencillo y significa una gran diferencia para todos en nuestra parroquia. ¡Ningún dona vo es demasiado grande o demasiado pequeño! Los sobres se encuentran disponibles en la parte posterior de la iglesia (ves bulo), en el Centro de Ministerios, o también puede hacerla en línea en nuestro si o web de la parroquia:, haga clic en el icono de PSA para hacer su promesa en línea. Viviendo Nuestra Fe—¡qué mejor que haciéndolo a través de la PSA! _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Clases de Inglés como Segundo Idioma (ESL) El programa de inglés como segundo idioma (ESL) se reúne todos los sábados de 9:30 a.m. a 11:30 a.m. en el salón Oscar Romero, ubicado en el segundo piso del Centro de Ministerios. La clase es gratuita y los libros se proporcionan. Los estudiantes deben venir preparados con lápiz y papel. Algunos conocimientos de inglés son ú les (aunque no es necesario) para obtener el máximo provecho de la clase. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Conozca más Acerca de l a Escuela Católica de San Norberto ¿Está interesado en conocer más acerca de nuestra escuela parroquial? Cada jueves, hasta finalizar el año escolar, nuestro director, el señor Joe Ciccoianni, estará disponible de 3:15 a 4:15 p.m., para mostrarle los alrededores de la escuela y contestar preguntas sobre cómo inscribir a su/sus hijo/os. ¡Esperamos ver muchos rostros nuevos y poder sa sfacer las necesidades de nuestras futuras familias de la Escuela Católica de San Norberto! Para más información puede visitar la página de Internet Favor de tomar nota que nuestras oficinas no estarán abiertas las siguientes fechas: 19 de marzo, 2 de abril y 28 de mayo. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ofrenda Semanal Parroquial Agradecemos su apoyo continuo a San Norberto para el año fiscal de julio 1, 2014 a junio 30, 2015. Sus donaciones dominicales aportan al presupuesto que nuestra parroquia necesita para cubrir los gastos de cada semana, el cual es de $27,900. La colecta del domingo pasado 1 de marzo, fue de $24,892.62. Se necesita de su donación semanal para el bienestar de nuestra parroquia y para la promoción del Evangelio. 7 8 DE MARZO DE 2015 | TERCER DOMINGO DE CUARESMA Ministerio Hispano Misión Cuaresmal Jóvenes de Confirmación Año 2 ¡Invitación del Padre Agus n a la comunidad! Toda la papelería y pagos para los jóvenes de Confirmación del Año 2, ya deben estar a esta fecha en las oficinas. Por favor ayúdenos a u lizar toda nuestra energía en la preparación del re ro trayendo todo lo necesario lo más pronto posible. ¡Agradecemos su colaboración! Favor de anotar en su calendario las fechas en que tendremos nuestra misión cuaresmal los miércoles 11 y 18 de marzo. El Papa Juan Pablo II nos invitó a No Tener Miedo de entrar a la Nube de lo Desconocido, pues en medio de esa nube de lo desconocido, Dios está allí para iluminarnos el camino a seguir. Les voy a compartir mi experiencia del cáncer que Dios me regaló y como después de unos meses ¡Él mismo me lo quitó! Este será un tiempo para compartir “su nube”, “su dolor”, “su sufrimiento”, “su enfermedad”. Tendremos tiempo para hacer preguntas y encontrar respuestas. Tiempo para “entrar a la nube de lo desconocido”. Los espero. _______________________________________________________________________ Donación de Sangre Los Caballeros de Colón serán los patrocinadores de la donación de sangre para la Cruz Roja/Hospital San José el domingo 22 de marzo, de 8 a.m. a 2:30 p.m. en el Centro de Ministerios. Para inscribirse puede hacerlo en o puede anotarse después de las misas el 14 y 15 de marzo. Para más información o ayuda, favor de comunicarse con Bill Everest a; también puede llamar al (714) 533-9154. La necesidad es constante ~ La gra ficación es instantánea Done sangre ~ Salve vidas _______________________________________________________________________ Pescado Frito Acompáñenos los viernes de Cuaresma de 5 p.m. a 7 p.m. en el salón del Centro de Ministerios. ¡Tendremos buena comida, maravillosa compañía y PESCADO! Por sólo $7.00 pueden escoger entre pescado frito, pizza de queso, tacos de pescado o quesadillas. Las cenas incluyen papas fritas y ensalada de col. Crema de almeja (clam chowder) y postres tienen un cargo extra. También pueden pedir su orden para llevar. Este evento es organizado por estudiantes del octavo grado de la escuela de San Norberto. _______________________________________________________________________ Respeto a la Vida Los 40 Días de la Campaña de Respeto a la Vida continúan con oración y testimonio afuera de Planned Parenthood en el 700 S. Tustin, en Orange. Vidas de bebés se están salvando, pero se necesitan más oraciones y estimonio para ayudar a que las madres opten por la vida de sus bebés. Ver OrangeCounty y venga a rezar con nosotros. La medida SB 128 (SB 128 para el suicidio asistido) continúa siendo promovida por muchos senadores y asambleístas. Por favor llame a sus representantes y hágales saber que usted está en contra de la SB 128, eduque a sus amigos, familiares y compañeros de trabajo sobre la SB 128, involúcrese activamente y muestre compasión por los que sufren y los moribundos. Si desea documentos como la SB 128, la oposición CMA a la SB 128 y porqué oponerse a este proyecto de ley, puede enviar un correo electrónico a: para obtener información. Pero, sobre todo, rece, rece, rece para que Nto. Señor nos ayude. Parish Calendar March 8, 2015 ~ March 14, 2015 Sunday, March 8 Fish Fry Ticket Sales 8:30 a.m. Concern America Cra Sale 9:00 a.m. Children’s Liturgy of the Word 3:00 p.m. Grupo de la Divina Misericordia Monday, March 9 9:15 a.m. Monday Morning Bible Study 9:30 a.m. Divine Mercy Prayer Group 4:00 p.m. Junior High Ministry 7:00 p.m. Estudio Bíblico para Grupo de Oración Tuesday, March 10 7:00 p.m. Adult Confirmation Class 7:00 p.m. Prác ca para el Viacrucis 7:00 p.m. RICA 7:30 p.m. C1 & C2 Classes in Homes 7:30 p.m. Praying with Scripture Wednesday, March 11 5:00 p.m. Vision Leadership Team 6:45 p.m. Men’s Basketball 7:00 p.m. Misión Cuaresmal 7:00 p.m. Sewing Circle 7:30 p.m. AFF: Lenten Book Study Thursday, March 12 6:00 p.m. RCIC 7:00 p.m. Prác ca para el Viacrucis 7:00 p.m. Grupo de Oración 7:30 p.m. RCIA & Inquiry 8:00 p.m. Young Adult Ministry Friday, March 13 7:00 a.m. Men’s Group of Faith 9:00 a.m. Confessions 5:00 p.m. Fish Fry 7:30 p.m. Sta ons of the Cross Saturday, March 14 9:30 a.m. Inglés como Segundo Idioma (ESL) 10:00 am. Preparación para la Ciudadanía 12:00 p.m. Chris an Service Food Distribu on 3:30 p.m. Confessions ST. NORBERT CATHOLIC CHURCH | WWW.STNORBERTCHURCH.ORG 8 Community Life & Groups Men’s Group of Faith Join us on Friday, March 13, from 7 a.m. to 8:30 a.m., for support, fellowship, and meaningful discussion about challenges men face today. We meet in the Mother Teresa/Dorothy Day Room upstairs in the Ministry Center. For more information, please feel free to contact Gary McKimmey at (714) 224-6160 or gmckimmey@ or Matt Terrones at (714) 904-5822 or ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sewing Circle Ministry Do you like to sew, quilt, knit or crochet? We would love to have you join our Sewing Circle. Come share your ideas and skills, or learn a new technique at our meeting this Wednesday, March 11, at 7 p.m. in the Ministry Center. Our loving hands craft unique, handmade items for Christian Service Ministry boutiques and parties. For more information please call Ellen Riopel at (714) 750-9039. _______________________________________________________________________ Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System Introductory Session Free introductory session offered for women and couples to learn about the Creighton Model System. Women or couples wishing to enter the program are then scheduled for individual follow-ups to learn and use the system to achieve and avoid pregnancy. This system is also par cularly helpful to couples having difficulty conceiving. The session will take place on Monday, March 9, at 7 p.m. at St. Joseph Church, 717 N. Bradford Avenue in Placen a in the Office Mee ng Rooms 3-4. There is no cost for this event. Please contact Sarah Rooney at sarah.fer to RSVP or with ques ons. See h p://www.VitaeFer for more info or further sessions! _______________________________________________________________________ Presentation Sisters 24th Annual Retirement Benefit Luncheon & Variety Show Saturday, March 21 ~ Doors open at 12 noon Meadowlark Golf Club 16782 Graham Street in Hun ngton Beach $50.00 per person Advance Reserva ons Required For ckets contact Tom & Mary Cwiernty at (714) 894-6922 or Jo Ann La Chance at (714) 893-4439. For more informa on contact St. Norbert parishioners Lynda Maresca at (714) 856-7145 or Jan Emanuele at (714) 639-7723. Pray for the sick . . . Be y Bick Jason Boserup The Braiden Family The Burke Family Lillian Cordaway Marie Donaldson Edward Felix Pat Hul n Mark Losi Susan McCloskey Brenda Oswald Mickie Pecoraro Aurora Sánchez The Serna Family Sheila Utrup Ka e Whatley A. Widner Richard Williams . . . and for those who have died. Chris na Ramm Stan S tgen _______________________________________________________________________ Mass Intentions Saturday, March 7, 2015 5:00 p.m. + Frank & Mary Bruno Sunday, March 8, 2015 7:30 a.m. + Roger Hogate 9:00 a.m. + Sam Lawmaster 10:30 a.m. All SRE Children 12:00 p.m. + Bianca Bavand 2:00 p.m. St. Norbert Parishioners 5:30 p.m. Laverne Dowling 7:00 p.m. Salvador Flores Monday, March 9, 2015 6:15 a.m. + Virginia Burkhardt 8:30 a.m. + Dolores McGuiness Tuesday, March 10, 2015 6:15 a.m. + Pedro Gomez 8:30 a.m. + Therese Pawlowski Wednesday, March 11, 2015 6:15 a.m. + Francisco & Redempta Barnacheer 8:30 a.m. + Dave Hennessy 7:00 p.m. + Barbara Corona Thursday, March 12, 2015 6:15 a.m. + Lorenzo Abrantes 8:30 a.m. + Pedro & Blasa Duran Friday, March 13, 2015 6:15 a.m. + Belen Prospero 8:30 a.m. + Andrew Manning Saturday, March 14, 2015 8:30 a.m. + John Rigoni 9 MARCH 8, 2015 | T HIRD SUNDAY OF LENT Our Parish & Beyond Magnificat Prayer Breakfast Saturday, March 14 Becoming Christ Cathedral 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Embassy Suites Anaheim – South 11767 Harbor Boulevard in Garden Grove A story of faith and transforma on Magnificat Prayer Breakfast presents Fr. Peter Prusakiewicz, CSMA, from Poland. This deligh ul priest served as the chaplain to the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy in Warsaw where St. Faus na began her religious life. He is considered an expert on Divine Mercy and the Holy Angels. Registra on at the door: $33 per person Mail to Magnificat Ministry: P.O. Box 4381, Orange, CA 92863 The meal includes a full plated breakfast as well as the speaker’s program. Please visit for a flyer and registra on informa on. Blue flyers are also available in the ves bule of the church. For registra on informa on contact Dely Pili at (714) 670-7332 or _______________________________________________________________________ Thomas House Walk-A-Thon Please join us on Saturday, March 28, at 8 a.m. for the Run 4 Homeless Children at Mile Square Park in Fountain Valley. The proceeds from the 5K and 10K Walk-A-Thon and the 2K Fun Run will go toward assis ng homeless families with children at Thomas House Family Shelter. Prices start at $28 and registra on includes a dry-wick T-shirt, reusable grocery tote goody bag, finisher’s medal and complimentary food a er the race. We can’t wait to see you at this fun, family-friendly event! For more informa on and to register, please visit Join us to learn about the future plans for the transforma on of the Christ Cathedral campus and how this center of faith will profoundly benefit the journey of faith for Catholics across the Diocese of Orange. Friday—Sunday, March 13—15 Display at Religious Educa on Congress Anaheim Conven on Center 800 West Katella Avenue, Anaheim Thursday, March 19, 6 to 8:30 p.m. St. Angela Merici, Brea 575 South Walnut Avenue, Brea Display at parish March 19—March 24 For more informa on call (714) 282-3045, e-mail, or go to ________________________________________________________________________ 2015 Summer Camps Staffed by the Sacred Heart Sisters, these camps offer an enjoyable camping experience in a wholesome Chris an atmosphere and a deligh ul loving spirit. FAMILY CAMP: June 18-21 or June 25-28 GIRLS’ CAMP: July 12-18 or July 26-August 1 For informa on call (909) 866-5696 or visit - Events page. Spaces are limited. Dona ons are needed to help sponsor a child or family to camp. Please help! Contribu ons can be sent to: SACRED HEART RETREAT CAMP P.O. Box 1795, Big Bear Lake, CA 92315 ________________________________________________________________________ Red & Gold September 24-28, 2015 Call for more informa on (714) 282-3021 or visit orangecatholicfounda As Rosary High School celebrates its 50th Anniversary, we would like to invite the community to a end one of our longest and most beloved tradi ons, Red & Gold! Red & Gold will take place March 13 and 14. The event will take place at the Anaheim Center for the Performing Arts at Servite (Friday, March 13, 2 and 8 p.m. and Saturday, March 14, 1 and 8 p.m.). Ticket sales open for the general public on Saturday, February 28. To purchase Red & Gold ckets, please visit the Rosary website and click on the white box labeled Red & Gold 2015. You will then find a link to the Admit One cket sales page. As the produc on draws large audiences, we encourage you to purchase your ckets as soon as possible. We especially encourage alumnae and prospec ve families to a end one of our ma nee performances – Friday, March 13, at 2 p.m. or Saturday, March 14, at 1 p.m. We sincerely hope you will be able to join us for this exci ng event! Ad Page Ad Page The Italian Catholic Federation presents the 24th annual St. Joseph Table What is the St. Joseph Table? This tradi on started in Sicily where the poor were treated with food in honor of St. Joseph, patron saint of Sicily, on his feast day. The Italian Catholic Federa on has con nued the celebra on of St. Joseph Day with a table of food, dinners, and dona ons to the poor of the parish. How you can participate We will be accep ng dona ons of baked goods and other foods on Saturday, March 14 from 10 a.m. un l 1 p.m., and on Sunday morning, March 15. Monetary dona ons are always welcome as well. Visit the St. Joseph Table and select delicious baked goods, fresh fruits, canned goods, wine & other goodies. Proceeds will be donated to support the charitable works of St. Norbert Chris an Service Ministry. Most of all, we request your prayers of support and your personal visit to the St. Joseph Table. Contact Joe or Rose Digrado at (714) 974-1978 for more informa on. BULLETIN NUMBER: 010782 CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS: St. Norbert Church 300 E. Ta Avenue Orange, CA 92865 TELEPHONE: Bulle n Editor: 714-609-2048 (cell) Parish Office: 714-637-4360 CONTACT PERSON: Joan Doyle Alternate Contact: Maria Mar nez or Irene Ahedo at Parish Office: 714-637-4360 E-MAIL: stnorbertbulle SOFTWARE: MS Publisher 2013 Adobe Acrobat X Windows 8.1 TRANSMISSION TIME Wednesday, March 4, at 7 a.m. SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION March 8, 2015 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: 1 through 12 + info page SPECIAL INTRUCTIONS: