COGNITION AND CULTURE IN EVOLUTIONARY CONTEXT Advanced Interna,onal Seminar 19-­‐20th October 2015 Five leading experts will examine the evolu5onary and developmental origins of human culture and its cogni5ve scaffolding. They will also address the thorny issue of whether nonhuman animals have culture COGNITION AND CULTURE IN EVOLUTIONARY CONTEXT Advanced Interna,onal Seminar. 19-­‐20th October. Salón de Actos José Germain MONDAY 19th 9.00 Opening Ceremony Pilar Herreros de Tejada (Vicechancellor of Complutense University) Nieves Rojo (Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, UCM) Javier Bandrés (Spanish Journal of Psychology Execu5ve Editor) 9.30 Cogni5on and Culture in Evolu5onary Context: Introductory Remarks Fernando Colmenares & Mª Victoria Hernández Lloreda (UCM) 10.00 Coopera5on and Human Cogni5on Michael Tomasello (Max-­‐Planck Ins5tute for Evolu5onary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany) 12.00 The Evolu5on of Human Uniqueness Robert Boyd (Arizona State University, USA) 15.00 The Roles of Conformity and Over-­‐imita5on in the Cultural Cogni5on of Human and Non-­‐human Primates Andrew Whiten (School of Psychology & Neuroscience, University of St. Andrews, and Center for Social Learning and Human Evolu5on, UK) 16.30 Cultural Intelligence: Evidence from Orangutan Cogni5on and Compara5ve Tests Carel van Schaik (Anthropological Ins5tute and Museum, University of Zürich, Switzerland) TUESDAY 20th 9.30 Animal Social Learning and the Evolu5on of Culture Kevin Laland (School of Biology, University of St. Andrews, and Center for Social Learning and Human Evolu5on, UK) 11.00 Cogni5on and Culture in Evolu5onary Context: Ques5ons and Answers, Closing Remarks. Chairs: F. Colmenares & M.V. Hernández-­‐Lloreda COGNITION AND CULTURE IN EVOLUTIONARY CONTEXT Advanced Interna,onal Seminar 19-­‐20th October Salón de Actos José Germain ENTRADA LIBRE hasta completar aforo por lo que se recomienda la inscripción en Ac5vidad incluida en el "Programa de ac5vidades complementarias de formación y promoción de competencias profesionales (PAkO)" que prevé el reconocimiento de créditos opta5vos por la asistencia a la misma. hMp:// 