Case 1:11-cv-00691-LAK Document 20-8 Filed 02/06/11 Page 1 of 5 LATIN AMERICAN SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES [FLACSO] SOCIO-ENVIRONMENTAL OBSERVATORY ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION OFFICE FINAL REPORT FLACSO-PETROECUADOR PROJECT PHASE TWO Study on Socio-Environmental Conflicts in the Sacha and Shushufindi Fields (1994-2002) Coordinated and written by: Dr. Guillaume Fontaine Research Assistants: Karen Andrade, Maria Cristina Jarrin and Santiago Vallejo Maps: Diego Sanchez Quito, November 2003 1 PLAINTIFF’S EXHIBIT 8023 11 Civ. 0691 (LAK) Plaintiff's Exhibit 8023 p. 1 of 5 Case 1:11-cv-00691-LAK Document 20-8 Filed 02/06/11 Page 2 of 5 DINAPA, In fact, in a letter addressed to Hugo Chamba, Director of DINAP A, Mrs. Guallpa decried not Petroproduccion to her official letter dated May 6. She also expressed having received a response from Petroproducci6n her fear that the reconstruction of the pits for the well under restoration could also affect the stream. Then she demanded repairs and the building of a water system for 12 families, and concluded by announcing direct action measures: "We (OWe got this through a mini-strike we did against them for maybe half a day. We put up some sticks there and stood there so they would get motivated and actually come up with a solution for us [ ..}) so then they got motivated and said that [they'd] only come right back to put in a laundromat. With all those words, anyone would be convinced, and they gave us a three-month term, sir, to give us the water in the water tank. There were people who were witnesses to all these things. So you can just . . we had had to SIgn. . Right? R'Igh t r " 87 87 imagine, sign. Imagme, 'l" The conflict was resolved on May 6, 2003, at least on paper, with the signing of a settlement agreement between Petroproducci6n Petroproduccion and the community. The settlement contemplated the construction of a water well with a pump, the delivery of a plastic elevated 1,500 liter tank and a community laundromat within a term of no more than 3 months. (See Appendix 06). Finally, the perception can be frankly one of distrust due to repeated claims and unresolved (Othey're unreliable, because what Petro says is one thing and what it confrontations with the company: "they're does is the complete opposite. Since Texaco left here, Petro has inflicted more damage and many more disasters than Texaco itself. But they'd never, ever say that. So there's one spill after another; there's broken pipes, there's contamination of wetlands, of rivers, of streams in great magnitude. But since it's a thing. " 88 state-owned company, since it's the same people involved in the laws and all, no one says a thing." This phenomenon is particularly manifest in the zones with the greatest socio-environmental impacts, which coincide with the zones where oil infrastructures are at once more concentrated and more obsolete, as in the case cif of Shushufindi: "The (OThe spills happen time and again, at any moment; in other words, there's no warning. La Negrita, on that property, in recent times, we're talking about the past 10 if I'm not mistaken, there have been 22 oil spills on her property [ ..}) Another factor is the to 12 years, if stations [ ..} We've done, if I'm not mistaken, about three analyses and it turns out that all the water wells in the city have hydrocarbons [ ..} We started looking at all the rivers near the city to see which was in the best shape. And the sad thing is, all the city's rivers, that is, all the ones nearby, have hydrocarbons. Every one.I" 89 Guillermina Soto headed up a strike at the entrance way to the Cordillera (San Carlos), 06/2003. Pablo Fajardo, President of the Shushufindi Human Rights Commission and legal advisor to the Amazon Defense Coalition, 06/2003. 89 Ibid Ibid. 87 88 77 Plaintiff's Exhibit 8023 p. 2 of 5 Case 1:11-cv-00691-LAK Document 20-8 Filed 02/06/11 Page 3 of 5 GEOTEXT G OT T Translations, Inc. STATE OF NEW YORK ss COUNTY OF NEW YORK CERTIFICATION This is to certifY certify that the attached translation is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, a true and accurate translation from Spanish into English of the attached Final Report. Kurt Shulenberger, Managing Editor Geotext Translations, Inc. Sworn to and subscribed before me this /~ (g day of It ope, t1f2 C/ L 1\ ,20 10 JEFFREY AARON CURETON NOTARY PUBLIC-STATE OF NEW YORK No.01CU6169789 NO.01CU6169789 Qualified In Queens County My Commission Expires July 02, 2011 New York 259 West 30th Street, 17th Floor, New York, NY 10001, U.S.A. tel 212.631.7432 fax 212.631.7778 San Francisco 220 Montgomery Street, 3rd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94104, U.S.A. tel 415.576.9500 fax 415.520.0525 London 107-111 Fleet Street, London EC4A 2AB, United Kingdom tel +44.(0)20.7936.9002 fax +44.(0)20.7990.9909 Hong I<ong 20th Floor, Central Tower, 28 Queen's Road, Central, Hong Kong tel +852.2159.9143 fax +852.3010.0082 I wwvv.geotext,com Plaintiff's Exhibit 8023 p. 3 of 5 Case 1:11-cv-00691-LAK Document 20-8 OBSERVATORIO SOCIO-AMBIENTAL Filed 02/06/11 Page 4 of 5 GEREN CIA DE PROTECCION AMBIENTAL GERENCIA INFORME FINAL ECUADOR PROYECTO FLACSO - PETRO PETROECUADOR SEGUNDA FASE sobre los conflictos socio ambientales en los campos Estudio sobrelos Sacha y Shushufindi (1994-2002) Coordinacion y redaccion: Dr. Guillaume Fontaine Asistentes de investigacion: Karen Andrade, Maria Cristina Jarrin y Santiago Vallejo Cartografia: Diego Sanchez Quito, noviembre de 2003 Plaintiff's Exhibit 8023 p. 4 of 5 Case 1:11-cv-00691-LAK Document 20-8 Filed 02/06/11 Page 5 of 5 En efecto, en una carta dirigida a Hugo Chamba, director de la DINAPA, la Sra Guallpa lamenta no haber recibido respuesta de Petroproducci6n Petroproduccion a su oficio del 6 de mayo. Tambien expresa el miedo de que la reconstrucci6n reconstruccion de las piscinas del pozo en reparaci6n y la construccion construcci6n de rehabilitaci6n rehabilitacion tambien afecten al estero. Luego exige reparacion sistema de agua para 12 familias, concluyendo con el anuncio de medidas de hecho: "Logramos esto por medio de un paro chiquito que les hicimos un medio dfa, tal vez. Les ahf nos paramos para que agarren y nos den una solucion [..J un os palos y ahi pusimos unos [. .. J entonces agarraron y dijeron que solamente [ibanJ a venir ya inmediatamente a ponerse lavanderra. Con todas esas pa/abras, hacer lavanderia. palabras, cualquiera se va a convencer y nos dieron plazo damos el agua en el tanque de agua. Hubo personas testigas hasta tres meses senor para darnos habra que firmar, (,no de todas estas cosas. Entonces imagfnese usted, habia lno es cierio?,,87 cierio?,,s7 EI conflicto se solucion6 el 6 de mayo 2003, por 10 menos tormalmente, formal mente, con la firma de un acta transaccional entre Petroproducci6n y la comunidad, que contemplaba la construcci6n de un pozo de agua con bomba, la entregada de un tanque de plastico elevado construccion de 1.500 litros y de una lavanderra comunitaria, en un plazo no mayor a 3 meses. (Ct. (Cf. Anexo 06). Finalmente, la percepci6n percepcion puede ser francamente de desconfianza debido a la repetici6n de reclamos y enfrentamientos irresueltos con la empresa: "no {{no es confiable repeticion salio porque 10 que dice Petro es una cosa y 10 que hace es todo 10 contrario. Desde que sali6 aquf, Petro ha producido mas danos y mucho mas desastres que la inclusive Texaco de aqui, misma Texaco. Pero esto no es 10 que estan diciendo, jamas. Entonces en cada rato rata hay derrames, hay ruptura de tubas, tubos, hay contaminacion de pantanos, de rfos, de esteros en gran can las magnitud. Pero como es empresa estatal, como estan la misma gente vinculadas con do, no hay quien diga nada." nada.]] 88 88 leyes y to todo, Este fen6meno fenomeno es particularmente patente en las zonas de mayores impactos socioambientales, que coinciden con las zonas donde las infraestructuras petroleras son a la vez mas concentradas y obsoletas, como en el caso de Shushufindi: "Los derrames son a cualquier rata, rato, cualquier momento momenta 0 sea no hay aviso. La Negrita, en la finca de ella, en estos altimos, ultimos, hablemos de unos un os 10-12 anos, han existido, si no me equivoco, 22 derrames de petroleo en la finca de ella [. ....]J Otro factor es las estaciones [' .. J Hemos hecho, si no me equivoco, unos tres analisis y resulta que todos los pozos de agua de la ciudad tienen hidrocarburos [.[' ....]J Empezamos a buscar todos los rios r[os que estan cercanos a la ciudad para ver cual estaba en mejores condiciones. Y Y10 lamentable es que todos los rios 0 rfos de la ciudad a jTodos!,,sg sea que estan cercanos, tienen hidrocarburos. jTodos[,X39 87 88 89 Guillermina Soto, encabeza un para en el sector Entrada a La Cordillera (San Carlos), 06/2003. Pablo Fajardo, presidente de Comisi6n Comision por Derechos Humanos de Shushufindi y asesor jurfdico del Frente de Defensa de la Amazonia, 06/2003. Ibid. 77 Plaintiff's Exhibit 8023 p. 5 of 5