ENGLISH ESPAÑOL Toronto Caribbean Carnival Teleton Unidos de Ecuador CanadianLatino n e w s p a p e r Page 3 FREE Página 12 GRATIS CALGARY, AB AÑO 12 / JUNE 2016 Philippine Pot Luck Nace un oso panda en el zoo belga de Pairi Daiza Al menos 6 muertos durante ataque a hotel en Somalia Bienes Raices Reporte VENUS ERGON R Page 4 South Korean Olympic Mascot B M RUSELAS, Bélgica (AP) — El zoológico belga Pairi Daiza anunció el nacimiento de una cría de oso panda, solo tres meses después de que expertos chinos intentasen inseminar artificialmente a la madre, Hao Hao. OGADISCIO, Somalia (AP) — El grupo extremista islámico somalí al-Shabab allanó un hotel el miércoles en la capital Mogadiscio, donde mató a seis personas y tomó varios rehenes, informó la policía. Testy Trump takes his war with the press to a new level Page 6 Maduro lamenta muerte D Página 7 onald Trump’s heated war with the media reached new heights as he turned the brag-worthy feat of raising $5.6 million for veterans’ charities into a sparring match with reporters pressing him on the issue. Canadienses regresan a zona devastada por incendio CRRF Foundation Page 8 Foto Galeria “The press should be ashamed of themselves,” a defensive Trump railed during a Tuesday news conference at Trump Tower, called to announce a list of 41 charities that received a cut of the money he raised during a highly publicized January fundraiser. The presumptive Republican presidential nominee had previously declined to disclose which charities had received the $6 million he’d claimed to have raised, and his campaign had gone back and forth about how much pledged money had come through. The Washington Post had pressed for an accounting of the donations, and several charities said they received checks just last week. Throughout Tuesday’s 40-minute question-and-answer session, Trump accused the media of being “unbelievably dishonest” in their treatment of him. F ORT MCMURRAY, Alberta, Canadá (AP) — Los habitantes de una ciudad canadiense regresaron el miércoles a sus viviendas tras un devastador incendio forestal. Los residentes empezaron a despejar los escombros y revisar lo que quedaba de sus viviendas y propiedades. After 5 days, no clues about missing boy in Japan T OKYO — The search for a boy who disappeared after his parents reportedly left him behind in a Japanese forest as punishment pushed into a fifth day on Thursday, with no clues to his fate. Yamato Tanooka, 7, has been missing since Saturday. Hallan en Londres tablillas de casi 2.000 años de antigüedad L Página 12 ONDRES (AP) — Arqueólogos descubrieron el documento escrito a mano más antiguo encontrado en Gran Bretaña, entre centenares de tablillas de casi 2.000 años, durante la era romana en Londres. Expertos del Museo de Londres dijeron el miércoles que hallaron más de 400 tablillas durante excavaciones en el distrito financiero de la capital e c u e rd e n los intereses Hipotecarios son los mas bajos en ente momento, mucho tiempo atras no se veía asi y cada dia bajan por la competencia, Por esa razón Hoy es tiempo de Hacer su sueño realidad “La casita Propia. Los precios de las Propiedades se mantienen, un precio razonable, Por eso Venus dice Pare pero Pare de Rentar,Si Usted puede pagar una renta Usted puede pagar por su propia casa. Venus lo ayudara y hara su sueño realidad, ella trabaja para Usted y nuestra comunidad, con muchos años de experiencia y premios ganados. Siempre en los primeros puestos. Ya sea Usted que compre por primera vez,o compre por segunda vez,o desea que le contruyan su casita con sus gustos también lo atendemos para casa nueva, si desea invertir aprovechando los intereses de hoy, al precio que Usted puede pagar,en el lugar donde a Usted desee,lo hare con mucho gusto. Recuerden Venus dice Paren pero Paren de Regalar su dinero en Renta, Si Usted puede pagar una Renta, Usted puede pagar por su propia casa, Deje que Venus haga su sueño realidad “La casita Propia”, Hoy es el tiempo de Comprar, los precios siguen muy buenos y los intereses hipotecarios están mucho mejor. Tenemos que aprovechar hoy que los Bancos están ofreciendo y hay competencia entre ellos, solo necesitamos el 5 % de entrada o podemos usar el RSP como parte de entrada si Usted me llama le explicare no se pierdad esta oportunidad de hoy, recuerde que estoy aquí para servirle. Gracias por las referencias, sin ustedes no ganaría los premios obtenidos. También espero que el 2015 sea un excelente y próspero para usted y los suyos. VENUS ERGON CIR REALTY (403)617-2145 vergon@cirrealty.ca para las nuevas oficinas de la compañía Bloomberg. El tesoro provee una mirada reveladora a la historia temprana de la ciudad como eje comercial. Hasta ahora 87 tablillas han sido descifradas, incluyendo una dirigida “en Londres, para Mogontius”. Its a VENUS ERGON message Page 2 June 2016 Toronto-area police force suspends Twitter account after being hacked B RAMPTON, Ont. - A Toronto-area police force says its Twitter account was hacked Monday night and had to be temporarily shut down. Insp. Dan Richardson of Peel Regional police tweeted around 9 p.m. that the force’s main account had been hacked. He tweeted about an hour later that police had “regained control” of the account and would be reactivating it Tuesday. S Turkey counts cost of conflict as Kurdish militant battle rages on It had not been restored as of 9:30 a.m. Photos posted online showed the account tweeting profanities and racial slurs on Monday night before it was suspended. “The posts that were made during this time do not represent the beliefs or views of Peel Regional Police,” the force said in a statement. “We apologize for this inconvenience and we are investigating this incident.” I STANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey’s conflict with Kurdish militants, said to have killed more than 5,000 people since July, has also destroyed at least 6,000 buildings that will cost approaching 1 billion lira ($340 million) to rebuild, according to a government estimate. Large swathes of towns in the mainly Kurdish southeast have been devastated by daily shelling, blasts and gunfire in battles that are still raging, even as President Tayyip Erdogan says the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) is in its “death throes”. Turkish warplanes struck overnight at PKK gun positions and shelters in Semdinli by the border with Iraq and Iran, the army said. The fighting, at its most intense in two decades, resumed after a two-year-old ceasefire collapsed last July. A day earlier, roadside bombs killed at least six people in two attacks on security forces in the southeast. Air strikes in northern Iraq’s Metina area have killed 14 PKK fighters since last Wednesday, the army said. Apoyo a presidenta chilena vuelve al nivel más bajo de su segundo mandato: sondeo ANTIAGO, 31 mayo (Reuters) - La aprobación a la gestión de la presidenta de Chile, Michelle Bachelet, cayó nuevamente al menor nivel de su segundo mandato, en momentos en que su Gobierno debe hacer frente a conflictos sociales con pescadores del sur del país y a nuevas acciones del movimiento estudiantil, mostró el martes un sondeo privado. La encuestadora Gfk Adimark explicó que el apoyo a la mandataria socialista cayó cinco puntos al 24 por ciento, mientras que el rechazo también volvió a su máximo de 72 por ciento, al aumentar en siete puntos. “Mayo fue un mes extremadamente complejo para (el palacio presidencial) La Moneda, un mes intenso en conflictos políticos y de índole social”, dijo la firma en un comunicado. “El cambio respecto al mes anterior resulta estadísticamente significativo”, agregó. El Gobierno se vio sacudido por las consecuencias de una intensa marea roja que golpeó fuertemente al sur del país, incluyendo a la turística isla de Chiloé, y que provocó un bloqueo de vías por parte de los pobladores. El mínimo nivel de aprobación en el segundo mandato de la presidenta, que llegó al poder con una amplia mayoría y tras prometer profundas reformas, se registró por última vez en diciembre del año pasado. Durante mayo, grupos de estudiantes también anunciaron una radicalización de sus manifestaciones en contra de una reforma educacional impulsada por Bachelet que consideran como un fracaso, aunque la iniciativa aún cuenta con un 49 por ciento de respaldo público, según el sondeo. La semana pasada, un grupo de estudiantes vulneró la seguridad e irrumpió en el palacio presidencial como parte de una protesta. Además, durante el mes la atención pública volvió a centrarse en un caso de tráfico de influencias que involucra directamente a la nuera de la mandataria. Respecto a otras reformas clave, los ajustes a la legislación laboral concentran un 60 por ciento de rechazo, mientras que un 61 por ciento está interesado en participar de un proceso para el cambio de la Constitución. También se registró un significativo aumento en el rechazo a la forma en que Bachelet y su Gobierno manejan la economía, el empleo, el cuidado del medio ambiente y la educación. Brasil registra un desempleo récord de 11,2% entre febrero y abril B rasil registró una desocupación récord de 11,2% en el trimestre móvil febrero-abril, sacudido por una profunda crisis económica que sumó 3,4 millones de desempleados durante el último año, informó el martes el ente estatal de estadísticas. El Instituto Brasileño de Geografía y Estadística (IBGE) reportó que la mayor economía latinoamericana tiene 11,4 millones de desempleados, contra los 8,02 millones del trimestre terminado en abril del año pasado, y se encamina hacia su primer bienio recesivo desde la década del 30, con una inflación cercana a los dos dígitos y un rojo fiscal gigantesco. Con el país sumido en una crisis política que llevó a la suspensión de la presidenta Dilma Rousseff, acusada de manipular las cuentas públicas, y reemplazada interinamente por su vice Michel Temer, el desempleo aumentó 3,2 puntos porcentuales en abril frente a igual medición de 2015 (8%), según la nueva metodología que reemplazó al indicador mensual por uno trimestral. “Fue la mayor tasa de desocupación desde que se inició la serie en enero de 2012”, dijo el organismo en su reporte. Brasil había empezado el 2016 con una desocupación del 9,5%, muy por encima del 6,2% que registraba en diciembre del 2013, la menor tasa de toda la serie. A poco más de dos meses de inaugurar en Rio de Janeiro los primeros Juegos Olímpicos de la historia en Sudamérica, el país se debate en una dura crisis. El PIB se contrajo 3,8% en 2015 y proyecta una caída similar en 2016, año para el cual el gobierno proyecta un déficit fiscal de más de 163.000 millones de reales (unos 45.500 millones de dólares). Los problemas financieros llevaron al país a perder el grado de inversión a manos de las calificadoras de riesgo internacional y apenas tiene en la balanza comercial el único dato macroeconómico positivo, ayudado por una fuerte depreciación del real ante el dólar. Brasil, con una población de 204 millones de habitantes, tiene 165,9 millones de personas en edad de trabajar y una fuerza laboral activa de 102 millones. El miércoles inicia temporada de ciclones en el Atlántico M éxico, 31 May (Notimex).- Este miércoles 1 de junio inicia la temporada de huracanes en el Océano Atlántico, en donde se esperan 13 ciclones, de los cuales seis alcanzarán el grado de huracán, con categorías que oscilarán entre 1 y 5 de la escala Saffir Simpson. De acuerdo con el pronóstico de ciclones tropicales 2016, en esta temporada ocurrirán siete tormentas tropicales, cuatro huracanes categorías 1 y 2; dos de categorías 3, 4 y 5. Los nombres asignados a estos meteoros, de acuerdo al orden de aparición son: Alex, Bonnie, Colin, Danielle, Earl, Fiona, Gaston, Hermine, Ian, Julia, Karl, Lisa, Matthew, Nicole, Otto, Paula, Richard, Shary, Tobias, Virginie y Walter. G UN: 880 killed in Mediterranean shipwrecks over last week ENEVA - Survivors’ accounts now indicate the dangerous Mediterranean Sea crossing from Libya to Italy claimed at least 880 lives in the last week as unseaworthy, overcrowded smuggling boats capsized and sank under the weight of their human cargo, the U.N. refugee agency said Tuesday. The deadliest known tally in over a year could foreshadow disasters ahead in the next few months during the region’s traditional summer-fall spike in human trafficking as the weather and water grow warmer. UNHCR spokesman William Spindler said this year is proving to be “particularly deadly” on the Mediterranean, with some 2,510 lives lost compared to 1,855 in the same span a year ago. International organizations had reported Sunday that over 700 migrants and refugees had perished in three Mediterranean shipwrecks on three straight days last week. Further interviews with traumatized survivors who were brought to Italian ports prompted UNHCR to increase the estimated number of dead from those wrecks and others. A Nuestros Lectores / To Our Readers AROUND THE WORLD at www.canadianlatinonewspaper.com (403)617-2145 Visit us from all over the world 24 hours a day 7days a week 365 days a year! www.canadianlatinonewspaper.com venus@canadianlatinonewspaper.com Material received without proper identification , written in an inappropriate or offensive manner will not be published. Articles and or advertising will be credited and are the sole responsibility of the writer. (Please provide full name, address and phone number. Complying with our secured privacy policy, we will not release this information to third parties) We reserve the right to publish or edit the articles. Material recibido sin adecuada identificación, escrito de manera inapropiada o de manera ofensiva no serán publicados. Los artículos y o anuncios serán acreditados a su autor y son de su sola responsabilidad. (Favor provéanos de nombre completo, dirección y teléfono. Cumpliendo con nuestra política de seguridad, ésta información no será revelada a terceras personas). Nos reservamos el derecho de publicar y o editar dichos artículos. Canadian Latino newspaper www.canadianlatinonewspaper.com venus@canadianlatinonewspaper.com (403)617-2145 As fighting continued, the government of new Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said 6,320 buildings, or 11,000 dwellings, had been destroyed in five areas alone: Sur in Diyabakir, Silopi, Cizre and Idil in Sirnak province and Yuksekova in Hakkari. “We now face a process of planning reconstruction and repairing damaged houses,” Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmus said after a cabinet meeting on Monday, estimating the cost of rebuilding in the areas at 855 million lira ($290 million). We Invite you to participate in Canadian Latino Newspaper with your comments, suggestions and to publish your advertising. Just contact us at the address shown below. Los invitamos a que participe en Canadian Latino Newspaper con Sus comentarios, sugerencias, y para publicar Sus anuncios publicitarios. Solo cantactenos en la direccion que aparece abajo. canadianlatinonewspaper.com venus@canadianlatinonewspaper.com (403)617-2145 Page 3 June 2016 Realty Report By Toronto Caribbean Carnival VENUS ERGON algarians are C motivated to purchase a home as prices right and buyers should take advantage of the low interest rates offered by the banks. Is hard to define your future, nothing is impossible!!!. Calgary is growing in ours province the Alberta,in our city the house market remains stable in the interest rates is low, In the area you choose at the price you can afford, I will be delighted to show you around, I will help you find...The best home, in the area you choose, First time buyer, New home or New Construction, Resale home or better home,Single home, Semi-detached home, Townhouse, Condo,etc 5% Down Payment is all you need or you can used the RRSP for Down Payment. Calgary is a prosperous city that attracts new citizens that are looking for better job opportunities in a city where they live. This is why Venus encourages you to Stop Renting and buy your own property ,this is good time to buy and to take advantage a the good low interest rate. I am ready to help you find your Dream Home. The interest rates are low and housing market is great. This is your time Buyers and Sellers Act Now! Venus say Stop, Stop Renting!. Why pay for someone Else’s mortgage, if you can pay your rent you can pay your own home. This is best time for Buyer’s, Keep in mind this a good time to Purchase a Home. LEN CHAN N o r t h A m e r i c a ’s largest Caribbean Festival takes place with its major events July 28 for the Costume Extravaganza (King & Queen) at Lamport Stadium and the crown jewel of Carnival, the Grand Parade taking place July 30 from CNE grounds and down Lakeshore Blvd. There are other events, but these two are what tourists enjoy. Carnival, be it Rio, Trinidad, Toronto and many places in the Caribbean, Europe, United States, parts of South America is such a spectacle with its Massive Carnival costumes flanked by thousands of revellers to make up what is called a Mas Band with lots of Road March Music made to dance for revellers and parade watchers to get caught up in what is called Carnival Fever. Mas Bands vary in size from 100 to over 4,000 with many sections of different colour designed small reveller costumes accompanying what is called a King & Queen Costume along with many median size costumes. This year Toronto Carnival has 14 Mas Band entrants along with a number of floats. Photographer Len Chan has been attending and covering Carnival for over 16 years and with hot humid Toronto weather at 30 during my many trips but once the Parade starts along with lots of music made to enjoy Carnival its time for lots of drinks,ice cream. Anyone can buy a costume from the Mas Bands and be part of the Parade and even many coming from USA, Europe, Latin America, Asia have joined the fun. Carnival Nationz Revellers Flanking a Big Costume VENUS ERGON CIR REALTY (403)617-2145 vergon@cirrealty.ca Te Invitan a este gran evento El Superconcierto Latino del año TICKETS & INFO: 403 471 8058 OR VISIT: WWW.JOKERENTERTAINMENT.CA Page 4 June 2016 Philippine Pot Luck for Ft. Mac Evacuees LEN CHAN T he Philippine Emergency Response Team(PERT)with support from the Philippine Consul General for Alberta & Saskatchewan held a Potluck and a get together with Food, Music, Singing, Zumba performance for Filipino evacuees from Fort McMurray held May 20 at Father Lacombe High School. The Potluck from 5.30-8pm also had a Basketball and Volleyball game with Ft Mac students vs Calgary Attending were Philippine Consul General for Alberta & Saskatchewan Hon. Julius Torres and staff and from NDP Hon. Irfan Sabir, Minister of Human Services. PERT not only is for Philippine Disasters like Typhoons, but stepping to the plate where so many Filipino’s have been affected. Ken McCully celebrated his birthday May 20 and Ken and his wife Margot are from the hard hit Beacon Hill district. A Left Consul Gen. Julius Torres, Marichu Antonio, Hon. Irfan Sabir, Grace and Maribel Javier Presidente de Paraguay insta a denunciar abusos contra menores sunción, 31 may (EFE).-El presidente paraguayo, Horacio Cartes, instó a los ciudadanos a velar por los derechos de los menores y exhortó a denunciar cualquier tipo de abuso contra ese sector, con motivo de la conmemoración hoy en Paraguay del Día Nacional contra el maltrato y abuso sexual y laboral de niños, niñas y adolescentes. “Protejamos los derechos de niños y adolescentes denunciando cualquier abuso al 147. Respetá Mis Derechos por un Paraguay mejor”, señaló Cartes en las redes sociales. La Secretaría Nacional para la Niñez y la Adolescencia (SNNA) instaló ese servicio telefónico gratuito, denominado “147 Fono Ayuda”, para denunciar casos de maltrato, abuso sexual, explotación sexual y ofrecer apoyo psicológico y legal a las víctimas. Paraguay instauró el Día Nacional contra el maltrato, abuso sexual y laboral de niños, niñas y adolescentes con la memoria puesta en el caso de una menor que fue asesinada y abusada sexualmente en 2004 en la localidad de Yaguarón. La SNNA tiene previsto realizar hoy un acto en el centro de Yaguarón bajo el lema “Respeta mis derechos, denunciá la violencia sexual”, parte de una campaña que durante mayo se llevó a cabo para repudiar el abuso y la explotación sexual. En los cuatro primeros meses de 2016 se contabilizaron en Paraguay 933 denuncias de violencia sexual a menores, de las cuales 669 corresponden a casos de abuso sexual, 31 a trata de personas, 212 a pornografía y 21 a proxenetismo, según los datos que la Fiscalía proporciona a la SNNA. Ken McCully birthday May 20 with wife Margot looking on Physicist Stephen Hawking baffled by Donald Trump’s rise L ONDON - Renowned theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking may have a good grasp of the workings of the universe, but he says he can’t understand Donald Trump’s popularity. Hawking tells ITV’s “Good Morning Britain” show Tuesday that he has no explanation for the success of the presumptive Republican Party presidential nominee. “He is a demagogue who seems to appeal to the lowest common denominator,” Hawking says in prerecorded comments to be broadcast when the show airs at 6 a.m. London time. Hawking , who speaks through a computer system operated with his cheek, also made a plea for British voters to choose to remain in the European Union in the June 23 referendum. June 2016 Page 5 Page 6 June 2016 F ‘Flies everywhere -- big ones:’ Unpleasant realities in a smoked city ORT MCMURRAY, Alta. - What happens when a city of more than 80,000 shuts down and stands largely empty for a month? Lives were put on hold and households left without utilities when L The smell of smoke still hung in the air like a doused campfire the morning after. But this wasn’t a momentary whiff. The Red Cross was handing out masks for people to use during cleanup. The province has suggested people with heart conditions, pregnant women, children under seven and seniors not return until the air quality improves. Hungría detiene camioneta con 25 migrantes a policía húngara detuvo a cinco ucranianos sospechosos de tráfico de personas por transportar a 25 migrantes de Pakistán y Afganistán hacia Austria. Los migrantes viajaban en una de las dos camionetas con matrícula lituana a las que la policía dio el alto el jueves en una carretera cerca de la ciudad occidental de Szombathely, a unos 15 kilómetros (9 millas) de la frontera austriaca. En otro caso, la policía dijo haber detenido a un hombre austriaco de 49 S people fled a wildfire that burned parts of Fort McMurray a month ago. Here’s a look at some of the more unpleasant things evacuees found as they returned to their city Wednesday. años cerca de la localidad norteña de Tata, después de que se le diera el alto con seis ciudadanos sirios, dos de ellos menores, en su auto. Los sirios se habían registrado ante las autoridades húngaras y solicitado asilo, pero no tenían los documentos necesarios para abandonar el país. Hungría había registrado unas 17.500 solicitudes de asilo este año hasta mediados de mayo, pero la mayoría de los solicitantes de asilo se marchan hacia la Europa occidental antes de que se decidan sus casos. La policía en el este de Alemania buscaba a tres hombres de un grupo, después de que se difundiera un video en el que se los vía expulsando a un migrante iraquí de un supermercado. El iraquí de 21 años discutía con los empleados del supermercado por una tarjeta telefónica defectuosa el pasado 21 de mayo, en Arnsdorf, indicó la policía de Goerlitz a la agencia de noticias dpa. Entonces, los tres hombres vestidos con camisetas negras irrumpieron en el lugar, agarraron al migrante y lo sacaron fuera, donde lo ataron a un árbol con bridas de plástico. Los hombres huyeron ante la llegada de la policía. El periódico Bild difundió un video del incidente, que según dijo circulaba por sitios web de ultraderecha. La policía buscaba a testigos que pudieran identificar a los hombres. También investigaban al migrante, que según empleados del supermercado amenazó al personal de la tienda con una botella. South Korean Olympic organizers reveal mascot for 2018 Games EOUL, Korea, Republic Of — A cartoon white tiger named “Soohorang” will be the mascot for the 2018 Pyeongchang Olympics. The organizing committee of the games made the announcement Thursday and said an Asian black bear character, named “Bandabi,” was picked as the mascot for the Paralympics. Soohorang, created by South Korean designers, was picked as the mascot because Koreans have long equated the shape of the Korean Peninsula to the shape of a tiger, the committee said. White tigers are also considered as guardian animals in Korean folklore. Bandabi was picked as the Paralympic mascot because bears to Koreans represent strong will and courage, and also because the Asian black bear is the symbolic animal of the Gangwon Province, the region that governs Pyeongchang, the committee said. Lee Hee-bom, the president of Pyeongchang’s organizing committee, said that the mascots embody the “collective will” for the successful hosting of the Olympics and Paralympics, and will now “spearhead” the committee’s communication and marketing activities. Griffin Poetry Prize to be awarded to Canadian and international poets in Toronto T ORONTO — One of the richest prizes in poetry will be handed out at a gala event in Toronto tonight. The Griffin Poetry Prize will award $65,000 each to two winners, one Canadian and one international. A collection of poems by Toronto author Soraya Peerbaye is among three Canadian titles shortlisted. Peerbaye made the list of seven overall Griffin finalists for “Tell: poems for a girlhood” (Pedlar Press), which traces the events surrounding the 1997 beating and murder P of Vancouver Island teen Reena Virk by a group of high school classmates. N o r t h e r n Ontario writer Liz Howard was recognized for her debut “Infinite Citizen of the Shaking Tent’’ (McClelland & Stewart). Rounding out the list of Canadian contenders is “Frayed Opus for Strings & Wind Instruments’’ (Brick Books) by Swedish-born Danish poet Ulrikka S. Gernes and translated by two Canadian collaborators: Danish-born Per Brask and Steinbach, Man.-born, Victoria-based Patrick Friesen. Inundaciones cubren oeste de Europa, dejan 5 muertos ARIS (AP) — Cinco personas murieron y miles quedaron atrapadas en sus autos o viviendas por las inundaciones que afectan a zonas de Francia, Alemania y Bélgica, y había ríos desbordados desde París a Baviera. Y la crisis no ha terminado. Se espera más lluvia para los próximos días en algunas regiones y las autoridades en la capital francesa predijeron que el río Sena no alcanzará su nivel más alto hasta el viernes. Se cancelaron cruceros turísticos y varias carreteras en la capital francesa y alrededores quedaron cubiertas por agua, agravando las complicaciones de desplazamientos tras las huelgas de tren de esta semana. Varios días de fuertes lluvias causaron demoras excepcionales en el Roland Garros y podrían obligar al torneo a extenderse a una tercera semana. Page 7 June 2016 T Bernie Sanders: Donald Trump is an ‘incredibly dangerous person’ he self-described democratic socialist attempted to answer his own question, suggesting that the billionaire real estate mogul had craftily managed to brand himself as a populist outsider. “Many working-class people in this country no longer have faith in establishment politics,” Sanders said. “And, of course, that’s what Trump has seized upon. He’s a phony and an opportunist. But he has seized upon that and said, ‘I am not part of the establishment.’ He’s only a multibillionaire who has worked with Wall Street and everybody else. E with the Seven Network on Sunday, her husband, Robert Gropel, said he continued on to the summit after she became ill. “I asked, ‘Do you mind if I go on,’ and she said, ‘Yes, you go on, I’ll wait for you here,’” he said. “From that position the summit didn’t look that far, 15 minutes away. When I made it to the summit of Everest it wasn’t special to me, because I didn’t have her there. I just ran up and down and it didn’t mean anything to me.” On the way down the mountain, Strydom began to struggle to walk and speak. She improved after being given medication and oxygen, but then she collapsed and couldn’t be revived, the Guardian reported. She died on May 20. disparos en la pared” y restos de “sangre humana”, confirmando una “hipótesis” que motivó el inicio de las pesquisas hace varios meses, dijo Julián Quintana, director del Cuerpo Técnico de Investigación (CTI) de la Fiscalía. “Cuando ya las víctimas tenían heridas abiertas, se (las) exponía frente a los perros para que prácticamente se los comieran vivos”, señaló a periodistas, al detallar los métodos de tortura registrados en estos sitios, conocidos como “casas de pique”. La zona, llamada Bronx y dominada por una “gran organización” dedicada al narcotráfico, es aledaña a dependencias del Ejército y de la Policía, y a la Casa de Nariño, sede de la Presidencia. Suspected shark attack halts swimming at California beach EWPORT BEACH, Calif. -- Thousands of Memorial Day beachgoers were kept out of the water Monday as lifeguards searched miles of popular Southern California shoreline for a shark they believe attacked a swimmer the day before. The woman, who was swimming in a wetsuit, received large bite marks on her upper torso and shoulder and was bleeding heavily after a lifeguard boat spotted her in distress Sunday at Corona Del Mar State Beach, said Tara Finnigan, spokeswoman for the city of Newport Beach. Q Mohamed Abdelaziz murió hoy a los 68 años de edad tras una larga enfermedad, según informó el Frente Polisario. Nacido en 1947, Abdelaziz fue el hombre que llevó la lucha por la independencia saharaui de los campos de batalla a los pasillos de las Naciones Unidas, donde aún sigue la pelea con Marruecos por la autodeterminación. EFE Hallan casas de tortura y descuartizamiento en centro de Bogotá asas de tortura y descuartizamiento fueron halladas en pleno centro de Bogotá, en la zona de mayor expendio de drogas del país, durante una operación policial iniciada el fin de semana, informó este martes la Fiscalía de Colombia. Fueron identificados “tres sitios donde había calabozos y mazmorras y además N palabras en las que Chávez, quien falleció en marzo de 2013 y fue antecesor de Maduro, aseguró que “ Venezuela levantará su voz al mundo para apoyar la causa del pueblo saharaui” . Australian Woman Who Died on Mount Everest Was 15 Minutes From Summit n Australian woman who died on Mount Everest last week after developing altitude sickness fell ill just 15 minutes short of reaching the summit, and her husband said Sunday that reaching the top “didn’t mean anything” without her beside him. Maria Strydom, 34, had set out to climb the mountain with her husband to prove that “vegans can do anything.” In an interview C children — getting decent jobs and getting homes.” Sanders continued: “And then they look at the leadership of the Democratic Party and the leadership of the Republican Party and they don’t see people addressing or even paying attention to their needs. And Trump comes along and starts to blame Mexicans or Muslims or women for the problems facing society. The people are seeing that someone at least is speaking to their anger. And that’s unfortunate. That’s a very ugly approach. But that’s why he’s succeeding.” Maduro lamenta muerte del “amigo del pueblo venezolano” Mohamed Abdelaziz n el escrito se expresa “solidaridad y acompañamiento en este momento de tristeza, reflexión y compromiso nacional” por parte de Venezuela al Gobierno y al pueblo de Saharaui. “ Honor y gloria al Presidente Mohamed Abdelaziz, héroe del Pueblo Saharaui” concluye el comunicado, que citó unas A But he claims not to be part of the establishment, right? That has created a certain amount of support for him.” Sanders further said anger is the “common denominator” between Trump’s supporters and his own. “To the media’s great shock and to the pundits’ great shock, there are millions of Americans who are very, very angry,” he said. “And they’re angry because they’re working longer hours for lower wages. They’re angry because they’re working two and three jobs. They’re worried about the future of their The woman’s condition was not immediately available, but she was conscious when she went to a hospital, Finnegan said. “We are treating this as a shark-bite incident and are asking everyone to please stay out of the water in the closure area,” he said. While people were welcome on the beachfront and pier, lifeguards were asking anybody entering the water to return to the shore. With skies overcast and temperatures chilly Monday, several beachgoers said it was too cold to swim anyway. The ban on entering the water stretched Presidente de Ecuador dice “Secretario de la OEA; está bastante desubicado” uito, 31 may (EFE).- El presidente de Ecuador, Rafael Correa, consideró hoy “fuera de lugar” el posicionamiento del secretario general de la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA) Luis Almagro, al invocar la Carta Democrática sobre Venezuela y dijo que el también excanciller uruguayo “hace rato está bastante desubicado”. Correa, en un encuentro con periodistas en la provincia de Manabí (noroeste) señaló que Almagro “está tomando decisiones por cuenta propia, de forma muy ‘sui generis’” y manifestó el desacuerdo del Gobierno que lidera con la decisión del secretario de la OEA. En un informe, Almagro activó hoy la Carta Democrática a Venezuela, lo que puede llevar a su suspensión del ente, por considerar que hay una “alteración del orden constitucional que afecta gravemente el orden democrático”. Pero Correa dijo que la máxima autoridad de la OEA es su Asamblea y cuando ese órgano no esta convocado, el Consejo Permanente, al que está subordinado Almagro, indicó. El gobernante ecuatoriano subrayó, además, que con su invocación a la Carta Democrática, el responsable de la OEA “está atendiendo un pedido del Legislativo venezolano (...) cuando normalmente se atienden los pedidos del poder Ejecutivo” para activar esa carta. “Obviamente, pues nosotros no estamos de acuerdo con ese llamado, creemos que la presidencia del Consejo Permanente (que ocupa Argentina) tampoco”, dijo Correa. El presidente ecuatoriano remarcó que, en su opinión, la solución al “gravísimo problema venezolano” se alcanzará por la vía de un diálogo que, indicó, se lleva a cabo con la mediación de los expresidentes panameño, Martín Torrijos; dominicano, Leonel Fernández y español, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero. El gobernante de Ecuador expresó su apoyo a ese diálogo y al acompañamiento que recibe de parte de la Unión de Naciones Suramericanas (Unasur), formada por Argentina, Brasil, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Perú, Surinam, Uruguay y Venezuela. Reiteró que la invocación de Almagro está “fuera de lugar” y no ha sido consultada con los países miembros del organismo interamericano ni con su Consejo Permanente. for several miles from the Balboa Pier to the city limits at Crystal Cove State Beach. Officials said it would remain in effect until further notice. The injured woman was swimming about 100 yards offshore, just outside buoys marking a protected swimming area near where boats travel. Lifeguards who saw her struggling witnessed the last part of the attack and quickly ruled out any kind of boating or watercraft accident, Williams said. There have been no recent reports of sharks in the area, he said. Argentina, Chile, Colombia y Uruguay preocupados por Venezuela L os cancilleres de Colombia, Argentina, Uruguay y Chile expresaron su preocupación por la crisis política y social en Venezuela, y ofrecieron su apoyo a los esfuerzos de diálogo en ese país. La oferta de respaldo fue expresada en una declaración firmada por las cancilleres Susana Malcorra, de Argentina; María Ángela Holguín, de Colombia; y sus colegas de Chile, Heraldo Muñoz, y de Uruguay, Rodolfo Nin Novoa. Los cancilleres expresaron su satisfacción por las gestiones de los expresidentes José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, de España; Leonel Fernández, de República Dominicana, y Martín Torrijos, de Panamá, para establecer un diálogo entre gobierno y oposición de Venezuela. Plantearon su “profunda preocupación por la democracia y los derechos humanos y por el futuro político, económico y social en Venezuela”. Manifestaron asimismo su “apoyo a este esfuerzo de entendimiento y diálogo y a los procedimientos constitucionales tal como el relativo al referéndum revocatorio”, mecanismo que la oposición solicita para recortar el mandato del presidente Nicolás Maduro. Reiteramos nuestra disposición de colaborar o acompañar esta y cualquier otra iniciativa constructiva que surja en la región en favor de un diálogo efectivo que promueva la estabilidad política y la recuperación económica en Venezuela”, dijo la declaración. Maduro camp cries fraud in Venezuela recall vote drive C aracas (AFP) - Allies of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro accused his opponents Monday of fraud in their petition for a vote on removing him from office, saying 10,000 people who supposedly signed it are dead. With Venezuela mired in a punishing economic crisis, Maduro’s opponents are racing to fulfill the requirements to call a recall referendum against him. They are hoping to clear a first hurdle Thursday, when electoral authorities are due to finish reviewing an initial batch of 1.8 million signatures backing a recall vote. But the leftist leader’s allies alleged the petition -- the first of two required -- was riddled with fraud. “I state with full responsibility that at this time we have detected 10,000 deceased people signing,” said Jorge Rodriguez, the head of a commission appointed by Maduro to oversee the process. He alleged more than 40 percent of the signatures were fraudulent in separate comments Sunday. If the electoral board accepts the preliminary petition, signatories will then be asked to confirm their decision in person and prove their identity via fingerprint scans. The opposition would then have to collect four million signatures on a second petition to trigger a referendum. Maduro’s opponents are racing to hold a referendum before January 10, four years into Maduro’s six-year term. After that date, a successful recall vote would pass power to the vice president rather than trigger new elections. The opposition accuses Maduro’s camp of stalling. Venezuela, home to the world’s largest oil reserves, has been on a downward spiral since a collapse in global crude prices began in mid-2014. June 2016 Canadian Race Relations Foundation(CRRF) Urban Foundation LEN CHAN C RRF on May 18 at Bow Valley College held its Round Table Series, The Urban Agenda Calgary from 5.30-9pm. Attending were Race and Immigrant Serving Agencies, the public by registration(free event) and professionals in those Sectors. CRRF Roundtables bring together people who are engaged in the on going dialogue about race relations and multiculturalism in Canada to build on our collective knowledge and understanding to generate new ideas for deeper exploration. The event was well attended and opening remarks from Leonard Bastien(Piikani Nation) Sharon Carry, Pres. & CEO Bow Valley College and Mayor Naheed Nenshi. Panelists were Iman Bukhari, CEO Canadian Cultural Mosaic Foundation, Mohammed Idriss, Service Mgr. Brooks and County Immigration Services, CoraVoyageur, Indigenous and Teresa Woo-Paw, Panelists Consultant. Its not only visible minorities and immigrants facing barriers, but the First Nations continue to seek answers from the Residential Schools and abuse and loss of self esteem and culture. Of note one of the panelists mentioned that a visible minority girl asked by a teacher where she was from and said Canada and its like this teacher in her mind thought “Really.” Many visible minority population are also 3 generations born in Canada and because we don’t look like mainstream Canadian its like ??? Hate comes in all forms from racial slurs, insulting our fashion and making fun of our names, but for those well educated facing what is called the “GLASS CEILING” in the work world,Graffiti or told Nite Club is full when its not and mainstream Canadians entering. Strides have been made but like a slow process and here we are in 2016 and still battling racism and panelists like Iman Bukhari produced a documentary titled YYC Colours about Racism in Calgary and Canada. Mohammed Idriss on a number of Committees including RCMP and Medicine Hat Board of Governors so progress continues. Woo-Paw founding member of a number of organizations including Chinese Community Services Association Responders were Roger Chaffin, Chief of Police, Wayne Chui, Trico Homes, Sam Nammoura, co-founder Syrian Refugee Support Group and Judy Shapiro, Associate Executive Director, Calgary Jewish Federation. Urban agenda was also held in Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg and Vancouver. Page 8 June 2016 Page 9 Page 10 June 2016 E México solicita ingreso al Grupo Núcleo de la ONU l gobierno de México presentó hoy su solicitud para ingresar al Grupo Núcleo de la Organización de Naciones Unidas (ONU) sobre derechos de la Comunidad Lésbico-Gay, Bisexual y Transgénero (LGBT), informó la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores (SRE). En un comunicado, destacó que la petición fue presentada por el embajador Juan José Gómez Camacho, representante permanente de México ante la ONU, a los copresidentes del grupo, los embajadores de Países Bajos y la Unión Europea en Naciones Unidas, Karel van Oosterom y Joao Vale de Almeida. Las autoridades mexicanas presentaron la solicitud junto al gobierno de Alemania, pues tradicionalmente la adhesión al mecanismo se realiza en pares de países por lo general de dos distintas regiones del mundo, para mantener una representación regional balanceada. Gómez Camacho dijo que “la decisión de ingresar al Grupo Núcleo de Derechos LGBT se inscribe en el marco de las acciones anunciadas por el presidente de la República hace unas semanas, para fortalecer la defensa y promoción de los T he authorities billed it as a rescue, but Mexican soccer player Alan Pulido escaped his kidnappers by punching the one guarding him, snatching a cellphone and calling for help, a top official in the country’s violent northeast said on Monday. State security forces located Pulido within minutes of his call from a safe house in the restive city of Ciudad Victoria in Tamaulipas state, as they were scouring the area nearby, state prosecutor Ismael Quintanilla told local radio. The 25-year-old Mexico T he authorities billed it as a rescue, but Mexican soccer player Alan Pulido escaped his kidnappers by punching the one guarding him, snatching a cellphone and calling for help, a top official in the country’s violent northeast said on Monday. State security forces located Pulido within minutes of his call from a safe house in the restive city of Ciudad Victoria in Tamaulipas state, as they were scouring the area nearby, state prosecutor Ismael Quintanilla told local radio. The 25-year-old Mexico derechos de esta comunidad, no sólo en México, sino a nivel global”. “Nuestra intención es contribuir de manera activa y constante a esta causa, junto a otros estados miembros de la ONU, la sociedad civil y las agencias relevantes del sistema de Naciones Unidas”, agregó Camacho en la sede de la Delegación de la Unión Europea ante el organismo multilateral. Se espera que los copresidentes del Grupo Núcleo comuniquen a México y Alemania la aceptación de su solicitud en las próximas semanas. El Grupo Núcleo está compuesto por: Argentina, Australia, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Croacia, El Salvador, Estados Unidos, Francia, Israel, Japón, Montenegro, Países Bajos, Noruega, Nueva Zelanda, Reino Unido, Uruguay, la delegación de la Unión Europea ante la ONU, la Oficina del Alto Comisionado de Naciones Unidas para Derechos Humanos, la organización Human Rights Watch y la Comisión Internacional de Derechos Humanos de Gay y Lesbianas. Drowned baby picture captures week of tragedy in Mediterranean A photograph of a drowned migrant baby in the arms of a German rescuer was distributed on Monday by a humanitarian organization aiming to persuade European authorities to ensure safe passage to migrants, after hundreds are feared to have drowned in the Mediterranean last week. The baby, who appears to be no more than a year old, was pulled from the sea on Friday after the capsizing of a wooden boat. Forty-five bodies arrived in the southern Italian port of Reggio Calabria on Sunday aboard an Italian navy ship, which picked up 135 survivors from the same incident. German humanitarian organization Sea-Watch, operating a rescue boat in the sea between Libya and Italy, distributed the picture taken by a media production company on board and which showed a rescuer cradling the child like a sleeping baby. In an email, the rescuer, who gave his name as Martin but did not want his family name published, said he had spotted the baby in the water “like a doll, arms out- stretched”. “I took hold of the forearm of the baby and pulled the light body protectively into my arms at once, as if it were still alive ... It held out its arms with tiny fingers into the air, the sun shone into its bright, friendly but motionless eyes.” The rescuer, a father of three and by profession a music therapist, added: “I began to sing to comfort myself and to give some kind of expression to this incomprehensible, heart-rending moment. Just six hours ago this child was alive.” Like the photograph of the three-year-old Syrian boy Aylan lying lifeless on a Turkish beach last year, the image puts a human face on the more than 8,000 people who have died in the Mediterranean since the start of 2014. Little is known about the child, who according to Sea-Watch was immediately handed over to the Italian navy. Rescuers could not confirm whether the partially clothed infant was a boy or a girl and it is not known whether the child’s mother or father are among the survivors. Kidnapped Mexican striker Pulido escaped by punching captor: official national team striker who also plays professionally with the Greek team Olympiakos disappeared in his hometown on Saturday night, when he was intercepted by gunmen after leaving a party with his girlfriend. Pulido called Mexico’s emergency services around midnight on Sunday after the fistfight. He then cut his wrist trying to open a locked glass door, Quintanilla said. “There was an exchange of blows between them,” Quintanilla said. “At some point he was able to make a call.” Police have detained the captor, one of least four involved, who belonged to a criminal gang. It was unclear whether they were connected to the feared Zetas drug cartel, which controls much of the state. In the early hours of Monday, Tamaulipas Governor Egidio Torre Cantu appeared on local television, flanked by Pulido, congratulating security forces for rescuing him. The player was wearing a multicolored T-shirt and shorts and had a bandage wrapped around his right hand. Pulido was in a “good state of health,” and was with his family after receiving medical and psychological attention. Tamaulipas, which abuts the U.S. state of Texas, is an especially violent area of Mexico, which is grappling with grisly drug gang violence. Pulido was a member of the Mexican national team that competed in the 2014 World Cup in Brazil. He has also played for the Greek team Levadiakos and the Mexican club Tigres. EIRUT (Reuters) Combatientes sirios respaldados por Estados Unidos, incluyendo a kurdos, avanzaron contra Estado Islámico el miércoles en el último tramo de territorio en poder del grupo yihadista cerca de la frontera con Turquía, dijo un organismo de monitorización. F u n c i o n a r i o s B RASILIA (Reuters) - El presidente interino de Brasil, Michel Temer, dijo el miércoles que su Gobierno no reducirá los gastos en salud y educación, aunque afirmó que es necesario hacer sacrificios para equilibrar las cuentas públicas y restaurar el crecimiento de la economía. “Ya no hay más espacio en Brasil para un Estado abotagado e ineficiente”, dijo Temer en un discurso, en el que criticó la situación del país que heredó de manos de la suspendida presidenta Dilma Rousseff hace tres semanas. La mayor economía de América Latina tiene 11 millones de personas desempleadas y un enorme déficit presupuestario. Mexico drug boss Chapo files legal challenge against extradition: media L awyers for Mexican drug boss Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman have filed a legal challenge against a decision by the foreign ministry to approve his extradition to the United States, a newspaper reported on Friday. A judge granted him “provisional suspension”, meaning that the foreign ministry has 48 hours to present a report justifying its decision, Mexican newspaper El Universal reported. Mexico’s Foreign Ministry approved Guzman’s extradition to the United States earlier in May, and said it had received guarantees that the death penalty would not be sought against him. Kidnapped Mexican striker Pulido escaped by punching captor: official national team striker who also plays professionally with the Greek team Olympiakos disappeared in his hometown on Saturday night, when he was intercepted by gunmen after leaving a party with his girlfriend. Pulido called Mexico’s emergency services around midnight on Sunday after the fistfight. He then cut his wrist trying to open a locked glass door, Quintanilla said. “There was an exchange of blows between them,” Quintanilla said. “At some point he was able to make a call.” Police have detained the captor, one of least four involved, who belonged to a criminal gang. It was unclear whether they were connected to the feared Zetas drug cartel, which controls much of the state. In the early hours of Monday, Tamaulipas Governor Egidio Torre Cantu appeared on local television, flanked by Pulido, congratulating security forces for rescuing him. The player was wearing a multicolored T-shirt and shorts and had a bandage wrapped around his right hand. estadounidenses dijeron en forma separada a Reuters que miles de combatientes, respaldados por un pequeño número de fuerzas especiales, estaban lanzando una ofensiva para capturar un territorio crucial en el norte de Siria, que los militantes han usado por mucho tiempo como una base logística. La operación podría tomar semanas. El Observatorio Sirio por los Derechos Humanos dijo que la milicia YPG kurda componía la mayor parte del contingente de combatientes que participan en el asalto de la alianza de Fuerzas Democráticas Sirias, con el objetivo inicial de capturar la ciudad de Manbij, Irak retrasa ataque contra Faluya para proteger civiles Pulido was in a “good state of health,” and was with his family after receiving medical and psychological attention. Tamaulipas, which abuts the U.S. state of Texas, is an especially violent area of Mexico, which is grappling with grisly drug gang violence. Pulido was a member of the Mexican national team that competed in the 2014 World Cup in Brazil. He has also played for the Greek team Levadiakos and the Mexican club Tigres. Combatientes sirios respaldados por EEUU ganan terreno frente a Estado Islámico B Presidente Temer dice Brasil debe hacer sacrificios para frenar excesivo gasto público contradiciendo a funcionarios estadounidenses, que afirmaron que la mayoría eran árabes. Esto es importante para Turquía, miembro de la OTAN, que se opone a cualquier expansión de la influencia kurda siria en la frontera. La milicia YPG kurda siria ya controla un tramo de 400 kilómetros ininterrumpidos de la frontera F ALUYA, Irak (Reuters) - Irak postergó su ataque sobre Faluya para proteger a los civiles, dijo el miércoles el primer ministro Haider al-Abadi, mientras sus fuerzas se detuvieron en los límites de la ciudad ante la feroz resistencia de combatientes del Estado Islámico. La decisión de Abadi de detener el avance, dos días después de que tropas de elite iraquíes llegaron al sur de la ciudad, pospuso lo que se esperaba fuera una de las batallas más grandes jamás combatidas contra el grupo extremista. El Gobierno, respaldado por potencias mundiales como Estados Unidos e Irán, ha prometido recuperar la mayor ciudad iraquí, que cayó en manos del grupo en 2014. “Habría sido posible terminar la batalla rápido si proteger a los civiles no estuviera entre nuestras prioridades”. Page 11 EXPIRES 48 HOURS FROM THE DATE OF PRINT. PRICES DO NOT INCLUDE GST. TOTAL OBLIGATION: $17,839.50. OFFERS AVAILABLE FOR A LIMITED TIME AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE OR CANCELLATION WITHOUT NOTICE. VEHICLES MAY NOT BE EXACTLY AS SHOWN. ERRORS AND OMISSIONS EXEMPT. SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS. June 2016 S L L I H Y R T N U O C YOWZA! WHAT A FANTASTICAL DEAL! TS R O P S A ELANTR OOSE TO CH FROM! SO CHP4878A 29,328 KM MANY! .. SO ICE IS PR TH HOT ALSO AVAILABLE IN MULTIPLE OTHER COLOURS! COUNTRY HILLS 2307 Country Hills Blvd NE Calgary, AB T3J 0R4 PA R T O F OW! TN RIGH ! WOW ! WOW MOONROOF BACKUP CAMERA ALLOY WHEELS AUTOMATIC AUDIO STREAMING BLUETOOTH AIR CONDITIONING HEATED SEATS B O O K Y O U R A P P O I N T M E N T T O D AY: 403-984-9696 CHHYUNDAI.COM T H E 4 0 3 - 8 2 6 - 5 5 5 6 C O U N T RY H I L L S C R E D I T . C O M K A I Z E N A U T O M O T I V E G R O U P | K A I Z E N A U T O . C O M Page 12 June 2016 Teleton de Immigrantes Unidos de Ecuador VENUS ERGON T eleton de Immigrantes Unidos de Ecuador: La jueza ecuatoriana de la Corte Suprema del Estado de New York, Carmen Velasquez, Directora, Angela Moreno Quezada, Alfonso Moreno Quezada miembro del Comité Organizador del Teletón Migrantes Unidos y todos los demas honorables representantes de Ecuador sos por Ecuador, realizado en el Parque Flushing de Queens, NY. Fue el dia 15 de Mayo ,con show de Artistas, Musica, Comida Tipica. autorizada por el consul del Ecuador.teniendo un exito total.Terremoto 7.8 in Ecuador Abril 16 2016. Jorge y Amparo Recabarren ganadores de un Minivan 2008 donacion de Jorge y Lucrecia Orosco en Ayudame a Vencer el Cancer Nino,Venus y Henry at Kura Mira Restaurant Ganadores un Spa Courtyard by Marriott Calgary Food Bank: June Events Pet Food Drive June 4 - 11, a.m. to 3 p.m. Lakeview Community Association Hockey Night in Canada’s Play On! June 11 and 12 - 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 2330 - 96 Ave NE Panel One Comic Creator Festival June 4, 12 p.m. to 7 p.m. Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Association - 1320 5 Ave NW City Palate’s Culinary Race June 11, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Calgary Farmers Market - 510 77 Ave SE 4-H on Parade June 3, 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. June 4, 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. June 5, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Doran House Band - Friends and Neighbour Day June 18 - 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. TG Lounge & Thorncliffe Community Centre - 5600 Centre St N Calgary Stampede, Agrium Building 2050 Stampede Trail SE 4-H Salopek’s Run to Renew 10K Fundraiser June 25 - 10 a.m . to 2 p.m. Fish Creek Park - 1441 Bannister Road SE E Mayor Naheed Nenshi & Venus Ergon Asi leen el periodico cada dia muy interesante Suecia condena a un hombre a 5 años por preparar una bomba STOCOLMO (AP) — Un tribunal sueco condenó a un sueco de 20 años a cinco años de cárcel tras declararlo culpable de preparar un atentado terrorista al utilizar una olla a presión y rodamientos de acero, entre otros ingredientes, para fabricar una bomba. Aydin Sevigin fue detenido el 11 de febrero después de que su madre informara a las autoridades tras dos supuestos intentos del joven de unirse al grupo Estado Islámico en Siria el año pasado a través de Turquía, indicó el N tribunal del distrito de Attunda. El hombre fue enviado de vuelta a Suecia, donde compró líquidos y objetos para fabricar una bomba. Sevigin se descargó información de internet relacionada con el grupo armado, indicó el tribunal el jueves. Se desconoce cuál era el objetivo del ataque, pero una bomba como ésa “podría hacer daño a Suecia”, dijo el juez, Mikael Swahn. No estaba claro en un primer momento si Sevigin, que rechazó los cargos, apelaría la sentencia. Johnson & Johnson buying Vogue Int’l for about $3.3B EW YORK — Johnson & Johnson is buying hair care products maker Vogue International for about $3.3 billion. Privately-held Vogue also sells other personal care products. The acquisition will give Johnson & Johnson the OGX collection of shampoos, conditioners, treatments, styling products, body care and bath products, the FX hair styling product line and the Proganix and Maui Moisture hair care lines. M Spice & amigos los mejores Tacos en Calgary Vogue’s hair care products are sold in the U.S. and 38 other countries. Johnson & Johnson, based in New Brunswick, New Jersey, has brands including Neutrogena and Band-Aid. The deal is expected to close in the third quarter. Johnson & Johnson said Thursday that the transaction isn’t expected to impact its previously announced fullyear sales and earnings forecasts Grupos de medios piden boicot al presidente de Filipinas ANILA, Filipinas (AP) — Varios grupos internacionales de medios se sumaron el jueves a las críticas al presidente electo de Filipinas, Rodrigo Duterte, por sus declaraciones sobre que se ha asesinado a periodistas en el país porque eran corruptos y que los que han actuado mal no están exentos de ser asesinados. Reporteros Sin Fronteros instó a los medios filipinos a boicotear las ruedas de prensa de Duterte hasta que ofrezca una disculpa pública y formal. El Comité para Proteger a los Periodistas dijo que las declaraciones parecían excusar los asesinatos extrajudicialesy amenazan con convertir a los periodistas en diana en Filipinas. Durante una rueda de prensa el martes, Duterte empleó un término malsonante para señalar que “sólo por uno sea periodista, (no significa) que esté exento de asesinato” si obra mal. Todos los medios locales han condenado sus declaraciones de forma generalizada. M A V E N Immigration & Recruitment Ofrecemos soluciones estrategicas a sus necesidades de inmigracion: • Permisos para estudiantes, visitantes y trabajadores • Autorización para emplear trabajadores foráneos – Labour Market Impact Assesment (LMIA) • Residencia Permanente -­‐ Nominacion provincial, programas Federales y patrocinios. • Commissioner for Oaths en nuestra oficina • Cartas de Invitación • Records de Policia de Estados Unidos (USA Police Records) • Traducciones: Español – Ingles; Ingles – Español www. mavenir.ca (403) 453-­‐1126 info@mavenir.ca Nuestros consultores son miembros de: Page 13 May 2016 SOLUCIONES DE HUGO VELEZ Especialista en Adquisiciones TODO CREDITO Directo: 403-287-5741 Móvil: 403-805-8300 hvelez@shawgmc.com PROBLEMA TIENE ALGUNO DE NUESTROS ESPECIALISTAS PUEDE AYUDARTE A ENCONTRARLA BIENVENIDO A CANADA DESCUENTO ESPECIAL TRABAJAMOS CON TODAS LAS MARCAS Y MODELOS 403-287-5741 P A R T O F T H E BLACKFOOTCREDIT.COM 403-287-5908 4620 BLACKFOOT TR SE, CALGARY, AB T2G 4G2 K A I Z E N A U T O M O T I V E G R O U P | Gle nm ore Trail S. t Trail D e e rfoo A DIVISON OF BLACKFOOT CREDIT BUILDERS SHAW CREDITO.SHAWGMC.COM CREDITO N Blackfoot Trail S. DE Macleod Trail S. SOLUCIONES 42 Ave S. K A I Z E N A U T O . C O M Page 14 May 2016 Cultural Diverse Media Forum LEN CHAN T he City of Calgary hosted is Annual Cultural Diverse Media Forum April 30 at Water Centre and not just media were attending, but Cultural and Immigrant serving organizations as well. The speakers opening the forum were from the City of Calgary and spoke on the do’s and don’ts and proper management and control when putting on Festivals. Speakers for the afternoon were Leo Cripps, founding member of Calgary Reggaefest and Jass Nijjer, Youth Volunteer coordinator for the Sikh Festival Naga Kirtan. The City of Calgary team spoke about the situation in Calgary for festivals with short summers and only so many locations suited for Festivals and the need for security,parking and police for parades. Organizations attending spoke on the lack of media coverage and often festivals do not start on time or situations that media people need for articles where special guests for Leo Cripps, one of the speakers opening ceremonies are not on time or time delayed. Major print and TV have many events and often their day changes for break out news situations such as C-Train car collision or other disaster. One of the booths was from Alberta Health Services on food safety that organizations have to be aware of. Events are not just outdoor festivals, but lot of cultural Panelists events are indoors at Community Halls where food is served. Journalist Len Chan has been attending the forum for many years and each year is a different location and great speakers from sports, festivals and loads of new info for media. Fonseca en Calgary P or Primera vez en el West Coast de Canada!!! Tras tener llenos absolutos en todos los conciertos realizados en su país natal Colombia, se presento en un concierto historico en el Flames Central de Calgary, el ganador de tres Latin Grammy Fonseca!! El día 21 de Mayo, despues de una larga espera, Llego finalmente a esta ciudad acompañado de toda su orquesta y con su nuevo show en vivo llamado “Tour Conexión”. Tal y como lo ha hecho durante su exitosa carrera, trajo un gran repertorio que incluye temas clásicos entre ellos “Te Mando Flores”, “Arroyito”, “Prometo” y “Eres Mi Sueño” al igual que sus las recientes “Entre Mi Vida y La Tuya” y “Ya No Me Faltas”, los primeros sencillos extraídos de su cuarto álbum Conexión. Todo esto gracias a Joker Entertainment por Mr. Martin Martinez y como siempre Venus Ergon poniendo un granito de arena presente con CANADIAN LATINO NEWSPAPER Representando sus Compras y Ventas de Propiedades con 25 Años de experiencia. I Alligators Are Found Feasting on Dead Body nvestigators from the Davie Police Department returned to a scene at the edge of the Everglades on Tuesday – the place where a body was found being eaten by two alligators. Officers were searching the canal bank for any clues that could lead to the identity of the person, or help determine how the person got there, said Davie Police Capt. Dale Engle. “We are treating this as a homicide until we find otherwise,” said Engle. Alberta Health Services Booth on food safety The alligators are not suspected of killing the person, whose gender had not been determined, Engle said. Page 15 May 2016 Al Qaeda says conducted Mali raid that killed China peacekeeper A l Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) claimed responsibility on Wednesday for an attack on two United Nations’ sites in northern Mali where a peacekeeper from China and three civilians were killed and over a dozen others wounded. China’s Foreign Ministry said four of its peacekeepers were injured and called for an investigation into the attack late on Tuesday on the base in the town of Gao. The country said it has 2,400 peacekeepers stationed in Africa. Two Malian security guards and a French expert were killed in a later attack carried out with light arms on the U.N. anti-mining operation (UNMAS) in a different neighborhood of Gao, the U.N. peacekeeping mission (MINUSMA) and U.N. headquarters said. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon was “outraged by the terrorist attacks carried out yesterday in Gao,” his spokesman Stephane Dujarric told reporters. “No a Keiko”, miles marchan en Perú para evitar su gobierno A cinco días de las elecciones, decenas de miles de personas se han manifestado en el centro de Lima durante más de seis horas contra la candidata Keiko Fujimori. Sindicatos, estudiantes de universidades públicas y privadas, organizaciones de Derechos Humanos, de mujeres, de maestros, de médicos, de jubilados y miles de ciudadanos anónimos han progagonizado una marcha pacífica y posteriormente un mitin en la plaza Dos de Mayo, símbolo de la luchas de la izquierda. El objetivo de la convocatoria ha ido más allá de su tradicional ‘No a Keiko’, nombre de la coordinadora que agrupa a los diferentes colectivos que marchan desde 2011 en contra de la hija del condenado ex presidente peruano. La gran mayoría de grupos asistentes han pedido en las calles un “voto crítico” por Pedro Pablo Kuzcynski, ex ministro y ex funcionario del Banco Mundial para evitar lo que consideran el retorno a la dictadura y a un ‘narcoestado’. La Fiscalía de Colombia pedirá la imputación de los jefes del ELN L a Fiscalía de Colombia pedirá imputar a los máximos jefes de la guerrilla ELN por el secuestro de tres periodistas, entre ellos la española Salud Hernández, liberados el pasado viernes, informó este martes el ente acusador.” Para nosotros es claro que debemos imputar esos secuestros como crimen internacional no solo a quienes lo practicaron directamente, sino a los miembros del Comando Central (COCE) del ELN como máximos responsables”, dijo el fiscal general de la Nación, Jorge Fernando Perdomo, en entrevista con el canal televisivo Caracol. Para Perdomo, el hecho de que los rehenes fueran civiles y periodistas hace que su secuestro a manos del Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN, guevarista), “pueda ser catalogado como un crimen de lesa humanidad o crimen de guerra”, agregó el jefe del ente acusador.Hernández, colaboradora de EL MUNDO y columnista del local El Tiempo. Liberal MP Hunter Tootoo left caucus, cabinet of his own accord, says Trudeau O TTAWA - Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says it was Hunter Tootoo’s own decision to leave the Liberal caucus and resign from cabinet to deal with “addiction issues.” In a brief statement delivered this morning outside the Liberal caucus meeting, Trudeau acknowledged the challenge faced by the Nunavut MP. day saying he was stepping down in order not to distract from the important work of his colleagues. Tootoo said he has “decided to seek treatment for addiction issues” and asked for “privacy at this time.” Tootoo isn’t the first Liberal MP in this government to seek help for addiction problems: in January, rookie Newfoundland MP Seamus O’Regan “This was his own choice after a very difficult announced he was back to work after getting help situation,” Trudeau said. “We’ll have nothing fur- for a drinking problem. ther to say on this matter.” The announcement about Tootoo’s troubles drew words of support from former Ontario preTootoo, the first northerner to take on the role mier Bob Rae, who tweeted: “Wish him well in of fisheries minister, issued a brief statement Tues- his battle.” Rona Ambrose, the interim Conservative leader, was sympathetic. “I guess I would just say I hope he gets the help that he needs and gets healthy,” she said. And Grand Chief Alvin Fiddler also took to Twitter to offer support for Tootoo on behalf of the Nishnawbe Aski Nation in northern Ontario: “sending prayers and support to Hunter Tootoo as he seeks healing.” Perry Bellegarde, national chief of the Assembly of First Nations, said it’s important for the sake of Canada’s Aboriginal Peoples that Tootoo gets the help he needs and returns to Ottawa ready to work. June 2016 Page 16 MARATHON 7.8 ECUADOR Saturday June 11, 2016 10:00 am – 2:00am Sunday Montgomery Community Association 5003 16th Ave NW Calgary, AB T3B 0N2 EVENT: Fundraiser for the Victims of the 7.8 Magnitude Earthquake in Ecuador 16 continuous hours ADMISSION: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm FREE From 6:00 pm to 2:00 am $20.00 each Performances: Cantante de Mariachi Gisela Romero, ”La voz de Bajio”, Grupo de Cajon, Así es Colombia, DJ Henry, Gilberto “Sago Music”, Dima Rico, “Drico DJ”, Bachata Con Cache, Copigue , Raíces del Perú, Marakame Mexican Dance ,Patricio Mardones “Juan Gabriel impersonator”, Luis “Kelo”, Marina, Jaime Calderón and friends. GASTRONOMY: Typical dishes from Latin American countries including; “Chacareros, pupusas, tacos, empanadas, carapulcra pastries and much more…” Join us and donate for our brothers and sisters of the 7.8 magnitude earthquake in Ecuador Send your donation directly to the CIBC bank in the name of “MARATHON 7.8 ECUADOR” account # 06429/10-14404 or mail in your cheque or money order in the name of MARATHON 7.8 ECUADOR to Earthquake/Terremoto Ecuador, P.O. Box 91076 Royal Oak, Calgary, Alberta, T3G 5W6 Organized by a group of volunteers “Latino Americanos en Calgary”/ “Ecuatorianos en Alberta” Information: Venus Ergon Sandra Saavedra Jimmy Bejarano 403-617-2145 403-481-7455 587-284-7052 vergon@cirrealty.ca cartes007@hotmail.com jbejarano_r2@yahoo.com