Authors Authors José María Aranda Sánchez Holder of a Masters Degree in Sociology by the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico and a Ph. D. in Urbanism by the National Autonomous University of Mexico, he coursed specialty studies on Political Philosophy at the UAEM (1998) and currently he is a full-time definite professor and researcher at the UAEM. He is the responsible of the research line on Social Movements in Mexico and he is in charge of two research projects: Construction of the civil movement in Mexico: the cases of the Environmental Organization Network of Zihuatanejo and the Civil Movement for Democracy and The Role of UAEM in the construction of an associated net for the urban management in the State of Mexico. He imparts education at the Political Sciences degree and at the doctorate in Social Sciences in the Faculty of Political Sciences and Public Administration, UAEM. His fourth book is about to be published: Construcción del movimiento ambientalista en México 1980-2004; and his most recently published articles are: «Michel Maffesoli: una Sociología de lo banal», in Contribuciones desde Coatepec, and «Los consejos consultivos para el desarrollo sustentable: ¿participación social o legitimación institucional?» chapter for the book named La región y el desarrollo regional. Avances teóricos y nuevas experiencias, edited by the Amecider and El Colegio de Michoacán. He is a member of the SNI (National Research System) and titular counselor of the Assessing Council of the Central Administration of the UAEM. Dr. Aranda is part of the Editorial Council of the magazine Contribuciones desde Coatepec. E-mail: October/December 2005 Papeles de POBLACIÓN No. 46 CIEAP/UAEM Humberto González Galbán Holder of a Masters degree in Population Studies and a Ph. D. in Social Sciences by El Colegio de la Frontera Norte. Currently Dr. González works as a professor-researcher of the Population Studies Department and coordinator of the Demography Masters degree of El Colegio de la Frontera Norte. Previously (from 1988 to 2000) he worked as a researcher of the Statistic Research Institute and of the Population and Development Studies Centre in Cuba. He published in Cuba several books among which stands out Aspectos sociodemográficos del embarazo adolescente en Cuba, book that earned him a distinction by the Cuban Society of Population Study, the Demographic Studies Center and the Representation of the United Nations Fund for PopulationActivities. He has published in several magazines among which are: Sexología y Sociedad and Frontera Norte. E-mail: Guadalupe Margarita González Hernández She studied her bachelors and masters degree in Economy at theAutonomous University of Zacatecas and the Ph. D. in Social Sciences with the specialty of Urban Studies at the El Colegio de la Frontera Norte. Dr. González is a professor-researcher of the Autonomous University of Zacatecas and is part of the Academic Unit of Politic Science, where she participates in the Masters and Doctorate in Political Sciences programs. She is member of the academic body of Political Science, as well as of the Urban Research National Network, located in Puebla, Mexico, since 2005. She is part of The Society for the Study of Social Problems, in Tennessee, United States. The Ministry of Public Education awarded her with the Perfil Nuevo Profesor de Tiempo Completo (PNTC) granted to doctors or MAs who have recently joined public universities as researchers, valid to December 2006. Dr. González has an article published in an indexed magazine and two chapters of a book, three articles and a book are in process of publication. Currently she is in charge of two projects financed by the Teacher’s Improvement Program (PROMEP) and by the Mixed Funds of Conacyt. E-mail: Authors Esthela Gutiérrez Garza She holds a B.Sc. in Sociology by the University of Monterrey, a M.Sc. in Sociology by the Higher Studies Division of the Faculty of Political Sciences on the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). She is holder of a Ph. D. in Political Economy by the Economy Department of the University of Paris VIII and full-time professor of the Higher Studies Division of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Autonomous University of Nuevo León. She is member of the National Research System and author of several books and articles on economy and labour, among which we can mention «Los polos dinámicos de la industrialización. La industria moderna y la industria maquiladora. Nuevo León 1988-1995», in Estudios Demográficos y Urbanos, vol.11, núm. 2, El Colegio de México. Dr. Guitiérrez is coordinator of the collection in four volumes entitled Testimonios de la crisis, co-edited by the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of the UNAM and publishing house Siglo XXI, 1990. Coordinator of the books Reconversión industrial y la lucha sindical and La ocupación del futuro published in 1990 and 1991, respectively, by the publishing house Nueva Sociedad, Caracas. E-mail: Eric Janssen Ph. D. in demography, researcher at the Research and Studies in Social Anthropology Centre, campus Occidente. He is associated to the «international migration» research programs (financed by the Hewlett trust) and «Qualitative Evaluation of the Oportunidades program», headed by Dr. Agustín Latapí and Mercedes González de la Rocha. Recent publications, co-authoring with P. Sebille, 2004 «Avances teóricos y metodológicos de las historias de vida en México: la encuesta demográfica retrospectiva», in Trace, magazine from the CEMCA, nº 44; with M. Triano, 2004, «Informe estudio de campo Oportunidades: una propuesta de análisis cuantitativo complementario», in A. Escobar (coord.), Evaluación cualitativa del programa Oportunidades. Etapa rural; 2004, «Cambios y permanencias en el recorrido laboral: un October/December 2005 Papeles de POBLACIÓN No. 46 CIEAP/UAEM análisis longitudinal de la Zona Metropolitana de Guadalajara, 2000», in Carta Económica Regional, revista del CUCEA, Universidad de Guadalajara, núm. 88. E-mail: Alfonso Mejía Modesto Sociologist by the Metropolitan Autonomous University Azcapozalco and Master in Demography by El Colegio de México. He has performed his professional work at the National Population Council (Conapo) and in different consulting enterprises. He worked as a professor at several nationally renowned universities, both at B.Sc. and M.Sc. levels. He took part of the Methods for the Evaluation of Population, Health and Nutrition Programs Impact Workshop in San José Costa Rica, organized by the Programa Centroamericano de Población, Carolina Population Center y Measure Evaluation. His research subjects with which he has participated in different national and international academic meetings have been about reproductive health and evaluation of the impact of the governmental programs. Currently he works as a researcher and full-time professor of the Population Higher Studies and Research Centre (CIEAP) of the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico. His most recent co-authored publications are: Cuaderno de salud reproductiva estado de México, published by the Conapo and Evaluación de impacto del programa IMSS-Solidaridad, published by the IMSS. He recently published the book La salud reproductiva en el Estado de México edited by the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico «De los programas de planificación familiar a los de salud reproductiva sin enfoque de género», in Genero y poder: diferentes experiencias, mismas preocupaciones, 2005, UAEM. E-mail: Authors Sandra Urania Moreno Andrade Director of the Biology School of the University of Sciences and Arts of Chiapas. Holder of a Ph. D. in Ecology and Sustainable Development. She is also member of the State System of Researchers of Chiapas. She directs biology dissertation theses and counselor of postgraduate studies theses in natural resources management and conservation of natural resources in protected natural areas. E-mail: María Estela Orozco Hernández She is a doctorate in Geography by the National Autonomous University of Mexico. She has coursed specialized studies in automated cartography at the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico. She is a professor-researcher of the Faculty of Urban and Regional Planning and of the UAEM and member of the National Research System, level I since 2004. Her research lines are the regional and urban-rural studies (social, territorial and environmental approach). Among her most recent publications are «Organización socioeconómica y territorial en la región del Alto Lerma, Estado de México», in Investigaciones Geográficas. Boletín del Instituto de Geografía, núm. 1, volumen 53, UNAM, 2004 (in colaboration with María Teresa Sánchez Salazar); «Atlas agrario ejidal del estado de México», Autonomous University of the State of Mexico, 2004 (in colaboration with Vicente Peña Manjarrez, Roberto Franco Plata, Noel Bonfilio Pineda Jaimes); «Confrontación rural-urbana o la convergencia de dos hechos socioespaciales: la central de abasto de la ciudad de Toluca y el Ejido de San Mateo Otzacatipan»; La otra cara de la región: región y desarrollo regional en el contexto de la globalización, University of Varsovia, 2004 (in colaboration with Mario Daniel García Romero); «Evaluación diagnóstica para el ordenamiento territorial de la Cuenca Alta del Río Lerma, México», en Actas Latinoamericanas de Varsovia; volumen 27, University of Varsovia, 2004 (in colaboration with Vicente Peña Manjarrez), «Aportaciones teóricas para los estudios urbanos y regionales», in Ciencia October/December 2005 Papeles de POBLACIÓN No. 46 CIEAP/UAEM Ergo Sum, Autonomous University of the State of Mexico, número 3, volumen 12, November 2005- February 2006. She recently finished her research on the Sistema agrario ejidal en el contexto de la globalización: el caso de la Cuenca Alta del Río Lerma (Conacyt Project 35434-S) y Competitividad territorial de los sistemas de producción florícola comercial en el estado de México (Project PROMEP/103.5/04/1353). E-mail: José Guadalupe Rivera González He studied the B.Sc. in Anthropology, M.Sc. in Social Anthropology and Ph.D. in Anthropological Sciences at the Metropolitan Autonomous University Iztapalapa. He is a professor-researcher of the Social Sciences and Humanities Coordination of the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí. Some of his research lines are Anthropology, globalization and restructuring of the identity and the labour markets in urban and rural Mexico, Anthropology and new social processes in the urban context, anthropology and political culture, family anthropology and new life strategies, anthropology and sociocultural change in the regions of Mexico. His most recent academic production: 2001, «Palenque: conservación integral a través del proceso de planificación», in Informa DOS, Cuaderno de trabajo de la Dirección de Operación de Sitios del INAH. núm. 2; 2002, Formato para la presentación de reportes periódicos sobre la aplicación de la convención del patrimonio mundial. Lecture presented in the Convention on Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Legacy, 2005; Familias de sectores medios urbanos y crisis económica: el desarrollo de nuevas estrategias laborales, lecture presented in the regional encounter of the Mexican Association of Work Studies. E-mail: Reyna Moguel Viveros She is a doctor in Social Anthropology and titular researcher since 1995 of the Colegio de la Frontera Sur, and professor of the Regional Rural Development Authors masters degree program of the University of Chapingo, in San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas. Her research line is focused on the analysis of the environmental titularities in the protected natural areas. Currently she is carrying on a study on the use and enjoyment of the natural resources of the Selva Lacandona E-mail: October/December 2005