You and your children are eligible for these rights if you... • Share housing with others because of loss of housing, economic need or domestic violence • Live in a shelter or motel • Live in a campground, park, car or abandoned building • Are without a permanent address FOR FURTHER ASSISTANCE OR INFORMATION r-- -----------------, Dr. Todd Stirn, 847-464-6005 ILLINOIS HOMELESS EDUCATION PROGRAM HOTLINE 1-800-215-6379 www.1sbe net/homeless A pro1oc.t oflllEIIII•flOIS State Bomd ol Eclucahon funded 100% by 111e U S Oepartrnant or Edur...atlon undef the MtK1nney-Vento EducaliQil lor Homeless Cllrtcfre" and YOlr!l) Program (Summar 121 :w Usted y sus hijos son elegibles para tener esos derechos si... • Comparten una casa con otras personas par haber perdido su hagar, o par necesidades econ6micas, o violencia domestica • Viven en un refugio o motel • Viven en una instalaci6n provisional, parque, carro, o edificio abandonado • Viven sin una direcci6n permanente I PARA MAYOR AYUDA 0 INFORMACION ,.--------------------- , I LLINOIS HOMELESS EDUCATION PROGRAM HOTLINE Dr. Todd Stirn, 847-464-6005 1-800-215-6379 www 1sbe net/homeless A prOjec t of the lll<ri()S State Board of Educahon f unded 100% by the U S Department of Educahon under the McK•nney-Vento Educahon for Homeless CI11IC1ren ancl Youth Program (Summm 2012)