St. John Vianney Catholic Church 1345 Turnbull Canyon Road Hacienda Heights California 91745 Phone: 626-330-2269 FAX: 626-330-0220 August 14, 2016 Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Pastor Rev. Msgr. Tim Nichols Associates: Rev. Patrick Nwokeogu Rev. Chan Lee Deacons: Jesse Martinez Richard Noon dmo SCHEDULE OF SERVICES: MASS HOURS/ HORARIO DE MISAS: Sunday: 6:30, 8:00 (Español), 10:00, 12:00 pm & 5:15 pm Monday - Friday: 6:30 & 8:00 am Saturday: 8:00 am & 5:15 pm Holy Days: As Announced SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (CONFESSIONS/ CONFESIONES): Monday - Friday: 4:30 - 5:00pm Saturday: 4:00 - 5:00 ADORATION: Eve of First Fridays, beginning at 6:00 pm; and ending at 10:00 pm. BAPTISM/ BAUTISMOS: For information please call the Corpus Christi Center. You may call during the latter part of your pregnancy or 3 months in advance. MARRIAGE/ BODAS: Call the Corpus Christi Center to meet with a priest at least 6 months in advance. QUINCEAÑERA: Call the Corpus Christi Center 11 months in advance for reservations. Llamar 11 meses por adelantado para reservar. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK AND/ OR HOLY COMMUNION: For the home bound, please call the Corpus Christi Center. ST. JOHN VIANNEY PARISH MISSION STATEMENT We, the people of St. John Vianney Catholic parish, commit ourselves to sharing the gift of salvation with all by deepening our relationship with God through Jesus Christ. We do this by: ♦ Centering our faith life in the Eucharist ♦ Providing for the spiritual growth of all persons ♦ Offering physical and emotional support to those in need, by celebrating life through the Scriptures, Sacraments and Fellowship. ALL BUSINESS IS HANDLED AT THE CORPUS CHRISTI CENTER PARISH OFFICES - 626-330-2269 Website: Hours: Weekdays: Mon-Thurs 8:30 am - 8:30 pm Fridays 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Saturday & Sunday: 9:00 am - Noon Administrative Assistant / Bulletin: Jan O’Neill - Ext. 225 Business Manager: Jeannie Jaramillo Shepard, CPA - Ext. 227 Faith Formation: Cristina Alba, Director - Ext. 238 Sandra Colindres, Spanish Rel Ed Coord - Ext 242 Initiation for Adults - RCIA (Sacraments) Gina Zepeda - Ext. 230 Music: Michael Gribschaw, Director - Ext. 237 Christine Brydges, Choir Director - Ext. 236 Jorge Amezcua, Youth Band/Choir Director Parish Outreach: Carol Lazarovits, Coordinator - Ext. 228 Scheduling of Facilities: Please call the Cor pus Christi Center - Ext 225. Youth Ministry/Confirmation: Becky Cerda, Coordinator - Ext 231 To make an appointment with one of the priests, please call the Office. New Parishioners are welcome and are asked to register at the Parish Office, the Corpus Christi Center. PAGE 2 St. John Vianney Parish CALENDAR OF EVENTS Monday, August 15 7:30 pm Juan 23rd Grupo de Oracion - Dolan Hl Tuesday, August 16 6:30 pm Catholic Men’s Fellowship - Dolan Hall 7:00 pm Discipulos de Cristo Prayer Grp - Rm 7 Spanish Bible Study - Room 2 Wednesday, August 17 6:00 pm Youth Choir Rehearsal - Music Room Knights of Columbus - Dolan Hall Thursday, August 18 10:00 am Kings & Queens - O’Callaghan Hall 11:30 am Seguidores de Jesus - Dolan Hall 7:00 pm Apostoles de la Divina Misericordia - Dol Hl 8:00 pm Young Adult Ministry - Room 6 Friday, August 19 7:00 am Spanish Marriage Encounter - Room 2 Saturday, August 20 9:45 am-5:00 pm Youth Ministry Kick Off Sunday, August 21 9:00 am Taco Sunday - O’Callaghan Hall 6:30 pm Youth Faith Night - O’C Hall Church Environment Meeting All parishioners are welcome to come learn more about our church environment ministry for the coming Liturgical year. Please join us for a short meeting on August 17th, at 7pm in the Corpus Christi Center. If you have questions you can contact Susan at 626-274-1803. St John Vianney Community 50th Golden Anniversary 1965 - 2015 Celebrating New Beginnings FINAL 50TH ANNIVERSARY EVENT! PURCHASE TICKETS NOW! St. John Vianney final Golden Year Celebration Gala Event September 17th - 6 pm to Midnight - Pacific Palms Resort, Industry Hills - $75/person - Sit down dinner - Cocktail Attire - Door Prizes - Music by “Cold Duck”. Tickets on sale after all Masses. For additional information, please call Evelyn 626912-6291 or Marciano 626-333-9944. Please Pray for Those who have Died and their Families Eva Jaquez Ron Santos Rudy Almeida Kirk Koehler Jose Gonzalez Alvaro Jimenez August 14, 2016 MASS INTENTIONS Sunday, August 14 6:30 am - For St. John Vianney Community 8:00 am - Oscar Espinoza - RIP requested by Espinoza Family 10:00 am - Joseph/Flora Bilotta - RIP requested by Norm, Rose & Kathy 12:00 pm - Miguel Briseno - RIP requested by Adele briseno 5:15 pm - Alejandro Espinoza - RIP requested by Elsa Espinoza Monday, August 15 Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - This is not a Holy Day of Obligation, but their will be Masses at 6:30 & 8:00 am. Tuesday, August 16 6:30 am - Ramon/Maricela Bravo - 25th Anniv requested by Bravo Family 8:00 am - Kenneth Rivera - RIP requested by Mom & Dad Wednesday, August 17 6:30 am - David Lemos - RIP requested by Toni Lemos 8:00 am - Jeanette Zabaneh - RIP requested by Edmund/Rosalie Soto Thursday, August 18 6:30 am - John Pluth - RIP requested by his family 8:00 am - Ricardo Helguara - RIP requested by Perez Family Friday, August 19 6:30 am - Miguel Angel Nava - RIP requested by Nava Family 8:00 am - Constante Firme - RIP requested by Firme Family Saturday, August 20 8:00 am - Alberto Licon - RIP requested by Juanita Licon 5:15 pm - Janet Polk - Birthday requested by Darlene & Janet Sunday, August 21 6:30 am - Carmelita Balan requested by Celia Taroc 8:00 am - For St. John Vianney Community 10:00 am - Antonio Jimenez - RIP requested by his daughter 12:00 pm - Albert/Henriette Hajj - RIP requested by their daughter 5:15 pm - Lucinda Barahona - RIP requested by Anthony Frerras Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time PAGE 3 MINISTRY OF FAITH FORMATIION Ministry of Faith Formation a.k.a. Religious Education Catechetical Year 2016-2017 Registration is open! If you would like to register for Faith Formation, including First Communion Continuing Formation Preschool/Kinder Faith Formation Middle School Faith Formation Children's Baptism (6 - 12 yrs.) Adult Confirmation (18+) Contact Cristina Alba to make an appointment. 626-330-2269 x238 Online appointments: Ministerio de Educación Religiosa Registración para la Catequesis Si gustaría registrar a su niño/a al programa Catequético 2016-2017 Para la Primera Comunión, Continua Formación de Fe o Bautizo de niños (6 – 12 años de edad) ¡Las Registraciones están abiertas! Puede comunicarse con Sandra Colindres al (626) 330-2269 o escriba a para hacer una cita. Para mayor información visite la página – Faith Formation – Programa de Español Catequesis Familiar 2016-2017 Compartir la Misión En la Catequesis Familiar 2016-2017, para los grados 1º al 8º grado que será en miércoles de 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. cada dos semanas. Necesitamos adultos voluntarios para compartir nuestra fe con nuestros niños, para que sean capaces de oír el llamado de Jesús a entregar sus vidas a Él, y compartir en la misión de decirles a otros acerca de Jesús. Por favor ore para considerar a convirtiéndose en un catequista. ¡No sólo traerá bendición a nuestros niños, si no también recibirá doble las bendiciones! Para cualquier pregunta comuníquese con Sandra Colindres al 626-330-2269- Ext. 242 o al RCIA ♦ Have you been worshiping with us, but never officially took the steps to become Catholic? ♦ Have you been away from the Church… and have now returned but want to know more? ♦ Have you been a Catholic all your life but never celebrated all of the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, or Eucharist)? ♦ Have you joined us from a different background and would now like to find out more about the Catholic Church? We cordially invite you to come and join us for our weekly sessions to learn what the Church teaches as we prepare to start our new journey in faith. These sessions can be an opportunity for you and others you may want to invite, to ask the difficult questions that you may have about the Church. these gatherings are for “inquirers” and are open to everyone who is interested in learning more about the richness of our Catholic faith and traditions. If you are interested, and want more information please call Gina Zepeda in the RCIA Office and leave your name and phone number where you can be reached. Our RCIA sessions are scheduled to start on Tuesday September 6, 2016, in the O’Callaghan Center from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm (doors will open at 6:45 pm). Our first session is a Night of Welcome, an evening to learn about the RCIA process, to get acquainted with our priests, the RCIA Team and other fellow Inquirers. We look forward to meeting you there. If you have any questions please call the RCIA Office (626) 330-2269, Ext. 230. Ha estado adorando con nosotros, pero nunca tomó los pasos para convertirse en católico? ♦ ♦ Ha estado fuera de la Iglesia. . . y ahora ha regresado, y desea saber más? ♦ ♦ Ha sido católico toda su vida, pero nunca ha recibido todos o algunos de los Sacramentos de Iniciación (Bautismo, Confirmación, Eucaristía (Primera Comunión))? ♦ ♦ Ha llegado a nosotros desde un antecedente religioso diferente y ahora le gustaría aprender acerca de la Iglesia Católica? Le invitamos cordialmente a atender nuestras sesiones semanales para aprender lo que la Iglesia enseña, mientras nos preparamos para iniciar nuestra nueva jornada de fe. Estas sesiones pueden ser una oportunidad para usted, y su familia y amistades, para presentar las preguntas difíciles que usted pueda tener acerca de la Iglesia. Estas reuniones son para simpatizantes (personas interesadas), y están abiertas a toda persona que este interesado en aprender mas sobre la riqueza y tradiciones de la fe católica. Si usted está interesado y desea obtener más información por favor llame a Gina Zepeda en la Oficina de RICA 626-330-2269-Ext 230 y deje su nombre y número de teléfono donde se le pueda localizar. Las sesiones de RICA comienzan el Martes 6 de septiembre, 2016, en el Centro de O'Callaghan de 7:00 pm a las 9:00 RICA PAGE 4 St. John Vianney Parish MUSIC MINISTRY NEWS The Adult and Children’s Choirs are beginning their choral season and we would like for you to be part of our musical families. All you need is to be open to the Lord’s invitation to serve the community, sharing your gifts and talents. The Children’s Choir ministers at the 12 noon Liturgy every 2 to 3 weeks. Rehearsals begin on Thursday, September 8th from 6-7:15 pm. The Adult Choir ministers at the 10 am Liturgy. Rehearsals begin on Thursday, September 8th from 7:30-9:30 pm. For more information call Christine 626-3302269-Ext 236. YEAR OF MERCY December 8, 2015 - November 20, 2016 Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time This Jubilee Year of Mercy bids us share our own experience of Jesus’ mercy with those on what Pope Francis calls the “peripheries” - people who feel marginalized, even unwelcome - inviting them to come home. But with all this mercy, why today’s mayhem? “Do you think I have come to establish peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division” (Luke 12:51). Jesus “breaks down” those “breakups” in painful detailparents, children, even in-laws. “Against” appears eight times in five verses. Jeremiah faced death for bearing witness (Jeremiah 38:4). Can’t we bear at least a small share of the sometimes merciless cost of sharing mercy? The Letter to the Hebrews warns us, keep your “eyes fixed on Jesus” and “so great a cloud of witnesses,” lest we “grow weary and lose heart” as we run “the race that lies before us” (Hebrews 12:1–3). After all, “for the sake of the joy that lay before him,” Jesus “endured the cross” (12:2). Can’t we endure our small crosses for the sake of sharing mercy? Vigésimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Este Año Jubilar de la Misericordia nos invita a llevar nuestra propia experiencia de la misericordia de Jesús hacia las “periferias” - así lo llama el Papa Francisco -, las personas marginadas, incluyendo a personas que juzgamos desagradables, invitándolas a que vengan a casa. Pero con toda esta misericordia, ¿por qué el caos de hoy día? “¿Piensan acaso que he venido a traer la paz a la tierra? De ningún modo. No he venido a traer la paz, sino la división (Lucas 12:51). Jesús va dando ejemplos de esas “divisiones” en detalles dolorosos para padres, hijos, suegros, suegras, nueras, yernos. Una palabra a considerar es “división”. Jeremías estuvo a punto de morir por dar testimonio (Jeremías 38:4). ¿No podemos nosotros al menos asumir una pequeña parte de lo que a veces despiadadamente cuesta compartir misericordia? La carta a los hebreos nos advierte mantener “fija la mirada en Jesús” y de quienes “dieron prueba de su fe”, para que “no se cansen ni pierdan la ánimo” mientras corremos “la carrera que tenemos por delante” (Hebreos 12:1–3). ¿No podemos llevar a cuestas nuestras pequeñas cruces por el bien de compartir misericordia? August 14, 2016 YOUTH MINISTRY/YOUTH CONFIRMATION YOUTH MINISTRY KICK OFF 2016 SATURDAY, AUGUST 20TH “The Happiest Place is the Holiest Place” Check In: 9:45 am at the Church Lunch will be provided!! The first 20 to arrive will receive a “fast pass” to be first in line for food! Wear comfortable clothing and closed toed shoes. Event concludes at 5 pm in the Hall. All High School Youth are Welcome!! Registration 2016-2017 High School Communion/Confirmation Do you know anyone who is going into High School or already in High School and needs to begin preparation for the Sacraments of Communion and Confirmation? Registration for “New” Students has begun. Please call and set up an appointment for an interview for the parent and child. The following is required: • A copy of Baptism & Communion Certificate • Should be active parishioners • Fee for 2016-2017 $195.00. ½ of the tuition is due at time of interview. Balance to be paid before classes begin in September. For Appointment, please call 626-330-2269-Ext. 231 For more information, call Becky Cerda, Youth Minister/Confirmation Coordinator 330-2269 ext. 231 or Email: or go to you can also follow us on Instagram and facebook. Registraciones para Clases de Comunión/Confirmación 2016-2017 ¿Conoces a alguien que va a la secundaria o ya está en secundaria y necesite comenzar la preparación para los sacramentos de Comunión y Confirmación? La inscripción para los nuevos alumnos ha comenzado. Las clases se llenan rápidamente. Favor de llamar y programar una cita para una entrevista con uno de los padres y el niño. A continuación se requiere: • Una copia del Certificado de Bautismo y Comunión • Debe ser feligreses activos • Costo para 2016-17 $195 el Primer Año. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta o necesita hacer una cita por favor llame a ext. 231. email: Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time PAGE 5 READINGS FOR THE WEEK Today: Jer 38:4-6, 8-10; Ps 40:2-4, 18; Heb 12:1-4; Lk 12:49-53 Monday: Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; Ps 45:10-12, 16; 1 Cor 15:20-27; Lk 1:39-56 Tuesday: Ez 28:1-10; Dt 32:26-28, 30, 35cd36ab; Mt 19:23-30 Wednesday: Ez 34:1-11; Ps 23:1-6; Mt 20:1-16 Thursday: Ez 36:23-28; Ps 51:12-15, 18-19; Mt 22:1-14 Friday: Ez 37:1-14; Ps 107:2-9; Mt 22:34-40 Saturday: Ez 43:1-7a; Ps 85:9ab, 10-14; Mt 23:1-12 Sunday: Is 66:18-21; Ps 117:1, 2; Heb 12:5-7, 11-13; Lk 13:22-30 SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCE Monday: Assumption Blessed Virgin Mary Tuesday: St. Stephen of Hungary Friday: St. John Eudes Saturday: St. Bernard All Women 18 & over are invited to “Breathe in the Spirit” Women’s Fellowship Next Date: September 17th O’Callaghan Hall - 9:00 – 11:00 am Come be refreshed, restored and renewed! Sorry, no babysitting is provided. Please note: There will not be a gathering in August. S T E W A R D S H I P TIME * TALENT * TREASURE Collection for 08-07-2016 Envelope: $ 19,279.39 Plate: 3,594.00 Rebuild Fund/Rise Again: 10,874.58 50th Anniversary Dinner: 2,270.00 Building./Maintenance Fund: 1,730.00 Food Pantry: 655.00 Coffee/Donuts: 233.36 Parish Outreach: 198.00 Baptisms: 100.00 Other: 57.00 Total Deposit: $ 38,991.33 Envelopes Used: 623 Comparison of Offertory 1st Week of August 2015 2015 2016 Envelope: $ 23,108.00 $ 19,279.39 Plate: 3,369.00 3,594.00 Total $ 26,477.00 $ 22,873.39 RISE AGAIN Capital Campaign Our Goal: $6,000,000 NEW NUMBERS!! PLEDGED DOLLARS DÓLARES PROMETIDOS PLEDGED DOLLARS PAID PROMESAS EN DÓLARES PAGADAS PLEDGED DOLLARS STILL OWED $ 5,452,048 $ 3,230,796 $ 2,326,193 PROMESAS EN DÓLARES QUE AUN SE DEBEN PLEDGED DOLLARS PAST DUE (>90 DAYS) PROMESAS EN DÓLARES ATRASADOS (>90 DIAS) PLEDGED DOLLARS SUSPENDED/CANCELLED PROMESAS EN DÓLARES SUSPENDIDAS/CANCELADAS $ 256,547 $ 156,702 We still have a long way to go to reach our goal of $6,000,000 – we need everyone’s support! Please visit the church website to make a pledge or a payment. You can also visit the parish office to make your donation, or place it in the bright pink envelope at church. Statements are mailed monthly. If you make your pledge payments on-line, you will not receive a monthly statement unless you request one by calling the Campaign Office. If you have any questions about the campaign or your account, please call Gina Zepeda, 626-3302269, Ext. 240. Campaña Capital “RISE AGAIN” Nuestra Meta: $6,000,000 Aún nos falta mucho para alcanzar nuestra meta de $6,000.000 – necesitamos el apoyo de todos! Para hacer promesas o hacer pagos, por favor visite nuestra página parroquial en el sitio web También puede hacer su donación en persona en la oficina parroquial, o al depositar su sobre rosa subido en la canasta de donación los domingos. Estados de cuenta son enviados por correo mensualmente. Estados de cuenta no son enviados si su cuenta/promesa tiene pagos electrónicos. Si desea recibir su estado de cuenta mensualmente por favor llamar a la Oficina de Campaña. Si tiene alguna pregunta acerca de la campaña o acerca de su cuenta/promesa por favor llamar a Gina Zepeda, al 626-330-2269, Ext. 240. PAGE 6 St. John Vianney Parish August 14, 2016 PARISH ORGANIZATIONS AND MINISTRIES YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY Baptismal Ministry Couples help pr epar e par ents & God parents of children to be baptized. If you are inter ested in this ministry call Mary Ellen 626-330- 7635. Bereavement Ministry wor ks with families who have lost a loved one and offers assistance for the day of the funeral. Contact the Corpus Christi Center for more in formation. Breathe in the Spirit Women’s Fellowship - Third Sat urday of the Month 9-11 am, O’C Center. Catholic Men’s Fellowship Fir st & Thir d Tuesdays, Dolan Hall, 6:30 pm. Call Tony 626-893-9363. Eucharistic Ministry - if you ar e 18 year s or older , par ticipate regularly in church life, and wish to dis tribute the Eucharist, please call Felipe & Flor Espinoza 626622-3362 Filipino Catholic Association pr omotes fellowship, hospitality and group prayer to the Filipino Community. Call Celso 626-330-4208 or Evelyn 626- 912-6291. Friday Morning Lectionary Group Study, shar e, pray the Sunday readings on Friday from 8:45 to 10:00 am.. All invited for food and fellowship. Kay and Bob 562696-1136. Hospitality Ministry pr ovides hospitality to and for many areas of the parish. Call Joan 626-674-9669 or Rose 626-664-4112. Kings & Queens is a gather ing of Senior Citizens meet ing first and third Thursdays for companion ship, lunch and bingo. Knights of Columbus is a fr ater nal or ganization open to practicing Catholic men 18 and older, pro viding fel lowship in pursuit of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Pat riotism. Call Grand Knight Bernie Duker 626-7806871; Deputy Grand Knight Martin Cortez 310-498-9793 or go to Marriage Encounter is a weekend for any mar r ied couple that has the desire to want more in their relationship. More passion, forgiveness, tender ness and communication. Call Ray & Letycia Gomez at 626 -315-7332. Our Lady of Guadalupe Fraternity of the Secular Franciscan Order - meets second Sunday of month in Dolan Hall. For more information call, Greg 626-9614832 Our Lady Queen of Peace - Monday Rosary ever y Monday in the Church 5:30 pm. Parish Outreach/Christian Service/Food Pantry for in formation, call Carol, Coordinator, 626-330- 2269- Ext 228. Pro-Life Information Whittier Life Center Pregnancy Hot Line 562-6938803. Small Christian Communities always welcome new members. Groups meet on a variety of days- times to deepen their faith while sharing life experiences. Call Mary Ellen 626-330-7635. Tuesday Evening Bible Study October thr u May. Call Mary Ellen 626-330-7635. Wednesday Morning Bible Study October thr u May. Call Ann 626-330-6093. If you are between the ages of 18-35, join the Young Adults (YAMs) every Thursday in Rm 6. For more information go to A Special Invitation to all Ladies You are invited to attend a women's silent retreat October 7-9 at Mater Dolorosa Retreat Center. The retreat center is located in Sierra Madre just minutes away, and it is led by the Passionist Retreat Team. The retreat theme this year is "The Crucified One is No Stranger". It begins on Friday evening and ends early Sunday afternoon. Please give yourself this wonderful weekend with our Lord. The 80 acres of beautiful, sacred grounds and the peaceful atmosphere makes this a wonderful sanctuary away from all the stress and worries of life. It's the perfect environment for you to better feel God's presence and guidance. You'll come back more refreshed and with a greater sense of God's peace and hope. Space is limited and fills up quickly, so please sign up early. You deserve this wonderful time with our Lord! For reservations or information, call: Sylvia (626) 968-3461 or Pat (626) 333-8048. CATHOLIC MEN’S FELLOWSHIP All fellowship meetings will be in Dolan Hall, unless otherwise stated. Doors open at 6:30 pm, meeting begins at 7:00 pm. Meetings coming up Tuesdays: August 16 - “Jesus, God’s Solution” MINISTERIOS HISPANOS SJV Apóstoles de la Divina Misericordia - Reunión Jueves a 7:00 pm, Dolan Hall - Bertha Villareal 626-333-8741 Comunidad Buscadores de La Verdad - Se reú nen cada martes 3 7-9 pm en el salo #2. Evange lina 626-533-7084 o Jorge 626-390-1310. Discípulos de Cristo - martes a las 7 pm en el salón #7. Bertha Rodríguez 626-252-1735. Encuentros Matrimoniales: Salvador & Marta Barba 626-404-6287 Grupo de Oración Juan XXIII: Mirna Kreimann 512-7726 Grupos Pequeños: Estela Sanchez 626-968-5981 o Alicia Valdivia 626-330-9360. Líder Grupo Hispanos - Leticia 626-388-4213 Ministros de Eucaristía: Felipe y Flor Espinoza 626-622-3362 Ministros de Lectores: Lidia Fiol de Medina 626330-3705 y Cristina Salcedo 626-330-6284. Pre-Bautismal: Hugo & María del Rosio Hernandez 626-336-5528 Rosarios Guadalupanos: Dolores 602-714-4043 o Edwiges 626-968-4521 Seguidores de Jesus: Sofía Saldaña 626-965-6115