UNED TUDELA – AULA MILAGRO CAD - INGLÉS UNIT 5: ON THE TELEPHONE Fonética: /ɒ/ “o” – god , cost, shock Gramática Básica NUMEROS CARDINALES 1 .- One 2.- Two 3.- Three 4.- Four 5.- Five 6.- Six 7.- Seven 8.- Eight 9.- Nine 10.- Ten 11.- Eleven 12.- Twelve 13.- Thirteen 14.- Fourteen 15.- Fifteen 16.- Sixteen 17.- Seventeen 18.- Eighteen 19.- Nineteen 20.- Twenty 21.- Twenty-one 22.- Twenty-two 23.- Twenty-three 24.- Twenty-four 25.- Twenty-five 26.- Twenty-six 27.- Twenty-seven 28.- Twenty-eight 29.- Twenty-nine 30.- Thirty 31.- Thirty-one 32.- Thirty-two 33.- Thirty-three 41.- Forty-one 42.- Forty-two 40.- Forty 50.- Fifty 60.- Sixty 70.- Seventy 80.- Eighty 90.- Ninety 100.- A hundred The twenties, the sixties4 Ampliación de Gramática 100 - one / a hundred (AND) 1,000 - one / a thousand (8,000 – eight thousand) 1,000,000 - one / a million 1,000,000,000 – one / a billion Once – 1 vez Twice – 2 veces Three times – 3 veces EL IMPERATIVO 2º sing / 2º pl.: +: forma base (enfático: do + forma base) -: don’t + forma base 1ª pl: +: let’s + forma base -: don’t let’s / let’s not + forma base EL PASADO SIMPLE REGULARES: to play – played – played IRREGULARES: to go – went – gone + : He went to London last week -: He didn’t go to London last week ?: Did he go to London last week? EL PASADO CONTINUO To be en pasado + V ing +: He was watching the TV when the telephone rang While I was doing the exercise, the teacher explained the question -: When they came, they were playing tennis ?: Were you doing anything yesterday at 7.00? USO: acción que se prolonga en el pasado jlasheras@tudela.uned.es 1