Leardership in big initiatives: EIT-KICs Organitzat per: ACCIÓ, Agència per a la competitivitat de l’empresa, adscrita al Departament d’Empresa i Ocupació de la Generalitat de Catalunya. AGAUR, Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitats i de Recerca, adscrita al Departament d’Economia i Coneixement de la Generalitat de Catalunya. “the EU Research Framework Programme, according to preliminary European wide estimates, it represents some 20% to 25% of all project-based funding in Europe”* HORIZONTE 2020 LAS GRANDES INICIATIVAS Y LAS OPORTUNIDADES Connect‐EU Seminar. Barcelona; 16 enero 2014 Serafín de la Concha (scm@cdti.es) Jefe División Programas de la UE (http://www.cdti.es) * Innovation Union Competitiveness report 2011. Executive Summary Ref: H2020 Visión General Connect EU Barna ene 2014 ● 3000 Retornos ES 2500 2.969 2000 M Ecu/Euro 1500 Promedio anual 942 1000 500 259 148 II PM III PM IV PM V PM 530 236 157 113 65 37 0 626 451 VI PM VII PM Presupuesto H2020 ≈ + 52% Objetivo España ≈ + 60% ?? 5.000 M€ ?? 2 (15/01/2014) CDTI H2020= IMPULSO A GRUPOS DE INVESTIGACIÓN, EMPRESAS, ADMINISTRACIONES Y USUARIOS ÍNDICE Entorno global: Unión por la Innovación, KET Impacto en el H2020 H2020: Grandes Iniciativas Estrategias Impulso del CDTI http://ec.europa.eu/research/innovation‐union/pdf/competitiveness‐ report/2011/executive_summary.pdf#view=fit&pagemode=none • The EU is the first producer of peer‐reviewed scientific publications in the world, with 29 % of the world production in 2009, ahead of the United States (22 %), China (17 %) and Japan (5 %). In terms of scientific excellence, during the period 2001‐2009, the EU as a whole increased its share of total scientific publications in the top 10 % most cited in the world from 10.4 % to 11.6 %, the world average being by definition at 10 %. This means that Europe’s capacity to produce high‐impact scientific publications, which is a proxy for scientific quality, is 16 % above the world average and has been increasing since 2000. In spite of such recent progress the United States is still performing one third better than Europe in terms of R&D excellence, with 15.3 % of US publications among the world’s 10 % most cited. In terms of development of competitive technology, Europe is losing ground in a context of increased competition. Today, the world share of PCT patents is at a comparable level for the EU, the United States and the five leading Asian countries (all at 25‐30 %). However, the rate of growth in the number of PCT patent applications over recent years in Japan and South Korea is almost double that of the EU. 4. While remaining a top player in terms of knowledge production and scientific excellence, Europe is losing ground as • regards the exploitation of research results • Disconnection between patents share and manufacturing share Case Study: Li-ion battery production % % Li-ion battery cell production share in 2008 Advanced Material Patent Share Europe Asia 0% USA 1% 87% 31% 30% 35% 12% 4% Others Source: European Competitiveness Report 2010, European Competitiveness in Key Enabling Technologies (TNO/ZEW), CGGC, Lithium-ion Batteries for Electric Vehicles : THE U.S. VALUE CHAIN, October 2010 5 The bridge above the Valley of Death* 2. Technol. concept 4. Tech. Validation in Lab 3. Proof of Concept KNOWLEDGE 6. Demonstrati on relevant environment TECHNOLOGY Technological research SCIENCE 5. T. Validation relevant environment Technological Research organization 7. D operational environment 8. System complete & qualified PRODUCTS Industrial consortia Anchor companies VALLEY OF DEATH *HLG Expert Working Document: Mastering and deployment KETs. Building the bridge to pass across 6 (15/01/2014) the KETs “valley of death” for future European innovation and competitiveness 9. Succesful mission operations PRODUCTION Competitive manufacturing 1. Basic principles observed Product demonstration TRL Globally competitive manufacturing facilities Pilot lines Technological facilities MARKET ● Technology readiness levels (TRL)* G. Where a topic description refers to a TRL, the following definitions apply, unless otherwise specified: • TRL 1 – basic principles observed • TRL 2 – technology concept formulated • TRL 3 – experimental proof of concept • TRL 4 – technology validated in lab • TRL 5 – technology validated in relevant environment (industrial environment in the case of key enabling technologies) • TRL 6 – technology demonstrated in relevant environment (industrial environment in the case of key enabling technologies) • TRL 7 – system prototype demonstration in operational environment • TRL 8 – system complete and qualified • TRL 9 – actual system proven in operational environment (competitive manufacturing in the case of key enabling technologies; or in space) *WORK PROGRAMME 2014 – 2015. 18. GENERAL ANNEXES 7 (15/01/2014) National / regional funds Horizon 2020. Some hints to get knowledge to market The bridge above the Valley of Death: FP7 status based on EXCELLENCE Technological facilities SCIENCE Globally competitive manufacturing facilities Pilot lines TECHNOLOGY PRODUCTS PRODUCTION Technological Research organization Industrial consortia PPI (Public procurement of innovative solutions) VALLEY OF DEATH 8 (15/01/2014) Competitive manufacturing Product demonstration KNOWLEDGE Technological research EC funds EIP European Innovation Partnerships Anchor companies MARKET H2020: excellence + relevance SRA&Innovation EIP European Innovation Partnerships H2020 CALLs +Trails, Pilots, Demos, training, Botellnecks mobility Pilot Plants JTI RSFF 9 (15/01/2014) Lead Market Initiative II IBER EKA EUREKA/Iberoeka PT Tema libre Financiación nacional (subv + crédito O%) Preevaluación y gestión nacional I.Básica Ind., Desarrollo Tecnológico, Aplicaciones, Innovación, plantas piloto, Close to market… Plan de Trabajo Subvención 100-75% CE Evaluación independiente Convocatorias 10 PLANTAS Piloto Demostradores Productos (15/01/2014) ● CDTI H2020= IMPULSO A GRUPOS DE INVESTIGACIÓN, EMPRESAS, ADMINISTRACIONES Y USUARIOS ÍNDICE Entorno global: Unión por la Innovación, KET Impacto en el H2020 H2020: Grandes Iniciativas Estrategias Impulso del CDTI PALABRAS CLAVE H2020: EXCELENCIA, COMPETITIVIDAD, COMPETIR COLABORANDO ALIANZAS INVESTIGADORES+ EMPRESAS+ USUARIOS THE ACTIVITIES SHALL COVER THE FULL CYCLE FROM FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH TO MARKET, with a new focus on innovation‐related activities, such as piloting, demonstration activities, test‐beds, prototyping, large scale product validation, support for public procurement, design, end‐user driven innovation, social innovation, knowledge transfer and market take‐up of innovations and standardisation.. ● Probablemente una de las mayores fuentes de subvenciones para proyectos en España ¿Avanzar en el conocimiento? ¿en un entorno internacional? • Compartir riesgos • Conocimiento y Tecnología • Acceso a la Información • Imagen • Apertura a mercados • Financiación •+Procesos •+Productos •+Servicios •PLANTAS Piloto •INNOVACIÓN •Compras Públicas •Movilidad •Normalización ● +52,5% Presupuesto H2020 / VII PM Europe 2020 prioridades Widening 816,5 M€ Ciencia por y para la sociedad 462 M€ 77.028 M€ (a precios corrientes) Retos Sociales 29.679 M€ Salud, cambio demográfico 7.472 M€ Seguridad alimentaria y Bio-economía Energía segura y eficiente 5.931 Transporte inteligente, verde 6.339 Clima, eficiencia y materias primas Sociedades inclusivas e innov 1.309 Seguridad 1.695 Liderazgo Industrial 17.015 M€ EIT ICT Nanotecnologías, Materiales, Biotech, Fabricación 4.367 2.711 M€ ≈x9 34,6% ≈+56% 20% PYME 7.711 Espacio 1.479 Financiación de riesgo 2.842 M€ PYME e innovación 616 M€ 22,1% Ciencia Excelente 24.441 M€ Investigación de frontera (ERC) 13.095 M€ +74% Tecnologías futuras y emergentes (FET) 2.696 M€ x9 Movilidad y formación (Marie Curie) 6.162 M€ Infraestructuras de investigación 2.488 M€ 31,7% JRC no nuclear 1.902 M€ +71,2% ≈+13,5% Horizon 2020 – objectives & structure TIC Europe 2020 priorities TIC European Research Area International cooperation Shared objectives and principles TIC TIC TIC TIC TIC Creating Industrial Leadership and Competitive Tackling Societal Challenges Frameworks Health, demographic change and Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies wellbeing Information and Communication Food security and the bio-based economy Technologies (ICT) TIC Secure, clean and efficient energy Nanotechnology, Materials, Manufacturing Smart, green and integrated transport and Processing Biotechnology Climate action, resource efficiency, including raw materials Space TIC Inclusive, innovative and secure societies TIC Access to risk finance EIT and JRC will contribute to addressing these challenges Innovation in SMEs TIC EIT TIC TIC Excellence in the Science Base TIC Frontier research (ERC) Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Skills and career development (Marie Curie) TIC Research infrastructures Common rules, toolkit of funding schemes Coherent with other EU and MS actions Deployment of Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) by industry The first work programme will support R&I activities in all identified KETs in: micro‐ & nano electronics, photonics, nanotechnologies, advanced materials, biotechnology, advanced manufacturing and processing, and other strategic drivers such as space. It will also support cross‐cutting KET actions, given the potential of combinations of different KETs to create unforeseen advances and new markets. Activities will address the whole innovation chain with technology readiness levels spanning from the low end to highest levels preceding mass production. For the higher TRL, dedicated support will therefore be provided for larger‐scale PILOTS LINES & demonstrator projects (including those of larger scale, for technology & product validation under industrial conditions) in order to facilitate industrial take‐up & commercialisation. {5‐20 M€} In addition, there will be a strong focus on the contribution of key enabling technologies to societal challenges, including the support of KETs *WORK PROGRAMME 2014 – 2015. 1. General Introduction 16 (15/01/2014) KETs: Pilot Lines (I) & lighthouse projects (large scale demonstration ‐ first of the kind) Pilot production lines: are test cases for ambitious projects of industrial scale and particularly suitable for a combination of funding instruments including national or regional RIS3. High‐performance PRODUCTION: • ICT Pilot lines (TRL 5‐7; 14‐18 M€) for: OLED # micro‐sensors # PIC fabrication • FoF Pilot activities (TRL 5‐7; 4‐7 M€): human‐robot collaborations # rapid reconfiguration of machinery & robots # advanced joining and assembly processes of multimaterials • NMP (TRL de 4‐6 a 5‐8; 5‐8 M€): Integration of novel nano materials # High definition printing # Industrial‐scale production of nanomaterials for printing applications # Scale‐up of nanopharmaceuticals production Embedded ENERGY: integration of different technologies enabling electric, thermal and chemical (incl. renewable) energy storage for the mobility, construction and manufacturing industries: • Green Vehicles : batteries for e‐mobility applications (5‐8 M€) • Energy: power electronics for charging systems (12‐15 M€) # Technology for district heating and cooling. Smart Cities and Communities (SSC) through lighthouse projects that will target large scale demonstration of replicable SCC concepts in city context where existing technologies or very near to market technologies (TRL ≥7; 18‐25 M€) # New technologies for utilization of heat recovery in large industrial systems 17 (15/01/2014) KETs: Pilot Lines (II)* Smart Structures: lightweight, high strength and functional materials and manufacturing processes addressed to the transport, building and other sectors: • EeB: mechanical and electromagnetic resilient envelope (structures, buildings) (TRL ≥6; 3‐6 M€)# Manufacturing of prefabricated modules for buildings renovation • NMP: Manufacturing and control of nanoporous materials (TRL de 4‐5 a 6; 5‐8 M€) • ICT Advanced Thin, Organic and Large Area Electronics (TOLAE) technologies (15,5 M€) Industrial PROCESSES using Renewable resources enabling innovative products and product applications: • PPP SPIRE Pilot lines/demonstrator (TRL 5‐7; 6‐10 M€): use of renewables as flexible feedstock for chemical and energy applications # recovery technologies for metals and other minerals # solids handling for intensified process technology • Waste & Raw Materials Demonstrator (8‐10 M€): industrial symbiosis # waste‐based biorefineries Other cross‐cutting KETs activities: • ICT: Advanced Thin, Organic and Large Area Electronics (TOLAE) technologies (15,5 M€)# Development of novel materials and systems for OLED lighting • NMP (TRL 4‐5; 3‐5 M€): Additive manufacturing for tabletop nanofactories # Novel nanomatrices and nanocapsules JTI pilot lines: ECSEL, Bio‐based Industries (BBI) & FCH *Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies (LEITs). Introducction http://ec.europa.eu/research/horizon2020/index_en.cfm?pg=h2020‐documents 18 (15/01/2014) Subvención de proyectos ● Máximo 100% de los costes totales elegibles, excepto para las acciones de innovación en que las entidades con ánimo de lucro irán al 70%. Costes indirectos: 25% de los costes directos elegibles excluyendo la subcontratación.* Bonus 8.000 persona/año para entidades sin ánimo de lucro INNOVATION ACTION primarily consisting of activities directly aiming at producing plans and arrangements or designs for new, altered or improved products, processes or services. For this purpose they may include prototyping, testing, demonstrating, piloting, large‐scale product validation and market replication (*) Article 24. Indirect costs. Indirect eligible costs shall be determined by applying a flat rate of 25% of the total direct eligible costs, excluding direct eligible costs for subcontracting and the costs of resources made available by third parties which are not used on the premises of the beneficiary, as well as financial support to third parties. 19 (15/01/2014) ● • Objective o • • COFUND to stimulate regional, national or international programmes to foster excellence in researchers' training, mobility and career development Scope o Co-funding new or existing regional, national, and international programmes to open up to, and provide for, international, intersectoral and interdicisplinary research training, as well as transnational and cross-sector mobility of researchers at all stages of their career o Possibilities of synergies with structural funds o Doctoral Programmes (for ESR) and Fellowship Programmes (for ER) o Researchers to comply with the mobility rules of the MSCA o Minimum support for researchers: 3 months o Implemented by a sole beneficiary Expected Impact o to exploit synergies between European Union actions and those at regional, national, and international level, and leverage funding Education and Culture CDTI H2020= IMPULSO A GRUPOS DE INVESTIGACIÓN, EMPRESAS, ADMINISTRACIONES Y USUARIOS Grandes Iniciativas • • • • • Internacionalización de PN/R EIT Investigadores: Alianzas Industriales: PPP/JTI Políticas: Eu. Innov. Partnerships EUROPEAN INSTITUTE OF INNOVATION & TECNOLOGY (H2020: 2.711 M€) _ [mission:] To European economic growth and competitiveness by reinforcing the innovation capacity of the Member States and the EU… _ [concept:] … by promoting & integrating higher education, research & innovation of the highest standards (= knowledge triangle) The EIT funding model builds on joint strengths and resources of existing excellent organizations participating in the KICs. The EIT funds on average up to 25% of the global KIC budget. The remaining 75% of the KIC budget is a pre-requisite, showing the financial commitment of KIC partners and its leverage effect. This includes KIC partners own revenues and resources, but also public funding, including FP7, H2020 and the Structural Funds. business/ innovation higher education research http://eit.europa.eu/ 22 ● Knowledge & Innovation Communities (KIC) KIC actuales 1.695 M€ 62,5% Futuros KICs 37,5% CLIMATE EIT ICT Labs INNOENERGY JPI Innovation for EIP AHA 2014 HEALTHY LIVING & Active Ageing 542 M€ 20% JPI ADDED VALUE MANUFACTURING 2016 23 RAW MATERIALS Sustainable exploration, extraction, processing , recycling EIP FOOD4FUTURE 249 M€ 9,2% 2016 EIP (15/01/2014) JPI and substitution URBAN MOVILITY 2018 JPI 35 M€ 1,3% EIP Smart cities Gestores: los investigadores Joint Research Research Initiatives M€?? EARTOS ?? FET ICT+… energía Alliance EERA ECRA BioMed EREA (aero) Alcance ERC FET 2.696 M€ Redes 13.095 M€ (+74%) (x9) Ciencia ● IRP 4x10M€ Mini 2x20M€ Excelencia Research Alliance (RA) ??? Integrated R Programmes Miniprogramas Ciencia I+d I+D Set Plan…… CE CE/centros Centros Centros Centros + CE? Centros + CE Flagships* + Proof of Concept Gestión ERC Financiaci ón PM/ERC Organizaci ón Open botton up H2020 Call Países??? consorcios Cerrada + Grupos de Trabajo Cerrada? Mini‐ convocatorias Característ Fundamentalmente solo investigadores. ERC sin consorcios y alto presupuesto. icas *ICT: Human Brain & Grafeno (2*100 M€/año*10 años. 20% convocatoria para nuevos). RA/IRP posicionamiento estratégico , programmes logic. 24 (15/01/2014) PPP privado‐público Gestores: las industrias 6.200 M€ +X JTIs 7.458 M€ … European Industrial Initiatives Set Plan (Energía) 4.000 M€?? (x2 VII PM) JTI ECSEL (Eniac Artemis) JTI IMI/ FCH+ SESAR /Clean Sky+BBI PPP EII SETPlan Alcance Inv. aplicada Desarrollo demostradores I+D industrial Gestión Ind+ CE Países. Industria EFPIA Aero… CE CE + colaboran países Financiación Países + 1/3CE CE 50%+ in kind CE H2020 call CE H2020 call + países? Organización Estructura legal propia abierta Características Asociación cerrada abierta Industrial Demos PT y EI Teams abierta Industria fija las prioridades. Gestión y coordinación complicada y propia en las JTI . Ventajas estratégicas para los promotores. Adjudicaciones nominativas (CS, BBI), subcontratación (IMI). Pueden incluir grupos de investigación 25 (15/01/2014) JTIs (PPPs institucionales) 7.458 M€ +X (VII PM 3.490 M€) 600 M€ TTE SESAR 2 control tráfico aereo KBBE BBI 1.100 M€ * Clean Sky 2 Bioindustries aeronáutica 1.215,3 M€ * ECSEL (ARTEMIS Shift2Rail + ENIAC+EPoSS) ICT 1.638 M€ * nueva HEALTH IMI 2 FCH‐JU 2 Medicamentos innovadores H2+Pilas de combustible 655 M€ ENE 26 (15/01/2014) 1.800 M€ 450 M€ PPPs (contractuales) 6.200 M€ +X (VII PM 1.600 M€) 1.150 M€ * Surveillance SEC Maritime NMP FoF‐2 Fabricación E2B‐2 600 M€ Construcción 700 M€ 700 M€ Photonics* 700 M€ HPC* 700 M€ * nueva * SPIRE procesos 5G* industriales 900 M€ ICT Robotics * EMIRI? Materiales/energía reFINE? Infraestructuras * * Green Vehicles PartnerSHIP 27 (15/01/2014) TTE * 750 M€ ENE PPP web links • INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGIES http://ec.europa.eu/research/industrial_technologies/ppp‐in‐research_en.html www.e2b‐ei.eu Factories of the Future: http://www.effra.eu/ http://www.manufuture.org Enery‐efficient Buildings: http://www.e2b‐ei.eu http://www.ectp.org/ European Green Vehicles Initiative: www.egvi.eu http://www.green‐cars‐initiative.eu http://www.ertrac.org/ Sustainable Process Industries: http://www.spire2030.eu/ • ICT http://ec.europa.eu/digital‐agenda/ Photonics: www.photonics21.org Robotics: http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/connect/en/content/robotics‐public‐private‐ partnership‐horizon‐2020 http://www.eu‐robotics.net/ppp HPC: www.etp4hpc.eu/ 5G: http://www.networks‐etp.eu/ 28 (15/01/2014) Efectos en convocatorias La proliferación de PPPs y JTIs en determinadas temáticas puede suponer una disminución sustancial del presupuesto destinado a Convocatorias en H2020 Transporte (6,8 b€) • Clean Sky 2 (JTI) 1,6 b€ Espacio (1,5 b€) • SESAR 2 (JU‐JTI) 0,5 b€ (??) • Galileo 50/100M€ (?) • EGVI (PPP) 1,5 b€ • GMES 50/100M€ (?) • SHIFT2RAIL (JTI) 0,4 b€ • Space Exploration 50/100M€ (?) • PartnerSHIP (JTI) 0,4 b€ • SSA 50/100M€ (?) • reFINE (PPP) 0,4 b€ (??) • Sub‐orbital flight 50/100M€ (?) Salud (8 b€) • IMI 2 (PPP) 1,725 b€ • EDCTP 2 (P2P) 0,683 b€ • AAL 2 (P2P) 0,175 b€ • EIT 0,25 b€ (?) • Alliance for Biomedical Research 1b€/año??? • 10% otros?: UAVs, Galileo 0,7 • Lanzadores 50/100M€ (?) • Technology for non‐dependence • JPIs: JPND, MYBL, AMR, HDHL Resto disponible: 1 b€ 50/100M€ (?) Resto disponible: ??? b€ Resto disponible: 1 b€ 29 (15/01/2014) European Innovation Partnerships (EIP): definition • An EIP, as proposed in the Europe 2020 flagship Innovation Union, provides a framework that aims to break down “silo’s”, bringing together all relevant stakeholders across policies, across sectors and across borders to speed up innovations that address a major societal challenge …. They will be organised around concrete and ambitious targets, agreed at political level, in areas of societal challenges that command broad public and political support…. They will be politically‐driven. Their success will depend on strong commitment and ownership on the part of the co‐ legislators/budgetary authorities, as well as political endorsement from the Heads of State and Government. 30 (15/01/2014) EIP: the new approach 1. They will be challenge‐driven, focusing on societal benefits and a rapid modernisation of the associated sectors and markets. This means that they will go beyond the technology focus of existing instruments, such as Joint Technology Initiatives (JTIs). 2. They will act across the whole research & innovation chain: (i) step up research and development efforts; (ii) coordinate investments in demonstration and pilots; (iii) anticipate and fast‐track any necessary regulation and standards; (iv) mobilise ‘demand’ in particular through better coordinated public procurement to ensure that any breakthroughs are quickly brought to market. 3. Therefore, they will build upon relevant existing tools and actions and, where this makes sense (e.g. for joint programming, lead markets, joint pre‐ commercial and commercial procurement schemes, regulatory screening), integrate them into a single coherent policy framework. 31 (15/01/2014) Análisis iniciativas en H2020 ‐ EIPs ENV/NMP ENV HEALTH / ICT Raw Materials ENE/ICT/TTE Smart Cities Water Agriculture AHA KBBE 32 (15/01/2014) ● Shift2Rail JTI 450 M€ The gruyere’s case AAL 175 M€ EDCTP 683 M€ Sustainable Process Industries SPIRE 1,4 B€ JU 600 M€ Vessels JTI ?? M€ FCH JTI 700 M€ reFINE ECRA Tackling Societal Challenges Health, demographic change and EIT wellbeingAAL IMI2 EDCTPand the bio-based Food security economy SPIRE Secure, clean and efficient energy EIT Smart, green and integrated transport Clean Sky EREA SESAR Supply of raw Rail materials, resource efficiency and climate action BONUS Inclusive, innovative and EIT Secure societies Maritime BONUS Security Maritime Cyber.. JTI ECSEL Eurostars 3100 M€ EIT Materials, Biotech, BBI M Manufacturing, I esa Space GSA PRS Innovation in SMEs Frontier research (ERC) Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Skills and career development (Marie Curie) Research infrastructures SST (Space Surveillance %Tracking) 250 M€? Rev. 15/Oct/2013 E ICT, NanoTech, Access to risk finance MEDINNA Budget aprox. of H2020 EMIRI PPP Creating Industrial Leadership and Competitive Frameworks Art. 185 MED P R ● JTI ECSEL 1215 M€ Robotics 287 M€ Synergy Grants 15 M€ 33 Big DATA 5G internet Eurostars Excellence in the Science Base HPC JTI Clean Sky FI 1800 M€ 700 M€ EII EERA SESAR IMI2 JTI 1725 M€ Photonics Bio-based Industries BBI JTI 1000 M€ EMPIR Metrology 300 M€ ESA 236 M€? GNSS technologies Galileo y EGNOS E2B, FoF Green cars 1750+ M€ GSA, GNSS PRS (Public Regulated Service) Boosting industry & MMSS engagement through partnerships* (+ in preparation) 7.440 M€ (x2,1)+…. • Article 187: Clean Sky, Fuel Cells and Hydrogen (FCH), Single European Sky Air Traffic Management Research (SESAR), Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI), Bio‐ Based Industries (BBI), Electronic Components and Systems (ECSEL) + Shift2Rail, Vessels, Security‐Cyber,…. • Public‐Private Partnerships (PPP): Energy‐efficient Buildings (E2B), Green Vehicles, Factories of the Future (FoF), Sustainable Process Industries (SPIRE), Future Internet (FI), Robotics, Photonics, Internet Infrastructures (5G) + High Performance Computers (HPC), Space Strategic Research Clusters (SRC), Big Data, Transport Infrastructure (reFINE), Materials for Energy (EMIRI), Security‐Maritime…. • SET Plan: further support will be provided to the European Industrial Initiatives (EII). 1.445 M€ (x2,1)+…. • Article 185: Eurostars, European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP), the European Metrology Research Programme (EMRP), Ambient and Assisted Living (AAL), the Baltic Sea Research & Development Programme (BONUS). + Joint Initiative for the MEDiterranean INNovation Area (MEDINNA), Space surveillance & Tracking (SST), GNSS technologies Galileo & EGNOS (ESA) • ERANet+ (>20; 2014‐2015): Environment, Energy , Food, Health, NMBP, ICT…… *WORK PROGRAMME 2014 – 2015. 1. General Introduction 34 (15/01/2014) ● CDTI H2020= IMPULSO A GRUPOS DE INVESTIGACIÓN, EMPRESAS, ADMINISTRACIONES ÍNDICE Entorno global: Unión por la Innovación, KET Impacto en el H2020 H2020: Grandes Iniciativas Estrategias Impulso del CDTI Y USUARIOS ● ESTUDIOS DEL CASO Art.185 I) METROLOGÍA Art.185 EMPIR EMRP 200 M€* 300 ES 2,2%? iMERA UE/ES =4M€/0 VI PM ERANet+ M€** ES?? H2020 UE/ES=21M€/0,5% VII PM II) AERONÁUTICA: • VI PM CONVOCATORIAS 6,3 % (UE‐27) • VII PM JTI CLEAN SKY (TARDE)≈ 3‐5% ??? (UE‐27) III) PPP*** VII PM (PROMOTORES) 14% (UE‐27) *10% para becas **30% para «no members» *** Fábricas de Futuro, Energy Efficient Buildings, Green cars, Future Internet ● Oficinas de Proyectos (ESTABLES) Detección de grupos (ACTIVA) Análisis de oportunidades: orientación en convocatorias + grandes iniciativas (ANTES DE) Preparación de Propuestas + Gestión del Proyecto (LLAVE EN MANO) – Planificación, Gestión financiera y administrativa, Informes y Relaciones de alto nivel con socios / CE, Legal (acuerdo de consorcio + IPR), Análisis de impacto, Planes de Explotación Presencia en Bruselas: oficinas CSIC, CDTI‐SOST, CCAA,… Gestores Profesionales 37 (15/01/2014) ● Nuevos elementos: +50% (Oportunidades y competencia) • Investigación BÁSICA x2 – Supervivencia, Co‐fund (apertura) • +INNOVACIÓN – Proyectos demostración, 1ª Plantas piloto, 20% PYME • Externalización: Grandes Iniciativas (Investigadores e Industrias) – Promotores, doble o mitad • > Tamaño de Proyectos – Focalización, 38 Apoyo del Equipo Rector / Alta Dirección Plan de actuación: prioridades y objetivos Nuevos grupos Primas a los Investigadores Alianzas estables universidades, empresas ES y UE Anticipación / medio plazo A por todas (con estrategia) Oficinas de Proyectos (15/01/2014) ¿AVANZAR EN EL CONOCIMIENTO? ¿EN UN ENTORNO INTERNACIONAL? Efecto sustitución Falta de Estructura Corto plazo “Monocultivo” ………. Detección sistemática de oportunidades. Orientación estratégica Planes de Impulso H2020 / RIS3 Objetivos CCAA, temáticos y por colectivos ● Grandes Iniciativas: tabla comparativa Iniciativa Alcance JPI Joint Programming Investigación Protagonistas Apertura Países gestores PN Open Países con convocatorias Industrias y sus asociaciones; Open CE H2020 convocatorias normales Club Autónoma Semi Autónoma (algo Innovación) PPP Public Private Partenerships Tecnológico e Innovación presencia de grupos de investigación JTI Joint Technology Tecnológico y Demostradores European Research Alliances Investigación EIP European I+D+I, compras públicas, regulación … Innovation Partnership algo Inv. aplicada 40 Gestión € Industrias presencia de grupos de investigación Centros Investigación CE, países, Industria 1º y 2º nivel «etiquetas» VIP con y Plataformas, exclusivo. er impacto en Grupos de 3 nivel abierto convocatorias investigación, H2020 usuarios (15/01/2014) ● ● http://www.eshorizonte2020.es/ H2020 Guía rápida: http://www.eshorizonte2020.es/como-participar/guia-del-participante Cataluña H2020 (2014‐2020) Propuesta de objetivos ??? 30% de España y 1.473 M€. (VII PM: 29,1% y 864 M€*) Cataluña y PM: propuesta de objetivos 2014‐16 OBJETIVOS ESPAÑA 9,5% UE‐28 1.763 CATALUÑA 30,0% 529 OBJETIVO PROPUESTO Propuestas Nº 7.458 H2020 2016‐20 3.147 944 13.313 2014‐2020 4.910 1.473 20.771 VII PM 2011‐13* 2007‐2013* 1.651 2.969 478 864 12.185 El presupuesto del H2020 ha aumentado el 52%. El objetivo para España es el 9% (2014‐2016) y 9,5% acumulado para los 7 años. Cataluña H2020 (2014‐2020) Propuesta de objetivos 30% de España y 1.473 M€. (VII PM: 29,1% y 864 M€*) 42 * provisional. Referencias de retorno % UE‐28(15/01/2014) Jornada Connect-EU: “Lideratge en Grans Iniciatives i EIT-KICs” www.biocat.cat www.biocat.cat Montserrat Vendrell, CEO European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) THE EIT MISSION Created in 2008, the EIT’s mission is to: Ø Increase European sustainable growth and competitiveness Ø Reinforce the innovation capacity of the EU Member States Ø Create the entrepreneurs of tomorrow and prepare for the next innovative breakthroughs The EIT creates an unprecedented level of collaboration between innovation and excellence centers with the aim of boosting the innovation process: Ø from idea to product Ø from lab to market Ø from student to entrepreneur www.biocat.cat http://eit.europa.eu/ EIT at a glance www.biocat.cat http://eit.europa.eu/ What makes a KIC a KIC? Ø High degree of integration: each KIC is organised around an independent legal entity, gathering world-class KIC partners from all the innovation dimensions. Ø Long-term perspective: each KIC is set up for a minimum of seven years to contribute to overcoming fragmentation via world-class, long-term, integrated partnerships. Ø Efficient governance: each KIC is driven by a CEO and KIC partners are represented by single legal entities for more streamlined decision-making. Ø The co-location model: each KIC consists of five or six world-class innovation hotspots, building and leveraging on existing European capacities. Ø KICs culture: Europe needs to embrace a true entrepreneurial culture, which is essential for capturing the value of research and innovation, for setting-up new ventures and actual market deployment of innovations in potential highgrowth sectors. www.biocat.cat http://eit.europa.eu/ Key elements http://eit.europa.eu/ Proposed budget for 2014-2020: EUR 2,75 billion within the envelope of about EUR 80 billion of Horizon 2020, Consolidation and further development of the three existing KICs (Climate-KIC, EIT ICT Labs and KIC InnoEnergy). Creation of five new KICs to be launched in three waves: 2014 § Innovation for healthy living and active ageing § Raw materials - sustainable exploration, extraction, processing, recycling and substitution 2016 § Food4Future - sustainable supply chain from resources to consumers; § Added-value manufacturing 2018 § Urban mobility Objectives for 2020 ü Create 600 new companies ü Train 10 000 Master’s students and10 000 PhD students ü Achieve systemic impact in the way universities, research centres and companies cooperate for innovation www.biocat.cat Indicative timeline for the selection and designation of new KICs http://eit.europa.eu/ www.biocat.cat KIC SELECTION CRITERIA (Total 100 points) 30 points 1. STRATEGY 1.1 STRATEGIC APPROACH (10 points) 1.2 ADDED-VALUE, INNOVATIVENESS AND SYNERGIES (10 points) 1.3 KIC PARTNERSHIP (10 points) 2. OPERATIONS 35 points 2.1 KIC GOVERNANCE (10 points) 2.2 LEADERSHIP AND OPERATIONS (10 points) 2.3 KIC BUSINESS MODEL AND FINANCIAL PLAN (15 points) 3. IMPACT 35 points 3.1 IMPACT AND COMPETITIVENESS (15 points) 3.2 OUTPUTS KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS AND KIC SCOREBOARD (10 points) 3.3 COMMUNICATION, OUTREACH AND DISSEMINATION (10 points) www.biocat.cat http://eit.europa.eu/ InnoLIFE Innovation for Healthy Living and Active Ageing www.biocat.cat The New World of the Old … Pace of ageing by country (proportion of elderly - 65 & over) www.biocat.cat Source: world population prospects, United Nations, 2008 The few cost the most: Imperative for change % Population % of Total Healthcare Expense Mean Annual Cost per Person 1% 29% $ 101,000 39% $ 15,000 21% $ 3,700 9% 20% 70% 11% $ 580 www.biocat.cat InnoLIFE dependent living Focus on behavior change, decentralized support tools, e.g. at home Chronic Acute Focus on lifestyle, prevention, health education, risk monitoring, early diagnosis, minimally invasive therapy supported living Well Individual’s Health Status independent living age: 0 - 35 36 – 65 66 – 80 80 & Up Innovation is key ü Product and service innovation Translate broad multidisciplinary research and technology into people-centered products and services of higher quality at lower cost ü Business and care model innovation New entrepreneurial mindsets and models in the way healthcare is organized and offered, creating value and profit from wellness instead of illness ü Innovative approach to create and attract talent ü Through novel innovation ecosystem Bring excellent partners together in a systemic way www.biocat.cat Innovation for healthy living and active ageing KIC Nodes co-locations featuring leading actors in education, research and business www.biocat.cat www.biocat.cat Biocat Biocat is the organization that promotes the biotechnology, biomedicine and medical technologies sector in Catalonia. It is fostered by the Government of Catalonia, Barcelona City Council, companies, hospitals and research institutions. Mandate Needs/Demands Sector Advice Opportunities detection www.biocat.cat Projects/services Representation / Promotion The Bioregion of Catalonia, an ecosystem with more than 620 organizations in life sciences 11 Universities 12 Technology Centres 194 Biotech 105 Providers and engineering companies 17 University Hospitals 16 Science &Tech Parks 54 Med Tech 96 Professional and consultancy services 56 Research Centres 2 large Research Infrastructures 40 Pharma 23 Investors groups (out of 12) offering studies in life science www.biocat.cat with Life Sciences Activities www.biocat.cat www.biocat.cat www.biocat.cat www.biocat.cat www.biocat.cat www.biocat.cat UPC BarcelonaTECH KIC InnoEnergy a la UPC Jornada Connect-­‐EU 16 de gener de 2014 UPC BarcelonaTECH KIC InnoEnergy ! Història i definicions ! • La X arxa Cluster • … Definicions • Què és un KIC? Knowledge and InnovaDon Community • Què és l’EIT? European InsDtute of InnovaDon & Technology Missió: fer créixer i capitalitzar la capacitat d’innovació del diferents actors en educació superior, recerca, empreses i emprenedors de la UE, a través de la creació de KICs. 16/01/14 2 UPC BarcelonaTECH KIC InnoEnergy ! Hi ha 3 KICs a l’actualitat: • Canvi climàDc, • Societat de la informació i de les comunicacions del futur, • Energia sostenible. ! 5 nous KICs en el futur proper: • • • • • 16/01/14 InnovaDon for Healthy Living and AcDve Ageing (2014), Raw Materials (2014), Added Value Manufacturing (2016), Food4Future (2016), Urban Mobility (2018). 3 KIC InnoEnergy: compromís per al canvi del sistema energè?c europeu a través de la innovació UPC BarcelonaTECH ! 16/01/14 ! Reduir les emissions, fomentar l’ús de l’energia sostenible i d’alternaDves als combusDbles fòssils. Augmentar l’eficiència en el procés d’innovació europeu. ! Aliança del principals actors europeus en l’àmbit energèDc europeu: universitats, centres tecnològics, empreses, emprenedors, inversors privats i de capital risc, governs, … ! ! Enfoc complet del mix energèDc coherent amb el SET Plan. Enfoc pràcDc educació-­‐recerca-­‐innovació. ! Consorci distribuït temàDcament i territorialment amb una: ! Estructura de govern reduïda i efecDva. ! Pla de negoci definit amb objecDus quanDtaDus (KPIs). ! Implementació el novembre de 2010, amb un abast temporal de 7-­‐15 anys (i més). 4 KIC InnoEnergy: una aliança de primera línia mundial amb els millors actors europeus UPC BarcelonaTECH ! ! ! ! ! ! 16/01/14 11 empreses, 10 insDtuts de recerca, 14 universitats. 31% socis industrials. >50% d’actors clau a Europa. Cobrint tot el mix energèDc. Basat en un triangle del coneixement equilibrat en totes les seves dimensions. En estret contacte amb els governs locals. 5 UPC BarcelonaTECH CC Iberia partners ! Formal partners ! Associate partners 16/01/14 6 KIC InnoEnergy: innovació en tot el mix energè?c i coherent amb el SET Plan UPC BarcelonaTECH 16/01/14 7 El Triangle del Coneixement UPC BarcelonaTECH Educació • Programes MSc • PhD School • Learning Modules • Projectes de Recerca • Consorcis Recerca Innovació • Propietat Intel·∙lectual • Emprenedoria • Valorització Tecnològica Eix: internacionalització 16/01/14 8 La UPC a KIC InnoEnergy UPC BarcelonaTECH ! Recerca • 13 nous projectes de recerca desenvolupats en col·∙laboració amb socis KIC. • CaracterísDques: o El consorci ha d’estar format per com a mínim 3 partners de com a mínim 2 colocation centers diferents. o Com a mínim un partner industrial ha d’estar implicat en el projecte. o Els projectes han d’estar orientats a resultats: els entregables són productes o serveis dirigits al mercat. o Caure en un dels 6 àmbits temàtics de KIC. • 14 grups de recerca UPC desenvolupen tasques de recerca en 24 parDcipacions diferents. • TemàDques: o Renovables (eòlica marina, solar tèrmica, solar fotovoltaica, oceànica, …), o Edificis i ciutats intel·ligents, o Smart Grids. 16/01/14 11 La UPC a KIC InnoEnergy UPC BarcelonaTECH ! Recerca (2) 16/01/14 12 La UPC a KIC InnoEnergy UPC BarcelonaTECH ! Educació • Posada en marxa de 5 nous programes MSc en el període 2011-­‐2013. o o o o o MSc RENE EMINE MSc MSc SELECT MSc SENSE MSc Smart CiDes o o o o o o 2 anys, 120ECTS. Mobilitat dels estudiants: 1 any a l’entry point + 1 any a l’exit point. Com a mínim 3 universitats implicades MSc tesis: 30 ECTS, preferiblement a la indústria que actúa com a co-­‐advisor. Formació transversal, especialment en emprenedoria. Graus d’entrada acceptats: enginyeria, ssica, química (marks > 75 %). • CaracterísDques MSc: • 42 estudiants matriculats a la UPC per al curs 2012-­‐2013 a MSc amb el segell KIC. 16/01/14 15 La UPC a KIC InnoEnergy UPC BarcelonaTECH ! Educació (2) • Beques KIC InnoEnergy PhD School. • CaracterísDques PhD School: o o o o o 4 anys. Any 1: formació tècnica i transversal (emprenedoria) Anys 2-­‐3-­‐4: tesi. Mobilitat (6-­‐12 mesos). ParDcipació en projectes de recerca KIC InnoEnergy. ! Innovació • Impuls de la creació de negoci (start-­‐up i spin-­‐off). • Valorització de tecnologies desenvolupades a la UPC. • Finançament de Patents Internacionals. 16/01/14 16 La UPC a KIC InnoEnergy UPC BarcelonaTECH Recerca Educació Innovació 13 nous projectes de recerca internacionals amb parDcipació industrial en l’àmbit de l’energia a la UPC, a afegir als 6 projectes en marxa finançats per altres iniciaDves. 42 nous estudiants de màster becats a la UPC en l’àmbit de l’energia, triplicant la mateixa dada del 2010. 6 nous estudis preliminars d’avaluació d’idees de negoci. Introducció de les acDvitats de la Unitat de Valorització de la UPC a les acDvitats KIC 8 nous projectes de recerca en procés de negociació de contracte (des13) 16/01/14 19 Dades Econòmiques UPC BarcelonaTECH Evolució dels Ingressos Una vegada s uperada la fase de posada en marxa de les acDvitats en el 2010 i part del 2011, el 2012 es pot considerar l’any de la consolidació. L’any passat els ingressos de l’acDvitat de la UPC a KIC van suposar 2,14M€, un 60% més que l’any 2011, conver?nt-­‐se en el 2on soci pel que fa a InnoEnergy l’obtenció de recursos el 2012. 2.500 k€ 2.140 k€ 2.000 k€ 1.500 k€ 1.332 k€ 1.000 k€ 500 k€ 343 k€ 0 k€ GA2010 16/01/14 GA2011 GA2012 21 Perspec?ves de futur UPC BarcelonaTECH 16/01/14 26 Drets i obligacions de la par?cipació UPC BarcelonaTECH ! Volum d’ingressos 2,14M€ (beques incloses) sobre 31M€ per al 2012. Un 60% més que l’any anterior. ! Aportació anual cash de 100k€. ! Dedicació exclusiva de recursos de gesDó. • • • • 16/01/14 Coordinació, impuls, promoció GesDó Econòmica Assessoria Legal … 27 Proposta Estratègica per a la UPC UPC BarcelonaTECH ! Una proposta única, que inclou acDvitats en els 3 àmbits d’actuació de la UPC: « Recerca, « Educació, i « Emprenedoria i Creació de Negoci. ! Amb una marcada vocació internacional ! En una prioritat temàDca d’alt impacte social tant de la Comissió Europea com de la societat civil ! Un segell d’excel·∙lència que que no té cap altra universitat espanyola 16/01/14 28 Proposta Estratègica per a la UPC UPC BarcelonaTECH ! Coherent amb altres iniciaDves estratègiques insDtucionals « Campus d’Excel·∙lència Internacional de l’Energia, « Xarxa Cluster, « … ! Que facilita l’establiment de sinèrgies orientades a l’increment de la parDcipació de la UPC en: « Projectes Europeus (FP7 i FP8) « Projectes del Govern de l’Estat i la Generalitat « Convenis amb el teixit empresarial ! EsDmula el treball col·∙laboraDu entre els invesDgadors de la UPC ! Alia la UPC amb els principals actors europeus en Energia en una xarxa internacional de primer nivell 16/01/14 29 Alguns apunts polí?cs UPC BarcelonaTECH “En el futur la recerca serà KIC o no serà” Andreu Mas-Colell, secretari general de l’European Research Council, ERC ! El president Sarkozy va gesDonar directament davant la UE que el KIC de l'Energia fos orientat al concepte de Sustainable Energy. ! El Parlament italià va interpel·∙lar el seu Govern per conèixer com era possible que Itàlia no Dngués cap node (CC) en els 3 KICs aprovats. ! Catalunya en té un: 4 dels 5 socis del node Iberia de KIC InnoEnergy són catalans: UPC, ESADE, IREC i Gas Natural. 16/01/14 30 Decàleg de la proposta KIC UPC BarcelonaTECH ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 16/01/14 Partenariat potent i compensat: unis, empreses, centres de recerca, escoles de negoci. Aliniament temàDc clar amb la proposta i entre els socis. Disseny dels CCs (nodes) basats en ecosistemes potents i compensats. Recolzament de governs nacionals i regionals. Definir l’estructura legal de la KIC proposada i dels CCs/nodes. AcDtud proacDva de la proposta i dels socis: – CreaDvitat en la definició d’added-­‐value acDviDes. – AcDtud innovadora, disposats al canvi respecte al “business as usual”. Fulls de ruta coherents i aliniats amb les estratègies europees. Estratègia potent per connectar els vèrtex del triangle del coneixement. Governança clara i eficaç. GesDó qualitaDva i quanDtaDva. Millora con|nua. GesDonar el capital humà, les persones. 31 UPC BarcelonaTECH Gràcies per la vostra atenció! kic.upc.edu 16/01/14 38