Springer 2006 Plant Ecology (2006) 187:227–247 DOI 10.1007/s11258-005-6574-0 -1 Phenomorphology and eco-morphological characters of Rhododendron lauroid forests in the Western Mediterranean (Iberian Peninsula, Spain) A.V. Pérez Latorre* and B. Cabezudo Departamento de Biologı´a Vegetal. Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Málaga, Apartado 59, E-29080 Málaga, Spain; *Author for correspondence (e-mail: avperez@uma.es; fax: +34 952131944) Received 2 November 2004; accepted in revised form 25 April 2005 Key words: Functional types, Growth-forms, Phenophasic patterns, Relict, Rhododendron Abstract The evergreen broad-leaved forest of Rhododendron ponticum represents a special type of Mediterranean vegetation because of their relict nature (allegedly pre-glacial, Southern-Iberian and Pontic) and connection with Macaronesian-Atlantic flora. The findings of ecomorphological (growth forms) and phenological (phenology) studies point to characteristics typical of its relict character and its relationship with subtropical lauroid vegetation (greater forest stratification, larger leaves, high percentage of photosynthetic stems, scarce tomentosity, pre-flowering in a season different to Mediterranean species and closeness of autumn–winter flowering species). There are, however, links with typical Mediterranean vegetation (Quercus L. forests) that surrounds the Rhododendron stands, due to its adaptation to Mediterranean climate (sclerophyll leaves, plant and leaf duration, post-fire regeneration, fleshy fruit and fruit setting-seed dispersal seasonality). Within the community, different groups of plants show different adaptations to the same biotope, suggesting their distinct paleo-phytogeographical origins. The results confirm the singularity of this vegetation within the typically Mediterranean environment where it grows and its connections with other extra-Mediterranean types. Introduction The use of ecomorphology (growth forms) and phenomorphology to study Mediterranean vegetation and flora was first proposed by Orshan (1982, 1983, 1986 and 1989). Growth forms provide information on adaptive traits (Mooney 1974; Le Roux et al. 1984; Pierce 1984), while a phenomorphological study provides data on the complete annual cycle concerning changes in the organs in relation to seasonal climatic changes and plant architecture. These methods, which may be included in the broad definition of ‘functional types’ (Box 1987), have confirmed excellent for cataloguing vegetation (Nemani and Running 1996), relating vegetation with climatic parameters (Box 1996), predicting its dynamism (Noble and Gitay 1996) even detecting species outside their ecological context (Herrera 1984, 1987). In the case of Mediterranean vegetation, the standardisation of methodology not only allows between ecosystems comparison but also means it can be used for describing as a function of ecomorphological (growth forms) and phenomorphological characteristics (Floret et al. 1987, 1990). The method has been used in Mediterranean regions of the world, including Australia (Pate et al. 1984), Chile (Orshan et al. 1984; Montenegro et al. 1989), France (Floret et al. 1987, 1990; Romane 1987), Israel (Danin and Orshan 1990; Keshet et al. 1990), South Africa (Le Roux et al. 1989) and Spain (Cabezudo et al. 1992, 1993; Pérez 228 Latorre et al. 1995, 2001; Caritat et al. 1997; Navarro and Cabezudo 1998; Castro Dı́ez and Montserrat Martı́ 1998; Pérez Latorre and Cabezudo 2002). Pérez Latorre and Cabezudo (2002) proposed a synthesis of the Orshan’s method to be applicable to Mediterranean climate regions in the world. The synthesis was applied to woodlands (Quercus suber L., Fagaceae) and shrublands (Cistus L. spp., Cistaceae) in Spain, observing clear distinctions between the two formations as regards both ecomorphological (growth forms) and phenological parameters (phenophases and related indexes). Here we continue this line of work by applying the method proposed by Pérez Latorre and Cabezudo (2002) to a type of vegetation of great paleophytogeographical and conservation interest: the paleomediterranean relict lauroid forests of Rhododendron ponticum L. (Ericaceae). These date from the end of the Tertiary (Quézel 1985; Mai 1989) and are now relegated to the extreme enclaves of western (Strait of Gibraltar) to eastern (Bosphorus) Mediterranean, showing climatic peculiarities in both sites. The main objective of this work is to characterise and describe this kind of plant community using ecomorphology and phenomorphology and to study the relationships with the ecological parameters of the biotope where it develops. Another objective is to analyse the standardised data to discuss the originality or similarity of Rhododendron forest to other kind of typically Mediterranean forest (Quercus suber). We also try to make an approach to eco-phenomorphological grouping of species following a combination of their ecomorphological and phenophasic patterns. Finally, we try to find characters that support the relict origin of Rhododendron forests and its eco-phenomorphological relations to present lauroid vegetation. Methods Vegetation The studied vegetation type corresponds to riparian forest dominated by Rhododendron ponticum (Scrophulario laxiflorae–Rhododendretum pontici Pérez Latorre et al. 2000). Called ‘ojaranzal’ in Spanish, this community is uniquely found in SW Iberia within western Europe (Spain and Portugal) (Pérez Latorre et al. 1996) and belongs to the Western Mediterranean relict lauroid vegetation (Rhododendretalia pontici Pérez Latorre et al. 2000, Pruno-Lauretea azoricae Oberdorfer ex Sunding 1972) (Cabezudo and Pérez Latorre 2001). In Spain, its most important representative is found in Andalusia (Los Alcornocales Natural Park, Cadiz Province; Pérez Latorre et al. 1999) while much smaller populations are found in the Sierras de Monchique and Vouzela in Portugal (Pereira Dı́as and Barros de Sa Nogueira 1973; Malato Beliz 1982). The most unusual floristic characteristic of this community is the brio-pteridophytic stratum with species which have a Macaronesian-Atlantic optimum or paleomediterranean origin (such as Lepidopilum virens Card., Tetrastichium fontanum (Mitt.) Card., Neckera intermedia var. laevifolia (Schiffn.) Renauld and Cardot, Homalia webbiana Mont., Isopterygium bottini (Breidl.) Broth-Bryophyta-. Culcita macrocarpa C. Presl., Diplazium caudatum (Cav.) JermyPteris incompleta Cav., Vandenboschia speciosa (Willd.) Kunkel -Pteridophyta-) (Salvo 1990; Guerra et al. 2003). Study site The study site was chosen taking into consideration the presence of most of the species belonging to the community and the state of conservation. The selected R. ponticum stand (Figure 1) lies within a protected area (Los Alcornocales Natural Park, Los Barrios municipality, Dehesa de Ojén) in the province of Cadiz (Spain). The riparian site occupies a 10 m wide, 20 m long stretch at 350 m a.s.l. (536¢ W/367¢ N). A permanent stream flows on siliceous sands, the bed of which contains large rocky blocks. The soil data (Table 1) point to a low pH and the absence of carbonates, while climatic data (Figure 2, Table 2) reveal a typically Mediterranean warm climate (thermomediterranean bioclimatic belt with an average annual temperature of 17.6 C) and much rain (humid ombrotype, average annual rainfall of 1078 mm) although with a dry period between July and August. 229 Figure 1. Little rectangle: distribution of Rhododendron ponticum L. in Spain and general view of the study area. Black dot: location of the selected plot in the Natural Park of ‘Los Alcornocales’ (Sierra de Ojén, Cádiz province). White dots correspond to other R. ponticum forests (localities taken from (Pérez Latorre et al. 1999, 2000). 230 Table 1. Main soil characteristics in the area of the study site. Parameter Type/data Soil type Rock type pH horizon A (H2O) C/N horizon A CO3 horizon A pH horizon B (H2O) C/N horizon B CO3 horizon B Alfisol Siliceous sandstones 5.6 15.7 0 4.7 11.2 0 Table 2. Weather station at Los Barrios (Polvorilla), Cádiz (534¢ W/3615¢ N). J 120 Mean annual rainfall (mm)/2 100 Mean annual temperature (ºC) 80 60 40 20 0 J F M A M J J A S O N D Figure 2. Climatic diagram of the study area. Ecomorphology For this ecomorphological study, we used the method standardised by Orshan (1982, 1986), while following the proposal by Orshan (1989) for the phenological study. A selective plant inventory was made in the locality, according to the presence of the most representative species within the community. The plot measured 200 m2, enough to include the whole diversity of species. The inventory was made following Braun-Blanquet (1979), including environmental data and plant cover of the species, which was divided into persistent and non-persistent (Table 3). Following the recommendations of Orshan (1986) we only took into account the persistent or arid-active species (Evenari et al. 1975), that is to say, those that bear aerial active shoots throughout the year and which are therefore adapted to the Mediterranean drought season. Arid-passive plants such as F M A M J J A S O N D Mean annual rainfall (mm) 163.5 169.5 104.7 84.7 50.5 14.8 0.9 2.9 27.7 101.8 191.5 165.8 Mean annual temperature (C) 13.2 14.6 15.2 15.9 18.2 21.3 23 22.4 20.8 16.9 15.3 14.3 It (Thermicity index) = 425, lower thermomediterranean bioclimatic belt with lower humid ombrotype (Rivas Martı́nez classification 1987). Mean annual temperature = 17.6 C. Absolute minimum temperature = 2 C. Absolute maximum temperature = 40 C. Mean annual rainfall = 1078 mm. Days of rainfall = 61.5. ephemerals (terophytes) and ephemeroids (some geophytes and hemicryptophytes) were not included in the studies, because their shoots disappear during the unfavourable season (Evenari et al. 1975). The ecomorphological characters (growth forms) were determined for each species in the field. Twenty-eight characters of those proposed by Orshan (1986) were studied as well as fruit type (fleshy, dry), as proposed in (Pérez Latorre et al. 1995). Afterwards a species/character data matrix was made and the percentage of presence of each character expression was calculated on the basis of number of species showing that character (see Appendix A). For the ecomorphological description of the communities and the subsequent comparison, we used the characters and indices proposed by Pérez Latorre and Cabezudo (2002) including Estimated Biomass of the Species (EBS) = plant height (m) · crown diameter (m) · canopy or branch density (%), and Estimated Biomass of the Community (EBC) = sum of EBS’s of all the species. Figure 3 shows the relative flat form of each species and its positioning into the community structure. Phenology and phenophasic indices Data concerning the different reproductive phenological phases (flower bud formation, flowering, fruit setting, seed dispersal) and vegetative phenological phases (vegetative growth and leaf shedding of dolichoblasts and brachyblasts) were recorded through monthly visits during a complete annual cycle (2002–2003), for each arid-active or persistent species (Evenari et al. 1975; Orshan 1989). Pteridophytes were excluded of calculations 231 Table 3. A: relevé in the study site, total community cover 100%, north facing slope 15, area: 10 · 25 m. Relative cover based on Braun-Blanquet index (4 = 61–80%, 2 = 21–40%, 1 = 11–20%, + = 1–10%). B: percentage of presence of species in 16 localities of the distribution area of R. ponticum forests (taken from Pérez Latorre et al. 1999, 2000); * = characteristic species of the community. Persistent arid-active plants *Rhododendron ponticum (Ericaceae) *Ilex perado var. iberica (Aquifoliaceae) *Hedera maderensis subsp. iberica (Araliaceae) Quercus canariensis (Fagaceae) Smilax aspera (Smilacaceae) Ruscus hypophyllum (Ruscaceae) *Frangula alnus subsp. baetica (Rhamnaceae) Ruscus aculeatus (Ruscaceae) *Laurus nobilis (Lauraceae) Alnus glutinosa (Betulaceae) Viburnum tinus (Caprifoliaceae) Lonicera periclymenum subsp. hispanica (Caprifoliaceae) Phyllirea latifolia (Oleaceae) *Diplazium caudatum (Athyriaceae) *Scrophularia laxiflora (Scrophulariaceae) *Pteris incompleta (Pteridaceae) Ephemerals arid-passive plants Arisarum proboscideum (Araceae) Sibthorpia europaea (Scrophulariaceae) Ranunculus ficaria (Ranunculaceae) Brio-pteridophytic synusial species Athyrium filix-femina (Athyriaceae) Vandenboschia speciosa (Hymenophyllaceae) Davallia canariensis (Davalliaceae) because of the lack of standard reproductive phenophases. A minimum of 30 individuals of each species were selected and/or marked when possible, while a phenomorphological herbarium (MGC) with representative samples of the phenological phases was collected. For each species a phenological calendar was drawn up (see Appendix B), excluding uncommon events (Castro Dı́ez and Montserrat Martı́ 1998). The frequency of each phenophase taking place in each month was calculated for the set of species. The phenological calendar of each community was constructed as a function of the seasonality of the following phenological phases: flower bud formation, flowering, fruit setting, seed dispersal, vegetative growth and leaf shedding. The descriptions of the species and vegetation using phenophases and phenophasic indices (Active Phenophasic Period of the Species APS, Active Phenophasic Period of the Community APC and Index of reproductive/vegetative Activity of the Species RVA), were made following the model of (Pérez Latorre and Cabezudo 2002). A B Relative cover Presence (%) 4 2 1 1 1 1 + + + + + + + + + + 100 70 90 75 60 55 85 55 50 45 40 30 30 15 15 10 2 + + 35 35 10 1 1 + 75 10 25 Phenophasic patterns of the species were taken from the models described by Montenegro et al. (1989: 385) (patterns A, B, C, D, and E), although a new phenophasic pattern (F) is here proposed to describe the almost total coincidence of vegetative growth with those of flower bud formation and flowering (Figure 4). Nomenclature Valdés et al. (1987) and Castroviejo et al. (1986) were used for this work (Valcárcel 2002, for Hedera; Corley and Crundwell 1991, for Bryophyta). Results The main ecomorphological and phenomorphological data are indicated in Appendices A and B. As a result, we made the ecomorphological characterisation and the phenophasic calendar. 232 meters 30 25 Quercus canariensis Quercus canariensis 20 15 Hedera maderensis Alnus glutinosa Hedera maderensis Frangula baetica 10 Viburnum tinus 5 2.5 Scrophularia laxiflora Ruscus aculeatus s lop e Lonicera his p an ic a Ilex perado Laurus nobilis Rhododendron ponticum + Smilax aspera Rhododendron ponticum + Smilax aspera Phillyrea angustifolia Ruscus hypophyllum 0 Pteris incompleta Diplazium caudatum stream Figure 3. Community structure and biotope. The species are represented to scale in two-dimensional forms, according to the ecomorphological characters of plant height x crown diameter and placed in their most common position in the biotope. Hedera maderensis climbs on Quercus canariensis trunks whereas Smilax aspera grows into the canopy of Rhododendron-like tall shrubs and Lonicera hispanica lies on the canopy of Phillyrea-like tall shrubs. Ecomorphological characterisation Phenophasic calendar Rhododendron ponticum forest: phanerophytic, scarcely spinescent, holoxyle, multi-layered and evergreen community, with a maximum height of 22 m. Leaves are shed periodically on average every 18 months; the leaves are predominantly sclerophyll, with a 7% degree of tomentosity, and mostly of about 38 cm2 (micro-mesophyll). The average duration of the plants is 34.8 years; most are adapted to after-fire regeneration by below ground buds pattern. Vegetative growth and flowering mainly occur in spring and fleshy fruits are predominant. For phenophasic calendar see, Figures 2, 5 and 6, and Table 2. Flower buds formation from autumn to spring, thus avoiding maximum temperatures and the summer rainfall minima; peak flowering in spring with a secondary maximum in autumn, both warm, rainy seasons with many hours of daylight; peak of fruit setting in summer, coinciding with maximal temperatures and rainfall minima, lasting into autumn with its abundant rainfall and moderate temperatures; abundant seed dispersal in autumn, reaching a maximum in winter, when temperatures are at their lowest 233 Discussion The discussion is made following paragraphs dealing with ecomorphological characters, phenological phases, phenophasic indices, phenophasic patterns and eco-phenomorphological groups. Ecomorphological characters For ecomorphological characters see Tables 4 and 5. Figure 4. Phenophasic patterns of the species that represent the phenophasic sequence and overlapping of growth and flowering. (A) first: growth, second: growth and buds overlapping, third: flowering. (B) first: growth, second: buds, third: flowering, no overlapping. (C) first: growth, second: buds and growth overlapping, third: flowering and growth overlapping. (D) first buds, second: flowering, third: growth, no overlapping. (E) first: buds, second: flowering and growth overlapping, third: growth. (F) first: buds and growth overlapping, second: flowering and growth overlapping. White rectangle = vegetative growth, grey rectangle = flower bud formation, black rectangle = flowering. Patterns ‘‘A’’ to ‘‘E’’ from Montenegro et al. (1989). Pattern ‘‘F’’ proposed here. (though mild), the days are the shortest and rainfall plentiful; dolichoblast vegetative growth maximal in spring, coinciding with an increase in temperatures, continued rainfall and moist soils; dolichoblast leaf shedding maximal in summer, coinciding with the highest temperatures and scant, if any, rainfall, although the second peak in winter coincides with the lowest temperatures and abundant rainfall. Structure of the community and renewal buds Biotype distribution (based on renewal bud position) shows that this is a forest dominated by phanerophytes, as occurs in other types of Mediterranean forests studied (Oberdorfer 1960; Romane 1987; Floret et al. 1990; Danin and Orshan 1990; Pérez Latorre and Cabezudo 2002). However, the slight difference in stratification of this lauroid type is quite well reflected in the scaled distribution of biotypes according to plant heights (Figure 3). The first layer of trees (‘roof’) is constituted by mesophanerophyte (5 species) below which there is a dense layer of microphanerophytes (3 species). Three species of vines (one phanerophyte, one amphiphyte and one chamaephyte) climb between these two layers. At ground level and in areas of low luminosity grow cryptophytes (two species), hemicryptophytes (two species) and one of the two amphiphytes, adapted Vegetative Phenological Phases sp % sp % Reproductive Phenological Phases 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 E E F M A M J J A S O N F M A DVG FBF FWL FS M J J A S O N D D LSD BVG LSB SD Figure 5. Time curse of the reproductive phenological phases in the community expressed as the monthly percentage of species that show each phenophase. Flower bud formation (FBF), flowering (F), fruit setting (FS) and seed dispersal (SD). Figure 6. Time curse of the vegetative phenological phases in the community expressed as the monthly percentage of species that show each phenophase. Dolichoblast vegetative growth (DVG), leaf shedding dolichoblast (LSD), brachyblast vegetative growth (BVG) and leaf shedding brachyblast. 234 Table 4. Some important ecomorphological characters in the studied species. Ecomorphological character RW OS BC SP LS LT LC LD SO FT sB Alnus glutinosa Diplazium caudatum Frangula alnus baetica Hedera maderensis iberica Ilex perado iberica Laurus nobilis Lonicera peryclimenum hispanica Phyllirea latifolia Pteris incompleta Quercus canariensis Rhododendron ponticum Ruscus aculeatus Ruscus hypophyllum Scrophularia laxiflora Smilax aspera altissima Viburnum tinus mePh H mePh ePh mePh mePh Am miPh H mePh miPh Cr Cr Am eCh miPh L L L L L L Bb/L L L L L Sh Sh Bb/Sh Bb L corky no smooth papery smooth smooth flaky smooth no corky flaky smooth smooth no smooth smooth no no no no leaves no no no no no no leaves* leaves* no stems no 20–56 >1640 20–56 20–56 20–56 20–56 20–56 12–20 >1640 56–180 20–56 2–12 12–20 20–56 20–56 20–56 no no no no no no yes no no no no no no no no no Ma sE Ma sE S S Ma sE sE sE sE S Ma Ma S sE 6–14 26–38 6–14 26–38 14–26 26–38 <6 14–26 14–26 6–14 6–14 14–26* 14–26* <6 14–26 14–26 D E D E E E D E E D E E E E E E d – f f f f f f – f d f f d f f 50 2 43 18 22 25 3 8 2 206 35 0.2 1 0.2 21 5 RW = renewal buds position (mePh = mesophanerophyte, miPh = microphanerophyte, ePh = escandent phanerophyte, Am = amphiphyte, H = hemicryptophyte, Cr = cryptophyte, eCh = escandent chamaephyte). OS = organs shed rhythmically (Bb = basipetal branch shedders, L = leaves, Sh = shoots). BC = bark consistency. SP = spinescence. LS = dolichoblast leaf size (cm2). LT = leaf tomentosity. LC = leaf consistency (Ma = malacophyll, sE = semisclerophyll, S = sclerophyll,). LD = dolichoblast leaf duration (months). SO = seasonality of assimilating organs (E = evergreen, D = deciduous). FT = fruit type (d = dry, f = fleshy). sB = estimated biomass. * = phylloclades. Table 5. Comparison among communities using ecomorphological characters and phenophases. Bold characters are mean differences (data for Quercus community from Pérez Latorre and Cabezudo 2002). Ecomorphological characters Renewal buds position Spinescence Stratification Maximum height Organs shed Bark consistency Leaf consistency Tomentosity (%) Leaf size average (cm2) Photosynthetic stems (species %) Life duration leaves Life duration plants After fire vegetative regeneration Main season of shoot growth Main flowering season Fruit type predominant Biomass estimated Phenological phases Flower bud formation Flowering Fruit setting Seed dispersal Dolichoblast vegetative growth Leaf shedding dolichoblast Brachyblast vegetative growth Leaf shedding brachyblast Phytosociological class Rhododendron forest Quercus forest diverse almost absent multi-strata 20–30 m leaves smooth > flaky sclerophylly predominant 7% micromesophyll (38) 44% average 18 months average 35 years present 75% species spring spring-(bi-multiseasonal) fleshy 28 micro-mesophanerophytic absent multi-strata 20–30 m leaves and branches flaky > smooth sclerophylly predominant 33% micromesophyll (28) 19% average 19 months average 40 years present bi-multiseasonal spring fleshy 18.3 autumn–winter–spring spring–autumn summer–autumn autumn spring summer throughout the year summer Pruno-Lauretea winter–spring spring summer–autumn autumn–winter spring–summer summer brachyblast absent brachyblast absent Quercetea ilicis 235 to the light limiting factor. The existence of this ‘‘roof’’, which creates a favourable microclimate, is perhaps responsible for the persistence of the rest of the substrates. Regardless of the height of the phanerophytes, canopy diameters of 2–5 m predominate, suggesting strong competition for horizontal space, although the height of Quercus canariensis Willd. permits it to reach diameters of 15 m, while the multi-trunks growth of Rhododendron permits a canopy in excess of 5 m. Canopy density is generally very high (>75%), which gradually diminishes the amount of light reaching successive layers, meaning that the understorey must be composed of shade-tolerant species, with large shoots and leaves, maintained by the good humidity of the biotope (Smith and Huston 1989). The estimated biomass for this community is 27.6, placing it well above the shrublands of Cistus (0.4) and even Quercus suber forests (18.3) (Pérez Latorre and Cabezudo 2002). Shoots, barks, post-fire regeneration The community as a whole shows lignified shoots, only the ephemeroids (not included in the study) are axyle (Arisarum Miller, Ranunculus L., etc.). Smooth barks predominate (8 species), unlike in typical Mediterranean woods of Q. suber where the predominant type is flaky (Pérez Latorre and Cabezudo 2002). Only two species (Lonicera hispanica and Rhododendron ponticum) show shedding barks (which are also flaky) leading to an accumulation of this inflammable dry material on the floor. Two species with protective corky bark (Alnus glutinosa and Quercus canariensis) are capable of post-fire regeneration while most (12 species) regenerate by epicormic or rhizome buds below ground level. Only ferns, the vine Lonicera periclymenum subsp. . hispanica (Boiss. and Reuter) Nyman and the amphiphyte Scrophularia laxiflora Lange die after fire. In this respect, Rhododendron forests closely resemble typical Mediterranean Q. suber forests, although no species with aerial regenerating epicormic buds are to be found (Pérez Latorre and Cabezudo 2002) for which fire would lead to temporary destruction of community stratification and loss for several years of low light conditions necessary for the maintenance of relict pteridophytes and bryophytes (Salvo 1990; Cabezudo et al. 1995; Guerra et al. 2003). Photosynthetic organs One of the most important aspects of the forest is the leaves area. Large leaves predominate in the community (micro-mesophyll, 20–56 cm2), with the presence of a very large-leafed species (Quercus canariensis) with 56–180 cm2 (mesophyll) and two ferns with megaphyll leaves. Such characteristics differentiate this wood even further from the Mediterranean Q. suber forest with its predominant leaf size of 2–20 cm2 and where it is also possible to find nanophyll-leaved species (<2 cm2). This predominance of large leaves and high canopy densities provides strong shade to the lower strata and the ground, almost totally inhibiting the presence of herbaceous undergrowth, but preserves the relict ferns, which would otherwise disappear through the photo-destruction of its pigments (Ratcliffe et al. 1993). Only in autumn and winter does the intensity of the shade diminish due to the loss of leaves of the three deciduous species (Q. canariensis, Frangula alnus ssp. baetica (Reverchon and Willk.) Rivas Goday ex Devesa and Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertner). The biomass represented by these large leaves is maintained by the favourable environmental conditions of the area with a mean temperature above the minimum for vegetative activity, abundant rainfall, mists and high soil humidity levels (Werger and Ellenbroek 1978; Keshet et al. 1990), unlike those found in other Mediterranean woods of average humidity, such as Q. suber forests (Pérez Latorre and Cabezudo 2002). The predominance of large leaves may also be due to the low level of nutrients in the soil (Givinish 1987) and lent weight by the presence of Alnus, a known nitrogenfixer. The dense shade may explain the high percentage of species with photosynthetic stems (44%), three small species (Ruscus L. spp. and Scrophularia) which grows in the understorey, Smilax aspera L., which only climbs to intermediate height levels, and Hedera maderensis ssp. iberica McAllister, whose stems remain below tree canopies. The most interesting case is that regarding Ilex perado var. iberica Loes. and Laurus nobilis L., both small trees, with their long-lasting photosynthetic branches (3–5 years) and height of half a metre or more, which have low light and water requirements corresponding to stress-tolerant plants (long-lasting aerial parts, sclerophyll leaves, photosynthetic stems) (Grime 1979; Chapin 236 et al. 1993) but which grow in a biotope which theoretically provides good year-round conditions. (Danin and Orshan 1990) points to the total inhibition of the latter due to the conditions imposed by the dense forest, except for the climber chamaephyte Smilax. Leaves morphology The combination of green and glabrous leaves (15 species), without defence against dry conditions such as hairs and resins would provide (Oppenheimer 1960), and horizontally inserted leaves (12 species) predominates, which, together with the large areas of the leaves, produces a very attenuated light in intermediate and low layers of the vegetation and produces a humid biotope (Keshet et al. 1990). The glabrous leaves with some sclerophyll degree are in contrast with the malacophyll-glabrous combination typical of Mediterranean shrublands (Pérez Latorre and Cabezudo 2002). A group of malacophyll-glabrous plants (Alnus and Frangula) corresponds to winter-deciduous species whose leaves last less than 1 year. Sclerophyll leaf implies adaptation to water stress (Parsons 1976; Campbell and Cowling 1985; Givinish 1987) and is therefore somewhat surprising in these conditions where there is no lack of water (Grieve 1953). However, it is probably the result of the pre-Mediterranean origin of the concerned species and their relict status (Axelrod 1975; Herrera 1984). Even it may reflect ‘ghost’ paleoclimatic conditions different from the present day (Went 1971) or simply is the result of the nutrient-poor soils (Table 1) (Mooney et al. 1983) (with Alnus as a nitrogen-fixer) typical of tropical woods (Larcher 1977) with which R. ponticum forest may be ecomorphologically related. Spinescence is unusual in the forest, as it is in other humid Mediterranean woods (Pérez Latorre and Cabezudo 2002) and, curiously, only appears on leaves or phylloclades (Smilax, not always, Ilex, not always, and Ruscus spp.) and not on stems. Long-lasting (2 or 3 years) leaves predominate, a characteristic positively associated with increased rainfall (Keshet et al. 1990) in Mediterranean vegetation (Orshan 1982), conferring an evergreen appearance to the community, except in the case of the small group of winter-deciduous and malacophyll species (Alnus, Frangula, Quercus, Lonicera) whose leaves last less than a year and which probably have an origin, as floristic contingent, different to the sclerophyll evergreen species (which, nevertheless, partially lose their leaves in summer). The phanerophytes/chamaephytes index Seasonality, fruits Rhododendron forest is an evergreen community, reflecting mature Mediterranean formations of sucesional stages. However, there is a deciduous contingent of three species (Alnus glutinosa, Frangula alnus subsp. baetica, Quercus canariensis) which points to a certain degree of coldness and humidity (Keshet et al. 1990), the first of which no longer applies, so that Alnus and Frangula, at least, probably come from a floristic contingent (EuroSiberian), a relict of cold periglacial eras. The community is characterised by plants (10 species) with a predominantly spring growth pattern and which include the deciduous plants, and another six species showing multi-seasonal growth (evergreens). Growth stops from mid-summer to midwinter, which does not reflect the good prevailing hydric and climatic characteristics (Table 2). This disagreement reinforces the possibility of an origin in differently-adapted floras. The flowering season underlines this contradiction, since although typical Mediterranean spring flowering predominates (6 species), two species (Alnus, Viburnum tinus L.) flower in winter and two (Hedera, Smilax, climbers) in autumn (Herrera 1984). The species showing multi-seasonal flowering or spores dispersal are, curiously, relict ferns and Ruscus ssp. The fleshy fruits are characteristic of other Mediterranean woods (Pérez Latorre and Cabezudo 2002) and point to the summer availability of ground water, which disagrees with the typical and almost total absence of summer rains. Phenological phases For phenological phases see Figure 5, 6 and 7 and Table 5. Flower buds formation This phenophase is maintained throughout the year, with minimum levels in summer and maximum in September, unlike in woods of Quercus 237 suber, when the maximum occurs in February– March. Such long periods (lasting more than 5 months) are frequent, sometimes preceding a short flowering period (Alnus, Rhododendron, Viburnum) and sometimes lasting the whole year (Ruscus); while in the case of Laurus nobilis it is due to two flowerings, one in spring and one in autumn. The shortest period (1 month) occurs in Quercus canariensis. Flowering Maximum flowering occurs in spring, reducing to almost zero in summer, the least favourable season, and with a significant secondary peak in autumn. Spring flowering species include Frangula baetica, Quercus canariensis, Rhododendron ponticum and Ilex perado. Those flowering in autumn are Hedera maderensis and Smilax aspera, while Laurus nobilis flowers in both spring and autumn, although no fruits appear in the latter. Alnus glutinosa and Viburnum tinus flower in winter, while both species of Ruscus flower practically the whole year, except in the middle of summer. Phillyrea latifolia L. did not flower during the study period, as occurred in the study of a subhumid Mediterranean wood of Quercus suber (Pérez Latorre and Cabezudo 2002), perhaps due to an excess of shade (Sack et al. 2003). The combination of different flowering periods and a secondary peak in autumn are similar to those detected by Pérez Latorre and Cabezudo (op. cit.). The pteridophytes (Diplazium, Pteris) sporulated throughout the year. Fruit setting Fructification begins in spring and is at a height throughout the summer, with a secondary peak in autumn and a minimum in winter, as similar to the pattern of Quercus suber woods observed by Pérez Latorre and Cabezudo (2002). Since most are fleshy fruit, it is not surprising that fructification lasts until autumn. The longest fruiting period is that of Ilex perado and Laurus nobilis (8 months) and the shortest occurs in Frangula, Smilax and Lonicera (2 months, despite the fleshy nature of the fruit). Both species of Ruscus bear fruit throughout the year, the result of several flowerings and supported by the permanent shaded conditions (Sack et al. 2003), although few individuals of the respective populations do so at a time. Seed dispersal Dispersion shows two maxima, in autumn and winter, with a minimum as spring turns to summer, at which time other antagonist phenophase (flowering) is at its height, as occurs in Mediterranean woods of Quercus suber (Pérez Latorre and Cabezudo 2002). Summer dispersing species are Scrophularia laxiflora (dry fruit/nuts) and Lonicera hispanica, while Ruscus spp. disperses its fruits throughout the year, although always in isolated individuals. The longest seed dispersal period is that shown by Alnus, Ilex and Viburnum, which maintain mature fruit on their branches for up to 6 months. Leaf shedding Leaf shedding is maximal in summer, coinciding with the dry period and decrease in the water level of the stream, which is typical of evergreen species suffering a facultative and partial loss of dolichoblast leaves. A second maximum occurs at the beginning of winter due to the presence of deciduous species (Frangula, Quercus, Alnus) the first continuing to shed leaves until the following spring. Neither Ruscus spp. nor Smilax shed their leaves (phylloclades in the former) since the branches are completely renewed. Quercus canariensis does not shed all of its leaves but maintains a small percentage even at the beginning of spring, when the new branches are formed, behaviour similar to that recorded for Quercus faginea ssp. broteroi (Cout.) A. Camus in Quercus suber woods (Pérez Latorre and Cabezudo, 2002). This may be the result of the favourable climatic conditions of the study area. Vegetative growth Vegetative growth is maximal during the spring and is zero in August, September and October, unlike in other Mediterranean woods (Pérez Latorre and Cabezudo 2002) where the growth, although low, continues in these months. No species 238 Phenophasic indices sp % For phenophasic indices see Appendix B. The Active Phenophasic Period of Species (APS), which indicates the number of months with favourable conditions for reproductive activity and growth, points to three phenomorphological patterns in the community. A very heterogeneous group making up the majority of species and representative of the community shows activity practically throughout the year. These are Alnus, Hedera, Ilex, Laurus, Lonicera, Scrophularia, Rhododendron, Ruscus, Viburnum and the pteridophytes Diplazium and Pteris. Another group shows activity during 8– 9 months (Quercus, Smilax), while Frangula alnus concentrates its activity into 4 months. Of special interest is Phillyrea, in whose adult population no reproductive phenophasic activity was detected, probably because of the aboveDead Matter 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 DM E F M A M J J A S O N D Figure 7. Time curse of the presence of dead matter on the plants shoots. Active Phenophasic Period of Community (APC) sp % continues growing throughout the year, which is perhaps surprising, given that the climatic (see Figure 2 and Table 2) and soil (permanent riparian water) conditions are suitable for a year-round growth. However, there are partial flower buds formation and fructification peaks, which presumably compete for the resources necessary for growth (Castro Dı́ez et al. 2003). Some species do keep growing for several months (7–9 months in the case of Scrophularia, Hedera and Pteris), while Diplazium is the only species that continues to grow throughout the year. The shortest growth period is that of Frangula, Quercus, Rhododendron, Ilex and Phillyrea, which all last for 2 months or less. The accumulation of dead matter on the plants (branches, inflorescences, etc.) is greatest in spring (80%) and least in autumn (35%) (Figure 7). 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 E F M A M J Rhododendron forest J A S O N D Quercus suber forest Figure 8. Time curse of the APC index (monthly percentage of species that show phenophasic activity). Comparison between Rhododendron and Quercus suber communities. mentioned reasons. (Pérez Latorre and Cabezudo 2002) also identified three groups in Mediterranean Q. suber woods, although less heterogeneous in their case. As regards the Active Phenophasic Period of the Community (APC) (Figure 8), which indicates the percentage of active species (in the sense of APS) for each month during the year, the community as a whole shows phenophasic activity between 60 and 100% of the year, but with a spring maximum and winter minimum, with a small burst during autumn. This pattern shows that, despite the good conditions of the biotope as regards temperature and humidity, winter slows down the biomass-forming and reproductive activity. In comparison, Mediterranean woods of Quercus suber showed a slightly higher activity in winter, summer and autumn than Rhododendron forest although both winter and summer conditions are worse than in our study area. The community under study only showed a slightly higher APS in spring. However, the overall curve obtained for the APS is almost identical for both the Rhododendron forest and Quercus suber wood. The Index of reproductive/vegetative Activity of the Species (RVA) (Table 6) gives an idea of the different strategies with respect to the time and resources spent in a balance between reproductive and vegetative phenological phases. Most of the plants (12 species), including all the trees and shrubs, are above 1, indicating the predominance of reproductive over vegetative phenophases. The maximum was obtained by Rhododendron with 6 and Ilex with 5.5. Four species (all climbers) score less than 1, the minimum (0.33) belonging to the amphiphyte of the understorey Scrophularia 239 Species RVA Phenophasic patterns Scrophularia laxiflora Lonicera peryclimenum hispanica Smilax aspera altissima Hedera maderensis iberica Frangula alnus baetica Ruscus hypophyllum Viburnum tinus Ruscus aculeatus Alnus glutinosa Laurus nobilis Quercus canariensis Ilex perado iberica Rhododendron ponticum Phyllirea latifolia 0,33 0,5 0,8 0,86 2 2 2,2 2,4 3 4 4 5,5 6 – C B B B F E E E E E F E D D laxiflora, which shows a predominance of vegetative over reproductive phenophases. Similar patterns were obtained by (Pérez Latorre and Cabezudo 2002) in Quercus suber woods, where all the trees and shrubs scored above 1, except some shrubs (Cytisus L., Genista L.) and Erica arborea L. Phenophasic patterns The species of the community can be grouped as follows (see Figures 4 and 9): no species have pattern A; pattern B is showed by the three climbers of the community (Hedera, Lonicera and Smilax); pattern C (flower buds formation and flowering coinciding) corresponds to the only amphiphyte (Scrophularia); pattern D (Phillyrea and Rhododendron); pattern E, major species (Alnus, Ilex, Laurus, Ruscus spp. and Viburnum); pattern F is for deciduous trees (Frangula and Quercus). Grouping these patterns into two basic types, the species can be divided into: (a) the five species that grow first and then flower (A + B + D) and (b) those that grow and flower at the same time (C + E + F) (9 species). Similar phenophasic patterns were seen in the Mediterranean wood of Quercus suber (Pérez Latorre and Cabezudo 2002). There were no significant differences between the communities as regards patterns B, D, E and F, although the first three parameters were slightly higher in the Rhododendron forest and F was higher in the Q. suber wood. Pattern C is much less common in the Rhododendron forest. Eco-phenomorphological groups It is possible to create a series of eco-phenomorphological groups in communities by combining the phenophasic behaviour of the species and given ecomorphological characters. In this way, groups with different adaptations and behaviour can be identified in the same biotope and within the same community (Pérez Latorre and Cabezudo 2002). Seven such groups appear in the Rhododendron forest (see Table 7) as a function of the main flowering/spores dispersal season, phenophasic pattern and biological type (plant size) plus seasonality and leaf consistency. The result is somewhat surprising since the response of the vegetation to such a homogeneous biotope with so few species shows very different phenophasic and ecomorphological adaptations, which might suggest different contingents of plants adapted to the biotope over a long period of time (Herrera 1984). The only strictly winter-flowering species are Alnus and Viburnum, which show a very similar phenophasic calendar and identical pattern, but very different biological types and leaves. The spring-flowering species, Frangula and Quercus, show almost identical calendar and pattern, differentiating themselves from the following group in Phenophasic patterns 45 40 35 species % Table 6. RVA index and phenophasic patterns of the species of the community. 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 A B C Rhododendron forest D E F Quercus suber forest Figure 9 Percentage of species presenting each phenophasic pattern (A–F). Comparison between R. ponticum forest and Quercus suber forest. 240 Table 7. Grouping of species according to similarity of phenology and selected ecomorphological characters (renewal buds position, type of fruit, seasonality, spinescence and presence of leaves). Species FBF F FS SD DVG LSD PPT Alnus glutinosa Viburnum tinus Frangula alnus baetica Quercus canariensis Ilex perado iberica Laurus nobilis Rhododendron ponticum Phillyrea latifolia Hedera helix Smilax mauritanica altissima Lonicera peryclimenum hispanica Scrophularia laxiflora Ruscus aculeatus Ruscus hypophyllum Diplazium caudatum Pteris incompleta UA AW S S S AWS AWS – U UA SU S AWS UAW – – W W S S S S S – A A U SU AWS AWS year year SU SU U UA UA SUA UA – A A U U year year – – AW AW UA AW AW A AW – W W U UA year year – – S WS S S S S SU S WSU SU S WS S SU year WS AW U AWS W SU U U S U – U – – – – – E E F F E E D D B B B C E E – – Mesophanerophyte malacophyll deciduous tree Microphanerophyte semisclerophyll evergreen tall shrub Mesophanerophyte malacophyll deciduous tree Mesophanerophyte semisclerophyll deciduous tree Mesophanerophyte sclerophyll evergreen tree Mesophanerophyte sclerophyll evergreen tree Microphanerophyte semisclerophyll evergreen tall shrub Microphanerophyte semisclerophyll evergreen tall shrub Scandent phanerophyte semisclerophyll evergreen Scandent chamaephyte sclerophyll evergreen Scandent phanero-chamaephyte malacophyll deciduous Hemi-chamaephyte malacophyll evergreen herb Cryptophyte sclerophyll evergreen small shrub Cryptophyte malacophyll evergreen small shrub Hemicryptophyte pteridophyte fern Hemicryptophyte pteridophyte fern FBF: flower bud formation, F: flowering, FS: fruit setting, SD: seed dispersal, DVG: dolichoblast vegetative growth, LSD: leaf shedding dolichoblast, PPT: phenophasic pattern. Bold letters indicate common or unique differential characters of the groups. Seasons: W = winter, S = spring, U = summer and A = autumn. that they are deciduous. Ilex, Laurus and Rhododendron are also very similar, including their eco-morphological traits (especially of the leaves), although the first show an E pattern and the third a D type. With autumnal flowering, Hedera and Smilax show almost identical calendars and phenophasic patterns but differ in their architecture and ecomorphology. The only species that flower in summer are Lonicera and Scrophularia, with very similar calendar but different patterns and biological types. The two species of Ruscus are, unsurprisingly, very similar, with multi-seasonal reproductive phenophases. Phillyrea distances itself from all the plants of the forest because of its lack of a reproductive phenophase, but is included in the group of Rhododendron because of its vegetative phenophases, phenophasic pattern and biological type. Diplazium and Pteris are grouped together, as is to be expected, because of the level of their pteridophytic form and multi-seasonal spores dispersal (reproduction). Conclusions Similarities between Rhododendron forests and Quercus suber woods are phenologically reflected (Table 5) in fruit setting, seed dispersal, APS and phenophasic patterns. As regards common ecomorphological traits, the most important aspects are the almost complete absence of spinescence, maximum trees height, sclerophylly, leaf and plant duration, after-fire vegetative regeneration and fleshy fruits. Among the differential features (Table 5) are the greater number of layers in Rhododendron forest, the greater amount of estimated biomass, the predominance of smooth over flaky barks, the greater leaf size (micro-mesophyll), the higher percentage of photosynthetic stems and less marked tomentosity. Phenologically, a differentiating character is the maximum flower buds formation that is reached at the beginning of autumn and which lasts throughout the year, the four species (25% of the total) that flower in autumn/ winter and the low prevalence of the C-type phenophasic pattern (flower bud formation and flowering during the last stage of growth). The relict status of Rhododendron forest can be attributed to several factors that contrast with the prevailing Mediterranean macroclimate, such as the good conditions that prevail in riparian biotopes throughout the year. Stress tolerance characteristics, such as sclerophylly, are to be found, which may have three possible explanations: (a) the poor quality and low pH of the soils, (b) adaptation to water stress and (c) the possibility that the community originated from an ancient subtropical vegetation during the Tertiary. The phenology follows seasonal Mediterranean rhythms and does not reflect the good conditions which last 241 throughout the year, since, given these, vegetative and flowering activity might be expected throughout the year, which is not the case (zero DVG in August, September and October; minimum APC in winter). It is possible that this discordance between adaptation and biotope conditions is due to an adaptation to longer cycles (several years) of drought, during which the stream would dry up completely, creating conditions similar to those that would arise from the absence of rainfall. Lastly, the combination of evergreen-sclerophyll leaves, average to large seeds, zoochory dispersion (fleshy fruit) and late sucesional stages points to a flora derived from tertiary-type paleotropical conditions (Herrera 1982, 1984; Axelrod 1975). The paleotropical relict origin of this community may be supported by the discordance between the adaptive significance of the characters studied and the biotope where they occur, constituting a good criterion (besides floristic singularity in the bryo-pteridophytic stratum) for ecosystem conservation under EEC Directive 92/ 43 referring to EU ‘‘habitats’’ and as Special Conservation Area of the future European Nature Network 2000. In the Pontic area (eastern Mediterranean) Rhododendron occurs as understorey of temperate deciduous forests of Fagus orientalis (Filibeck et al. 2004) while in the Iberian Peninsula Rhododendron grows in Mediterranean relict lauroid forests as this work points out. This is a thoughtprovoking point for future investigations, but we will not get out of the impasse until we gain palaeobotanical information, almost completely lacking at the present day. Other paths for further investigation may be proposed such as the eco-physiology of relic ferns linked exclusively to the extreme ambient of shade and phenological calendar of this kind of forest. Studies on functional and taxonomical relationships of the mediterranean species of the genera Frangula, Ilex and Laurus to their Macaronesian related species will add information about the origin of this Rhododendron forests. Remains a palaeobotanical mystery, up to date, the absence of R. ponticum in the north of Morocco, few kilometres far from the Spanish Rhododendron forests. Effects of climate change in this fragile water-dependant ecosystems is other avenue of future research. Finally, phytosociological comparisons between the Rhododendron Iberian forests and those of Bulgaria (Strandzja) may clarify the common origin of this kind of relic paleomediterranean vegetation. Acknowledgements Project REN 2000-1155 GLO (C.A.I.C.Y.T., Spain) ‘‘Diversidad vegetal, ecologı́a y estructura de los bosques lauroides relı́cticos del sur de la Penı́nsula Ibérica: fitocenosis, especies crı́ticas, variabilidad genética de poblaciones y conservación’’ has supported the studies. Dr. J. Carrión from the University of Murcia (Spain) and anonymous referees have made some valuable suggestions on the manuscript. Appendix A. Appendix A. Plants Renewal bud: mesophanerophyte Renewal bud: microphanerophyte Renewal bud: escandent phanerophyte Renewal bud: hemicryptophyte Renewal bud: amphiphyte Renewal bud: cryptophyte Renewal bud: chamaephyte Organs shed: leaves Organs shed: amphiphyte Organs shed: shoots Organs shed: branches basipetal Plant height: 50–100 cm Plant height: senseless Plant height: 5–10 m Plant height: 1–2 m Plant height: 2–5 m Plant height: 10–20 m % of plants 5 31 3 19 1 6 2 13 2 13 2 13 1 6 11 69 2 13 2 13 1 6 3 19 3 19 3 2 2 2 19 13 13 13 242 Appendix A. Continued. Appendix A. Continued. Plants % of plants Plant height: 20–30 m 1 Crown diameter: 2–5 m 6 Crown diameter: 1–2 m 3 Crown diameter: senseless 3 Crown diameter: 50–100 cm 1 Crown diameter: 25–50 cm 1 Crown diameter: 5–10 m 1 Crown diameter: >10 m 1 Canopy density: 75–90% 5 Canopy density: >90 % 4 Canopy density: 50–75% 4 Canopy density: 25–50% 3 Stem consistency: holoxyle 15 Stem consistency: hemixyle 1 Bark consistency: smooth 7 Bark consistency: none 4 Bark consistency: flaky 2 Bark consistency: corky 2 Bark consistency: papery 1 Bark thickness <2 14 Bark thickness 10–20 mm 1 Bark thickness 20–50 cm 1 Bark shedding rhythm none 14 Bark shedding rhythm 2–5 years 1 Bark shedding rhythm >5 years 1 Spinescence absent 13 Spinescence leaves 2 Spinescence stems 1 Size larger leaves 20–56 cm2 10 Size larger leaves >1640 cm2 2 Size larger leaves 12–20 cm2 2 1 Size larger leaves 56–180 cm2 Size larger leaves 2–12 cm2 1 Size smaller leaves: no leaves 15 Size smaller leaves <0.2–2 cm2 1 Length of larger leaves 5–10 10 Length of larger leaves >50 cm 2 Length of larger leaves 2–5 2 Length of larger leaves 10–20 2 Length of smaller leaves: no sm. leaves 15 Length of smaller leaves 2–5 1 Length of photosynthetic stems: 9 no phot. stems Length of photosynthetic stems 5 >50 cm Length of photosynthetic stems 20–50 2 Width of larger leaves 20–50 11 Width of larger leaves: >50 cm 5 Width of smaller leaves: no sm. leaves 15 Width of smaller leaves 5–10 mm 1 Width of photosynthetic stems: no phot. stems 9 Width of photosynthetic stems 2–3 mm 4 Width of photosynthetic stems 3–5 mm 2 Width of photosynthetic stems 5–10 1 Leaf colour: all green 15 Leaf colour green and glaucous 1 6 38 19 19 6 6 6 6 31 25 25 19 94 6 44 25 13 13 6 88 6 6 88 6 6 81 13 6 63 13 13 6 6 94 6 63 13 13 13 94 6 56 31 13 69 31 94 6 56 25 13 6 94 6 Leaf angle mainly horizontal Leaf angle mainly vertical Leaf angle all transitions Leaf tomentosity: non tomentose Leaf tomentosity lower side Leaf consistency: semi–sclerophyll Leaf consistency malacophyll Leaf consistency sclerophyll Surface resins absent Ratio leaves/assimilating stems: all assim. leaves Ratio leaves/assimilating stems: leaves > stems Ratio leaves/assimilating stems: leaves aprox. = stems Life duration of plant 2–5 years Life duration of plant 5–25 years Life duration of plant 25–50 years Life duration of plant 50–100 years Life duration of plant >100 years Life duration larger leaves 14–26 months Life duration larger leaves 6–14 months Life duration larger leaves <6 months Life duration larger leaves 26–38 months Life duration smaller leaves: no sm. leaves Life duration smaller leaves: <6 months Life duration assimilating stems: no ass. stems Life duration assimilating stems 1–2 years Life duration assimilating stems 2–3 years Life duration assimilating stems 3–5 years Seasonality of assimilating organs evergreen Seasonality of assimilating organs winter deciduous Seasonality of assimilating organs summer deciduous Main season of shoot growth spring Main season of shoot growth bi-multiseasonal Main flowering season spring Main flowering season bi-multiseasonal Main flowering season autumn Main flowering season winter Main flowering season summer Main flowering season: no flowering Vegetative regeneration after fire plant killed Vegetative regeneration after fire below ground buds Vegetative regeneration below ground non epicormic buds Trophic types autotrophic only Trophic types N fixing Fruit type: fleshy or fleshy cotyledons Fruit type: dry Fruit type: no fruits Plants % of plants 12 2 2 15 1 7 5 4 16 9 75 13 13 94 6 44 31 25 100 56 6 38 1 6 2 5 6 2 1 7 4 2 3 15 1 9 2 2 3 12 3 13 31 38 13 6 44 25 13 19 94 6 56 13 13 19 75 19 1 6 10 6 63 38 6 4 2 2 1 1 4 8 38 25 13 13 6 6 25 50 4 25 15 1 11 3 2 94 6 69 19 13 243 Appendix B. 244 Appendix B. 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