The Epiphany of the Lord — January 5, 2014 “We saw his star at its rising and have come to do him homage.” Matthew 2:2 REFLECTION CHRISTMAS PROJECT REPORT VIRGIN OF GUADALUPE TRIP REFLECCIÓN DOMINICAL Our Christmas celebration continues today by turning our attention toward the world that Jesus came to save. We are part of that world; we come, modern-day magi, following the light, seeking the newborn King. While the rest of the world has already set Christmas aside and moved on to the next thing, we are here today, pondering this great good news. Let us come and adore alongside the original magi. May the Lord bless all parishioners who shared their gifts of time, talent, and monies to the Christmas Projects. Through your generosity many people were fed, warmed and cheered this holiday season. This was truly a parish-wide effort and you put smiles on many faces and stored treasure in heaven. Come and join our Post-Easter Pilgrimage to Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the Patroness of the Americas, in Mexico City with Fr. Mathew. The trip will be April 23-April 28, 2014 and costs $1,799 (tour, airfare, gratuities). For more information, pick up a flier in the Narthex. Nuestra celebración de la Navidad continúa hoy y vuelve nuestra atención hacia el mundo que Jesús vino a salvar. Nosotros somos parte de ese mundo; somos los magos modernos que siguen la luz en busca del Rey recién nacido. Mientras que el resto del mundo ya ha olvidado la Navidad y avanza hacia lo próximo que sea, aquí estamos nosotros hoy meditando la gran buena nueva. Vengamos, pues, a adorar junto a los primeros magos. OUR WEEKLY COLLECTION Our Sunday offering for the weekend of December 29 was $10,376. Thank you for your generous offering. May your love and sacrifices be greatly rewarded. QUESTION OF THE WEEK Epiphany of the Lord Week of January 5, 2014 Theme: The mystery of the incarnation Jesus is a gift to all humanity. Question for Adults: How this past week did you demonstrate God’s love at home and at work? Question for Children: In your life, who helps you to see Jesus in other people such as a classmate or a friend? WALK FOR LIFE 2014 St. Joseph Church is chartering a bus again this year for the Walk for Life! Join fellow Catholics and Pro-Lifers from all over California and beyond at the tenth annual Walk for Life West Coast in San Francisco on January 25, 2014. Last year’s Walk drew 40,000+ people and eleven Catholic bishops and a personal message from then-Pope Benedict XVI! To reserve your seat on the bus or for more information, contact My Catacutan at (707) 332-2886 or email YEAR-END STATEMENTS BY REQUEST We will be sending out end-of-year contribution statements only to those who request them. If you would like a copy of your contribution report, please call the office at (707)447-2354. Thank you. OFFERING ENVELOPES Don’t forget to pick up your offering envelopes if you have not done so already. The envelopes will be available in the Church Meeting Room through the end of the month. FOOD & MONIES—your donations of $3,200 will be shared with the Food Locker and St. Vincent de Paul in their ongoing efforts to assist the poor and hungry. The monies and the 1,600 food items assisted in preparing 213 food baskets. SOCKS & UNDERWEAR—over 1,800 pairs of socks and 840 undies for men, women & children were distributed to Safequest-Women’s Shelter, Vacaville Storehouse, Opportunity House and the homeless at their dinner. SEMINARIAN GIFT—donations in support of diocesan seminarians reached $1,350, so all receive a special surprise from St. Joseph parishioners. STUFFED ANIMALS—over 130 stuffed animals were collected. All residents of Vacaville Convalescent & Rehab (VCRC) received a personal stuffed animals. If you want to see the joy in their eyes, come join us next year as the animals are distributed. Animals were also given to Opportunity House and Safequest for children. SPECIAL THANKS—to the parish Youth Group who sorted, counted, tagged and bagged all these items, saving hours of time; to all who assisted in so many way; to all parishioners; and to Fr. Mathew and Fr. José for their support. BABY BOTTLES—collect your change to support Alpha Pregnancy pro-life activities. Marriage & Family Life Ministry reminds everyone your BOTTLES ARE DUE NOW. Please return them, even the empties so they can be used again. MAINTENANCE FUND COLLECTION This weekend the second collection will be for the Major Maintenance Fund. All donations collected will go toward a reserve fund for major repairs and maintenance. Thank you for your generosity. FOOD DRIVE The monthly Food Drive for St. Mary’s Food Locker is next weekend (January 11-12). Food items needed include: boxed cereals, individual packaged instant oatmeal, canned soups, peanut butter, etc. CRAB FEED - JANUARY 31, 2014 Crab Feed tickets are on sale now after Mass or at the office! For more information, contact Jim Fazzino at (504) 908-2847 or Joell Fazzino at (707) 447-8392. PICK UP YOUR RECIPE BOOK Attention to all who purchased our recipe book: Please pick up your book at the church office. Don't forget to bring your gift certificate if you received one. Thank you for your support. COLECTA DE MANTENIMIENTO Este fin de semana la segunda colecta será para el Fondo de Mantenimiento de la parroquia. Todas las donaciones recogidas contribuirán al fondo de reserva para proyectos de reparación y mantenimiento. Gracias por su generosidad. COLECTA DE COMIDA La colecta mensual de comida para la iglesia St. Mary’s será el próximo fin de semana (11-12 de enero). Comidas deseadas incluyen: cereales, avena en paquetes individuales, sopa enlatada, crema de cacahuate, etc. COMIDA DE CANGREJO Ya se puede comprar sus boletas para la Comida de Cangrejo que será viernes, el 31 de enero en el Centro Parroquial. Se venden los boletos después de cada misa y también en la oficina parroquial durante la semana. La próxima reunión es jueves, el 2 de enero en la cocina. Contacte a Jim Fazzino al (504)908-2847 o a Joell Fazzino al (707)447-8392. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED RECOGE SU LIBRO DE RECETAS To celebrate the tenth anniversary of the blessing of our church, we will soon be creating a new parish directory, with photos of our parish families. We need volunteers and/or committee members to help with registrations after each Mass starting the weekend of January 11-12. If interested in helping and being part of the Parish Directory Committee, please contact Edith Tremethick at (707)6852072 or Atención a todos que pidieron copias del libro de cocina: Por favor recogen sus libros en la oficina parroquial. No se olvide traer el certificado si lo recibió. Gracias por su apoyo. SAVE THE DATE - SPRING TEA SE BUSCA VOLUNTARIOS Contrary to popular belief, this event is not just for our ladies. So, mark your calendar everyone for May 10, 2014 from 1:00-4:00 p.m. for our next Spring Tea. As with any event, volunteers are necessary. We have formed committees, but we need you. Please join us to find out more about this amazing event and how you can help out on Tuesday, January 14 at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Center Kitchen. If you can’t make it then, we will also meet on Saturday, January 18 at 10:00 in the kitchen. Para celebrar el décimo aniversario de la bendición de nuestra iglesia, próximamente vamos a crear un nuevo directorio con fotos de las familias de St. Joseph. Necesitamos voluntarios y/o miembros del comité para ayudar con el registro después de cada misa empezando el fin de semana del 11-12 de enero. Si usted está interesado en ser parte del Comité del Directorio de la Parroquia, por favor contacte a la oficina al (707)447-2354 o a Edith Tremethick al (707)6852072 o CERTIFICACIÓN BÁSICA Y RCCH El Centro de Formación de la Renovación Católica Carismática Hispana de la Diócesis de Sacramento te invita al inicio de sus estudios 2014. Se ofrecerán clases como : Qué es la RCC, cuál es su historia, cuáles son sus objetivos, etc. Estas clases están abiertas a todos los católicos que estén interesados en conocer qué es el movimiento de la Renovación Católica Carismática. NO IMPORTA SI PERTENECEN O NO A LA RENOVACIÓN CATÓLICA CARISMÁTICA. Las clases también ofrecerán certificación básica para ministros en la Diócesis. Habrá un día de clases aquí en nuestra parroquia sábado, el 11 de enero. Para más información o para saber las fechas de las clases en otras parroquias, contacte a Marta Torres al (530)966-3308 o a Virginia Alcalá al (916)733-0132 o