Partner search - Cantabria CTL (Atlantic Area)

Consejería de Economía, Hacienda y
Dirección General de Economía y Asuntos
Oficina en Bruselas
Partner search from Cantabria region (SPAIN)
Name of the project: SEA-PASSPORT (SustainablE Atlantic region PASSenger ferries and PORT terminals)
Objectives: The objective is to increase passenger numbers in a sustainable way across the Atlantic region.
This will increase direct and indirect employment to the area.
Formation of an Atlantic region ferry stakeholder network
The development and recruitment to a ferry stakeholder network with online forums, document sharing,
online webinars and training events as part of existing conferences. The stakeholder group will also
be able to contribute to the other project activities as experts.
Development and implementation of strategy for greater ferry port integration with bus, rail, air and
road transport networks. This will involve an analysis of the connectivity to other transport modes of a
number of existing ferry ports and ferry services. An implementation strategy to improve the
connectivity at these ports will be developed and introduced through demonstration sites.
Development and implementation of strategy to increase levels of tourist related local ferry activity at
partner sites.
Review and development of sustainability measures appropriate for ferry operations including solar
power, hybrid engines, clean fuels, waste handling and efficient design of ferries and ferry ports. Of
particular interest are measures which can be retrofitted to existing ferries or ports at low cost.
Duration: 18 months
Funding programme: INTERREG IV-B Atlantic Area, deadline 15th March 2013.
Financial aspects: 65% funding
Deadline to respond to this partner search: 5th March 2013
Type of partner sought: Public entities from the Atlantic Area eligible regions interested in the maritime
sector (Port authorities, local administrations, coastal cities, tourism associations, universities, etc.)
Lead Partner: CTL Cantabria (Spain)
Contact person : Irene Andrés,, Tel.: 0034 942 032582
Oficina de Asuntos Europeos
Paseo Pereda 13 4ª planta, 39004, Santander
Unidad administrativa: 942 208385 // 942 208874
Oficina de información: 942 208543 // 942 208545
Fax: 942 208563
Oficina del Gobierno de Cantabria en Bruselas
Avenue des Arts 27, 1040, Bruselas, Bélgica
Tfno: +32 2 512 81 01
Fax: +32 2 512 21 29