Subido por Jesus Ruiz

Gabor Transform for Image Segmentation & Skeletonization

Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering 14 (2014) 219–225
DOI 10.3233/JCM-140498
IOS Press
Gabor transform applied to segmentation and
skeletonization of digital images
Ronald Pereza,d,∗ , William Lassob,d , Carlos Jimenezc , Lorenzo Mattosd and Cesar O. Torresd
a Guajira
University, Riohacha, Colombia
University of Cesar, Cesar, Colombia
c Applied Mathematics Group (GIMA), Guajira University, Riohacha, Colombia
d Optics and Informatics Group (LOI), Popular University of Cesar, Cesar, Colombia
b Popular
Abstract. This paper implements a digital algorithm that allows the segmentation and skeletonization of digital images, this
method is particularly important in the processing of retinographies where fundus analysis enables early detection of diseases
such as diabetic retinopathy. The algorithm implemented using the Fourier transforms of two-dimensional Gabor and with the
aid of conventional filters. The performance of the algorithm implemented under the Matlab mathematical platform has been
compared with conventional methods resulting in obtaining filtered images with better contrast and higher resolution.
Keywords: Gabor transform, segmentation, skeletonizer
1. Introduction
The Gabor function has been used extensively in the texture segmentation [1] and defect detection [2,
3], as it can be tuned to a specific frequency and orientation, and achieve both localization in the time domain and frequency domain; two-dimensional (2-D) Gabor filters are multi-channel filters with a multiresolution decomposition process, which is similar to wavelet analysis. Time-frequency analysis, such
as the Gabor transform, plays an important role in many signal processing applications. In harmonic
analysis the algorithms of Fourier transformation are often applied [4,5]. However, this method gives
significantly better results for stationary systems where frequency composition does not change during
the investigation. Gabor filters have proved to be particularly useful in analyzing texture images containing highly specific frequency or orientation characteristics [6,7]. Research work on image extraction of
fabrics has been extensive in the past few years. Its major application has been mainly in the area of automatic inspection. A fair amount of research papers have been published in literature in the field of the
image processing based on the Gabor filter [8,9]. Besides face recognition, Gabor filters are successfully
used in many other image processing and analysis domains, such as: image smoothing, image coding,
texture analysis, shape analysis, edge detection, fingerprint and iris recognition. The Gabor function has
been used extensively in defect detection [4] and texture segmentation [7], as it can be tuned to a specific
frequency and orientation, and achieve both localization in the time domain and frequency domain. Thus
it is a good tool to extract the slubs which can be regarded as the oriented texture in the slub yarn. For
Corresponding author: Ronald Perez, Postgraduate Physics Student, Guajira University, Riohacha, Colombia. E-mail:
c 2014 – IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved
1472-7978/14/$27.50 220
R. Perez et al. / Gabor transform applied to segmentation and skeletonization of digital images
realizing the automation of slub extraction. In this research, we have implemented a hybrid method of
segmentation and skeletonization of images that have multiply object oriented, the procedure is based
on the use of conventional filters, then using Gabor filter and finally the skeletonization of the image;
This leads to the digital implementation of an automatic method of image segmentation, demonstrating
the applicability of these filters in pattern recognition. Finally, the contribution of this work is the development of a digital algorithm and Matlab mathematical platform which becomes a powerful tool to aid
in the process of segmented signal skeletonization.
2. Gabor wavelet transform
Gabor transform was first defined by Gabor [10–12] and later extended to 2-D by Daugman [3]. In the
spatial domain, the Gabor function is a Gaussian curve with aspect ratio modulated by a complex sinusoid; the Gabor filter was originally introduced by Dennis Gabor (Gabor, 1946). The one-dimensional
Gabor filter is defined as the multiplication of a cosine/sine (even/odd) wave with a Gaussian windows
as follows:
ge (x) = √
e− 2σ2 cos (2πω 0 x)
e− 2σ2 sin(2πω 0 x)
Where ω0 defines the centre frequency (i.e., the frequency in which the filter yields the greatest response)
and σ the spread of the Gaussian window. Daugman extended the Gabor filter to two dimensions as
go (x) = √
ge (x, y) =
2πσ x σy
go (x, y) =
2πσ x σy
+ σy
+ σy
cos (2πω x0 x + 2πω y0 y)
sin (2πω x0 x + 2πω y0 y)
Where (ωx0 , ωy0 ) defines the central frequency and (σx , σy ) the (potentially asymmetric) spread of the
Gaussian window.
x−x0 0
−π ( x−x
; the 2-D Gabor Transform; can be expressed as:
Taking account that: Gaus b
πx0 , πy0 ; √ , √
√ x − x0
y − y0
−iπ(ux0 +vy 0 )
πx, πy
πF Gaus
The Gabor transform can, of course, be considered as an inner product of the signal f ( πx, πy) and
a shifted and modulated version of the analysis window. Note, however, that the Gabor
x−x0 transform
also be considered as a sampled version of the windowed Fourier transform {Gaus 2 Gaus 2 0
e−iπ(ux0 +vy 0 ) } of the signal f ( πx, πy). This is a Fourier transform of a product of two functions,
furthermore, in accord with the scaling factors by a properly scaled Fourier transform and taking account
R. Perez et al. / Gabor transform applied to segmentation and skeletonization of digital images
Fig. 1. Bidimentional Gabor filter a specific frequency and orientation.
Fig. 2. Algorithm’s block diagram.
of scaling factor x → xa ; x0 → xa0 ; y → yb ; y0 → yb0 and coordinate inversions u → au; v → av , from
the scaling factors present in the equation above we find that:
√ x0 √ y0 au bv
π , π ;√ ,√
√ x √ y x − x0
y − y0
−iπ(ux0 +vy 0 )
π , π
πF Gaus
Which describes how such entities behave under scaling of coordinates.
The Gabor filter (Gabor Wavelet) represents a band-pass linear filter whose impulse response is defined by a harmonic function multiplied by a Gaussian function, see Fig. 1. Thus, a bidimentional Gabor
filter constitutes a complex sinusoidal plane of particular frequency and orientation modulated by a
Gaussian envelope [13]. It achieves an optimal resolution in both spatial and frequency domains.
R. Perez et al. / Gabor transform applied to segmentation and skeletonization of digital images
Fig. 3. Original image converted in gray-scale form.
Fig. 4. Digital Simulation results using Gabor filter.
3. Methods and materials
In algorithms based on time-frequency transforms such as the Gabor representation, there is often
a tradeoff between performance and computational complexity, which can be controlled by adjusting
the redundancy of the transform. Inspired by the multichannel operation of the Human Visual System
(HVS), the proposed algorithm for the detection of frequency hopping signals, perform processing of
the signal segment in four stages: In the first stage, the image and the Gabor transform are defined; in the
second stage the Fourier transform is computed for the image and Gabor surface; in the next stage, the
convolution of the Fourier transforms is developed, and finally in the next stage the Gabor transform of
the image is allowed and the skeletonization of image is finally obtain. Block diagram of the algorithm
is presented in Fig. 2.
In the Gabor Transform, the Fast Fourier transform (FFT) is used for computation of the biorthogonal
function and its multiplication complexity is of O(Nlog2N). Using the FFT, we find that the overall
complexity of the Gabor Transform is O(NlogN). In this paper we propose an efficient Gabor expansion
algorithm which replaces the FFT with the Arithmetic Fourier Transform (AFT). The algorithm reduces
the overall multiplication complexity to O(N).
4. Image pre-processing
In the first stage, some image pre-processing operations may be necessary [14]. First, the original
images have to be converted to the grayscale form (see Fig. 3). Then, some contrast and illumination ad-
R. Perez et al. / Gabor transform applied to segmentation and skeletonization of digital images
Fig. 5. Enhanced vessels in Gabor response compared with the conventional filters.
justment operations are performed with the help of histograms techniques. All original images must be
processed with the same illumination and contrast. Therefore, some histogram equalization operations
are performed on these images, to obtain a satisfactory contrast [15,16]. Using Matlab platform was implemented mathematical computational algorithm that enables image segmentation and skeletonization,
the numerical algorithm shown in Fig. 2.
5. Digital results
Figure 4 shows the results of digital simulation, showing that Gabor filter effectively becomes a powerful tool for digital image processing particularly if it wants to develop filter edges and contours.
6. Fast retinal vessel tree extraction
Early ocular disease diagnosis is an important field in medical research, manual diagnosis is usually
performed by analyzing the images from a patient, as not all images show signs of diabetic retinopathy,
it increases the time and decreases the efficiency of the analysis realized by ophthalmologists. From the
image processing point of view, many strategies and algorithms have been developed to deal with the
extraction optimal of the retinal vessel tree. In clinical ophthalmology with the help of the color images
of the retinal, using the digital fundus camera are widely used for detection and diagnosis of diseases like
diabetic retinopathy, hyper-tension and various vascular disorders. Therefore, an automatic segmentation
of the vasculature could save workload of the ophthalmologists and may assist in characterizing the
detected lesions and to identify false positives. The Gabor filters are widely applied to image processing
and computer vision; since, the vessels in the retinal image are connected and piecewise linear, for their
segmentation Gabor filters are better suited as they are capable of detecting oriented features and can be
fine tuned to specific frequencies, see Fig. 5.
As vessels detection is a fundamental step in Gabor response, it is necessary to point out the true
vessels to get the best results from the matching process. In Fig. 5 we observed some advantages of
R. Perez et al. / Gabor transform applied to segmentation and skeletonization of digital images
vessels detection using the Gabor filter: simplicity, detection of vessels and their orientations, having
fixed characteristics in all directions, finding the correct places of vessels, testing wider area around the
pixel. Gabor vessels detection algorithm is computationally less expensive compared to horizontal and
vertical edges, laplacian, relief, sharpen, sobel, and prewitt operator. The Gabor filter detection algorithm
performs better than all these operators under almost all scenarios, and finally better vessels detection
specially in comparison with conventional filters
7. Conclusions
In this paper, we presented, a detection algorithm using Gabor filter bank, and one efficient method for
automatic segmentation of retinal blood vessels has been presented; the method choose the best Gabor
filter in the time domain and the frequency domain, respectively, to filter the testing image to obtain the
filtrated image. Images from three different datasets are used to evaluate the robustness and accuracy of
the method, demonstrating that it may be useful in a wide range of retinal images. This method can be
used in computer analyses of retinal images, e.g., in automated screening for diabetic retinopathy. The
system is based on extraction of image ridges, which coincide approximately with vessel centerlines.
Based on a brief comparison with some other classical vessel segmentation algorithms, we can conclude
that the Gabor filter provides a better segmentation.
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