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City Logistics: Last-Mile Freight Distribution Evaluation

Urban Transport XXI
An ex-ante evaluation of last-mile freight
distribution services for city logistics
L. Amodeo, D. Lamari, G. Musolino, V. Placido, A. Polimeni,
M. Praticò & A. Vitetta
DIIES – Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione, delle
Infrastrutture e dell’Energia Sostenibile,
Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria, Italy
The paper deals with methodologies to support an ex-ante assessment of the
impacts generated by the introduction of city logistics measures on last-mile
freight distribution services. Some models and algorithms are applied and
compared to solve the vehicle routing problem for freight deliveries in the town
of Reggio Calabria with the introduction of an urban distribution centre and of
green freight vehicles. Heuristic routing algorithms are compared in terms
of sequence of clients (retailers) visited subject to some constraints given by the
presence of UDC and the limited autonomy and capacity of freight vehicles.
Keywords: city logistics, urban distribution centre, freight vehicle routing,
Fuelled-Electric Vehicles.
1 Introduction
City logistics aims to reduce negative externalities generated by freight transport
without depressing the economic and social vitality of urban areas.
The above goals may be reached by means of a wide range of city logistics
measures. They may related to [1, 2]: physical infrastructures, subdivided into
linear infrastructures (i.e. roads reserved to freight vehicles only) and surface
infrastructures (and/or nodal), such as loading/unloading areas, distribution
centres; immaterial infrastructures, such as research and education, Intelligent
Transport Systems (telematics); equipment, relevant to loading units (new
standards) or transport units (e.g. low impact vehicles); governance, such as
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delivery/pick up time windows, road pricing, traffic restrictions to categories of
In order to estimate and evaluate the impacts generated by city logistics
measures [3], an important role is played by simulation and design models which
should be able to reproduce the distribution process inside the urban area.
In the above context, the paper presents some models and algorithms for
Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) in city logistics. Recently, multi-level
distribution schemes have been implemented in several cities where freight reach
an intermediate facility before being delivered to the final destinations. This
facility, generally called Urban Distribution Centre (UDC), can be a warehouse,
a transhipment site or a cross-docking facility [4].
There are two main reasons that push for the realization of the UDCs. Firstly,
they potentially allow the increase in degree of consolidation of freight flows,
reducing traffic congestion, pollution and cost [5]. Secondly, many cities limit
(or are planning to limit) the vehicle circulation in central areas, allowing only
fully-loaded green vehicles, such as Fuelled-Electric Vehicles (FEV). Because of
their limited autonomy and loading capacity, UDCs are needed to support their
usage. In this context, there is the tendency to develop the service with electrical
and/or Euro VI vehicles in accordance with the goal indicated by the EU [6].
The purpose of the paper is to apply consolidated VRP models to support an
ex-ante evaluation of the effects of new schemes that arise from the realization of
a UDC on the freight distribution process.
The paper is structured into four sections. Section 2 presents the
characteristics of a UDC and the experiences connected to their implementation
in some urban contexts and a brief state-of-the-art VRP for city logistics. Section
3 reports the main elements of the proposed design models and algorithms to
solve the VRP for city logistics. Section 4 reports the results of the application
and comparison of some existing algorithms to define routes of fully-loaded
fuelled-electric freight vehicles that have to deliver not-perishable goods from
the UDC to clients (retailers). Some conclusions are presented in the last section.
2 Existing literature on urban distribution centres
and routing
This section presents a brief literature review on the main two elements that
characterize the multi-level freight distribution schemes in urban areas: UDC and
A UDC may be defined as “a facility involving the transhipment of goods
directed to urban areas, aiming to consolidate deliveries, and thus provide
greater efficiency” (and effectiveness) “in the distribution process by increasing
the truck load factor and decreasing the number of trucks used, which help
mitigate urban congestion and air pollution” (see [7]).
The UDC shapes a multi-level scheme in the urban freight distribution
process, which allows freight to be carried by means of larger vehicles outside
the city and, after the transhipment, by means of smaller and less polluting
vehicles inside the city.
WIT Transactions on The Built Environment, Vol 146, © 2015 WIT Press, ISSN 1743-3509 (on-line)
Urban Transport XXI
The transhipment operation increases the costs connected to handling,
ordering, inventory, damage and loss; but it could give benefits connected to the
consolidation of the consignments and the optimization of freight vehicle routes
and loads.
The entity of costs and benefits connected to the UDC depends on several
elements connected to [7–9]: structure and regulations of urban transport
facilities and services; physical, organizational and governance elements of the
UDC; characteristics of carriers and end-users (e.g. retailers); type of freight to
be delivered.
Although UDCs have been planned and implemented in several European
cities, some of them closed after some years from their implementation.
Some general lessons learned from existing studies on UDCs are reported in
the following (see [9]). Bottom-up initiatives seem more successful than topdown ones because shippers, carriers and retailers have been involved in UDCs’
implementation since an early stage, providing their decisive contribution in the
achievement and maintenance of the break-even threshold [10]. Traffic
restrictions to freight transport operations, such as time windows, vehicle weight
or speed limits, green vehicles, tend to facilitate the implementation of UDCs, if
operators accept the restrictions or if they are fully or partly subject to the
restrictions. UDCs seems to work potentially better for deliveries with a high
frequency, low volume, and which contain simple products. According to [11],
the major potential beneficiaries of a UDC are independent and small retailers,
since their logistics is generally not optimized (in contrast to those of retail
chains), as well as carriers making small multi-drop deliveries in restricted areas
to the circulation of freight vehicles.
The VRP, introduced in 1959 by Dantzig and Ramser [12], has evolved in
recent years to take into account the new needs introduced in the freight
distribution (as an example, one of the goals in the European White Paper [13] is
the reduction by the year 2030 of greenhouse gas emissions by 20% compared to
2008). Among measures to regulate the freight transport in an urban area, it is
possible to optimize vehicle routes to minimize, as an example, the pollutant
emission or the energy consumption (this last element is crucial when using
FEVs in the distribution). In this field, several works are presented in literature.
Without being exhaustive, some of those are reported in the following. Referring
to the emission minimization, [14] proposes an ecologically oriented vehicle
routing with the objective of minimizing the CO2 emission in relation to the
distance travelled and the fuel consumed. Figliozzi [15] proposes a formulation
assuming the speed as dependent on time. Considering a set of time intervals,
mono and multi objective problems are formulated with the aim of minimizing
the vehicle number, the emissions, the distance travelled and the route cost. In
the first case, a formulation at three levels has been proposed; in the second case,
a total cost formulation is provided. Scott et al. [16] investigate the influence on
emissions in freight distribution due to the road topology and the vehicle payload.
The objective functions indicated refer to distance and emission level
considering various scenarios. A work focused on the investigation of these
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294 Urban Transport XXI
routing problems is proposed in [17], while an exhaustive survey on VRP models
and algorithms is reported in [18].
Referring to the energy minimization, if the used vehicle is electric, it is
fundamental to design the best paths [19]. A model to estimate the electric
vehicles’ energy consumption is proposed in [20] analysing the link among
vehicle power, speed, acceleration and the road slope. Similarly, [21] examines
some variants of the fuel consumption in the vehicle routing problem. In [22] a
problem formulation that considers the fuel consumption as proportional to the
distance travelled, and independent of the vehicle load and speed, is proposed.
This formulation provides the option to add in the tour one (or more) refuelling
stations to allow the vehicles the opportunity to continue the tour. Similarly, in
[23] the energy consumption is considered as the product between the curb
weight and the distance travelled.
The use of a consolidation centre as a means to reduce the freight distribution,
in terms of attraction model and impacts, is investigated in some papers [24–27].
Particularly, in [27] the case is examined in which the last mile is covered by
electric vehicles.
3 Model and procedures for design freight deliveries to clients
The type of trips’ object of analysis are the restocking (acquisition) trips, which
allow delivering freight from the UDC to retailers. These trips are performed by
means of so-called push movements, where a specific firm (private or public)
operates the freight delivery to the retailer, who can give some indications
regarding the delivery time. This method is implemented is some European cities,
as reported in [28]. In the next two sections the problem formulation (section
3.1) and some solution procedures (section 3.2) are provided.
3.1 Problem formulation
An Energy Minimizing Vehicle Routing Problem (EMVRP) is formulated with
the aim of minimizing energy consumption by FEVs. The basic assumptions are:
1) energy consumption depends on distance travelled, but it is independent of
the vehicle load;
2) path costs are evaluated in terms of energy consumption.
According to the above assumptions, the cost gk(r,s) of a path k(r,s) between origin
r and destination s (where r and s are the UDC and the clients to be served) is:
gk(r,s) = jkjlj)
kj is equal to 1 if the link j belongs to the path k; 0 otherwise;
(.) is a function to evaluate the energy consumption on link j, depending on the
link length lj.
The formulation of the EMVRP can be expressed as:
Xv(rs(gk(r,s))  xk(rs)v)
WIT Transactions on The Built Environment, Vol 146, © 2015 WIT Press, ISSN 1743-3509 (on-line)
Urban Transport XXI
v is a generic vehicle;
(r, s) is the origin destination pair;
xk(rs)v is the design binary variable (is equal to 1 if the vehicle v use the path k(r,s)
0 otherwise).
The EMVRP is a constrained problem: (1) only one vehicle can visit a node;
(2) all vehicles leave from the depot and come back to it; (3) the load cannot
exceed the capacity; (4) the duration (or the length) of a route cannot exceed a
maximum value; (5) the energy consumed is less than the battery capacity;
(6) the variable xk(rs)v can assume the values zero or one.
Constraints (1–4) are classical constraints of the VRP; constraint (5) can be
relaxed if charging stations are present in the study area. Constraint (6) indicates
that the variable is binary.
3.2 Solution procedures
The VRP is often solved by means of sophisticated algorithms, as seen in
literature review section, but in some cases rough heuristics can be used to
quickly solve the problem. In this section, a greedy algorithm, an (homogenous)
area algorithm and the general steps of a genetic algorithm are reported. In
Section 4, an application is performed using the three algorithms and the results
are compared.
The greedy algorithm is a heuristic able to solve the problem in a simple and
immediate way. The heuristic searches a solution of the EMVRP with sequential
insertions (with local optimum search) of users in the route taking into account
the problem constraints. The essential steps of a greedy algorithm are reported in
Figure 1. The step 0 is the initialization of the procedure: from the set of the
clients, the client closer to the depot is chosen and inserted in the route as
the first client to reach in relation to the value of the objective function (eq. (2)).
In step 1, the route is updated by inserting the closest client, in relation to the
value of the objective function and the constraints’ thresholds. In step 2, the
procedure ends if all clients are visited.
The area algorithm makes a partition among the clients to be visited. They are
partitioned into homogenous areas according to the transport network and landuse criteria. The clients are inserted in relation to the distance and the vehicle
load in each area. The total freight to deliver is equal, or less, to the capacity of
each vehicle. The number of runs of the greedy algorithm is equal to the number
of partitioned areas.
The genetic algorithm is a well-known bio inspired algorithm able to solve
the EMVRP employing operators. The essential steps of a genetic algorithm are
reported in Figure 2. Starting from an initial and feasible set of solutions (step 0,
note that the greedy algorithm can be used to generate it), a selection procedure
(step 1) is called to create a set, the mating pool, of solutions that are subjected to
the operations of crossover and mutation (steps 2 and 3). The crossover consists
of the crossing of two solutions (parents) to generate two children that replace
the parents in the next iteration. The mutation consists of switching the position
of one or more clients to be visited inside a route. The variability of this
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296 Urban Transport XXI
operation allows us to explore a solution space larger than the one considered in
the greedy algorithm. The procedure ends when a maximum number of iterations
is reached (step 4).
Step 0: Route initialization
The set of clients contains all the clients not visited by a definitive route.
The current route contains the depot and the client belonging to the set of clients
and closest to the depot; delete the selected client from the set of clients.
Step 1: Route generation
Update the current route by inserting the closest client (in relation to the value
of the objective function) to the previous one and delete it from the set of clients,
until the constraints thresholds (e.g. capacity, energy consumption including
coming back trip to the depot) are not exceed.
The current route, including also coming back trip to the depot, is definitive.
Step 2: End of the procedure
If the set of client is empty end the procedure; else go to the step 0.
Figure 1:
Greedy algorithm.
Step 0: Initialization
Create the initial feasible population.
Step 1: Selection
From the initial population, select the elements (solutions) to insert in the mating
pool in relation to the value of the objective function.
Step 2: Crossover
From the mating pool, choice (randomly) the parents (solutions) and cross it. A
couple of parents generate two children that replace it in the new generation.
Step 3: Mutation
From the population, choice a set of solution and switch randomly the position of
one or more users in the route.
Step 4: End procedure
The algorithm end when an established number of iteration is performed.
Figure 2:
Genetic algorithm.
4 Application
The algorithms are tested and compared for the town of Reggio Calabria, where
a new UDC has been planned.
The application started with the definition of the study area, which consists of
the central district with mixed residential and retail activities and clustered
educational and public services. A number of 23 node-clients and a UDC are
identified inside the study area. The total quantity of freight to be delivered is
8 m3. The long-haul road transport service to supplying the UDC is studied in
WIT Transactions on The Built Environment, Vol 146, © 2015 WIT Press, ISSN 1743-3509 (on-line)
Urban Transport XXI
The city logistic plan foresees the use of fully-loaded FEVs. In particular, two
vehicle configurations are tested: the first one considers two FEVs, with a
capacity of 4.1 m3 each, and the second considers three FEVs, with a capacity of
3.0 m3 each. The autonomy constraint is not active in the application considering
the generated routes. The three algorithms described in the previous section are
The results are presented in the following. Table 1 shows the route times of a
single vehicle calculated for each routing algorithm and for each vehicle
configuration. The greedy algorithm with two vehicles estimates 30 minutes with
the first vehicle and 54 minutes with the second vehicle, for a total time (without
considering the load/unload time at node-client) of 84 minutes. The estimates
with three vehicle estimates are 26 minutes, 40 minutes and 34 minutes for each
vehicle for a total time of 100 minutes. The area algorithm with two and three
vehicles estimates route times than are intermediate than the greedy one: the total
time for two vehicles is 89 minutes and the total time for three vehicles is 87
minutes. The genetic algorithm estimates lower route times in both cases of two
and three vehicles: the total time for two vehicles is 66 minutes and the total time
for three vehicles is 73 minutes.
Table 2 and Figures 3 and 4 show the sequences of nodes visited calculated in
the six cases generated from the combination of the three algorithms and the two
vehicle configurations.
According to the results obtained, the following considerations may be drawn:
 the genetic algorithm provides lower route times than the ones provided by
the greedy and area algorithms: there is a trade-off between the higher quality
of the results obtained with the former and the simplicity and immediate
applicability of the latter;
 the percentage of reduction of the route times obtained with genetic algorithm
is about 10–20%, which is a relevant reduction both in terms of energy
consumption (and monetary costs) from the carrier standpoint and in terms of
pollution from the community standpoint;
 routes designed by the genetic algorithm are composed by groups of
clustered nodes-clients close to one another, linked together by means of
more extended paths; this configuration cannot be designed by the greedy
algorithm, nor by the area one (where the space is exogenously partitioned);
 the relevant reduction of the genetic algorithm is obtained in a simple case,
with only 23 clients and two/three vehicles; greater reductions are expected
with increasing number of clients to be visited and more vehicles used;
 greedy and area algorithms emulate the decisions of small retailers and
carriers whose logistics is not optimized and not present in the town
respectively, while the genetic algorithm obtains a solution similar to the one
that could be obtained with the support of a decision support system.
WIT Transactions on The Built Environment, Vol 146, © 2015 WIT Press, ISSN 1743-3509 (on-line)
298 Urban Transport XXI
Table 1:
Route times without considering the load/unload time (minutes).
Number of vehicles
Table 2:
Sequences of nodes-clients to be visited.
Number of vehicles
UDC -23-4-2-5-6-8- UDC
UDC -7-11-13-22-18-15-20-21-19-14- UDC -9-10-3-7-11-13-22-18-15-20-21- UDC
12-16-17-1- UDC
UDC -19-14-12-16-17-1- UDC
UDC -4-2-23-6-5-8-3-1- UDC
UDC -4-2-23-6-5-1- UDC
UDC -16-22-18-15-20-21-19-14-12-9UDC -3-8-9-10-11-7-13- UDC
10-13-11-7-17- UDC
UDC -16-12-22-18-15-20-21-19-14-17- UDC
UDC-1-16-12-22-18-15-20-21-19-17- UDC-4-16-12-22-18-15-20-21-19-17-14-214-5-UDC
5 Conclusion
The paper presents heuristic algorithms to solve the VRP for freight deliveries in
an urban area in the case of introduction of an UDC and of green freight vehicles.
The algorithms are applied and compared in terms of route travel times and of
sequence of clients (retailers) visited subject to constraints given by the UDC and
the limited autonomy and capacity of freight vehicles.
The comparison of the routing algorithms shows that the reduction of times
obtained with a genetic algorithm is about 10–20%. Therefore, the simplicity and
applicability of the greedy and area algorithms are paid by the lower quality of
the results.
Consolidated VRP algorithms could provide a useful support to local
authorities and carriers as operational tools in ex-ante evaluating the new
distribution schemes generated by the introduction of an UDC and of green
freight vehicles.
Future work will pursue two directions. The application of a system of urban
freight demand models in order to obtain an aggregate estimation of freight
demand levels. The development of a technical and financial feasibility study of
the planned UDC in the town of Reggio Calabria.
WIT Transactions on The Built Environment, Vol 146, © 2015 WIT Press, ISSN 1743-3509 (on-line)
Urban Transport XXI
Central business district of
Reggio Calabria
Strait of Messina
Central business district of
Reggio Calabria
Strait of Messina
Central business district of
Reggio Calabria
Strait of Messina
Figure 3:
Best routes with two vehicles: greedy, area and genetic algorithms.
WIT Transactions on The Built Environment, Vol 146, © 2015 WIT Press, ISSN 1743-3509 (on-line)
300 Urban Transport XXI
Central business district of
Reggio Calabria
Strait of Messina
Central business district of
Reggio Calabria
Strait of Messina
Central business district of
Reggio Calabria
Strait of Messina
Figure 4:
Best routes with three vehicles: greedy, area and genetic algorithms.
WIT Transactions on The Built Environment, Vol 146, © 2015 WIT Press, ISSN 1743-3509 (on-line)
Urban Transport XXI
Luciano Amodeo, Domenicantonio Lamari, Vincenzo Placido and Massimo
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WIT Transactions on The Built Environment, Vol 146, © 2015 WIT Press, ISSN 1743-3509 (on-line)