Subido por edward duvan rabelly herrera

Electric Cables: Types, Components, and Applications

electric cables
Jimmy Daniel Luna gONZALES
Edward duvan ravelly
What is:
•A cable is an electrical conductor
(usually copper) or a set of them,
usually covered with an insulating or
protective material.
electric cables
• The cables that are used to conduct electricity
are usually made of copper, 2 due to the
excellent conductivity of this material, or
aluminum that although has lower conductivity is
lighter for the same capacity and typically
cheaper than copper.
types of cables
•for light transmitters (fiber optic
cable) or mechanical effort
(mechanical cable).
•electric cables. SATA cable, low
power to transmit information at
high speed.
• Cable with 3 conductors of 2.5 mm2 (cross
section) for domestic electrification. It
complies with the standard colors according
to the CEI.
• Heavy duty high voltage cables with
copper conductors and steel
Optical drivers
• Light conductors, (English: coil) in this
case, the coating, while protecting the
driver itself, also prevents the
scattering of light and thereby loss of
signal. Therefore it is used to send
information over long distances quickly
and very high quality
• They are the materials used
conventionally in the action of
transporting electrical energy. The most
known and used materials for their low
electrical resistivity are copper, silver,
gold and platinum.
An electric cable consists of
• Conductor: Element that drives the electric current and can be of
different metallic materials. It can be formed by one or several
• Insulation: Coating that surrounds the driver, to prevent the
circulation of electrical current outside it.
• Filling layer: Insulating material that wraps the conductors to
maintain the circular section of the assembly.
• Cover: It is made of materials that mechanically protect the
cable. Its function is to protect the insulation of the drivers from
the action of temperature, sun, rain, etc.
• Conductors (copper, aluminum or other metal).
• Shielding or Shielding (used in radiofrequency conductors, can be
a mesh or a tube, smooth or corrugated)
• Insulations (plastic, elastomeric materials, paper impregnated in
viscous oil or fluid).
• Protections (reinforcements and external covers additional to the
insulation to increase the resistance to certain critical conditions
of operation).
Number of drivers
Unipolar: A single conductor.1
• Bipolar: 2 drivers.
• Tripolar: 3 drivers. It is unifase (brown or black), a neutral (blue)
and earth (green and yellow).
• Tetrapolar: 4 drivers. They are two phases (brown and black), a
neutral (blue) and earth (green and yellow).
• Pentapolar: 5 drivers. These cables are composed of 3 phases
(gray or light blue, brown and black), a neutral (blue) and earth
(green and yellow).
Level of tension
• very low voltage cables (up to 50 V).
low voltage cables (up to 1000 V).
medium voltage cables (up to 30 kV).
high voltage cables (up to 66 kV). very
high voltage cables (above 770 kV).
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