SELF-EFFICIENT WATER USE IN A NEIGHBORHOOH IN LA SERENA – CHILE. Principles of Urban Planning Management – Julián Alfonso Zamudio Piñeres SELFT- EFFICIENT WATER IN A NEIGHBORHOOH AT LA SERENA – CHILE. JULIAN ALFONSO ZAMUDIO PIÑERES - 81092982240 Following report has 2218 words in extension Plagiarism declaration: I read and understood plagiarism statement of WUR-ENP guidelines on plagiarism, I am aware about any violation of this guidelines constitutes an illegal behavior and it will be reviewed by authorities designed for this purpose, which ones will define the procedure to follow in case of violation of this guidelines. SELF-EFFICIENT WATER USE IN A NEIGHBORHOOH IN LA SERENA – CHILE. Principles of Urban Planning Management – Julián Alfonso Zamudio Piñeres INTRODUCTION Chilean economy showed in 2015 a 2.1 % increment of the GPD (World Bank, 2016). The water used for drinking and sanitation purposes by Chilean population represents 7.2 % of total Chilean´s groundwater sources (Dirección General de Aguas (DGA), 2010). Nevertheless, Chile has a complex water management network, which is composed of either highly specialized public and private institutions. However, this network has a scarcity of coordination between its members, bearing to lose effectiveness in water management itself (OECD, 2011). Additionally, the hydric handling made Chilean institutions increases the risk of water source overexploitation, bringing a lack of water availability in dry seasons for human consumption (Valdés-Pineda et al., 2014). Indeed, irrigation consumption represents 77, 8 % total amount available for the country (McPheeet al, 2012), and actually, the government is planning increase the total irrigated area in 57% at 2022 (Comisión Nacional de Riego (CNR), 2011). BASELINE La Serena is a small city located at Coquimbo bay with an extension of 1,892.8 km2 (Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas, 2002). It has a fixed population of 210.000 inhabitants (Gobierno de Chile, Ministerio de Economía, 2014) and 50% of that actual population is young (Nanninga et al., 2016). Tourism and agriculture are the main economic activities of La Serena, showing an annual income USD 5.200 per habitant and an index GINI of 0.37 (Ministerio de Desarrollo Social - Gobierno de Chile, 2013). The municipality is a third-level administrative division governed by Municipal Council. In fact, La Serena´s municipality is promoting educational programs in hydric sustainable and environmental performance (Ilustre Municipalidad de la Serena, 2016). The municipality is also looking for public-private alliances with community partnerships to improve the environmental performance of the city. Regarding water resources, Serena´s rainfall rate is around 81 mm per year (Dirección Meteorológica de Chile, 2001). A groundwater source feeds up the La Serena´s drinking water system, and the water supplying is restricted during the dry season. 95% of inhabitants are connected to that system, showing an average water consumption of 125 l/day per person (Knoema, 2015). To supply irrigation systems into the region overexploitation of the groundwater is carried out. The groundwater source is under pressure because its recharge rate becomes lower every year, and it depends on water availability in higher parts in the mountains and filtration process in Serena´s landscape (Squeo et al., 2006). As a result of before, the Coquimbo region has actually negative water balance of -893 Mm m3/ year in 2010 and an expected -1299 Mm m3/ year in 2025 (World Bank, 2011). It is also important to remark that groundwater quality exceeds Chilean drinking water standards for iron, manganese, and sulfates (Arumí Ribera, J.L., Oyarzún Lucero, 2006). Concerning to wastewater, around 95 % of the population is connected to sewage system but only 30% of this wastewater is treated. In summary, it has been shown that Serena´s scenario shows a future scarcity of supplied drinking water to city´s population because of human and natural factors. The human aspects could be described as high water consumption per capita, the high population growing rate, and the increase of water demand by economic activities like agriculture and mining. The natural ones are related to the decrease of groundwater recharge rate along the time, low water quality standards, and a negative water forecast balance. In fact, La Serena´s municipality has been following a linear water cycle for water management. METHODOLOGY The urban circular metabolism is the main concept to design a new sustainable scenario for water flow inside of novel neighborhood close to Serena´s city center. Similarly, the Urban Harvest Approach (UHA) at the local level will be used as a methodological tool. The three basic principles of UHA (Agudelo-Vera et al., 2012) will be mixed with backcasting thinking. Baseline assessment will be made applying DPSIR method to define the strategic guidelines for the system, and the proposed responses will be related to a specific drive force. Before-after Mass Flow Analysis (MFA) for the system will be done. 1 SELF-EFFICIENT WATER USE IN A NEIGHBORHOOH IN LA SERENA – CHILE. Principles of Urban Planning Management – Julián Alfonso Zamudio Piñeres NEW SCENARIO This work aims to develop a new approach to get a sustainable water management for a new neighborhood (system) in La Serena. The approach will include a new technology use, the actions to be taken to change the social practices related to the application of new ideas, an environmental educational process, and economical proposal to allow the system to work in an autonomous way. The system will be located at old Hospital´s place, which was built around 1950 (Historia - Hospital de La Serena, 2016) in a 2 hectares’ land. This place has an old infrastructure for water supply and sewage discharge. The neighborhood will be designed with 3 floors buildings and 6 apartments per floor, for a total of 180 spaces for middle-income families, young professionals and students. Apartments will have two different designs, distributed in 10 buildings with a land area of 20.000 m2. The population forecast for the system is 594 calculated on basis of 3.3 persons per apartment (Knoema, 2015). 167 m2 it is the average built area per apartment, taking into account that 30 % of total space available will be used to construct common areas, getting approximately 42.000 m 2 as total building area. DPSIR analysis for the system is displayed in table 1. There were identified five driven forces and 15 responses in total. Following DPSIR analysis, the actual system´s scenario shows a huge dependency of external inputs, and the waste stream produced inside the system has important contamination effects in the surrounding environment by continuous discharge of chemicals and organic matter without some control. In general, it is not used sustainable technology for drinking and waste water treatment. Recycling, multi-sourcing or recovering concepts are not taken into account for water management. Consequently, in the future, the water management has to handle how to afford more resources to fulfill drinking water requirements of the system. On basis of this findings, it is defined the future vision of the system, which one consists in design highly self-sufficient scheme with 5 general goals: 1) reduce general consumption by 46 %, 2) 40% of the water inputs are recovered, 3) sewage output it is pre-pretreated in situ, 4) an economic incentive is proposed and 5) finally environmental education is taught for system inhabitants. In figure 1, actual and proposed designs for a system are displayed. For both scenarios, the models show calculated flows of water consumption for households and common areas separately. The diagrams show each specific stream for the whole system. To get it, it was taken the total water consumption per house and was multiplied by an average of percentages of water consumption for single-family house in the United States (DeOreo and P.E., 2011) and U.K. (Parker Joanne M and Wilby Robert L., 2013) considering the same behavior for system´s households. Afterward, daily water flow for the system was estimated multiplying the daily house consumption by the total number of houses (180) and the result was multiplied by the average member family number (3.3). The calculated water consumption is showed in m 3/day. For the new model, important assumptions were made. First of all, the technology used has 100 % of effectiveness and it is defined 0% of leakage for the system. Secondly, it was defined 1500 m2 of land to use like gardens inside the neighborhood, corresponding to 7.5 % of available land. The necessary space to build all treatment systems is getting 1800 m2, that was delimited as 9 % of total land. Another assumption is the practices like toilet use, cleaning habits and others in-house water uses are the same for all inhabitants of the system. Into the actual model, household consumption is the most relevant component of the system, with 73.8 % of water inputs. Indeed, it is clear a lack of use of UHA principles inside the system. The calculated water consumption value for new model for the whole system (67 L/day/person) is 46% lower than the initial value, and it is also lower than values shown by developed countries, usually are into 110 – 215 L/d per person (Martin Robert, Fry Al, Haden Eva, 2016).The new design for water treatment reduces outputs and avoid discharge waste water mixed with solids. Gray waters pre- treatment is an on-line system, using filtration by gravity with activated carbon and zeolites. The gray water pre-treatment is electrocoagulation unit and a submerged membrane bioreactor system tank (Bani-Melhem and Smith, 2012). 2 SELF-EFFICIENT WATER USE IN A NEIGHBORHOOH IN LA SERENA – CHILE. Principles of Urban Planning Management – Julián Alfonso Zamudio Piñeres Table 1. DPSIR analysis for a neighborhood close to city center of la Serena. Drive force Pressure State Impact 1.DRINKING WATER FOR CONSUMPTION Use of chemicals to achieve a good quality drinking water Specialized water treatment plants. 2.Wastewater produced by human activities Water discharged solid chemical pollutants. is with and The percentage wastewater treatment. low of More requirements for 1. Decentralized Technical energy and infrastructure. technology for water treatment. Solid residues with chemical affecting pH values of the soil where are discharged. Diminution of aquatic 2. Decentralized Technical ecosystems quality. technology per building with solid Cross-side contamination in waste separation, using EM and animals and plants. plants for waste Contamination of water for water. High quantity of sludge with chemical substances. Increasing concentration of pollutants water Need for large infrastructure to handle sewage. Water used into dwellers is not reused or recycle in others process. Type human consumption. More demand materials High quantity of wastewater it is produced. 3.Not environmental approach to using water inside households Response Response Description Upgrade the quality of 100% gray waters to safe water using electrocoagulation system. Upgrade black water quality according to Chilean standards by EM / Algae –tech approach and plant filter system. Perform a pre-treatment for 100 % of gray waters eliminating suspended solids by filtration. Separate 100 % of solid waste from the black waters. Upgrade toilets to high water efficiency – use, getting 40 % of water savings. Cascading from water used at the shower to cleaning house water and from clothing washing to toilets. Collect and storage 80 % of rainfall available at neighborhood for cleanup activities for common areas into the buildings. building Water it is not used with maximum efficiency. The scarcity of water in groundwater source. 3. A system to collect rainfall water and recycle for several cycles to make cleanup activities. Technical 4. Separation of grew waters from black waters and recycling it for drinking water use. Technical Build energy efficient drainage system into neighborhood area allowing separate and storage gray and black waters, also will allow drive the gray water pre-treated for drinking water treatment. SELF-EFFICIENT WATER USE IN A NEIGHBORHOOH IN LA SERENA – CHILE. Principles of Urban Planning Management – Julián Alfonso Zamudio Piñeres 4.water availability Use of a big quantity of fresh water sources (Rivers and groundwater) The public water system is not able to supply to all population water in dry seasons Groundwater source it is over stress and it is not able to recharge itself. Replacement of ground green film by concrete or another not natural ground film. 5.Urban design without sustainable approach Policies based on the linear model of water management. Complexity in water´s distribution system and sewer system. Not economic incentive for change. Low interest in sustainable use of the water by population. 5. An environmental course about water efficiency use. Social engagement 6. Include highpressure systems for the house toilets, kitchen, and showers Technical 7. Include highefficiency dish machine. Technical 8. Include green walls to get water from humidity from the air. 9. Include a green bonus system for the neighborhood to give incentives to owners and tenants. Technical Economical Certificate 100 % of the system´s units as green in order to define economical green bonus as an alternative income for system maintenance. 10. Savings of water fees and taxes by maintaining the consumption below the goal line. Policy change Negotiate with municipality authority a reduction of 7% in overall taxes and water fees if consumption is lowered 20% per person living inside of the system. Performing an environmental educational campaign for all inhabitants using traditional and not–traditional education tools to improve environmental awareness, chance social practices linked with water consumption and get better acceptance of new strategies adopted into the system. Reducing 13 % consumption in households’ units using tap water pressured devices in daily activities. Upgrade 100 % of grey waters for cleanup houses and common areas. To Reduce 7 % of consumption in households’ units using high-efficiency water and energy dish machine. Obtain 2% of consumption water by new green walls technology. SELF-EFFICIENT WATER USE IN A NEIGHBORHOOH IN LA SERENA – CHILE. Principles of Urban Planning Management – Julián Alfonso Zamudio Piñeres Figure1. Actual and proposed model for a new neighborhood at La Serena. SELF-EFFICIENT WATERANAGEMENT IN A NEIGHBORHOOH IN LA SERENA – CHILE. Principles of Urban Planning Management – Julián Alfonso Zamudio Piñeres Each apartment will be certificated as sustainable housing unit using SuRe@ standard (“SuRe® - The Standard for Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure - Global Infrastructure Basel,” 2014). On basis of that certification, the system is allowed to generate green bonds (What Are Green Bonds, 2009). In addition, the bonds business model will be managed by a private company. Finally, the social practices and cultural perceptions into the system will be influenced by one-year educational process, performing environmental advertising and one monthly meeting with inhabitants of the system, to teach about water cycle approach and how it is possible to get financed by following sustainable practices. DISCUSSION TECHNICAL MESUARES Technologies to be installed into the system are 80 % “invisible” for the final user, all of them are well-known devices and the dwelling design would be as traditional household one. In contrast, water treatment technology use filter plants located at ground floor, it is inodorous and completely safe high-tech approach and it will be placed at gardens space without additional features. Indeed, the filter zone will be mixed with the gardens to provide green spaces getting a compact and diversified neighborhood. The treatment system for gray water and black water were designed to use 2% of built area, in fact, electrocoagulation and bioreactors will be placed underground with special features, implying additional structure requirements. Regarding this, drainage and water recycling pipeline design is complex and needed more space for accommodating its technical devices, bringing to a complicated pipeline inside of the building. Finally, the new scenario has a reduction of total water input of 83%. SOCIAL PRACTICES Social practices related to new highly efficient technologies to be applied will change in a small proportion. In general terms, water savings is done inside the system using technologies allowing to use less water, so, meanings related to those related activities still represent the same. Therefore, materials and competences related to how to use new technologies will change, but this change is relatively small compared to previous social practical ones. The perception about use recycled water should be addressed in right way, to avoid rejections by system´s inhabitants. Finally, set up targets for getting certifications and money savings is a way to design influential social practices by urban governance, getting standardized cultural conduct in the system. The project should take advantage of its scope for young people, making easy to perform changes to get cyclic urban metabolism inside the system. URBAN PLANNING DECISIONS Water treatment systems were designed to fulfill water requirements by the system. The system is also connected to municipal drinking water system avoiding risks related with water insufficiency in the dry season. The quality of drinking water depends strongly on gray water stream, so the system’s population should be responsible about what kind of pollutants are discarded into gray and black waters. The new approach has incorporated high efficiency technology devices to get a self-providing system, using cascade, recycling and multisource use of water. The technologies and green business model might overcome several challenges, and both have to be approved by local government. However, the policies regarding quality water might stop the initiatives and the entire project could be seen as a threat to the water public institution. Instead, management made by the private sector of the green business will be perceived as good, enhancing interest in the cities’ water supply instead of irrigation uses. ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY The sewage stream will be discharged with high-quality standards, the solid waste is separated to do composting, and the sludge produced by the treatment has no chemical pollutants, making able its employment for composting as well. Moving on now to consider the solid waste management in situ, this has important 6 SELF-EFFICIENT WATERANAGEMENT IN A NEIGHBORHOOH IN LA SERENA – CHILE. Principles of Urban Planning Management – Julián Alfonso Zamudio Piñeres challenges to overcome, like get excellent gas emission control and strict times for the solid treated delivery to the exterior of the system. This solid treatment approach brings to the system a high sanitation risk. CULTURAL DIMENSIONS The technology and urban design practices as green spaces, diversity, and density were used and mixed with green economic model bringing to the approach high feasibility regardless to cultural conceptions because the cultural changes performed are not significant. The project feasibility is threatened by governmental institution opposition but the inclusion of young people and profitable focus on public basis– private cooperation guarantees more possibilities of success. 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