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Marketing Case Study Guide: DUO Condoms Decision

Opening Hook: description of the setting, problem, or situation
Suggest thinking about the hook like lead
Ask yourself in the first paragraph:
What decision point is the character struggling with?
Is the writing dramatic—what’s at stak?
Is there a scene that begins the story?
Does the hook give a reason to read on?
Provide the context
How do you connect with any audience?
Provide relevant facts about the organizations
Product orservcies
Facts: location, employees, financial strength… vision/mission statement
A comprehensive way to think about this is to describe the customer, company, context (change),
collaborators and competitors.
Focus Area
Ask yourseflt
What are the two best “key words for the decision area?
Decision Point
The specific decision, problem, issue or opportunity in the company faces thtat results in action or
a recommendation
Congruent with the hook but provides more background about the situation needed for the story
Often a time or time sequences is included
Ask yourself
Does the decision case analysis lead to recommendations to solve a problem/issue/opportunity?
In 2012, Pablo Perez was hired as DUO Condoms Brand manager, and his first challenge was to
gain 15% market share in a year, the industry was growing at 10% year after year from 2011,
currently the DUO market Share is 15% over 5 brands, decreasing in the last five years until 12% ,
and in the last 13 years the brand had did not any advertising campaign and the brand market
share; He meet his add agency and after he saw the option, he has to decide between a
transformative message with negative based on STD figures or positive message that includes and
app called: Sex Guardian.
He has to decide between the message that increased the brand relevant and the message that
increased the familiarity with the target and the impact on market share.
Mejorar teniendo presente las decisiones que debe tomar Pablo con respecto a que hacer primero
en esta decisión.
Students Learning Objectives
1. Learn about marketing indicators and the roll of a Brand Manager, focusing on the how
understand costumer behavior
2. Explain the roll of advertising campaign on the successful brand and their impact in sales
How to teach the case?
Class discussion vs written assignment?
Individual vs group assignments?
Required handouts
Required reading
Epilogue, it is optional
Bt can use to provide information regarding outcomes of the event. Can be teachable moment for
students to see that things don’t always work out…
Relevant articles and books for the instructor for background can be included in the references
section of the optional other pedagogical materials section.
Additional pedagogical materials
The Student Outcome learning
1. Describe IMC activities that mainly help the built a brand relevance and the activities that
accelerated sales in a short run
2. Differentiate between the long-term and short-term strategies and tactics used increase
market share
3. Argued with the class about the main activities he or she identify as a key for brand
relevance and the implications in terms of decision making, cost and ROI.
Discussion Question
1. Does all the ICM activities have an equal impact on brand promotion?
2. How should Pablo Perez prioritize his initiatives to accomplish his brand goal?
3. How will the cost impact when your decision making process doesn’t meet the relevant
brand concepts?
Additional pedagogical materials
The Student Outcome learning
Describe the synergy of the IMC activities that are currently building the brand attributes
Differentiate between the long-term and short-term strategies and tactics used increase
market share
Argued with the class about the main activities he or she identify as a key for brand relevance
and the implications in terms of decision making, cost and ROI.
Discussion Question
What brand attributes to you think are most important to Pablo´s brand management plan?
Please provide at least three and explain why these are important to the marketing goal.
How should Pablo Perez prioritize his initiatives to accomplish his brand goal?
How will the cost impact when your decision making process doesn’t meet the relevant brand
mainly help the built a brand relevance and the activities that accelerated sales in a short run