Subido por Agustina Wethler

Inglés: Presente Simple - Ejercicios para Secundaria Técnica

AÑO 2020
ESPACIO CURRICULAR: Lengua Extranjera – Inglés
CURSOS: 4º Año A, B y C / 5º Año C y E
PROFESOR: Britez, Ramón Cesar
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THE TENSES OF THE VERB (Revision)
The Present Simple Tense
Verb: Work (trabajar)
I work (Yo trabajo)
Do I work ¿
You work (Tú trabajas)
Do you work?
He works (Él trabaja)
Does he work?
She works (Ella trabaja)
Does she work?
It works (Él / Ella –cosa o animal- trabaja)
Does it work?
We work (Nosotros trabajamos)
Do we work?
You work (ustedes trabajan)
Do you work?
They work (Ellos Trabajan)
Do they work?
I do not (don´t) work
You do not work
He does not (doesn´t) work
She does not work
It does not work
We do not work
You do not work
They do not work
Usamos el tiempo Presente Simple para hablar sobre acciones habituales, rutinas,
situaciones permanentes
I work in the workshop from 8 to 12 in the morning. (Trabajo en el taller de 8 a 12 a la
Do I work in the workshop from 8 to 12 in the morning? (Trabajo en el taller...?)
I don´t work in the workshop from 8 to 12 in the morning. (No trabajo en el...)
The architect works long hours every day. (El arquitecto trabaja largas horas cada día)
Does the architect work long hours every day? (Trabaja el arquitecto largas...?)
The architect does not work long hours every day. (El arquitecto no trabaja---)
Los auxiliares do / does se usan solamente cuando hacemos preguntas o negaciones.
Do se usa con los pronombres I, You, We y They o sujetos equivalentes.
Does se usa con los pronombres He, She e It o sujetos equivalentes.
Now, use the interrogative and negative forms in sentences with other verbs. (Ahora, usa
las formas interrogativa y negativa en oraciones con otros verbos.)
Puedes usar diccionarios Inglés – Español online o el traductor de google para traducir las
That carpenter uses a hammer, nails and wood for his work.
Our masons bring their own tools to the site every day.
Tom washes his car in the garage every Saturday.
These workers come to the workshop at 7 from Monday to Friday.
She types many letters and notes at the office.
We repair cars, trucks and and machines daily.
Those roofers install roofing systems using the best tiles.
The engineer draws excellent plans for houses and buildings.
Architects design beautiful buildings accurately.
That painter uses new brushes and rollers efficiently.
El verbo BE significa ser o estar.
Cuando usamos el Presente Simple con el verbo BE, no debemos emplear los auxiliares Do
Las mismas formas del verbo BE en el presente (AM, ARE,IS) se utilizan para oraciones
afirmativas, interrogativas y negativas.
I am (Yo soy o estoy)
You are (Tú eres o estás)
He is (Él es o está)
She is (Ella es o está)
It is (La cosa o el animal es o está)
We are (Nosotros somos o estamos)
You are (Ustedes son o están)
They are (Ellos son o están)
Am I?
Are you?
Is he?
Is she?
Is it?
Are we?
Are you?
Are they?
I am not
You are not
She is not
It is not
We are not
You are not
They are not
I am at the workshop from 7 to 11 every day. (Estoy en el taller de 7 a 11 cada día.)
Am I at the workshop from 7 to 11 every day? (¿Estoy en el taller de 7 a 11 cada día?)
I am not at the workshop from 7 to 11 every day. (No estoy en el taller de...)
The technician is very efficient and quick. (El técnico es muy eficiente y rápido.)
Is the technician very efficient and quick? (¿Es el técnico muy eficiente y rápido?)
The technician is not very efficient and quick. (El técnico no es muy eficiente y rápido.)
These engineers are in charge of the building company. (Estos ingenieros están a cargo de
la compañía constructora.)
Are these engineers in charge of the building company? (¿Están estos ingenieros a cargo
de la compañía constructora?)
These engineers are not in charge of the building company. (Estos ingenieros no están...)
Use the Interrogative and negative forms.
Pueden usar el traductor de google, los diccionarios online o diccionarios en formato libro
para traducir las oraciones.
La actividad debe ser remitida a través del aula virtual y también hecha en la carpeta. Será
controlada y corregida.
John is a very well trained computer technician,
Those modern PCs are very expensive nowadays.
The building site is full of machines and materials.
The apprentices are graduated from a technical school.
That car technician is efficient and responsable.
I am at the office from 9 to 5 every week day.
Our desktop computers are rather old and slow.
A new machine tool is on that shelf over there.
The big trucks are in front of the building site.
These are the mos powerful machine tools.