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The Sixth Sense (1999) Script Breakdown

The Sixth Sense (1999) - The Script Lab
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By Tony LaScala February 7, 2012
Sequence Breakdowns
Genre: Drama / Mystery / Thriller
Movie Time: 107 Minutes
Synopsis: After having a life altering confrontation with a former patient, child
psychiatrist Dr. Malcolm Crowe (Bruce Willis) has a new patient, Cole Sear (Haley Joel
Osment) with an acute anxiety disorder: He see’s dead people.
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World of the Story: Mind bending thriller set in mysterious modern day Philadelphia
filled with spooky ghosts.
Introduce Supporting Character (Lover): ANNA CROWE (Olivia Williams),
March 31,
Malcolm’s wife grabs a bottle of celebratory wine.
Introduce Protagonist (Professional/Nurturer): Child psychologist DR. MALCOLM
CROWE has just won a commendation from the city of Philadelphia for outstanding
work in the field of Child Psychology.
Predicament: A window in their bedroom has been broken and the phone is off of the
hook. A psycho has broken into their house.
Introduce Rival #1(Psychotic): VINCENT GRAY (Donnie Wahlberg) disturbed former
patient of Malcolm.
Inciting Incident/Predicament Ramifications (Plot Point #1): Vincent shoots
Malcolm in the stomach, and then shoots himself.
Dramatic Premise: Malcolm needs to come to terms with his fate, through helping a
child with a similar condition to Vincent.
Protagonist Objective: Help Cole overcome his acute anxiety disorder.
The Great
Part 24 –
March 31,
March 26,
Trouble in
March 24,
Introduce Protagonist (Recluse): COLE SEAR, a quirky, intelligent, bookish child
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Introduce Sub-Plot: Anna and Malcolm’s marriage is on the rocks. Anna is
depressed and they’re like strangers now, barely ever talking to each other.
Plant: Malcolm can’t open a locked door in his house.
Introduce Supporting Character (Nurturer): LYNN SEAR (Toni Collette), divorced
single mother to Cole. Lynn comes into the kitchen and Cole has opened every drawer
and cabinet in the kitchen. (00:19:22)
Introduce Rival (Bully): TOMMY TAMMISIMO (Trevor Morgan), a school bully Cole
pays to be a pretend friend.
Lock In (Plot Point #2): Malcolm and Lynn are sitting across from each other in the
Sear’s living room when Cole comes home. It appears they have been talking about
Cole. Cole agrees to play a mind reading game with Malcolm. Through the game Dr.
Malcolm Crowe is able to discover that Cole has a secret.
Act II Tension: Malcolm needs to gain Cole’s trust and repair his failing marriage.
Act II Obstacle: Cole doesn’t want to tell Malcolm the secret because he doesn’t think
Malcolm can help him.
Sub-Plot Revival: Malcolm’s late for his anniversary date with Anna. She gives him
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violent thoughts onto paper.
Introduce Sub-Plot Rival (Seducer) One of Anna’s co-workers SEAN (Glenn
Fitzgerald) stops by and asks her on a date, Dr. Malcolm Crowe overhears the
conversation from his study in the basement.
Rising Action: Cole freaks out in class and calls his teacher MR. CUNNINGHAM
(Bruce Norris) a name he hasn’t heard since his youth, “Stuttering Stanley”
Sub-Plot Revival: Malcolm tries to open the locked door again after seeing Anna
watching their wedding video and finding out she is on Zoloft.
Predicament: Cole is at a kid’s birthday party. He hears a voice in the attic asking to
be let out and he’s scared.
Ramifications: Tommy and the birthday kid lock Cole in the attic and Cole completely
flips out. He passes out.
First Culmination/Midpoint (Plot Point #3): Cole tells Dr. Malcolm Floyd a secret, he
see’s dead people. Also he explains that the dead do not know they are dead, they
can’t see other dead people; they only see what they want to see.
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understand why.
Raise the Stakes: Late at night Cole really needs to go to the bathroom but he’s
scared. He encounters a dead woman. Cole was telling the truth.
Payoff: After Malcolm attends Cole’s school play; Cole reveals that the hairs standing
up on your arms, or when a room suddenly gets cold it means that the ghosts are
Predicament: A bumblebee pendant of Cole’s mom keeps getting moved. Cole tries
to tell his mom the ‘secret’ but he knows she won’t believe him. She gets angry and
sends him from the table. Cole see’s a dead kid who accidentally shot himself. Cole
and Mom share a moment, she knows something’s wrong but Cole won’t tell her his
Sub-Plot Revival: Malcolm gets angry when he sees Anna’s getting closer to Sean
and smashes a shop window.
Predicament: Malcolm says he can’t be Cole’s doctor anymore because he needs to
focus on his marriage. Cole begs him to help him because he’s the only one who can
help him. Malcolm doesn’t believe Cole really sees dead people.
Revelation: Malcolm listens to an old tape of Vincent’s. When he turns up the volume
he can hear another voice of a ghost in the room speaking Spanish.
Predicament/Obstacle Solution: Malcolm tells Cole that if he just listens to the
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Highest Act II Obstacle: Cole encounters KYRA (Mischa Barton) a little girl ghost
that’s upset and throwing up. He takes Malcolm’s advice and listens to her.
Main Culmination/End of Act Two (Plot Point #4): Cole is able to face his fears and
help Kyra. Cole and Malcolm go to Kyra’s house for her funeral. Kyra gives Cole a
secret box with a tape inside to give to her father. Kyra’s dad watches the tape and
finds out that Kyra’s mom was poisoning Kyra to keep her sick.
New Status Quo (Reversal): Cole is no longer afraid of the ghosts and he’s fitting in
better at school. He’s the lead in the school play. Tommy has a tiny part.
Resolution: Malcolm tells Cole that his work is done and that Cole needs to talk to his
mother about his issues now. Cole is sad but he understands.
Predicament Resolution: While locked up in traffic waiting for police to clear up a
terrible car accident, Cole tells his mom the secret. He explains that Cole’s grandma
(Lynn’s mom) visits him and has been moving the bumblebee pendant. Cole tells Lynn
a story about when Lynn was young that only the grandma would know. Lynn believes
the secret.
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Third Act Twist (Plot Point #5): Malcolm takes Cole’s advice and talks to Anna while
she’s asleep. Anna drops his wedding ring (the same ring that he thinks is on his
hand) Anna talks about how Malcolm is gone. He understands that he has been
“seeing what he wants to see.” The locked door, his wife doesn’t talk to him, etc. He’s
Obligatory Scene: Dr. Malcolm Crowe says goodbye to his wife.
New Sub-Plot Status Quo: Malcolm is at piece and can move on.
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