Subido por Oscar Tamayo

Blog Entries Rubric: Evaluation Criteria

Blog Entries Rubric
Possible score: min. 0 max. 15.
Terrible English. Content is not
understandable at all.
Many basic mistakes in most of
their entries. Wrong punctuation.
Spelling mistakes. Grammar
mistakes that make the content not
Basic mistakes in some of their
entries. Wrong punctuation.
Spelling mistakes. Grammar
mistakes that make the content not
Some mistakes in advanced
English in some posts. Grammar
mistakes don't affect the main
message, still, affect the quality.
No entries. 0 posts to evaluate.
10 - 19 entries posted during the
given time. Blog had many days
without activity (3 or more).
20 - 29 entries posted during the
given time. Blog may have some
days without posting.
More than 30 entries posted during
the given time. Blog had activity
almost every day.
Use of English (4)
Entries are written with perfect English. No grammar, or
spelling mistakes. Sentences are clear.
Frequency (3)
Blog has new information posted daily from November 7 to
November 30
Content (2)
The topics selected by the authors are interesting,
relevant, and useful.
Content is interesting, however, you
may find the same information in
many different sources. Ideas for
No content. Just pictures, or videos.
the entries are simple and
repetitive. Entries are too short, or
only include images or videos.
Content was interesting, relevant,
and original. Most of the entries
include around 400 words. Content
includes tags, links, images, and
are attractive.
Design (2)
The blog has a good graphic design. It is attractive,
visually pleasant, and easy to read. It includes images,
and/or videos to complement the entries.
No design. Main theme, difficult or
impossible to read.
Excellent design. Colors, shapes,
Good design. Nice colors and fonts,
theme, photographs, and videos
however, it could still improve. No
look great and help the blog to look
Social Networks connected to the
professional. Social Network
connected to the blog.
Visitors (2)
The blog has a good record of visitors, according to the
statistics provided by blogger.
More than 1000 visits during the
No visitors at all, or no way to prove Average number of visitors (up to a month. Visitors from different
places. Sources of visits from
1000 visits)
different sources (google, etc)
Creativity (2)
The blog includes:
Attention-grabbing headlines.
Compelling Call to Action.
Excellent pictures
About Us page is a plus.
Attractive content.
No creativity shown at all. Simple
Excellent headlines that attract
readers. Call to action in their
It shows promise, but they can still
posts. Pictures and videos are not
work on the titles, use of images,
only relevant to the topic, but also a
and tone. About Us page is not very
reason to keep on reading. It
well done.
includes an About Us page
introducing the team.
There are no English mistakes in
their entries.