Subido por Ezequiel Pincheira

ENERCON E-82 E2 Sound Power Level Data Sheet

Sound Power Level E-82 E2
1 of 3
Sound Power Level
of the
Operational Mode I
(Data Sheet)
ENERCON GmbH ▪ Dreekamp 5 ▪ 26605 Aurich ▪ Germany
Unless otherwise specified in this document, the contents of this document are protected by copyright of
ENERCON GmbH. All rights reserved. No use, including any copying or publishing, of this information is
permitted without the prior written consent of ENERCON GmbH.
ENERCON GmbH reserves the right to continuously update and modify this document and the items
described therein at any time without prior notice.
ENERCON GmbH / Site Assessment
means an ENERCON wind energy converter.
means more than one ENERCON wind energy converter.
Document information:
Author/Revisor/ date:
Approved / date:
Revision /date:
© Copyright ENERCON GmbH. All rights reserved.
Sch/ 03.2010
MK/ 04/2010 Documentname
1.0/ April 2010
SIAS-04-SPL E-82 E2 OM I 2,3MW Rev1_0-eng-eng.doc
Sound Power Level E-82 E2
2 of 3
Sound Power Level for the E-82 E2 with 2300 kW rated power
in relation to wind speed at 10 m height
hub height
78 m
85 m
98 m
108 m
138 m
5 m/s
96,3 dB(A)
96.6 dB(A)
97.2 dB(A)
97.5 dB(A)
98.2 dB(A)
6 m/s
100.7 dB(A)
101.0 dB(A)
101.6 dB(A)
101.9 dB(A)
102.6 dB(A)
7 m/s
103.3 dB(A)
103.5 dB(A)
103.6 dB(A)
103.6 dB(A)
103.8 dB(A)
8 m/s
104.0 dB(A)
104.0 dB(A)
104.0 dB(A)
104.0 dB(A)
104.0 dB(A)
9 m/s
104.0 dB(A)
104.0 dB(A)
104.0 dB(A)
104.0 dB(A)
104.0 dB(A)
10 m/s
104.0 dB(A)
104.0 dB(A)
104.0 dB(A)
104.0 dB(A)
104.0 dB(A)
95% rated power
104.0 dB(A)
104.0 dB(A)
104.0 dB(A)
104.0 dB(A)
104.0 dB(A)
in 10 m height
Measured value at 95%
rated power
103,4 dB(A)
KCE 209244-03.03
in relation to wind speed in hub height
wind speed at hub
height [m/s]
Sound Power Level
1. The relation between the sound power level and the standardized wind speed in 10 m height as
shown above is valid on the premise of a logarithmic wind profile with a roughness length of
0.05 m. The relation between the sound power level and the wind speed at hub height applies for
all hub heights. During the sound measurements the wind speeds are derived from the power
output and the power curve of the WEC.
2. A tonal audibility of ΔLa,k ≤ 2 dB can be expected over the whole operational range (valid in the
near vicinity of the turbine according to IEC 61 400 -11 ed. 2).
3. The sound power level values given in the table are valid for the Operational Mode I (defined via
the rotational speed range of 6 – 18 rpm). The respective power curve is the calculated power
curve E-82 E2 dated November 2009 (Rev. 3.x).
4. The values displayed in the tables above are based on official and internal measurements of the
sound power level. If available the official measured values are given in this document as a
Document information:
Author/Revisor/ date:
Approved / date:
Revision /date:
© Copyright ENERCON GmbH. All rights reserved.
Sch/ 03.2010
MK/ 04/2010 Documentname
1.0/ April 2010
SIAS-04-SPL E-82 E2 OM I 2,3MW Rev1_0-eng-eng.doc
Sound Power Level E-82 E2
3 of 3
reference (in italic print). The extracts of the official measurements can be made available upon
request. The values given in the measurement extracts do not replace the values given in this
document. All measurements have been carried out according to the recommended German and
international standards and guidelines as defined in the measurement reports, respectively.
5. Due to the typical measurement uncertainties, if the sound power level is measured according to
one of the accepted methods the measured values can differ from the values shown in this
document in the range of +/- 1 dB.
Accepted measurement methods are:
a) IEC 61400-11 ed. 2 („Wind turbine generator systems – Part 11: Acoustic noise measurement
techniques; Second edition, 2002-12“), and
b) the FGW-Guidelines („Technische Richtlinie für Windenergieanlagen – Teil 1: Bestimmung der
Schallemissionswerte“, published by the association “Fördergesellschaft für Windenergie
e.V.”, 18th revision).
If the difference between total noise and background noise during a measurement is less than
6 dB a higher uncertainty must be considered.
6. For noise-sensitive sites it is possible to operate the E-82 E2 with reduced rotational speed and
reduced rated power during night time. The sound power levels resulting from such operational
mode can be provided in a separate document upon request.
7. The sound power level of a wind turbine depends on several factors such as but not limited to
regular maintenance and day-to-day operation in compliance with the manufacturer’s operating
instructions. Therefore, this data sheet can not, and is not intended to, constitute an express or
implied warranty towards the customer that the E-82 E2 WEC will meet the exact sound power
level values as shown in this document at any project specific site.
Document information:
Author/Revisor/ date:
Approved / date:
Revision /date:
© Copyright ENERCON GmbH. All rights reserved.
Sch/ 03.2010
MK/ 04/2010 Documentname
1.0/ April 2010
SIAS-04-SPL E-82 E2 OM I 2,3MW Rev1_0-eng-eng.doc
Sound Power Level E-82 E2
1 of 3
Sound Power Level
of the
Operational Mode 2000 kW
(Data Sheet)
ENERCON GmbH ▪ Dreekamp 5 ▪ 26605 Aurich ▪ Germany
Unless otherwise specified in this document, the contents of this document are protected by copyright of
ENERCON GmbH. All rights reserved. No use, including any copying or publishing, of this information is
permitted without the prior written consent of ENERCON GmbH.
ENERCON GmbH reserves the right to continuously update and modify this document and the items
described therein at any time without prior notice.
ENERCON GmbH / Site Assessment
means an ENERCON wind energy converter.
means more than one ENERCON wind energy converter.
Document information:
Author/Revisor/ date:
Approved / date:
Revision /date:
© Copyright ENERCON GmbH. All rights reserved.
Sch/ 03.2010
MK/ 04/ 2010 Documentname
1.0/ April 2010
SIAS-04-SPL E-82 E2 2MW Rev1_0-eng-eng.doc
Sound Power Level E-82 E2
2 of 3
Sound Power Level for the E-82 E2 with 2000 kW rated power
in relation to wind speed at 10 m height
hub height
78 m
85 m
98 m
108 m
138 m
5 m/s
96,3 dB(A)
96.6 dB(A)
97.2 dB(A)
97.5 dB(A)
98.2 dB(A)
6 m/s
100.7 dB(A)
101.0 dB(A)
101.6 dB(A)
101.9 dB(A)
102.6 dB(A)
7 m/s
103.3 dB(A)
103.5 dB(A)
103,5 dB(A)
103,5 dB(A)
103,5 dB(A)
8 m/s
103,5 dB(A)
103,5 dB(A)
103,5 dB(A)
103,5 dB(A)
103,5 dB(A)
9 m/s
103,5 dB(A)
103,5 dB(A)
103,5 dB(A)
103,5 dB(A)
103,5 dB(A)
10 m/s
103,5 dB(A)
103,5 dB(A)
103,5 dB(A)
103,5 dB(A)
103,5 dB(A)
95% rated power
103,5 dB(A)
103,5 dB(A)
103,5 dB(A)
103,5 dB(A)
103,5 dB(A)
in 10 m height
Measured value at 95%
rated power
102,5 dB(A)
KCE 209244-03.04
in relation to wind speed in hub height
wind speed at hub
height [m/s]
Sound Power Level
1. The relation between the sound power level and the standardized wind speed in 10 m height as
shown above is valid on the premise of a logarithmic wind profile with a roughness length of
0.05 m. The relation between the sound power level and the wind speed at hub height applies for
all hub heights. During the sound measurements the wind speeds are derived from the power
output and the power curve of the WEC.
2. A tonal audibility of ΔLa,k ≤ 2 dB can be expected over the whole operational range (valid in the
near vicinity of the turbine according to IEC 61 400 -11 ed. 2).
3. The sound power level values given in the table are valid for the Operational Mode 2000 kW
(defined via the rotational speed range of 6 – 17,5 rpm). The respective power curve is the
calculated power curve E-82 E2 2MW dated November 2009 (Rev. 3.x).
4. The values displayed in the tables above are based on official and internal measurements of the
sound power level. If available the official measured values are given in this document as a
Document information:
Author/Revisor/ date:
Approved / date:
Revision /date:
© Copyright ENERCON GmbH. All rights reserved.
Sch/ 03.2010
MK/ 04/ 2010 Documentname
1.0/ April 2010
SIAS-04-SPL E-82 E2 2MW Rev1_0-eng-eng.doc
Sound Power Level E-82 E2
3 of 3
reference (in italic print). The extracts of the official measurements can be made available upon
request. The values given in the measurement extracts do not replace the values given in this
document. All measurements have been carried out according to the recommended German and
international standards and guidelines as defined in the measurement reports, respectively.
5. Due to the typical measurement uncertainties, if the sound power level is measured according to
one of the accepted methods the measured values can differ from the values shown in this
document in the range of +/- 1 dB.
Accepted measurement methods are:
a) IEC 61400-11 ed. 2 („Wind turbine generator systems – Part 11: Acoustic noise measurement
techniques; Second edition, 2002-12“), and
b) the FGW-Guidelines („Technische Richtlinie für Windenergieanlagen – Teil 1: Bestimmung der
Schallemissionswerte“, published by the association “Fördergesellschaft für Windenergie
e.V.”, 18th revision).
If the difference between total noise and background noise during a measurement is less than
6 dB a higher uncertainty must be considered.
6. For noise-sensitive sites it is possible to operate the E-82 E2 with reduced rotational speed and
reduced rated power during night time. The sound power levels resulting from such operational
mode can be provided in a separate document upon request.
7. The sound power level of a wind turbine depends on several factors such as but not limited to
regular maintenance and day-to-day operation in compliance with the manufacturer’s operating
instructions. Therefore, this data sheet can not, and is not intended to, constitute an express or
implied warranty towards the customer that the E-82 E2 WEC will meet the exact sound power
level values as shown in this document at any project specific site.
Document information:
Author/Revisor/ date:
Approved / date:
Revision /date:
© Copyright ENERCON GmbH. All rights reserved.
Sch/ 03.2010
MK/ 04/ 2010 Documentname
1.0/ April 2010
SIAS-04-SPL E-82 E2 2MW Rev1_0-eng-eng.doc
Technical information
Shadow shut-off
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Shutdown system for limiting periodic shadow casting
(Shadow Shut-Off)
General information
Periodic shadow casting (or shadow flickering) is caused by movement of the
rotor blades, which chop the sunlight and create a flickering effect whilst the rotor
is in motion. The occurrence of this effect depends on the current local weather
conditions, the wind direction, the altitude of the sun, and the wind energy
converter (WEC) operating hours. Periodic shadow casting should not be
confused with periodic reflexion of the sunlight on the rotor blades, also referred to
as the “disco effect.” In recent years, the use of suitable paint/colours has reduced
this flashing effect.
The goal of shadow shut-off is to reliably prevent or reduce shadow flickering in
relevant locations where this type of immission could be annoying (e.g. living
rooms, bedrooms, schools, patios, etc.). To prevent or reduce this type of
immission, ENERCON has developed a shadow shut-off system for its wind
energy converters that enables targeted shutdown of WECs, taking into account
the meteorological conditions.
Shadow shut-off operating principle
Shadow shut-off is a program that is integrated into the WEC’s control system.
Shut-off is WEC-specific, i.e., the program is installed in WECs where shadow
shut-off is required.
Shadow shut-off can be programmed and shadow shut-off parameters can be set
on the WEC display where other WEC parameters are set and operating data can
be retrieved.
2.1 Determining shadow shut-off times
The ENERCON shadow shut-off system is a calendrical system, i.e., shut-off
times are programmed as a calendar.
The times of the maximum astronomical shadow casting potential (“worst case”)
at affected immission sites are computed considering site-specific parameters
(hub height, rotor diameter, WEC coordinates, location of the immission site,
topography). Results include the shadow casting periods at relevant immission
sites, indicating daily start and end times of periodic shadow casting. The shut-off
times determined are programmed into the WEC control system as a table. Finetuning of these time specifications is feasible at any time for each immission site
and time period.
2.2 Measuring illuminance
Actual shadow flickering by movement of the WEC rotor blades chiefly depends
on insolation. According to the German Federal States’ Immission Control
Committee (Länderausschuss für Immissionsschutz), shadow flickering is likely
Document information:
WdB / 2003-04-29 Translator/date:
St / 2010-06-07 Revisor/date:
WRD / SiAs
Ge / 2010-06-11 Reference:
© Copyright ENERCON GmbH. All rights reserved.
Stefan Wenderoth / 2008-07-02
SiAs-SH-Information Schattenabschaltung-Rev1.5-ger-eng
Technical information
Shadow shut-off
2 of 3
when the sunlight is greater than 120 W/m² at the level vertical to the incidence
The level of illuminance E [lx] on a horizontal measuring surface is influenced by
the incidence angle of the sun (altitude of the sun) and the photometric equivalent
that is determined by refraction, atmospheric opacity, and the position of the sun,
Because the illuminance depending on the altitude of the sun can therefore only
be approximated, and because the actual altitude of the sun is unknown to the
WEC control system, a procedure has been developed to exactly assess the
occurrence of shadow casting at any time.
To measure illuminance, three sensors are fitted to the WEC tower at a height of
three to four metres and spaced at 120° angles. This arrangement ensures that at
least one sensor is always on the sunny side and one in the shade of the tower.
Based on the measured values from the three sensors, the control system
determines the highest illuminance value, also referred to as light intensity, and
the lowest illuminance value, referred to as shadow intensity.
The ratio of shadow and light intensity – also referred to as shut-off intensity – and
not the common but inherently inaccurate measuring of illuminance is used to
determine whether shadow casting must be expected.
With an illuminance of 120 W/m², the measured shut-off intensity is 36%. This
value is virtually independent of the altitude of the sun. Once the ratio between
shadow and light intensity drops below 36%, illuminance is greater than 120 W/m²
and shadow casting occurs. This value has been validated in the setting of a twoyear field test of shadow shut-off modules. Shut-off intensity can be modified
individually as needed.
2.3 Automatic Shutdown
Shadow shut-off is activated, i.e., the wind energy converter is shut down once
the ratio between shadow and light intensity falls below the set value inside the
programmed shut-off time frame. No average is computed for the measured
illuminance. Automatic shutdown will therefore respond even if the value falls
below the reference value only briefly.
If the light conditions are such that shadow flickering is no longer possible,
shadow shut-off will remain active initially and the WEC will remain at a standstill.
Shadow shut-off will not be deactivated unless light conditions have not changed
for a specified period of time (as a rule, 5 minutes) and shadow flickering has not
been possible during that period. Shadow shut-off will also be deactivated on
leaving the shut-off time frame.
Data logging
Activation of the shadow shut-off system is recorded as a status message by the
remote monitoring system together with its date, time and duration and is then
stored for several years.
Document information:
WdB / 2003-04-29 Translator/date:
St / 2010-06-07 Revisor/date:
WRD / SiAs
Ge / 2010-06-11 Reference:
© Copyright ENERCON GmbH. All rights reserved.
Stefan Wenderoth / 2008-07-02
SiAs-SH-Information Schattenabschaltung-Rev1.5-ger-eng
Technical information
Shadow shut-off
3 of 3
As a rule, measured light and shadow intensities are not yet logged due to the
large data volume.
Tolerances / reliability
The sensor used for measuring illuminance has a typical tolerance of ± 10%.
Following inspection of the sensors, a set of three sensors with a maximum
tolerance of ± 1% towards one another is selected at the factory within the
framework of the QA process. As no absolute measured values but only the ratio
of the illuminance values is important for signal interpretation, a very high degree
of accuracy is achieved.
In addition, the function of the light sensors is automatically checked for
plausibility twice daily during operation. This involves measurement of the
voltages at the three light sensors at midnight and at 1:00 p.m. In the event of
implausible values a warning message is sent to ENERCON Service. Technicians
will check the sensors on site and replace them, if necessary.
Failure of a sensor (e.g. due to a broken cable or a short circuit) always results in
shutdown of the wind energy converter inside the programmed time frames, since
the ratio between the light and shadow intensities falls below the shut-off intensity
The shadow shut-off system is currently available for ENERCON WECs of the
E-30/3.30, E-40/6.44, E-58/10.58, E-66/18.70 and E-66/20.70 types as well as for
the new turbine generations: E-33, E-44, E-48, E-53, E-70 E4, E-82, E-82 E2,
E-82 E3, E-101, E-112, and E-126. The shadow shut-off system does not depend
on the hub height, rotor diameter, or tower type.
Document information:
WdB / 2003-04-29 Translator/date:
St / 2010-06-07 Revisor/date:
WRD / SiAs
Ge / 2010-06-11 Reference:
© Copyright ENERCON GmbH. All rights reserved.
Stefan Wenderoth / 2008-07-02
SiAs-SH-Information Schattenabschaltung-Rev1.5-ger-eng