Subido por Jorge Vallejos

Drying Technology: Postharvest Trends & Applications

Food Bioprocess Technol (2010) 3:843–852
DOI 10.1007/s11947-010-0353-1
Drying Technology: Trends and Applications
in Postharvest Processing
Arun S. Mujumdar & Chung Lim Law
Received: 17 November 2009 / Accepted: 26 March 2010 / Published online: 23 April 2010
# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2010
Abstract Thermal drying technologies have attracted
significant R&D efforts owing to the rising demand for
improved product quality and reduced operating cost as
well as diminished environmental impact. Drying materials
may appear in the form of wet solid, liquid, suspension, or
paste, which require drying to extend the period of storage,
ease of transportation, and for downstream processing to
produce value added products. Most of these materials are
heat-sensitive and require careful drying; conventional hot air
drying can be detrimental to the retention of bioactive
ingredients. High temperature tends to damage and
denature the product, destroy active ingredients, cause
case hardening and discoloration, etc. This article briefly
summarizes some of the emerging drying methods and
selected recent developments applicable to postharvest
processing. These include: heat pump-assisted drying
with multimode and time-varying heat input, low and
atmospheric pressure superheated steam drying, modified
atmosphere drying, intermittent batch drying, osmotic
pretreatments, microwave-vacuum drying, etc.
Keywords Dehydration . Bioactive ingredients .
Preservation . Energy savings . Quality
A. S. Mujumdar
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
National University of Singapore,
9 Engineering Drive 1,
Singapore 117576, Singapore
C. L. Law (*)
Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering,
The University of Nottingham, Malaysia Campus,
Broga Road,
Semenyih, Selangor 43500, Malaysia
Drying is one of the most energy-intensive unit operations
in postharvest processing. This unit operation is applied to
reduce the water content of products such as various fruits,
vegetables, agricultural and herbal products, etc. after
harvest. The purpose of reducing the water content is to
prolong the shelf-life of the products of bio-origin by
reducing the water activity to a level low enough where
growth of microorganisms, enzymatic reactions, and other
deteriorative reactions are inhibited. Some bio-origin
products such as herbs have to be dried before the active
ingredients can be extracted. Furthermore, the products in
the dry form weigh less and thus reduce transportation
The harvested bio-origin products are diverse in
physical, chemical, and biochemical properties. A large
assortment of dryers has been developed to dehydrate
and preserve these products to meet different quality and
cost requirements. Over 500 dryer types have been
reported in the technical literature, and about 100 types
are commercially available. Differences in dryer design
are due to different physical attributes of the product,
different modes of heat input, different operating temperature and pressure, different quality specifications on
the dried product, etc. Most conventional dryers use hot
air as the drying medium, convection as the single mode
of heat transfer, and are operated at atmospheric pressure
under steady drying conditions. For smaller capacities
and long drying times (e.g., solar dryers), batch operation
is preferred for obvious reasons.
Conventional dryers have several limitations, e.g., nonuniform product quality due to over-drying/under-drying
caused by long or inadequate or non-uniform exposure to
the drying medium; long drying times due to low contacting
efficiency between the drying medium and solids being
Food Bioprocess Technol (2010) 3:843–852
dried; harder texture owing to case hardening of product
surface which is caused by over-drying (López et al.
2010); significant color change from the original product
which is caused by browning reaction, redox reaction, etc.
(Arabhosseini et al. 2010); and change in physical,
chemical, rheological, and sensory attributes (Falade and
Omojola 2010; Aversa et al. 2010). This gives rise to low
drying performance and high operating costs. Many
studies have been carried out over the years to overcome
the operational problems or difficulties of conventional
dryers as well as to improve the quality of the dried
products (Fernandes et al. 2010; Law et al. 2008).
New developments of dryers and emerging drying
technologies can be classified into the following categories.
The categories indeed represent areas in drying technology
that require improvement. However, all new developments
and emerging drying technologies must be cost-effective.
This is needed to ensure market acceptance (Mujumdar
2007b). New technologies are needed for:
developments in drying that are briefly discussed in the
following sections. Some general attributes of the recently
developed dryers include:
Drying of new products and/or processes
Higher capacities than current technology permits
Better quality and quality control than currently feasible
Reduced environmental impact, use of renewable
Higher energy efficiency, use of heat recovery system
(resulting in lower energy cost)
Reduced fire, explosion, toxic hazards, safer operation
Better efficiency (resulting in lower cost)
Lower cost (operating, maintenance cost, and capital)
Shorter processing time while maintaining high product
The conventional dryers found in the food industry are
spray dryers, freeze dryers, vacuum dryers, tray dryers,
rotary dryers, fixed bed dryers, fluidized bed dryers, etc.
Readers may refer to the Handbook of Postharvest
Technology (Chakraverty et al. 2003), Handbook of
Industrial Drying (Mujumdar 2007a), and Guide to Industrial Drying (Mujumdar 2008) for detailed information
about most of the common dryer types as well as many new
designs. In addition to this, readers may also refer to
Fernandes et al. (2010) for drying of exotic fruit. Table 1
summarizes the general characteristics of these dryers.
Although these dryers are classified as conventional, there
is great number of areas suitable for further improvement.
Mujumdar (2007b) has identified various areas and aspects
that need further R&D efforts. Several books and texts
published recently have also covered the topic in detail
(Kudra and Mujumdar 2009; Chen and Mujumdaer 2008).
Some of the areas (including limitations) stated in
Table 1 have been addressed by researchers in recent years.
Significant improvements as well as advancement have
been made over the past few years which lead to the new
Multimode heat input concurrently or sequentially to
match instantaneous (for batch) or local (for continuous)
drying kinetics without adverse effect on product quality,
e.g., convection followed by or simultaneously with
conduction, radiation, or microwave heat input
Time-dependent heat input for batch drying to match
drying kinetics with heat input
Superheated steam as drying medium at high,
atmospheric, or sub-atmospheric pressure
Low-temperature dehumidified air as drying medium at
modified atmosphere which eliminates existence of
Multistage drying and hybrid drying that combine
different types of dryer or different types of heat input,
e.g., microwave–vacuum drying, spray drying followed
by fluid bed/vibrated bed as second and/or third stage
Use of absorbent to remove water vapor as it can
maintain high driving force for mass transfer even at
lower temperatures
Heat Pump-Assisted Drying with Multimode,
Time-Varying Heat Input
Heat pump dryers use low-temperature dehumidified air as
the convective drying medium. Hence, drying in heat pump
dryer can be carried out at relative low temperature as
compared to conventional hot air dryers. This drying
system incorporates a dehumidification cycle where condensation of dew allows the removal of water from the
closed system of drying air circulation. A heat pump is used
to perform condensation and heating of the dehumidified
air. The heat pump recovers the sensible and latent heats by
condensing moisture from the drying air. The recovered
heat is recycled back to the dryer through heating of the
dehumidified drying air.
Heat pump drying of sapota pulp to produce sapota
powder was reported to be faster than hot air drying
(Jangam et al 2008). Drying of Australian nectarine slices
in a heat pump dryer was found to produce the dried
product that was better than that from cabinet and tunnel
dryers in terms of lactone and terpenoid retention
(Sunthonvit et al 2007).
Mujumdar (1991) proposed the application of intermittent drying to heat pump drying some 20 years ago to save
operating cost and also capital cost since it allows the use
of a lower capacity heat pump or use of a single heat pump
to service several drying chambers. This strategy is
currently under active research and development at several
laboratories. Islam and Mujumdar (2008) presented various
Food Bioprocess Technol (2010) 3:843–852
Table 1 General characteristics of some conventional dryers and suggested areas for further improvement
General characteristics
Areas requiring further R&D
•Materials are placed on trays and directly make contact with drying
medium (typically hot air)
•Heat transfer mode is typically convective. Conductive is possible by
heating the trays
•Uniformity of air flow distribution
•Uniformity of final product quality and moisture content
•Hybrid mode by combining with microwave heat input
•A cylindrical drying chamber rotates while material tumble in the chamber •Precise prediction of particle motion, particle residence time distribution
and uniformity of final moisture content
•Drying medium (typically hot air) is charged into the chamber contacts the •Effect of polydispersity and cohesiveness of solids on drying kinetics
material in cross flow
•Flights are used to lift the material
•Design of flights, internal heat exchangers, delumpers
•Internal heat exchangers installed to allow conductive heat transfer
•Effect of solid holdup and hot air injection on drying kinetics
•Model-based control
•Flash dryer is used to remove surface moisture. Material is charged into a •Modeling of particle motion including effects of agglomeration, attrition
fast moving drying medium stream, drying occurs while the drying
and geometry of dryer
medium conveys the material pneumatically
•Cyclone is normally used to separate the drying medium and the material •Use of pulse combustion exhaust, superheated steam, internal heat
exchangers, variable cross-section ducts, hot air injection along length of
dryer duct
•Atomizer mounted on top of a drying chamber sprays liquid/suspension
and forms droplets
•Effects atomizer design on droplet trajectories, product properties,
agglomeration, size reduction
•Drying medium (typically hot air) is supplied into the chamber concurrently or counter currently
•Hot air exits the chamber at the chamber outlet and carries dried powder
•Effect of chamber geometry
•Injection of supplementary air
•Separation of hot air and powder takes place in cyclone
•Use of superheated steam
•Uniformity of product quality and final moisture content
Fluidized •Similar to fixed bed dryer but operating hot air velocity is higher to ensure •Effect of particle moisture content/polydispersity on fluidization
the particles are suspended in the sir stream
hydrodynamics, agglomeration, heat and mass transfer
•Large contacting surface areas between the drying medium and the
material if compare with fixed bed dryer
•Effect of agitation, vibration, pulsation, acoustic, radiation on drying
kinetics and characteristics
•Conventional fluidized bed is not suitable for drying fine powders (due to •Design of internal heat exchangers
channeling and slugging) and coarse particles (due to formation of big
•However, modified FBD such as vibrating FBD, agitating FBD, etc. can be •Classification of particle type based on fluidization quality at varying
used to dry difficult-to-fluidized particles
particle moisture content and stickiness
•If the materials are polydispersed, the hot air stream may carries over some •Mathematical modeling of fluidization hydrodynamics, heat and mass
fine particles
transfer by taking into account agitation, vibration, pulsation, internal heat
exchanger, varying particle moisture content, etc.
•A cyclone is used to separate the fine particles from the gas stream
•Over 30 variants possible
•Need to maintain high vacuum; expensive
•Combined mode of heat transfer, e.g., MW vacuum drying
•Drying chamber is operated at reduced pressure or vacuum
•Hybrid drying, e.g., vacuum superheated steam drying, etc.
•Boiling point of water/solvent is reduced thus reducing the operating
•Use of internal heating media
•However, absence of drying medium in the vacuum drying chamber
•Enhancement in drying kinetics by incorporating radiant heat input,
disables convective heat transfer but enhances mass transfer at low
internal heating media, etc.
•Vacuum freeze drying is expensive in terms of capital costs and operating •Use of magnetic/electric/acoustic fields to control nucleation and crystal
costs due to very low vacuum required at very low temperature
size of ice during freezing; permits better quality product
•Drying times are long; most operated batchwise
•Suitable only for very high value products like pharmaceutical products
•Not all dryers can operate in batch mode
•Effects of intermittent/cyclic/variable heat inputs and variable operating
profiles on drying kinetics and characteristics as well as product quality
•Good for low capacity needs
•Use of heat pump including chemical heat pump
•Tray, rotary, drum, fixed bed, fluidized bed vacuum dryers etc. can be
operated batchwise
•Reduction in labor costs
•Model-based control
•Intermittent drying
innovative heat pump drying systems such as multistage
compression heat pump drying, cascade heat pump drying,
heat pump drying system with multiple evaporators in series
and in parallel, and vapor adsorption heat pump dryer.
Furthermore, it is possible to use a smaller heat pump to
service two or more drying chambers in cyclical mode,
which may dry the same or different products in different
chambers (Mujumdar 2006). Chua et al. (2002) have
presented the effect of different temperature–time profiles
on the quality of agricultural products in a tunnel heat pump
dryer. Various profiles are possible, e.g., cyclic temperature,
step-down temperature, cyclic pressure, variable gas flow,
etc. (Law et al. 2008). In addition, heat pump drying can be
operated at vacuum condition (Artnaseaw et al. 2010).
Furthermore, heat pump drying can be incorporated with
other drying methods such as spray drying (Alves-Filho et al.
2009), atmospheric freeze drying (Alves-Filho and Eikevik
2009; Bantle et al. 2009), and solar drying (Chen et al.
Intermittent Batch Drying
By varying the airflow rate, temperature, humidity, or
operating pressure individually or in tandem, the operating
condition of a drying process can be monitored in order to
reduce the operating cost, e.g., thermal input and power
input. The objective is to obtain high energy efficiency
without subjecting the product beyond its permissible
temperature limit and stress limit while maintaining high
moisture removal rate. There are two ways in applying
intermittent heat input profiles.
The first one is to subject the drying materials to
intermittent heat input, time-varying flow of drying medium
or use of cyclically varying operating pressure in the drying
chamber. The main purpose is to allow internal moisture to
migrate to the material surface during non-active phase
of drying, often termed the tempering period. Intermittent
drying consists of two distinctive drying periods, namely,
active drying and non-active drying. During active
drying, heat input is applied by the drying medium,
while during the non-active drying period, heat input or
flow of the drying medium is stopped. The two
distinctive periods are carried out in an alternating mode.
Since water content on the surface is increased during
the tempering period, the drying rate during the subsequent active drying is increased noticeably, which helps
enhance the drying kinetics. However, since the rate of
drying is finite during the passive period, the overall
drying time is increased somewhat, but it is offset by the
reduction in energy consumed and the better product
quality due to lower product temperature. In this regard,
it is important to identify the intermittency (the ratio of
intermittent time and active drying time). Bon and Kudra
Food Bioprocess Technol (2010) 3:843–852
(2007) performed an optimization in terms of energy
performance by taking into account the enthalpy gain.
Thomkapanich et al. (2007) compared the performance
of intermittent temperature, low-pressure superheated steam
drying at 90 °C with continuous low-pressure superheated
steam drying and vacuum drying. They reported that
intermittent mode of low-pressure superheated steam drying
could reduce energy consumption by up to 65% and steam
savings up to 58%. Since the effective drying in intermittent mode was reduced noticeably, higher ascorbic acid
retention (11–25% with reference to vacuum drying
sample) was found in the dried product. Kowalski and
Pawłowski (2009) applied intermittent drying for wood by
changing the temperature and humidity of drying air
periodically; it was found that the quality of dried wood
was better than that dried in constant operating profiles.
Tuyen et al. (2009) reported the use of tempering between
initial stage fluidized bed drying and final stage thin-layer
drying of rice could reduce kernel fissuring and improve
head rice yield. Thakur and Gupta (2006) also reported that
tempering sandwiched between two fluidized bed drying
periods as well as two packed bed drying periods could
reduce energy consumption and improve head rice yield.
The second intermittent drying strategy is to apply
stepwise change of operating conditions in order to
minimize energy requirement. This is due to the fact that
drying toward the end of the process is controlled by
internal diffusion where the external factors have limited
effect on the drying kinetics. As such, one possible way to
reduce energy loss is to gradually reduce the heat input to
the materials along the drying process. However, it should
be noted that drying temperature at the final stage of drying
cannot be too low as the equilibrium moisture content is
dependent on temperature (Chong and Law 2009). One can
also vary the mode of heat input (e.g., convection,
conduction, radiation, infrared (Afzal 2003; King and Lin
2009), or microwave (Soysal et al. 2009)/radio frequency
heating). Multiple heat inputs can be used to remove both
surface and internal moisture simultaneously. In this regard,
Kowalski and Rajewska (2009) reported the use of
microwave, infrared, and microwave–infrared coupled with
convective drying which gave higher drying rates and
reduced temperature gradient.
Intermittent drying can be applied to any direct dryer and
batch dryer such as tray dryer, convective dryer, conveyor
dryer, fluidized bed dryer, spouted bed dryer, etc. Pulsating
fluidized bed dryer can be considered as an intermittent
fluidized bed dryer as the bed of material is fluidized
intermittently. Nitz and Taranto (2009) reported that
pulsating fluidized bed did not significantly improve the
water removal. However, with the application of microwave,
Reyes et al. (2006) reported that the effective diffusivity was
increased four folds.
Food Bioprocess Technol (2010) 3:843–852
Mujumdar (1991) has identified and proposed for the
first time the use of multiple modes of variable levels of
heat input, simultaneous or consecutive, as well as cyclical
variations in velocity or operating pressure as technologies
of the future for batch and continuous heat pump drying
processes. Using multiple modes of heat input, it is possible
to speed up drying kinetics without adversely affecting the
quality of dried products. Dryers such as rotary, spouted
bed, or the multi-cylinder paper dryer are all inherently
intermittent since heat is supplied intermittently due to the
inherent operational mode of the dryer, although none of
the operating variable such as flow rate, temperature, or
pressure is altered with time. They are still not termed
intermittent since the on and off times of heat input cannot
be altered independently of the other operating variables.
Modified Atmosphere Drying
To avoid oxidation of the drying material and destruction of
its bioactive ingredients, hot drying air, which contains
21% of oxygen, can be replaced with nitrogen or carbon
dioxide. By eliminating oxygen, oxidation and some
undesirable reactions which require oxygen are thus
avoided. This in turn reduces/eliminates browning of
products and improves retention of bioactive ingredients.
In addition, modified atmosphere heat pump drying
reportedly increases the effective diffusivities of some food
products. O’Neill et al. (1998) and Perera (2001) have
discussed the application of modified atmosphere drying for
some food products using a heat pump. Hawlader et al.
(2006a, b, c) carried out a number of experimental
investigations of modified heat pump drying on various
types of food products and have shown great enhancement
of product quality which is in term of the retention of
6-gingerol in dehydrated sliced West Indian ginger. On the
other hand, the drying atmosphere can be modified by
adding volatile chemical compounds such as ethanol to
reduce the volatilization of volatile compounds in the food
samples. Braga et al. (2009) added 0.5% (v/v) ethanol to the
air stream and found that it would retain important volatile
compounds of pineapple aroma (which are found in fresh
pineapple) in dried samples, besides promoting rapid water
evaporation. Santos and Silva (2009) attributed the higher
retention of L-ascorbic acid in dried pineapple to the
presence of ethanol in the drying atmosphere which
promoted intense water evaporation, thus reducing the
drying time which in turn shortened the degradation of
L-ascorbic acid. Kudra and Poirier (2007) carried out a
comparison of drying kinetics and energy consumption of
fluidized bed drying of wheat kernels with air and with
CO2. It was found that fluidized bed drying using CO2 as
the drying medium could shorten the drying time by about
20%, which in turn offered energy savings of about 3% of
the heat input. It is noteworthy that additional energy
savings of 4% of the heat load can be obtained for drying in
CO2 atmosphere at temperatures below 100 °C owing to the
lower wet bulb temperature of CO2.
Superheated Steam Drying
Superheated steam is an attractive drying medium for some
processes since the net energy consumption can be
minimized if the exhaust (also superheated steam) can be
utilized elsewhere in the plant and hence is not charged to
the dryer. Superheated steam does not contain oxygen;
hence, oxidative or combustion reactions are avoided. In
addition, it also eliminates the risk of fire and explosion
hazard. The quality of superheated steam-dried products
tends to be better than that from conventional hot air dryer.
Superheated steam also allows pasteurization, sterilization,
and deodorization of food products. This is particularly
important for food and pharmaceutical products that require a
high standard of hygienic processing. In addition, superheated
steam drying can also give higher drying rates in both constant
and falling rate periods under certain conditions. Closed
system superheated steam drying enables emitted odors, dust,
or other hazardous components to be contained and thus
mitigate the risks of these hazards. The pollutants are
concentrated in the condensate of the effluent steam. On the
other hand, desirable organic compounds can also be captured
using the superheated steam drying method. Mujumdar has
discussed the principles, advantages and limitations, as well as
diverse applications of superheated steam drying technologies
in a number of papers and books (Kumar and Mujumdar
1990; Mujumdar 1992; Kudra and Mujumdar 2001, 2009),
including the Handbook of Industrial Drying (Mujumdar
2007c). This drying technique has been applied to the drying
of foods (Rahse and Fues 1995; van Deventer and Heijmans
2001; Elustondo et al. 2002; Pronyk et al. 2004), sugar beet
pulp (Tang et al. 2000), spent grain (Tang and Cenkowski
2001), noodles (Markowski et al. 2003; Pronyk et al. 2008a,
b), soybeans (Prachayawarakorn et al. 2006), and shrimp
(Prachayawarakorn et al. 2008) Recently, this drying
technique has been tested on food and non-food materials
such as fish meal (Nygaard and Hostmark 2008; Høstmark et
al. 2009), pork (Uengkimbuan et al. 2006), oil palm empty
fruit bunches (Hasibuan and Wan Daud 2009), noodles
(Pronyk et al. 2008a, b), paper (McCall and Douglas 2006),
raw starch sphere (Iyota et al. 2008), wood (Yamsaengsung
and Sattho 2008), and saw dust (Borquez et al. 2008).
Some products are not stable at 100 °C if the dryer
operates at atmospheric pressure; one option to overcome
this problem is to lower the operating pressure. Indeed, silk
cocoons and many fruit and vegetable products have been
successfully dried in low-pressure superheated steam dryers
(Kongsoontornkijkul et al. 2006; Thomkapanich et al. 2007;
Devahastin and Suvarnakuta 2008). Recently, this technique
has been tested on other products such as chitosan film
(Mayachiew and Devahastin 2008) porous media (Tatemoto
et al. 2009). Since the heat transfer for drying is still by
convection, the drying rates are very low at low steam
pressures. Although one can obtain good quality at low
pressures, the process is still not popular due to large
equipment size caused by low drying rates. Perhaps it is
necessary to include supplementary heat sources, e.g.,
microwave, radiation, or conduction, to speed up drying rates
at low steam pressures. Much R&D is needed in this area.
Hybrid Drying—Microwave Vacuum Drying
Microwave drying offers advantages in enhancing drying
kinetics, precise control, fast start-up and shutdown times,
quality of dried product, smaller footprint of equipment, etc.
(Gunasekaran 1999; Puschner 2005; Stanisławski 2005; Cui
et al. 2006; Schiffmann 2007; Vadivambala and Jayas 2007;
Setiady et al. 2009a). Microwave drying is typically
combined with other drying methods to overcome the
limitations of uneven heating resulted from focusing, corner
and edge heating, inhomogeneous electromagnetic field, and
irregular shape and non-uniform composition of material, for
instance microwave freeze drying (Wang and Chen 2005;
Duan et al. 2007; Cui et al. 2008a; Huang et al. 2009; Wang
et al. 2009), convective drying (Reyes et al. 2007; WitrowaRajchert and Rzaca 2009; Askari et al. 2009), and vacuum
drying (Scaman and Durance 2005; Stepien 2007; Setiady et
al. 2009b). Vacuum microwave has been tested as a predrying method in the frying of food materials (Song et al.
2007a, b). Furthermore, its start-up costs are relatively high
and it requires sophisticated mechanical and electronic
components (Zhang et al. 2006).
Microwave vacuum drying has been shown to produce
dried products with improved texture and color. Microwave
field allows volumetric heating whereby heat is transferred
to the inner core of material without the need of a
temperature gradient even in the initial stage of drying.
Combination of microwave and vacuum drying results in
improved color and texture of dried products over air-dried
products. Reduction of drying times in microwave is
beneficial for color, porosity, aroma, shrinkage, and
rehydration (Yonsawatdigul and Gunasekaran 1996; QingGuo et al. 2006; Giri and Prasad 2006, 2007a, b; Sundaram
and Durance 2007; Tsuruta and Hayashi 2007; Cui et al.
2008b; Mitra and Meda 2009; Maddikeri et al. 2009;
Markowski et al. 2009).
Osmotic Dehydration and Pretreatments
Thermal drying is an energy-intensive operation because it
involves evaporation of water that requires vast amount of
Food Bioprocess Technol (2010) 3:843–852
latent heat. Osmotic dehydration may be applied to partially
remove liquid in the material before the material is
subjected to thermal drying and water removal by phase
change. The high latent heat of vaporization implies a large
amount of energy consumed for the phase change.
However, in osmotic treatment, some of the nutrients and
color components may be lost to the osmotic agent. To
recover the osmotic solution or to recycle it, one must
concentrate the solution. This can be done by applying
evaporation which is much less energy-intensive than
drying. Note that mechanical pretreatments coupled with
chemical pretreatment can also be applied prior to or during
thermal drying to enhance the efficiency of moisture
transport. Recycling and reconditioning of osmotic solution
has been reported by Germera et al. (2009) that it did not
affect the water loss and solid gain of peach drying.
By applying osmotic pretreatment, the moisture of
materials to be subjected to subsequent thermal drying is
lowered (Sutar and Prasad 2007; Duan et al. 2008; LemusMondaca et al. 2009). Thus, the drying load is reduced.
However, extensive experiments have shown that almost
always, the drying kinetics is lowered as well once the
solute starts to precipitate out and crystallize in the pores.
Thus, the total drying time may not be reduced by as much
as one would expect from the reduced drying load.
During osmotic dehydration, moisture diffusion that
governs the mass transfer of water is dependent on various
factors such as the operating conditions (pressure, concentration of the osmotic medium, treatment time, size and
geometry, specific surface area of the material, and
temperature), mode of phase contacting (solid–liquid
phases), sample-to-solution ratio, composition of the solute,
and agitation level of the solution. Some products have a
layer of membrane or wax on the surface, limiting the
rate of moisture transport at the surface. Often, pretreatments are required to enhance the rate of diffusion.
Pretreatment methods such as freezing/thawing, vacuum
treatment (Corzo and Bracho 2007), exposure to ultrahigh hydrostatic pressure, high-intensity electrical field
pulses (Ade-Omowaye et al. 2001; Amami et al. 2007),
microwave, ultrasound (Fernandes et al. 2008; Shemaei
and Moeini 2009), application of centrifugal force
(Amami et al. 2007), use of supercritical carbon dioxide,
coating of edible layer, etc. have been proven to enhance
mass transfer of solvent for osmotic dehydration (Rastogi
et al. 2002).
It has been reported that if osmotic dehydration is
applied as a pretreatment method, it would preserve higher
content of polyphenols, procyanidins in the case of cider
apple drying (Emilie et al. 2009), better aroma retention in
dehydrated cherry tomato (Heredia et al. 2009), higher
carbohydrate content in the case of lychee drying (Carvalho
et al. 2009), better color attributes, and higher antioxidant
Food Bioprocess Technol (2010) 3:843–852
activity due to better retention of β-carotene and lycopene
(Shadan et al. 2009) if compared to untreated samples.
Monitoring of Quality Attributes and Drying Parameters
Conventional drying system does not apply process control;
thus, the system tends to encounter problems such as
uneven product quality, over-dry, low energy efficiency,
etc. In this regard, monitoring of product properties such as
moisture content, product appearance such as color, and
operating parameters such as temperature are some of the
aspects one may consider to monitor during a drying
process in order to enhance product quality or improve
operating efficiency. Research and development in this
aspect is rather scarce, and it remains a challenge to
researchers in this area. It has been reported that:
monitoring of product moisture content can be carried
out using laser light backscattering imaging (Romano et
al. 2008) or triboelectric probes (Portoghese et al.
monitoring of surface water activity by controlling air
relative humidity (Stawczyk et al. 2009) and monitoring
of solvent residue in solvent drying (Tewari et al. 2009)
can be achieved using near-infrared sensor.
monitoring of the development of fracture in food
material can be conducted using acoustic sensor
(Kowalski and Mielniczuk 2006).
Use of Renewable Energy
It must be pointed out that the use of renewable energies, e.g.,
solar and wind, should be looked at seriously as current
concerns over potential energy shortage and global climate
change will likely result in legislative actions to minimize
fossil fuel usage. A solar drying system, particularly for agroproducts and marine products, is viable already, particularly in
developing countries where labor costs are low and cost of
fossil fuel energy is very high. In future, larger systems could
be designed utilizing solar thermal, photovoltaic panels
combined with wind power. As solar and wind energy is
necessarily intermittent, advances in thermal and electrical
energy storage are needed to make use of renewable energy
viable in drying. To minimize use of oil or gas, one could
use biomass to provide backup heating in the absence of
insolation and wind (Augustus 2009). Use of thermal
energy storage in water pools, pebble beds, and/or in
phase change materials can be coupled with the use of
intermittent energy sources like solar and wind energy.
Much R&D is needed at the systems level to make this
concept commercially viable. In addition to this, application of geothermal energy in drying of fish products has
been practiced in Iceland (Arason 2009).
Closing Remarks
A brief overview of the application of drying in postharvest
processing is presented for both conventional and emerging
drying technologies. These include: heat pump-assisted
drying with multimode and time-varying heat input, low and
atmospheric pressure superheated steam drying, modified
atmosphere drying, intermittent batch drying, osmotic pretreatments and their influence on drying kinetics and product
quality, microwave–vacuum drying, etc. As energy costs soar,
energy efficiency will be a key criterion in the selection,
design, and operation of dryers.
Use of renewable energy, e.g. solar, wind, geothermal,
etc., needs to be examined in depth in order to cut down the
use of fossil fuels for postharvest drying. Much R&D needs
to be done to make some of the new concepts commercially
attractive since a majority of new dryers are still at the
laboratory stage. In the final analysis, it is the cost
effectiveness of the drying system that will determine if
any of the emerging drying technologies will be adopted
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