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The Last Sherlock Holmes Story Comprehension Test

Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?
a . . . Holmes was unhappy and bored.
b . . . Watson told Holmes that he knew about the
c . . . was not opened for fifty years.
d . . . he saw Holmes cutting up a body.
e . . . but Watson decided to follow him secretly.
Holmes did not like A Study in Scarlet.
Holmes used cocaine when he was ill.
The murderer killed twice because he didn’t
have time to cut up the first body.
The murders happened in quiet, dark, places.
Watson followed Holmes secretly because
he thought Holmes was the killer.
Watson moved into a hotel because he was
afraid of seeing Holmes again.
Moriarty was a real person.
In the glass jars Holmes kept pieces of the
bodies he cut up.
Watson took the cocaine to keep him awake.
Back in London, Watson told everyone that
Holmes was the killer.
20 marks
Put the following events in the story in the right
order. Number them 1–5.
20 marks
Watson pulled out a gun and shot Holmes.
At the last moment Holmes put down the
knife and stepped off the path.
They took a walk to the Reichenbach Falls.
Holmes and Watson stopped at a hotel in
Holmes came towards Watson with a knife.
Complete the following sentences.
a Holmes did’t like A Study in Scarlet because . . .
b When Lestrade first came to see Holmes,
he showed him . . .
c Holmes was interested in Moriarty because . . .
20 marks
Fill in the gaps using these words: cocaine, bored,
killer, intelligent, police, detective, easy, help,
exciting, stupid.
Sherlock Holmes became a ............... in 1877, but
he got ............... because the work was ............... .
Criminals were ..............., and Holmes was
............... . He took ............... to make his life
............... . But in 1888 the ............... asked him to
............... them find a ............... .
20 marks
Michael Dibdin
d Although there were hundreds of policemen
on the streets, they . . .
Match a number from A with a letter from B to make
complete sentences.
e Watson destroyed the papers and jars because
he wanted to hide . . .
20 marks
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The box that Dr Watson left in the bank . . .
After ten years as a detective . . .
Holmes told Watson to fetch Lestrade . . .
When Watson woke up . . .
On the path by the waterfall . . .
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The Last Sherlock Holmes Story
The Last Sherlock Holmes Story
16 _____ comes to Sherlock Holmes’s house to talk
about the Ripper case.
a F The police doctor b F Professor Moriarty
c F Inspector Lestrade
d F Miss Mary Morstan
17 Sherlock Holmes thinks that Professor Moriarty
is _____ him.
a F forgetting b F following
c F working with d F shooting at
18 _____ gets married to Miss Mary Morstan.
a F Dr Watson b F Sherlock Holmes
c F Inspector Lestrade d F Professor Moriarty
19 The police doctor shows Dr Watson a dead
a F patient b F murderer c F man
d F woman
20 _____ starts to act very strangely.
a F Sherlock Holmes b F Inspector Lestrade
c F Miss Mary Morstan d F The policeman
M U LT I p L e - C H O I C e
Choose the best answer.
1 Dr Watson left a box to be opened in _____.
a F 1956 b F 1966 c F 1976 d F 1986
2 The box contained _____.
a F a packet of papers b F a map of London
c F a lot of money d F a photo
3 The story happens in _____.
a F 1688 b F 1788 c F 1888 d F 1988
4 The murders are in an area of _____.
a F Liverpool b F Manchester c F Leeds
d F London
5 Sherlock Holmes lives in _____ Street.
a F Butler b F Bath c F Baker d F Brown
6 ‘Jack the Ripper’ writes a message on a _____.
a F window b F wall c F door d F bed
7 Sherlock Holmes says that he sees Moriarty in
the _____ opposite.
a F shop b F park c F café d F house
8 When Holmes goes to France he sends Watson a
_____ with a hidden message.
a F letter b F box c F picture d F present
9 Holmes and Watson travel through France and
Germany and then go to _____.
a F Denmark b F Italy c F Austria
d F Switzerland
10 At the end, Holmes and Watson walk to a _____.
a F lake b F waterfall c F pub d F hotel
20 marks
Who said or wrote this?
21 ‘But your friend Mr Doyle has shown that he
does not understand how important my work is.’
a F Sherlock Holmes b F Dr Watson
c F Miss Mary Morstan
d F Inspector Lestrade
22 ‘I hope you won’t be too lonely when I go home
to my wife.’
a F Sherlock Holmes b F Dr Watson
c F Arthur Conan Doyle d F Inspector Lestrade
23 ‘I still have my cocaine bottle.’
a F Sherlock Holmes b F Arthur Conan Doyle
c F Miss Mary Morstan
d F Professor Moriarty
24 ‘We haven’t arrested anyone yet, but I am very
hopeful, Mr Holmes. You see, I have in my
pocket a letter from the killer himself.’
a F Jack the Ripper b F Dr Watson
c F Inspector Lestrade d F Professor Moriarty
25 ‘I know you are a doctor, but I must warn you.
You have never seen anything like this before.’
a F Professor Moriarty b F Dr Watson
c F Miss Mary Morstan d F the police doctor
26 ‘He kills, waits a week, kills again and waits
three weeks before the next murder.’
a F Sherlock Holmes b F Dr Watson
c F Miss Mary Morstan d F Mary Kelly
20 marks
Choose the best answer.
11 _____ usually writes stories about Sherlock
a F Inspector Lestrade b F Dr Watson
c F Miss Mary Morstan
d F Arthur Conan Doyle
12 _____ writes this story.
a F Sherlock Holmes b F Dr Watson
c F Jack the Ripper d F Professor Moriarty
13 Sherlock Holmes works as a _____.
a F policeman b F police inspector
c F detective d F writer
14 Sherlock Holmes starts to _____ again.
a F take cocaine b F drink a lot of wine
c F eat too much d F smoke cigarettes
15 _____ is an evil man and an old enemy of
Sherlock Holmes.
a F Dr Watson b F Professor Moriarty
c F Inspector Lestrade d F Arthur Conan Doyle
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Michael Dibdin
© oxford university press photocopiable
The Last Sherlock Holmes Story
27 ‘You have failed, Mr Holmes. Your idea was
very clever but you made one mistake. You
forgot to tell the murderer about it.’
a F Dr Watson b F Jack the Ripper
c F Inspector Lestrade d F Arthur Conan Doyle
28 ‘It is almost midnight, and you still haven’t told
me how Moriarty died!’
a F Sherlock Holmes b F the police doctor
c F Dr Watson d F Miss Mary Morstan
29 ‘I watched you cut Mary Kelly to pieces. You
killed them! Let me hear you say that you did!’
a F Professor Moriarty b F Dr Watson
c F Inspector Lestrade d F Arthur Conan Doyle
30 ‘Tell me, Moriarty, when did you kill Watson?
You are very clever. You look almost like him,
but I know who you are.’
a F the police doctor b F Jack the Ripper
c F Inspector Lestrade d F Sherlock Holmes
40 a drawing or plan that explains something
a F note b F letter c F painting
d F diagram
20 marks
41 Dr Watson’s box lay hidden in a bank for _____
a F five b F fifteen c F twenty-five
d F fifty
42 ‘Jack the Ripper’ is murdering _____ in
a F children b F men c F women
d F old people
43 Sherlock Holmes wants to _____ the murderer.
a F catch b F hurt c F paint d F write to
44 The police try to catch the murderer by dressing
in _____.
a F red clothes b F black clothes
c F old clothes d F women’s clothes
45 Sherlock Holmes says that _____ is the murderer.
a F Professor Moriarty b F Dr Watson
c F Inspector Lestrade d F Jack the Ripper
46 Dr Watson sees Sherlock Holmes _____ a
woman called Mary Kelly.
a F killing b F cutting up
c F singing with d F eating with
47 Dr Watson goes to the house opposite and finds
a F women’s clothes b F women’s shoes
c F pieces of women’s bodies
d F pictures of women
48 Dr Watson begins to think that Sherlock
Holmes is _____.
a F a very clever man b F a very rich man
c F Mary Morstan’s lover d F the murderer
49 Dr Watson starts to _____ every day.
a F buy snuff b F take cocaine
c F get drunk d F sell drugs
50 _____ killed the women in Whitechapel.
a F Sherlock Holmes b F Dr Watson
c F Inspector Lestrade d F Professor Moriarty
Choose the best answer.
31 long pieces of cloth hung up in front of
windows; you close these at night
a F doors b F cupboards c F sheets
d F curtains
32 when a person knows many things and knows
what is right and good
a F weak b F wise c F wealthy d F worried
33 to put medicine or drugs into the body with a
special needle
a F inject b F injure c F inhale d F inspect
34 a narrow street
a F lawn b F lane c F stream d F stairs
35 when a person is very bad
a F kind b F helpful c F evil d F tired
36 a place where a river falls from a high place to a
lower place
a F waterfall b F beach c F cloud
d F shower
37 a person who is ill and goes to the doctor for
medical help
a F secretary b F professor c F nurse
d F patient
38 a pot which is made of glass; you can keep food
in it
a F box b F jar c F bin d F bag
39 when a person is ill and not strong
a F wonderful b F wild c F weak d F wet
20 marks
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M U LT I p L e - C H O I C e
Choose the best answer.
20 marks
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Michael Dibdin