Subido por Carlos De Ramón Ruiz

Present Perfect Grammar Unit: Exercises & Vocabulary

Grammar Unit 6
Present perfect
1 Complete the words in the rules.
We use the present perfect to talk about a past
(1) ex______________. When we use the present
perfect, we don't give a specific (2) t________.
When we give a short (3) an________ in the
present perfect, we use the verb (4) h____ after the
(5) s________.
2 Rewrite the sentences in the question and
negative form of the present perfect.
Anna has worked in a restaurant.
? Has Anna worked in a restaurant?
✗ Anna hasn't worked in a restaurant.
The horse has jumped over the wall.
David and Jim have worked in the film industry.
Dad has gone to work.
The girls have applied for jobs in that shop.
I have started my English project.
3 Complete the report with the correct form of the
present perfect and the verbs in the brackets.
Grammar Unit 6
Present perfect: ever and never
4 Correct the mistakes in the sentences.
That was the best cake I've never eaten.
That was the best cake I've ever eaten.
1 Have your sisters stayed ever in a hostel?
2 Ben never hasn’t been abroad.
3 Emma has not never had a car accident.
4 Ever has your teacher given you a bad mark?
5 My friend and I have ever bought souvenirs at
that shop.
5 Look at the prompts. Write questions with ever
and answers with never. Use the correct form of
the present perfect.
you / book a B and B
Have you ever booked a B and B?
No, I've never booked a B and B.
1 Alexis / lose her suitcase?
2 your parents / hire a car?
3 Andrew / miss a flight?
4 you and I / meet new friends on a plane?
there has / have been
6 Complete the sentences with has or have.
Has there ever been an accident while you were
flying the plane?
There ____ never been a dog in my house.
There ____ been lots of applications for this job.
There ____ been some really bad weather
____ there been any emails for me?
Grammar Unit 6
Extra vocabulary
3 Complete the text with the words.
1 Complete the words in the box. Then match the
words to the pictures.
astronomer fl____t p___t s____ as______t
v________y n___e y___ ins______r
1 astronomer
2 __________
apply career charity check in experience
hunters office poison tribe way
My sister, Kayla, hasn't chosen a(n) career yet. But
she knows she doesn't want to work in a(n)
(1) ____. She wants to work for a wildlife (2) ____
so she can help wild animals. When she saw an ad
for work (3) ____ in Africa, she decided to (4) ____
for it – and she got it! She’s going to be staying with
an African (5) ____. Kayla and her team are going
to try and stop (6) ____ who use (7) ____ to kill
animals and then sell them. She leaves for Africa on
Saturday and she has to (8) ____ at the airport at
five o'clock. She's very excited and I know that she
will be very happy to be on her (9) ____!
4 Tick (✓) the correct sentences.
3 __________
4 __________
5 __________
6 __________
2 Complete the list of things to do and not do on
holiday with the words.
buy explore forget get
lose meet miss send
a Mum and Dad are on holiday. They've gone to
Spain for two weeks. ✓
b Mum and Dad are on holiday. They've been to
Spain for two weeks.
a Have you ever gone to New York?
b Have you ever been to New York?
a I've been to China. I went last summer.
b I've gone to China. I went last summer.
a Ashley has gone out. She'll be back soon.
b Ashley has been out. She'll be back soon.
a No, Matt isn't here. He's gone to the office.
b No, Matt isn't here. He's been to the office.
a You’re late! Where have you gone?
b You’re late! Where have you been?
Talking in an interview
5 Complete the words in the dialogue.
Why do you want to apply for this job?
I'm (1) very g____ at creative things and I'm
(2) a____ to write great articles.
Have you (3) e____ worked as a writer for a
newspaper before?
Yes, I've done a (4) l____ of work for the local
Are you (5) i____ in sports?
Yes, I am. I'm a very (6) e____ person and I
love doing sports – and writing about them