Subido por Mariana Yacanto

Personal Challenges, Environment, Health & Art Essay

The Ice Bucket Challenge consists of dumping a bucket of ice water on someone’s
head. It’s done to encourage people to donate money. Personally, I wouldn’t do it
because I hate cold water. I prefer other challenges like The Chubby Bunny Challenge,
which consists of say ‘Chubby Bunny’ with a marshmallow in your mouth. Or I will do
the 'Be Really Nice with your brother or your sister', it’s about being extra nice with
them until they ask for it. Anyways, I have a personal challenge, which is to wake up
every day and go to the gym, stay healthy and strong, and also try to lose weight. The
experience has made me a new person, a more confident and outgoing person.
People damage the environment by driving, using plastic bags, wasting a lot of water
in the shower, throwing away rubbish in the street. Bin, litter, cans and more rubbish
cause land pollution, also traffic causes land pollution. To protect the environment,
people can travel on public transport, recycle old clothes, use renewable energy like
solar power instead of wasting a lot of electricity. Personally, I don’t do big things to
reduce pollution. I try to collect my rubbish every time I am outside, and also I don’t
use plastic bags.
Appearance is important for me, but I’m not talking about clothes. I’m talking about
my hair. When I have a bad hair day, I feel horrible. A bad hair day is when you are not
happy with your appearance and, it’s your hairstyle that’s been causing it. But I’m not
the only one, boys and girls have these problems too. Hair is important because it
makes us feel good about ourselves and, it reflects our true selves.
Lots of people work overtime and they are tired of their jobs. A teen trep doesn’t have
these types of problems. First, what is a teen trep? Is the short of ‘Teenager
entrepreneur’ and it means to start your own company, basically is being your own
boss. There are some advantages and disadvantages. On the on hand, hours are
flexible and you have lots of freedom. On the other hand, you don’t get any paid
holidays. Personally, I would like to be a teen trep because I like the idea of being your
own boss and have your own rules.
Having a cold is always horrible and painful. You feel tired, awful, and unpathetic. The
most common advice is to go to the doctor, but there are some other remedies to
fight a cold. First, you need to feed a cold, maybe you don’t feel hungry but, your body
needs vitamins and water, so try the hot chicken soup. Fresh air is also good for a cold
because stay warm and sweat isn’t recommendable. Get a lot of vitamin C, but instead
of eating oranges, try some broccoli because it has a lot of vitamin C.
Art is a beautiful concept, it has a lot of forms to express it. You can write poems,
novels, paint, make sculptures, sing, play an instrument. All of them are expressions of
art. I’m not really into art paintings or books, but I have a favorite one. My favorite
book is Asfixia, which is a book from the platform Wattpad. I read it when I was a child.
It’s about the end of humanity and just one girl could survive. It was gas in the air and
it killed people but this girl was immune. It has an interesting plot. I loved it.