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Friendship Worksheet: Teen Perspectives & Vocabulary

What are friends for?
Most teenagers prefer to spend more time with their friends than with their family. But what does
friendship mean? We asked four teenagers what they thought.
Andrew, 16, Oxford
A close friend is someone who understands you, who knows when you’re happy or unhappy. It’s
someone who’s there to give you advice when you want it and to just listen when you don’t. Shared
interests are also important. I don’t think it’s very easy to get on with someone who can’t stand your
taste in music, films and fashion.
Amanda, 17, Kent
I love getting to know people and I make friends very quickly but I must admit that I often fall out with
my friends as well. I don’t like it when friends want too much from me. Of course, I think it’s important
to support my friends but I don’t like spending time with people who are permanently miserable and
who only want to talk about their own problems. When that happens I get bored and move on to the
next friend.
Anu, 19, London
In Sanskrit, the classical language of India, where my parents come from, there is a poem which
says that friendship must have six elements: giving, taking, sharing secrets, asking where they are,
and receiving and giving food to him or her. I think this is an excellent definition of friendship.
Jamie, 18, Newcastle
For me, friendship is about shared history. My closest friend is a guy called Zac, who I’ve known all
my life. We used to go to the same primary school and our families often went on holiday together. I
think you feel a special connection with someone who has known you for such a long time. We live in
different towns now and only see each other once a year but I still feel as close to him as before.
1. Look for words or expressions in the text which mean:
- An opinion or a suggestion about what sb. should do in a particular situation: ……………
- What a person likes or prefers: …………………..
- To have an argument with sb. so that you are no longer friendly with them: ………………
- To give or be ready to give help to somebody if they need it: ……………………..
- Very unhappy: ………………………..
- A male person: …………………………
2. Answer the questions using your own words.
1 Does Andrew think that a good friend should always give you advice? ........................................
2 What’s Andrew’s opinion about friends liking the same things?...................................................
3 Why does Amanda sometimes get bored with her friends? …………………………………………….
4 When did Jamie meet Zac? …………………………………………………………………………………
5 Does Jamie think that friends should see each other regularly? ………………………………………..
1. Look for words or expressions in the text which mean:
- An opinion or a suggestion about what sb. should do in a particular situation: advice
- What a person likes or prefers: interests
- To have an argument with sb. so that you are no longer friendly with them: fall out (with sb)
- To give or be ready to give help to somebody if they need it: support
- Very unhappy: miserable
- A male person: guy
2. Answer the questions using your own words.
1 Does Andrew think that a good friend should always give you advice? No, he doesn’t. According
to him, a friend should give you advice only when you want it, and just listen to you when you don’t
want any advice.
2 What’s Andrew’s opinion about friends liking the same things? He thinks it is difficult to get on with
a person with different interests from yours.
3 Why does Amanda sometimes get bored with her friends? She gets bored with them when/if they
only talk about their problems or are constantly unhappy.
4 When did Jamie meet Zac? They met when they were small children and went to primary school.
5 Does Jamie think that friends should see each other regularly? Not necessarily. He has a very
good friend who he sees only once a year, but he feels very close to him anyway because what is
important to him is to have a shared history.