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Performance Enhancing Drugs: Benefits, Risks & Opinion

Performance enhancing drugs (or PED), are substances that are use to improve
any form of activity performance in humans. They are forbidden in all the sports
Some athletes use them in important events, such as the Tour of France to make
everything easier, and have more opportunities to win the event without trying
that hard.
There are many different types of this drugs: stimulants, anabolicagents, peptide
hormones, dieretic drugs and blood doping
To athletes taking this drugs can:
·Promote muscle building
·Reduce muscle damage during a hard workout
·Work harder and more frequently
·Recover quickly
·Produce more red blood cells and haemoglobin
·Help muscles make more ATP (transport energy)
·Decrease athlete weight
·Help your muscles release energy
·Produce smalls amounts gains in short-therm bursts of
·Several acne
·Deeper voice
·More body hair
·Increased colesterol
·Drug dependence
·Different infections and deseases
·Fluid retention
·Vision problems
·Muscle weakness
·Muscle cramps
·Potassium deficiency
·Weight gain
·Suppress appetite
·Circulatory problems
·Psychiatric disorders
·Risk of tendinitis
·Of course, if an athlete take any of
this drugs, and he/she is cought by
someone, his/her carrer would be
rouined, and he could go to jail
Does taking perfonmance enhanging drugs to win in sports
outweight their negative effects?
I find taking performance enhancing drugs a really really stupid risk, not only because you can
ruin your career doing it, also because of your health. You could have a lot of health issues, even
risk of death, just for get more chances of wining an event. So, no, for me win the first place
(you are not sure if you are going to win it, you just have more possibilities) is not as much
important as my health.
Also, in some way, i understand why athletes do it, their lives are all about that sport, so if they
start to get worse positions, their career would stop, but if they begin to win and show that they
are really good on that sport, they would be more famous, and, obviously, they would make more
Anyways, money, fame and objects should never be consider more important that our own
physical or psychology health.