Subido por Lautaro Fraumeni

Social Diversity: Definition, Importance & Inclusion

Social diversity
In this presentation I will discuss some of the main facts about social diversity, focusing
on its definition, its importance and why we, as teachers, should embrace diversity.
To begin, as per the Merriam-Webster dictionary, diversity is the condition of having
or being composed of differing elements. Especially: the inclusion of different types of
people (as people of different races or cultures) in a group or organization programs.
However, some people think that this definition lacks a social aspect to it. For that
reason, it is better to think about Social Diversity instead, which is defined as “A
successful community in which individuals of different race, ethnicity, religious beliefs,
socioeconomic status, language, geographical origin, gender and/or sexual orientation
bring their different knowledge, background, experience and interest for the benefit
of their diverse community. As they all contribute to the success of the community,
individuals in a healthy diverse society practice daily understanding and respect of the
different ideas, viewpoints and unique perspectives of those who are somewhat
different from them, as they recognize that those individuals share and are actively
working towards achieving many common goals for the benefit of the community as a
Furthermore, with society becoming more diverse, the ideas and understanding of
social diversity are evolving and expanding due to the access we now have to interact
through digital media with people all over the world. Personally, I am a believer that
by nurturing healthy and harmonious diverse societies, we will help the world thrive
while creating the fully functioning societies of the future. We, as teachers, should
adapt our teaching methods and pedagogy to fully include Social Diversity and make
our classrooms a place where judgement is not welcomed, but acceptance of each
other is.
In conclusion, we have to be understanding of each other to fully include people. Living
in a truly globalized world, it is time to acknowledge diversity in our workplace or
environments. People should always be respected, no matter what, and everyone
should know about the definition of Social Diversity to create a better society for