Subido por Fabian Alvarado

Sustainable Infrastructure & Urban Mobility Challenges

Abstract Experiences of sustainable infrastructure
Members: -
Carlos Fabian Alvarado Salinas
Jhon Jairo García Hoyos
Currently in the city there is a problem of time spent on mobility due to lack of infrastructure, we are used
to think that our cities lack modern cities with greater infrastructure to have excellent mobility, but this is
not true since even the best cities with the highest density of road infrastructure are suffering from
problems of vehicle mobility. A relevant example is the city of Los Angeles in the United States of America,
this city is listed as the city with the largest road infrastructure; it is possibly one of the cities in the world
that has the highest index of kilometers of roads by physical space and by inhabitants, In turn, it is the city
that has allocated the largest space in its space to the construction of roads and space for cars to circulate,
and currently it is also one of the cities with the most mobility problems, which indicates that there is a
negative relationship between these two parameters.
In a city like Bogota in Colombia 120,000 new vehicles are registered each year, which leads to greater
mobility problems, the basic solution is to offer more infrastructure, for this would result that it would be
necessary 1,4 km every day, which would be impossible to do due to all the processes that are carried out
for this type of civil works; And just as Bogota presents a similar problem in other large cities of the country
such as Cali and Medellín.
In the case of Cali, 25,000 vehicles enter each year, which brings 70 vehicles into Cali every day, but Cali
would not do so badly as it would only have to build half a kilometer of tracks every day.
In the case of Medellín, which is the most delicate case of the increase in motorization throughout the
country, because in the city 140,000 new vehicles enter each year, which enter almost 400 vehicles daily,
So you’d have to build two new kilometers of track every day.
The automotive development model causes problems such as global warming and particulate matter in the
air. In recent years there have been more and more problems of particulate matter in the form of mist in
the largest cities, a pollution that seriously affects the health of people, and air of lower quality.
The problem of the number of vehicles is the space occupied by a certain number of people, since a vehicle
occupies at least 9 m2, but only transports one person, this means that there is no space to quickly mobilize
everyone. This model of city that has been built around the automotive vehicle for all people, generates
that more and more takes away our free time.
The inverted pyramid of sustainable mobility seeks to change priorities and in the same way reverse the
model. This pyramid puts pedestrians and cyclists up, which prioritizes the money and space of the city to
move the minority of the population and will give space in resources and space of the city to promote those
means of transport that are less harmful in terms of sustainability that does not only imply the air quality.