Subido por mlombalozano

Apuntes de gramática inglesa: Tiempos verbales y futuro

-Acciones que tuvieron lugar en un momento indefinido del pasado pero son
relevantes o están conectadas con el presente: Please, open the door. I’ve lost my
-Acciones que empezaron en el pasado y continúan hasta el presente: This show has
been extremely successful
-Acciones que sucedieron en el pasado pero dentro de un periodo de tiempo que aún
no se ha acabado: I have been to Paris twice. Have you ever seen a UFO?
PRESENT PERFECT PROGRESSIVE HAVE / HAS + BEEN + -ING He estado jugando, hemos estado
-Acciones únicas o repetidas que empezaron en el pasado y continúan hasta el
presente y en las que la duración de la acción es especialmente relevante: I’ve been
playing with the same club for over a year
PAST PERFECT HAD + PARTICIPLE Había visto, habían jugado
-Acciones anteriores a otras acciones pasadas: She had already left when you phoned
PAST PERFECT PROGRESSIVE HAD + BEEN + -ING Había visto, habían jugado
-Acciones progresivas anteriores a otras acciones pasadas. La duración de la acción es
relevante porque:
-La primera acción sigue en marcha cuando sucede la segunda: She had been reading
for three hours when the lights went out.
-La primera acción es la causa o tiene una influencia sobre la segunda: She was
sweating because she had been jogging.
1. “Will”
1- volunteering to do something:
She will remember
She will not remember
Will she remember?
Angelo: I need a pencil. Sarah: I'll lend you
2- deciding to do something at the time
of speaking:
-There’s no milk left. - I’ll go and buy some.
3- promising:
I will never forget you.
4- talking about the far future,
supposing, predicting...:
People will live on the moon in 2025.
2. “Going to”
1- talking about something that has
already been decided and planned
before the moment of speaking:
I am going to study
math tonight.
I am not going to study
Are you going to study?
Angelo: Have you registered for the class
Sarah: Not yet. I'm going to register
2- for predictions of what is going to
happen based on objective facts.
He is not studying at all; he is going to fail
3. Present Continuous
She is leaving tomorrow
She is not leaving
Is she staying tonight?
1- talking about something that has
already been arranged and we are
going to do shortly:
Angelo: Do you want to go to the movies
Sarah: Sorry, I can't. I'm playing soccer.
2- explaining that we are about to do
I am tired. I am going to bed now.
4. Present simple
The film starts at 5
It doesn’t start at 5.
Does it start at 5?
1- talking about a schedule, timetable
or programme
(for public transport, cinemas…)
Angelo: What time does the next bus leave?
Sarah: It leaves at six.
Future Continuous / Progressive: will+ be + -ing
- I will be flying / I will not be flying / Will you be flying?
We use it to talk about something that will be happening at some moment in
the future.
I will be flying to London this time next week
Future Perfect: Will + have + participle
- I will have done / I will not have done / Will you have done
We use it to talk about something that will have finished before a given
moment in the future.
I will have finished my studies in 2017