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English Workbook Answer Key: Greetings, Family, Daily Life

Workbook Answer Key
Nice to meet you!
1 Vocabulary
A 1 My name’s Sara.
2 Hi, Ella.
3 Great.
4 See you later.
5 J-O-S-E-P-H.
6 How are you doing?
7 Nice to meet you. / Nice to meet you too.
8 Thank you.
2 Grammar
4 is / it’s
A 1 are / you’re
2 is / he’s
5 are / we’re
3 is / she’s
6 are / they’re
6 He’s, He, is
B 2 are, not, You’re
3 am, not, I’m
7 aren’t, You’re
4 aren’t, You’re
8 I’m not, I’m
5 isn’t, It’s
9 isn’t, She’s
What’s, I’m, is, It’s
It’s, are, is, She’s, not, am, isn’t, he’s, aren’t,
3 Reading
A 1 social media
2 personality
3 information
4 numbers, symbols
B 1
Choosing a username is important
because it can change how people view
you in a job search or on your dating
You can use celebrity names, sports
teams, foods, TV shows, and movies.
You can use your school mascot, your city,
or the year you were born.
Where are you from?
1 Vocabulary
A 2 China, Chinese
3 Japan, Japanese
4 Spain, Spanish
5 Turkey, Turkish
6 Brazil, Brazilian
7 Peru, Peruvian
8 France, French
2 Grammar
A 2 Is he British?
3 Are you from France?
4 Is Jen Brazilian?
5 Are they South Korean?
6 Is she from the US?
7 Where are you from?
8 Is Dave from Japan?
B 2 Are / No, I’m not.
3 Are / Yes, they are.
4 Is / No, he isn’t.
5 Is / Yes, she is.
6 Are / Yes, I am.
7 Are / No, they aren’t.
8 are / I’m from Turkey.
C isn’t, What’s, is, is he, He’s, Is, he is
DIs, she, isn’t, is, she, is, Are, they, aren’t, are,
3 Reading
A 1 T
2 F – Emilio will dance at the party.
3 F – Mina is from South Korea.
4 T
5 T
F – Acarajé is a popular street food in
B 1 Emilio is from Mexico.
M yeong-dong is famous for shopping.
No, they aren’t. Jonathan is from the UK
and Lorena is from Brazil.
Acarajé is Brazilian food. It’s a fried bean
and onion cake with shrimp.
Jobs in the community
1 Vocabulary
A Down (↓)
1 teacher
4 firefighter
6 dentist
Across (→)
2 lawyer
3 chef
5 reporter
7 salesperson
2 Grammar
A 2 His 3 Their 4 Your 5 Her 6 Our
B 2 He is Maria’s favorite singer.
3 My hometown is Paris.
4 Elizabeth is my brother’s teacher.
5 Her mother is a doctor.
6 I like his new book.
7 My sister’s dream is to be a firefighter.
8 This is Emily and Robert’s house.
9 The doctor’s office is over there.
10 Our school is near the park.
C 1her, Jessica’s, chef, his, What’s, Gabriel’s,
dentist, Where’s
2 my, Their, Adel’s, designer’s
3 Reading
A 1
F – Body painters often work at festivals
or events, but they can sometimes work at
photo shoots.
2 T
3 T
B 1 Face painting is especially popular.
V ideo game testers can change their
careers and become game designers.
C olor experts study colors, and they create
color solutions for people’s needs.
People need to be good at sensing colors to
be a color expert.
Who’s in your family?
1 Vocabulary
9 aunt
A 2 uncle
3 cousin
10 father
4 wife
11 husband
5 brother
12 nephew
6 grandmother
13 sibling
7 niece
14 gandfather
8 sister
B 2 wife
3 father (dad)
4 uncle
5 brother
6 mother (mom)
7 niece
8 aunt
9 grandmother (grandma)
10 sister
11 husband
12 cousin
2 Grammar
A 2 What is her name? – c
3 How old is she? – a
4 Who are they? – d
5 What is his job? – b
6 Where is their restaurant? – g
How many people are there in your family?
BWhat’s, Who’s, How old, She’s, Who’s, He’s,
where’s, Who, They’re, are they
3 Reading
A 1 F – Katie and Billy are twins.
2 T
3 T
4 F – David has five cousins.
B 1 b 2 b 3 a 4 a
Workbook Answer Key
Things you carry
1 Vocabulary
A 1 wallet
2 cell phone
3 sunglasses
4 book
5 mints
6 makeup bag
7 pen
8 mirror
9 umbrella
10 earphones
11 notebook
12 cell phone charger
13 comb
14 tissues
2 Grammar
A 1 a 2 an 3 a 4 an 5 a 6 an
7 a
8 a
9 an
10 a
B 1 wallets, combs, mirrors
2 sandwiches, buses, watches, glasses
3 parties, families, activities, countries
C 1 those 2 this 3 that 4 these
D a umbrella → an umbrella
sunglasss → sunglasses
these → this
notebooks → notebook
ideaes → ideas
3 Reading
A 1 ⓒ 2 ⓐ 3 ⓔ 4 ⓑ 5 ⓓ
B 1
Jamie carries a hat and sunscreen
because he has sensitive skin.
Jamie always carries an umbrella and an
extra jacket in case the weather changes.
Jamie can use his smartphone instead of
a map, a flashlight, and a camera.
Jamie’s smartphone is the most important
thing to him.
In my closet
1 Vocabulary
A 1 red 2 pink 3 blue 4 brown
5 yellow
6 orange
7 black
8 green
B 1 Andy 2 Beth 3 Calvin 4 Dana
5 Edward
6 Faith
2 Grammar
A easy – difficult
hot – cold
big – small
light – heavy
good – bad
long – short
old – new
B 1 This tea is hot.
2 Those are nice shorts.
3 That truck is big.
4 My T-shirt is new.
5 These dresses are green.
Workbook Answer Key
6 His pants are brown.
7 That is an old skirt.
(2) goes to work at 9:00
(3) often drinks some tea
(4) usually spends time with her family
(5) takes a warm bath
(6) doesn’t stay up late
8 Her jacket is pink.
9 It is an easy test.
10 Their bags are big.
C small, light, light, yellow, big
D It isn’t clean.
Then wear the red blouse.
It is very old.
How about the black T-shirt?
That’s a good idea.
I can wear it with my blue jeans.
3 Reading
A 1
F – Some of Jenna’s clothes in her closet
are old.
2 T
3 T
F – Tom says Jenna can make a trendy
denim bag with her old jeans.
4 throw away
B 1 black, blue
2 keep, bed
5 new, old
3 good
6 cut, quilt
Everyday life
1 Vocabulary
A 2 It’s eight thirty.
3 It’s nine o’clock.
4 It’s ten ten.
5 It’s one forty five.
6 It’s twelve fifteen.
B 1 get up
2 take a shower
3 eat breakfast
4 go to school
5 start class
6 have lunch
7 leave school
8 get home
9 take a bath
10 have dinner
11 do housework
12 go to bed
2 Grammar
A leave → leaves
play → plays
get → gets
go → goes
read → reads
study → studies
take → takes
watch → watches
do → does
2 gets
7 studies
3 plays
8 watches
4 takes
9 does
5 reads
10 leaves
6 goes
6 aren’t play
B 1 eats
2 has
7 isn’t watch
3 get
8 isn’t take
4 checks
9 don’t work
5 go
10 doesn’t have
C 1 don’t skip, walk, have, don’t eat, watch,
3 Reading
A 1
F – He gets up early, but he’s often late
for school because he has so many things
to do in the morning.
2 T
3 T
F – He cleans his room and packs his bag
in the morning.
B 1 b 2 a 3 a 4 a
Online habits
1 Vocabulary
7 do
A 2 send
3 take
8 watch
4 play
9 text
5 check
10 check
6 listen
B 2 play mobile games
3 do online banking
4 shop online
5 check social media
6 watch videos
7 text my friends
8 check the news
9 send emails
10 take pictures
2 Grammar
A 1 Do they take pictures on their phones? – c
2 Do you shop online? – a
Does he check social media every day?
4 Does Sarah play mobile games? – d
5 Does he check the news? – g
6 Do they text their friends a lot? – f
7 Do you do online banking? – e
Does she watch videos on the internet?
BDo, do, Does, does, Does, doesn’t, does,
Does, doesn’t, Does, does, Do, do, Do, don’t
3 Reading
A 1 negative, daily
2 videos, directly
3 time, limit
4 new, hobbies
B 1
Social media addicts check social media
when they first get up.
Social media addiction is when yoy spend
too much time using social media.
Some people may fear they’re missing out
because everyone is on social media.
T he best way to avoid social media
addiction is to spend more time with
family and friends.
My favorite sports
1 Vocabulary
A 1 soccer
2 basketball
3 swimming
4 tennis
5 baseball
B 1 play
2 go
3 play
6 football
7 volleyball
8 surfing
9 golf
10 snowboarding
4 go
5 play
2 Grammar
A 1 When does he play soccer? – b
2 Who do you play basketball with? – f
W hat does Ben usually do on the
weekends? – c
4 What sports do you like? – a
5 Where does she go surfing? – e
6 How often does Kate play golf? – d
5 Who
B 1 How
2 What
6 When
3 Where
7 How
4 Why
8 What
C What, do, you
Who, do, you, play
What, do, you
Where, do, you, play
How, often, do, you
3 Reading
A 1 T
2 T
F – There are two players on each beach
volleyball team.
F – If a beach volleyball team wins the
first two sets, they win the match.
B 1
A surfboard leash keeps you close to your
surfboard when you wipe out.
Suba divers need air tanks to breathe
3 Beach volleyball is played on a sand court.
E ach team is allowed up to three hits to
return the ball over the net.
What’s in your fridge?
1 Vocabulary
A 1 eggs
2 rice
3 beef
4 onions
5 salmon
6 cheese
B 1 eggs
2 bread
3 yogurt
4 salmon
5 rice
6 lettuce
7 carrots
8 bread
9 chicken
10 lettuce
11 tomatoes
12 yogurt
7 carrots
8 chicken
9 tomatoes
10 beef
11 onions
12 cheese
2 Grammar
A 1 a
2 some
9 some
10 some
3 some
4 an
11 an
12 a
5 some
6 a
13 some
14 an
7 some
8 some
15 some
16 some
B 1 a, some, some
2 any, some
3 any, any, some
4 some, any, some
5 any, some, any
6 any, an, a, some
7 any, any, an
C a rice → some rice
a rice → any rice
some rice → any rice
any cheese → some cheese
a beef → any beef
a beef → any beef
any chicken → some chicken
some butter → any butter
a strawberries → some strawberries
3 Reading
A 1
F – Some salads have more fat and
calories than a burger.
2 T
3 T
F – You should wash and dry the baby
B 2 cherry tomatoes → baby potatoes
3 boil and cool → wash and dry
4 big → bite-size
Around the home
1 Vocabulary
A 1 bedroom
2 bathroom
B 1 sofa
2 table
3 bed
4 bathtub
5 microwave
6 stove
3 kitchen
4 living room
7 armchair
8 refrigerator
9 dresser
10 sink
11 bookcase
12 toilet
2 Grammar
A 3 There is an armchair.
4 There are two bookcases.
5 There is a bed.
6 There isn’t a microwave.
7 There is a toilet.
8 There are three chairs.
9 There isn’t a bathtub.
10 There is a refrigerator.
B 1 There is (There’s)
2 There aren’t
3 There are
4 There isn’t
5 Is there, there isn’t
6 Are there, there are
7 Are there, there aren’t
8 Is there, there is
C there aren’t → there isn’t
there are → are there
There is → There are
There is → Is there
there isn’t → there is
DThere are, there is (there’s), there are,
there isn’t, Are there, there aren’t, There is
(There’s), Is there
3 Reading
A 1
F – The upside down house is located in
F – The furniture is placed on the ceiling
of the upside down house.
3 T
4 T
B 1 a 2 b 3 a 4 b
Household chores
1 Vocabulary
A 2 mowing
3 washing
4 washing
5 watering
6 feeding
7 cleaning
8 vacuuming
9 ironing
10 doing
11 taking
12 mopping
2 Grammar
A 2 am cooking lunch
am not feeding the pets
is vacuuming the house
isn’t (is not) mopping the floor
are mowing the lawn
aren’t (are not) cleaning the bathroom
are taking out the trash
aren’t (are not) ironing clothes
B 2 Are you cooking lunch?
Yes, I am.
3 Is Sam vacuuming the house?
Yes, he is.
A re your parents cleaning the bathroom?
No, they aren’t.
A re you taking out the trash?
Yes, we are.
C am not doing, am listening, am cleaning
D are you doing
I’m spending
We are having
Are you swimming
we aren’t (are not) swimming
She isn’t (is not) doing
She is doing
He is traveling
3 Reading
A 1
F – Jake thinks taking out the trash is not
an enjoyable household chore.
F – Jake always use cloth bags instead of
plastic ones.
3 T
4 T
5 T
B 1 Jake takes out the trash every Tuesday.
Jake pushes down the trash in the bag
with his foot to put more trash in and save
Workbook Answer Key
trash bags.
Jake doesn’t buy things with too much
packaging to reduce trash.
Jake leaves the grass clippings on the
ground because they help the soil.
Places in the community
1 Vocabulary
A Down (↓)
1 post office
2 mall
4 subway station
7 drugstore
8 bank
11 park
3 Reading
Across (→)
3 bus stop
5 hospital
6 parking lot
9 restaurant
10 bookstore
12 bakery
2 Grammar
A 1 between
2 next, to
3 across, from
4 on, the, corner, of
B 1 next to
2 across from
3 between
4 on the corner of
Con the corner of, across from, next to,
between, behind, across from
3 Reading
A 1 F – La Boca is located in Buenos Aires.
2 T
3 T
B 1 b 2 b 3 a 4 a
Getting around
1 Vocabulary
A 1 go to a palace
2 walk across a bridge
3 relax in a park
4 go to a museum
5 ride a Ferris wheel
6 ride a cable car
7 take a bus tour
8 walk around town
9 go to a market
10 see a musical
2 Grammar
A 1 ride
2 can’t
3 Can you
4 can we
5 Can they, can’t
B 1 You can’t take a river cruise.
2 We can see a show in the West End.
3 You can get a great view.
4 We can’t walk across the bridge.
5 They can go shopping on Fifth Avenue.
6 You can’t see the queen there.
7 Can we visit historical sites in the city?
8 What can you do in New York?
9 Can they go to a museum?
10 Where can I go shopping in Las Vegas?
Ccan, get, can, take, Can, can’t, Can, go, can,
D We can walk around town.
No, we can’t.
Yes, we can.
We can take a bus.
6 can’t
7 see
8 can I
9 ride, can
10 can
Workbook Answer Key
A 1 T
F – The Gothic Quarter contains the
remains of ancient Roman and medieval
F – You can ride a bike at a comfortable
pace when you take a bike tour.
F – You can take a boat tour on a modern
B 1 a 2 b 3 b 4 a
Do you remember?
1 Vocabulary
A 1 mean
2 noisy
B 1 noisy
2 quiet
3 great
4 awful
3 awful
4 nervous
5 relaxed
6 nervous
7 mean
8 nice
2 Grammar
5 wasn’t
A 1 was
2 were
6 were
3 weren’t
7 wasn’t
4 was
8 weren’t
B 2
Were you and Sue at the museum?
No, we weren’t.
Were Jessica and Sam nice to each other?
Yes, they were.
Was your brother quiet in church?
No, he wasn’t.
Was your first job boring?
No, it wasn’t.
Were you nervous during the interview?
Yes, I was.
Cwas, was, Were, was, Were, were, Were,
weren’t, Was, wasn’t
Dwas, were, were, were, weren’t, were, Was,
wasn’t, was, was
3 Reading
A 1 F – Schweitzer’s father was a pastor.
2 T
3 F – Hawking’s parents weren’t rich.
F – Hawking studied physics at Oxford
5 T
B 1
Schweitzer started studying medicine to
devote his life to helping sick people.
Schweitzer received the Nobel Peace
Prize in 1952.
Hawking was diagnosed with ALS while
he was in graduate school.
Hawking inspired people all around the
world with his courage and determination.
What did you do?
1 Vocabulary
7 clean
A 2 cook
3 watch
8 shop
4 play
9 study
5 work
10 stay
6 visit
B 1 watch TV
2 call my friend
3 shop for clothes
4 clean the house
5 play sports
6 stay out late with my friends
7 study for a test
8 cook dinner
9 work late
10 visit my friend
2 Grammar
A 2 shopped online / didn’t watch TV
3 cooked dinner / didn’t visit his friend
4 studied for a test / didn’t shop for clothes
5 played sports / didn’t clean his house
chatted online / didn’t watch a baseball
B 1 Did you stay out late last night? / I did
2 Did he call his friend? / he didn’t
Did you play basketball this morning? / I
Did Katie visit her friend yesterday? / she
Did they clean their house yesterday? /
they did
C you moved → did you move
move here → moved here
did you lived → did you live
Did you lived → Did you live
I did → I didn’t
I live → I lived
do you decide → did you decide
I decide → I decided
Dcleaned, watched, stayed, studied, wanted,
didn’t go, cooked, studied, didn’t have,
3 Reading
A 1 T
F – Women’s boxing debuted at the 2012
London Olympics.
F – Ludwig Guttmann set up a competition
against other hospitals.
F – The first televised Olympics were
broadcast in black-and-white.
B 1
Women first participated in all the events
at the Olympic in 2012.
4 00 wheelchair athletes competed in the
first Paralympics.
T he Olympics were first shown on
television during the 1936 Berlin Games.
T he 1960 Rome Olympics were televised
live all over Europe.
The big day
1 Vocabulary
A 1 broke up
2 fell in love
3 went to college
4 got married
5 lost my job
6 got a job
7 had a baby
8 bought a home
2 Grammar
A Down (↓)
1 got
2 fell
3 went
4 bought
Across (→)
4 broke
5 lost
6 had
B 2 I got a job last month.
3 Jennifer bought a home in 2017.
4 I broke up with my girlfriend last month.
5 Sam went to college last year.
6 We got married two years ago.
7 They fell in love last year.
8 He lost his job last month.
Cwent, didn’t fall, fell, bought, didn’t buy, had,
lost, didn’t have, went
Dfell, got, had, bought, had, lost, broke, got,
fell, went
3 Reading
A 1 F – Apollo 12 landed on the moon.
F – There were three astronauts on board
Apollo 13.
3 T
4 T
F – The astronauts on Apollo 13 were
short of food.
B 1
A pollo 13 left for space on April 11, 1970.
A pollo 13’s mission went smoothly for two
One of its two oxygen tanks exploded, and
the other one also had a problem. Besides
it, the astronauts were also short of food.
T he astronauts reduced their use of
water and turned off almost all electrical
devices, including heaters.
How was your weekend?
Talents and skills
1 Vocabulary
1 Vocabulary
A 1 read books
2 met friends
3 ate at a restaurant
4 swam at the pool
5 rode my bicycle
6 took an art class
7 drove to the beach
8 saw a movie
9 had a birthday party
10 ran a race
5 draw
A 1 paint
2 dance
6 fix
3 write
7 bake
4 sing
8 speak
B 1 bake cookies
2 paint pictures
3 write stories
4 dance ballet
5 draw cartoons
6 speak foreign languages
7 sing karaoke
8 fix computers
2 Grammar
A 2 took an art class
3 ran a race
4 rode my bicycle
5 met friends
6 ate at a restaurant
7 saw a movie
8 read books
9 swam at the pool
10 drove to the beach
B 1 Did, have / did, had
2 did, see / didn’t see, saw
3 Did, read / didn’t, read
4 Did, drive / didn’t, rode
5 did, eat / ate, didn’t, eat
6 Did, run / did, ran
7 Did, take / didn’t, take, took
8 did, swim / swam, didn’t, swim
C 1
Did, drive, Did, swim, swam, ran, read,
Did, take, took
2 did, do, saw, did, see, saw, did, go, went,
did, do, met, ate, had, did, go, drove
3 Reading
A 1 T
F – Charlie Bucket was a poor but kind
F – Mr. Wonka reopened his factory.
4 T
5 T
B 1
Roald Dahl wrote short stories, poems,
and plays.
Grandpa Joe told Charlie lots of stories
about Willy Wonka and the wonderful
sweets he made.
Mr. Wonka closed his factory because
other sweetmakers tried to steal his
secret recipes.
Inside the factory, Charlie and the children
met Oompa-Loompas.
Charlie became Mr. Wonka’s successor.
2 Grammar
A 1 I can run fast.
2 I can’t sing well.
3 Can you dance well?
4 What can you do well?
B 2 can, bake / can’t, bake
3 can’t, write / can, write
4 Can, fix / can
5 Can, fix / can’t
6 can, paint / can, paint
7 Can, sing / can
8 can’t, dance / can’t, dance
9 Can, speak / can’t
10 Can, speak / can
C speak well French → speak French well
I can’t → I can
speak German good → speak German well
you can speak → can you speak
well speak Japanese → speak Japanese
I can → I can’t
DCan, sing, can, can, sing, can, sing, Can,
play, can, play, can, play, can, play, Can,
dance, can’t
3 Reading
A 1 T
F – Katie has four years of customer
service experience.
F – Katie is a team player.
F – Victoria’s specialty is that she can
motivate others to exercise.
B 1 b 2 a 3 b 4 a
What are your plans?
1 Vocabulary
A 2 study
3 volunteer
4 visit
5 go
6 work out
7 play
8 practice
9 go
10 take
B 1 play in a band
2 volunteer at a nursing home
Workbook Answer Key
3 work out at the gym
4 study French
5 go camping
6 take a ballet class
7 travel to Asia
8 visit relatives
9 practice the piano
10 go to the countryside
2 Grammar
A 1 I’m going to travel to Peru.
2 She’s going to practice the violin.
3 They’re going to go camping.
4 He isn’t going to study Spanish.
5 I’m not going to work out.
6 We aren’t going to play in a band.
7 Are you going to take an art class?
8 Is he going to visit his relatives?
9 Are they going to go to the beach?
B 1 am going to volunteer
2 is going to practice
3 are going to go
4 isn’t going to work out
5 Are, going to take / am
6 Is, going to visit / isn’t
CAre, going to go
am, not
are, going to do
am going to travel
are, going to leave
are going to leave
are, going to stay
aren’t (are not) going to stay, are going to stay
Is, going to have
isn’t, is going to have
are, going to do
am going to study, am going to travel
is, isn’t (is not) going to leave, are going to meet
3 Reading
A 1 T
2 T
F – Jake is going to teach children in
English at schools in South Africa.
4 T
5 T
B 1
Jake is going to volunteer in South Africa
during the winter vacation.
T he schools in South Africa need
volunteers because they are mostly
crowded and there are not enough staff.
Jake is going to participate in music
programs because he is good at singing
and playing musical instruments.
Jake is going to monitor animals’
behaviors and make reports at animal
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