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Bioremediation of Acid Mine Drainage by SRB

Hydrometallurgy 77 (2005) 97 – 102
Bioremediation of acid mine drainage contaminated by SRB
Alena Luptakova*, Maria Kusnierova
Department of Mineral Biotechnologies, Institute of Geotechnics of Slovak Academy of Sciences, Watsonova 45, 043 53 Kosice, Slovak Republic
Received 27 May 2004; received in revised form 13 July 2004; accepted 9 October 2004
The aim of this work is to study the possibility of using sulphate-reducing bacteria for the heavy metals removing from acid
mine drainage (AMD), which is considered to be the major environmental problem associated with mining activities. Tests were
conducted to determine if the bacterial produced hydrogen sulphide could be used for the elimination of soluble heavy metals
from AMD in the form of sparingly soluble sulphides. We investigated the kinetics of the copper precipitation in the form of
sulphides from the model solution containing Cu2+ by sulphate-reducing bacteria on the ground of two different approaches. In
the first approach one reactor was used, which provides the simultaneous running of basic processes in study method, i.e. the
hydrogen sulphide bacterial production and the copper precipitation by the bacterial produced hydrogen sulphide. The second
approach allowed the successive running of aforementioned processes and used two interconnected reactors. The hydrogen
sulphide bacterial production was realised in the first reactor and the copper precipitation by the bacterial produced hydrogen
sulphide was realised consequence in the second reactor. Under these conditions this method involves three stages such as: the
hydrogen sulphide production by sulphate-reducing bacteria, the cooper precipitation by the bacterial produced hydrogen
sulphide and the cooper sulphides filtration from the liquid phase. The advantage of the second approach is the faster running of
the Cu2+ elimination, as well as the possibility of the selective metal precipitation in the form of sulphides.
D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Bioremediation; Acid mine drainage; Sulphate-reducing bacteria; Bacterial hydrogen sulphide
1. Introduction
One of the most important problems affecting
mining companies around the world is the occurrence
and the treatment of acid mine drainage (AMD). This
waste water exhibits a harsh and extreme favourable
conditions for biological activity and must be contained and treated before it can be discharged, since it
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A. Luptakova).
0304-386X/$ - see front matter D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
can have severe impact on the environment. AMD
generates when metal sulphide minerals, particularly
the pyrite, come in contact with oxygen and water in
the presence of a naturally occurring sulphur-oxidising bacteria such as Acidothiobacillus ferrooxidans
that act as a biological catalyst. Its pH is very low, of
about 1.5–2.0. AMD contains sulphuric acid, dissolved heavy metals, sulphates, and iron precipitates.
These components of AMD have a deleterious
influence on the biota of streams receiving AMD
(Kontopouls, 1988).
A. Luptakova, M. Kusnierova / Hydrometallurgy 77 (2005) 97–102
Several methods exist for the treatment of AMD, but
only few of them have been applied under commercialscale conditions. The most common treatment methods
are chemical methods, e.g. the neutralization using lime
or other alkaline components. This treatment results in
the precipitation of sulphate anions and heavy metal
cations in the form of gypsum and metal hydroxides
respectively, which have been discharged. The operating costs of these processes are high, whereas sulphate
and metals removal efficiencies are relatively low
(Boonstra et al., 1999). In addition, all valuable metals
are lost in the sludge.
Microbial remediation of AMD by sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB) is a promising alternative to
hydroxide precipitation. The bacterial precipitated
metal sulphides can be recovered and recycled
(Boonstra et al., 1999). The treatment of AMD by
SRB is based on the ability of SRB to reduce
sulphates to hydrogen sulphide, which binds readily
with metals to form sparingly soluble precipitates.
Thereafter metals are removed from the solution in a
stable form. The metabolism of SRB also generates
alkalinity, which contributes towards neutralising the
acidity of the AMD. The following reactions (1), (2)
and (3) represent the transformation of the principal
constituents of AMD by SRB
attempted in this study to investigate the role that
SRB plays in the precipitation of cooper from
sulphate model solutions. We investigated the
kinetics of the copper precipitation by sulphatereducing bacteria on the ground of two different
approaches. In the first case one reactor was used for
the running of basic processes of study method, i.e.
the hydrogen sulphide bacterial production and the
copper precipitation by the bacterial produced hydrogen sulphide. Hereunder these processes running
simultaneous. The second approach allowed the
successive running of aforementioned processes and
used two interconnected reactors. The hydrogen
sulphide bacterial production was realised in the
first reactor and the copper precipitation by the
bacterial produced hydrogen sulphide was realised in
the second reactor. Under these conditions this
method involves three stages such as: the hydrogen
sulphide production by sulphate-reducing bacteria,
the metals precipitation by bacterial produced hydrogen sulphide and the metal sulphides filtration from
the liquid phase.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Microorganisms
4H2 + SO24— + H+
HS— + 4H2O
Organic matter (C, H, O) + SO42—
HS— + HCO3—
Me2++HSYMeS(A)+H+(Me2+—the metal cation)
The SRB represents a group of chemoorganotrophic and strictly anaerobic bacteria, which
include representatives of the genera Desulfovibrio,
Desulfomicrobium, Desulfobacter, Desulfosarcina,
Desulfotomaculum , Thermodesulfobacterium ,
Archaeoglobus, etc. (Odom and Singleton, 1993).
The closing and flooding of mines in Slovakia
generate large volumes of AMD. Therefore we
studied the possibility of using SRB for a bioremediation process of AMD. At this time we
Applied cultures of SRB (genera Desulfovibrio and
Desulfotomaculum) were isolated from a mixed
culture obtained from:
– the waste water collection tank used for washing
machinery in a metallurgical plant with pH 7.5–
8, strong H2S odour, heavily polluted, black
colour and the presence of oil (the designation
– the potable mineral water (Gajdovka spring, the
locality Kosice-north, Slovakia), hygienically
acceptable with pH 7.5 and slight odour of H2S
(the designation SRB-GJ).
The SRB was selected from the mixed cultures
grown on agar plates as well as in agar shake tubes
containing modified Postgate’s medium E (Postgate,
1984). The isolation was performed by the modified
dilution method (Ronald, 1995). Postgate’s medium C
(Postgate, 1984) was used for the preparation of active
A. Luptakova, M. Kusnierova / Hydrometallurgy 77 (2005) 97–102
SRB cultures and the cultivation of SRB. This
medium contained (in g/L): 0.5 K2HPO4, 1.0 NH4Cl,
1.0 Na2SO4, 0.1 CaCl2d 2H2O, 2.0 MgSO4d 7H2O, 3.5
sodium lactate, 1.0 yeast extract, 0.5 FeSO4d 7H2O,
0.1 ascorbic acid, 0.1 thioglycolic acid. The pH of the
media was adjusted to 7.5 with 5 M NaOH.
2.2. Model solutions
The experiments were conducted with model
solutions containing Cu2+. They were prepared by
dissolving of CuSO4. 5H2O of analytical grade in
distilled water. The pH of solutions was adjusted to
the desired value using sulphuric acid.
2.3. Analytical procedures
Turbidimetric method was used to measure the
concentrations of sulphate ion (APHA, 1989) using a
Spectromom195 (Hungary) instrument. The absorbance of the sample was measured at a wavelength of
420 nm.
The cooper concentration in the liquid samples
taken from the bioreactor was determined by atomic
absorption spectrophotometery (AAS) using Spectrometer AA-30 Varian (Australia) instrument.
A glass pH-electrode combined with the reference
Ag/AgCl electrode and a platinum redox plus Ag/
AgCl reference electrode were used to measure pH
and redox potential (Eh) respectively. Digital pHmeter GPRT 144 AGL (Germany) and mV-meter Ionactivity-meter MS 20 (Czech Republic) were used.
The qualitative analysis of precipitates obtained by
bacterial produced hydrogen sulphide was realized by
energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS) analysis using
instruments that consisted of a scanning electron
microscope BS 300 (Tesla, Czechoslovakia) and an
X-ray micro-analyser EDAX 9100/60 (Philips, Holland). Samples of precipitates were dried and coated
with gold prior to the EDS analysis.
2.4. Simultaneous running of the hydrogen sulphide
bacterial production and the copper precipitation by
the bacterial produced hydrogen sulphide—the application of one reactor
Under these conditions the copper precipitation by
the bacterial produced hydrogen sulphide was studied
in a discontinuous reactor in the thermostat at 30 8C
and ran during a period of 10 days under anaerobic
conditions. Anaerobiosis was generated by introducing an inert gas (N2) into the reactor at the beginning
of the experiment, i.e. at the filling of reactor by
Postgate’s medium C, the model solution with Cu2+ in
the concentration of 20 mg of copper ion per litre, and
the inoculum containing SRB. Residual copper concentration in the solution was measured by atomic
absorption spectrophotometry in samples taken from
the reactor. After 10 days formed precipitates were
removed from the liquid phase by filtration through
membrane filter, next dried and analysed by the
qualitative EDS analysis.
2.5. Successive running of the hydrogen sulphide
bacterial production and the copper precipitation by
the bacterial produced hydrogen sulphide—the application of two reactors
Under these conditions experiments were performed in two bioreactors with a volume 1000 mL
(the first bioreactor) and 250 mL (the second
bioreactor). This method contains several steps and
can be divided into three stages:
I. stage Biological hydrogen sulphide production—in this stage SRB using organic
matter (lactate) and hydrogen (as electron
donor) to convert the sulphate to hydrogen sulphide. This part was carried out
under the following conditions: a discontinuous hermetically closed reactor (the
first reactor), lstatically, temperature 30
8C, selective nutrient medium for D.
desulfuricans (Postgate’s medium C),
pH 7.5, anaerobic conditions.
II. stage Cooper precipitation by the bacterial
produced hydrogen sulphide—this stage
followed after the indication of the
sulphate reduction (blackening of the
medium by production of FeS in the first
bioreactor). It was carried out the continuous transfer of a gas mixture (H2, CO2
and H2S) by N2 from the first bioreactor
into the second reactor, which was filled
with by the model solution of copper ions.
The continuous precipitation of Cu2+ was
A. Luptakova, M. Kusnierova / Hydrometallurgy 77 (2005) 97–102
realized by the bacterial produced H2S at
pH 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 and 3.5, respectively.
III. stage Separation of copper sulphides—the filtration of precipitates from the model
solution. They were dried and analysed
using the qualitative EDS analysis.
3. Results and discussion
3.1. Simultaneous running of the hydrogen sulphide
bacterial production and the copper precipitation by
the bacterial produced hydrogen sulphide—the application of one reactor
In these experiments we investigated the efficiency
of copper removal from the model solution by SRB
that was obtained from heavily polluted waste water
(SRB-VSZ) and hygienically acceptable potable
mineral water (SRB-GJ). Fig. 1 shows the results of
copper precipitation at these conditions (discontinuous batch tests). They indicate high activity of both
bacterial cultures of SRB. The 98–99% elimination of
copper from liquid phase by SRB-VSZ and SRB-GJ
was registered after 5–6 days of batch experiments.
During the experiments, the formation of brown-black
precipitates was observed, as well as the sensorial
detection of H2S smell during the samples taking from
the liquid phase in the reactor. These observations
were not found in the abiotic control experiment. Fig.
2 proves the presence of SRB in the precipitates.
Fig. 2. Scanning electron micrographs of precipitates containing
sulphate-reducing bacteria SRB-GJ.
Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 show results of EDS qualitative
analysis of precipitates originated by using of SRB
and in the abiotic control (i.e. in the absence of SRB).
EDS spectrum (Fig. 3) confirms the origin of copper
as well as iron sulphides in the presence of SRB. The
iron presence was involved of the Postgate’s medium
C application.
Peaks of Fe, P, Ca, K and Mg were registered in the
composition of precipitates from the abiotic control
experiment (Fig. 4). These peaks are related with the
presence of the nutrient medium representative
components, and the Cu and S peaks probably suggest
a low cooper precipitation.
Concentration of Cu2+
in liquid phase (mg/L)
Au Au
Time (hours)
Energy [keV]
Fig. 1. Precipitation of Cu2+ by sulphate-reducing bacteria. Kabiotic control, GJ-sulphate-reducing bacteria from the potable
mineral water (spring Gajdovka), VSZ-sulphate-reducing bacteria
from the industrial waste water (the metallurgical plant).
Fig. 3. EDS qualitative analysis of precipitates originated from the
model solution by using one reactor (the simultaneous running of
the hydrogen sulphide bacterial production and the copper
precipitation by the bacterial produced hydrogen sulphide).
A. Luptakova, M. Kusnierova / Hydrometallurgy 77 (2005) 97–102
Concentration of Cu2+ in liquid
phase (mg/L)
pH 1.5
pH 2.0
pH 2.5
pH 3.0
pH 3.5
Time (hours)
Energy [keV]
Fig. 4. EDS qualitative analysis of precipitates originated from the
model solution without SRB—the abiotic control experiment by
using of one reactor.
3.2. Successive running of the hydrogen sulphide
bacterial production and the copper precipitation by
the bacterial produced hydrogen sulphide—the application of two reactors
Table 1 shows typical changes of sulphate concentration, pH and Eh during the discontinuous cultivation of SRB in the first reactor, i.e. during the
bacterial hydrogen sulphide production.
The decrease of sulphate concentration and Eh, the
increase of pH values, the formation of black
precipitates and the sensorial detection of H2S smell
were not observed in the abiotic control. It confirms
that aforesaid changes were caused by bacterial
metabolism of SRB.
Fig. 5 presents the results of cooper precipitation
(the second stage of this method). It demonstrates that
copper was effectively recovered from the solution
using bacterial produced H2S. An initial copper
Fig. 5. Precipitation of Cu2+ by the bacterial produced hydrogen
sulphide by SRB from the model solution at different pH values, by
using two reactors (the successive running of the hydrogen sulphide
bacterial production and the copper precipitation by the bacterial
produced hydrogen sulphide).
concentration 20 mg/L was decreased to less than 1
mg/L after 8 h. The most adequate pH value for
cooper precipitation was 2.5.
Fig. 6 indicates that Cu was precipitated in the
form cooper sulphides. The composition of originated
precipitates correspond with this fact.
Successive running of the hydrogen sulphide
bacterial production and the copper precipitation by
Table 1
Values of pH, Eh and sulphates concentration in the first reactor at
the beginning and the end of SRB-GJ cultivation and in abiotic
With SRB (GJ)
Without SRB (abiotic control)
Au Au
Energy [keV]
Fig. 6. EDS qualitative analysis of precipitates originated during the
precipitation of Cu from the model solution by using two reactors
(the successive running of the hydrogen sulphide bacterial production and the copper precipitation by the bacterial produced hydrogen
A. Luptakova, M. Kusnierova / Hydrometallurgy 77 (2005) 97–102
the bacterial produced hydrogen sulphide, i.e. the
application of two reactors, allowed faster Cu2+
elimination, as well as the possibility of selective
metals precipitation in the form of sulphides (Foucher
et al., 2001).
The presented paper was prepared due to a support
of grant agency VEGA for project No. 2 210622,
Slovak–Czech project No. 104 and State order No. 51/
03R 06 042.
4. Conclusions
The following conclusions can be drawn from this
! Sulphate-reducing activities of SRB isolated from
natural and industrial sources were equivalent.
! SRB from these sources effectively removed Cu2+
from model solutions after 5–6 days, by using one
batch reactor that provides the simultaneous running of basic processes of study method, i.e. the
hydrogen sulphide bacterial production and the
copper precipitation by the bacterial produced
hydrogen sulphide. Under these conditions the
created precipitates contained the mixture of
copper and iron sulphides.
! The successive running of the hydrogen sulphide
bacterial production and the copper precipitation
by the bacterial produced hydrogen sulphide, i.e.
the application of two reactors, allowed faster Cu2+
elimination (during 8 h), and probably as well the
possibility of selective metals precipitation in the
form of sulphides, which will depend on the
solution’s pH values.
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