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Skyjack! Test: Comprehension, Characters, Vocabulary

e Helen Sandberg was very worried when she
heard the bangs, so she . . .
Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?
Tim Vicary
Carl Sandberg was a police officer.
Helen Sandberg’s daughter wanted to talk
about her homework.
Carl gave his passport to Harald.
There were two hundred passengers on the
The hijackers killed a British passenger.
The bearded hijacker shot the passenger.
The hijackers recognised Carl and Harald
when they saw the newspaper.
The hijackers said they would kill Carl next.
At first the hijackers set free fifty
Helen Sandberg walked to the plane
because the radio was broken.
25 marks
a ..............................
b ..............................
c ..............................
15 marks
20 marks
Did you enjoy the story? Write a short comment
saying why you liked or didn’t like the book. (Was the
story very real? Was Helen Sandberg a good Prime
Match a number from A with a letter from B to make
complete sentences.
When the hijackers first take the plane they ask for
three different things. What are these three things?
When the hijacker asked for their passports . . .
The passengers knew the air hostess was a
hijacker . . .
The air hostess shot the passenger . . .
When the first prisoner reached the plane . . .
Helen Sandberg disliked the two
Ambassadors . . .
30 marks
a . . . the hijackers set 100 passengers free.
b . . . when he jumped from the door of the plane.
c . . . because they were military men from bigger
d . . . Harald said that Carl was his prisoner.
e . . . when she came out of the cabin with a
machine gun.
Total marks
10 marks
Complete the following sentences with information
from the story.
a Harald was happy to go home because . . .
b The hijackers took the plane because . . .
c The hijackers said that if the prisoners were
not brought to the airport in two hours . . .
d The two prisoners arrived ten minutes late
because . . .
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Tim Vicary
13 When she came out of the cabin the air hostess
looked different because she _____.
a F had a cup of coffee in her hand
b F was reading a newspaper
c F looked nervous d F had a gun in her hand
14 The Prime Minister’s name was _____.
a F Hazel Sands b F Helen Sands
c F Helen Sandberg d F Hazel Sandberg
15 The hijackers said they were the _____.
a F People’s Liberation Army b F Pilot’s
Liberation Army c F Prisoner’s Liberation Army
d F Police Liberation Army
16 Inspector Holm was the _____.
a F American Ambassador b F British
Ambassador c F Chief of the SAS
d F Chief of Airport Police
17 Michael was _____.
a F the Prime Minister’s secretary b F the
British Ambassador c F a soldier d F a pilot
18 Colonel Carter was a thin, tough looking man
of about _____.
a F thirty b F forty c F fifty d F sixty
19 _____ was a short round man with a loud voice
which the Prime Minister disliked.
a F The British Ambassador b F Inspector
Holm c F Michael d F The American
20 _____ was always quiet, polite and well dressed,
but the Prime Minister did not always believe
what he said.
a F The British Ambassador
b F The American Ambassador
c F Colonel Carter d F Inspector Holm
M U LT I p L e - C H O I C e
Choose the best answer.
1 The air hostess asked Carl if he wanted _____
when he got on the plane.
a F a newspaper b F to sit with his friend
c F a cup of coffee d F to see his daughter
2 Carl thought the air hostess was young and
pretty like his _____.
a F wife b F sister c F daughter
d F mother
3 Carl put his _____ under his seat.
a F passport b F coffee cup
c F newspaper d F bag
4 In his bag Harald had _____ for his sons.
a F new clothes b F two small planes
c F two watches d F two tickets
5 Harald’s sons were _____ years old.
a F five and six b F six and nearly seven
c F five and almost seven d F seven and eight
6 The air hostess said the plane would land at
_____ local time.
a F 11.30 p.m. b F 10.30 p.m.
c F 11.00 p.m. d F 10.00 p.m.
7 Carl thought that the air hostess looked _____.
a F very tired b F afraid c F nervous
d F excited
8 Carl showed Harald a picture of them both _____.
a F outside the Embassy b F on the plane
c F drinking coffee d F with the air hostess
9 Harald put the newspaper _____.
a F in his bag b F under his seat
c F in Carl’s bag d F in his coat pocket
10 Harald and Carl saw one of the young men pick
up a bag and _____.
a F put a newspaper in it b F walk in to the
pilot’s cabin c F give it to the air hostess
d F take out his passport
20 marks
Who said this?
20 marks
21 ‘There is a change of plan. We have to land at
another airport before we finish our journey.
There’s no danger.’
a F Carl b F the Captain c F Harald
d F the air hostess
22 ‘Oh dear, I think we are in trouble my young
friend. Big trouble.’
a F Harald b F Carl c F the Captain
d F the bearded hijacker
23 ‘Tell me about the hijackers. What do they want?’
a F Colonel Carter b F Carl
c F the Prime Minister d F Inspector Holm
Choose the best answer.
11 Carl was a _____ man with grey hair.
a F small fat b F short thin c F tall thin
d F tall fat
12 Harald was tall and strong like a _____.
a F pilot b F police officer
c F sportsman d F hijacker
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Tim Vicary
24 ‘He has no passport. I am a police officer and
he is my prisoner.’
a F Inspector Holm b F Carl c F Harald
d F the air hostess
25 ‘We must attack that plane!’
a F the Prime Minister b F Colonel Carter
c F the pilot d F Harald
26 ‘I know you want to save lives. I understand
that. But these hijackers must not go free.’
a F the Prime Minister b F the British
Ambassador c F the American Ambassador
d F Inspector Holm
27 ‘If our brothers come, he will get a doctor. If
they don’t come, he won’t need one.’
a F the air hostess b F the pilot
c F the bearded hijacker d F the prisoner
28 ‘Right, Colonel, get your men ready. I’ll send the
first prisoner down to you when they arrive.’
a F Michael b F Inspector Holm
c F Harald d F the Prime Minister
29 ‘We didn’t want our poor prisoner to get wet, so
we gave him a nice yellow raincoat, you see.’
a F the Prime Minister b F Inspector Holm
c F Colonel Carter d F Michael
30 ‘I’m going to find out. I don’t care what happens
to me.’
a F the Prime Minister b F Michael
c F Carl d F the police officer
37 a soldier who is trained to fight on land or sea
a F hijacker b F marine c F journalist
d F colonel
38 water that comes out of the skin
a F sweat b F tear c F pool d F nervous
39 a woman who takes care of passengers on a plane
a F ma’am b F host c F lady d F hostess
40 to try to hurt someone or something
a F bend b F attack c F fire d F throw
20 marks
Choose the best answer.
41 Carl and Harald thought they’d be home in _____.
a F 3 days b F 3 hours c F 3 weeks
d F 4 hours
42 When the Prime Minister arrived home her
daughter was _____.
a F reading b F in bed c F asleep
d F watching TV
43 The hijackers wanted _____.
a F two planes b F some guns
c F two brothers d F some bombs
44 Harald took Carl’s passport and _____.
a F ate it b F put it in his bag c F gave it to
the air hostess d F put it under the seat
45 The Prime Minister saw Carl’s name _____.
a F on the passenger list b F in the newspaper
c F on the TV d F on his passport
46 The air hostess shot _____.
a F the Captain b F one of the passengers
c F the Prime Minister d F the pilot
47 The Prime Minister told Colonel Carter to bring
_____ to the airport in twenty-five minutes.
a F the prisoners b F Carl and Harald
c F the Ambassadors d F the passengers
48 The bearded hijacker hit _____ with his gun.
a F Carl b F the Captain c F Harald
d F the air hostess
49 Carl thought the Prime Minister would give the
hijackers what they wanted because _____.
a F of the Ambassadors b F of him
c F she was afraid d F she was angry
50 The Prime Minister walked through the rain to
_____, without stopping.
a F the plane b F her house c F the airport
d F the prison
20 marks
Choose the best answer.
31 to stop somebody talking by speaking yourself
a F tear b F pour c F interrupt d F point
32 a sudden, very bright light for a short time
a F flash b F fire c F attack d F power
33 to destroy; to win a battle in a very violent way
a F tear b F take apart c F tough
d F attack
34 a person sent to a foreign country to speak for
his own country’s government
a F ambassador b F colonel c F gentleman
d F inspector
35 very violent people who kill, or promise to kill,
other people if they don’t get what they want
a F military men b F commando section
c F SAS d F terrorists
36 a piece of paper with names written on it
a F list b F tray c F aisle d F flight
20 marks
Total marks
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