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IELTS Speaking Practice: Model Answers & Topics (Sep-Dec 2022)

IELTS SPEAKING Quý 3 (Sep - Dec) 2022
with model answers by Hoa Coang
A. Đợt 1
Part 1
1. Home/ accommodation
What kind of housing/accommodation do you live in?
=> 3 storey house => house is modern/comfortable … => feelings
Who do you live with?
Family members => breadwinner (trụ cột gia đình) => feelings (and why)
How long have you lived there?
What’s the difference between where you are living now and where you have lived in the past?
=> has been modernized (more modern)
Do you plan to live there for a long time?
Feelings => why
Which room does your family spend most of the time in?
Say which room => my family normally … gather around / share our daily lives => strengthen
family bond
Are the transport facilities to your home very good?
Is there a big/small road in front of your house? Which type of vehicle … => a coach can park in
front of my house without blocking the traffic
Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?
=> well, tbh, I’ve never lived in a flat so … => however (as I said before) => feelings about your
Please describe the room you live in.
Cramped >< spacious / => điểm các furniture => opinions (tidy / messy …)
What part of your home do you like the most?
2. Study
Describe your education
=> I’m currently a student at … TBH, I (don’t) really like going to school, because the
teachers/friends/subjects …
What is your major?
Why did you choose to study that major? (chuyên ngành)
economics : accounting / banking / finance / marketing / logistics …
why : I am passionate about … / can find a well paid job / a job with a lucrative income
Do you like your major? (Why?/Why not?)
What kind of school did you go to as a child?
- Feelings =>
What was your favourite subject as a child?
Say which subject => say why
Do you think your country has an effective education system? Are you looking forward to
3. Work
What do you do?
What are your responsibilities?
Why did you choose to do that type of work (or, that job)?
Is there some other kind of work you would rather do?
Describe the company or organization you work for
Do you enjoy your work?
What do you like about your job?
What do you dislike about your job
(Possibly)Do you miss being a student?
4. Birthday
What do you usually do on your birthday?
=> birthday is (not) important to me => girls these days typically will have a photo shoot and
post on social platforms
What did you do on your birthday when you were young?
When I was a kid => I used to have a huge party for my birthday => my friends didn't have to
prepare a gift … whereas now …
Do you think it is important for you to celebrate your birthday?
Not really => whether or not I celebrate my birthday doesn;t really make a big difference … =>
Whose birthday do you think is the most important to celebrate in VietNam?
=> Uncle Ho => he is one of the most important historical heroes of our country => brought
peace and independence / freedom to our race
5. Social Media
Do you like to use social media?
=> Yes => I spend most of my free time on tiktok … => I find it such a great way to blow off
some steam
Do you think your friends use too much social media?
Definitely => almost every single one of my friend is addicted to social networks => even when
we hang out to meet each other => they still have their eyes glued to the newsfeed of
facebook or instagram
Do you want to work in social media? Why?
Yes => passion / lucrative income
What’s the most popular social media in VietNam? Why?
It used to be facebook but now tik tok is taking over / I don’t know exactly but I guess the
algorithm of tik tok is more suitable for young people …
6. Names
Does your name have a special meaning?
Of couse =>
How do you choose names for your next generation?
Well I think I will name my children after my … favourite anime characters / celebrities
Are there any differences between how Vietnamese name their children now and in the past?
Of couse => in the past we had a simpler way to name children => for ex: we used to use
numbers / simple middle name such as Văn was for male and Thị was for female …
Does anyone in your family have the same name as you?
=> no => that rarely / almost never happens => cause a lot of confusion / makes everyone
Part 2 + 3
Sử dụng câu chuyện sau để tùy biến và trả lời cho 14 đề part 2 ở phía sau:
=> Talk about the decision to quit social media
Link video mẫu:
The reason:
- I’m going to tell you about my decision to quit social media
- It was just last year
- At the time, I often felt bad about myself / and I was always distracted and couldn’t focus
on my work/study
- it began to take a heavy toll on (ảnh hưởng tiêu cực đến) the quality of my life
- I searched my symptoms (triệu chứng) on the internet and I found out that my mental
health was negatively affected by social media
So I decided to quit
The action
- I deleted all the social media apps on my phone like facebook, instagram …
- And I even shared this plan to my friends
- because if I failed they would laugh at me and lose their respect for me
- And I definitely didn’t want that
The challenge
- The first week was really difficult for me
- I always craved (thèm muốn) to reinstall the apps to post stories and to see what my
friends were up to (bạn bè đang làm cái trò gì)
- However, from the 2nd week it was easier and easier and now I can say that I’m finally
free from my addition
The result
- With the extra time that I had from quitting social media, I picked up a workout routine
- And also because I could focus better, my productivity was also greatly improved.
- Now I couldn’t be happier with my life
1. Describe a difficult decision you made that had a very good result
Follow question: Describe a difficult time in your life
You should say:
What decision it was
What difficulties you faced how you made the decision
And explain why it was a difficult decision.
1. What decisions do people usually make in their daily lives?
2. Which is easier: making a decision by yourself or making a decision after group discussion?
3. Why are many young people unwilling to follow their parents’ advice?
4. Do Vietnamese children have difficulties at school?
5. What are the causes of having too many difficulties?
6. What are the advantages of having a hard time?
2. Describe an occasion when somebody said something positive about some work that
you did
You should say:
Who it was
What work it was
When she/he told you that
And explain how you felt when hearing it
Part 3
1. Will you be affected when hearing a number of negative stories?
2. How will you react when someone pays you a compliment?
3. Why is negative feedback as important as positive feedback at work?
3. Describe a positive change that you made in your life
You should say:
What it is
Why you did it
Who you did it with
And explain how you feel about the change
1. Is it easier for young people to change?
2. Is it easy for old people to change?
3. How can people change their daily routine if they want to?
4. What are the disadvantages when people keep making changes?
4. Describe a disagreement you had with someone
You should say:
Who you had the disagreement with
What the disagreement was
What happened
And explain how you felt about it
Part 3
What would you do if you disagreed with someone?
How do we stop an argument from escalating into a fight?
Who do you think should teach children to respect their teacher? What disagreements do
parents and children usually have?
5. Describe a time when you needed to search for information
You should say:
What information you needed to search for
When you searched for it
Where you searched for it
And explain why you needed to search for it
Part 3
1. How can people search for information now?
2. What information can people get from television?
3. With the development of the Internet, is the library still important?
4. Does the development of the Internet have any impact on some disadvantaged people?
6. Describe something you had to share with others
You should say:
What it was
Who you shared it with
Why you had to share it with others
And explain how you felt about it
Part 3
1 Do you think kids like to share? Why?
2 How can parents teach their children to share?
3 What do you think is the benefit of sharing for children?
4. Is there anything that parents would persuade children to share with others?
7. Describe a time when you succeeded in doing something that was difficult
You should say:
What you succeeded in
When you succeeded
Who helped you do it
And how you felt when you succeeded
Part 3
1. Is it easy to become a successful person?
2. Would you do charity when you succeed?
3. Is there a lot of competition with others trying to achieve the same goals?
8. Describe a time you made a decision to wait for something
You should say:
When it happened
Who you were with
What you were waiting for
And explain how you felt about the decision
1. Do people in your country like to take public transportation?
2. Why do some people like a slow-paced life?
3. Is being patient good for people? Why?
4. Are people less patient now than people in the past? Why?
9. Describe a change you made in your daily life that saved you a lot of time
You should say:
What the change was
When it happened
How it happened
And explain why it saved you a lot of time
Part 3
1. What can people do to save time?
2. Does technology help people save time? How and Why?
3. Do you think parents should be responsible for teaching children to save time?
4. Do people who can manage time well become successful more easily?
10. Describe something you do that you think is important for keeping fit and healthy
You should say:
What you do
How often you do it
Where you do it
And explain how you think this activity helps you stay healthy or fit.
1. How do people generally stay healthy in your country?
2. How can parents guide their children to build health?
3. Do you think it is best for students to exercise several times a week?
4. What do old people in your country do to keep fit?
5. What kinds of sports are popular in VietNam?
6. Do you think young people should play dangerous sports?
7. What else can people do to keep fit besides sports?
11. Describe something that surprised you and made you happy.
You should say:
When it was
Who/ what surprised you
Where you were then
And explain why this surprise made you happy.
1. How do people express happiness in your culture?
2. Do you think happiness has any effect on people? How?
3. How can people be happy?
4. Is it good for people to be unhappy? Why?
12. Describe something you do that can help you to concentrate in work or study
You should say:
What it is
How often you do it
When you start doing it
And explain how it helps you concentrate
1. Is it important for children to learn how to concentrate?
2. What can employers do to help employees concentrate?
3. What kinds of jobs require higher concentration at work?
4. Have you ever felt difficult to concentrate?
5. What kinds of distractions are bothering you in your life?
13. Describe a time when you were very busy
You should say:
When it happened
Where you were
What you did
And explain why you were busy
1. Do you like to be always busy?
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages when people keep busy?
3. Do you think children should learn through playing games or under pressure?
4. What kind of pressure people may experience at work?
14. Describe an important thing you learned (not at school or college)
You should say:
What it is
When you learned its
How you learned it
And explain why it was important
Part 3
1. What can children learn from parents?
2. Do you think some children are well-behaved because they are influenced by their parents?
3. Is it necessary for adults to learn new things?
4. How can people learn new things?