Subido por Andy Francisco Loor Veliz

Laser Beam Distortion: Thermal Convection & Aberration

Thermal Convection and Spherical Aberration Distortion
of Laser Beams in Low-Loss Liquids
Abstract-Experiments and approximateanalysis are given for
spherical aberration interference rings and for convection distortion
arising in the thermal self-defocusing effectsproduced by laser
beams passing through materials of finite loss. The importance of
thesethermal effectsformoderate-power
beams in materials of
relatively low loss is stressed.
Thermal gradients arising from heat conduction have been shown
to produce a self-defocusing effect on laser beams passing through
materials with finite loss.P].[21 The effect is observable even when
loss is small, and has consequently been usedI31-I~lfor the measurement of absorption coefficients as low as 10-4 cm-’. Kiefer and
Brault[el also stressed the difficulties this defocusing may cause
when a laser beam of moderate power passes through a materiat of
small but finite loss. They observed undesired spreading or “blooming” of the beam from a CW argon ion laser when the beam passed
throughan indexmatching fluid. This correspondence describes
the interference patterns arising from the fourth power term (the
first term contributing to spherical aberration) in the power series
expansion of optical length for suchlenses. It also describes thermal
convection distortion of the beam when the absorbing material is a
liquid. Observations of these effects are made by passing the beam
from a CW ionlaserthrough
a cell containingnitrobenzene. It
becomes obvious that thethermal effectsdescribed
can cause
serious distortions of laser beams of moderate or high power when
passed through many materials that are normally thought to be
We describefirst the experimentalresult. Thearrangement is
CW argonionlaseris
sketched in Fig. 1. The beamfromthe
obstructed by a card placed betweenthe laser and thecell containing
nitrobenzene for a period long enoughto dissipate all thermaleffects.
The cardisremovedandthespot
is firstseen as inFig. 2(a),
corresponding tothe normaldiffractionspreading
of the beam.
At t = 1 s [Fig. 2(b)], the spot is expanded to about double its
original size, and shows definiteinterference rings. At 1 = 2 s
[Fig. 2(c)], the beam has reached nearly its maximum size, about
three times theoriginal diameter, and here also the rings are clearly
present. At t = 3 s [Fig. 2(d)], a flattening of the top is observable,
and this flattening continues to develop in the pictures for t = 4 s
[Fig.2(e)] and t = 5 s [Fig. 2(f)]. Thepicture issubstantially
unchanged for later times.
The timedevelopment of Fig.2 thus shows three effects. The
firstis the thermal conduction self-defocusing referred to in the
firstparagraph, The secondis an interference effect which we
believe to be caused by the spherical aberration of the thermal lens.
The third is the flattening which appears to be caused by thermal
convection gradients arising from the absorption heating from the
laser beam.
I n order toestimatetheamount
of sphericalaberration,we
utilize the analysis of Gordon et al., P I which gives an expression for
temperatureincrease as a function of radiusandtime
when a
Gaussian beam is introduced into a medium a t time zero, as follows:
CW Argon laser
P =
wn =
absorption coefficient of material, cm-l
total power in laser beam, watts
thermalconductivity of material, cal/cm~s”K
radiusfrom axis, cm
time after turning on beam, s
radius a t which Gaussian field decreases t.o e-l the axis value
Manuscript received July 18,1967. This research was supported by the National
Science Foundation under Grant GK-457.
41 cm
235 cm
Sample cell length 5 cm
Fig. 1. Experimental arrangement,.
Fig. 2.
Time development of beam pattern a t screen position after injection
of laser beam into nitrobenzene cell.
= k/pCp
= density,g/cm3
cp = specific heat, cal/g. OK
exponential integral.
The steady-state result for a beam in a cell with the outer radius a
held at constant temperature is also given as:
As in Gordon et al., P I we plot (1) and (2) in Fig. 3. It is seen that
the temperature variations with radius approach the steady-state
value ina time of the order of T~ = w02/4D,
which is about 2 seconds
for the organic liquids studied in Gordon et aZ.[ll Fig. 3 also shows
that a square law approximation is valid up to about T = WO.Since
87 percent of the energy is contained within that radius, the main
effect is that of a defocusing lens. There is, nevertheless, a measurable
amount of light beyond Wg, so it is desirable to expand (2) at least
to terms in 1.4.The result is:
AT(?.) M !LE
IC E [In
The spherical aberration arising from terms in 1.4 produces interferenceringsin
the far-zonepattern.171 Using the nomenclature
of Born and Wolf, [71
@ =
Power out = 320 mW
[optical path length to terms in r4] - [optical path to terms
in rz]
const X
where y o is the aperture radius. The aperture for our problem is
somewhatarbitrary since the Gaussianbeam does nothavean
abrupt edge, but it should be somewhat greater than the measure
wo,say 1.2 WO.
The calculated value of the spot size at the position of the cell
is 0.7 mm, in good agreement with the observed beam diameter.
Fig: 4. Effect of fluid convection showing blurring of temperaturegradient
near the’top of the beam.
values give the maximum upward velocity from thermal convection
as 2.4 mm/s. The upward motion of the liquid is dominant at the
top of the beam, and smears outthe index gradient there, as indicated
in Fig. 4. Our estimates of the velocities of s,cattering particles in
‘Theabsorption coefficient of the liquid,calculatedfrom
the de- the cell were around 1 mm/s, which would also be consistent with
focusing effect of the beam and eq. (10) of Gordon et al., yields the two or three second time required to stabilize the convection
.b =12.4.10-3. In this calculation and others to follow, wavelength flattening of the beam after thermal gradients are established. The
ismtakenas the dominant 4880-A line of the argon laser, although
approximate calculat.ion made here is thus of the proper order of
ather frequencies were present. It should also be noted that the
thin lens approximation is marginal because of the high power and
Callen et al.[81 observed interference rings and a distortion of the
the relatively long cell used, but is useful for the order-of-magnitude beam when the output of a few milliwatt helium-neon laser was
results presented. Interpretation of (4) by the use of (3) gives
passed through a 10-cm length cell containing carbon disulfide with
The beamdistortion wits
attributed to misalignment in that experiment, and it
does seem
unlikely that convection effects would play a part at those power
caused by the effect
For an/aT = 10-3, 1 = 5, P = 0.32, k = 3.9 X
and X = levels. The interference rings are very likely
describedin this correspondence,although the greaterlength of
0.488 x 10-4,
their cell complicates the analysis of the effect. Prof. 111aba[~l has
@ M 25 x 1.2w0
( q 4
liquids placed inthe output of C o n lasers. Materials with extremely
low losses are likely to show these thermal distortions in the highFig. 9.4 of Bornand
gives a plotfor rI, = 16 X ( ~ / r o ) ~which
power COL.beams,andmaterialswithmoderate
losses, normally
showsabout 20 rings. Fig. 2(f) shows about 13 rings. Thus, con- thought of as being transparent, will show the effects in the few watt
sidering the uncertainties of apertureandabsorption
coefficient, level beams commonly produced by CW ion lasers.
the agreement is reasonable andthe effect seems to be the spherical
aberration postulated.
I n order to estimate the effect
of thermal convection inthe liquid,
acknowledge valuablesuggestionsfrom
the temperature distribution may be taken from (2) and a change in
E. Ippen of The ElectronicsResearchLaboratory,University
density arising from thermal expansion calculated. This provides a
California, Berkeley, and special help with the experimental appagravity force, which with the viscosity equation, allows calculation ratus from E. Clausen.
of a velocity distribution. The problem has not been solved exactly,
but estimate of an upper bound has been made by approximating
(2) byaGaussianformanddividing
the beamintodifferential
vertical strips. The gravity force on each strip, by integration
University of California
the vertical direction, is
Berkeley, Calif.
rBig. 3. Theoretical temperature-gradient as a function of radiusandtime,
from Gordon et ~ 1 . 1 1 1
where p = density, CY = expansion coefficient, AT, = maximum
temperature rise, and g = acceleration due to gravity. The velocity
equation in an incompressible fluid with viscosity ,u is then
Integration of this equation yields a resultfor velocity on the axis
f f g AT,TW2,
1 6 ~
The viscosity of nitrobenzene is about 2 centipoise. The maximum
temperature differential for the values used earlier is 0.5”C. These
J. P. Gordon R. C.C. Leite, R. S. Moore, S. P 8 Porto, and J. R. Whinnery,
“Long transient ekects in lasers with inserted 1iq;id samples,” J . A p p l . Phzls.,
vol. 36,pp. 3-8, January 1965.
[21 K. E. Rieckhoff, “Self-induced divergence of CW laser beams in liquids-a
new nonlinear effect in the propagation of light,” A p p l . Phys. Lett.. vol. 9,p. 87,
131 R. C. C. Leite. R. S. Moore, and J. R. Whinnery, “Low absorption measurements by means of the thermal lens effect using an He-Ne laser,” A p p l . Phys.
Lett., vol. 5 , 141-14:; October 1 1964.
[dl D. Solimini,
.4pcuracy hnd sensitivity of thethermal lens method for
measuring absorption, Appl. Optics, vol. 5, pp. 1931-1939, December 1966.
[ K l D. Solimini, “Loss measurements of organic materials a t 63288,” J . A p p l .
Phvs., vol. 37,pp. 3314-3315,July 1966.
[SI J. E. Kiefer and R. G. Brault. “High power effects on optical fluids,” presented a t 1966 Conference on Electron Device Research, Pasadena, Calif. (referenced by permission).
171 M. Born and E. Wolf, Principles of Optics. New York: Macmillan, 1964,
sec. 9.4.1.
[SI W. R. Cullen. E. G. Ruth, and R. H. Pantell “Thermal self-defocusing of
light ” Stanford University Mmowave Laboratory. Rept. 1489,December 1966.
19) H. Inaba, Tohoku University, private communication.