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Animal Abuse: An Opinion Essay on Prevention & Awareness

Animal abuse is any action or context that causes suffering and humiliation to a
companion or wild animal. It is considered a current social problem to which many
of us do not give the importance and attention it deserves, despite the fact
that we are daily witnesses of cases where several animals are victims of
mistreatment and abandonment.
It is important to emphasize that animal abuse is considered a crime in many
parts of the world, including our country; despite this, the numbers of these
cases increase daily and millions of animals die as a result of abuse.
There are many forms of this problem, ranging from the negligence of basic
citizens to physical and psychological punishment. There are several ways to
directly and indirectly expose an animal to mistreatment, from being abandoned
to bullfighting, cockfighting, trafficking of exotic animals and killing them for fur
or body parts.
Most of the time this issue is not evident to the naked eye, so cases of animal
abuse can go unnoticed; however, it is important to know that only the behavior
of the animal's fear towards the owner can mean that it is being mistreated.
The consequences of this problem can cause serious physical affections such
as fractures, burns, scars and mutilations; they also leave sequels in the mental
and natural well-being of the animal victims, some of the most important are:
insecurity, fear, distrust, aggressiveness as an act of defense, social isolation,
compulsive disorders: barking or meowing, licking the surface without reason,
chasing its own tail or obsessively digging all the time in the ground, among others.
Animal abuse is considered a social problem, since there are several studies in
the scientific literature that associate cases of animal abuse with criminal
behavior related to interpersonal and intrafamily violence.
Finally, she concluded by stressing that having an animal is a responsibility, since
it requires attention, adequate food, veterinary check-ups, among other care. It
is also essential to raise awareness about the importance of reporting cases
of this problem, since the precaution of animal abuse will not only directly benefit
the animals, but will also influence the prevention of human violence and the
construction of a better and more educated society. If we really want to combat
violence, part of our fight against it also consists in eradicating the mistreatment
of other living beings.