Student Book \n/o rk boo k . ¡,-:: 'i1,.r ' ., (:1,,:: w' 'i l- !:¡ :.; 1l Philippa Bowen & Denis Delaney Christina de la Mare oxroRD OXIORD IJNIVERSITY PRESS Great Clarendon Súeet, Oxford, ox2 6Dp, United Kingdom Oford University Press is a department ofthe Universiw ofoxford. It firrthe$ the University's objective ofexcellence in resea¡ch, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. Oxford is a registered tr:ade mark ofOxford University Press in the UK and in certain other countries @ Oxford University Press 2014 The moral rights ofthe author have been asserted First published in zor4 2018 1098 No unauthorized photocopying AII rights reserved. No patrt ofthis pubücation may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing ofOxford University press, or as expressly pennitted by law' by Iicence or under terms agreed wit}r the appropdate reprographics úghts organization. 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(Úc.= U a¡ t ¡d É s o >.l .e c O-o >-Á(ú-ó ^=+Pu)C úÉkx.0^ *üal :u€ +;¡: + 6t .E E d €q <# i.q a.¡ ;I: :lO:s-Oá o-.!lOo.Yrú- *s oE 'v O (Ú o § hl u o)(/) 'Fño-.Ló!J> d:Eá c o E .= L.Y;(JñO(JO .d-o o_0 !? o Q olo o){,4* § ó'aQ o> *Z y o.o't E<<=-ü a<o9 ..óó-i< .: óó< .P:€ É É, .P.:€ É' EgSP'E Egs:E tÍ,'Hi #Í,"i aoo o :J _o -=.. a (,). LI 9g (.r}(U o pu\ O)() cD -o U Hg (¡.) o _o (ÚE,^ c» "g- -'¡ .J ¡U =(J drú F> oQ (,E a C .ot 6p () b o-:-ar Pa' á Ey H *- (Ú c o-O 3 -. - o ^ - U, C ,oóoaa-9. iié > !oEñ;fftif tn d < a .;o_ CI/).!: D cJ sñE CÓ 'iñ(§- (§ §! o-: c o-c.É Ao q A rÉO * trl srtn C, () ]J o a cr,b o TJ rd C CJ tr ñ_z -- O ¿ó u _! IJ #o -rú ()CO C (§ tr -.e.E.9 c)ú :1 {) oool .> 'vi E -a ();0 a -o o {i o-o X :Ll l9)(J ro: ü-:l aya § úL P^(! o.^ QñY h o-l E-P§ hP.X+ -uL,-!#g (,/} C § Ho d=b :Xc-t*¡iÁa hYÑU)ULL -XC#-'lJ-O ;i X C ;í (J r l>O,!ló-.l/) g0osL- ¿h. P '=a (ul ()¿:(Úh .,iir a (,-) ruE .9: o-t iLo () -c o -.c 3 &' ffi ffil §Év qtJ .l o E o OJ o -ts o J* o &i- F <. oo fo o_ I o o C) -c A. I a 3 a >.E i (6 r§ .(J t! N ¡/t ñ. ¡-§!TlEOJ É8 o o q h^ H B_ o¡= b¡ A^ -J 3; ES 'o, 3 HH e 3.= '; #É H i= 5¡. oom >t'= EáOO EE rv 4 OJ oo @ <u 3 lo o- o E ¡¡ a, E '= B hlelcome Vocabulary Countries and nationalities 1 Mrtch the countries with the flags. Then write the nationalities. Brazil Canada Japan Southrlfurea the United Kingdom the United States E ffi 5outhKorea Korean 4 The family 2 toot at Aticia's family tree. Complete the sentences. 4 Bruno is the children's Orand?a Bruno is David's Gabriel is Alicia's Sophia is Hugo's Hugo is Alicia's 5 Julia is Sophia's 1 2 3 6 David is Hugo's 7 Esther is Alicia's 8 Bruno and Esther are Sophia's 9 Julia is Gabriel's '1O Laura and Samuel are Hugo's Daily rout¡nes and sports 3 t-oof at the pictures. Complete the daily routine for Jackson Williams, high school sports star! t havebreakfast, at six thirty, then I 1 - l'm on the team! After school, I § II ff ls @ rour una, . I always 6 late. lt's a long dayl House and furniture 4 Complete the rooms and the furniture with the missing letters. lbtrm §e1¡o6m Room Furniture sb 7l 6c 8s zkcn _____ Possessions 4di 'l ro r__m 0 r___ "S 13t '10^ 5 14c School subiects 5 took at the pictures. Complete the word puzzle, 5 Complete the sentences with the correct What is the mystery possession? school subjects. ls¿§sl li[<s5 ffi art j She hates 1 ecience -\. Marcos'favorite subject is i ffi t1ft [(P ¡....+ But he doesn't like ;ffi$ 2 David likes But he doesn't like 3 VW Lucia really likes But she hates Clothes and pr¡ces 7 1 5 k a t, 2 3 4 5 6 7 Mystery possession: e b o a ? d ffi Complete the sentences with the correct clothes. .iacket, 1 Her 2 Her 3 Her 4 Juan's 1¿n's 5 His 6 His 7 His is $30. is $18, is $22. are $50. is $2O. is $35. are $45. are $60. five O Grammar There is aÍen't áe: Simple present 1 3 toof at Sara and Frank's perfect Read the factfile. Then complete the sentences about Eduardo. Use the affirmative or negative form of the verb be. Factfilg I isn't, There are I rooms. Complete the sentences with there is, there are, there isn't, or there arenrt. ry1*-.¡-,e*-,.r--rr-*,¡,% ^al Name: Eduardo Ruiz Age: t+ Country: Brazil School: Úe Arv¡erican College of Sao Paulo Favorite subject hist"ry Friends: Taylor (Arnerican), Markus (Gerrnan) ln Sara's perfect bedroom thereis ¿6ig bed. '-a lot of posters on the walls, too. 2a closet and a mirror, but a a chair, And any shelves, Favorite bands: Pararnor, Maroon 5 Eduardo's surname 'l 2 3 isn't, Ramos, Eduardo _ 14. Eduardo from the U,S. Taylor and Markus Eduardo's teachers. 4 History his favorite school subject. 5 His friends from the U,S, and Germany. 6 His favorite bands Linkin Park and Green Day. - 2 Write questions. Then answer the questions with information about you. What / your name? Where 3 art 4 Who 5 Paramore / I t_ and DVDs, but e_ any armchairs. sentences these, or those. with this, that, your favorite subject? I your friends? / your favorite band? lhese 2 3 six ffrrt that, you from? 'l @ a big shelves for games a table. Demonstratiues: these, those 4 Complete the What'eyourname? 1 How old I you? 2 ln Frank's perfect living room s_ TV, 6_ sofas, too, but 7 are my parents, Sally and Michael. is my dog, Pugsy. is my house. boys are my brothers. Simple present 7 Write questions about Alanna. Then answer the questions. Where/she/live? 5 toot at the information in the chart. Write questions. Then answer the questions. Where doee ehelive? Amy have / play / basketball get up like go Tom Mia téo lunch at 1:15 I al7:3O / track and field ,/ ,/ ,/ / / 6:30) Doee Amy getup at6:3O? get up No, ehe doesn'L. 1he elr oil, Mi chi g an. Aduerbs of frequency I Wr¡te the adverbs of frequency in the correct orden gele up al 7$O. ,,ahruays 1 (you / have lunch / 1:3O, Tom) 2 (Amy and Mia I like I basketball) 3 (you and Tom / play baseball, Leo) 4 (Leo / go to bed / early) always 5 Complete the blog post with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. 2 3 ffii?,) 4 Hi! My name's Alanna. 1 live llive) in Detroit. Michioan. I 1 loo) to Roosevelt Junior High School, I 2_(qet up) at 7 a,m. I 3_ (have) breakfast with my family. My sister a (go) to my school, too, She D Where I she I go to school? Who I she I have breakfast with? What / her sister I play? What time / school / slar{? What I she I do / before dinner? What / Alanna and her friends I do after dinner? 6 ,/ / to bed late (Amy 5h e liv e s in 1 2 3 4 5 never 9 -.nerer , often ,,,rarely , aaooo ooaao ooaoo ooooo ooooo ooooo Rewrite the sentences with the correct adverbs of frequency in the correct place. s-(play) the violin. 6-(not | like) music lessons, but P.E. is great. School'-(start) at B:45 a.m. and it 8-(finish) at 3 p,m. I 'g-(get) home at around 3:3O p,m. I usually 'o-(watch) TV for an hou¡ and12 then (do) mv homework. Dad I rr (get) home from work at 6:30 p.m,, and then we 13 lhave) dinner. Mv sister and I 14-(not go) out on school nights. After dinne¡ I 1s-(listen) to music, or I with my friends on the lnternet. '6-(chat) | 17-(go) to bed at 1o:3o p.m. I play tennis on the weekend. (OOOOO) usually play tennie on lhe weekend. Cecilia takes a bath in the evening. (aaoao) Our teacher is late for class. (Ooooo) They go out on school nights. (aoooo) Ken gets up at eight o'clock, (OOOOO) Luke goes to a café after school. (OOOOO) We go shopping on Fridays. (aoooo) I 1 2 3 4 5 6 seven o How often ...? 10 loof at Kelly's school schedule. How often does she do things? Write questions and answers. mltlr_ computer science iP-E, i computer science j4 How often / have PE.? How ofíen does ehe have ?.E.? 5he has ?.E. three times a week. 1 How often / ,sPanlsh__ i no lessons can (abilityf 12 loot at the pictures. Write sentences about what the people can and can't do. eat lunch at school? Bella PW' 2 How often How often afternoon? / study geography / w in the morning? #d'' ,p have computer science in the 6t' 4 How often / go to art class? 11 Complete the school rules with the affirmative or negative imperative form of the verbs in the box. 1 2 @ .' r¡gg, |¡1,ffi1{,' .,iñéáf],i Don'lwear ieans. fX) be on time for class. (,/) 1 Grandpa 2 The children 3 Alícia 4 Miguel .,, 5 Your little brother 6il\ \ llomo- 1 (/)----\ M' "It s' (f) ! Don't run! (f) cell phones. 3 or drink during class. 4 the school at lunchtime. 5 your homework on time, (rz) eight dance. ñ)!r-{. lmperatiues .,,,$inish."'"léa;o CanDellasinq? Yes, she can,but she .-,w /íñ\ ',,,'1,.11:§á.:,"q¡§1 iU._i":y i geography MUSIC (7y) (f) <^fu (/)\-/- can'l Language focus 3 Dialogue focus There are six more mistakes in the dialogues. Find and correct the mistakes. w 'se!'ii,i Dylan Where's Zac? What's he doing? Lewis He's on the phone. He's talking to his mom Rosie He calls her three times a day ,,. Dylan ,,. and he's sometimes late for practice! He's talking to his girlfriend again. Zac again. This is my band, Rosie I know. Let's stop now, lt's getting Dylan Yours? Zac Zac Yes! You play the bass, Rosie plays the piano, and plays Lewis the drums, but I'm the actor and the star. Wait, my phone is ringing again. Rosie What are you doing now? Zac 4 @ r'o: Listen and check. Listen again and 5 l'm listening to a message from my sister. repeat. FOCUS On y0u Read dialogue 3 in exercise 3 again. Then write three similar dialogues. Use the activities in the box. gym have breakfast / lunch / dinner listen to music play computer games play soccer practice the guitar read a magazine watch TV write an e-mail do my homework go to the A What, areyou doingnow? b l'm reading a magazine. 5 PaifWOfk lmagine it is Saturday morning. Ask and answer questions about what you and your family are doing. Use the present progressive. § A Whal areyou doingnow? B l'm ... A Whal'syour eieter doingnow? 9 5he's ... late, Musical genres and instruments 1 @ l'o+ Match the pictures of the singers and bands with the music genres in the box. Then listen and check. classical heavy metal hip-hop pop reggae rock _?e? Z @» 1.05 ¡¡s1s¡. Can you identify the musical genres? ?e? 3 @» 1'06 l¿§sl the pictures with the words in the box. Then listen and check. drums flute guitar piano recorder saxophone trumpet violin : ff§ drums §B §M ,-\. f\\ 6 4 Pairwork lnstrsmont MusicÍan plano a pianist guikr dr'gm, a guitarist a drummer ,,, kumpet,,,., @ a trumpeter twetve . . Rs¡< and answer questions about ... B your favorite type of music and your favorite singer the musical instruments that you can play. A What's y our favoríte type of music? b llikeheavy metal. A What's your favorit e heavy met b lt's M elallica. ll' e f anlast ícl al band? af,-. / band. b Can you play a musícal inetrument? A Yes,l can.I can play the piano andthe guitar.Whaí aboutyou? b I can'lplay aninslrument. I kdorkbook p,4 Extra practice online Grammar Simple present progre§srve f Present 4 Wr¡te the sentences and questions in the simple present or present progressive. What's Zac doing? He's talking to his girlfriend. He calls her twenty times a day, He's always late for practice. / He doesn'l gelup early onSundays. not get up early / do her math test I Ellen now? lesl now? Luke / play the guifar I at the moment. My teacher / go to the U.S. / every summer. You / study English / every evening? Dan / not do his homework / now. I / not see my grandparents / very often. What I larry do i at the moment? ls Ellen doing her malh 1 2 3 Answer the questions. Use simple present ot present progressive. 4 5 6 Which tense do we use . I on Sundays, He to talk about actions in progress now? 5 1 . to talk about habits? 2 Complete the dialogues with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. Add a short answer if necessary. 1 Dad 1 it an action in progress now (N), or a habit (H)? H Sam often dlEñd§movies __-----N San(q{3tclrn{»a DVD at the moment. 1 I always listen to my MP3 player on the bus. C¡rcle the verb in each sentence. ls 4 5 6 Are you using your computer at the moment? Mom and Dad go shopping on the weekend. Quick! Glee is starting right nowl Do you study math every day? 2 Underline the adverbs of frequency and other time expressions in exercise 1. Use them to complete the chart. oft en at,the moment 3 Choos" the correct answers. tom often@/ is meeting his friends after school. 1 Our orchestra does / is doing a concert twice a year. 2 I don't 3 / 'm not playing sports every day. Do you study / Are you studying at the moment? play 4 Shhl We listen / 're listening to this CD. 5 Kevin doesn't watch / isn't watching TV very often, 6 Listen! Luisa plays / is playing her violin. 7 Dad always cooks / is cooking on Saturdays. 8 I don't have / 'm not having lunch now, lt's you Toinqout Jake Dad Jake Yes, Dad Oh yes, of coursel Jake Yes, she 2 Kate practices her flute three times a week. 3 Are (go out), Jake? 1 Where 2 (you l3 / go)? (go) to band practice. (Gemma / a play) in the band, too? s We usually 6 (practice) at her house. Oh, no! l'm late. See you later! 2 Toby (Amy / play) her Mom,7 recorder in the living rooml (not Mom Good! She 8 practice) very often, (watch) TVI Toby But I e Mom What about your homework, Toby? (not have) Toby It's Monday. I 1o homework on Mondaysl 6 An"*.r the questions. Use information about you. 1 What are you doing now? 2 3 What do you usually do in your free time? How often do you play sports? Think about a friend or family member. What are they doing now? What do they do every day? Write sentences. My dadis sittinginhis office.He'o ... only eleven o'clock! t inJmrkh*ok \ n4 Extra practice on¡¡n. thirt:e' O Making requests 1 r.oz Read and listen to the dialogues. Match them with the pictures. Listen again and check. Then listen and repeat. @ 1c A Can I open the window please? B Yes, you can. lt's hot in here. 2_ A B Can I bor.row pstq §usana? ,,,',, Not now, l'm doing my,homework;, You can borrow it later. )¡iourli --3 3 A Can I use an English.dlctig¡ary? B No, you can't! You can do the exercise without it, a--* Can I open the window, please? Can I borrow (your pen), please? Yes, you can. Not now. Can I use an English dictionary? 2 @,,1,.00, cun t Pronunciation / / Yes, OK, You can borrow (it) later, No, you can't. L¡sten and repeat. op"iTñilfr Yes, you can. prease? Can I use your eraser, please? Can I borrow your dictionary? -:\ now, l'm using it. Not No, you can't. 3 @'t:oO': Listen and complete the requests. Check (/) the positive replies and cross (I) the negative replies. Listen and check. Q¿¡ | eit nextloyou ? 1 Canl ? | don't have mine 2 tr tr T ? Canl 4 PaifWOrk Make requests with the expressions in the box. Use the dialogues in exercise 1 as a model. Accept or reject your partner's requests. § book close the window copy your homework water sit next to you use a dictionary use your pen borrow your have some @ fourteen (t.Iorkbook po Extra pract¡ce onl¡ne Possessive pronouns Adverbs of mannel ... and he's always late for practice! "This is my band." "Yours?" And we're playing terribly. my your his her Regular adverbs mrne yours bad terrible happy impossible his hers its our your their ours terribly happily impossibly yours theirs Irregular adverbs Read the sentences. Are the rules true (T) or false (F)? It's your guitar. lt's yours. 1We use possessive adjectives before a noun. . . ' badly good well early early late late fast fast 2We use possessive pronouns before a noun. 3W€ use possessive pronouns to replace a - possessive adjective and a noun. _ Read the sentence. Choose the correct word. 1 Complete the sentences with the correct . POSSeSSTVe prOnOUnS. 1 This isn't my guitar. Where's mine ? (my guitar) These are my pens, and 3 He's a bad singer. He sings badly. Adverbs of manner come before Rewrite the sentences with adverbs. You have neat handwriting. those are You write neallY (your pens) 2 1 Whose books are these? Are they Paula's? Yes. 3 / after the verb. thev're . lher books) That isn't their oizza. table. (Their pizza) bio. is on the kitchen 4 Your house is (Our house) 5 David's saxoohone is new. This isn't (his saxophone) is smaller. to bed at midnight, He ooes to bed Jay goes 2 Lydia's a fast runner. 3 She runs My mom's a good artist. She oaints 4 You're a terrible dancer! You dance 5 2 Choose the correct answers. Here's 66üh/ yours jacket. "Whose are these books?" "They're my / mine" 2 Those bags are Jason's. They aren't our / ours . 3 'Are these Elizabeth's keys?" "No, these are her / hers ". My brother's a happy baby. He alwavs olavs 1 4 ls this their / theirs address? 5 My / Mine dad is taller than your I yours ( lnlorkbook p.5 , Extra pract¡ce onl¡ne Write true sentences about you or your family. Use the adverbs in the box. badly beautifully early fast happily Mybrother singebadly. fifteen @ ACL Rocks! Abbie Draper (17) is at the Austin Gity Limits Music Festival in Texas. Her parents workthere every year, and this year she's working, too, She's telling us about the festival, You can play beach volleyball, "lt's a beautiful warm evening in 0ctober, and busy. But that's 0K. l'm very lucky I'm having a fantastic time with 75,000 other people. I'm watching Florence and the Machine because I come here every year. And this year is different because l'm on one of eight stages, and they are fantastic. working here for the first time. My job is Everyone is singing and dancing, and enjoying to help in the children's zone, Austin Kiddie the atmosphere. But where are we? The Austin LimiE.fhere are añ and music activities, and a lot of games. So while the adults City Limits Music Festival of course! The festival is now very popular in the U.S. It happens for three days in September or October every year in the Zilker Park near Austin, Texas. People travel from a lot of different places to come here. A'lot of famous singers and bands play at the festival. But they aren't the only attraction. There are a lot of other activities including a place to watch NFL football games! too! My parents help organize the festival. I don't see them very much because they are always are enjoying the music, the children are having a fantastic time, tool l'm watching the fans and I can see a lot of happy people. There is always fantastic music at the ACL. Tomorrow, one of my favorite musicians is on stage:JackWhite. l'm so excitedlAnd I can meet him aftenryards with my dad!AGL rocks!" The U.S. has some big music festivals and they are very popular. These festivals have a lot of stages and visitors can see many different musicians, Some of these festivals also have art, movies, theater, dance, and literature. There is a lot of culture, and a lot of fun for visitors to the festivals. Find,,thgse word,§ an{ check their meaning. stage a lot of busy zoné Reading 1 @ Read and listen to the article. Then answer the questions. How many stages are there? There are eighlstagee. How many days does the festival last? When and where is the Austin City Limits Festival? What attractions are there for visitors? Why does Abbie go to the festival every year? 1 2 3 4 5 What is she doing there this year? 6 Who is Abbie excited about meeting? 7 What do you think of the Austin City Limits your country? Festival? Are there similar festivals tn \,- Skills il§s§erxñrxg Predicting the content of a listening text Before you listen to a recording, it is a good idea to predict the content. This can help you to understand the language better. Read the instructions for the exercise. Find out who is speaking and where they are, Then, look at the questions. Some words in the questions give you more information about the text, 2@ r Listen to Bella's phone conversation with her friend Harry about a festival. Choose the correct answers. Harrv wants to stav at home / 3 She's there with her parents ,/ friend. _---,_+__ (gc iglonight, 4 She's staying with her aunt / in a hotel 1 Bella is / isn't free now, 5 Bella likes / doesn't like Guns N' Roses 2 Bella is at the movie theater / 6 Harry wants to go to the movie thea:er r.r a music festival next Thursday , §pmaklmg 3 lmagine that you are at one of these festivals and make Decide ... . . . . . 4 notes. which festival you are at. which bands you are watching. which other activities you can do, who is with you at the festival. how long you are staying. ,' ',,bonnclfoo,1" fcstivol music ,: 'l Fa*rw*r§« nsr and answer questions about one of the festivals in exercise 3. Use the simple present and the present progressive. . Which festival I you at? . . A Where / happen? Who / you with? Which festival areyou 9 I'm / Friday. How long / you stay? What bands I play at the festival? What / other activities can you do? at? at ... Sent: Wr§§*mg 5 toot at the posters Hello, friends, lt's4rryr. in exercise 3. Complete the e-mail. l'm at the Bonnaroo Festival in Tennesseel on June t¿ second time here. This year it starts here with mY on the 1 6th. 12 -^A I great time' 3----'---------_a having friends, and 5 lmagine you are at the Lollapalooza festival. Write a blog post with the information in the posten Use the e-mail in exercise 5 as a model. guitar lesson' Righi now, l'm having an electric on stage' lt's mf favorite 4 --.--..'---.-.-The H- are fantastic herel Hello,friende, at lhe ... More news soon, Tonight' l'm ( tnlorkbook p.7 Zac Writing builder p.C1 seventeen .is[¡ :,' ñ: i;, r.§ §. .t ¡¡, l ffi ffi f H .ftr; 12 ,i,;t..ri,l l:.t'ill last night? ::ii:,, 1 Dylan Zac iil:::iiili=ir Where was Zac Where were you last night, Zac? I was at home. Why? Was it band practice? Dylan Yes, it was, and you weren't there againl Zac Calm down, Dylan. Ihe Amazing Spider-Man was on TV Cooll I love Spider-Mon moviesl Who cares about Spider-Man movies? We were there for band practice, Zac, and you weren'tl Practice is for you guys, Dylan. l'm already a star. We're a band,Zac. There aren't any Lewis Dylan Zac Dylan Find these words and check their meaning. Who cares about ...? ."r Calm down, stars. Rosie Zac Rosie Lewis Zac Look, guys! The Misfitz are over there, They're entering the Battle of ty i¡lt _r;,,;,. co m p ete th e I the Bands, too. Who's the girl with the brown hair? Her name's Kelly, She's the keyboard sentences with Dylan, Zac, Rosie, Lewis, or Kelly. player in The Misfitz. She's a brilliant player, but their singer's terrible, Their singer's terrible .,, hmm ,.. 1 interesting. r\ 2 i.- c :':l ii; i.: !": g eishteen til:r,nair isn't happy with Zac. sometimes doesn't go to band practice, 2 3 4 5 --- thinks he's a star. sees The Vlisfitz. is the keyboard player in The Misfitz, says Kelly is a brilliant player. I.!i ' .:,f: .tf ,, , ,:'), ,: :* j§,"'!í,YJ {a"w,-¡".,ii l, !1* i:ü .:ifn Language focus 3 Dialogue focus Reorder the sentences to form dialogues. Who cares about Spider-Mon movies? We were there for band practice, Zac, and you weren'tl Cool! I love Spider-Mon moviesl The Amazing Spider-Man was on TV I was at home, Why? Was it band practice? 1 Then write them again. Yes, it was, and you weren't there againl Where were you last night, Zac? W h er e w er e y ou laet ni aht . Zac? 4 @ r.r: Listen and check. Listen again and repeat. 5 FOCUS On yOU Read the example dialogue. Then write four similar dialogues. Use the activities in the boxes. party at Giovanni's pizza restaurant at a rock concert at the movies at the swimming at Bella's pool basketball practice drama club music practice soccer practice track and field club A b er e y ou y eet erd ay ev enin g? W h er e I w as at b ella's part w y. Why? W ae it A Yes, il w as. b l'm sorry. And y ou w eren' I there. úul I love bella' e part iee. baeketball praclice? 6 Pairwork Practice the dialogues in exercise 5. ffi nineteen @ Physical descriptions 1 @ r'l+ Match the descriptions with four of the people in the picture. Write the correct names under the people. Then listen and check. How dt¡ you say this iñ your language? c pre§ tall. She's very tall, She's average height. She's d olivia is short and very slim. She has long, blond, wavy hair and blue eyes. she has braces. She's young. She's about I5. Ron is tall and overweight. He's bald, but he has a gray beard, His eyes are brown and he wears glasses. He's pretty old, He's about 70, Julia is average height and pretty slim. She has shoulder-length, red, straight hair and freckles. Her eyes are green, She's middle-aged. She,s about 45. David is tall and average weight. He has short, black, curly hair, and a mustache. He has brown eyes and he's about 45, too. 2 underline the adjectives and other description words in exercise 1. Then complete the chart. younq short very elim bald blue bracee length: Iong color:blond style: wavy .. When we describe il; il;;ü'J,i., adjectives is , otii teri§tfrr* cólor'+ style' I háie tong,'broin, iory-'' 3 @t'rsr Complete the descriptions of Sarah and Jack, two members of the family in l. Then listen and check. A sarah is ehort and pretty 1-'-. 3-hair and blue a_. 6_ B Jack is pretty and 7_, exercise r1_ She has short, She's pretty 5 He has 8 hair and green eyes. He wears 1o_. 2-, She's about 70. brown, He's young, He's lg. 4 Pairwork Describe two members of your family to your partner. use the information in the box. can your partner guess who you J"r"riilil?-ffi "." age eyes hair height narne other weight He's 16.He's averageheight and slim.Hehas ehort,black, el,raighihair, andbrown eyee.Hewears glaeees. @ twenty {. hlorkbook p,10 Extra pract¡ce onl¡ne Grammar üe: Simple past Charlie Chaplin and Cory Monteith were musicians. (actors) 4 Selena was an actress. (singer) 5 The iackson Five pop group were friends, (brothers) Mário de Andrade was a singer. (writer) Affirmative We were at band practice. was at home, I I you he was were it / she / Past time expressions was we you they were Where were you last night? were yesterday (yesterday morning / afternoon were 7 evening) last night (last Monday / week / summer / Christmas Complete the chart with llhelshe/it lwe I r¡¿qs a year and were. 3 4 I century) was or were. Read the sentences. Choose the correct words. 5 6 The man The - students I . English time phrases 1 can / can't go at the beginning of a sentence, They 2can / can't go at the end of a sentence. very happy on my birthday. at home. very tall. in class. - Negative - 4 Wr¡te the past time expressions in the correct order. Start with ten minutes ago. wasn't at home. You weren't at band practicel lwas not you were not / she / it was not not you were not were not we were lwasn't you weren't he / she / it wasn't we weren't you weren't they werentt p.w8 Rewrite the sentences in exercise 1 in the negative form. w in parentheses. Elvis Presley was British. (American) 2 a month ago an hour ago last night last week last year 1elffiftiffiesaglo two weeks ago yesterday morning lenminutee aqo 4 1 5 2 6 3 7 5 Wr¡te five true sentences with the past time expressions in exercise 3 and the affirmative and negative forms of be. I wasn'l alhome lasl nighl. asn't, in my class in elem ent ary scho ol. 3 Correct the sentences with the words "l was at school last Monday. Last Monday I was at school. Mr. and Mrs, Hernandez Ana / in 2013 (in June / the 199Os / the twentieth 2 wao in my class in elementary school. 1 Your glasses on the desk, 2 Tom 12 in this picture. 2 ago (ten minutes / two days I aweek 1 Ana he year) a month ago) 1 Complete the sentences with I / Elvis ? r eeley w aen' I b rilish, H e w as Americ an. Marilyn Monroe was a writer, (actress) Bob Marley was a jazz singer. (reggae singer) fhlorkbook p.1-0 Extra pract¡ce onl¡ne Think of a famous person from the past and write five sentences about them. Describe their profession and their physical appearance with the simple past form of be. Elvis ?resley wa; a einger. His hair wae short and black, and hie eyeo were ... twenty-on: r] (-, Describing people f @ r'l! Listen and complete the dialogues with the words in the box. Listen again and check. Then listen and repeat. about boy brown glasses math Spain very I young 2 Mom Kate Mom Kate Mom Kate Mom Kate Eflen Who's Miss Riley? She,s our ¡s\N math teacher. Oh, what's she like? She's OK, but she's pretty strict. lsshe 1 Ellen Oh. Where does he come from? Elten Really? What does he look like? in my class, ,Tom He comes from 5.--. ? Yes, she is. She's Tom Who's Carlos? He's a new a 2_ 30. What does she look like? She's short and she has blond hair. She wears 3 What's (she) like? Tom Um ... he's tall and he has 6 _ hair. ,Ellen Tor,n What's he like? , He's nice. He's 7- (She)'s nice. / (She)'s friendly. (She)'s OK, (She's) strict. / What does (he) look like? friendly. / (He)'s tall and (he) has ... 2@ r'rz,' Listen to the three conversations about Gemma, Tina, and Marie. Write the correct names under the photos. Gemma 3 @»1.17 L¡sten again. Write Gemma, Tina, or Marie. Listen and She's about "15. check. Gemma 1 She's a new girl at school, 2 She comes from Canada. 3 She's very nice. 4 5 She's my brother's new girlfriend. She's very friendly, 4 Pairwork write the names of five peopte you know. Then ask and answer with the words in the box. use the diarogues in exercise I as a model. ffi (not) /\ 9 twenty-rwo cool (not) friendly (not) nice A Who's Joáo? b He'smy pianoteacher. (not) strict §.Jorrrbo*§* p,LZ Extra pract¡ce on!¡ne Question words + wa: De: Simple past Where were you last night? What was on TV? Questions and short answers Was it band practice? Were you at home yesterday? l? Were you? Was he / she / it? Were we? Were you? Yes, you they? Was Were were. was. Yes, he / she / it was. Yes, I When Why Where Who How old No, you weren't. No, I wasn't, No, he / she it wasn't. Yes, you were. No, you weren't. Yes, we were. No, we weren't. Yes, they were, No, they weren't. Write the questions in the correct order. Then give short affirmative (/) or negative (X) answers. in the park I was /yesterday / Tom ? (X) W as f om in lh e p ark y est erá ay? No, he waen't. 1 last night I Scrubs / on TV I was ? (,/) 2 you and Miguel / at the soccer game / were / on Saturday 3 ? (/) good / the concert / was ? (I) Mrs.lones / yesteiday / at school 4 I was? (,/) 5 Matt and Clare / were / at the sports center ? (/) 6 in London / last week / the students / were ? (X) 2 Complete the dialogue with the correct simple past form oÍ born? at home? yesterday? was she? were you last year? / Read the sentences. Choose the correct alternative. When were you born? . l you was he were you were I was born in 2OO1 , When we talk about our date of birth, we use the simple present / simple past of be + born. 3 took at the underlined words in the answers. questions with the words Then complete the in the box. How old When Where Where Who Why Wherewereyou at eight o'clock? I was at home at eight o'clock. last weekend? I was in Chicago last weekend. English teacher last year? My English teacher last year was Mrs, Smith. be. born? I was born in 2O10, I was at Kelly's house because it was her birthday, at Kelly's house? in 2012? years Tom was 8 old in 2012. Write five questions for a partner with the simple past form of be and question words. Use the questions in exercise 3 as a model. Then ask and answer the questions. ¡ Were B Yes, they 1-, Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy actors? They 2famous for their comedy movies in the 1920s and 1 93Os, A 3- they American? American, but Stan British. He 6- B Oliver Hardy aLaurel 5- from the north of the U.K. §uorkbool« p,rr Extra practice online twenty-thre. A (, John Diono Ross oncJ thc Suprcmes f ü{cnnedY and the Supremes were a famous singing group in the The three women were from Detroit in the ü.S. Their music was popular all over the world, and twelve of theircorg, *ar* number one in the U.S. Some of their famous songs ars Wnrrc Did \ur Love Go, B,aby, and Stop! ln the Name in ?]:1, Ts 1960s. born Kennedy (JFK)(1917-1963)was 0ith-e U'S.' from president was Ht wl*á.uu.f,rrror, U.S' very popular with American f Sál a 1963. and he was and' onlv 43, but he was a strons leader like looked he eyes' iri,f,r f.lit short, brown hair and blue short' presidentwas t.ut,ioo. ButJFK'stime as 0swald assassinated him in 1963' John F ü;i; li;;;t ;;;;t; i., Hu*uy oitoi".liugroup was atso popular for its look: the women were very slim with short, black hair. Hotniss Éverdeen Bort SirnPson Katniss Everdeen is a cha legs' and yellow hair' With his shot1, yellow arms and typical 10-year-old boy' a like ü'.n S,Ápt.. doesn't look rhe Hunger¿;;;;; imaginary maginary c0untry c0unrrv book and movie series i.*lt'ln.ilt collins. Katn¡ss uurrrns Katniss lives in the p;;;':""" 0,".-t?lll area little money. Lire can ¡;iK;;;;I',': u"strong with girl. ln the movies, lt ,.irá* ,irr,;;t the plavs the part she is slim *t,h;;;, or Karniss. .t-'*'n".thairand ;;;f un,wavy the TV e;ri'irn, real; he's a carto0n character in and rñ.* iHt Simpsons' Bart loves doing crazythrngs' about áu, be verv társt , beaurifut rules. Some parents weren't h,appy in the U'S'! is thisl But Bart a very popular character f-r. lla Jrttrllif. I i..i,lr'., ::il l:'t - Fínd these words and check their meaning. leader little tough li,:rl L grayeyes. ,'il..l Ll lj', rn:", to the article. Then answer the questions. He was born ín 191V. When was he president of the U.S,? 2 Where were Diana Ross and the other women in her group from? 3 What did they look like? 1 4 What is Katniss Everdeen like? 5 In the movies, what does Katniss look like? 6 What does Bart Simpson look like? 7 Who weren't happy about the Bart Simpson character? 8 Who is your favorite person in the article? Why? 9 Who is your favorite person in your country? Why? :Wq&L . §ry %k§§§x * !! ,a -- -, !& tr%nüñq&ssFw @0pa,E6¡ml:ü§§ - 1.19 L¡sten to the conversation about a famous singer and his band. Check (/) the correct answers. John Lennon was a... 3 The song was from ... A writer A 1960 B singer and songwriter B 1962 C actor c 1965 '1 He was a member of .,. 4 The band's nickname was .., Z @) . . . A Metallica BU2 2 C The Beatles Their first song was ... A B Yellow Submarine Yesterday C Love Me Do tr Z tr T tr tr T l tr tr tr tr 5 A The Fab Four B The Beat Fans C The Fab Fans tr tr I They were famous .. I A B in the U.K, in the U.S. C all over the world. about the famous people. . What lname? . Where lborn? Why / famous? What / famous (movie / painting A What'sher tr T Prepare for your role play before you start speaking. Look at the prompts and use them to form questions. Which tense do you need? Look carefully at the information, What are the questions asking exactly? How can you form your answers with the correct grammar and the correct information? Fa*ruvm¡"k Use the words and the factfiles to ask and answer ' . , Preparing for a role play bffiffiffiñ6ñffiffi 3 . / poem .,.)? Greta Garbo name? b Her name is Greta Garbo. (September April 1Sth, * 18th, lg0S lgg0) Place of birth: Stockhoim, tJ§'9lit¡%Háffi- Sweden 4 Complete the profile of Greta Garbo. Use the factfile in Profession: actress Famous movie.. Anna exercise3asamodel. Karenina Greta Garbo was born on geptember 1ün,1905 GeoffreY Chaucer in in Sweden. She was an 2-, and she was famous all over the world. One of her famous movies was 1400) {c. 1343 - 0ctober 25th, Place of birth: London. Greta Garbo was a slim, beautiful woman. Her eyes were blue and her Famous Poem: England Profession: writer and Poet Ihe CanterburY Tales 4- Diego Rivera was blond. She died on April 15th, s - {December 8th, 1886 November 24th, l9b7) Place sf birth: Guanajuato, Mexico 5 Write profiles of Geoffrey Chaucer and Diego Rivera. Profession: artist Famous paintíng: Iñe Flower Carrier 1: Qúortrbook p.13 Wriling builder p.C1 twenty five ,§,, Uocabulary 5 1 Complete the musical genres and instruments with o, e, i, o, and u. 1 f l_t_ 2 g--t-r 1 I can't read my homework! 8 h-p-h-p 3 r-gg-4 v--l_n 2 The children play their recorders in a music beautifully group. Tim plays his (beautiful) 5 s-x-ph_n_ 6 cl-ss_c_l 7 tr-mp-t ¡A¡O¡lA¡ p9-p t h--vy m-t-l 10 p-n- Max is pretty sl a I t and his ice cream But my sister -, and I aren't enjoying (happy) 5 6 Trhtso-,8dobnl ett i ra g s h lod ra b e-and hair. He has a a ]1c h u sate m 3 Choose the correct answers. .t @>/ who cares? Everything is oK. / I give up! The music is great! 3 I give up / Who cares about math homework? It's Fridayl 2 Let's rockl I give up! My friends and I have school tests tomorrow I hope I do (good) Rewrite the sentences in the simple past. Use the time expressions in parentheses. l'm .13. (last week) l was lS last week. 1 ls Jamie in Paris? (yesterday) 2 Katie isn't at home. (an hour ago) 3 We're at the movies. (last night) 4 Tina's hair is long. (two years ago) 5 Are cell phones common? (30 years ago) 6 You aren't in the band. (last year) 7 I'm not in New York. (last month) / Calm down! You never arrive at soccer practice on time! Grammar 4 Complete the sentences with the simple present or present progressive form of the verbs in parentheses. 7 Complete the dialogue with the simple past form of be. Megan !!f¡s wae Bob Marley, Mom? Mom Koji usually sports after school. (play) 2 What book moment? (you read) 3We P.E, on Wednesdays. (not have) 4 Eva this week. She's on vacation, (not work) his bike very often? (your brother Listenl Tom piano. (play) @ twenty-six / 1- 2- Mom No, he a singer. he a pop star? 3-. He in a famous reggae band called Bob Marley and the Wailers, 4- Megan Who 5_"- the other members? at the / He Megan Lara ?ractrices the piano every day, (practice) ¡¡1¡¡¡s isn't usinq the computer now, (not use) 1 is 4 My brother is eating 3ucryl--*-hair.Shewears asagsesl--.-. 6rtoewgevih_.Hehas -- You always do . (neat) My sister needs a new laptop, _ working very (bad) My parents want a fast new car. _ goes very . (slow) Reorder the Ietters to complete the physical descriptions of Estela and Max. A Estelaisaveragetgh h ieheiaht and isprettylmils ,shehas shoulder-z| n h e t g _ brown, B Complete the sentences. Use one possessive pronoun and one adverb in each sentence. Use the adverb form of the adjectives in parentheses. ride) the Mom Well, the first members Peter Tosh and Bunny Wailer, 6Megan 1they American? Mom No, they 8-, They e_ Jamaican. Megan You know a lot about the band, Mom, Mom Well, it 1oa great band. And Bob Marley 11- a great singer, He good-looking, too. His hair lono. and his eves ]a brown, He's still my favorite singer! 1213- Extra communication Communication A @ 1.20 Q6mplste the dialogue. Then listen and check. lsabellhaveatickettoseethebandlsabel3-,youcan.Ask Shouter tonight. You know the singer with the big, blue eYee ? Selma Yes! She's fantastic! lsabel Yes, but I don't have a ticket for you. Selma Well, I Selma lsabet Carlos. He's in my brother's class like? What does he aHe's very tall, with 5--length, blond, wavy I come? 2- I buy a ticket? Selma lsabel Oh, that Carlos! Wow! What's he 7_? He's very cooll Pronunciation The sound schwa /c/ I @ r.zl ln English words with 10 @ r,zz Listen to the different pronunciation of the syllables. Then listen and repeat. more than one syllable, we usually put the stress on one syllable only. Listen to the stressed syllables in the words below. O. O .. o O. oO brother classical computer tonight .O relax The other syllables in the words are unstressed. Often we pronounce them with a sound called schwa /e/. Listen to the words again and listen for the schwa sounds. Then listen and repeat. 11 @ l.z: Listen to the words. Underline the syllables with the stress and circle the syllables with the sound schwa lal.fhen listen again and repeat. 9U1 2 1 priceless 3 awesome 4Pizza 6again president 5 August 7 parents Listening 12 @ 1.24 Listen Check (/) to four short conversations. the correct answers. What is Brad doing? A He's doing his homework, B He's reading a magazine, C He's taking a math test. Why does Rosa look different? A B Her hair was curly last year. Her hair was straight last year, C Her hair was long last year. What does Andres look like? A He has short, brown hair and glasses. B He has short, brown hair and a beard, C He has curly, black hair and a beard. Where was Pablo yesterday afternoon? A He was at his grandma's B birthday party. He was at a friend's birthday party. C He was at band practice. 18th tr V tr tr tr T tr tr u 13 @ r.zs Listen to the conversation. Claudia is describing a picture of her family. What are the people in the picture doing? Complete the sentences with the present progressive form of the verbs in the box. eat not have a good time not sit down play soccer read swiiri talk ¡i¿ is swimminq 1 Jose 2 Pedro 3 Nuria 4 Miguel and Eduardo 5 Antonio 6 iosef ina T tr tr twenty-seven l) @ :#g!'r dW,',.*;§:i ffiux§§wxre c§w& To mostpeople aroundher, Rosa Imagine you are Parks was an ordinarywoman with an bus. The bus is ordinary life in Montgomery Alabama in the U.S.Withher slim figure,black hair and brown eyes, she looked like a typical Afiican American \Moman in the 1950s. But Rosa Parks was not ordinary. Life for A&ican American on. The bus driver says to you, "Stand up and iii.;;i, give this person your sear."\Mhat do you do? P.+l¡,1;l+ people was very dificult in those years, and Rosawas one solution to their problems. In 1950s America, black people's lives were very different from those ofwhite people. Their jobs were bad, and their r ' , Find these words and check their meaning. in trouble 1 equal rights actions on one evening in 1955 were very important for change. Scan the article and choose the correct answers. Rosa boycott law schools were terrible. Ever¡hing for white people was better. But Rosat parklreL English ¡(¡1"rsD 1 She was in trouble / happy with the police. 2 Rosa's decision was bad / good for black people in the U.S, 3 Flnesemtat§*r* Z a black person sitting on a full, and a white person climbs Rosat decision was to stay in her seat.The bus driver was very angry, and Rosa was in trouble with the police. But rhe incident was soon very famous all over America. And with support from other black people in her community, there was a boycott of the bus company, too - for over a yearl Now it was clear to all Americans that black people were not happy with their lives. After a change in the law in 1,956, there were more equal rights for black people in the U.S. Rosa Parks' story shows that one person's simple action can make a gre t difference for millions of people. r.zo $?ead er,td §istc§l to the articte. Then answer the questions. @ Where was Rosa Parks from? 1he w as f rom Mont qomery, Alab am a. 1 What did she look like? 2 Why was life difficult for Rosa and many others like her? 3 How long was the Montgomery bus boycott? 4 lmagine you are another black person on the bus. You hear the conversation between Rosa and the bus driver. What do you think about Rosa? What do you think about the driver? Look at the pictures of two American classrooms in the .l 94Os and 195Os. Make questions with the prompts below. Then write answers to the questions. Use your answers to prepare a short presentation. Who / in the pictures? Who are inthe picturee? r: l :i.:l : hii:"tii":q: 1 What / the classroom in picture 1 like? 2 What / the classroom in picture Z like? 3 What / the classrooms (not) have? 4 What / Iife like / children in the pictures? 5 How / life I different for American children now? . i:.t!!P'' My progress Uocabulary and speaking I can identify musical genres and instruments. (p.12) Az 1 Reorder the letters to form musical genres and instruments. 1 !can identify words for physical description. (p.20) 4 Complete the sentences. 1 My hair isn't straight, or curly. lt's 2 Tom's hair isn't lonq, or short. lt's Dad's favorite music is e g a r g e My sister plays the t r m u p t e I want a u g rt a i Christmas, 2 3 4 Doyouplaythenapio-? -. 5 I like listening to r c o k-, music, 5 A2 2 Complete the dialogue. Felipe Can I 1the window Olivia Yes, of course you 2-. please? Felipe Olivia Yes. Here you 5 I can ask and go. Zoe Brazil. Patty From Brazil? What does she look like? answer questions about a music AZ Ni,Zoe, what are you ldoing / making at the moment? Hi, Fabiol l'm at a festival. A lot of 2famous / favorite musicians are here, Fabio Really? Who's 3listening Zoe Tinie Tempah - he's awesome! And awhat / where is it? It's in New York. Well, I hope you're 5liking / having a great time! Talk soon! Fabio Zoe Fabio Zoe I playing? Bye! A? And what's she like? ls she nice? Bianca There's a new girl in my class from 3 Choose the correct answers. Fabio (p.Z¿l Patty Bianca She's slim with brown, curly Bianca Yes, she's very friendly. *,1§,- (p.17) ,:=,/,§'. Reorder the dialogue. please? festival. This dress is very small. Only a person can wear it, lcan describe people I know. ? And can I have a 3 Yes. What do you want? Cola, or water? a I 5a cola, Olivia 3 I get on my nose in the summer. 4 My grandpa eats a lot of pizza, so he's pretty ;1'¡"t!r -for ! can make requests. {p.14) Felipe length. hair. t I can ask and answer questions about farnous people. (p.25) A¿ 6 Complete the questions about a famous American celebrity. Then match them with the answers. 1 was her name? 2 was 3 was 4 - was a The Wizord of Oz b June lOth 5 born? birthday? she famous? most famous - :¡§t&,' c She was a singer and an actress. d Judy Garland. e Minnesota, U,S. Reading, Iistening, and writing I can understand an art¡cle and answer questions about a music festival. (p.15) A7 I can understand a phone conversation and answer questions about a music festival. (p.17) A2 I can write a blog post about a music I can understand an festival. (p.17) A2 article and answer questions about famous Americans. (p,?41 A? I can understand a conversation and answer questions about a famous band. (p.25) A7 I can write short prof¡les of famous people. (p.25) q A2 Yes Got it? l'm not sure T T tr tr T tr tr tr tr tr l f No tr n tr tr T tr He sang all 1 @ r.zz Read and listen who thelr songs has bad news? Dylan lt's raining againl I want to live in California! lt's always hot and sunny there. Rosie Dylan I went to California on vacation last year. The weather was beautiful. We stayed in a hotel near the beach. Really? I went there with my family two years ago, but it rained every day! Lewis Rosie Lewis Dylan Lewis Dylan Lewis Rosie Lewis Dylan Rosie Hey, guysl Hi, Lewis. What's up? I have some bad news. Oh no ... what is it? I went to the youth center yesterday. There was a talent show and The Misfitz played. So what? Find these words and check their meaning. What's up? So what? 2 Comprehension Answer the questions. Well, they had a new singer. Really? Who was it? Where was Dylan on holiday with his family? lt was Zac! He sang all their songs. He knew all the words. Oh, nol Zac's with The Misfitz now! And we don't have a singer! I h ey w er e in C alif ornia. 1 Where was Lewis yesterday? 2 3 What was the bad news? Who sings with The Misfitz now? [anguage focus 3 Dialogue focus There are six more mistakes in the dialogues. Find and correct the mistakes. Lewis Dylan Lewis I went to the sports center yesterday. There was a party and The Misfitz played. So what? Well, they had a new guitarist. 6 4 @)1.28 L¡sten and check. Listen again and repeat. 5 Focus on you Read the example dialogue. Then write two similar dialogues. Use the words in a concert the box. a pizzeria a soccer game my grandma,s house center the swimming poor the youth center the movies the sports A I wenLto b Really? I 6 Pairwork my grandma'shouse wíl.h my broíher yeeterday. went to the moviee wíth nry f riends. practice the dialogues in exercise 5. § thirty-one @ The weather 1 @ r'zo Look at the pictures and read the people,s comments. which cities are they in? complete the sentences. Then listen and check. 1 2 3 4 5 "The weather here is terrible. lt,s snowing at the moment.,, Quique ¡5 ¡n ?arie "This city is great, but the weather is horrible. lt,s raining again todayl,, Paul is in _. "l'm having a great vacation. The weather is always sunny,,, Gabriel is in _. "The city and the food are fantastic, but the weather is croudy.,, Claudia is in _. "Yesterday, the weather was good, but today it,s very windy,,, jenny is in =-. -.-.again today! It,s foggy and miserable.,' "The weather is bad Sam is in .-.-=-. 2 wr¡te a sentence about the weather in each city. use the words in bold from exercise 1. ln?aris it's enowing. 3 Loot at the thermometers in the pictures in exercise 1. Complete the sentences about the cities with the temperature words. ln Chicago ¡¡'5 cold 1 2 3 4 5 l B'C = eighteen degrees Celsius -3oC = minus three degrees Celsius @ thirty-rwo ln Seattle it's --. ln Paris it's _. ln Tokyo it's ln London it's _. ln Seoul it's --. 4 Pairwork --. Rsr and answer questions about the weather and temperatures in the cities. Then ask and answer questions about the weather where you live. §l A What'stheweather like in geattle? b lt's mild and's 1b.C. $lorkbreok r.16 Éxtra practice t. online Simple past: Regular uerbs Z Write the verbs in the simple past. watched 4 hate 1 study 5 play watch Aff irmative 2 explore 3 close l/you lhelshelitl we/you/ watched 6 7 regular verbs to make the simple past form. stop 3 Complete the sentences with the simple past form of the verbs in exercise 2. Tom and Yuki after lunch. Complete the rule. cry ?laYPL 1 We 2 The bus 3 The baby computer games the window last night. in front of the school. because she was cold and hungry. 4 Francisco - I Comptete the sentences with the simple past form of the verbs in parentheses. y¡s visiíed Aunt Kate last weekend, (visit) ten minutes ago, (start) 1 The movie 2 We 3I baseball last Saturday, (play) to the new Pitbull album 6 7 - 7 My mom 8 The teacher the window. (open) Spelling var¡at¡ons - TV. the history museum. We 4 ffifi'0:. Pronunciation Listen to the pronunciation of the words. Listen again and -jazz repeat. - a DVD after dinner. (watch) his car on Sunday, (wash) at ten o'clock. (end) for a year. (work) the basketball game on When I was - a teenager, I yesterday. (listen) 4 You 5 Dad 6 The - class German for three years. - 5We lived worked hated We usually pronounce the simple past ending -ed as ldl. When the base form of the verb finishes with the sounds lpl, lkl, lfl, lsl, fi, or lt!, we pronounce -ed as ltl. When the base form of the verb finishes with the sounds ldl or ltl, we pronounce -ed as ltdl. @*rlove use ) ) study tidy + ) Listen to the verbs. Then complete the chart. loved ffied hated liked Hened opened rained started washed watched used tidied '1 2 stop admit prefer ) ) ) liked listened studied decided 5' 4 6 stopped admitted preferred How many sentences can you make with the words below? Remember to use the simple past. People: Cecilia I Pedro the girls we you Verbs: close play stop study watch work C ecili a pl ay ed th e guitar. lwatchedfV. (t{orkbook p.l-G ft*t,. pract¡ce 6*dñil thirty-three @ Talking about vacations f @ 1.32 L¡sten and complete the dialogues with the words in the box. Listen again and check. Then listen and repeat. awesorne beautiful delicious good awful friendly nice 1 Ana How was your vacation in Hawaii? J¡m jt was Aweeome Ana What was the weather like? Jitn 'lt 1x¡l§ 1':'' . lt was hot 2 lvan Lily How was your vacation in New York? It was s-! What was the weather like? lt was 6-. lt rained every lvan Were the people Lily Yes, they were. They were very Ana Wasthe food 2--? Y.esi it was 3_--. What was your hotel like? Jim [t was lvan What was the hotel food like? lt was disgusting! Grossl I Lily lvan and sunny. ,",Añá Jirn a-, day! lt had a big Lily swimming pool, How was your vacation in (town / country)? What was the weather like? Was the food good? What was your hotel like? Were the people friendly? 2 terrible great It was great It was beautiful / / awesome I OK amazing I great 7-? lterrible, I OK I miserable, Yes, it was, lt was delicious. No, it wasn't. lt was horrible / disgusting. It was great / awesome I OK lterrible / awful, Yes, they were. They were very nice. No, they weren't. They were unfriendly. @l':r' Listen to the two conversations and comprete the sentences. Listen and check. A Gemma went to Mexico on vacation. The weather *^s great . It was very 1-. The food was delicious. B Mrs. Alonso went to 2on vacation. The weather was 3-.. lt was cold and windy. The people weren't 4_. 3 PaifWOfk Wr¡te two dialogues using the country factfiles in exercise 1 as a model. Then practice your dialogues. and the dialogues § Weather miserable (cold and it snowed) Weather amazing (warm and sunny) Hotel terrible (rooms / very small) Hotel great (satellite TV and lnternet in the rooms) Food honible Food delicious People unfriendly People friendly @ thirty-four (bdorE<hoe§< p.:t-* Extra pract¡ce on¡¡ne Grammar Simple past: Irregular verbs Complete the e-card with the simple past form of the verbs in parentheses. went to California on vacation last year, He sang all their songs. I do eat go make did went read say sing read said sang made take took ate 1 Look at the tist of irregular verbs on the inside back cover. Complete the sentences with the simple past form of the verbs in the box. get go read run sing swim Steve {Lot J asr weekend, ¡ vieited (vrsit) New orleans for l-¡the frst time with Mom and Dad. We win 1 We a bike for his birthday. in the ocean. lt was very coldl 2 We to school because we were 3 The first book We 4 We --5 Brazil 6 They _ : was Harry potter. to Maui on vacation last year. the World Cup in ZOOZ. ' ' , the information. Then write sentences about what Jose did last Saturday. Reaa Saturday 4 C get up early l*1: clean my bedroom a_.- Saturday moming, we (go) on a bus tour of the ci§. I (1eam) a 1ot about it. The tour guide (tell) me that New Orleans is the home ofjazz music. And he (take) us to listen to some jazz musicians. 5.6_.- B-=.----e-.-10_ 11-.- On Sunday, we (walk) around the French part of the city and (see) some beautiful buildings. Then, we §it) by the river and (eat) a delicious picnic. We (enjoy) every minute of our trip! 12- Wr¡te true sentences with past time expressions and the simple past. go to the movies I ü play computer games ü buy some new sneakers with Mom ü have dinner with Mom and Dad wentto the movlesla 1 watch my favorite TV show ,,1chat online with my cousin ,;.go to bed late _T On Saturday, Joee got uV early. ln the morning, he cleaned hís bedroom andthenhe ... (arrive) on Fnday evening and ,_ ' all my favorite songs at the concert, 2 2_- (have) a meai in the hotel. Then, on very late! I (stay) in the beautiful Roosevelt Hotel. 2 send a text message 3 take a test 4 go to a party 5 get a present . Afterlhat,he ... Describe your weekend. Write five sentences using five different irregular verbs. Then telt your partner. ".A: in rí¿ h:i ri !¿ ..L-1r"1,r "rrrrl)urr .\ ', lJ¡! / ' Extra practice online thirty-five @ The wr ffie ffiffi#e Krffiffiá ry &Jffi. y mf ,iff,& &m ffimw#ffig#ffi &rrtar*ti*x !* mru *xr¿:rrl:,*Lcg fr*x*¿t a*mtá;:,snt et t§¡e -$*l;§h i)*L*, It's very cold and windy, and there's snow and ice all year. In the 1890s, many explorers went to Antarctica, including the British explorer Ernest Shackleton, Roald Amundsen from Norway, and Nobu Shirase from Japan. Another very famous name in Antarctic history is British explorer, Captain Robert Scott. ,: - $gott's frrst expeditiorr began in 1901, but there u/as terrible weather, with strong winds and freezing temperatureS- Scott and his men stopped their expedition before they reached the South Pole. Find these words and check their meaning. Between 1910 and 1912, the Japanese explorer Nobu Shirase and his men went on an expedition in Antarctica. They discovery frozen South Pole explored the Edward VII peninsula, but they dídn't reach the South Pole. reach Scott started his second expedition to the South Pole in 1910, too. There was a race between him and Roald Amundsen to reach the South Pole first. Scott and his men arrived there on January 17rh1g12, but they found a Norwegian flag and a message from Amundsen. The Norwegian explorer and his men arrived at the South PoIe 33 days before Scott. Scott and his men started traveling back to carnp. Again, the weather was terrjble with strongwinds and snow His men were freezing and hungrv. and, tragically, everyone died. They were only 18 km from their base camp. There were many Antarctic explorers, but people, admire Captain Scott for his courage and determinqügn. He wasn't the winner of the race to the South Pole, but he helped people to understand the extreme weather, geography, and geology of Antarctica. i::. :. .'-, ' i-, i _ , ii__r ,, i, il iir-, : Look at the pictures. Underline the key words in the questions. Then scan the article and find the answers. Scanning the text for specific information What is the w-e-ather like in An!-ar-c.tica? fhewealheris cold, windy, and snowingín Antarctica. 1 Who was the winner of the race to the South Pole? Some questions ask you to look for specific information in a text. You don't need to read all the words to find it. Before you read the text, read the questions and underline the key words in them. This helps you to find the correct information in the text, 2 ,,r ¡ -.,..' l,] '¡',lLil -iar: l.ll ':iil,l to the article. Then correct the mistakes in the sentences below. Antarctica is at the North Pole, Ant arctica is atthe South ?ole. 1 Antarctica has mild temperatures. r{ 2 3 thirtv-six Why do people admire Captain Scott? " Captain Scott traveled to Antarctica for the first time in '189O. He went to Antarctica four times. ir A German explorer wanted to get to the South Pole at the same time as Scott. Scott reached the South Pole about a month before Amundsen. Scott and hls men died at the South Pole, l, F Skills §.istem§mg ¡ @ 1.35 li5ts¡ to the radio programme. Complete the timeline about the events in the life of the explorer sir Edmund Hillary. Use the information in the box. He arrived at,the, South pole. He died in New Zealaad. He discovered his of climbing, He helped to build schools and hospitals there. ]ove 1919 HewasborninNew Zealand. 1935 He went on a school trip to the mountains 1939 in New Zealand.l He completed his first big climb. He made his first journey to Nepal to climb the Himalayan mountains. 1951 1953 19s8 1962 He returned to Nepal. 2008 5 a §pea§«img 4 Pairwork Look at the timeline about Emilio. Describe the important events in his Iife with your partner. Remember to use the simple past. 2006 2001 """':""""""""i' 2008 ffi 2012 201 r 'i""""""""i""""........i... in storts elementory Leorns to Miomi schoor ride o bike Born lroult, uruguoy 2013 i-......> to storrclunior eeis iis rirst - norr" on hiéh vocotion A Emilio wasborninMiamiin ZOO1. b He etarted elementary echoolin 2006. A He .,. 5 tqate a timeline about the important events in your Iife. Use it to describe the events to your partner. use the ideas in the box, or use your own ideas. be born / sister born get my first ... go on vacation to .,. learn to swim lose my first toóth meet my best friend say my first word start elementary school start junior high learn to ride a brother bicycle lwasbornin... I wae born in (place) in (year). I . . . hIrñting 5 Writ" a paragraph about the important events in your life. lwaebornin (place) in (year).1 .., (hlorkbook p.1-e Writing builder p.C2 thirty-seven O á 1 Did you like the mouie? Read and listen who does Kely invite to join The Misfitz? Kelly Did you like the movie, Zac? Zac Yes, I did, lt was good, but I didn't like the ending. Did you like it? Kelly Yes, I did. I love science fiction movies. Zac Science fiction movies and horror movies are my favorite types of movie. Kelly What did you do after band practice @,.:u Find these words and check their meaning. over there losers Get reall yesterday? Zac Kelly went for a pizza. Did you go out? No, I didn't. I went home. Hey, there,s I Rosie. Zac Kelly Zac Rosie? Where is she? She's over there. Let's say hello. Good idea. Hi, Rosie, So, did you see The Misfitz last week? Rosie Umm ... Zac Dylan Kelly Lewis Rosie Zac band! You don't have a singer. But you're an awesome guitarist, Rosie, and we're a great band. Why don't you join The Misfitz, too? Kelly ¿¡¿ Zac liked the movie. no, I didn't, but Lewis saw you. Huh, Lewis and Dylanl Why do you stay with those losers? Rosie They aren't losers. They're my friends, and we're a good band, Zac Get real, Rosiel Supernova isn't a good Kelly Z Comprehension Comptete the sentences with the names in the box. 1 likes science fiction movies and horror movies. 2 went for a pizza after band practice. 3 4 5 - went home, saw The Misfitz last week. - and _ are Rosie's friends. 6 -- is an awesome guitarist. Language focus 3 Dialogue focus Write the sentences and questions in the correct order to form dialogues. / what I you I practice / do/band Kelly did yesterday / Zac Zac go/you ldidl out?6 Rosie Kelly no, ldidn't/1.7 4 @)1.37 5 see / so, / you I did / last / The Misfitz I week? 8 I went for a pizza. didn't, / no, / umm ... but Lewis saw you. I l' L¡sten and check. Listen again and repeat. FOCus On yOU Read the example dialogue. Then write three similar dialogues. Use the activities in the box. chat with friends online clean my bedroom do my homework go shopping go swimming go to the movies listen to my new CDs play computer games A Whaf didyou do yesterday? b lwent,tothemovies. 5 PaifwOrk play soccer watch some DVDs A Didyou 0o swimming? b Yes,l did.l No, I didn't. Practice the dialogues in exercise s. ffi thirty-nine @ Movies 1@ r.u Match the movie types with the pictures. Then listen and check. aetiotffioi/b cartoon comedy fantasy movie movie love story musical science fiction movie horror Z @»139 Listen to the conversations about movies. Complete the chart. Then listen . A comedy, a cartoon, a love story, a musieal and check. but an action movie, a horror movie, a fantasy movie, a science fiction movie aclionmovie Thirf Minufes 1 Animals Unifed 2 DearJohn 3 American Girl 4 Dungeons and 5 New World Dragons 6 Silent House 7 Secref Heart 3 Pairwork tn¡nf of three of your favorite movies. Tell your partner the names of the movies and their movie types. §f A My favorite movíes are Mamma Mia!, )hrek, and Skyfatt. b Whartype of movieis Mamma Mia!? A lL's a musical ... @ rorry I ,li-; Extra practice online Simple past 3 Ho* much do you know about Johnny Depp? Do the quiz Negative I and find out! didn't like the ending. didn't go out, We tohnny DePP left school urhen he was... ' did not eat you did not eat he I / she / it did not eat he 1 / she / it didn't eat we did not eat we didn't eat you did not eat you didn't eat they did not eat they BL5/ A18c 16- didn't eat you didn't eat I He wanted to be .... A an actor _* B a rock musician 2 Before he was famous, he sold "' ' A pens- B Pencils- C carsC a doctor didn't eat ln Edward5cissorfiands he starred with "' ' B Winona RYder A Keira KnightleY C . ln the PiraÍes of the Caribbean films he played the Part of ... . . ln English, we form the simple past negative with did not (didn't) and the lbase form / past form of the main verb. lrregular verbs 2follow / don't follow the same A C rule. Emma Watson Captain SParrow Hector Barbossa 4 Now write 1 Complete the sentences with the simple past form of the verbs in the box. clean do yy¿ go play visit vrateh didn'lwatch 1I 2 You 3 Shiori 4 They 5 We - TV last night. swimming last Saturday. your bedrooml her science homework. soccer on Sunday. our cousins yesterday. Rewrite the sentences in the negative form. Tiago sent me a text yesterday. Tiaao - didn'l eend me a lext yeslerday. 1 My mom got up at seven o'clock. 2 I went to the theater last week. The movie started at eight o'clock. 4 Emily bought a new cell phone. 5 Sam and Carlos came to the party. 6 We ate pizzafor dinner. (L,rrorkbook p.ZZ Extra practice i'online uü sE -UZ gr -. sentences about Johnny Depp. Use 1 B. He lefl school when he w as 1 5. 5 Complete the diary page with the simple past form of the verbs in parentheses. Are the verbs affirmative or negative? Yesterdal wao a horrible dall I iho alarm cloci, and I' t usualll IaYv Ihe bur, bu.t it 'z (walr). tt and l5 (hyar) (wake up) (be) frveting and ¿oldl t¡t¿ andls w¿ hear (have) mljacKet. t, quosiione. I dídn't l7 a l t (arrive) at s¿hool misorablq lato, (have) a math t¿st (fnorr'r) the answers to tho q (pase) itl After s¿hool, had an important bask¿tball gamo - tho f¡nal of tho i¿hool óhampionship. 3 B WillTurner the information in the quiz. The answers are at the bottom of the quiz. Johnny Depp didn'f leave school when he was (laava) without mo, so 2 - *_ - Choose the correct alternatives. woll, and w¿ " (ptr0 trrle'o (win) iha cupl lmagine you are a movie star. What did you plan to do last weekend? Write a list of six things. Then write sentences about what you did and didn't do. forty-one @ Going to the movies 1@i'+o' Use the information on the movie theater poster to complete the dialogues. Listen to the dialogues and check. Then listen and repeat. On the phone ... Martha Let's go to watch High tmpact, Dan What type of movie is it? It{artha :,lt's'an,,á6tion movie, And it's in 3D. Ban"" -',, Coof, l'ilove action'movies. Where is it playing? Martha lt's playing at the i Dan,. ,'' What time does it start? Martha , lt starts at,six thirty. §an,,. ..,OK, Let's go and see that then. At the msvis:theater ... . G Movie for all ages PG Movie for all ages, but parents decide PG-13 Parents decide for children under I 3 R Children under 17 only allowed to see movie with an adult NC-17 Only for adults aged lSandover Martha ,Can I have'two children,'s tickets for High lmpad, please? Clerk Martha How old are you? We're twelve, Cferk OK. That's ?$.-. Martha There you go. Cferk, ,,Thank you. Here are your tickets and $g change. Martha .What sereen is it? Cler!, [t's-,screen Martha Thank you. Let's go to .., What type of movie is it? Where is it playing? It's playing at .., What time does it start? It starts at .. Can I have ,,. tickets, please? . That's $11, What screen is it? 2 @) 1,4i Listen to three conversations and comptete the movie posters. Listen and check. a i _+< . s§ x{usic ic*ü flT,e r qr§ .eS l{an ,§se n¿rtmlt.-i-.....-.-§rL Ch¡l¿ §§ Iimes:2:00p.m. 7 ' =a ----§** Screen:8 -=- 9:00p.m. Adult tickets: eS (hildrent,¡,tr,r]L.Iirnes:2:45 p.m. rr 3 Pairwork choose a movie poster from exercise 2 and write a diarogue. use the dialogues in exercise 1 as a moder. Then practi"" @ forty-rwo Sforkhoos« p.Za yo* Jiutrr. g , Cxtra pract¡ce online Grammar Simple past 3 Complete the questions, short answers, and sentences. Use the simple past form of the verbs in parentheses. Julia Did:tou ao out (you / go out) last night? Questions and short answers Did you like the movie, Zac? Yes, I did. Did you go out? No, I didn't. Did leat? Yes, you did. Did you eat? Yes, ldid. David I went to Cesar's house to watch a movie, Julia (Beth / go), too? 3 David No, she She a (not feel) well No, you didn't, No, I didn't. Did he eat? Yes, he did. No, he didn't, Did she eat? Yes, she did. No, she didn't. Did it eat? Yes, it did, No, it didn't, Did we eat? Yes, you did. No, you didn't. Did you eat? Yes, we did, No, we didn't. Did they eat? Yes, they did. No, they didn't. 1 Wr¡te the questions in the correct order. Then write short answers that are true for you. do / your homework I you I did i yesterday ? Did y ou d o y our h om ew o rk y eet er day? Yes,l did. I No,l didn't. 1 your mom / watch TV I did I last night ? 2 your best friend / yesterday / call you I did ? 3 you / did I go to Joe's parly I last night ? 4 did 5 your history I / play soccer / your sister teacher / give you a test / did / last weekend ? 1 Julia What movie 5 David Distant Galaxies. Julia 6 (you David No,l7 (you / / watch)? like) it? ,t8 (not enjoy) it at all! Julia So why e (you / watch) it? David Cesar wanted to He likes stupid movies! Question urords + Simple past What did you do after band practice yesterday? What Where When What time How Why did did d¡d did did did you he we she you we do over the weekend? teach? arrive? start work? travel there? leave? 4 Loof at the underlined part of the answers. Which question word do you need He got up at seven o'clock. yesterday ? to use? Whatxime 1 She bought a book. 2 Pairwork Look at Lucy's list of plans for 2 yesterday. Then ask and answer questions about what she did (,/) and didn't ao (,x). Yes, I ffi 3 He went to bed because he was tired. They worked in a hospital. 4 5 lt rained on Tuesday. He traveled across the U.S. on a bike. 5 Wr¡te the question for each answer in exercise 4. What time didhe aetu?? 1 2 3 4 5 oel up enrW (/) oVo to'tw" V\* (x) pho+e üYh'Ytow^ i{-\r tuil0rE{búcg( D.1J (/) bedroow q-!-qa+ vlentt bedro-ow (X) ({) laKe lwe doY tor n w¡lr (X) t¡^¡stn sc,i,iic, pr\lect Extra pract¡ce onl¡ne Write questions starting with Did and question words about what you and your classmates did last weekend. Then ask and answer them. forty-three @ # -_ffi L smrmrs I a website lor movie lovers! Check out our We love ... section for informcrtion crlcout your fcxvorite Hollywood stcrs. Folowus @welovecinemo Reese Witherspoon Reese Witlrerspoon js the stcr of Legally Btondecu-rd Thjs Mwts Wcr. She's the queen of Hollywood. But did you know ..? Reese rsn't her first ncnne. Her ncrne s ochrcrly Lcrurcr Jecnne Reese Witherspoon She wos born in New Orlecu-rs in I97ó, but Germcury r_ntit she wos 4 yecrs old. She got her first püt in the moüe Man In the Moonin 1990, She wos only 141 After High School. she went to Stcr-rford University to sfudy EngJ:sh litercrlure, but she didn't grroducrte After one yecr, she left urriversrty cr-rd krcccrne cm qc[ess ogoin. In 200ó, she won cul Osccr for her role qs June Ccrter in the moüe Walk The Line shre lived in Liam Hemsworth He's o young, good{ooking Hollywood octor. But Licnn Hemswortr. stcr of the fhe Hunger Gomes movies, drdn't grow up in the U.S. He wos born in Austrcrlia in 1990, cu'rd didn't move to the U.S. till he wcs 19. Licrm begon his octing ccreer when he wqs 1ó, Aged 19, he ouditioned for cr pcu-t in the movie Thor, butdidn't get it. But this didn't stop Licnn, ond eventucrlly he stqrted winning movie roles in Hollywood. In 2011, he won ihe port of Gole Hcrwthorne in the populor The Hunger Gantes moües. He octed opposite Jennifer Lovwence. She ployed Gole's best friend Kotniss. In 2010, Details mogczine chose hrim os one of "The Next Genercrlion of Holiywood,s Leoding Men," We Love Mouies crgreesl Find these words and check their meaning. graduate ffiead§mg career magazine Checking meaning: false friends Some words in your language look like English words. But their meanings are very different, lt is important to make a note of the correct meanings in your vocabulary notebook. i.::')'il,l' ty-four 1 r¡na these false friends in the web page and choose their correct meanrngs. actually @¡ at the moment 1 career university degree / profession 2 eventually in the end I for a period of time 2 ffi r,+z fficad er*d §§st{*§t to the web page. Then answer the questions. 1 2 3 4 5 6 What is Reese Witherspoon's real name? Her real name is Laura Jeanne Reeee Witherepoon. Where did Reese Witherspoon move to 7 Who is Liam's character in The Hunger when she was a baby? Gome§? When did she first appear in a movie? 8 Which actress was in the movie? How long did she spend at university? 9 What is Gale's relationship with Katniss What did she win in 2006? in the movie? Where did Liam Hemsworth grow up? 1O Who are your favorite actors and Did Liam win a part in the movie lhor? actresses? :'3L' :,1€ §:: \.. q \ §kills Listening 3 @ r'+l Listen to a conversation between two friends. Check (/) the correct answers. Tyler went to the .., 2 The Avengers is ... 4 The special effects were ... A movies A an action movie L_] A good B sports center B a comedy I B boring C swimming pool C a science fiction C 1 Raquel is Juan tr Carlos' . ,, . 3 The stars were Mark 5 After the movie, Tyler and Ruffalo and ,,, . his friends went ... A girlfriend I A chris Rock A home B sister I I . a I tr tr T awesome tr movie . B Chris o'Donnel C Chris Hemsworth tr C cousin T t] B to a C to a I pizzeria tr party I 4 @ r.+: Listen again and complete the questions. yy¡u1 did you 1 do Who yesterday, Tyler? with? did you see? 2 3 What type of movie 4 starred in it? 5 think of the actors? of the movie? after the movie? 6 What 7 What §peaking :i: Whatiq;Q!i!; at the movies-?s Choose one of the movies in the ad. Ask and answer questions about the movie. Use the conversation in exercise 4 as a model. §! A What did you do yeet erday, ü lwent,tothemoviee. A Who didyou... Chinmae? hJriting Answer the questions below. Separate your answers by topic and plan your paragraphs. Then write a review of the movie. What was the name of the movie? Where did you see it? (TV, tablet, movie theater) Who did you go with? When did you go? Í!: li Screen (l Oz:The Gteat andPowerful A fantasY movie with James 8OO#-=; Screen @ TheCroods-AcomedY starring Nicholas Cage and Ryan ReYnolds 000ffiffi Screen @ - A classic horror Kurt Russell and with movie David Keith 000ü0 Screen @ love story starring Liam Hemsworth and Teresa Palmer Love and Honor -A oooo&§ Screen § -A science fiction What type of movie was it? BattleshiP What did you like about the movie? ls there anything you didn't like about the movie? Who starred in it? What was your general opinion of the movie? movie starring Alexander Skarsgard and TaYlor Kitsch (brlorkbook p.Z5 Writing builder p.C2 p iL AIVTC The Thing 6 ttr¡nt of a movie you know well. li, Íi tl Franco and Mila Kunis 5 Pairwork . . i nnéBétsék: Ll t¡l 4eF fu¡f É+P forty-five @ Uocabulary Grammar 1 Look at the information about the weather in some American cities. Write two things about the weather in each city. 4 Write the verbs in the simple come came past. 6 get 1 stop 2 study 3 try 4 watch 5 work 7 8 take 9 use travel 10 do 11 see 5 Complete the sentences with the simple past form of the verbs in the box. It'swindy and cold. clean close give , i*urno § l-" ge read run see wenL to Florida on vacation last year. 1I my bedroom last Saturday. 2 We the window because it was noisy. -.3 Pamela her horoscope in the newspaper. -4 Henrique to the bus stop. 5 They a horror movie on TV last night. 6 My uncle me a book for my birthday, VVs 6 Complete the dialogues with the correct short '" [o' ['u' Z Reorder the letters in each circle to form two movie types. 'ymedicon' icviecosoi neetmfc sci en c e fiction m ules§oy mrveoi cts answer and the affirmative and negative forms of the underlined verbs. A Did Mom study French? g Yee, she did. ¡4srn studied French at school, but she didn't.etudy German. 1 A Did you write an e-mail to Jo? B1 l2 an e-mail to Sam, but I 3 an e-mail to Jo. 2A D id Luis do exercise l? B 3A ovie, c omedy B oltloif e;oyelio reall losers So what? in 2- They're only laughing at something. Peter I think they're Ruby 4-- forry-six 8 e a parr a T-shirt. How What What time When Where Who Why What-s-üp? What'e up3- You don't look very happy. Peter Look at those kids r_. They,re making a lot of noise. @ Anna words in the answers. Write questions for the answers with the words in the box. Use the simple past. over there Ruby ',. 7 7 Look at the underlined 3 Complete the dialogue with the words the box. Ruby Luis s exercise 1, but he 6 exercise 2. Did Anna buy a T -shirt? of jeans, but she sqimüntly"-J Get 4 '--. They're having funl 1 2 Adrian called Isabel . Who did Adrian call? Olivia and Eve went to the movies. I ate a hamburger for lunch. We went to Thailand on vacation last vear. The baby woke up at four o'clock this morninql He traveled across Australia on a skateboard, 3 4 5 6 Jaime went to bed because he was tired. Extra communication Communication 8@r« Reorder the dialogue. Then listen and check. 1¡ Where did you go on vacation last year? No, I didn't. I didn't choose it. But the place looked greatl -A We went to Cancun in Mexico, We stayed there for two weeks, -B - B A movie? What type was it? B lt was very good. And the A Awesomel - hotel was great. I took a lot of books and relaxed by the pool. Do you know Cancun? - A Iknowalittle. Isawamovie - - about it a few years ago. B A What was the weather like? Really? I love romantic moviesl Did you enjoy it? lt was a love storyl Pronunciation lal and lul 9 @» 1.45 lis{s¡ to the two different sounds, /u/ and lú, in the words below. Listen again and repeat. put book could full good 11@ to the words. Check (/) the correct box. Then listen and repeat. 10 @ 1.46 Listen USC soon lose choose who 1.47 u¡ds¡tine the sound lul inthe sentences and circle the sound /u/. Then listen and repeat. I took off my new shoes and put them in my room. Students can look for information in their books while they are doing the activity. tistening 12@1'48 J¿vis¡ and Cristina are standing outside a movie theater. Listen to their conversation. Then check (/) the correct answers. 3 of movie did Javier and Cristina see? What type A B C I movie I a science fiction movie A acomedy I A raining B sunny C cold 2 mom tr message tr C to phone Julia tr an action What was the weather like when they left the movie theater? Where did Javier have his cell phone? A in his jacket B in his jeans C in his backpack tr T T Why did he take his cell phone out? A to call his B to send a 4 Where did the girl find Javier's cell phone? A on his seat B near his seat C under his seat tr I tr tr tr I forty-seven @ f,wffi€mxrm m*axfu welve-year-old AmY Bianning is very excited. Toda¡ she visited the Harry Potter theme Park in Orlando' Florida. Amy loves the Harry Potter books and movies' But how did they all begin? Aúthor J.K. Rowling-had the idea for Harry Potter on a train journey' But she didrit have a Pen! When she got home, she started her first Harry Potter book,Harry Pottet and the Philosopher\ Stone.Five years later, in 1995, she sent the book to a lot of publishers, but they didrlt like it! Finally she got a "yes" from a publisher, and irt' 1997 , the first Harry Potter book was in bookstores' Soon it was a bestseller in the U'K', the U.S., and around the wodd, too. Six other Harry Potter books followed, and theY became bestsellers, too. In 2001, the first book became a movié. The mpvie director : ,1;:l it.::' needed an actor for part of HarrY. ln , London, Daniel the l:il, l,;-"1 but Radcliffe's parent§ heard about the movie' old' years 11 only they didntiell Daniel! He w.1s Angeles' uná th. location for the mwie was Los for perfect was But the director thought Daniel location the part of Harry Potter. He changed the got the Daniel froá Lo, Angeles to London, and part of Harryl ih. uurry boüer movies were very successful' but Harry Potter fans wanted more! In 2011' |.K. Rowling created a website' Pottermore' play Visitors can learn to make magic spells and interactive games. Toda¡ there are HarrY Potter theme Parks in the U.S- and |apan. Visitors watch shows, and go on rides insPired bY Harry Potter. In London, fans can visit the HarrY Potter movie studio. TheY see the movie sets and learn.secrets about the sPecial effects in the movies. So, whatt next for AmY? "I'm very big HarrY Potfer fan!" I can go to the studios in London next a she says. "M"Ybe yearl" i:*'#*# L Find these words and check their meaning. theme park publishers bestseller magic spells movíe sets s B SS -?& §Éq rrs- Scan the article and answer the questions. Who is the woman in the picture? J.K. Rowling - the author of the Harry ?otter books. 1 Where did Amy Branning go today? 2 How many Harry Potter books are there? z ffi r'+o ffi*ad ünii trstcffi to the articre. Then answer the questions. Where was J,K. Rowling when she first created Harry potter? thewas on alrain. 1 Why didn't she start writing immediately? 2 When did stores start selling the first Harry potter book? 3 Why didn't Daniel Radcliffe's parents tell him about the movie? 4 Where did they make the Harry potter movies? 5 What is Pottermord? 6 Where can fans visit the Harry Potter movie sets? 7 Do you like the Harry Potter movies / books? Why / Why not? 3 Fres*¡:tati*r: Harry Potter is a very popurar movie character all over the world. Think of your favorite movie character and answer the questions below. Then use your answers to prepare a short presentation. . . . What is the character's name? What movie is he / she in? Who played the part in the movie? . . . What does he / she look like? ls he / she a good or bad character? Why do you like the character? My progress Uocabulary and speaking I can identify weather types and temperature words. (p.32) I can A? 1 Complete the sentences with the correct 4 Reorder the letters to make movie types. l rrrhoo vimeo words. 1 lt's -3oC todav 2 demcoy 3 veol trsyo 4 tonorac - it's _l 2 lt was and my hat blew into the treel 3 I hope this summer is sunny and _! 4 When it's _, I can't seel 5 When it's I can ask and (p.34) the sky is gray. 5cuismla I can use language answer questions about vacations. Az Raul Let's go to the moviesl Shock is playing. 1_ What Quique of movie is it? Raul lt's an action 2_. Quique Oh, no! What about a science 3 movie? Project Sfor is playing at the AMC. 5 How was your vacation? a Yes, they were, They were very friendly. b lt was warm and sunny. irnportant life events. (p.37) Raul OK. What 4_ Raul OK. Let's go! Quique lt 5_ lt was OK, but there wasn't a swimming pool, lt was awesomel ,:. lt was deliciousl ;l1r$: I can describe I 5 Complete the dialogue. and answers. 1 What was your hotel like? 2 What was the weather like? 3 What was the food like? 4 Were the people nice? d e for going to the movies. (p.4?) -, 2 Uatcf, the questions c identify movie types. (p.40) does it start? at 7:3O p.m. i§,tl I can ask and answer questions about going the 6 Reaa the answers. A; Then complete the questions. A? did you see? 1 3 Complete the events in Jen,s life with the simple We saw Atlantic Adventure. past form of the irregular verbs in the box. go learn lose say 't She 5 She win with? I to swim when she was 5. her first tooth in 2005. 3 She 4 She was it? It was an action movie. her first word when she was 2. 2 She on vacation in 201.l. r1,l went with Sarah. it? Nicole Kidman starred in it, her first race when she was 9. - of the movie? 5,,,,r I thought it was quite boring, .*'l§,'.. Reading, listening, and writing Yes I can understand an article and answer questions about the discovery of Antarctica, (p.36) I can understand a description of AZ l AZ tr the life of an explorer and answer questions about him. (p.37) I can write a paragraph about the events in my life. (p.37) A2 I can understand a web page and answer questions about Hollywood actors and movies . (p.441 A2 I can understand a conversation and answer questions about a trip to the movie theater. (p.45) I can write a review of a movie I saw. (p.4S) to movies.(p.45) AZ AZ n n T tr Got it? l'm not sure No f, u n n n n T tr n u tr r b @ A famous actor E B € EO tr Read the rules for positions of adjectives. Read Using pronouns Position of adjectives a We use pronouns to replace the names a Adjectives of people, places, and things. With pronouns our language ísn't repetitive. rr-LJ] Lb a heavy bog blue eyes new sneakers b There are different kinds of pronoun: b They can also go after a verb. subject, object, and possessive. We go to Her hair is long. The food tastes horrible. You don't look happy. junior high school. (subject pronoun) Mom alwoys gives me great birthday presents. (object pronoun) in the sentences. Write S (subject), O (object), or P (possessive) next to each sentence. At the moment, she is on vacation. I 1 I hate carrots. I never eat theml _ 2 We are running for the bus. _ 3 I have mine, but where are yours? _ 4 I can hear him, but I can't see him. _ 3 Complete the sentences with the correct pronouns. Tom and I have homework. I'm doino mine here. Tom is doing hís ¡¡ the kitchá. is fantastic. l'm really enjoying Where does the adjective go in the sentence? Check (./) the correct position. sister My 2 tooXat the pronouns _ 2 Where are my friends? l'm waiting for _l 3 Give us that chocolate, lt's _l 4 The children are happy. are playing. 5 Our grandma lives in Chicago, We visit every summer. 4 Complete the blog post with the correct '1 This- - 2 Your (great) 3 lt's 4 -. is -. - sounds - _. party -. (terrible) - (blue) find _ his 5 Do - you - feel about _ -. the test (nervous) 3 Reorder - the words -? to make sentences. can't Jack jacket is / blue / Polly / dress IaI wearing ?olly is wearinT a blue dress. 1 curly / teacher I our I hair / has 2 sneakers 3 gray Hello friends, It's me, loe! This week I 'm at my favorite music festival, the Bonnaroo festival ln Tennessee. This year 1_ starts on June i3th. I'm here with my cousin Alicia. I go with 2_ every year. 3always have fun. Right now, a-'m having a guitar lesson with a really cool teacher called Eric. My guitar is only a cheap one, but s_ is awesome. This evening The xx are on stage. Alicia is excited because she really likes 6_. What's 7-favorite festival? 5 5 ruo* do exercise 6 on page 17. - a hair show vacation - 4 city/ Joe - TV (awesome) / has (blond) pronouns. More news soon, "É *:-*Jtr 2 Thot isn't Ellen's pizza. Hers is on the table. (possessive pronoun) 1 This book describe nouns. They can go immediately before a noun. I know Poul. I know him from school. / I know Paul. I know Paul from school. X E E the rules for using pronouns. day I cool I look / Grandpa's I lives I in are . . / your. I eyes , I Diego I a I big. llonglitla/was. 4 Complete the profile of Katharine Hepburn with the words in parentheses. Remember to use was and were. Katharine Heoburn wae afamoue actress. (actress / be / famous). She was born in Hartford, Connecticut in 1907. Her movie Little Women (be I 1 popular 3 her a / very). She 2 (be / beautiful / woman). Her tL^ / t^.--.---- t t- | (be / brown / hair), and (belblue/eyes). She died on May 1?th,2OO3, 5 No* do exercise 5 on page 25. á events I lf t-r q r*n reuiew LñJ Read the spelling rules. Read Spelling rules Using paragraphs a Remember the spelling rules for regular simple past verbs, e.g.: Use paragraphs learn*ed=learned a b rl the rules for using paragraphs. -) €n to divide a longer piece of writing into clear points or topics. cry -y + ied = cried Before you start writing, plan what you want to say in separate points. Then group sfop+P+ed=stopped them together by topic, e.g.: Remember the spelling rules for regular plural nouns, too, e.g.: l-- m f (.J @ C; Abouf the theme nark The name ofthe theme park bike+s=bikes Whattype ofiheme park glass+es=g/osses party -y + ies = porties shelf -f + yes = shelves 2 Choos. the correct When you visited it Who you visited answers. to a birthday party. '1 My sister goes to extra math classes / classis on Tuesdays. 2 How many computeres / computers do you have? b burger restaurant. Write A, B, or A about the restaurant B about your visit there C your opinion of the restaurant 3 Wr¡t. the correct past or plural forms of the verbs in parentheses. (box) elementary school yesterday. (start) 3 lack -*, jeans and a T-shirt to the party, (wear) - 4I my first tooth when I was six. (lose) 5 4 Sofia didn't eat her - _. (potato) Use the prompts to write sentences. Write the plural form of the nouns. Last year, / my parents ln 2012, I Luis I start / / move / 3 U"" the notes in exercise 2 to write full sentences. Put them in the correct paragraphs. ln 2OOO, / my cousin and I I be I baby ln 2OOO,my cousin andlwerebabies. r,Vashington Paragraph A to fhere'e a new rest auranlin my Lown called The Shack . .. class in two anguages ast month, I she I travel .', uh her brother -ack / / around Australia / Paragraph B go / to three different elementary s:rool S' 5 Hillary / become / one of my hero C. The Shack - new restaurant in my town A 'l invitation from cousin _2 can order burgers, Mexican food, pizza, soda, milkshakes, etc. _ 3 friendly waiters, great atmosphere _ 4 my burger didn't taste nice _ 5 delicious ice cream _ 6 went last Saturday _ 7 on Penn Avenue _ 8 long wait fo1 food _ Last year, my sister grew her hair long. (grow) 2 My brother Each group of points can become a different paragraph. 2 neaa the notes about a trip to a new 3 I sleept / slept very badly last night. 4 They spent their lifes / lives in Canada, 1 We need to move these Whatyou liKed about if Whatyou djdnt Iike about it Yaur $eneral impression /@me Yesterday my mom tuck Paragraph C Now do exercise 6 on page 37. 4 No* do exercise 6 on page 45. ¡ (= --r :,1 ,l eurrÉeu§ extrm ,* '. t|' É& '% ¿ ,i § .3 --&:. .4 i :?*, . i1 rr¡lt ,,j'.c ¿: #"'l #i ilr É" i- '¡;' \ .,ffi ,ñ ¡!:: ñ' t I -1. § .1 ; r: .A s .,¡ vid*c ciip= *f young chjidrsn pia,iii::g insiy-r:ment*. Th* *hiiclren arÉ s* sn:atrl that t}":eir vi*1ins, pian*s, and ctl:er i::siru:aents appear enormcus next to the:n, but they plair like expert musicians. Their little fingers move iapidXy, anri their bodies move in \trle s6r::*,imeÉ see !E IJ 1fu-e fi Vu'e tir::e to the mllsic. But how can these vely yolrng chiirtrren piay so '"arell r They are i*arning v,,ith the Surilki methoct. ffi The Suzuki mefhod of leariring rnusícal instru;Lel:ts corlres fi'om .1apan, a.itri wits the ide a oí a man callerl Shinichi suzuki {1898*19§§i, a vialin i*aei:er lrom Idag*ya. Fiis briieí was t}:at p"l3 children ean play musicel insl¡umenis H/ell. Íle alsa believed that rhildren can learn tcr play a r.nusieal i¿:stlu-*:ent in rl:e same rvay that thev learn to speak a langua,ge. # Y ¡ §&r' d-\ 20 L-, É;'r- ü4 E 4A Suzuki rnethod, children learn a. new piece r:f music check their meaning. enormous adj encourage v line 5 iine 36 music helps them learn. §hinichi §uzuki also believed it is better when children learn their instru,ment from a very yollllg age. Therefore with the Suzuki rnethod, there are a lot of music str-rcients as !ol-ir'rg as thrce or four. r¡anr h ¡ r-.1 tlrror-rgh iisiening. ?-¡ Constant repetiriún of the i*arn from *r¡r pare::as and teacS:ers, aed fr*m *the:"child¡Én, too. Far this r€ason, c}:ildren i:ave i*Civi.du_al music lessons, but also learn in grcups =with other children. in groups, children can motivate and encourage each other" Lv Some people don't likc rhe Suzrilci n-rethod. They thir-rk it creates robots, not musicians because the children are aniy repeaiing what they hear. üthers beiieve ii can cnly urcrk v¡ith arcbitious Faránts r¿.ho make their children work As bai:ies, rve learn a new w*rd lvhea r¡¡e hea.y ít h,"rndreds of tirnes. With the Find these words and learn to taik ñrst, and then to reed. in ti;e same wáy, th€ §uzuki ffi€t:rad t*achss c}:1l¿iren t* piay t}-i*it' insir:-:men1, and ihen to ¡sad m¡:sic. '* F{ There are differer:t r:pinions, but it is difñcult nút t* admire th*se chil<iren. F*r t?:is rea§'311 the Suz¡-:ki methoel is ncw popular ail o.¡er the'.vor1d. .'.{,' . :.;,s}*{* \ - ..,,. Curriculum extra 1 Read the article. Where is the Suzuki method from? Z Reaa the article again. Write 1 2 3 Which paragraph Which paragraph Which paragraph Which paragraph method? the letter of the paragraph. mentions the students'age? Paragraph F says that students don't always study alone? paragraph _ says that children learn music when they hear it again and again? says that children from many different countries learn with the Suzuki - - sentences. 3 Complete the Shinichi Suzuki was ? violinLeacher 1 Children learn to play instruments in the same way as they learn 2 Suzuki students music many times to learn it. 3 First they learn to play, and then they learn to 4 Children learn to play well in of other children. 5 It's normal for Suzuki students to start music lessons when 6 Some people think the only works for children with ambitious parents, 4 Wn¡cn pictures give false information? Correct the information. a is false. is false. is false. Shinichi Suzulfi 189B-I998 ffi\ \*_J t @ a er€ What is your favorite instrument? Write an article about it. lnclude the following information: F . . . . A piáce of músic ühere you can heár the instrument. A famous musician who plays the instrument. ls it easy or difficult to leam? Are you learning it? Do you want to learn it? ,i: , ii ta : : @ ffi=m, n Curriculum extra D When you look at Planet Earth,s lourney anound the sern, )rce": ean see that our planet isr.:'t straigh€. lt's tilted, at 23.5 degrees. §eientists aren't completely sure why !t is like this. But some believe that abo¡¡t 4.S hillia* years agü, a collisior.¡ with ar¡ er?ot"t'ñous ebieet, §ike an asteroid, pushed Eartl.l ints a new po,sitiom. C[s a result our pfanet was tifted, and the collision created our seasons, too. The Earth's jounney around the sun ral<es one year. For six rnonths of the year, the North Pole tilts towards the sun. Therefore, the top part of our planet, CIr northern hernisphere, experienees sumrner tin¡e. At the sarne time, the South Pcle tilts away from the sun, and the soutl"rern hemísphere is in winter time. F*r the other six mar:ths of the year, the §o*rh Pcle tilts towards the sun, the Nsrth Fole tilts away, and the seasons reyerse. S*, maybe it's snowíng on Christmas Day in Canada, but in Uruguay people are celebrating in hot, sunny weather! Find these words and check their meaning. straight tilted tropical rainforest adj [ine 3 adj line 4 adj line 28 n line 31 nevertheless adv line 34 wheat n line 42 c0rn n line 4? i The middle of Planet Earth, the equator, is always near the sun and eountries in this regicn, such as Brazil, Colombia, *.nd Nor-thern Austra!ia have tropical weathcr. Temperatures there are usually srarrrl, ab*ve eighteen degrees, and *o there are nÉ seascn§. But it gets very rainy, too. That's why the equator has a lot of raínforests. Constant, hot, wet weather is a perfect place for them. zs Nevertheless, seasons are very important for :s animal and plant Nife. lmagine our planet without its tilt, and without the seasons. ln this situation, near the North and South Pales it's always dark and freezing, so plants and animals in those regions can't survíve. Most plants and animals ¿a liye near the equator because it's warm and sunny there, but this is bad for essentlal plants lil<e wheat, corn, and potatoes- These plants alsa need cold winter \Meather to grow well. The result is that we have great lrreather, but 4s \#e don't have suffi*ient fo*d" How can w* live on our planet llke tl'lisi The colfisíon 4.5 billion years ago created the seasons, with their temperature variations and beautiful changes of co[or. But most importantly, s0 it created enonmous possibilities fon life on our planet. Curriculum extra 1 Read the article. Then label the parts of Planet Earth. 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 Reaa the article again. correct the mistakes in sentences below. SomescientistsbelievethattMcausedtheEarth,stilt' 5 o m e e ci ent st s b elí ev e th al a c olli si o n c a ue e d lh e E a rt h' s t ill.. i 1 Our planet needs six months to travel around the sun. 2 When the South Pole points away from the sun, it's summer in the southern hemisphere. 3 The equator always has cold weather. 4 Rainforests need hot, dry weather. 5 Esseniial plants like wheat grow better when it's always warm. 3 An"-e, the questions. 1 When do some scientists think the collision happened? fhevthinkit abouf,4.5 billion yea?e aao. During the Earth's journey around the sun, how long does the North Pole tilt towards the sun? 2 When it's spring in Uruguay, what season is it in Canada? 3 Why are there no seasons on the equator? 4 ln a world with no seasons, what is it like in northern and southern countries? 5 ln a world with no seasons, what happens to plants and animals on our planet? What is your favorite season? Write an articte about it. lnclude the following information: ' . . When the season occurs. fustivals and celebrations during the season, The temperature do you,like it? - . . The activities you can do at that time of year. The different thinqs you can see at that time of year. É#* & ffi * sw r* @ # & * * € and Break the code and write the musical Benres I f, lA ' instruments' 22 41181e 11 f'§ & '18 17 8 ' 12-lL I 61s 4-222712641s ': ! 5 6 7 IE :lo ll i:, ,11 I M L K J F G H I 2z1|áBTtAZt A B c D j--?,:.:-,, re 20 21 222',242526123 -:_ . . . 17 18 ,. 3111219-11 1819 ,r ------------- ::.1 s 251218 * 15 12 17 W t € Draw lines to connect the words and make sentences. 1B -"-- r' i, y' *He *is r& ptaytng ,.* tii.::i iiiai she € it ,. listen tü badlv §J ''-., -. x listen saxophone play sing the flute happy plays listening bad to reggae singer slow .... .--" ,( I is late am singing she singer a heavy metalsong playing noisily good my not mine yours is trumpet is yours You play the drums well This hip-hop CD j, .á§, , @ 1 _ s @ w # ffiffi$ 2A [Ti::::::]::lr:: use,he !iJji:*¡tri. . ,.,,.: -és Kelly's birthday was Iast Her party was a week f-l She was at the movies 1 ,t[{t 2 .:.ii';li:i¡:.?--: ,28 rl + a itarist terribly That :::lJJ:;: Íil:,l"':: ;: Tj,,:ffiñ # ir, * & F brother like? ¡..11 q11c ii¡ irii iil,a\Y,rl * i:,¡,i=, what's , ry,¿;;.;Keuy wa s tki'" @# * #* ,@& *r#-¡ # m_ o, I I was she this morning? '':ili Myste ñ * iíl'ir,''¡iril :'/ I happy about the extra math homework Iast week. "jt 4 gu \. She 'I.':r'J terrible iir; i!!/ )] evening. 3 is your !:i:jF::r: He * ,¡i;:i-:J,-1'lri t a ,;,i Ietters in the gray boxes to qiú " complete the mystery sentence. ,ffi ii: W' =-.-' --1++==:1 are wffi t**s "&- w .?i:,'L-?;11; ¡:.:::,_.' "¿ir$'&*:,ilíii E::.i'¡irf.i;." r . :¡;:-ii,{r ii§**$ Ea'- §E% 4A H l¡U t!,ye more weather words. The.n complete the sentences. : J'T.:,"J1',1lii : H::,1 T i;;::: ; "'' " movie type? The two men drove their cars very fast in the 'ri:"i'::úr1 movle. c s! LiD 1 The singers 2 lfind all oiu 3A iW; F liN D movies very scary! movie shows things that can't happen in real life. made us laugh. 4 The 5 R story of the year!., Boy meets girl in the 6 My brother watches a i-*¡ The sun disaPPears when I were awesome. in the it's ' movies. lot of science ' ... lt's difficult to see things in front of you ,,, when it't 2 My hair is wet because it's 3 We spent a beautiful hot and lHl lcoiñfl, tvl - beach. day on the and mY 4 Yesterday was very 1,..- newspaper blew awaY! - It's cold and it's 3 B I,';,;["'iJI;:T:11,,,i,.,. n j1t.Sy¡rr verbs in t.!e simpte ,rri úr; the extra letters II to make a secret Yesterda y,l , HBATOMUACN t 2 a new dress. J::: ;;;rrr". Co m p ! 9 t e,,t h e !.y e fo r m o f,, t h ¡-.9¡ t e n.93s' the letteJs, in !h1S1ay boxes to f!g!out what kind of movie Carla and Jorge saw' :. . rhey didn't I the morie ntrtrtroutside tl3:t"*il The tickets cost $18. [t]t]t] $t8',,.,, rhe tickets didn't 2 Jorge forgot to bring his moneY. to bring his moneY. Jorge didn't i movie' .,.,;' trtrIahe Carla enjoyed the movie'r -jl horror movie. ,.,.'.|| - rri:. ,::.1 Carla didn't 5 Jorge ate all the PoPcorn. all the PoPcorn' Jorge didn't trtrtr ,Secret message: e Use They didn't LEENWMYK t neg -a Jqvv the horror saw They I llgJ 3 -.., typical 48 { :'.t The mystery movie tYPe is a - winter's day. ri 6 Carla drank allthe ':ri rj Carla didn't rType of movie: '- ft-i cola., ':,:.,. all the cola. ii:, i: \dorkbook l: ,. Philippa Bowen Denis Delaney Christina de la Mare oxroRD ]JNIVERSITY PRESS Grammar rules §i§?ple pses*§rt J Fr*semt When the verb ends in a consonant change the -yto -i and add prsffirsss§qse she 5ünnpüe g:r*s*nt I I you d* *qt (dcn't) play + -y, we add -s. Presemt prCIgress¡ve you do not (don't) play you play we he flies When the verb ends in a vowel he plays lplay he / she studies + -y, we -es. , r,á / it plays i sñe .. : I it áou" not (doesn't) play. ,, we / you / they do not (don't) play / they play i larn n*t ('m no$ pl*ying i i you :you aré not (aren:t) playing are ('re) playing helshelitis i she / it is not (isn't) playing we / you / they are not (aren't) playing he ('s) playing we I you I they are ('re) playing Dc I play? Doyou play Does he / she play? r Do we'/ you do.' Yes, he I she I Yes; / it l Yes, wq I you No, he I she I I No, we I you / thtv_gl_ ry.{:{!i _t!ry rta,y,¡ ii'fii:¡i¡iñ it doesntt. it doé§. I No; I dsn't, Am I playing? Are you playing? lshelshe/it habits and daily routines. - I get up at half past seven, permanent situations. - They live in Milford, and they work in Tysoe. i-"-Are we lyau I I O7o 2 I usually do my homework in the afternoon. once a day *6 / "'.'ffi week three times / week a day / week t:#ffi § 1 We make the third person singular with the base form of the verb + *s. like + -s likes 2 We use the base form of the verb + -es when the verb ends in -c11, -§, -§}'t, -x, -zt or -o. §P*8 § I he teaches l"ift she goes she / you I ,No, he I she / it is. Yes, we they playing? / they are. to describe temporary events that are happening during a definite period, for example, today, this week, this month, etc. Yuki's concert is in June, so he's practicing a lot this month. We also use the present progressive §pelling varlati0n§ 1 For most verbs, we add -ing to the base form. play + -ing = playing walk + -ing = walking 2 When the verb ends in -e, we drop the -e and add -ing. have á having 3 it washes For short verbs ending in a vowel plus a consonant, we double the final consonant and add -ing. sit 4 { sitting Travelis irregular. * traveling travel w2 / something that is happening now. Marisol is talking to her mom at the moment. always usually often sometimes rarely never Other expressions of frequency are: every day / week twice a day Yes, he 1 We use the present progressive to talk about We often use the simple present with adverbs of frequency to say how often something happens. No, I'm nct. Yes, I a*r. playing? We use the simple present to talk about: 100% Yes, you are., N9, you. aren't. Pessessive promoum§ lnregular aduerhs my fEtne good well your your§ early early his/her/its his/hers/* late late. our *ür§ fast fast your your§ their theirs . lrregular adjectives do not follow any rules. you have to learn each form separately. Tina plays the guitar well. Possessive adjectives come before a noun. my iPad {.*. i bl.usent tsc0l( your cell phone Possessive pronouns substitute a possessive adjective and a noun. It's my violin. = lt's mine. We often use possessive pronouns ,a1tr Review the Vocabulary. Write your own study notes (or translation) for each word. to avoid Musical genres repeating. This is rny book, That's yours. classical Adverbs of $lanner Regular adverbs quick quickly quiet quietly beautiful beautifully u¿sy, I {to-¡ +-ly fantastic + -ally 1 I i easily fantasticallv _-.,.___ - _) l i We use adverbs of manner to talk about how we do something. They change what the verb means. Pablo plays guitar beautifully. 2 Adverbs of manner always come after a verb or after an object. subject + verb + (object) + adverb of manner Maria speaks (to him) quietly, 3 We make adverbs of manner by adding -/y to the adjective. bad t badly slow t slowly Check it aut! I give upl Spelling var¡at¡ons l-earn it, use itl 1 When the adjective ends in a -y, we change the -y to -i and add -ly. Yes, you can. 2 Can I open the window, please? / Yes, OK. easy á easily noisy t noisily Can I borrow (your pen), please? When the adjective ends in -ic, we add -ally. fantastic { fantastically Can I use an English dictionary? Not now. / You can borrow (it) later, (trO"nt Book pp.12 ,Lo,t4 W3 Exercises Uocabulary 4 Complete the dialogues with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. A How often doyoupracXice the recorder? Musical genres and instruments I f¡nA the names of five more musical genres in (you the puzzle. E T R o C E C L G G A G E A C E S H E C K R A E L S H o C K A S S I C ^ L P o L P K M E B 2 S K E P S H C T o P o P H P C L P Y M E C T re lin 1 A der oph pet tar trum te flu gur to at the moment? / listen) to reggae, (listen) I A When to the gym? (Jack / go) to the gym on B He usually o Mondays and Wednesdays, (go) L 3 A Miwa is on the to? (she / talk) phone, Who B She 4 A to her friend, Eva. (talk) How often (you / have) guitar lessons? BI cor SAX What (you UTTTS one the recorder twice a week. (practice) 2 f¡nA the musical instruments in the squares. )UT pta vto '¡ 81ums no practice) B I ?raclice o H / guitar lessons once a week. (have) 5 Complete the paragraph about Juana with the simple present or present progressive form of the verbs in the boxes. give not go teae& work Grammar Simple present / Present progress¡ve 3 Choo"e the correct answers. Jenny reads moment, l@a book at the 1 I use / am using my computer every day, 2 Juan doesn't talk / isn,t talking to his girlfriend at the moment. 3 Do you get up / Are you getting up early on Sundays? 4 We don't play / aren,t playing sports the afternoons. in 5 I write / am writing my blog at the moment. 6 He usually plays / is playing the piano Juana is a classical music teacher. She teaches students to play the piano and the violin, She usuallyl in a school, but she 2 to the school on Wednesdays, She 3 classes at home. decide every day. not play practice not talk ln her free time, Juanaa classical she plays guitar in a rock bandl Right now, the band members s for a concert and they are very excited. But they 6 about the music. They 7 what clothes to wear for the concertl music (trO"nt Book pp.1Z-13 Extra practice online Possessive pronouns 9 5 Complete the chart with possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns. Complete the sentences with the words from exercise 8. I can't hear you. Why are you talking so quietly ? 1 Javier is a fantastic runner. He runs very 2 Grandpa is old and walks very 3 Weekends are great because we can get up 4 Young children don't usually write very 5 The library is a place for quiet study. But the students are chatting Your sister is a talented oianist. She olavs 10 Choose the correct Lollapalooza ¡r Complete the sentences with the possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns in the box. its míne ' ffny ,ours their yciur 2 5 6 is Paramore. 1 at the moment. 4 I love rock music. M.y favorite band fantastically music festival. 1 Adrian is practicing the saxophone every Friday / 3 'yoürs ans\Mers. u@/ "ls that your drink, Miguel?" "Yes, it's my / mine," The school soccer team usually plays good / well. How often are you going / do you go to concerts? Are these your I yours sneakers? I take a shower now / every morning. 11 Choose the correct answers. ls this your pen, Sara" No, is in my bag, Matthew and Dom are American. parents are from January 23rd Colorado, 5 6 It's really fun here. We have a big schoolconcert in November; so we 2practice /'re practicing a lot this month. Usually we only 3are meeting / garden - meet once a week. I need a new violin. / My friend Carrie has a new one sher/ and hers sounds awesome. But 6mine / my makes a funny noise every aMine 8 Complete the chart with adverbs of manner. quiet qvietl:t. time I play itlCarrie always plays 4antastic / fantastically. She's an samazing / amazingly player. ldon't play very sgood / well! Oh! The saxophones are slow fantastic 2 fast late Reporl don't practice at the moment. The flutes lare playing / play and they sound great! -, Adverbs of manner . ffi[u;'lk",]Íffi, You can have this DVD. It's now. Ana, finish breakfast before you go to school. We -can't play soccer. This ball isn't The house is horrible, but is beautiful, Clear window 4 stopping now. Talk soonl Sofia noisy goód F .;-----_. :*-l Student Book p,15 Extra pract¡ce .,online I W5i Communication Making requests 4 Use the prompts to write requests and answers. 1 Complete the dialogues with the phrases in the box. / a dictionary? use Canl uee a díclionaw? Yes Yes,you can. 1 copy / your homework? 1 A Canl B Yes, o?en the window please? 1_-, A Thank you. 2 A 2B No, 3-! No lt's hot today. 2 a pencil for this exercise? You can use a pen. borrow / your book? No/read/moment. 3 A 4 B 5 3 your MP3 playe¡ Adam? / some water? to my new album. You can borrow it later. 2 have Match the questions with the answers. 1 Can I go to Quique's house, Mom? b 2 Can I use your pen, please? 3 Can I borrow your book? 4 Can I watch the game on TV? 5 Can I play on your phone, Dad? 6 Can I have a drink? a Yes, you can. What time does it start? Yes 4 use / your pen? No/can/later. 5 Use the instructions to write dialogues. You need to borrow a history book for a school project. You ask your friend if you can borrow his, He says that you can't because he needs it for the same project! c Yes, you can. But I only have water. d Not now. I need it to write a story. e f 3 Yes, you can, Here you are. Not now! I need to call Mom! Can I b orcow your You Your friend No, .you hietory bo ok? can't^ I need it for flhe same pro.iectl 1 You are at the movie theater. A woman is sitting next to an empty seat, but it has her bag on it. Reorder the dialogues, 2 1 c No, you can'tl Can I wear your red shoes to the party, Claudia? You ask her if you can sit there. She agrees. You Woman But you can wear my white ones, 1 You can watch it later. Not now. Grandpa is watching the basketball. Can I watch a DVD, please? 2 Can I use your bathroom, please? It's at the top of the stairs. You want to play soccer with your friends. your mom says that you can't because dinner is ready, but that you can play later. You Your mom Yes, you can, 3 Thank you. Yes, you can, Here's a chair. Can I sit down, please? (tuo"nt Book p.14 Extra pract¡ce onl¡ne ln a school in Vista, California, the students are studying hard. But they aren't reading their books quietly. They're playing noisily! Because this is not an ordinary school, and its students are not ordinary students. It's the School of Rock, and the students are the rock stars of the future! The Schoolof Rock in Vista is one of 86 Schools of Rock (SOR) in the U.S. and Mexico. At SOR, children agedT to 18 learn to play guitar; drums, and piano, and they learn to sing, too. They also study the music genres of bands and musicians like The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Jimi Hendrix, and many others. All the teachers at SOR schools are professional musicians. They teach the children how to play their instruments. But they also teach them how to perform in front of a big crowd, and horrv to work well in a group. For this reason students have one private lesson a week, but they also practice with other students in bands, and prepare for big concerts. SOR gives students the chance to perform in big concert buildings, and also at music festivals like Lollap alooza. ' Alex Kasvikis is one of SOR's stars of the future. lt's his dream to be a professional musician. He loves the schoot for its music, but he really likes the students, too. Alex thinks the school offers some fantastic experiences. But most importantly, he thinks it helps students to see their futures as musicians. Reading 1 Read the article. Then tnlriting answer the questions. 2 lmagine you are a student at a music school. What subject are the students studying at SOR Write a blog entry about it. Remember to include subject, object, and possessive pronouns in your blog. lnclude the following information: Vista? f h ey' r e slu dyin a mu sic. 1 ln which two countries can you find the Schools of Rock? . . 2 Can 6-year-old children study at a SOR? 3 What do the teachers teach children to do? Where is the school? Which instrument are you learning to play? Which musical genres are you studying? How often do you have lessons? What are you practicing at the moment? What do the students do at Lollapalooza" When is your next concert? Are the other students friendly? What are your dreams for the future? 4 (-- What does Alex Kasvikis want to be in the future? l'm a 5 What two things does he like about SOR? Student Book pp,16-17 Extra practice online etudenl al amueicechoolin '" ----- Grammar rules üe: Simple past 1 We make the negative with was I were I Affirmative * not. wasn't at home. weren't at band practice, You We can use the short forms wosn't and tueren,t. I wasn't at home. You yoil were We usually use the short forms urasn't and weren't in spoken English, and when we write e-mails, messages, and letters to friends. ,he was. she was, . it Past time expressions we were YroU weren't at band practice. were yésterday morning / afternoon / evgning last night / Monday 1 week / month / summer they were Christmas 1 We use r¡¿os with singular pronouns and singular nouns. We use were with plural pronouns and a year plural nouns. 2 3 We do not contract was and were. a week / two days / {. 1 We use these time expressions to say when something happened in the past, Yesterday morning, I was late for school. Last month, we were in Spain, We were at school twenty minutes ago. We were at band practice yesterday. Luis was overweight when he was young. Negat§ve I year in 2O13 / June / the 199Os / I I We use the simple past to talk about situations in the past. It was sunny on Sunday. / a month I I 2 We can put the time expressions at the start or end of the sentence. The meaning does not change. was not 'lwasnt: you were not you weren't he was not he wasnrt nrt 'she wagnrt I she was it was not I WB Yesterday, there was a concert at our school. There was a concert at our school yesterday. it wasn't we were nat ,,we you r*¡ere l't§t you werenrt they were not they werentt werenlt fttrC",rt Book rr.Z1 De: Simple past 3 Questions and short answers We answer questions with No * subject pronoun wasn't or weren't. The negative short answer has a short form. Was she American? No, she wasn,t. Were they in the classroom? No, they weren,t. * Question words + was I were Was hér Y§$,'hq,wá*, llll*s-s1le? Yc§,..sfre.wá*-- , 'lffaiit?" , Yee,Jt,r*áe; , .ño-tt,wa*n,í,;, Wsr,e .,, w-e?-, Yes,, yo,u,r, -. j ':: - ; iit!iiltr6;r:''i', I N o¡.he,w-a*n.ltu,, ::N$,r,sllÉ..wasnlt, :'.,:::..:,'.. .. .:, :, ;r': Ves;,werwefe. t{ef:e,thry? ;... ' rruefe. . rtréy-", wersn't. We put was or were before the subject to make a question. Was it on TV last night? Were you at band practice yesterday? We make questions with question word + simple past of be. When was the movie on TV? Where were you yesterday? with Yes + subject pronoun + wds or were. The affirmative short answer has no short form. Were you at the concert? Yes, I was. Was he friendly? Yes, he was. We answer questions (tro"nt Book p.z3 Review the Vocabulary. Write your own study notes (or translation) for each word. Physical description slim average height tall straight average weight weight beard youn9 Check it out! Cdm down. Hair Who cares about ...? blue braces eyes freckles glasses green height middle-aged mustache old overweight bald Learn it, use it! black What's (she) like? blond brown curly gray long (She)'s nice. (She)'s friendly. (She)'s OK. (She's) strict. What does (he) look like? red short (He)'s tall and (he) has ... shoulder-length short (tuOent Book pp,20 ,L8,2? ¡wü'i Negative 4 Rewrite the sentences Uoeabutrary Physical descriptions l in exercise 3 in the negative form. Cesar wasn't at,Silvia's ?arty. Write two more words for each category. t height tall, avera\eheiqht , 2 1 2 weight: slim, 3 hair length: 3 4 long, 5 4 6 hair color: brown, 7 5 hair style: wavy, 6 eyes: brown, 7 age: young, 8 other: 8 Past time express¡ons 5 Choose the correct words. rasteveningl@ 1 ago Wednesday / in August 2 two years last / three months ago 3 yesterday afternoon / last ten minutes 4 in May / June ago beard, Z Complete the sentences with the words in the box. bald braces eyes glasses hair red straight My dad wears glasses 1 Mateo has blond 2 Tina has green and freckles. 3 Bruno doesn't have any hair. He's -4 I have short, wavy hair. 5 My sister has--, on her teeth, 6 Norie's hair isn't curly. lt's 5 last summer / in Christmas 6 yesterday evening / in night 5 put the sentences in chronological order. Tom was at school yesterday afternoon, Tom was in the kitchen ten minutes ago. 1 Tom was at his grandma's house last week. Tom was in 8th grade in 2012. Tom was in France two months ago, Tom was at home last night. 7 Rewrite the sentences in the simple past. the past time expressions in parentheses. Grammar Use be: Simple past Aff irmative 1 I'm not in the school musical, (last year) I w asn' t, in th e e ch o ol music al asl y e ar. My hair is long. (a year ago) 3 Choose the correct answers. 2 The boys aren't in the park. (yesterday morning) I ,.>=- CesarQg)/ were at Silvia's party. 1 The school bus was / were late. 2 fhe concert tickets was / were free! 3 I was / were 13 on lanuary Znd. 4 We was / were at home last night. 5 My elementary school was / were small. 6 My grandparents was / were teachers. 7 The movie was / were awesomel 8 The science lessons was / were very 3 Mr. Wilson is my English teacher. 4 (last year) You're in tenth grade. (in 2O13) 5 l'm not at school. (last Friday) interesting. u10; (tuO"nt Book pp.Z0-21 Extra practice l' online be: Simple past 10 Questions and short answers I Wr¡te questions and affirmative (/) or negative (X) short answers. Use the words in parentheses to give extra information. / it / Rosa's birthday yesterday? (zY Complete the messages w¡th the words in the box. thg .evening-,.;..Satu$gy. r six, olef óc! was W_ás,,,,w-4q4lt,,wasn't: were l were#t where wás-, rr '') Who Bastian's birthday) W as N it o, it, 1 you / Ro wa e a' e bírth day :t est erd ay? birth d a:t. night? (/ music / Hi Daniel, sn' t,. lt, w a s ts a sti an's / at the concert last cool) yesterday. lt was at 2 the math test / difficult? 3 the movie 4 / you I good? (/ (X easy) at band practice You weren't, 1 were you? very happy with you ... The next practice is on Sunday at 4 p.m. Don't forget! Jorge fantastic) born in 1998? (X 1997) Question words + wos I were 9 Reaa the information about Muhammad AIi. Write the questions in the correct order. Then answer the questions. BoRN: fanuarylTú,1942, in Kentuc§, U.S. rrLES: Olympicchampion in Rome in 1960 World Champion in m French Helpl I can't find Y class on the desk in ltwas hornewotkl but its this morning' 6 in mY bag in me ln =*-next to Yottl --*Do Youhave it? FrenchElizabeth 1964,1974, and 1978 Morro: "I am the when / born / greatest." he / Thanks for the partv on . It was great! was ? Whenwasheborn? Hewasborn on Januarv 17"h.1942. 1 born / he / was I where ? 2 he lwhen / Olympic I was lchampion Thanksl But I e tired the next dayl 10 ? 4 in / his 1960 / he / was lhow / old? / what / was / very ________-_ was the tall girl with wavy blond hair? B That was Lydia. A She was very friendly. 11 3 -l t' she there with your cousin? Yes, she 12________- _ why? Do you want her phone number?! il tl li motto ? lli l.Jt ( Student Book \ p,Z3 Extra practice onl¡ne ffi Communication Describing people 1 Match the questions with the answers. A 1 Who's Carlos? 2 What does he look 3 What's he like? a b c 4 lmagine that you know the people below. One of your friends is asking you questions about the people. Read the ¡nformation about them and complete the dialogues. like? He's tall and he has brown hair, He's nice. He's very friendly, @ B 4 Who's Miss Lewis? 5 What's she like? 1 6 What does she look like? d She's short and she has black hair. She wears glasses. e She's our new math teacher, She's OK, but she's pretty strict. Rea¿ about a young actress. Then answer the questions. Name: Age L6 average height, slim, blue eyes, blond hair What's her name? Her name's J asmine Thomas. 2 3 friend You Your 2 friend What's a s What does 6 7 Thiago Costa Personality: friendly 1 You Your 1 3 You fasmine Thomas Description: 1he'smy You Your friend Where f Z Your friend Who'eMrs. Adamska? How old is she? What does she look like? What's she like? Who: From: your basketball coach 6razl Personality: nice, friendly Desoiption: very tall; short, black hair; brown eyes, glasses Your friend Who's 8 You Hdsmlt Your friend 10 You '1 Your friend 12 You 13 Your friend 14 e '1 You 3 Reaa the answers about a young actor. Write the questions. What'ehisname? It's Ryan O'Leary. He's nice. He's very friendly He's 17 years old. He isn't very tall, but he's slim. He has green eyes and brown hair. (¡tuOent Book p,22 :,Extra practice i' oL!!ne, ffi Hi, Emma here! Today, l'm looking at pictures of my mom and her brother and sister over the years. physical appearance is important to them and they always look good. But they look different in every picture! When my mom was a young girl, she was short and overweight with dark brown, curly hairi and glasses. When she was eighteen, she was tall and slim. Her hair was different, too. lt was short, red, and wavy! Their big sister, Rachel, was always very tall and slim. As a child, her hair was long, dark brown, and very curly. But as a teenager, it was stra¡ght! Today, they look very different. Mom and Aunt Rachel have long, blond straight hair, and Uncle Joe is bald! Mom and Uncle Joe aren't very slim now and Uncle Joe wears glasses, too. Aunt Rachel is still very slim. overweight when he was a boy. His hair was short brown, and straight. When he was a teenager, his hair was shoulder-length and blond, My physical appearance is important to me, too. Sometimes I don't feel happy about it - I have braces and I don't like them very much. But there are good things, too. l'm pretty slim and I like my big, brown eyes. Mom, Uncle Joe, and Aunt Rachel always tell me that personality is ímportant, and I hope l'm nice and friendly, like them. and he was slim. Emma Mom's brother, my Uncle Joe, was also Reading 1 nead the blog. Z Answer the questions. What was Emma's mom's hair like when she was a girl? Then write the correct name next to the pictures. Itwas darkbrown and curly. Was Emma's mom overweight when she was a teenager? 'm 2 What color was Joe's hair when he was a boy? 3 Are Emma's mom and Uncle Joe very slim now? 4 What does Emma look like? 5 What are Emma's mom, brother, and sister like? lnlriting 3 tninf of a friend he . . . or family memben What does she look Iike? What is he / she like? / Make notes about his or her appearance and personality. Write a description of the person with your notes, Remember to put the adjectives in the correct places in the sentences. M:t dadietall and slim.Hehas short blackhair ... (Jtudent Book pp.Z4-25 Extra pract¡ce iroltiné¡ S-mpñe past: ffiegufrar uerhs Pronunciation Affirmative 1 When the base form of the verb ends with a voiced (hard) sound, -ed is pronounced /d/. rained loved played 2 lretndl llt.wdl lpleñl When the base form of the verb ends with an unvoiced (soft) sound, -ed is pronounced /t/. watched lwtt[t/ liked llatktl stopped /stopt/ 3 1 We make the simple past with the base form of the verb + -ed. walk 2 3 * walked The simple past regular verbs have the same ending for all people. We use the simple past to describe an action that started and finished in the past. We played tennis yesterday. Spelling var¡at¡ons When the base form of the verb ends with sound ldl or lfl, -ed is pronounced Ádl. started /stortrd/ hated /hertld/ decided /drsardrd/ §ümple past: Irregular uerbs 1 lrregular verbs don't follow a pattern. You need to learn them. I go to the movie theater every night. á I went to the movie theater last night. 2 We can put irregular verbs into groups with the same sound or spelling. This can help us to remember them. 1 We usually form the simple past by adding -ed to the base verb. 2 However, there are some spelling variations: Verbs ending in -e. Add -d like t liked arrive .f arrived Verbs ending with a consonant + -y. Change -y to -iand add -ed. tidy + tidied hurry I hurried study á studied try i tried cry { cried Short verbs ending in a vowel plus a consonant. Double the consonant and add -ed. stop { stopped { robbed plan á planned prefer { preferred rob @ QtuO"nt Book pp.33,35 The simple past irregular verbs have the same ending for all people. I ate a sandwich. He ate a sandwich, They ate a sandwich. There is a list of irregular verbs on the inside back cover. (,uo"n, Book p.35 Review the Vocabulary. Write your own study notes (or translation) for each word. The weather Learn it, use it! cloudy How was your vacation in (town / / cold It was great cool What was the weather like? awesome OK roggy It was beautiful lreezing Was the food good? rot Yes, it was. lt was delicious. / amazing / rild No, it wasn't. lt was horrible 'aining What was your hotel like? / I / country)? I terrible. great / I OK disgusting. I terrible / awful. snowing lt was great s¡Jnny Were the people friendly? ,varm Yes, they were. They were very nice, ,vindy No, they weren't. They were unfriendly. awesome OK I miserable. Check it out! So what? ,Vhat's up? wl5 Cxercises Uocabulary Grammar The weather 1 Reorder the letters to form weather words Simple past: Regular verbs Aff irmative 3 Rewrite the sentences in the simple and complete the sentences. It was hot (toh) and (nuysn) yesterday. (ginairn). Do you have eunny 1 2 lt's an umbrella? lt was very (d o two years ago, (wongins)? 3 Last Decembe¡ it was (mraw), but this year it's 6 yesterday. 1 We play volleyball. 2 My dad works in a hospital, Yes, it is. The garden is all white! 5 to school. lwalkedlo echool last Friday, lc) and (d iy n w) last week. 3 lsit I walk past. I watch a lot of TV. last week. (zeef rin g)! lt's very 4 The store opens at 9 a.m. oyf g) today. 5 They listen to Radio Deejay. ilm), (d o u lcy). 6 lt rains a lot. yesterday. (g I can't see very well, Yesterday, it was but it was yesterday evening, (d in March. 7 Z took at the weather report. Complete the You finish school early. yesterday. sentences. Spelling var¡at¡ons 4 Complete the chart with the correct form of Rio de San Janeiro 39"C Francisco rSrC Toronto -S.C the verbs. .5ffi London *i'ja,r: Hong u','!ffi 3"C Kong Paris 14"C g'c lffiFi -se,- -¡;s§t, .',. ,ffi ln Rio it's h o t. The temperature is 39oC, and it's cloud:t ln San Francisco it's w ___, The temperature is lBoC, but it's 2 ln Toronto it's f _ ln London it's c _ 3oC, but it's ln Hong Kong it's m is 14"C and it's ln Paris it's c and it's -.- and it's The temperature is _ _ _. The temperature 5 Complete the sentences with the simple past form of the verbs in the box. arrive clean love stop study travel The temperature is 9"C The students used the test. 1 It was an amazing movie, 2 The car 3 My mom 4 We 5 Raquel 6 riíiá: (tro"nt t se dictionaries in I at the red light. French at school. to Houston by bus. her room yesterday. in Las Vegas at 2 p.m, Book pp.3Z-33 Extra practice onl¡ne", " Simple past: lrregular verbs 5 f¡na three irregular simple past verbs I Read about Emerson's day. Then use the information to complete the description of yesterday. Use the simple past. in each word square. Then write the simple past verbs and their corresponding base forms from the box- drink fall feel get know put say send sing take te}} write 1 told - tell mT"TrTál l+lnltl'l trFFl;l tr];I;ITl ñ1-,FEl F-TiF_E f;ETkl"l trFf.l-t.l táFl-rF-l FiE-t'T.l Eft_TTtk] lulrlall Complete the diary entry with the simple past form of the verbs in parentheses. (win) $200 with a lottery ( giru) '_ u? Yesterday, Emerson woke at six thirty, He stayed in bed for fifteen minutes, then he ticket yesterday and he me $50! This morning, and he 2 a shower before breakfast. After breakfast, he 3 his school bag. Then he 4 home at seven twenty. He 5 to school and he 6 at seven thirly. When school 7 at two thirty, Emerson 8 to basketball pr actice. He e home at four thirty, 19 his homework, and 11 for a history test. At six o'clock, he 12 dinner with his mom and dad and his siste¡ Daniela. After dinne¡ Emerson 13. his bedroom, and then 1a soccer outside with his friends. At nine o'clock, he 1s. TV, Finally, he19 to bed at ten o'clock. It was a typical school day. I'_(go) shopping (buy) a new top with rny $50. It's perfect.for Alicia's birthday party. withMom. I3 (come) to visit me yesterday aflernoon. W" t _ (do) our geography homework, and then we (make) a cake for Alicia. It's her birthday today! Alicia's party was awesome! I1 (see) a lot offriends from school and (meet) Alicia's brothet 1t_ Jose Luis. He's really nice ... Oh, and (wear) my new top! All my (think) it was cool! 9 Wr¡te about your day yesterday. Use the description in exercise 8 as a model. Yesterday, I woke u? at, .. . ln the morning, I ... Student Book p.35 Extra pract¡6s 1,' E¡ll¡é'l 'wl7l {emmr,rm§eafi§om Talking about vacations 1 3 Uatch the questions with the answers. Use the prompts to write questions and answers in the dialogues. Use the dialogues on page 34 of the Student Book as a model. 1 A How was your vacation in Sydney? LWae amazinql. (amazing) 1 What was the food like? 2 3 4 5 Were the people friendly? a lt was OK, but it was a bit small, Our room had a nice balcony. b What was the hotel like? What was your vacation in Thailand like? Was the weather nice? B1 (weather I liké?) A2 (great / warm lsunny.) B3 (food / good?) A4 (your vacation / Chicago?) Not very goodl was the weather like? e lt was greatl lt was hot and sunny every day. Paul It was great. Max 1 Umm ... lt wasn't great. lt rained on two of the days, but on the last day it was sunny, Paul (pretty bad I very cold A Were the people nice? / windy.) Max B6 Paul It was OK. I was in a room with two friends. We had a bathroom and a TV Max 3 Paul It was horrible. We had pasta with tomato sauce every dayl What about the people at Yellowstone? I very friendly.) Z Wr¡te the sentences in the correct order. Bye, Sophie! See you soon! Really? It was sunny here. hotel like? Paris was great! It's a fantastic I like Paris, too. There are some gr, places to visit. Whar was the weathéI like? 1 Yes, they were. They were very friendly, questions. Use the questions in exercise 3 as a model. Max Hi, Paull \Nhat was :tour echoolr,rip t o Yellow et on e N ati on al ? ark like? 2 (yes lt was fantastic! Thailand is a beautiful country. d 4 Complete the dialogue with the missing Yes, it was delicious. B A What Bs c , . Hi, Ellie! How are you? Umm ... It was very small. but it had a restaurant and it was near the city Max 4 Paul Yes, they were. The workers in the park were cool. 5 You are talking with a friend about your last vacation. Answer the questions. lnvent additional information. Your friend What was your vacation like? You center. Oh yes, Paris! What was it like? It wasn't very good. It rained a lot. What was the food in the hotel restaurant like? Hi, Sophie. I'm OK, thanks.I returned from Paris yesterday. Mmm! I love French food! Oh, here's my bus. Bye, Ellie! Umm ... the food was OK, .i but we only had breakfast at the hotel. We usually ate in cafés and restaurants. Your friend What was the weather like? friend Was the hotel nice? friend What was the food like? friend Were the people friendly? You Your You Your You Your You (tro"rt Book p.34 Extra pract¡ce '' onl¡ne "r.r"\*, §kH#§s .:i !: !,: ir . .: In the 2l't century, with accurate weather reports, it's r:,1:. easy to plan for bad weather. But in the lgth centur¡ = things were different. For many people, only the s§ gave any -' indication of u,eather changes. !".- One wintert morning in |anuary 1888, the weather in the American mid-west was pretty mild. The 11..,,; 1'!' ::rjf,'..-,".'-,'.,,.,,,,.,..,"',-{iii}sr§.*i:f.", 1.-f:i'-.,.,'. .,*,,,,,r,,,r?. them there. But in the freezing weather, she and the children became lost. All three children died. ofbadweather. '.:.-1 t:l'ill$ =i;.:].¡¡ But suddenly, at about two otlock, cold air arrived from the north and it became very windy ;:r.,.. and started to snow. The wind and snow created a bhzzard, and it became impossible to see. § the, ,',t! .;:,,1. snow was over one meter deep. '' j.- ::' A lot of people were at work or school when the bhzzardstarted. As a result, 235 people died trying to get home. Three of them were Lois Royce's pupils ' at a school in Nebraska. Her house was only a .,' short üstance away and she wantg.$_,[o take '.,;.1:í ;'' i ,:r Weather events like the schoolhouse blizzardare ' .. terrible, but they are an important part of history. Those 235 people diddt survive that day in 1888, but they are still in our memories. : ¡r'=j,¡ ','. i.. ,'.' Reading X" But others were luc§. Teacher Seymour Dopp, also from Nebraska, chose to stay with his seventeen pupils at school. They slept there that night and made fires to keep warm. The next day, their parents walked through the deep snow to collect them. tr{ri': Ili'l¡*1 Read the article. Then answer the questions. Why is ii easy for us to find out about weather changes? We have accurat e wealher re?orls. ln the l9th century, where did a lot of people look to find out about weather changes? 2 Why didn't people know about the blizzard? 3 Where did the bad weather come from? Which two types of weather created the blizzard? ,* Complete the questionnaire about an unforgettable day in your life. Then write a paragraph about the day. Remember to check your spelling, especially any spelling variations in simple past verbs. $ú; rq What year was it? How old were you? Who were you w¡th? Why weren't most people at home when the blizzard started? 6 Where were you? Where did Lois Royce try to take her pupils? Where did Seymour Dopp and his pupils sleep on the night of the blizzard? Who came to the school to collect the children the next day? Studsr:t ffioe lq nn -l l-.-f lr Extra pract¡ce online What was the place like? What was the weather like? What happened? íwrg; Grammar rules §imple past Questions and short answers Negative Iwork? \bs, you did, ' Notyou didnt. Did you work? Yes, tdid. No, I ;idn't. Did l¡e wark? Yes, he did. Ne, he did*'t. Did,§he work? ' Ye§, she did. No, she didn't. Did it work? Yes, it did. No, it didn't. i OiU *e work? Yes, you did. No, yor.: didn,t. i Did you work? \bs, we did. No, we didn't. Did I did not work you did n(}t work he did not work , : she did .; not work I didn't work you didn't rreork he didn't work she didn't work it did not work it didnlt wcrk we did not work we didn't work you did not work you didn't work they did not work !!ry d19{1Yg$., I I I We make the negative form of the simple past with did not * base form of the verb. I did not study. 2 i fDid,they work? Yes, they did, No, they didn't. 1 We make the question form of the simple past with D¡d * base form of the verb. Did she I we lthey enjoy the comedy? 2 pronoun+did/didn't. We make short forms with did + nrt. We use 3 didn't call Victoria. The simple past negative is the same for all people. lt doesn't change. 3 Did you like the actors? / No, I didn't. Yes, I did. Irregular verbs Did they eat all the popcorn? Yes, they did. / No, they didn't. We form the simple past in the same way with regular and irregular verbs. Irregular verbs We saw a musical at the movie theater. We didn't see a musical at the movie theater. We form the simple past question in the same Regular verbs didn't see the movie. He didn't play his guitar at the concert, We didn't study for the test. Regular verbs They watched the soccer game on TV. They didn't watch the soccer game on TV No + subject way with regular and irregular verbs. I 4 I Did she remember the tickets? Yes, she did. Did you buy a DVD yesterday? No, I didn't. short forms more often than long forms. You We make short answers with Yes QuestioR hrords + §imple past What NOT . I Where did you do last weekend? i ::.-..:,.1 did he teach? ] I - --I!y + ' -f§:Eg, + i Question word did + subject §¿ss form of the verb. What time did you send the e-mail? When did the movie start? w20 (tuO"nt Book pp 41, 43 Simple past summary lrregular verbs Regular verbs Drd + subject + base form of the verb Di§,*-ybui,g§?,,,,,,,,.,.,, . .,,.,, (trA"n, Book pp,33 ,3s, 4L, 43 Review the Vocabulary. Write your own study notes (or translation) for each word. Movies Learn it, use it! action movie Let's go to ... cartoon oK. comedy What type of movie is it? fantasy movie It's a ... horror movie Where is it playing? love story It's playing at ... musical What time does it start? science fiction movie It starts at .., Check it outl Can I have ... tickets, please? Get real! That's $1 1. losers Which screen is it? over there It's screen 4. (tuOent Book pp.40 ,38,42 ,\^/?.1 §xercises U*cabulary GEammar Movies 1 Rea¿ the sentences. Then complete the different types of movie. Simple past Negative 3 Complete the chart with the corect form of My favorite movie is Titanic. It's a loye story 1 Avator was on TV last night. the verbs. lt,s a great movie, Aslan, the lion, is my favorite character in the f movie, The Chronicles of Nornio. went I carne Dracula is a famous vampire. He's in h.---=- took moviesl My favorite song from the Grease is Summer Nights. played bought 5 The Muppets movie is a fantastic rained 6 7 Toy Story lllis my favorite Tom Cruise was the star of lmpossible a_ z won lhe Mission: got up movtes. elean Read the dialogues. Then choose the correct movie type for each one. ' Tom 4 Complete the sentences with the simple past negative form of the verbs in exercise 3. He didn'tOo You're"my life;r't<atel Don,t gol" I love you,Tom, but I can,t stay ... Kate r@ cartoon to the movies yesterday. 1 lt was sunny yesterday, 005 Oh, no! It's a bombl Agent 006 Youte right! Let,s go! euick! Agent It_.------2 They volleyball yesterday. 3 Tina action movie I horror movie Android Robo love story / science fiction \4/oman ' l'- Where does the olien come from? ll comes from Kepler, o plonef in o dislont goloxy. action movie Boy musical Mom Boy movie 5l a shower this morning because I woke up latel 6 horror movie 7 The gold is in a cave in the Magic r Forest. A dragon protects it. Ii I can ask the forest animals for help. I / fantasy the jeans. They were very expensive. ' / She wasn't well. Mom 4 Is that you, Max? Max? .'- Goran to Sally's birthday party We _ the basketball game. The other team was very good. Ella her bedroom at the weekend, lt's a mess! 8 Sam early. He was tired, movie 'What were the exam questions iike? Oh. the exam questions were easy ... it tl::*y:, ,"._.*. =.J_1J :::. :l1-:y= *"* ::11 comedy / science fiction movie {\/V22: (tuO"nt Book pp.40-41- Extra pract¡ce ,r, onlinái Questions and short ansl,l,ers 7 Complete the text with the simple past form of verbs in parentheses. 5 took at the questionnaire about Mark and Emma's weekend. Use the words to write questions and short answers in the simple past. ,ü,ó,{F ffi ' Gabe's blog Last April, my friend Yuki and Ientered a movle competition for high school students. At first, we r (not / know) what type of movie to make. But one (have) a great lunchtime, we 2 (decide) to make a idea. We 3 comedy! We started writing our story, and soon we (know) exact§ what our movie was about! We didn't have money for professional actors, (not/be) aproblem. but that s Mark and Emma / watch TV / last weekend? Did Mark and Emma w at ch TV \ast weekend? Yee,they did. 1 Mark 2 you / / listen to music / listen to music / last weekend? Hundreds of students 6 (want) to be in our movie and were really excited about it. When we entered the competition, we (not / expect) to win aprize.To be honest, I 8 (not/ think) our movie was very good. But the competition judges (not / feel) the same way - they loved it! We ro (not / win) first prize, (win) some money to study but we rr movies - we both want to study movie making in college! last weekend Emma? 3 Emma / go online / 4 Mark / go online / Mark and Emma weekend? 6 last weekend? last weekend? / study for a test / last I Imagine you are talking to Gabe. Complete the dialogue with the missing words. You What compelilion didyou enter Gabe I entered a movie com?elition with my friend Yuki. You type of movie did you make? 2 a horro¡ or an action movie? Gabe No. We made a comedy in our high schooll You Did you know immediately what kind of movie you wanted to make? Gabe 3 We weren't sure at first. You 4 as actors in your movie? Gabe We used students in the school, You Did you and Yuki expect to win a prize? Gabe 5 - we didn't think our movie was very good! You Did the judges like it? Gabe They thought it was great, We won a prize, tool 1 you / play sports / last weekend Mark and Emma? Question words + Simple past 5 Wr¡te questions for the answers. Where didvou slav? We stayed in a hotel. I bought a new T-shirt, He went last year, They went to Greece on vacation, She got up at eight o'clock, He traveled on the bus. itu¿.nt Book p,43 Extra practice online You 7 win? Gabe We won some money to study movies. You 8 making the movie? Gabe Yes, we really enjoyed it. lt was awesome. \,\/zl Communication Going to the movies 1 Complete the dialogue with the phrases 3 in Use the information to complete the dialogue at the movie theater. the box. Movie: The Avengers How old are W you? What time does it start? .,-Where ls, jt playin§? .Whichscreenisit? ,-.,'.' .' , Tickets: adults g l4; children (under l4) $ I L50 Robbie ..r'l .,rr On the phone ... Matt Let's go to watch The Music Man, Man Charlie WhaLty?e of movieisit? Matt Charlie Matt Charlie Matt Charlie Can I have two children's tickets for The Avenqers , please? ? Robbie Man We're 12. OK. That's 2 lt's a musical. And it's in 3D. Cool, I love musicals. Robbie There you go. Man Thank you. Here are your tickets, and $7 change. It's playing at the Cinemark movie Robbie Which screen is it? theater. Man: 3 2 lt starts at seven o'clock. OK. Let's go and see that then. Movie:Adventure Time Tickets: Adults 513, (hildren (under 10) 510.50 &$q At the movie theater ... Matt Can I have two children's tickets for The Music Man, please? Kate Can I have one adult ticket, and one child ticket for o- Clerk please? Matt We're 13. Clerk OK. That's $22. Matt There you go. Clerk Thank you. Here are your tickets, and $B change. Woman 2 It's screen 7. Matt Thank you. Match the questions with the answers. 1 What type of movie is it? d 2 ls it in 3D? 3 Where is it playing? 4 What time does it start? 5 Kate Woman Kate Woman Kate Woman 4 He's B years old. OK. That's 6 There you go, Thank you. Which screen 7 8 You and your friend agree to go to the movies. Read the instructions and write a dialogue. 1 You are talking on the phone to your friend Which screen is it? a lt's playing at the Rio movie theater. b lt's screen 4, c Yes, it is, of course, the child? Matt Clerk Yes, s 2 Nick Suggest going to the movies and tell him about one of the three movies in the list below. Nick asks what genre the movie is. He agrees to see the movie with you, He asks where and when the movie is, Answer his questions. Arrive at the movie theater. Buy two children's tickets and ask what screen it is. @ e lt starts at eight thirty. 3D Animated cartoon T¡ckets: Adults $14, Children: $1 Love 1 : ',, ..i:: :...,, story r.i Tickets:Adu|ts$14,Children:$ll'St1lt''.8:00..P.m, Action movie Tickets:Adults $14, children: (tro"nt Book p.4Z ,, , §tarts:8:3Ü.'p'm' Extra pract¡ce on¡¡ne ln Íufexr§rsswedsw §*pffitr&ffitrffi I Wfr"" Wolverine first appeared in a Marvel comic I book in 1974, he didn't play an important part in I *" story. But readers liked the superhero. He was I nearly 200 years old, but had the body ofa young I *urr, spoke ten languages, and \,yas an e4pert in I martiat arts. He was part human, part animal, I *d part machine. Soon Wolverine appeared in Wolverine and the X-Men were very popular, and they moved to TV in the 1990s and to video games, too. Then, in 2000, the first X-Men movie arrived in movie theaters. Wolverine appeared in this movie and in two more X-Men movies, in 2003 and in 2006. But 2009 saw the first movie with Wolverine as its star. By now, movie viewers nanted to know more about him: Where did he come from? Why did he become a mutant? This movie, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, with the popular Australian actor Hugh fackman playing the superhero, answered their questions. In 2013, a second Wolverine movie arrived in movie theaters. It told the story of Wolverine's fight with old enemies, and the loss of his super Reading 1 Read the article. Then answer the questions. Where did readers first see Wolverine? 1n aMarvel comicbook. 1 How many languages does he speak? 2 Which comic book series was Wolverine in? 3 What genre were the stories? POwers. Toda¡ Wolverine's story continues in eomic books and video games. Fans are also waiting excitedly for another movie in the future. Wblverine is a true multimedia superhero! lnlriting 2 Wr¡te a short essay about your favorite movie When was the firsf X-Men movie? star. lnclude the following information: Paragraph 1: ln which movie did viewers learn more about Wolverine's past? Your favorite movie star 6 Who played Wolverine in the movie? Paragraph 2: A description of one of their movies 7 What did Wolverine lose in the 2013 movie? Paragraph 3: 4 Some of the movies he / she appears in The genre of the movies Reasons why you like this movie star and / her movies his Student Book pp,44-45 Extra practice onlinel Unit 2 Musical genres classical /'klresrkll heavy metal /hevi'metU hip-hop /'hrp hop/ Physical descriptions average height /avrrdS 'halt/ average weight bvrtd3'wefil beard lbndl pop /pop/ reggae I'regetl rock /rok/ blue /blu/ braces l'btetuzl Musical instruments freckles lfreklzl glasses /'glastzl green /grin/ drums /dr¡rmz/ flute /flut/ guitar /gl'tor/ piano /pi'enou/ recorder lrr'kcrdar/ saxophone /'seksefoun/ trumpet /'tr,rmpet/ violin /vala'lrn/ Other nouns atmosphere /'atmesflr/ attraction le'fir.k[nl bass /bels/ volleyball,6itj'volibcU concert /'kqnsort/ beach dictionary /'drkJeneri/ eraser /r'relser/ fan lfr¡nl festival /'festevU free lfrl girlfriend I'gerlfrend/ key /kil living room /'hvr¡ rum/ musician lmyu'zt.fnl singer /'sr¡er/ stage /sterdg/ eyes larzl height /hart/ middle-aged /mrdl'erdSed/ mustache /'m,rstefl old /ould/ overweight /ouver'wert/ short {crtl slim /slrm/ tall ltcU weight /wert/ young lyr',41 Hair bald /bcld/ black /blall blond /blond/ brown /braun/ curly /'karli/ gray lgretl long /lc¡/ red /red/ short /.fcrtl shoulder-length i'Joulder le¡kO/ straight lstreú/ wavy l'wervi/ test /test/ Other nouns zone lzounl Verbs actress /'ektres/ character /'krerekter/ borrow /'borou/ copy /'kopi/ desk idesk/ guy lgatl ring lrtql Other adjectives busy l'btzil impossible /rm'posebl/ serious /'srrias/ Adverbs badly /'bedli/ beautifully /'byuJefli/ early /'erli/ fast /fast/ happily /'hepehl keyboard /'kibcrd/ leader /'lider/ nickname /'nrknerm/ painting l'petnftql poem /'pouam/ president l' pr ezedent I rule /ruU series /'srriz/ songwriter /'sc¡rarter/ star /stor/ writer /'rartor/ Verbs impossibly /rm'poseblii neatly /'nitli/ assassinate /e'sasenert/ late llell.l terribly I'tereblil cool /kuU well /weI/ eighty*four Other adjectives crazy l'ktetzil friendly /'frendli/ imaginary lfmr,d3eneril nice /nars/ strong /strc4/ determination /drterme'nerJn/ discovery /dI'sk,rveri/ expedition /ekspe'drJn/ explorer /rk'splcrer/ tough /t,rf/ flag lflr,g/ typical /'trprkl/ geology ld3iloled3il ice /ars/ jazz ld3a,zl peninsula /pe'nrnsele/ popular l'ptpyalerl strict /strrkt/ Review A Nouns magazine l'mr,gazinl member /'member/ picnic /'plknlk/ ticket /'trket/ satellite TV /setlart ti'vi/ talent show /'teelent Jou/ Adjectives common /'ksmen/ good-looking /gud'lukq/ priceless /'pratslas/ Culture club A Nouns action /'rekJn/ boycott /'bclkot/ decision /dr'sr3n/ incident /'msedent/ law ll¡l race ketsl tour lturl winner /'wrner/ youth center /'yu0 senter/ Verbs admire /ad'marer/ build /bild/ reach hitll Other adjectives delicious /dI'hJes/ disgusting /dls' g,rstr¡/ extreme /rk'strim/ miserable l'mtzerabU right kaúl seat /sit/ solution /se'luJn/ support /se'pcrt/ tragically I' trr,d3tklil Verbs imagine lfmr,d3enl Unit 4 Adjectives angry i'ae¡gril clear /khr/ equal /'ikweV ordinary /'crdneri/ typical /'trprkl/ Unit 3 The weather cloudy /'klaudi/ cold /kould/ cool /kul/ foggy lTcgl freezing l'frizt¡/ hot /hot/ mild /marld/ museum lmydziaml raining /'rernr4/ snowing /'snour¡/ sunny /'s,tni./ warm /wcrm./ windy /'wrndi/ Nouns album /'elbem/ Antarctica /an'torktrke/ base camp /'bers kamp/ beach /bitJi Adverbs Movies action movie /'rekJn muvi/ cartoon /kor'tun/ comedy /'kqmedil fantasy movie /'frentesi muvi./ horror movle /'hcrer muvi / love story /'l¿rv stcri/ musical l'myuztkU science fiction movie /sarens 'frkfn muvi/ Other nouns actress /'¿ektres/ career lke'rrr/ choose /tJuzl ending /'endI¡/ guitarist /gr'torrst/ loser l'fuzar/ part /port/ queen /kwin/ relationship /rr'lerJnJrp/ swimming pool /'swlmq pul/ Verbs audition lc'dt.lnl graduate l'gra,d3uefil Adverbs actually /'aktJueli/ eventually /r'ventJueli/ courage I'kerrd3l eighty-five @ Revierr B Nouns backpack /'brekpak/ horoscope /'hcreskoup/ kid /krd/ pair lpxr/ Curriculum extra B Nouns asteroid /'restercrd/ collision lke'h3nl corn /kcrr/ Verbs rainforest /'remforest/ variation /veri'erJn/ relax /rr'lreks/ wheat lwif/ Culture club B Nouns Verbs bestseller /best'seler/ bookstore /'bukstcr/ director lde\ektarl fan lfa.n/ location /lou'kerJn/ publisher /'p,rbhJer/ ride lratdl special effects /spefl r'fekts/ spell ispeV studio /'studiou/ witch /wrt/ wizard l'wtzardJ Verbs inspire /rn'sparer/ Adjectives interactive /rnter'ektrv/ perfect l'parfiktl Adverbs immediately h'midietlil Curriculum extra A Nouns body /'bodil expert /'ekspert/ finger /'fqger/ repetition irepe'trJnl video clip /'vrdiou klrp/ Verbs encourage /rn'kerrdS/ motivate /'moutevert/ Adjectives constant /'konstent/ enormous /r'ncrmes/ Adverbs rapidly l'rrpedlil eighty-six reverse /rr'vars/ Adjectives enormous /r'ncrmes/ straight lstreúl tilted /'tilted/ tropical /'troprkV Adverbs nevertheless /neveróe'les/ lrregular verbs be was / were let let become became lose lost begin began make made bite mean blow bit blew meet meant met break brroke pay paid bring put put build brought built read /rid/ read /red/ burn burned, burnt ride rode buy bought ring rang catch caught run ran choose chose say said come came see 5aw CoSt CoSt sell sold cut CUt send sent do did set set draw drew shine shone drink drank show showed drive drove shut shut eat ate sing sang fall fell sit sat feed fed sleep slept feel felt fought smell smelled, smelt speak spoke found flew spell spelled, spelt spend spent forgot spin spun forgive forgave spread spread get got stand stood give gave steal stole go went swim SWam grow grew take have had teach hear heard tell hit h¡t hold held think throw took taught told thought threw hurt hurt keep kept know knew learn learned, learnt leave left fight find flv forget understand wake wear woke understood win write won wrote wore editisn i1 m..l!!"m -sffi ffiE Student Book S¡ fl-T-.ln",*,.*."". \n/orkbook Get it all with Got it! 2,d editio s Language presented in a real context r Guided 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