11th INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON OPERATIONS RESEARCH Havana; March 10-13, 2015 Main Themes: OR & Human Welfare: Health Environment and Education. Organized by: Universidad de La Habana. Université Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne. Cosponsors: Asociación Latinoamericana de Investigación Operativa. Sociedad Cubana de Matemática y Computación (SC Investigación Operacional). Oficina del Historiador de la Ciudad. American Statistical Association. . Committees Organizing Committee Raúl Guinovart Diaz: Decano, Facultad de Matemática y Computación, Genry Pérez, Saraí Moreno. Program Committee S. Allende [Chair, Havana], L. Alvarez [Havana], A. Arcos [Granada], M.L. Baguer [Havana], C. Bouza [Havana], G. Bouza [Havana], R. Caballero [Málaga], B. Cornet [Paris 1-Kansas], M. Cortés [Cienfuegos], D. Covarrubias [Chilpancingo], M. Cottrell [Chair, Paris 1], J. Cochran [Alabama] J. Daduna [Berlin], Espín [Havana], P. Gaubert [Paris 12], J. Guddat [Honor Chair, Berlin], C. Hardouin, [Paris Ouest Nanterre], S. Hernadez [Xalapa], J. C. Juvier [Las Palmas], A.M. Lara [Granada], M. A. León [Pinar del Río], A. Marrero [Havana], A. Mesejo [Havana], M. Negreiros [Forteza], M. Nicado [Havana], M. Olteanu [Paris 1], J. Otero [Havana], J. Rückman [Norway], A. Ruiz [Havana], Ch.Tammer [Halle], L. Sandoval [Puebla], V. Sistachs [Havana], J.L. Verdegay [Granada], B-A. Wickström [Berlin], A. Xavier [Rio de Janeiro]. Index Forewords…………………………………………………………4 Lecturers…………………………………………………………...5 Timetable...………………………………………………………....6 Plenary Lectures……………………………………………............12 Main Lectures……..…………………………………………….....15 Contributions……………………………………………………....18 Plenary Speakers………..………...…….………………………….42 Main Speakers………………….………………………………….44 List of Participants………………………………………………....45 Lecturers Plenary speakers M. Ahlheim (Germany). J. Cochran (USA). M. Negreiros (Brazil). J. Rynkiewicz(France). Main speakers L. R. Keller (USA). M. Oliveira (Brazil). J. Rynkiewicz. Timetable Tuesday Morning 8:30-9:45: Registration, Salón del Monte, Ambos Mundos Hotel. 9:45-10:30: Opening Address, Salón del Monte, Ambos Mundos Hotel. 11:00-13:00: Gathering Party, Restaurant La Dominica. Tuesday Afternoon (to be held at Colegio San Gerónimo de la Habana) 13:00-14:00: M. Ahlheim: The economic valuation of changes in land use towards more sustainability – An empirical example from southwest China. (Opening Lecture). Room 1. Introducer: B. A. Wickström. 14:00-14:20: Coffee Break. Time Room 1 Room 2 14:20-15:40 Mathematical Models I Applications to Economy II Session: Mathematical Models I. Room 1. Chair: A. Leon. Time Speaker Talk 14:20-14:40 Koné, M.I. Pontryagin Maximum Principle in Optimal Control with delay in state space. 14:40-15:00 Rabenoro, T. Leveraging experts’ knowledge to improve diagnostics on aircraft engine. 15:00-15:20 Skala, V. A practical use of radial basis functions interpolation and approximation. 15:20-15:40 Bouza, G. A comparison between smoothing and regularization approaches for MPCC. Session: Applications to Economy II. Room 2. Chair: A. F. Arguello Ortiz. Time Speaker Talk 14:20-14:40 Salgado, L. Evaluación de la pobreza, desarrollo comunitario o desarrollo local y el municipio. 14:40-15:00 Caamal Cauich. I. Seasonality of Mexico Persian lime prices. 15:00-15:20 Garcia Rodríguez, J. Pobreza y otros determinantes socio-económicos y F. financieros del acceso a vivienda de interés prioritario en América Latina. El caso colombiano. Caamal Cauich. I. Behavior of agricultural interest rates in Mexico. 15:20-15:40 15:40-16:00 Priego Hernández, O. Los escenarios de la globalización y la pobreza en México. Wednesday Morning 9:00-10:00: J. Cochran: The education generation gap: confronting and embracing the challenges that growing computing power and new technology present to Applied Mathematics Education. (Plenary Lecture). Room 1. Introducer: Sira Allende. 10:00-10:20: Coffee Break. Time Room 1 Room 2 14:20-15:40 Economics and Decisions Models Teaching Effectiveness Colloquium I Session Economics and Decisions Models. Room 1. Chair: M. Ahlheim. Hour Speaker Talk 10:20-10:40 Collier, I. L. Distribution and redistribution in a downton abbey economy. 10:40-11:00 Gonçalo B. P. R. Calculate characterization of monopsonic degree into the waste solid market in large metropolitan of Brazil. 11:00-11:20 Wickström, B. A Language rights: a welfare-economics approach. 11:20-11:40 Klunover, D. The theory of sequential lotteries. 11:40-12:00 Sarin, R. K. Guided decision processes. Teaching Effectiveness Colloquium I, Room 2. Chair: J. Simon. Hour Speaker Talk 10:20-11:00 Cochran, J. J Active learning: reengaging and reenergizing your students and their instructor. (Main Lecture) 11:00-11:20 Baltazar, J.C. Employment of new graduates in the Mexican labor market (case study, University of the State of Mexico). 11:20-11:40 Gaviño, G. Econometric & statistical response model applied to socioeconomical careers at UAEM. C. U. Valle de México. 11:40-12:00 Vázquez, Y. Hiperentorno basado en objetos de aprendizaje destinado a la asignatura análisis de datos (Estadística) para la carrera de Cultura Física. 12:00-12:20 Allende, S. Teaching OR in different contexts 12:00-14:00: Lunch Break. Wednesday Afternoon Time 14:00-16:00 Room 1 Análisis de Grandes Volúmenes de Datos Textuales Room 2 Teaching Effectiveness Colloquium II Conversatorio Internacional: Análisis de grandes volúmenes de datos textuales. Room 1. Coordinador: S. Hernández. Panelistas: A. Agüero, M. Laborde y M. Oller. Teaching Effectiveness Colloquium II, Room 2. Chair: G. Gaviño. Hour Speaker Talk 14:00-14:40 Keller, L.R. Teaching multi-objective multi- stakeholder decision modeling with cases (Main lecture) 14:40-15:00 Reyes, H. Modelación estadística sobre el egreso de universitarios de ciencias exactas de la FCFM-BUAP. 15:00-16:00: Poster Session 1, Room 2. Chair: Y. Almeida. Speaker Talk Estévez, S. Influencia del uso de medidas de similaridad semántica para el proceso de minería de opinión en Twitter. Las transformadas de Watershed y Waterfall para la segmentación de Baguer, M.L. imágenes de la aduana. Estévez, S. Wikipedia as a corpus for Text Mining. Thursday Morning 9:00-10:00: Rynkiewicz, J Assessment of the influence of education level on voting intention for the extreme right in France (Plenary Lecture). Room 1. Chair: C. Bouza. 10:00-10:20: Coffee Break. Time 10:20-12:30 Room 1 Human Health Studies I Room 2 Computer Vision and Graphics Session Human Health Studies I. Room 1 Chair M. Oliveira Hour Speaker Talk 10:20-11:00 Sombra, F. Processing: applications in health care and remote sensing of environment. 11:00-11:20 Uranga, R. Simulación para evaluar datos faltantes en modelos de transición en el contexto de ensayos clínicos. 11:20-12:30 Panel Conversatorio: Los métodos matemáticos en la Medicina. Session Computer Vision and Graphics. Room II Chair A. Mesejo. Hour Speaker Talk 10:20-10:40 León, A. Movement detection using Wavelet. 10:40-11:00 Mesejo, D. Contrast enhacement for digital mammography images based on wavelets. 11:00-11:20 Piad, A. E-buffer. A GPU friendly space partitioning based on bounding volume hierarchy of empty-spaces suitable for raycasting applications. 11:20-11:40 Kauffmann, C. A GPU frameworks to compute supervoxels in large medical images. 12:00-14:00: Lunch Break. Thursday Afternoon Time 14:00-12:30 Room 1 Human Health Studies II Room 2 Poster Session Session Human Health Studies II, Room 1. Chair F. Sombra. Hour Speaker Talk 14:00-14:40 Oliveira, M. Evolving an intelligent framework for decision- making process in E-health systems. (Main Lecture). 14:40-15:00 Lage, A. Inference of source origin in epidemics and water distribution systems. 15:00-15:20 López, L. Prognostic factors for cervical cancer patients in Tabasco, México. 15:20-15:40 Betancourt, J. Entrenamiento en análisis epidemiológicos para estudiantes de Medicina. 14:00-15:00: Poster Session 2, Room 2. Chair: V. Sistachs. Arcos, M del M. Rueda, M del M. Tuero A. Viada, C. Gender analysis of medical professionals in Spanish public universities. Un estudio estadístico sobre el uso problemático del móvil y personalidad. Meta-analysis of safety and efficacy in patients with diabetic foot ulcers. International projection of Heberprot-P®. Tiempo al deterioro de los scores de calidad de vida como una modalidad de análisis longitudinal para pacientes con cáncer de cabeza y cuello tratados con Nimotuzumab. 15:00-16:00: Poster Session 3, Room 2. Chair: V. Sistachs. Arcos, A. León López, E. Sistachs, V. Eduardo, A. The use of landline and cell-phone in health surveys. Estudio del pronóstico de la gravedad del paciente: neumonías adquiridas en la comunidad. Hospital General Docente Iván Portuondo, San Antonio de los Baños Promedio Bayesiano de Modelos en Salud: una revisión. Análisis de desempeño académico de los estudiantes en la asignatura de estadística en la Universidad Pedagógica de Benguela – República de Angola. Friday Morning 9:00-10:00: Negreiros, M. Capacitated centered clustering problem: applications, models, exact and metaheuristic methods (Plenary Lecture). Room 1. Chair: C. Bouza. 10:00-10:20: Coffee Break. Time Room 1 Room 2 14:00-12:30 Applications of OR Statistical models Session Applications of OR. Room 1 Chair: A. Ruiz. Hour Speaker Talk 10:20-10:40 Agüero, L. Aplicación del método CDS secuencial para el rediseño de las rutas de distribución en una fábrica productora de helado. 1020-1040 Tamayo, A. Diseño de un procedimiento para la planificación y control de la producción haciendo uso de herramientas matemáticas. 10:40-11:00 García, D Herramienta computacional para la planificación de rutas en el problema de enrutamiento de vehículos considerando una flota heterogénea. 11:00-11:20 Limia, L. Una estrategia por vecindades para el problema de enrutamiento de vehículos con compartimentos. 11:20-11:40 Marrero, A. Algoritmo genético semidifuso. Aplicación a un modelo de detección del VIH en Cuba. 11:40-12:00 Estévez, S. Influence in Twitter: a proposal based on clustering. 12:00-12:20 Nguyen, B. A dual method to solve a quadratic program derived from a distance metric learning problem. Session Statistical models. Room 2. Chair. V. Sistachs. Hour Speaker 10:00-10:20 Matías Castillo, B.C. 10:20-10:40 Monterrey , P. 10:40-11:00 Castro Alva, J.J. 11:00-11:20 11:20-11:40 Zabala Corrales, J. J. Echevarria Molina, C. 11:40-12:00 Bouza, C. Talk Análisis de correlación canónica usando algoritmos genéticos. Caracterización de la distribución de los valores p de las pruebas paramétricas en poblaciones normales. Cálculos de los tamaños de prueba y niveles de significancia ajustados para la prueba de Blackwelder. Population sampling fuzzy. Statistical analysis in the evaluation of intensity of knowledge work. Ratio type estimation using the knowledge of the auxiliary variable for ranking and estimating. Friday Afternoon 14:00-16:00: Meeting of the network RIDECA: Coordinator C. Bouza. Activities: Presentation of the books: - Pobreza y desigualdad. Una mirada desde la economía y la investigación operacional, J. M. Sautto. - Experiencias en la modelación de la toma de decisiones en la salud humana, medio ambiente y desarrollo humano, tomo 1. J. F. Garcia. Plan of the activities of 2015-2016, C. N. Bouza. Plenary Lectures THE ECONOMIC VALUATION OF CHANGES IN LANDUSE TOWARDS MORE SUSTAINABILITY – AN EMPIRICAL EXAMPLE FROM SOUTHWEST CHINA Michael Ahlheim Volkswirtschaftliches Institut , Universität Hohenheim, Germany. Especially in developing and emerging countries we often observe a fundamental conflict between the economic exploitation of land and environmental preservation. Projects aiming at environmental preservation have to be organized by government institutions who also have to pay the project costs out of public funds which could also be used for alterative purposes. In this context the question arises if a certain preservation project is worth its costs from a social point of view or if the public money should better be used otherwise. While the project costs can be calculated on the basis of market prices in most cases this is not possible for the social benefits accruing from such a project. Therefore, special valuation techniques must be applied for their assessment. In this presentation one of these techniques, the so-called Contingent Valuation Method (CVM), will shortly be introduced and then an empirical example from Xishuangbanna in Southwest China will be presented. The cultivation of rubber trees in Xishuangbanna Prefecture in China’s Yunnan Province has triggered an unprecedented economic development but it is also associated with severe environmental problems. Rubber plantations are encroaching the indigenous rainforests at a large scale and a high speed in Xishuangbanna. Many rare plant and animal species are endangered by this development, the natural water management is disturbed and even the microclimate in this region has changed over the past years. The present study aims at an assessment of the environmental benefits accruing from a reforestation project partly reversing the deforestation that has taken place over the past years. To this end a Contingent Valuation survey has been conducted in Xishuangbanna to elicit local residents’ willingness to pay for this reforestation program that converts existing rubber plantations back into forest. The sum of the willingness to pay of all people affected by this program will be interpreted as its social value. It is shown that local people's awareness of the environmental problems caused by increasing rubber plantation is quite high and that in spite of the economic advantages of rubber plantation there is a positive willingness among the local population to contribute financially to a reduction of existing rubber plantations for the sake of a partial restoration of the local rainforest. These results could be used for the practical implementation of a PES (Payments for Eco‐System Services) system for reforestation in Xishuangbanna. THE EDUCATION GENERATION GAP: CONFRONTING AND EMBRACING THE CHALLENGES THAT GROWING COMPUTING POWER AND NEW TECHNOLOGY PRESENT TO APPLIED MATHEMATICS EDUCATION James J. Cochran University of Alabama, USA. It is almost impossible to overstate the continual (perhaps even continuous) impact and potential impact of increasingly powerful computers and new technology have on education. During our childhoods we developed methods for processing information and understanding concepts that were foreign to our instructors, and now we are faced with the same dilemmas we presented to our instructors; our students have developed methods for processing information and understanding concepts that are foreign to us. It is important for us to understand that this general challenge is not new, and only the circumstances and surroundings change from generation to generation. This can be frustrating for our students and maddening for us, and it leads to many important questions. How do we at the very least cope with, or more hopefully embrace and efficaciously utilize, these new technologies and alternative methods for processing information and understanding concepts? Are these alternative methods for processing information and understanding concepts really new? Would we have developed similar methods for processing information and understanding concepts if the same technology had been readily available during our formative years? In this talk Professor Cochran will address issues that arise when integrating new technology into the classroom and possible strategies for using new technology to make applied mathematics instruction more effective. He will demonstrate several simple uses of technology for educational purposes and will discuss several of his experiences, both positive and negative, with integrating technology into his instructional efforts. CAPACITATED CENTRED CLUSTERING PROBLEM: APPLICATIONS, MODELS, EXACT AND METAHEURISTIC METODS. Marcos Negreiros*, Pablo Batista*, Albert Muritiba** & Augusto Palhano* *Universidade Estadual do Ceará. **Universidade Federal do Ceará. This talk considers the Capacitated Centered Clustering Problem, a recent proposed NPhard problem that can be applied to sales force geographical distribution, division of areas for garbage collection, wholesale distribution, sanitary agent coverages, routing newspaper delivery for subscribers, agro-food supply chain network, allocation of emergency shelters to protect local people during possible natural disasters, computational biology and facility location, etc. We show mathematical models and their effectivity to be solved by state-ofthe-art solvers, new formulations and applications for heterogeneous clustering in TI and Environment. Finally we show exact and most recent strategies used by metaheuristic methods designed which obtain the best results for the majority of difficult instances of the problem proposed by the literature. ASSESSMENT OF THE INFLUENCE OF EDUCATION LEVEL ON VOTING INTENTION FOR THE EXTREME RIGHT IN FRANCE. Joseph Rynkiewicz*, Mohamed Raouf Benmakrelouf** & Wafa Karouche *Université de Paris I, Paris – France. **2-USTHB, Algiers - Algeria In France, the Front National has been a growing political party in the last 30 years. After years of stagnant economy, French voters have come to mistrust the political elite or any decisions from the European Union, and have been increasingly receptive the Front National straight-talking approach. The most consistent findings in social research on ethnic attitudes is the negative association between educational attainment and ethnic prejudice: People with higher education are less prejudiced toward ethnic out groups than those with lower education. We might expect, then, that high education will generally prevent people from voting for the extreme right, regardless of their position in the labor market. This point of view, however, is not unanimous and there is an intellectual elite within the extreme right, especially among angry academic white males who are uneasy with the gains of feminism and believe in a left-wing media conspiracy. Hence the link between Extreme Right voting and education is not so obvious. The aim of this paper is first to build a model which takes into account the causality structure of variables (Bayesian Network) and secondly to assess the influence of education on the voting intention for extreme right-wing party by taking into consideration all the possible confounding variables Main Lectures ACTIVE LEARNING: REENGAGING AND REENERGIZING YOUR STUDENTS AND THEIR INSTRUCTOR! James J. Cochran University of Alabama, USA. We in the operations research community understand that OR and Statistics are inherently interesting, relevant, important, and enjoyable disciplines - unfortunately many of our students (particularly those in introductory OR and Statistics courses) don't seem to share this understanding with us! So how do OR and Statistics instructors help students appreciate that OR and Statistics are interesting and relevant and important and enjoyable? Professor Cochran discusses several classroom cases and active learning exercises he has developed and regularly uses to accomplish this goal when teaching introductory OR and Statistics courses. Throughout this session Professor Cochran will emphasize his points with live demonstrations and discussions of several interesting and novel active learning exercises and cases. Card tricks, classroom versions of television game shows, and a teaching case with integrated active learning will be featured. Because many of these exercises are easily transferable across topics, instructor/classroom styles, cultures, national borders, institutions, faculties, programs, and class sizes, it is very likely you will walk away from this session with ideas on how to improve your own teaching (indeed, Professor Cochran will be very disappointed if you don't!). Be prepared – audience participation is an integral part of this session, and Professor Cochran may call on you during the session! EVOLVING AN INTELLIGENT FRAMEWORK FOR DECISIONMAKING PROCESS IN E-HEALTH SYSTEMS Leonardo M. Gardini*, Carina Oliveira**, Reinaldo Braga**, Ronaldo Ramos**, Luiz O. M. Andrade*** & Mauro Oliveira** *State University of Ceará (UECE) - Fortaleza, Brazil. **Federal Institute of Ceará (IFCE) - Fortaleza, Brazil. ***Federal University of Ceará (UFC) - Fortaleza, Brazil. This paper presents improvements of LARIISA, a framework that makes use of contextaware information to support decision-making and governance in the public health area. More specifically, two relevant e-health applications are presented to illustrate the LARIISA system. The first one uses Bayesian networks in dengue scenarios. The second application uses ontology to manage home care scenarios. In both cases, the contributions related to the LARIISA framework include patient health diagnosis provided remotely, support for decision-making health systems, and context information for context-aware health systems. TEACHING MULTI-OBJECTIVE MULTI-STAKEHOLDER DECISION MODELING WITH CASES L. Robin Keller* & Jay Simon** *University of California, Irvine, USA **Defense Resources Management Institute, USA Many operations researchers know about the use of decision analysis to decide among alternative investments (such as pharmacological research and development) using decision trees with chance nodes to compute expected monetary value of different alternatives. Such an analysis aims to maximize a single evaluation measure for a single decision maker. We demonstrate less widely known decision analysis techniques using spreadsheet models of the multiple objective perspectives of the decision stakeholders. We show how to teach students to analyze real-life decision problems using case examples and discuss specific skills students are expected to learn, such as dynamic sensitivity analysis using sliders in Excel on objectives’ weights, and typical student questions and errors during case discussion. This methodology has been taught successfully in business courses for both MBAs (including health care executive MBAs) and undergraduate students. Sometimes, one objectives hierarchy is suitable for a set of stakeholders, and differences in opinions across stakeholders can be characterized by differences in the multiple objectives’ weights. Examples include the analysis for the merger of the Operations Research Society of America and The Institute of Management Sciences to become INFORMS and planning for protection against radioactive iodine releases in nuclear incidents. In other cases, an objectives hierarchy will be constructed for each stakeholder because their objectives are so different that construction of separate hierarchies better represents their divergent perspectives. Examples include a prostate cancer treatment decision (of former Intel CEO Andy Grove, his family, his company, and his doctors), a tuna fish supplier source selection decision (from the perspectives of the StarKist company, environmentalists, and the San Diego tuna fishing fleet), and the potential siting of a new Home Depot building supply store. Sources: http://pubsonline.informs.org/doi/pdf/10.1287/educ.1090.0066, http://dx.doi.org/10.1287/ited.1080.0012. PROCESSING: APPLICATIONS IN HEALTH CARE AND REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT Fátima Sombra Medeiros UFC-DETI, Brazil This talk approaches the use of image processing tools in medical applications and in synthetic aperture radar (SAR) systems. We have developed methods that assist health professionals in human posture evaluation and retinal disease detection and identification. The posture evaluation algorithm is capable of identifying posture problems and assesses the physiotherapeutic treatment evolution based on a similarity measure. In fact, it is a suitable and unexpensive solution to help health professional to provide an accurate diagnosis of postural problems and furthermore it reduces errors due to subjective evaluation. Regarding retinal diseases, we have studied the diabetic retinopathy (DR) which is one of the major complications of diabetes mellitus and furthermore it causes severe damage to the retina and consequently to the vision. DR may lead to blindness and therefore it is important to prevent it or early detect and treat it. The diagnosis of DR is performed by visual analysis of retinal images being exudates (fat deposits) the main patterns traced by a specialist doctor. It is noteworthy that early diagnosis through regular monitoring when coupled with proper treatment results in numerous benefits in the prevention of visual impairment. We will present image processing tools which we have developed for optical disk, retina vessel network, exudate and microaneurysm detection in retinal images. Regarding remote sensing of environment applications, we have focused on environmental disasters by using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) systems, which have played an important role in remote sensing. These systems provide oil spills detection and monitoring, that seriously affect the marine ecosystem, providing a more rigorous and effective environment monitoring. Furthermore, SAR images have considerably contributed to understand atmospheric phenomena, land use mapping and monitoring, deforestation assessment, geographic evolution, urban growing rates assessment, agricultural crops monitoring and so on. The potential damage for the environment and economy of the area at stake requires that agencies be prepared to rapidly detect, monitor, and clean up any large spill. Remote sensing of dark spots in the sea is a complex process, due to the simultaneous movement of radar and spots. The presence of an oil film on the sea surface damps out the small waves and reduces the rough surface due to the increased viscosity of the top layer and drastically reduces the measured backscattering energy, resulting in darker areas in SAR imagery. The interest in appraising texture features in this work becomes from the different rough degrees presented in SAR images. Oil spill images are characterized by being less rough when compared to the similar slicks. The diffusion of the electromagnetic waves in the surface of the sea depends, mainly, on the rough surface which is influenced by the presence of winds, currents, waves and parameters of the radar, such as incidence angle, frequency, polarization and resolution. The sea behaves as a specular surface when there are not waves and winds. However, dark areas might not be oil slicks but merely local wind effects or natural oil films due to low winds. Contributions MOVEMENT DETECTION USING WAVELET Milene Acosta Pita*, Ángela León Mecías** * Neurociencias, Cuba. **Universidad de La Habana, Cuba. Today the intelligent video surveillance systems are imposed on passive surveillance video systems, since these can detect moving objects in the initial stage and then process tasks such as object classification, tracking, behavior description object recognition, among others. This information can be invaluable for safety in general, this includes for instance police investigation departments for legal evidence, traffic monitoring and ecosystem monitoring among others. In this research we intend to apply Discrete Wavelet Transform on motion detection in sequences of images to monitor the movements of patients who are conducting rehabilitation exercises without the presence of a physiotherapist, or for supervision of children who are alone in their woom and surveillance of premises. It is proposed to make the movement detection completely with wavelets, it means preprocessing and motion detection. The idea of the article "Motion detection using Fourier image reconstruction" (Du- Ming Tsai, Wei - Yao Chiu, Taiwan, 2008) was followed but using Discrete Wavelet Transform instead of the Fourier Transform to remove the vertical line pattern (background) and retain only the foreground in the reconstructed image. A simple segmentation is then made. For validation of the performed strategy an extensive experimentation is presented. APLICACIÓN DEL MÉTODO CDS SECUENCIAL PARA EL REDISEÑO DE LAS RUTAS DE DISTRIBUCIÓN EN UNA FÁBRICA PRODUCTORA DE HELADO Liset Agüero Zardón, Idalianys Urquiola Garcia *Instituto Superior Politécnico “José Antonio Echeverría”, Cujae. Cuba. Todo acto de la vida humana está inevitablemente ligado a un proceso social de producción y no es posible entender ninguna producción sin el consumo y al revés. En la actualidad las empresas conocen que para ser competitivas no es suficiente ofrecer productos de calidad a un costo óptimo de producción, sino que además es necesario que los clientes puedan acceder a ellos en cualquier lugar y situación posible, siempre a un precio razonable; aspecto en el que la planificación de las rutas de distribución juega un papel fundamental. La aplicación de técnicas cuantitativas permite optimizar el diseño y/o rediseño de las rutas de distribución. El presente trabajo propone un algoritmo para el rediseño de las rutas de distribución en una fábrica productora de helado, cuya aplicación permite la disminución de los indicadores de consumo, costos de distribución y distancia recorrida. INFLUENCE EN TWITTER: A PROPOSAL BASED ON CLUSTERING Yudivian Almeida-Cruz, Suilan Estévez-Velarde &Ariel Hernández-Amador University of Havana, Cuba. Twitter is today one of the most important social networks in the Internet. This platform is useful for analyzing the influence that some users have on the rest of the social network. This paper presents a new alternative for estimating a user's influence in Twitter. Instead of trying to devise a new quantitative measure of influence, we propose the use of clustering algorithms to determine users that belong to specific influence groups. We identify and analyze a set of variables, both related to a user and to the structure of the social network itself that characterize his influence. TEACHING OR IN DIFFERENT CONTEXTS Sira Ma. Allende Alonso* C: Bouza* Maclovio Sautto** *Universidad de la Habana, Cuba. **Universidad de Guerrero, Mexico. Undergraduate studies of natural and social sciences include courses on statistics methods Nowadays, the problems tackled by those sciences and the new technologies demand more tools of OR. An example in that sense is the use of combinatorial optimization methods in Molecular Biology. Post-graduate Education has to cover such requirements. Of course, interests on OR differ from one profession to another, consequently, contents and teaching strategies should be different. In this contribution we propose general strategies and configurations of the knowledge for introducing OR contents for education in natural and social science. The strategy is based in the integration of knowledge of different disciplines. We propose an organization of the contents based on the study of cases for no mathematic students, in place of the traditional discipline structure, proper for future mathematicians. GENDER ANALYSIS OF MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS IN SPANISH PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES María del Mar Arcos Universidad de Granada. Spain. In this paper we present the results of a gender study that has been carried out in order to know the status of women within the community of researchers and teachers in Spanish universities in the area of health sciences, and especially in medical degrees. The methodology used for research has been the census study. The data has been provided by the National Statistical Institute of Spain (INE). The analysis was performed disaggregating by professionals from different areas of knowledge related to medicine, with the purpose of finding out in a more accurate way the situation of women in this group. In addition, there have been carried out the counting, not only for the total of teaching and research staff, but also distinguishing each professional according to their category. Based on the results obtained, one can conclude that women are in an unfavorable position in relation to teaching and researching at the Spanish public universities in the area of health sciences. THE USE OF LANDLINE AND CELL-PHONE IN HEALTH SURVEYS Maria del Mar Arcos & Antonio Arcos** Universidad de Granada. Spain. This work is a review of several estimation methods for dual-frame designs in the particular context of telephone surveys. Due to the recent increase of the number of people who has no landline phone but only mobile phone, it is very important nowadays that telephone surveys incorporate landline together with cell-phone samples. Otherwise, large bias may appear in the estimations. Given that the two frames made of landline owners and cellphone owners intersect, some adapted estimation methods have to be used and there are several in the literature. The paper presents the different existing methods and compares these methods on a real health survey concerning the attitude of the Andalusian population regarding the public health system. The results suggest that the use of multiple frames might be useful in other health surveys where good estimates are wanted for both the whole population and particular subgroups at the same time. ECONOMETRIC & STATISTICAL RESPONSE MODEL APPLIED TO SOCIO-ECONOMICAL CAREERS AT UAEM. C. U. VALLE DE MÉXICO. Juan Carlos Baltazar Escalona, Gabriela Gaviño Ortiz & Ángel Manuel Sánchez, Mejorada Zapata UAEM. Centro Universitario Valle de México, Mexico. This research is based on an econometric study to evaluate and predict on a qualitative response model, how the academic performance of students in 9th semester has been affected by variables (academic and others), during their studies in the undergraduate programs for socio-economical careers, implemented at the UAEM Centro Universitario Valle de México. The whole extent of the present study will explain and determinate how the academic performance has been affected by those factors (13 independent variables considered), and therefore analyze the impact and level of significance that it means, to explain by a regression model the findings. Other output to obtain from this study is the statistical analysis obtained from the data input. The information was obtained by a questionnaire delivered to the whole population on 9th semester at UAEM CU Valle de México, during September 2014. Once the information was obtained it was captured on a SPSS software to obtain the output to do the next steps. The explanatory variables were classified as: academic, economic and socio-demographic. The purpose is to identify which of the analyzed variables determine the academic performance of students and establish some recommendations to UAEM authorities to have a better students’ performance. The main results of the econometric analysis found that six of the nine academic variables were statistically significant. In this sense, the analysis corroborates that the materials disapproving, loading materials, career choice, career expectations and hours of study influence academic performance. In terms of economic variables, as well as sociodemographic, were not statistically significant, that is, do not affect the academic performance of a student at UAEM CU Valle de México. What strikes the study is that only academic variables explain academic performance. Moreover, contrary to expectations, variables such as age, marital status and employment status not explain that performance. Other variables whose interest was to find out what effect could lead to academic support, study option, prestige, because of registration and location were not relevant to the present study. It can be concluded that the problem of academic performance is due to internal issues rather than external or extraneous issues of the University. The varying academic performance focuses more on personal problems of each student of academic nature and less on the study programs and curricula of the University. The implementation of educational policies in order to improve academic performance and / or reduce the low level of qualification should be aimed, among other important aspects, in reviewing the course load. CONVERSATORIO INTERNACIONAL SOBRE EL ANÁLISIS DE GRANDES VOLÚMENES DE DATOS TEXTUALES Panelistas: Daniel Barredo Ibáñez*, Martín Oller Alonso*, Amaro La Rosa** & Sergio Hernández** *Universidad de las Américas, Ecuador. ** Universidad Jaime Bausate y Meza, Perú. ***Universidad Veracruzana, México. La sociedades contemporáneas registran grandes volúmenes de datos textuales: sea en las redes sociales; en las plataformas digitales; en los contenidos de los medios de comunicación; en las transcripciones de las entrevistas; en libros, artículos y foros, por citar los espacios más representativos, se acumula una vasta cantidad de información. La aplicación de técnicas como el Análisis Estadístico de Datos Textuales permite abordar de una forma relativamente sencilla la clasificación e interpretación de todos esos contenedores de palabras. En el siguiente conversatorio, algunos expertos de ámbitos que van desde la Comunicación a la Estadística, discutirán algunos aspectos relacionados con el análisis de esa información, técnicas, ventajas, desventajas y problemáticas asociadas, así como la oportunidad de incorporar esta perspectiva a los proyectos investigativos. ENTRENAMIENTO EN ANÁLISIS EPIDEMIOLÓGICOS PARA ESTUDIANTES DE MEDICINA José A. Betancourt*, Luis Acao Francois*, Yanira Gonzales*& Jose Félix García** * Universidad de las Ciencias Médicas de Camagüey, Cuba. **Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco, México. Es necesario incrementar las habilidades relacionadas con la actividad de investigación en estudiantes de medicina. Objetivo: entrenar alumnos de quinto año de medicina en análisis epidemiológicos durante actividades de educación en el trabajo y de sostenibilidad. Método: en el Tula Aguilera los estudiantes realizaron una encuesta de 14 preguntas a 69 personas enfermas de diarreas infecciosas de junio a diciembre de 2013, se contrastaron con 131 personas sanas. Recogían diversas variables demográficas, ambientales y de modos y estilos de vida. Para cada factor determinaron (OR) con regresión logística. Se determinó Ro y se realizó una simulación que se comparó con la usual dispersión histórica. Resultados: los estudiantes entrenaron como se recogen datos, como se transfieren a tablas Excel y cómo se analizan. Se observa que las personas que no tapan los desechos sólidos tienen aproximadamente tres veces más riesgo de enfermarse (OR=2.81; IC 1.34-6.03) que aquellas que usan algún medio para no dejarlo a cielo abierto. Se familiarizaron con el uso del número reproductivo básico, y con las simulaciones derivadas. Conclusiones: la estrategia de entrenamiento fue válida, sostenible, actualizada y de gran valor en la formación de estudiantes de Medicina. En el área analizada se demostró la transmisibilidad debida a los patrones de contactos y se mostró el efecto de las medidas de contención establecidas. RATIO TYPE ESTIMATION USING THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE AUXILIARY VARIABLE FOR RANKING AND ESTIMATING Carlos N. Bouza*, Amer I. Al-Omari**, Agustín Santiago*** & Jose M. Sautto*** *Universidad de La Habana. **Al al-Bayt University, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics, Jordan. ***Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero, Mexico. In this paper, is analyzed the behavior of ranked set sampling considering the knowledge of the auxiliary variable. The suggested estimators are compared with their simple random sampling counterparts. A numerical study is developed using data from a study developed on the contamination do to burning compost from solid waste from hospitals. A COMPARISON BETWEEN SMOOTHING AND REGULARIZATION APPROACHES FOR MPCC. Gemayqzel Bouza* & Ernest Quintana** Universidad de La Habana, Cuba. Universidad de las Villas, Cuba. Due to the disjunctive character of the complementarity, this kind of constraints are parameterized. Two important ways are to smooth or to regularize the restrictions leading to equality and inequality constraints. In this paper we will compare both strategies. BEHAVIOR OF AGRICULTURAL INTEREST RATES IN MEXICO Ignacio Caamal Cauich, Verna Gricel Pat Fernández, Felipe Jerónimo Ascencio Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, México. Credits in the rural sector of Mexico come mainly from development banks (Financiera Rural and Fideicomisos Instituidos en Relación con la Agricultura) and in a smaller proportion of commercial banking, the development bank works with preferential interest rates with financial intermediaries. Interest rates represent the opportunity cost of the money and are directly related to the capitalization of borrowers. Interest rates of the agricultural credits provided by the development banks to the banking and non-banking financial intermediaries are around the rate of inflation, so the real interest rate is low and can allow capitalization of intermediary credit companies. While interest rates are high for agricultural credits provided to borrowers, i.e., the cost of credit is high for producers, industrialists and agricultural distributors. High interest rates and the high interests of the credits granted to borrowers, reduce the profitability of agricultural activities. SEASONALITY OF MEXICO PERSIAN LIME PRICES Ignacio Caamal Cauich, Verna Gricel Pat Fernández, Isaias Garcia Luis Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, México. Mexico produces three types of major lemons that are known in the world, which are the Persian lime, Mexican lemon and Italian lemon. Mexican lime production has been mainly oriented to the domestic market and the production of Persian lime towards the foreign market and Mexico is the biggest exporter of the fruit around the world. Persian lime production is seasonal, so prices are changing according to the levels of production, high production and low prices period is from April to July, average production and average prices period is from August to November and the low production and high prices period is from December to March. The work concentrates on the analysis of the seasonal nature of the production and seasonality of prices of the Persian lime in Mexico. The results reflect seasonality of Persian lime prices and the forecasts of the behavior of prices of this product are made with de-seasonalization of prices. In general, we see that the average price of Persian lime has increased during recent years and the ranges of variation are four times, approximately. CÁLCULOS DE LOS TAMAÑOS DE PRUEBA Y NIVELES DE SIGNIFICANCIA AJUSTADOS PARA LA PRUEBA DE BLACKWELDER José Juan Castro Alva*, Hortensia Reyes Cervantes*, Félix Almendra Arao** & Francisco Solano Tajonar Sanabria* *Facultad de Ciencias Físico Matemáticas. BUAP, México. **UPIITA del Instituto Politécnico Nacional, México. Las pruebas de no inferioridad son procedimientos estadísticos utilizados principalmente en el contexto de ensayos clínicos, ´estas son empleadas cuando se desea comparar la eficacia de un tratamiento nuevo contra uno ya existente, que comúnmente es llamado tratamiento estándar o de control. Estas pruebas se emplean con el objetivo de determinar si el tratamiento nuevo es superior, igual o inferior, por un margen generalmente pequeño al tratamiento estándar. En el contexto de ensayos clínicos, generalmente se supone que el tratamiento nuevo presenta alguna ventaja sobre el tratamiento de control, por ejemplo que el tratamiento nuevo sea más barato, de más fácil aplicación o tener menos contraindicaciones. Entre las pruebas de no inferioridad para la comparación de dos proporciones, la prueba de no inferioridad clásica asintótica o de Blackwelder tiene un papel destacado debido a que es la más usada en la práctica. Debido a que la prueba de Blackwelder es una prueba asintótica, ´esta tiene la problemática de que no respeta los niveles de significancia nominal para el cual fue creada, por esta razón, en este trabajo se realizan los cálculos de los tamaños de prueba reales y además se calculan los valores de los niveles de significancia nominal ajustados, de tal forma que los tamaños de la prueba sean menores o igual es que un nivel α dado. Estos cálculos se realizaron para diseños balanceados (tamaños de muestra iguales n1 = n2) y para diseños desbalanceados (n1, 1.5n1) y (1.5n2, n2) mediante un programa escrito en C + +. DISTRIBUTION AND REDISTRIBUTION IN A DOWNTON ABBEY ECONOMY Irwin L. Collier Freie Universität Berlin, Germany. A “Downton Abbey” economy consists of two social classes—a class of landowners and a class of workers. A single good, corn, is produced for consumption by either class or for export to finance the import of luxury goods bought by landowners. There are few enough landowners so as to afford themselves lives of complete leisure. Landowners use their cornrents to pay the wages of their servants or for luxury goods imported from the world beyond Downton Abbey. Workers are indifferent between working as hired hands in agriculture or providing domestic service. Their utility depends solely upon their consumption of corn and time not working for pay. A simple neoclassical specification of production and consumption in competitive markets incorporates this strict classical separation of workers from owners to determine the aggregate equilibrium allocations of time between domestic service, productive work and the leisure enjoyed by the workers as well as the functional distribution of income in such a Downton Abbey economy. The comparative statics of the model are derived and interpreted. A minimum wage combined with work-sharing can be introduced to increase workers’ welfare and reduce inequality. LAS TRANSFORMADAS DE WATERSHED Y WATERFALL PARA LA SEGMENTACIÓN DE IMÁGENES DE LA ADUANA” Jorge Del Risco Martínez* & Marta Lourdes Baguer Díaz-Romañach** * INSTEC, Cuba. **Universidad de La Habana, Cuba. El presente trabajo aborda el problema de la segmentación de imágenes de escáneres de la aduana desde la mirada de la Morfología Matemática. Como primer acercamiento al problema más complejo de tratar con imágenes con objetos superpuestos, se presenta una combinación interesante de las transformadas de Watershed y Waterfall que permiten lograr resultados aceptables teniendo como objetivo captar la mayor cantidad de objetos visibles posibles. Se presentan las implementaciones de ambas transformadas con una estrategia para seleccionar los marcadores automáticamente y P-Algoritmo. Se muestran los resultados de la experimentación realizada. PROMEDIO BAYESIANO DE MODELOS EN SALUD: UNA REVISIÓN Lucio Díaz *, Vivian Sistachs **, Dante Covarrubias * * Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero, México. ** Universidad de La Habana, Cuba. La aplicación de los modelos de regresión logística en salud es muy conocida, el objetivo es elegir de entre un conjunto de modelos candidatos aquel que mejor se ajuste a los datos. La selección de modelos es un aspecto que está muy relacionado con esto. En este trabajo de hace una revisión del Promedio Bayesiano de Modelo (BMA), primero se hace una introducción a las bases estadísticas del BMA en regresión logística, se trata los métodos para calcular la probabilidad a posterior del modelo, incluyendo Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). Además se hace una revisión de algunas aplicaciones usando el Promedio Bayesiano de Modelos en salud para comparar el mismo usando distribuciones a prioris no informativas con informativas (g-prior, propuestas por Hanson, 2014) para los parámetros del modelo. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS IN THE EVALUATION OF INTENSITY OF KNOWLEDGE WORK Claudia Echevarría Molina*, Roberto Hernández Apaulaza**, Rosario Garza Ríos* * Instituto Superior Politécnico José Antonio Echeverria, Cujae, Cuba. ** Centro de Inmunología Molecular, Cuba. The great development achieved by the computing and communications provides organizations with extensive possibilities for automating processes and for the capture, storage, transmission and analysis of data and information. This creates a universal trend of increased knowledge work, which simultaneously causes increased cognitive complexity of the worker. This work was developed into a center belonging to the biopharmaceutical industry; in order to evaluate the intensity of knowledge work processes Formulation and Purification of a product. The method was applied to determine the intensity level of knowledge work in different processes and subsequently variability between the answers of the experts through statistical methods are studied. Obtaining "cluster workers", so that is able to identify the specific features of each cluster by characterizing it belongs is also proposed. The cluster analysis allowed further analyze the characteristics of each group and according to this finding better ways of organizing jobs. ANALISIS DE DESEMPEÑO ACADEMICO DE LOS ESTUDIANTES EN LA ASIGNATURA DE ESTADISTICA EN LA UNIVERSIDAD PEDAGOGICA DE BENGUELA – REPÚBLICA DE ANGOLA Abilio Eduardo* & Carlos Bouza** *Universidad Pedagógica de Benguela, Angola. ** Universidad de la Habana, Cuba. En el desarrollo histórico de la actividad docente, prevalece la evaluación del cumplimiento de los objetivos programados, del desempeño profesional dos docentes, de las actividades evaluativas para el estudiante en el aula, en tareas, pero no siempre se valorizan los hechos sociales de esta actividad. Las recientes investigaciones pedagógicas han permitido obtener vías para el perfeccionamiento del proceso docente-educativo y la evaluación de su calidad. No siempre este proceso se aprovecha óptimamente en cada centro de estudios, por lo que resulta verdaderamente substancioso conocer en qué medida es o no efectivo, por tanto la evaluación es una práctica tradicional en esta esfera. En este contexto, la presente investigación establece como se diferencian los estudiantes de los distintos sistemas en un seguimiento en las carreras a partir de su desempeño en matemáticas. Este enfoque es una primera aproximación a ofrecer una respuesta al complejo problema científico relacionado con el desempeño de los estudiantes y de la necesidad de mejorar el éxito escolar INFLUENCIA DEL USO DE MEDIDAS DE SIMILARIDAD SEMANTICA PARA EL PROCESO DE MINERIA DE OPINION EN TWITTER Suilan Estévez-Velarde, Alejandro Piad-Morffis, Yudivián Almeida-Cruz & Claudia Paredes-Plasencia Universidad de La Habana, Cuba. La minería de opinión en Twitter es un campo de investigación de reciente auge. Sus aplicaciones incluyen estudios de mercado, seguimiento de noticias, análisis de procesos sociales, entre otros. La información presente en Twitter tiene características que dificultan los procesos de aprendizaje automático. Los documentos (tweets) son cortos, y sujetos a modificaciones y errores lingüísticos. Para aliviar estos problemas se emplean medidas de similaridad semántica, extraídas de corpus adicionales utilizando la co-ocurrencia de los términos. Este artículo evalúa tres medidas de similaridad construidas a partir de una selección de artículos de Wikipedia. Las medidas se comparan en cuanto a la mejora que producen en la clasificación de mensajes de Twitter en objetivos y subjetivos. UNA ESTRATEGIA POR VECINDADES PARA EL PROBLEMA DE ENRUTAMIENTO DE VEHICULOS CON COMPARTIMENTOS Alina Fernández Arias & Laritza Limia Fernández Universidad de La Habana, Cuba. El Problema de Enrutamiento de Vehículos con Compartimientos (VRPC) pertenece a la familia de problemas de enrutamiento de vehículos con restricciones de capacidad en la flota. Dado un conjunto de n clientes con demandas conocidas de diferentes tipos de productos m y una flota homogénea de v vehículos, donde cada vehículo posee m compartimientos iguales tal que el compartimiento p de cada vehículo está destinado a almacenar el producto p; el VRPC consiste en encontrar el conjunto óptimo de rutas que permita satisfacer las demandas de todos los clientes. Como condicionantes del problema, todas las rutas comienzan y terminan en el depósito central y cada cliente es visitado una única vez. Este trabajo propone una estrategia heurística por penalización basada en metaheurísticas por vecindades, en la que a partir de una solución inicial, que puede ser factible o no, se intenta encontrar una solución óptima. En el esquema presentado se emplean las metaheurísticas Recocido Simulado y Búsqueda de Entorno Variable Descendente, con diferentes funciones de vecindad HERRAMIENTA COMPUTACIONAL PARA LA PLANIFICACIÓN DE RUTAS EN EL PROBLEMA DE ENRUTAMIENTO DE VEHÍCULOS CONSIDERANDO UNA FLOTA HETEROGÉNEA Dafne García de Armas & Alina Fernández Arias Universidad de La Habana, Cuba. El problema de enrutamiento de vehículos considerando una flota heterogénea consiste en diseñar un sistema de rutas que permita satisfacer la demanda de entrega de mercancías de un conjunto de clientes, de forma tal que cada cliente sea atendido por un único vehículo en una única visita. La particularidad de este problema es que la flota está compuesta por vehículos diferentes en cuanto a capacidad y costo asociados. Atendiendo a que encontrar una solución factible, cuando la flota posee un número limitado de vehículos, es un problema NP-duro, en este trabajo se presenta una estrategia de penalización basada en la Metaheurística Recocido Simulado con diferentes estrategias de vecindad. Dado que la factibilidad de las rutas no depende del orden en el que fueron visitados los clientes, se intenta reorganizar cada ruta según el recorrido óptimo del viajante, aplicando un algoritmo de ramificación y acotación, cuando el número de clientes es relativamente pequeño o un algoritmo genético en otro caso. Se diseña una herramienta computacional que brinda los resultados para las diferentes variantes del algoritmo implementado y permite visualizar gráficamente las rutas creadas por la solución. Es posible también, comparar los resultados en las distintas fases de la estrategia creada. POBREZA Y OTROS DETERMINANTES SOCIO-ECONÓMICOS Y FINANCIEROS DEL ACCESO A VIVIENDA DE INTERÉS PRIORITARIO EN AMÉRICA LATINA. EL CASO COLOMBIANO José Félix García Rodríguez *, Paola Carvajal Calderón**, Alexander Cotte Poveda**,*** *Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco, México. **Universidad de La Salle, Bogotá, Colombia. ***Universidad de Göttingen, Alemania. La pobreza y carencia de ingresos en los hogares, junto con otras variables socioeconómicas y financieras, constituye el principal obstáculo para que la población latinoamericana pueda acceder a una vivienda propia. Este estudio tiene como principal propósito analizar los diversos elementos que influyen en la probabilidad que tienen los hogares de bajos ingresos de contar con vivienda en América Latina, tomando como referencia el caso de Colombia. De manera específica, se busca establecer los efectos e incidencia de las variables asociadas a factores económicos, demográficos, sociales y financieros. El análisis se lleva a cabo mediante la aplicación de modelos de elección discreta logit y probit. Los resultados de los modelos probabilísticos estimados muestran que los hogares con ingresos y niveles adecuados de ahorro tienen una mayor probabilidad de acceder a vivienda de interés prioritario, mientras que en hogares con mayor número de miembros, más edad y elevados pagos en el arriendo, es menor la probabilidad de obtener vivienda. Los principales hallazgos manifiestan la importancia del diseño de estrategias y políticas públicas que favorezcan la igualdad en la distribución del ingreso y reduzcan la pobreza, factores claves para impulsar el crecimiento y el desarrollo económico. Como recomendación de política de vivienda, se propone mejorar las instancias de fomento del ahorro para vivienda. EMPLOYMENT OF NEW GRADUATES IN THE MEXICAN LABOR MARKET (CASE STUDY, UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF MEXICO) Gabriela Gaviño, Javier Lapa, Juan Carlos Baltazar & Ángel Sánchez CU UAEM Valle de México, Mexico. Weak growth of the Mexican economy in the last thirty years has created many social problems, among which stands out the insufficient generation of formal jobs in relation to the increasing trend the Economically Active Population (EAP). Lack of employment is one of the most serious social problems, given its close relationship with poverty levels in a country. In this sense the evolution of employment and unemployment in Mexico is analyzed as of the neo-liberal economic reforms, implemented in the late eighties. In particular, employment levels by academic degree are analyzed with the objective to know, on the one hand, the level of interference of university studies in obtaining formal employment in the current context, and on the other, if the new economic model has promoted greater specialization in employment sources available or not. To do this, a case study is developed, based on the graduates of the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico. In this, the professional performance of these graduates, in terms of obtaining formal employment and income obtained is evaluated. The results are compared with the national average. CALCULATE CHARACTERIZATION OF MONOPSONIC DEGREE INTO THE WASTE SOLID MARKET IN LARGE METROPOLITAN OF BRAZIL Rilton Gonçalo B. Primo* & José Félix García Rodríguez** *Universidad de la Habana. **Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco. The goal of this assay is encouragement any contribute to calculated characterization of monopsonic degree into the waste solid market in large metropolitan of Brazil, estimating the corresponding deviations between prices and values added, privileging cyclical and structurally the links in the chain of reverse logistics of the residue from the scavenger loose to industry. Makes a theoretical approach of the social significance of concentrated markets and concludes by presenting a tool for calculating the degree of monopoly, first steep to Fair Trade. THE THEORY OF SEQUENTIAL LOTTERIES Nava Kahana* ** & Doron Klunover* *Department of Economics, Bar-Ilan University, 52900 Ramat-Gan, Israel. **IZA, Germany. In a sequential lottery contest with players the choice of a player equilibrium expenditure is equivalent to choosing aggregate equilibrium expenditure in the contest. Using that equivalence we prove that in that contest: 1. exist a unique subgame perfect equilibrium in pure strategies and equilibrium expenditures are homogenous in degree one in the value of the prize 2. Aggregate expenditure is monotonically increasing in but in the limit do not reach the value of the prize and in large contests, aggregate expenditure is lower than in a simultaneous lottery contest. PONTRYAGIN MAXIMUM PRINCIPLE IN OPTIMAL CONTROL WITH DELAY IN STATE SPACE Mamadou I. Koné Universite Paris 1, France. The Pontryagin principle have been introduced by Lev Pontryagin et al. in their book Mathematical Theory of Optimal Process. They solved the following problem: min 𝐽(𝑥(∙), 𝑢(∙)) ≔ 𝑔0 (𝑥(𝑇)) (1) , (𝑡) Subject to: 𝑥 = 𝑓(𝑡, 𝑥(𝑡), 𝑢(𝑡)), ∀𝑡 ∈ [0,1] (2) 𝑥(0) = (3) 𝑗 (𝑥(𝑇)) ∀𝑗 = 1; … ; 𝑝, 𝑔 ≥0 (4) , 𝑗 (𝑥(𝑇)) ∀𝑗 = 𝑝 + 1; … ; 𝑝 + 𝑝 , 𝑔 ≥0 (5) In our works we'll study the case where there is a delay in state space. This will change the problem from finite dimensional problem to infinite dimensional one. The main change occurs in the dynamical constraint of the optimal problem, instead of looking for state instantaneously, we take into account the past of the state variable. In Pontryagin frame works, the dynamical constraint is of the form: 𝑥 , (𝑡) = 𝑓(𝑡, 𝑥(𝑡), 𝑢(𝑡)) In our study we work with : 𝑥 , (𝑡) = 𝑓(𝑡, 𝑥𝑡 , 𝑢(𝑡)) (6) In a first step we find a resolvant and an explicit solution of (6). Then we find the adjoint equation, its resolvant and explicit solution. In the second step we produce the link between the two resolvants. In the third step we produce the constants, the adjoint solution and the maximum principle. INFERENCE OF SOURCE ORIGIN IN EPIDEMICS AND WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS Alejandro Lage-Castellanos*, Ernesto Ortega*, Alfredo Braunstein **, Riccardo Zecchina**, Luca Dall'Asta** & Fabrizio Altarelli** * Universidad de la Habana, Cuba. **Politecnico di Torino, Italy. We study Bayesian inference problems for epidemic models on networks using tools borrowed from statistical physics. For each node in a known network, we obtain approximated values for the posterior probability of being the origing of the observed epidemic. Our approach, based on belief propagation and exact on tree-like networks, is quite general and formal (at difference with most existing method) allowing many observation situations, including unobserved nodes, state observations made at different or unknown times, and observations of infection times, possibly mixed together. We ran extensive simulations of the susceptible-infected-recovered or susceptible-infected models of epidemics, and tested our method by inferring the epidemic origin after watching the network state at time T. Numerical simulations show that our method outperforms previous ones on both synthetic and real networks, often by a very large margin. We explore a similar (but deterministic) approach in a more realistic problem: the detection of contamination origins in water distribution systems. For this more simplified case, a good solution can be achieved by linear programming methods, at least on synthetic data. Applications to city-like data simulated with EPANET, however, is more problematic, and show the need to introduce stochasticity therefore resorting to the previous belief propagation approach. A GPU FRAMEWORKS TO COMPUTE SUPERVOXELS IN LARGE MEDICAL IMAGES Antoine Leblond* and Claude Kauffmann** *CHUM - University of Montreal Hospital Centre, Qc, Canada. **CRCHUM - University of Montreal Hospital Research Centre, Qc, Canada. Computation of supervoxels in large medical images is often the first step to efficient organ segmentation. In this abstract we propose an efficient GPU-based cellular automata framework to compute supervoxels using the Bellman-Ford algorithm. However, achieving interactive speeds (<500 ms) in large medical images remains a challenge. Such frameworks may suffer from degraded performance that synchronisation primitives introduce when the label and the distance accumulator may not be encoded in a single 32bit integer because of the high number of required labels with supervoxels segmentation. Methods: We propose a novel algorithm, the Approximation /Error-Recovery (AER) Algorithm that get rid of most of the synchronisation primitives in favor of atomic operations. This algorithm encodes only a part of the label, enabling encoding within a single 32-bit integer, before the cell automata are ran to convergence. The algorithm then tries to recover the rest of the label including error detection and correction if needed. Results: The AER Algorithm improved the computation of supervoxels by a factor of 2.02. Computation of supervoxels for a 512x512x885 volume (seeds every 8 voxels) took 424 ms. Conclusion: With an optimized GPU based cell automata framework and the AER Algorithm, it was possible to compute supervoxels for large medical images at interactive speeds (<500 ms). ESTUDIO DEL PRONÓSTICO DE LA GRAVEDAD DEL PACIENTE: NEUMONÍAS ADQUIRIDAS EN LA COMUNIDAD. HOSPITAL GENERAL DOCENTE IVÁN PORTUONDO, SAN ANTONIO DE LOS BAÑOS. Elio León*, Carlos Bouza**, Humberto Regalado*** & Martin Rapado** *Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de Artemisa, Cuba. **Universidad de la Habana, Cuba. ***Hospital General Docente Iván Portuondo, Cuba. Se ha realizado un estudio observacional analítico, prospectivo, con el objetivo de evaluar el valor pronóstico de un grupo de parámetros clínicos en la evolución del paciente con neumonía adquirida en la comunidad, en el H.G.D, Iván Portuondo del municipio San Antonio de los Baños, provincia Artemisa, de setiembre 2013 a diciembre 2014. A partir de la muestra considerada generada por un mecanismo probabilístico de 123 pacientes se observaron al momento del ingreso las variables de interés: edad, frecuencia respiratoria, tensión arterial., complicaciones, intolerancia a la vía oral, comorbilidad, oxigenometria de pulso, estado de conciencia, valor de glucemia, junto a otra variables clínicas de apoyo. Como variable respuesta se ha utilizado la restitución integra del paciente (estado al egreso) y también ingreso en la unidad de cuidados intensivos. Se ajustaron una serie de modelos logísticos binarios para ambas variables respuesta como métodos fundamentales de procesamiento. La bondad del ajuste de cada modelo se evaluó a través de curvas ROC y el test de Homers-Lemshow. Como resultados preliminares puede indicarse que la respuesta restitución, los predictores más significativos estadísticamente fueron comorbilidad y complicaciones, mientras que con respuesta ingreso en UCI, los más significativos fueron vía oral y SAT O2. PROGNOSTIC FACTORS FOR CERVICAL CANCER PATIENTS IN TABASCO, MÉXICO Lucas López Segovia & Daniel Romero Universidad Juarez Autónoma de Tabasco, Mexico. We present a survival analysis of a sample of 119 patients with cervical cancer treated at the oncology unit HJG of Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico. All patients are treated with radiation therapy or chemotherapy, and were followed from diagnosis to last visit or until the relapse or death by cancer. Patients who relapsed or died by other causes than cancer, has a partial survival time, and were defined as patients censored. We study the disease-free survival time (time to recurrence of cancer) and overall survival time (time to death from cancer) as response variables. A nonparametric analysis of survival is carried out with these data to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment and identify groups of patients with similar survival by its cancer characteristics. A semiparametric analysis is applied to identify statistically significant risk factors, such as, tumour type, stage, histology, treatment, age, among other. The results are compared with those obtained with a parametric analysis. Preliminary results show that patients with tumour stage IIIB have the highest risk for relapse than other patients. Patients who have tumour stage IIIB or proctitis present have the highest risk of death than rest. ANALISIS DE CORRELACION CANONICA USANDO ALGORITMOS GENETICOS Brenda Catalina Matías Castillo Gladys Linares Fleites, Hortensia Josefina Reyes Cervantes & María de Lourdes Sandoval Solís Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, México. El Análisis de Correlación Canónica (ACC) es un método exploratorio de datos multivariados. Su propósito es la exploración de las correlaciones muestrales entre dos conjuntos de variables cuantitativas observadas sobre el mismo conjunto de unidades experimentales, a través de combinaciones lineales de las variables iniciales que permiten reducir la dimensionalidad. Para encontrar los valores de las correlaciones Canónicas y variables canónicas se tiene como propuesta usar el método de multiplicadores de Lagrange, ya que el problema de las correlaciones canónicas puede ser visto como un problema de máximos con restricciones, posteriormente nos lleva a un problema de valores y vectores propios. Por otro lado, existen métodos como los Algoritmos Gen éticos (AG) que son métodos adaptativos que pueden usarse para resolver problemas de búsqueda y optimización global. Estos métodos están basados en el proceso gen ético de los organismos vivos. En este trabajo se tiene como propuesta resolver el problema del ACC usando algoritmos gen éticos como una alternativa para darle solución. CARACTERIZACIÓN DE LA DISTRIBUCIÓN DE LOS VALORES P DE LAS PRUEBAS PARAMÉTRICAS EN POBLACIONES NORMALES Pedro A. Monterrey Departamento de Matemáticas, Universidad del Rosario, Bogotá, Colombia. Hypothesis test are widely used in data analysis but, in general, the random nature of p value is not consider in such applications. Power function and p-value probability distribution are strongly related, this relationship should be a component in both hypothesis testing conclusions and sample size calculation. However, this is not the case, possibly due of to two factors: first many people ignore the random nature of p-value and second there is a lack of information in the subject. Some papers introduced some characteristics of p-value distribution as mean value and median, but such values were not obtained for every parametric test in normal populations. This paper contains a full characterization of pvalues probability distribution for both one and two sided hypothesis test for parameters in one or two normal populations. P-value probability distribution and their percentiles are presented, emphasizing in median value. Additionally the paper introduces approximate criteria for calculating both distribution function and percentiles, and highlight the relationship between power function and p-value. A DUAL METHOD TO SOLVE A QUADRATIC PROGRAM DERIVED FROM A DISTANCE METRIC LEARNING PROBLEM Bac Nguyen*, Carlos Morell* & Bernard de Baets** *Universidad Central \Marta Abreu" de Las Villas, Cuba. **Ghent University Coupure links 653, B-9000 Gent, Belgium. Quadratic programming is a special type of mathematical optimization where one needs to maximize (minimize) a quadratic function of several variables subject to linear constraints on these variables. When the number of constraints, as well as the number of variables are huge, general propose methods become intractable. However, in some speci_c application domain, we can take some advantages from the problem to improve the optimization process performance. The main idea of this work is to propose a new approach to solve a special quadratic program large scale constraints, which is formulated to solve a problem of distance metric learning. UN ESTUDIO ESTADÍSTICO SOBRE EL USO PROBLEMÁTICO DEL MÓVIL Y PERSONALIDAD Mª Angustias Olivencia-Carrión*, Francisca López-Torrecillas*, Mª Mar Rueda* & Eva Castillo- Fernández** *Universidad de Granada, España. **Centro Provincial de Drogodependencias de Granada, España. Las investigaciones realizadas han confirmado que el uso excesivo del teléfono móvil genera efectos perjudiciales en la salud y en las relaciones sociales. El objetivo del presente estudio estadístico es analizar las variables de personalidad asociadas al uso versus abuso del teléfono móvil. 157 participantes fueron divididos en tres grupos en función del tiempo de uso diario del teléfono móvil, el Grupo 1 usaba el teléfono móvil menos de media hora al día, el grupo 2 usaba el teléfono móvil menos de dos horas al día, y el grupo 3 usaba el teléfono móvil más de cuatro horas al día. Para comprobar las hipótesis, se realizó un Análisis Multivariado de la Varianza (MANOVA), para un diseño factorial, utilizando las variables Grupo [G1, G2 y G3] como variable independiente y las variables derivadas del Cuestionario Factorial de Personalidad de Cattel (16-PF-5) como variables dependientes. Los resultados indicaron que había diferencias significativas entre los grupos en las variables de personalidad. WIKIPEDIA AS A CORPUS FOR TEXT MINING Claudia Paredes-Plasencia, Suilan Estévez-Velarde & Alejandro Piad-Morffis University of Havana, Cuba. Text mining usually requires information extracted from different corpora. Wikipedia is an encyclopedia that has earned popularity as a corpus, due to the number and quality of the articles it contains. This paper describes the general features of Wikipedia. We evaluate the characteristics of the grammatical structure of the articles in the Spanish Wikipedia. For each of these characteristics, we analyze its potential influence in the process of text mining. E-BUFFER. A GPU FRIENDLY SPACE PARTITIONING BASED ON BOUNDING VOLUME HIERARCHY OF EMPTY-SPACES SUITABLE FOR RAYCASTING APPLICATIONS Alejandro Piad-Morffis & Ludwig LeonardUniversity of Havana, Cuba. Recent advances on graphics processing hardware have enabled the implementation of global illumination techniques with GPU acceleration. A view-dependent representation of the scene can be helpful for achieving interactive frame rates, since it provides refining based on the observer's perceived level of detail and can be usually constructed using rasterization algorithms available in modern graphics hardware. The A-Buffer structure consists of a fragment decomposition of the scene in view space, which can be used for multi-fragment effects such as order independent transparency, CSG visualization and volume rendering. In this paper we introduce the E-Buffer data structure as an extension of the A-Buffer, which stores empty-space boxes in view-space to enable an adaptive ray- marching function. We propose a GPU accelerated construction of the E-Buffer that allows a virtually unbounded number of fragments per pixel, and a generalized ray casting operation using the data stored in the structure. For illustrating the E-Buffer utility we present a real-time GPU ray tracer. HIPERENTORNO BASADO EN OBJETOS DE APRENDIZAJE DESTINADO A LA ASIGNATURA ANÁLISIS DE DATOS (ESTADÍSTICA) PARA LA CARRERA DE CULTURA FÍSICA. José Antonio Pino Roque, Yasser Vázquez Alfonso, Mayra Arteaga Barrueta, Lázaro B. García Gutiérrez, Lucía Fernández Chuairey & Josefina de Calzadilla Pereira* UNAH, Cuba. Partiendo de la contradicción existente entre el modelo de estudios semipresencial con apoyo de las TIC´s y la carencia de medios interactivos y de autoevaluación con apoyo de las TIC´s con que cuentan los Centros Universitarios Municipales (CUM) para lograr los objetivos propuestos de este modelo de estudio, se fundamenta esta investigación, la cual diseña un hiperentorno basado en Objetos de Aprendizaje (OA) destinado a la asignatura Análisis de Datos (Estadística) para la carrera de Cultura Física. El resultado fundamental de esta investigación es la obtención de un material digital con recursos propios del Proyecto de Tecnología Educativa (LATED) de la Universidad Agraria de la Habana ¨Fructuoso Rodríguez Pérez¨, a partir de concepciones pedagógico-tecnológicas, la cual favorece la superación del estudiante creándole una base sólida para esta asignatura de la disciplina Métodos de Análisis e Investigación. Los resultados obtenidos con la aplicación de este recurso digital han sido muy positivos en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje en las CUM de Mayabeque y Artemisa. La utilización del Exe-learning, y las herramientas y metodología de producción diseñadas por LATED han sido probadas con éxito proporcionando un entorno virtual de enseñanza aprendizaje muy aceptada por estudiantes y profesores de los CUM y la Universidad. LOS ESCENARIOS DE LA GLOBALIZACION Y LA POBREZA EN MEXICO Oscar Priego Hernández, José Félix García Rodríguez & Miguel Angel Ramírez Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco, Cuba. México es uno de los países de la OCDE en donde se pueden apreciar los impactos de las medidas económicas adoptadas en las últimas décadas. El modelo neoliberal, formalizado a partir de 1987, tiene sus éxitos como reducción de la inflación, eliminación del déficit fiscal y un moderado crecimiento económico. Sin embargo es necesario reconocer la fragilidad de tales éxitos respecto a sus costos económicos y sociales. Esto se puede apreciar en la desproporción que hay en el pobre crecimiento económico y calidad de vida de la población. Hoy los escenarios de la economía mexicana se encuentran ante una gran disyuntiva que implica buscar el crecimiento económico para generar los empleos que el país necesita o seguir con la política de mantener controladas las principales variables macroeconómicas, inflación y tasas de cambio. Ante este escenario, México enfrenta además nuevos retos como continuar financiando el gasto público mediante la renta petrolera. El verdadero reto es dejar paulatinamente la dependencia de los ingresos petroleros y para ello se requiere de la voluntad política de todos los actores. En esta investigación se plantean propuestas a manera de estrategias para mejorar la economía del país que permitan el crecimiento económico y la seguridad que los mexicanos esperan en este siglo. La metodología utilizada es de enfoque cuantitativa mediante la aplicación de técnicas de análisis para obtener información. LEVERAGING EXPERTS KNOWLEDGE TO IMPROVE DIAGNOSTICS ON AIRCRAFT ENGINE Tsirizo Rabenoro*,**, Jérôme Lacaille*, Marie Cottrell** & Fabrice Rossi** *SNECMA, Safran Group, France. **Paris 1 University Pantheon Sorbonne, France. Aircraft engines are extremely reliable thanks to the manufacturing process. Thus operational events, such as in flight shut down (IFSD) or delays and cancelation (D&C), are rare. However, there is a need to help companies optimize maintenance costs and reduce those operational events. Such events can lead to expensive unexpected maintenance costs. Moreover delays and cancelations mean troubles for customers. As a turbofan engine manufacturer, Snecma has all the knowledge required for development of efficient Health Monitoring systems. Large amount of engine related data are collected during flights. These data are analyzed to detect early signs of anomalies. According to experts, specific measurements and computation may help to identify each fault. Snecma leverages experts’ knowledge by developing algorithms designed to automatically detect early signs of anomaly. Algorithms are hard to calibrate. Extreme reliability of engines makes it difficult to maintain a low level of false alarms. Thus algorithms are constantly tuned based on experts’ knowledge and feedback. Moreover each algorithm focuses mainly on a subsystem despite the need of a diagnostic of the whole system. Once an anomaly is detected, one needs to identify the origin of the anomaly, but the dependencies between subsystems are complex to model. Sometimes, a shop visit is needed to identify the origin of the problem. In this article, we introduce a methodology that helps acquire and leverage experts’ knowledge and feedback. This methodology automatically tunes algorithms and automatically set fusion rules in order to identify the origin of the anomaly. The idea is to collect result of each analysis done by experts or during shop visit by using a labellisation tool. The current method uses a very large number of binary indicators based on algorithms designed by experts. Each indicator corresponds to the response of an algorithm with a specific set of parameters. The binary homogenization allows us to combine different kinds of algorithms. Then the best indicators are selected leading to a much reduced number of indicators that are tuned on a learning data set and then are aggregated to provide an interpretable result giving the presence of an anomaly and clues to the origin of this anomaly. This allows us, through the selection process, to automatically calibrate algorithms. The binary indicators allow human operator to make sense of the results provided by the methodology. Thus a human operator can confirm results by using the labellisation tool. And then, if a too high level of false alarm is noted, the selection and the aggregation of binary indicators can be relaunched to improve diagnostic performance with a new iteration of the learning procedure. Finally, Snecma will evaluate this procedure within the context of the developments of its future projects. MODELACION ESTADISTICA SOBRE EL EGRESO DE UNIVERSITARIOS DE CIENCIAS EXACTAS DE LA FCFM-BUAP Hortensia Reyes Cervantes*, Ana Luisa Nieto Méndez*, Fernando Velasco Luna* & Flaviano Godínez Jaimes** *Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, México. **Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero, México. Los métodos de la estadística matemática dan la posibilidad de presentar el conjunto de resultados observados en una forma completa, reducida y adecuada para su análisis. En particular el modelo de regresión logística permite explicar el comportamiento de una respuesta binaria mediante varias variables independientes explicativas de naturaleza cuantitativa y/o cualitativa. La eficiencia terminal es un indicador importante en las metas y objetivos que tienen las universidades hoy en día, aunque éstas no pueden ser primordiales porque existen otros factores relacionados. En todas las instituciones es importante conocer o estimar el periodo de estancia de los alumnos, ya que existe mucha deserción muy comúnmente en las licenciaturas de ciencias: la reprobación, rezago y deserción. Se estudiaron factores académicos para que un alumno egrese o no de alguna de las licenciaturas de ciencias exactas que se imparten en la facultad usando regresión logística. Las materias fueron 14 variables para las carreras del área de Matemáticas (Matemáticas y Matemáticas Aplicadas) y 21 para las carreras del área de Física (Física y Física Aplicada). Mediante una selección de variables, se encontraron las materias que explican el comportamiento del egreso por área y se obtuvo que aunque ingresan más hombres que mujeres en las licenciaturas, en la licenciatura del área de física, egresan más hombres y en el área de Matemáticas, egresan más mujeres. ALGORITMO GENÉTICO SEMIDIFUSO. APLICACIÓN A UN MODELO DE DETECCIÓN DEL VIH EN CUBA Lianne Rodríguez Matos*, Greter Domínguez Rodríguez** & Aymée Marrero Severo** *Instituto Superior Politécnico José Antonio Echeverría, Cuba. ** Universidad de La Habana, Cuba. En este trabajo se presenta el diseño de un Algoritmo Genético Semidifuso concebido para resolver el problema de estimación de parámetros que surge al modelar el contagio de la epidemia VIH (SIDA) en Cuba como un sistema dinámico mediante Ecuaciones Diferenciales Ordinarias (EDO). El objetivo principal del trabajo es consolidar las bases para el desarrollo en el campo de la creatividad computacional. Combinando el Algoritmo Genético Tradicional (AG) con la Lógica Difusa se aspira a mejorar la diversidad poblacional del AG de manera que se superen los problemas de convergencia prematura exhibidos en los mismos. El diseño presentado es una adaptación de un AG en el que se trabaja con una representación difusa de los individuos de la población y operadores de cruzamiento y mutación también difusos, dejando sin fuzzificar solo la función de adaptación. Para la implementación del algoritmo se utilizó C# como lenguaje de programación, Visual Studio 2012 como entorno de desarrollo y la biblioteca ALGLIB como soporte para los métodos numéricos. EVALUACIÓN DE LA POBREZA, DESARROLLO COMUNITARIO O DESARROLLO LOCAL Y EL MUNICIPIO. Lorenzo Salgado García Alejandro Jimenez Jimenez &Maritza Valdez Rodríguez Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, México. La experiencia de vinculación que se establece entre los programas de servicio social y las Universidades con las comunidades, parten de un proyecto de investigación en el municipio de San Buena Ventura Nealticán; en el marco del desarrollo del proyecto denominado “laboratorio móvil” en atención multidisciplinaria a la salud en comunidades prioritarias del Estado de Puebla. Es relevante señalar que, el grado de pobreza y marginación social que existe en el municipio, obligó a los habitantes a emigrar hacia el país vecino del norte, por lo tanto, las remesas se han ocupado del desarrollo económico local y de formación de negocios de las familias. Por ello, el objetivo del trabajo es, analizar el desarrollo de las comunidades que integran al municipio, su estructura, explotación de recursos y grado de marginación social. De igual forma determinar algunos factores que deberían ser atendidos por la administración municipal en la búsqueda de un desarrollo local equitativo, que ayude a combatir la pobreza, la migración, la marginación social entre otros problemas para el desarrollo del municipio. GUIDED DECISION PROCESSES Rakesh K. Sarin University of California, USA. The heuristics and bias research program has convincingly demonstrated that our judgments and choices are prone to systematic errors. Decision analysis requires coherent judgments about beliefs (probabilities) and tastes (utilities), and a rational procedure to combine them so that choices maximize subjective expected utility. A guided decision process is a middle-of-the-road between decision analysis and intuitive judgments in which the emphasis is on improving decisions through simple decision rules. These rules reduce cost of thinking, or decision effort, for the myriad decisions one faces in daily life; but at the same time, they are personalized to the individual and produce near optimal choices. We discuss the principles behind the guided decision processes research program, and illustrate the approach using several examples. A PRACTICAL USE OF RADIAL BASIS FUNCTIONS INTERPOLATION AND APPROXIMATION Vaclav Skala University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Czech Republic. Radial basis function, RBF, interpolation, approximation, numerical methods Interpolation and approximation methods are used across many fields. Standard interpolation and approximation methods rely on “ordering” that actually means tessellation in d-dimensional space in general, like sorting, triangulation, generating of tetrahedral meshes etc. Tessellation algorithms are quite complex in d-dimensional case. On the other hand, interpolation and approximation can be made using meshfree (meshless) techniques using Radial Basis Function (RBF). The RBF interpolation and approximation methods lead generally to the solution of linear system of equations 𝑨𝒙 = 𝒃. However, a similar approach can be taken for a reconstruction of a surface of scanned objects. In this case this leads to a system of homogeneous system of equations 𝑨𝒙 = 𝟎, when a different approach has to be taken. In this paper we describe novel approaches based on RBFs for data interpolation and approximation generally in d-dimensional space. We will show properties and differences of “global” and “Compactly Supported RBF (CSRBF)”, run-time and memory complexities. As the RBF interpolation and approximation naturally offer smoothness, we will analyze such properties as well as approaches how to decrease computational expenses. The proposed meshless interpolation and approximation will be demonstrated on different problems, e.g. inpainting removal, restoration of corrupted images with high percentage of corrupted pixels, digital terrain interpolation and approximation for GIS applications and methods for decreasing computational complexity. Experimental results will be presented as well. META-ANALYSIS OF SAFETY AND EFFICACY IN PATIENTS WITH DIABETIC FOOT ULCERS. INTERNATIONAL PROYECTION OF HEBERPROT-P®. Angela Tuero , et al. Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB), Cuba. Heberprot-P® is a novel therapeutic in patients with Diabetic Foot Ulcers (DFU), that have been extended to some regions of the world. Objective: To evaluate the results of safety and efficacy of the Heberprot-P outside Cuba in the period of 2010-2014, using the metaanalysis techniques. A meta-analysis was done allowing to integrate findings, accumulate data and identify the general tendency for efficacy variables (granulation tissue, healing and amputation) and safety: adverse events (type, intensity, seriousness and causality relation). It was included the results of the studies in 8 countries during the period 2010-2014. Q of Cochran test was used to evaluate the homogeneity between them. Depending of the data assumptions, models for fixed and random effects were adjusted. Results: Around 90% of patients had complete granulation and the 85% reached healing. The rate of major amputation was small. The safety profile was adequate. The more frequently adverse events (> 10%) were: pain and burning sensation in the application site, shivering and chills. It were predominant the events with mild and moderate intensity. There were no onco-proliferative process reported. The application of Heberprot-P in patients with DFU outside the national region maintain a positive relation benefit/ risk for the patients. SIMULACIÓN PARA EVALUAR EL TRATAMIENTO DE DATOS FALTANTES EN MODELOS DE TRANSICIÓN EN EL CONTEXTO DE ENSAYOS CLÍNICOS Rolando Uranga*, Sira Allende** & Geert Molenberghs*** * Centro Nacional Coordinador de Ensayos Clínicos, Cuba. ** Universidad de la Habana, Cuba. *** Universidad de Hasselt, Bélgica. En estudios longitudinales no se suele contar con la completitud de los datos. En este trabajo se comparan, mediante un estudio de simulación, distintos métodos para abordar la estimación bajo datos faltantes en estudios longitudinales compatibles con un modelo de transición. Se consideran mecanismos de pérdidas aleatorio de tipo abandono y completamente aleatorio de tipo intermitente. Se incursiona en mecanismos adicionales no aleatorios. Los métodos empleados incluyen casos completos, imputación por cero, imputación por la media y última observación llevada adelante. Se refinan los métodos mediante imputación por la media condicional, regresión y regresión estocástica. Tales métodos se contrastan con los de verosimilitud directa e imputaciones múltiples. Se valora la bondad de cada uno en términos del porciento de pérdidas, que se garantiza mediante un algoritmo de base empírica construido al efecto. Se introduce un criterio cualitativo que permite realizar una valoración rápida y clara de cada método, mediante su clasificación en Excelente, Bien, Regular o Mal. Se obtiene de este modo un simulador, escrito en el lenguaje IML (Interactive Matrix Language) de SAS (Statistical Analysis System), que permite realizar la evaluación. Se concluye que los métodos de imputación ingenua producen estimadores sesgados. Métodos de imputación simple refinados como regresión estocástica, muestran comportamiento aceptable para bajos porcientos de pérdidas aunque subestiman los parámetros de variabilidad. El método de casos completos muestra buen comportamiento. Verosimilitud directa e imputaciones múltiples son los métodos de mejor comportamiento. DISEÑO DE UN PROCEDIMIENTO PARA LA PLANIFICACIÓN Y CONTROL DE LA PRODUCCIÓN HACIENDO USO DE HERRAMIENTAS MATEMÁTICAS Idalianys Urquiola Garcia*, Amelia Tamayo Garcia* * Instituto Superior Politécnico “José Antonio Echeverría”, CUJAE. Cuba. The production planning is an ongoing process designed to determine in advance decisions to optimize the use of productive resources. It is nothing but the sales forecast for a time horizon, the way of finding the combination of productions, stocks and global resources of the company, which manage to fulfill the demand at its best. Manufacturing companies demand radical changes to achieve the required quantity and quality of their productions and respond to market needs quickly, being necessary to do so the correct choice of planning system and production control. The practical application of either tool depends on the classification of the production system. Currently, there is no procedure that allows the selection of the correct mathematical tool for planning and control to be applied in manufacturing companies. The proposed procedure allows companies through the scores given to the implementation of a multi-criteria approach, identifying and selecting the mathematical tool that best suits your needs; taking into account the characteristics of the production system, the planning horizon and its classification according to the way of managing the flow of production. Among the proposed planning tools can be counted: Material Requirements Planning (MRP and MRP II), Hierarchical Production Planning (HPP), Linear Programming, Multiobjective Optimization, Information Cards (Kanban) Constant Work in Process (Conwip), Models and Process Simulation. CONTRAST ENHACEMENT FOR DIGITAL MAMMOGRAPHY IMAGES BASED ON WAVELETS Damián Valdés Santiago, Daniel Mesejo León, Ángela León Mecías * Universidad de La Habana, Cuba. For Cuban women the highest rate of cancer mortality correspond to the breast cancers. 1% of breast cancers occur in men. The most effective tool for reducing mortality is prevention through early diagnosis to the study of asymptomatic women. As benefits of mammography screening a reduction of 25 % is observed in the mortality rate from breast cancer. The detection of micro calcifications (usually small and very white dots) in the breast may be an early cancer or further development of the same sign. Mammography can go unnoticed between 10 % and 25 % of tumors, among other factors due to poor image quality due to low radiation. This paper aims to study the effect of wavelet based algorithms to improve image contrast digital mammography, e.g. simple, threshold, correlation and local correlation algorithms. TIEMPO AL DETERIORO DE LOS SCORES DE CALIDAD DE VIDA COMO UNA MODALIDAD DE ANÁLISIS LONGITUDINAL PARA PACIENTES CON CÁNCER DE CABEZA Y CUELLO TRATADOS CON NIMOTUZUMAB. Carmen Viada et al. Centro de Ingeniería Molecular, Cuba. El Centro de Inmunología Molecular (CIM) es uno de los centros del Polo Científico de Cuba dedicado a la investigación, desarrollo, producción y comercialización de productos biotecnológicos humanos. Nimotuzumab es un anticuerpo monoclonal que reconoce el receptor del factor de crecimiento epidérmico con una alta afinidad para el tratamiento del cáncer, y representan una clase prometedora de nuevos fármacos contra el cáncer. En este tipo de tratamientos es importante contar con información acerca de la percepción de la calidad de vida que el propio paciente tiene respecto de su tratamiento como complemento a indicadores clínicos de supervivencia en la evaluación de eficacia. Objetivo: evaluar el tiempo al deterioro de los score de calidad de vida QLQ-C30 (instrumento genérico para cáncer) y QLQ-HN35 (instrumento específico para cáncer de cabeza y cuello). Material y métodos: Se evaluaron las respuestas a las encuestas de calidad de vida QLQC30 y QLQ- HN35 de 237 pacientes diagnosticadas con cáncer de cérvix incluidas en un ensayo clínico con el nimotuzumab un receptor del factor de crecimiento epidérmico bloqueado terapia. Se estimó el tiempo para el 5%, 10%, 20% y 30% de deterioro de la calidad de vida con respecto a su valor basal para los 15 scores del QLQ-C30 y los 18 scores del QLQ-HN35 propuestos por la EORTC. Resultados y Conclusiones: El tiempo al deterioro resultó ser superior para el grupo experimental comparado con el grupo control. Los pacientes tratados con Nimotuzumab además de tener una mayor supervivencia, tienen mejor calidad de vida. LANGUAGE RIGHTS: A WELFARE-ECONOMICS APPROACH Bengt-Arne Wickström Andrássy-Universität Budapest, Hungary. We analyze normatively determined distributions of language rights in multilingual settings. A concave cost structure in the number of beneficiaries of providing rights leads to a critical-mass criterion for determining the optimal rights structure. It is further shown in a welfare-maximizing model where rights influence the status of a language, which in turn influences the preferences for language rights that the “naive” cost-benefit analysis has to be augmented in various directions. In an efficiency analysis, this has its roots in the intergenerational transfer of language use and the endogeneity of preferences. In a welfaremaximizing approach, the redistribution goals further modify the analysis. POPULATION SAMPLING FUZZY John Jairo Zabala Corrales & Dicleny Castro Carvajal University of Tolima – Colombia. The theory of fuzzy sets, introduced by Zadeh (1965), has become a good alternative as it concerns the modeling world, this based on the idea that the key elements of human thinking are not numbers but labels language that allow objects to pass to belong flexibly from one class to another, allowing you to have multiple possibilities of interpretation. Initially the basic concepts of fuzzy logic arise, then a presentation on populations and samples is diffuse, then the way is shown as the arithmetic mean and all parameters are estimated in simple random sampling, in order to compare the way to estimate in diffuse samples fuzzy finite populations, this using indices Kaufmann (1975) as estimators. Plenary Lecturers Michael Ahlheim has been professor of Environmental Economics, Regulatory and Consumer Policy at the Institute of Economics of the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart since 2001. Before that, he was professor of Environmental Economics at the Brandenburg Technical University in Cottbus. He holds a doctoral degree in economics (Dr. rer. pol.) and habilitation degree (Dr. rer. pol. habil.) from the University of Heidelberg. His research covers different topics from environmental economics, but also from regulatory and consumer policy. His main field of research is the economic valuation of environmental changes with a special focus on contingent valuation and choice experiments. As a member of the Collaborative Research Center (Sonderforschungsbereich) No. 565 of the German Science Foundation (DFG) on "Development and Valuation of Disturbed Landscapes" (2001-2003) and the International Collaborative Research Center No. 564 of the German Science Foundation on "Sustainable Land Use and Rural Development in Mountainous Regions of Southeast Asia" (2003-2012) as well as of several interdisciplinary research groups financed by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) he conducted empirical environmental valuation studies in different countries like China, Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines and Germany. Prof. Dr. Michael Ahlheim Institute of Economics University of Hohenheim, Germany James J. Cochran is Professor of Applied Statistics and the Rogers-Spivey Faculty Fellow in the Department of Information Systems, Statistics, and Management Science of the University of Alabama’s Culverhouse College of Commerce and Business Administration. He earned a PhD in Statistics from the University of Cincinnati and has been a Visiting Scholar with Stanford University, University of South Africa, Universidad de Talca, and Pôle Universitaire Léonard De Vinci. Professor Cochran’s research interests include sample based and Bayesian optimization, statistical methods (particularly general linear models), statistical learning, and applications to sports. Professor Cochran has served as a consultant for many companies, government agencies, Culverhouse College of Commerce & Business and NPOs. He co-founded Statistics Without Borders, and he established Administration and has organized INFORMS’ Teaching Effectiveness Colloquium series University of Alabama, USA and annual Case Competition as well as an International Education Workshop series which has taken place in Uruguay, South Africa, Colombia, India, Argentina, Kenya, Cameroon, and Croatia. He was the General Chair of the 2005 INFORMS Conference and organized and chaired the 2008 ORPA Conference on Using Operations Research to Address Urban Prof. Dr. James J. Cochran Transport and Water Resource Management Issues in Africa. Professor Cochran is founding Editorin-Chief of the Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and the Management Sciences and the Wiley Series in Operations Research and Management Science. He was 2007-2012 Editor-in-Chief of INFORMS Transactions on Education and he currently serves on the editorial boards for several journals. In 2006 Professor Cochran was elected to the International Statistics Institute, in 2008 he received the INFORMS Prize for the Teaching of OR/MS Practice, in 2010 he received the Mu Sigma Rho Statistical Education Award, and in 2011 he was named a Fellow of the American Statistical Association. In 2014 the American Statistical Association presented Professor Cochran with its Founders Award, the highest honor bestowed by the ASA. Marcos José Negreiros Gomes, is Associate professor at Universidade Estadual do Ceará (UECE). He obtained his doctoral degree at Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. He had a Post-Doctoral fellowship at Université de Montreal. Prof. Negreiros coordinates the Professional Master in Science course MCOMP-UECE/IFCE. He is a CNPq researcher who focusses in mathematical programming for combinatorial problems, parallel programming, graph theory, algorithms, data structures, and GIS. In 2005 he obtained the IFORS Prize in Development. He works with systems to integrate information for dengue disease Prof. Marcos José Negreiros Gomes, Universidade Estadual do Ceará (UECE Brazil Dr. Joseph Rynkiewicz is Associate Professor Université Paris-I Member of the SAMM Research Center, France and control, health systems, garbage collection, planning and scheduling multi-projects, parallel optimization, dynamic graph problems, routing and location. He is the coordinator of the CAPES-MÊS Cuba Project. Joseph Rynkiewicz is associate professor at the Université Paris-I and member of the SAMM research center. Dr Rynkiewicz's research focuses on asymptotic properties of statistical estimator as well as practical applications of new statistical tools like artificial neural networks, hidden Markov models and Bayesian networks. His publications range from asymptotic studies of models under loss of identifiability to forecast of ozone peaks and exceedance levels using neural classifiers and weather predictions. He also worked for industrial applications like speed of wing prediction for wind farm project. He teaches theoretical statistics, data mining, survey and computing from license to Master at the Université Paris-I. He joined this University after earning his PhD in applied mathematics in 2000. Main Lecturers L. Robin Keller is the 2015 President of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS, www.informs.org). Prof. Keller’s research focuses on developing techniques for analyzing decisions. Her decision analysis research spans the areas of multiple attribute decision making, fairness, perceived risk, and planning protection against terrorism, environmental, health, and safety risks. She is a Full Professor of Operations and Decision Technologies in the Paul Merage School of Business at the University of California, Irvine, USA. She teaches management science to Health Care Executive MBAs, decision analysis to MBAs, and decision theory to doctoral students. She joined UCI in 1982 after earning her M.B.A. and Ph.D. in management science from UCLA. She has Prof. Dr. L. Robin Keller served many roles in the school, including the Doctoral Program Paul Merage School of Business Director and Associate Dean (for the Full-time MBA Program University of California, USA and for Research). She was Program Director for the NSF Decision, Risk, and Management Science Program. Dr. Keller was the Editor-in-Chief of Decision Analysis from 2007-2012, a founding Director-at-large of INFORMS, TIMS Vice President-Finance and Council member, and Decision Analysis Society Chair. She became an INFORMS Fellow in 2004 and received the 2006 Kimball Medal from INFORMS. Mauro Oliveira Mauro Oliveira is Professor at the Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia do Ceará (IFCE), in (Brazil), since 1974, and Professor of the Profissional Master of Science Program at the Universidade Federal do Ceará (UECE), in Brazil. He was a Guest Professor of the DEA Program at the Université de Technologie de Troyes (2003). He also gave lectures in the Département D’Informatique at the Université Claude-Bernard, Lyon 1 (1991). Born on 4 September 1954, Mauro Oliveira holds a M.Sc in Electrical Engineering from the Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) and a Ph.D in Computer Science from the Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI, France). He then carried out a postdoctoral stage at the Centre for Telecommunication Research (CTR) at the King’s College of London (2003). Recently, he finished another postdoctoral stage at the School of Information Technology and Engineering (SITE), University of Ottawa (Canadá).He participated of the first meeting (1988) for the implementation of the Internet in Brazil and was member of the CGI.BR (Manager Committee of the Internet Brazil). He was also chairman of the XIV SBRC-Brazilian Symposium of Computer Networks (1996), of the XX SEMISH Brazilian Symposium of Hardware and Software (1999) and of other important conferences in Brazil Fátima Sombra Universidad Federal de Ceara. List of Participants Agüero Zardón, L. (Cuba): Aplicación del método CDS secuencial para el rediseño de las rutas de distribución en una fábrica productora de helado. Ahlheim, M. (Germany): The economic valuation of changes in land use towards more sustainability – an empirical example from southwest China. Allende, S. (Cuba): Simulación para evaluar el tratamiento de datos faltantes en modelos de transición en el contexto de ensayos clínicos. Allende, S.(Cuba):Teaching OR in different contexts. António, L. A. (Angola): Participant. Arcos, A. (Spain): The use of landline and cell-phone in health surveys. Arcos, M del M. (Spain): The use of landline and cell-phone in health surveys. Arcos, M del M. (Spain): Gender analysis of medical professionals in Spanish public universities. Arguello Ortíz, Á. F. (Mexico): Conversatorio Internacional sobre el Análisis de Grandes Volúmenes de Datos Textuales. Baguer, M.L. (Cuba): Las transformadas de Watershed y Waterfall para la segmentación de imágenes de la aduana. Baltazar, J.C. (Mexico):Employment of new graduates in the Mexican labor market (Case Study, University of the State of Mexico). Baltazar, J.C. (Mexico): Econometric & statistical response model applied to socioeconomical careers at uaem. C. U. Valle de México. Betancourt Bethencourt, J. (Cuba): Entrenamiento en análisis epidemiológicos para estudiantes de Medicina. Bouza G., (Cuba): A comparison between smoothing and regularization approaches for MPCC. Bouza, C. (Cuba): Ratio type estimation using the knowledge of the auxiliary variable for ranking and estimating. Caamal Cauich. I. (Mexico): Behavior of agricultural interest rates in Mexico. Caamal Cauich. I. (Mexico): Seasonality of Mexico Persian lime prices. Castro Alva, J.J. (Mexico): Cálculos de los tamaños de prueba y niveles de significancia ajustados para la prueba de Blackwelder. Castro Carvajal, D. (Colombia): Population sampling fuzzy. Cochran, J. J (USA): Active learning: reengaging and reenergizing your students and their instructor! Cochran, J. J (USA): The education generation gap: confronting and embracing the challenges that growing computing power and new technology present to applied mathematics education. Collier, I. L. (Germany): Distribution and redistribution in a downton abbey economy. Díaz, L. (Mexico).:Promedio Bayesiano de Modelos en Salud: una revisión Echevarria Molina, C. (Cuba): Statistical analysis in the evaluation of intensity of knowledge work. Eduardo, A, (Angola): Análisis de desempeño académico de los estudiantes en la asignatura de estadística en la Universidad Pedagógica de Benguela – República de Angola. Estévez-Velarde, S. (Cuba): Wikipedia as a corpus for text mining. Estévez-Velarde, S. (Cuba): Influence en twitter: a proposal based on clustering. Estévez-Velarde, S. (Cuba): Influencia del uso de medidas de similaridad semántica para el proceso de minería de opinión en Twitter. García de Armas, D. (Cuba): Herramienta computacional para la planificación de rutas en el problema de enrutamiento de vehículos considerando una flota heterogénea. García Rodríguez, J. F. (Mexico): Calculate characterization of monopsonic degree into the waste solid market in large metropolitan of Brazil. García Rodríguez, J. F. (Mexico): Los escenarios de la globalización y la pobreza en México. Garcia, J. F. (Mexico): Entrenamiento en análisis epidemiológicos para estudiantes de Medicina. Garcia, J.F. (Mexico): Pobreza y otros determinantes socio-económicos y financieros del acceso a vivienda de interés prioritario en América Latina. El caso colombiano. Gaviño, G. (Mexico): Employment of new graduates in the Mexican labor market (Case Study, University of the State of Mexico). Gaviño, G. (Mexico): Econometric & statistical response model applied to socioeconomical careers at UAEM. C. U. Valle de México. Gonçalo B. Primo, Rilton Brazil: Calculate characterization of monopsonic degree into the waste solid market in large metropolitan of Brazil. Hernández, S. (Mexico): Conversatorio Internacional sobre el Análisis de Grandes Volúmenes de Datos Textuales. Hillman, A. (Germany): Participant. Jay, S. (USA): Teaching multi-objective multi-stakeholder decision modeling with cases. Kauffmann, C. (Canada): A GPU frameworks to compute supervoxels in large medical images. Keller, L.R. (USA): Teaching multi-objective multi-stakeholder decision modeling with cases. Klunover, D. (Germany): The theory of sequential lotteries. Koné, M.I.(France): Pontryagin maximum principle in optimal control with delay in state space. Laborde, M (Mexico): Conversatorio Internacional sobre el Análisis de Grandes Volúmenes de Datos Textuales. Lage-Castellanos, A. (Cuba): Inference of source origin in epidemics and water distribution systems. Lapa, J. (Mexico): Employment of new graduates in the Mexican labor market (Case Study, University of the State of Mexico). León Mecías, A. (Cuba): Movement detection using wavelet. Leon, A. (Cuba): Contrast enhacement for digital mammography images based on wavelets. Limia, L. (Cuba): Una estrategia por vecindades para el problema de enrutamiento de vehiculos con compartimentos López Segovia, L. (Mexico): Prognostic factors for cervical cancer patients in Tabasco, México Marrero, A. (Cuba): Algoritmo genético semidifuso. Aplicación a un modelo de detección del VIH en Cuba Matías Castillo, B.C. (Mexico): Análisis de correlación canónica usando algoritmos genéticos Mesejo León, D. (Cuba): Contrast enhacement for digital mammography images based on wavelets. Monterrey, P.(Colombia): Caracterización de la distribución de los valores p de las pruebas paramétricas en poblaciones normales. Negreiros, N. (Brazil): Capacitated centered clustering problem: applications, models, exact and metaheuristic methods. Oliveira, M. (Brazil): Evolving an intelligent framework for decision- making process in ehealth systems. Oller Alonso, M. (Ecuador): Conversatorio Internacional sobre el Análisis de Grandes Volúmenes de Datos Textuales. Piad-Morffis, A. (Cuba): Wikipedia as a corpus for text mining. Piad-Morffis, A. (Cuba): E-buffer. A GPU friendly space partitioning based on bounding volume hierarchy of empty-spaces suitable for raycasting applications. Priego Hernández, O. (Mexico): Los escenarios de la globalizacion y la pobreza en Mexico. Rabenoro, T. (France): Leveraging experts’ knowledge to improve diagnostics on aircraft engine. Reyes, H. (Mexico): Cálculos de los tamaños de prueba y niveles de significancia ajustados para la prueba de Blackwelder Reyes-Cervantes, H. (Mexico): Modelación estadística sobre el egreso de universitarios de ciencias exactas de la FCFM-BUAP. Rueda, M del M. (Spain): Un estudio estadístico sobre el uso problemático del móvil y personalidad. Rynkiewicz, J. (France): Assessment of the influence of education level on voting intention for the extreme right in France. Salgado, L. (Mexico): Evaluación de la pobreza, desarrollo comunitario o desarrollo local y el municipio. Sánchez, A. (Mexico): Employment of new graduates in the Mexican labor market (Case Study, University of the State of Mexico). Sánchez, A. (Mexico): Econometric & statistical response model applied to socioeconomical careers at UAEM. C. U. Valle de México. Santiago, A. (Mexico): Ratio type estimation using the knowledge of the auxiliary variable for ranking and estimating. Sarin, R. K. (USA): Guided decision processes. Sautto, J.M. (Mexico): Ratio type estimation using the knowledge of the auxiliary variable for ranking and estimating. Sistachs, V. (Cuba): Promedio Bayesiano de Modelos en Salud: una revisión. Skala, V. (Czech Republic): A practical use of radial basis functions interpolation and approximation. Sombra Medeiros, F. (Brazil): Processing: applications in health care and remote sensing of environment. Tamayo Garcia, A. (Cuba): Diseño de un procedimiento para la planificación y control de la producción haciendo uso de herramientas matemáticas. Tuero A. (Cuba): Meta-analysis of safety and efficacy in patients with diabetic foot ulcers. International projection of Heberprot-p®. Uranga, R. (Cuba): Simulación para evaluar el tratamiento de datos faltantes en modelos de transición en el contexto de ensayos clínicos. Ursprung, H. W. (Germany): Participant. Vázquez Alfonso, Y. (Cuba): Hiperentorno basado en objetos de aprendizaje destinado a la asignatura Análisis de Datos (Estadística) para la Carrera de Cultura Física. Viada, C. (Cuba): Tiempo al deterioro de los scores de calidad de vida como una modalidad de análisis longitudinal para pacientes con cáncer de cabeza y cuello tratados con Nimotuzumab. Wickström, B. A (Hungary): Language rights: a welfare-economics approach. Zabala Corrales, J. J. (Colombia): Population sampling fuzzy. Notes Notes Notes Notes