Subido por Fernanda Flores [Durango HS]

The Most Dangerous Game Worksheet: One Pager Activity

Name:______________________________________________________________________ Date: ________________ Period: _____________
The Most Dangerous Game One Pager
A one pager is a way for you to show your knowledge of a story in a more visual, creative way.
When you create a one pager, you are trying to use both visual symbols and important words to
clearly and concisely share your more important takeaways from a text.
For this one pager, you will be focusing on Richard Connell’s short story “The Most Dangerous
Here is what your one pager MUST INCLUDE:
In the top left box, include a direct quote from the text describing the setting of the
story. Following this quote, an image is to be drawn to reflect the given description. You
may draw the picture of said setting and incorporate the quote within your drawing.
In the top right box, include a quote describing General Zaroff’s appearance. Then,
make an inference about Zaroff’s personality based on how he is described. Lastly,
draw a picture of what he looks like based on the quoted description.
In the bottom left box, find a quote indicating General Zaroff’s motives in hunting. What
does he hunt? Why is this his preference? Create an inference based on the quote
Your border will focus on the text’s connection to the essential question. What does
“The Most Dangerous Game” tell us on what is takes to survive?
In the bottom right box, you will provide a summary of “The Most Dangerous Game”
and summarize the key parts of the story.
Your one pager should be colorful! Consider your one pager to be appealing to the eyes of those
who are to see it.