Reliable anatomic fixation of AC joint 实现可靠生物学解剖固定 Hangzhou Rejoin Mastin Medical Device Co., Ltd 22 Xinyan Rd., Yuhang Economic Development Zone, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, 311100, P. R. of China 杭州锐健马斯汀医疗器材有限公司 中国杭州余杭经济技术开发区新颜路22号, 311100 T +86 571 2626 8788 @rejoin @rejoin @rejoin @rejoin_medical ETButton® AC 肩锁关节脱位钛板固定系统 Clinical Benefits of ETButton® AC ETButton® AC钛板固定系统的临床优势 AC joint anatomic reduction is achieved by flexible loop fixation 弹性固定,允许微动,实现解剖复位 Simplify arthroscopic procedure with minimal invasion 操作简单、创伤小 No secondary surgery required 无需取出内固定物 AC Joint Reconstruction Tools AC重建专用工具 Arthroscopic visualization for easy and precise operating 镜下操作,精准定位,便于建立骨隧道 2.4mm drill delivers smaller tunnels to minimize the risk of bone collapses 2.4mm钻头,隧道更小,降低锁骨、喙突骨折的风险 Cannulated drill allows for one-step tunnel drilling and suture passing 内外套钻设计,一次钻取,直接穿线,简化手术操作 ETButton® AC 四叶草钛板 Four-leaf clover design eases loading 2 WilSuture® Tapes, leading to stronger flexible fixation 四叶草设计,可装载2根圆扁线,更安全可靠的弹性固定 Large size precontoured button maximizes contact area, reducing the risk of bone collapses 大尺寸解剖凸面设计,更佳的骨面贴合,降低锁骨及喙突应力骨折风险 Laser mark for accurate button loading 激光标记线,便于钛板正确安装 WilSuture® Tape 圆扁线 Multiple WilSuture® Tapes feature outstanding tensile strength for AC joint reduction 多线带应用提供更高的肩锁关节复位固定强度 Silicon coating makes knot-tying easy and secures knots 硅涂层处理,打结更容易、结更牢靠