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High School Drama: Andres and Ana Play Script

Rodriguez 1
Sergio V. Rodríguez
Ms. Soto
Language and Literature
3 May 2024
Andres and Ana
Scene 1 Robinson’s Outdoor Court
[Enter Andres and Derek in Robinson School sitting on a bench in the outdoor basketball court
in lunch time.]
Andres: I can’t believe it. Why does this sadness come as unexpectedly as a robber? Derek, you
don’t understand how depressed I am. Why did Gianna need to leave me here all alone, alone,
and alone again. I just don’t get it. She was the only one I’ll love.
Derek: (aside) This guy is so stupid. It is just a girl bro.
Andres: (shouting angerly) Derek, tell me what I should do to forget her please!
[The bell rings and they stand up to go to class.]
Derek: Ring! I think that is the sound to move on!
[He falls and both starts laughing.]
Derek: Lets just enjoy the game tomorrow. And I’m sure there are more girls in our school.
Andres: Bro, it’s Robinson School. You know the girls here. I don’t think there is someone else.
Derek: What about the other school in the game tomorrow?
Andres: Are you crazy? No one likes the Saint Jhon’s “Canes” bro. You know it is our rival
Derek: And you know the girls there are hot! But jokes aside, I get you.
Scene 2 Robinson vs Saint Jhons
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[Enter Ana from Saint Jhons, Andres, Derek, and the commentator.]
Andres: (cheering) Go Gustavo you can do this!
commentator: Gustavo goes for a layup and… He gets punched by a player from Saint Jhons?
What is happening? People are running in and… fighting?
[All the people get off the benches and fights in the court. Only Andres and Ana stay in the
Andres: (aside looking at Ana) Who is that beautiful girl in green? I had never seen someone
more astonishing… I can’t go talk to her. I am too scared. This is someone from my rival team.
What should I do?
Ana: (stands up and goes to Andres) Hi, my name is Ana. What is your name? I’m surprised one
person else didn’t stand up to fight. You are cute, by the way. Just so you know.
Andres: Wow, I thought you were cute too. I wanted to say hi since I entered and saw you.
[Enter Fortes the Chief Police of the town. Everyone stops to fight.]
Fortes: Well, well, another fight between the two schools. “El classico.” You know the song that
goes, “Today, Ill say you may start to stray away.” Yeah, this is what I’ll say to you one more
time. If you fight again by the slightest amount, the causers of the fight will be forced to leave
their schools, and neither the “Canes” nor the “Hawks” will be able to visit each other’s schools.
I am sick and tired of these stupid fights. Do you know how exhausting this job is? I just want
peace and you ruin it. This is why all are punished.
Andres: (aside to Ana) keep this bracelet. This will let you enter my school.
Ana: (aside to Andres) Keep this bracelet. It will let you come by anytime you want. Let’s keep
this a secret because I honestly fell in love, but it will be hard to do this. Let’s just try, you
know? By the way, meet me at the back of my school so we can talk for a sec.
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Andres: Ok, I’ll see you tomorrow.
Scene 3 Basketball 1v1
[This scene occurs at lunch time in Saint Jhons outdoor court. Enter Andres, Sergio, Derek, and
Sergio: I already know what happened, Andres.
Andres: What do you mean?
Sergio: You want to date my best friend Ana and exchanged entry bracelets with her. I’ll be nice
and give you options, beat me in a basketball 1v1, the first to make a three pointer, or never see
Ana again. You know we don’t like “Hawks” visiting at lunch time.
Ana: Please, Sergio, you don’t need to do this.
Andres: Let’s get into it, Derek, be the ref.
Derek: Are you ready? On your marks, get set, go!
[Andres Scores the three pointer effortlessly]
Sergio: What? How is this possible? You made the first three pointers?
Derek: This is a pretty ugly situation…
Scene 4 the revenge in the back of the school
[This scene develops in the back of Saint Jhons. Enter Andres and Sergio.]
Andres: (Screaming) Ana, Ana?
Sergio: You beat me in a 1v1, but at what cost. They moved out to United States.
Andres: Is this why she wasn’t here yesterday?
Sergio: Yes, and you will not see her again.
Andres: (Runs to his house crying and exits)
[enter Ana]
Ana: Hey Sergio! Have you seen Andres over here?
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Sergio: I don’t think so.
Scene 5 Andres gives up.
[Andres arrives at his house in the deep, dark woods. Enter Andres and Lucia, his mom.]
Andres: Mom, did you know that Ana left school?
Lucia: (excitedly) Honey, were you? I missed you so much.
Andres: Ma-Mom, she left the school… I refuse to go another day to any school. I will study
here. I can’t handle this. I will not talk with any girl ever again!
Lucia: It is okay boy; I understand and I’m sure a good teacher! We can stay here.
Scene 6 Ana gives up.
[Enter Ana and her babysitter Claudia.]
Ana: I can’t believe it… Claudia, I suffered going to school all this time, and when I found the
person created for me, he leaves the school. I will never go back to school. (screaming) You will
never ever understand this.
Claudia: Wait, calm down, everything is going to be fine. Just remember you are a big,
beautiful, and bold person. Don’t let it bring you down!
Ana: Impossible. I will live with this sadness and regret for the rest of my life.
Scene 7 Forte’s police office
[Enter Fortes alone in his office chair]
Fortes: (aside) I remember that day, when all the Robinson and Saint Jhons students fought. I
just can’t believe that the only two people I saw staying on the benches full of joy and love
avoiding the horrible fight, were the ones they showed me were gone. What a story of sorrow
between these two people that won’t be repeated. Their eyes were full of love and hope, but after
all, this is a world full of hate and misery.
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Ring = onomatopoeia
Oxymoron = pretty ugly
Aliteration= B
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