Christmas Advent Prayer NOVENA DE NAVIDAD The Novena is a devotion, consisting of a prayer said over nine successive days from December 16th to December 24th. La Novena de Aguinaldos is a preparation or advent prayer for Christmas telling us what had happened through the nine Month pregnancy of the Virgin Mary . . La Novena de Aguinaldos is a family affair, it’s a get-together to enjoy Christmas around the nativity . Sharing this tradition is not always with the family, it’s also shared with friends, neighbors La Novena es una devoción que consiste en oraciones que se rezan durante 9 dias, comienza Diciembre 16 y termina Diciembre 24. La Novena es una preparación para la Navidad, nos dice lo que sucedió durante los 9 meses que la Virgen Maria estuvo esperando al Niño Jesús. La Novena es una actividad familiar , es la alegria de reunirse para disfrutar la Navidad.. Esta tradición no solo es para hacerla con la familia sino tambien con amigos y vecinos. HOW TO PRAY THE NOVENA Begin with the Sign of the Cross and start with the “Prayer for Every Day.” PRAYER FOR THE SPECIFIC DAY Then every day we finish the session with individual prayers. • Prayer to the Blessed Virgin • Prayer to St. Joseph • Christmas Songs • The Memorare to the Child Jesus COMO REZAR LA NOVENA Comenzamos con el signo de la Cruz y rezamos la oración para todos los dias. SE REZA LA ORACION DEL DIA QUE CORRESPONDE . Terminamos con las siguientes oraciones que se rezan todos los dias Oración a la Santisima Virgen Oración a San José Canciones de navidad Oración al Niño Jesús Prayer for Every Day Most gracious God of infinite charity, that have loved all mankind, you gave us in your child the best pledge of your love, that once made Him a man in the womb of a Virgin and born in a manger for our health and cure; I, on behalf of all mortals, give you infinite thanks for so sovereign benefit. In exchange of Him, I will offer the poverty, humility and other virtues of your incarnated Son, I beseech you for His divine merits, for the discomforts of His birth and the tender tears He shed in the manger, also prepare our hearts with deep humility, passion, and with such contempt of all earthly things, so that the newborn Jesus has in them his crib and dwell forever. Amen. (Pray three times Glory Be) Oración para todos los días Benignísimo Dios de infinita caridad, que tanto amasteis a los hombres, que les dísteis en vuestro hijo la prenda de vuestro amor, para que hecho hombre en las entrañas de una Virgen naciese en un pesebre para nuestra salud y remedio; yo, en nombre de todos los mortales, os doy infinitas gracias por tan soberano beneficio. En retorno de él os ofrezco la pobreza, humildad y demás virtudes de vuestro hijo humanado, suplicándoos por sus divinos méritos, por las incomodidades en que nació y por las tiernas lágrimas que derramó en el pesebre, que dispongáis nuestros corazones con humildad profunda, con amor encendido, con tal desprecio de todo lo terreno, para que Jesús recién nacido tenga en ellos su cuna y more eternamente .Amén. Se reza tres veces el Gloria al Padre. PRAY : DAY 1, DAY 2, DAY 3, DAY 4, DAY 5, DAY 6, DAY 7, DAY 8, DAY 9. REZAR EL DIA 1, DIA 2, DIA 3, DIA 4, DIA 5, DIA 6, DIA7, DIA 8, DIA 9. AFTER THE PRAYER OF EACH DAY, WE READ : DESPUES DE LA ORACION DE CADA DIA LEEMOS : 1.- Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary Sovereign Mary, that for your great virtues and especially for your humility, you have deserved that all a god had chosen you to be His Mother, I beg that you yourself prepare and arrange my and everyone’s soul at this time of praying this advent pray (Novena), for the spiritual birth of your beloved Son. Oh sweet mother!, Convey to me something of the deep meditation and divine tenderness of your awaiting, so that we should do less unworthy of him, love him and adore him for all eternity. Amen. (Pray three times the Hail Mary) 1.- Oración a la Santísima Vírgen Soberana María que por vuestras grandes virtudes y especialmente por vuestra humildad, merecisteis que todo un Dios os escogiese por madre suya, os suplico que vos misma preparéis y dispongáis mi alma y la de todos los que en este tiempo hiciesen esta novena, para el nacimiento espiritual de vuestro adorado hijo. ¡Oh dulcísima madre!, comunicadme algo del profundo recogimiento y divina ternura con que lo aguardasteis vos, para que nos hagáis menos indignos de verle, amarle y adorarle por toda la eternidad. Amén. (Se reza tres veces el Avemaría). 2.- Prayer to St. Joseph Oh Blessed Joseph, husband of Mary and foster father of Jesus! Infinite thanks be to God that has chosen you for as sovereign mysteries and adorned you with all the gifts provided to so excellent greatness. I beseech you for the love you had to the Divine Child, hold me in earnest wishes to see him and receive him sacramentally, while I see His divine essence and joy in heaven. Amen. (Pray one Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory) 2.- Oración a San José ¡Oh santísimo José, esposo de María y padre adoptivo de Jesús! Infinitas gracias doy a Dios porque os escogió para tan soberanos misterios y os adornó con todos los dones proporcionados a tan excelente grandeza. Os ruego, por el amor que tuvisteis al Divino Niño, me abracéis en fervoroso deseos de verle y recibirle sacramentalmente, mientras en su divina esencia le veo y le gozo en el cielo. Amén. (Se reza un Padrenuestro, un Avemaría y un Gloria). 3.- The Memorare to the Child Jesus Prayer By Venerable Sister Margaret of the Blessed Sacrament. Remember, Oh most sweet Child, Jesus!, you said to the Venerable Margaret of the Blessed Sacrament, and through her to all your devotees, these words so comforting for our poor, burdened and suffering humanity: “Anything you want to ask, ask for it by the merits of my childhood and nothing will be denied.” Full of confidence in you, oh Jesus!, that you are the same truth, we come to lay before all our misery. Help us to lead a holy life, to get a blessed eternity. Grant us by the infinite merits of your childhood, the grace of which we need both. We surrender to you, oh omnipotent Boy!, We are confident that you will not missed our hope, and that under your divine promise, you will welcome and favourably dispatch our prayer. Amen. 3.- Oración al Niño Jesús Acordados ¡Oh dulcisimo Nino Jesus! Que dijiste a la Venerable Margarita del Santisimo Sacramento, y en persona suya a todos tus devotos, estas palabras tan consoladoras para nuestra pobre humanidad agobiada y doliente: “Todo lo que quieras pedir, pidelo por los meritos de mi infancia y nada te será negado”. Llenos de confianza en Tí ¡Oh Jesus, que eres la misma verdad! Venimos a exponerte toda nuestra miseria. Ayudadnos a llevar una vida santa, para conseguir una eternidad bienaventurada. Concedenos, por los meritos de tu encarnacion y de tu infancia, la gracia... de la cual necesitamos tanto. Nos entregamos a Tí ¡Oh Nino omnipotente! Seguros de que no quedará frustrada nuestra esperanza, y de que en virtud de tu divina promesa, acogeras y despacharas favorablemente nuestra suplica. Amen. Specific Day Prayers Day 1 – December 16th In the beginning of time the Word was resting in the bosom of his Father at the top of heaven, in there He was the cause, along with the model of the creation. In those depths of an untold eternity remained the Child of Bethlehem; before He deigned to descend to Earth and visibly taken possession of the grotto of Bethlehem. Here is where we have to look for His beginnings that have never beginning, hence we date the genealogy of eternity, which has no ancestors and contemplate the life of infinite satisfaction there He had. The life of the eternal Word in the bosom of his Father was a wonderful life and yet sublime mystery!, Find another home, another ready-made mansion. It was not because in his eternal mansion there was missing something to his infinite happiness, but because his infinite mercy longed for redemption and salvation of mankind, that without Him we could not verified it. Adam’s sin had offended God and that infinite offence could not be condoned but by the merits of the same God. The race of Adam had disobeyed and deserved eternal punishment, it was therefore necessary to save it and meet its fault, that God, without leaving heaven, take the form of man on Earth and obeys the will of his Father atone that disobedience, ingratitude and rebellion. Consideraciones para cada dia Dia primero Diciembre 16 En el principio de los tiempos el Verbo reposaba en el seno de su Padre en lo más alto de los cielos: allí era la causa, a la par que el modelo de toda creacion. En esas profundidades de una incalculable eternidad permanecía el Nino de Belen. Allí es donde debemos datar la genealogia del Eterno que no tiene antepasados, y contemplan la vida de complacencia infinita que allí llevaba. La vida del Verbo Eterno en el seno de su Padre era una vida maravillosa y sin embargo, misterio sublime, busca otra morada en una mansion creada. No era porque en su mansion eterna faltase algo a su infinita felicidad sino porque su misericordia infinita anhelaba la redencion y la salvacion del genero humano, que sin El no podria verificarse. El pecado de Adan habia ofendido a un Dios y esa ofensa infinita no podria ser condonada sino por los meritos del mismo Dios. La raza de Adan habia desobedecido y merecido un castigo eterno; era pues, necesario para salvarla y satisfacer su culpa que Dios, sin dejar el cielo, tomase la forma del hombre sobre la tierra y con la obediencia a los designios de su Padre, expiase aquella desobediencia, ingratitud y rebeldia. Day 2 – December 17th The Eternal Word is about to take its nature created in the Holy House of Nazareth where Mary and Joseph lived. When the shadow of the divine secret came to glide over Mary, She was alone engulfed in prayer. She spent the silent hours of the night in closer union with God and while She was praying, the Word took up his abode created. However, He didn’t come unexpectedly, before appearing He sent a messenger, who was the Archangel Gabriel, to ask Mary from God Her consent to the Incarnation. The Creator did not wish to make this great mystery without the consent of his creature. That moment was very solemn. It was optional for Mary to decline… Which adorable treats; With what unspeakable indulgences await the Holy Trinity that Mary opened her lips and pronouns the fiat that should be soft melody to their ears, and which conformed to her deep humility to that omnipotent divine will! The Immaculate Virgin has endorsed. The Archangel has disappeared. God has assumed a created nature, the eternal will is fulfilled and the whole creation consummated. The Word was made flesh, and though still invisible to the world, dwells among mankind and his great love has come to rescue. Dia segundo - Diciembre 17 El Verbo eterno se halla a punto de tomar su naturaleza creada en la santa Casa de Nazaret en donde moraban Maria y José. Cuando la sombra del secreto divino vino a deslizarse sobre ella, Maria estaba sola concentrada en la oracion. Pasaba las silenciosas horas de la noche en la union mas estrecha con Dios y mientras oraba, el Verbo tomó posesion de su morada creada. Sin embargo, no llegó inopinadamente; antes de presentarse envió un mensajero, que fue el Arcangel San Gabriel, para pedir a Maria de parte de Dios su consentimiento para la encarnacion. El Creador no quiso efectuar este gran misterio sin la aquiescencia de su criatura. Aquel momento fue muy solemne. Era potestativo en Maria el rehusar... ¡Con qué adorables delicias. Con qué inefables complacencias aguardaria la Santisima Trinidad a que Maria abriese los labios y pronunciase el Si que debió ser suave melodia para sus oidos, y con el cual se conformaba su profunda humildad a la omnipotente voluntad divina! La Virgen Inmaculada ha dado su asentimiento. El Arcangel ha desaparecido. Dios se ha revestido de una naturaleza creada; la voluntad eterna está cumplida y la creacion completa. El Verbo se ha hecho carne, y aunque todavia invisible para el mundo, habita ya entre los hombres que su inmenso amor ha venido a rescatar. Day 3 – December 18th It had begun incarnated life for Jesus the Child. Let us account the glorious soul and the Holy Body he had taken, to worship them deeply. Admire first the soul of the Divine Child, consider it the fullness of its beatific knowledge, by which from the first moment of His life saw more clearly the divine essence than all angels and read the past and the future with all their arcane and knowledge. From the Soul of the Child Jesus we now turn to his body, which was a world of wonders, a masterpiece of God’s hand. He wanted Him to be small and weak like all children and subject to all the inconveniences of childhood, to become more like us and participate in our humiliations. The beauty of the body of the Divine Child was beyond anything ever have imagined, and divine blood in his veins began to flow from the incarnation time, which was the one that washed all stains from guilty world. Let us ask Him to wash our stains in the sacrament of penance for the day of his happy Christmas (navidad) (birth) found us purified, forgiven and willing to receive Him with love and spiritual profit. Dia tercero : Diciembre 18 Así había comenzado su vida encarnada el Nino Jesús. Consideremos el alma gloriosa y el Santo Cuerpo que había tomado, adorándolos profundamente. Admirando en primer lugar el alma de ese divino Nino, consideremos en ella la plenitud de su ciencia beatifica, por la cual desde el primer momento de su vida vio la divina esencia más claramente que todos los angeles y leyó lo pasado y lo porvenir con todos sus arcanos y conocimientos. Del alma del Nino Jesús pasamos ahora a su cuerpo, que era un mundo de maravillas, una obra maestra de la mano de Dios. Quiso que fuese pequeno y debil como el de todos los ninos y sujeto a todas las incomodidades de la infancia, para asemejarse mas a nosotros y participar en nuestras humillaciones. La belleza de este cuerpo del Divino Nino fue superior a cuanto se ha imaginado jamas, y la divina sangre que por sus venas empezó a circular desde el momento de su Encarnecion, es la que lavó todas las manchas del mundo culpable. Pidamosle que lave las nuestras en el sacramento de la penitencia para que el dia de su dichosa Navidad nos encuentre purificados, perdonados y dispuestos a recibirle con amor y provecho espiritual. Day 4 – December 19th From the womb of his mother the Child Jesus started to implement His entire submission to God, which continued without any interruption throughout His live. He adored his Eternal Father, He loved him, He submitted to his will, accepting with resignation the state in which He was, knowing all His weaknesses, all His humiliation and all His discomforts. Who of us would like to go back to a similar state and with full enjoyment of reason and reflexion?, Who could hold, knowingly so long, a martyrdom, so painful in anyway?. Through there the Divine Child came in His painful and humble career, and began to annihilate before his Father, to show us what God deserves from his infant, He came to atone (keep watch on) our pride, the source of all our sins, and make us feel crime and pride disorder. We want to make a real prayer; let us start to form an exact notion by watching the Child in the womb of his mother, the Divine Child pray and pray in the most excellent way. He does not speak, does not meditate or melts in tender affections. On This state, He accepted the intention of honoring God, through his prayer and on His state He highly expressed all that God deserves and how it wishes to be worshipped by us. Dia cuarto - Diciembre 19 Desde el seno de su Madre comenzó el Niño Jesus a poner en practica su eterna sumision a Dios, que continuó sin la menor interrupcion durante toda su vida. Adoraba a su Eterno Padre, le amaba, se sometia a su voluntad; aceptaba con resignacion toda su debilidad, toda su humillacion, todas sus incomodidades. ¿Quien de nosotros quisiera retroceder a un estado semejante con el pleno goce de la razon y de la reflexion? Por ahí entró el Divino Nino en su dolorosa y humillante carrera; así empezó a anonadarse delante de su Padre; a ensenarnos lo que Dios merece por parte de su criatura; a expiar nuestro orgullo, origen de todos nuestros pecados. ¿Deseamos hacer una verdadera oracion? Empecemos por formarnos de ella una exacta idea, contemplado al Nino en el seno de su Madre. El Divino Nino ora y ora del modo mas excelente. NO habla, no medita, ni se deshace en tiernos efectos. Su mismo estado, lo acepta con la intencion de honrar a Dios, en su oracion y en ese estado expresa altamente todo lo que Dios merece, y de qué modo quiere ser adorado por nosotros. Day 5 – December 20th We have seen the life that the Child Jesus carried in the womb of his most pure Mother; let us also see today the life that Mary lead during the same period of time. Today we need to understand through Her feelings, and as far as possible to our limited capability, the sublime mysteries of the Incarnation and the way we have to reciprocate it. Mary never stopped wondering for the time that She would enjoy that terrestrial beatific vision, the face of God incarnate. She was about to see that human face that would light up the sky for all eternity, She was going to read filial love in those same eyes whose rays should spread happiness forever to the elected millions. She was going to see His face every day, every hour, every moment, for many years. She was going to see him in presumed ignorance of childhood, in the charms of his youth and reflective serenity of mature age… She would do anything He wanted to do, She could cuddle Him with all the freedom of maternal love; cover him with kisses over his lips which should pronounce the judgement to all men; She could contemplate His face as She like during His sleep or awake, until She had memorized it… how ardently She wished that day!. Such was the expectation of Mary… it was unprecedented in itself, but not so ceased to be part of a Christian life. Let us not be content admiring Jesus living in Mary, but rather let us admire how He was essence, power and presence. Dia quinto – Diciembre 20 Ya hemos visto la vida que llevaba el Nino Jesus en el seno de su purisima Madre; veamos hoy la vida que lleva tambien Maria durante el mismo espacio de tiempo. Maria no cesaba de aspirar el momento en que gozaria de esa vision beatifica terrestre, la faz de Dios encarnado. Estaba a punto de ver aquella faz humana que debia iluminar el cielo durante toda la eternidad. Iba a leer el amor filial en aquellos mismos ojos cuyos rayos deberia esparcir para siempre la felicidad en millones de elegidos. Iba a verle en la ignorancia aparente de la infancia, en los encantos particulares de la juventud y en la serenidad reflexiva de la edad madura. Tal era la vida de expectativa de Maria! Era inaudita en sí misma, mas no por eso dejaba de ser el tipo magnifico de toda vida cristiana. No nos contentemos con admirar a Jesus residiendo en Maria, sino pensamos que en nosotros también reside por esencia, potencia y presencia. Day 6 – December 21st Jesus was conceived in Nazareth, home of Joseph and Mary, where he was believed to be born, in all probability. But God had arranged differently and the prophets had foretold that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem, the city of David. To fulfill this prediction, God used a method that seemed to have no connection with the prophecy, namely the order given by the Emperor Caesar Augustus, that all the subjects of the Roman Empire census in the place where they originated. Mary and Joseph, who were descendants of David, were not exempt from going to Bethlehem. Neither the status of Our Lady or the need that Joseph had of daily secure livelihood, could exempt them from this long and arduous journey, in the most rigorous and uncomfortable season of the year. Jesus does not ignore the place where He must be born and inspires His parents to surrender to divine guidance, and unconsciously made them attend to the execution of the God’s plans. Let us learn that who is dedicated to God do not belong to themselves but follows the will of God. Dia sexto – Diciembre 21 Jesus habia sido concebido en Nazaret, domicilio de José y Maria, y allí era de creerse que habia de nacer, segun todas las probabilidades. Má Dios lo tenia dispuesto de otra manera, y los profetas habian anunciado que el Mesias nacería en Belen de Judá, ciudad de David. Para que se cumpliese esta predicción, Dios se sirvió de un medio que no parecia tener ninguna relacion con este objeto, a saber: la orden dada por el emperador Augusto de que todos los subditos del imperio romano se empadronasen en el lugar de donde eran originarios. Maria y José como descendientes que eran de David, estaban obligados a ir a Belen. No ignoraba Jesus en qué lugar debia nacer y así inspira a sus padres que se entreguen a la Providencia, y que de esta manera concurran a la ejecución de sus designios. Almas interiores, observad este manejo del Divino Nino, porque es el más importante de la vida espiritual: aprended que el que se haya entregado a Dios ya no ha de pertenecer a sí mismo, ni ha de querer si no lo que Dios quiera para el. Day 7 – December 22nd Let us imagine the journey of Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem, carrying with them an unborn, the Creator of the universe made man. Let us contemplate humanity and obedience of the Divine Child that even from Jewish race and having loved his people for centuries with an unaccountable penchant, Who obeys a foreign prince who is part of the population census of his province, as if for Him had something that flattered in that circumstance, and He wanted to rush to seize the opportunity to become an official and authentically subject at the time when He was coming to the world. The yearning to Joseph, the expectation of Mary, are a thing which no human language can express. The Eternal Father is, if we may use this expression, adorably eager to give his only Son into the world, and to see him take his place among the visible creatures. The Holy Spirit is burning to present to the light of day this sacred humanity so beautiful that He himself has formed so special and with divine care. Dia séptimo – Diciembre 22 Representemonos el viaje de Maria y José hacia Belen, llevando consigo aun no nacido, al creador del universo, hecho hombre. Contemplemos la humildad y la obediencia de ese Divino Nino, que aunque de raza judia y habiendo amado durante siglos a su pueblo con una predileccion inexplicable obedece así a un príncipe extranjero que forma el censo de poblacion de su provincia, como si hubiese para el en esa circunstancia algo que le halagase, y quisiera apresurarse a aprovechar la ocasión de hacerse empadronar oficial y autenticamente como subdito en el momento en que venia al mundo. El anhelo de José, la expectativa de Maria son cosas que no puede expresar el lenguaje humano. El Padre Eterno se halla, si nos es licito emplear esta expresion, adorablemente impaciente por dar a su hijo unico al mundo y verle ocupar su puesto entre las criaturas visibles. El Espiritu Santo arde en deseos de presentar a la luz del dia esa santa humanidad, que El mismo ha formado con divino esmero. Day 8 – December 23rd Joseph and Mary arrived to Bethlehem, seeking accommodation in the inns, but they are already found all busy, and because they are discriminate because of their poor looking. However, this can not disturb the inner peace that is fixed in God. Joseph felt surprise when he was rejected from house to house, and because He thought of Mary and the Child, He smiled also so calmly when he setted his eyes on his chaste wife. The unborn child rejoiced on those negative response which were the prelude to his future humiliations. Each voice rough, the slam of each closed door before them, was what he had come for. The desire of these humiliations was what had helped him to take human form. O divine Child of Bethlehem! These days that so many (people) have been at parties and entertainment or comfortable resting softly in rich mansions, your parents have been to a day of fatigue and abuse of all kinds. Oh! Bethlehem’s spirit is that of a world that has forgotten God. How many times has also we been like them The sun sets on December 24 behind the rooftops of Bethlehem and its last rays gild the tops of steep rocks surrounding it. Rude men rub roughly the Lord in the streets of this village east, and close their doors after seeing his mother, The dome of heaven appears glitter over those hills frequented by shepherds. The stars will appear one after another. Within a few hours will come the eternal Word. Dia octavo - Diciembre 23 Llegan a Belen José y Maria buscando hospedaje en los mesones, pero no encuentran, ya por hallarse todos ocupados, ya porque se les deshace a causa de su pobreza. Empero, nada puede turbar la paz interior de los que estan fijos en Dios. Si José experimentaba tristeza cuando era rechazado de casa en casa, porque pensaba en Maria y en el Nino, sonreiase tambien con santa tranquilidad cuando fijaba la mirada en su casta esposa. El ruido de cada puerta que se cerraba ante ellos era una dulce melodia para sus oidos. Eso era lo que habia venido a buscar. El deseo de esas humillaciones era lo que había contribuido a hacerle tomar la forma humana. Oh! Divino Nino de Belen! Estos dias que tantos han pasado en fiestas y diversiones o descansando muellemente en comodas y ricas mansiones, ha sido para vuestros padres un dia de fatiga y vejaciones de toda clase. ¡Ay! el espiritu de Belen es el de un mundo que ha olvidado a Dios. ¡Cuantas veces no ha sido también el nuestro! Ponese el sol el 24 de diciembre detras de los tejados de Belen y sus ultimos rayos doran la cima de las rocas escarpadas que lo rodean. Hombres groseros, codean rudamente al Senor en las calles de aquella aldea oriental y cierran sus puertas al vea a su Madre. La boveda de los cielos aparece purpurina por encima de aquellas colinas frecuentadas por los pastores. Las estrellas van apareciendo unas tras otras. Algunas horas mas y aparecerá el Verbo Eterno Day 9 – December 24th The night closed entirely in the plains of Bethlehem. Discarded by men, and homeless, Mary and Joseph have left the inhospitable town and have taken refuge in a grotto that was at the foot of the hill. The ass that had served to the Queen of the Angels as a humble ride during the trip was still following her. Inside the grotto they found a willing ox, probably left there by one of the walkers who had come to look for a shelter in the city. The Divine Child, unknown to his rational creatures, will have to resort to the irrationals creatures, to praise for their warm breath to warmed the cold clime of the winter night, and manifest with this their humble attitude, respect and adoration that Bethlehem had been denied Him. The redish lantern that Joseph had on in his hand dimly lit the very poor enclosure, the manger full of hay is prophetic picture of the wonders of the altar, and also the intimate union and prodigious eucharistic that Jesus has to engage with men. Mary is praying in the middle of the grotto, and so silently are passing the hours of that night filled with mystery. But midnight has come, and suddenly we see within that manger, shortly before empty, the Divine Child expected, predicted, desired for four thousand years with ineffable longing. At His feet prostrates his Blessed Mother, submerged in worship from which nobody can have idea. Joseph also comes over and pays tribute with this he officially inaugurates his mysterious and imponderable role of foster father to the Redeemer of men. A multitude of angels descend from the heavens to contemplate that wonder unparalleled, they burst their joy and leave harmonies vibrate in the air of in Excelsis Glory that echoes of worship that occurs around the Almighty, made it perceptible for a moment to the ears of the poor Earth. Called by them, shepherds of the region come in droves to worship the newborn and present their humble offerings. Shines in the East the mysterious star of Jacob, and it begins the “Wise Men” splendid procession to Bethlehem, who in a few days come to lay at the feet of the Divine Child gold, frankincense, and myrrh, they are symbols of love, worship and mortification. Oh beloved Child! We too, who have made this novena to prepare your day of Christmas, we want to offer our poor worship. Do not reject it! Come to our souls, come to our hearts full of love! Ignite on them devotion to your holy continuous childhood but limited to the time of your Christmas, always and in all times; this devotion practiced faithfully and zealously propagated, lead us to eternal life, freeing us from sin and sowing all the Christian virtues. AMEN Dia noveno – Diciembre 24 La noche ha cerrado del todo en las campinas de Belén. Desechados por los hombres y viendose sin abrigo, Maria y José han salido de la inhospitalaria poblacion, y se han refugiado en una gruta que se encontraba al pie de la colina. Seguia a la Reina de los Ágeles el jumento que le habia servido de cabalgadura durante el viaje y en aquella cueva hallaron un manso buey, dejado ahí probablemente por alguno de los caminantes que habia ido a buscar hospedaje en la ciudad. El Divino Nino, desconocido por sus criaturas va a tener que acudir a los irracionales para que calienten con su tibio aliento la atmosfera helada de esa noche de invierno, y le manifiesten con esto su humilde actitud, el respeto y la adoracion que le habia negado Belen. La rojiza linterna que José tenia en la mano iluminaba tenuemente ese pobrisimo recinto, ese pesebre lleno de paja que es figura profetica de las maravillas del altar y de la intima y prodigiosa union eucaristica que Jesus ha de contraer con los hombres. Maria está en adoracion en medio de la gruta, y así van pasando silenciosamente las horas de esa noche llena de misterios. Pero ha llegado la media noche y de repente vemos dentro de ese pesebre antes vacio, al Divino Nino esperado, deseado durante cuatro mil años con tan inefables anhelos. A sus pies se postra su Santisima Madre en los sumergida en adoracion de la cual nada puede dar idea. José tambien se le acerca y le rinde el homenaje con que inaugura su misterioso e imperturbable oficio de padre putativo del redentor de los hombres. La multitud de angeles que descienden del cielo a contemplar esa maravilla sin par, deja estallar su alegria y hace vibrar en los aires las armonias de esa "Gloria in Excelsis", que es el eco de adoracion que se produce en torno al trono del Altisimo hecha perceptible por un instante a los oidos de la pobre tierra. Convocados por ellos, vienen en tropel los pastores de la comarca a adorar al "recien nacido" y a prestarle sus humildes ofrendas. Ya brilla en Oriente la misteriosa estrella de Jacob; y ya se pone en marcha hacia Belen la caravana esplendida de los Reyes Magos, que dentro de pocos dias vendran a depositar a los pies del Divino Nino el oro, el incienso y la mirra, que son simbolos de la caridad, de la oración y de la mortificación. Oh, adorable Nino! Nosotros también los que hemos hecho esta novena para prepararnos al dia de vuestra Navidad, queremos ofreceros nuestra pobre adoracion; no la rechaceis: venid a nuestras almas, venid a nuestros corazones llenos de amor. Encended en ellos la devocion a vuestra Santa Infancia, no intermitente y solo circunscrita al tiempo de vuestra Navidad sino siempre y en todos los tiempos; devocion que fiel y celosamente propagada nos conduzca a la vida eterna, librandonos del pecado y sembrando en nosotros todas las virtudes cristianas. AMEN CHRISTMAS SONGS VILLANCICOS