Approval of director “Neither the director nor the jurors of the present work are responsible for the ideas and conclusions exposed within this document; they are exclusive of its authors”. Florencia- Caquetá, November 2024. 10th graders’ perceptions of their EFL learning process mediated through ICT tools during the COVID-19 lockdown at Institución Educativa Juan Bautista Migani. Jeniffer Xiomara Barrios Sánchez Cod.2010089572 Laureth Lisneidy Lopez Vargas Cod.1920088631 Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Foreign Language with Emphasis on English (BAFLEE) at Universidad de la Amazonia Universidad de la Amazonia Faculty of Educational Sciences Bachelor of Arts in Foreign Language with Emphasis on English Florencia, Caquetá 2024 10th graders’ perceptions of their EFL learning process mediated through ICT tools during the COVID-19 lockdown at Institución Educativa Juan Bautista Migani. Jeniffer Xiomara Barrios Sánchez Cod.2010089572 Laureth Lisneidy Lopez Vargas Cod.1920088631 DIRECTOR: M.A. Paola Julie Aguilar Cruz Universidad de la Amazonia Faculty of Educational Sciences Bachelor of Arts in Foreign Language with Emphasis on English Florencia, Caquetá 2024 Dedications Jeniffer Barrios To my mother, the person I love the most and a fundamental pillar in my life, I thank her for always guiding me on the best path and for being by my side in every moment of need. My sincere thanks also go to the teachers who have supported us throughout this process, especially our advisor, who has given us the opportunity to carry out this research in the most meaningful way possible. To my research partner, I thank her for sharing sleepless nights and moments of stress in the realization of this research. Finally, I thank God, who has been my constant guide on this professional path. Laureth Lopez First of all, I want to thank God because he has allowed me to get to this point in my life and my career. I also want to thank my dad for encouraging me to continue when I no longer wanted to continue, my grandmother for always being aware of everything I needed and who always prepared my food for me so that I would not go to university on an empty stomach. And finally I want to dedicate this writing to my mom who was the source of inspiration for this project, although she is no longer with me she was my strength and inspiration to move forward and make her feel proud of the daughter she raised, who despite not being in flesh and blood and that her memory will live in my heart until the last day of my life. Acknowledgments We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all those who supported us throughout this research. Special thanks to our advisor, M.A. Paola Julie Aguilar Cruz, for her invaluable guidance and encouragement. We also appreciate the teachers at Institución Educativa Juan Bautista Migani, whose insights were crucial in shaping our understanding of the EFL learning process during the COVID-19 lockdown. Our families deserve recognition for their unwavering support and motivation. Lastly, we thank our peers for their collaboration and shared experiences, which enriched this research. Abstract This study investigates the perceptions of 10th graders regarding their English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learning experiences mediated through Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) during the COVID-19 lockdown. The sudden shift to online education necessitated the use of various digital tools, prompting a need to understand their impact on students' learning processes. Utilizing a survey conducted among students at Institución Educativa Juan Bautista Migani, the research reveals mixed responses about the effectiveness of ICT tools in enhancing language skills. While many students reported improved ICT competencies, a significant portion felt that these tools did not substantially aid their English learning or motivation. This study aims to provide insights into the challenges and advantages of using ICT in EFL education during unprecedented times, contributing to future pedagogical strategies. Keywords: EFL, ICT tools, COVID-19 lockdown, student perceptions, English learning. Resumen Este estudio investiga las percepciones de los alumnos de 10º curso sobre sus experiencias de aprendizaje de inglés como lengua extranjera (EFL) mediadas por las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) durante el cierre de COVID-19. El cambio repentino a la educación en línea hizo necesario el uso de diversas herramientas digitales, lo que provocó la necesidad de comprender su impacto en los procesos de aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Utilizando una encuesta realizada entre los estudiantes de la Institución Educativa Juan Bautista Migani, la investigación revela respuestas contradictorias sobre la eficacia de las herramientas TIC en la mejora de las competencias lingüísticas. Mientras que muchos estudiantes reportaron una mejora en sus competencias TIC, una porción significativa sintió que estas herramientas no ayudaron sustancialmente a su aprendizaje del inglés o a su motivación. Este estudio pretende aportar ideas sobre los retos y las ventajas del uso de las TIC en la enseñanza del inglés como lengua extranjera en tiempos sin precedentes, contribuyendo así a futuras estrategias pedagógicas. Palabras clave: EFL, herramientas TIC, confinamiento por COVID-19, percepciones de los estudiantes, aprendizaje del inglés. Summary This study investigates the perceptions of 10th-grade students regarding their experiences learning English as a Foreign Language (EFL) mediated by Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) during the COVID-19 lockdown. The sudden shift to online education necessitated the use of various digital tools, prompting a need to understand their impact on students' learning processes. Utilizing a survey conducted among students at Institución Educativa Juan Bautista Migani, the research reveals mixed responses about the effectiveness of ICT tools in enhancing language skills. While many students reported an improvement in their ICT competencies, a significant portion felt that these tools did not substantially aid their English learning or motivation. This study aims to provide insights into the challenges and advantages of using ICT in EFL education during unprecedented times, contributing to future pedagogical strategies. Keywords: EFL, ICT tools, COVID-19 lockdown, student perceptions, English learning. Table of contents Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 14 Chapter I ................................................................................................................................................ 16 The Research Problem............................................................................................................................. 16 Problem Statement .............................................................................................................................. 16 Research Question .................................................................................................................................. 20 Rationale ............................................................................................................................................ 21 Objectives ........................................................................................................................................... 23 General Objective ............................................................................................................................ 23 Specific Objectives .......................................................................................................................... 23 Chapter II ............................................................................................................................................... 24 Theoretical Framework............................................................................................................................ 24 State of the Art .................................................................................................................................... 24 Conceptual Framework ........................................................................................................................ 30 Conceptualizing English as a Foreign Language................................................................................. 30 Information and Communication Technology tools............................................................................. 32 Chapter III .............................................................................................................................................. 34 Methodological Design............................................................................................................................ 34 Research Design.................................................................................................................................. 34 Setting and participants ........................................................................................................................ 34 Data Collection Instruments ................................................................................................................. 35 Research Phases .................................................................................................................................. 36 Chapter IV.............................................................................................................................................. 37 Data Analysis and Findings ...................................................................................................................... 37 Data Analysis Procedures ..................................................................................................................... 37 Data triangulation ................................................................................................................................ 38 Findings and Discussion ............................................................................................................................ 2 Challenges faced by 10th graders in EFL learning during the COVID-19 lockdown ................................... 2 Perspectives on adaptation and support in online learning environments .................................................... 6 Chapter V ............................................................................................................................................... 13 Conclusions and Pedagogical Implications ................................................................................................ 13 Conclusions ........................................................................................................................................ 13 Pedagogical Implications ..................................................................................................................... 14 Recommendations and Implications for Future Research ........................................................................ 15 References.............................................................................................................................................. 17 List of Figures Figure 1. Question No. 1. Do you feel that you had the necessary tools for your English language learning process during the pandemic? .......................................................................................... 17 Figure 2. Question No. 2. Did the technological tools used by the teacher help improve my English learning skills?................................................................................................................................ 18 Figure 3. Question No. 3. Do you consider that the strategies used during the English class motivated you to learn the language? ............................................................................................. 18 List of Tables Table 1. Basic information about the participants………………………………………………...34 Table 2. Research categories and subcategories………………………………………………….39 Introduction This research was designed with the purpose of exploring 10th graders’ perceptions of their English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learning mediated through Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) tools during the COVID-19 lockdown. In the years 2020 and 2021, due to the outbreak of COVID-19, education was forced to use technology to continue academic activities. Therefore, previous studies (Ariyanti, 2020) have highlighted the relevance of researching students’ perceptions and strategies in online learning during the COVID-19 lockdown. Hence, it is necessary to recognize the impact of ICT tools on students’ EFL learning to consider the benefits and obstacles of implementing digital tools. Classes in a physical classroom had to be modified to virtual classes as a strategy to replace face-to-face learning in that time of crisis. As a result, it was mandatory to use the technology to support the learning process (Rojas, 2021). Since the year 2010, The Ministry of National Education (MEN) created the National Program for the Use of Media and Information and Communication Technologies (MTIC). Correspondingly, the General Law of Education (1994) and the Law of Science, Technology, and Innovation in Colombia (2009) established that education in technology and information technology had to meet quality standards. Nevertheless, the implementation of these public policies was limited to projects based on the use of computers and/or tablets. Consequently, it is significant for our regional context to explore the use of ICT tools on students’ EFL learning, specifically those who experienced virtual classes during the COVID-19 lockdown. This research is divided into five chapters. The first chapter deals with the problem statement, research question, rationale, and objectives. The second chapter presents the theoretical framework that includes state of the art, and conceptual framework. The third chapter entails the methodological design, which contains the research design, setting and participants, data collection instruments, and the research phases. The fourth chapter introduces the data analysis and findings that includes the data analysis and findings, data triangulation and the identification to the recurring patterns and outcomes. The five chapter focuses on the conclusions, pedagogical implications, as well as recommendations and implications for future research. Finally, the last section is the references. Chapter I The Research Problem Problem Statement Information and communication technologies (ICT) are those information resources that facilitate access to information and communication. ICT became more noticeable in 2020 due to the outbreak of COVID-19. To this respect, Apriani et al. (2020) and Apriani et al. (2022) expressed that due to the lockdown caused by COVID-19, the educational system moved to a digitalized mode. Consequently, ICT became the resource used to meet the educational needs at that time to develop the lesson plans, methods, processes, content, and assessment. Regarding this aspect, Alkamel and Chouthaiwale (2018), Çakici (2016), Jayanthi and Kumar, (2016) pointed out that ICT is a significant teaching method to enhance foreign language acquisition integrated with technological tools. In our role as students at Universidad de la Amazonia in times of COVID-19 lockdown, we had to experience this model of virtual education where we could see how the Colombian educational sector faced many challenges in its search for alternatives to enable students to continue with their learning process. The implementation of ICT resulted in providing continuity to educational training; however, these tools did not facilitate social interaction. To this respect, Vygotsky (1978) states that language learning comes from social interactions. Therefore, when these technological trends are applied to foreign language teaching and learning, challenges persist in integrating them into EFL classrooms. Due to the different students’ economic and technological contexts at that time, each one experienced their EFL learning in distinct conditions. In our research, we sought to explore 10th graders’ perceptions of their EFL learning mediated by ICT tools during the COVID-19 lockdown at Institución Educativa Juan Bautista Migani. Prior studies (Ariyanti, 2020) have pointed out the relevance of researching on students’ perceptions, readiness, and strategy in online learning during the COVID-19 lockdown. Hence, our research idea emerged from the curiosity to inquire and understand 10th graders’ perceptions of ICT tools in their English classes during the 2020 and 2021 COVID-19 lockdowns and how this new “normality” post-2022 influenced their EFL learning. To further support our research concern, we designed a survey using Google Forms (see Appendix 1). The survey included six questions related to the use of ICT, as well as the strategies and support provided to students during the lockdown. Upon analyzing the survey responses, we found that nearly all students improved their ICT skills, likely due to having the necessary technological tools during their EFL classes. This is evident in Figure 1, where the majority of students responded affirmatively to the question." Figure 1 Question No. 1. Do you feel that you had the necessary tools for your English language learning process during the pandemic? . It is important to note that the ICT used by the teacher served as a tool to enhance students’ skills. When appropriate programs and strategies were used, skills such as listening, speaking, and reading could be improved, especially since most students had internet access and some ICT resources. However, the results from the survey indicated that more than fifty percent of the students did not perceive improvements in their skills through the technological tools provided by the teacher. This highlights the necessity to enhance these aspects, ensuring that the EFL learning process leads to improvements in the English skills of the students (see Figure 2). Figure 2 Question No. 2. Did the technological tools used by the teacher help improve my English learning skills? On the other hand, students expressed that the technological tools applied by the teacher did not have a significant impact on their EFL learning (see Figure 3). This implies that the strategies implemented in class did not enhance motivation, even though this is a relevant factor for the efficiency of the learning process. Figure 3 Question No. 3. Do you consider that the strategies used during the English class motivated you to learn the language? It is fundamental to mention that the academic flexibility for submitting activities provided by teachers during the COVID-19 lockdown was mainly positive according to 10th graders’ responses. Given the technological and family conditions at the time, students likely became more independent, as they did not have the direct assistance of teachers as they were accustomed to in the classroom. To sum up, our research was inspired by the COVID-19 lockdown, a time that forced a sudden switch to online learning and the use of ICT tools in EFL classes. As researchers, we were intrigued by the challenges this presented to both students and teachers. Seeing how technology became crucial, we wanted to explore how 10th graders felt about using ICT for their English learning. Their experiences during this period can provide valuable insights into improving EFL education in our increasingly digital world. Research Question Given the previously stated problem, we have formulated the following research question: What are 10th graders’ perceptions of their EFL learning process mediated through ICT tools during the COVID-19 lockdown? Rationale To understand this rational, it is necessary to highlight the impact of ICT in EFL during the COVID-19 lockdown, which affected educational institutions around the world. For that reason, implementing ICT tools was a significant strategy to continue with the learning process (Apriani et al., 2022; Apriani et al., 2020). On the other hand, Rahim (2019) states that EFL at this time is influenced by technological advances that attract students. In that sense, a reconfiguration of educational approaches is needed to carry out adequate educational practices so that EFL students’ learning is not disrupted, considering the new modernity caused by the COVID-19 lockdown. This research was designed to explore 10th graders’ perceptions of their EFL learning, considering that due to the COVID-19 lockdown, many advantages and disadvantages were faced in the new online educational modality implemented by educational institutions nationally and internationally. Based on Bagata (2020) and Rojas (2021), ICT revolutionized education making it more adaptable and allowing more personalized learning. However, Rahim and Chandran (2021) discuss the challenges in implementing online education. In that sense, as students, we were able to experience the online modality from our perspective, and from the perspective of our mothers who were teachers. We witnessed how suddenly a change in teaching strategies had to be made; in this way, we realized the benefits and obstacles that were presented with the use of ICT at the educational level throughout the lockdown. Thus, with this research we sought to explore the perceptions of EFL students regarding their learning mediated through ICT tools. Also, to identify the advantages and disadvantages of the use of digital tools in education based on the students' appreciations. The above being developed in the context of COVID-19 lockdown. This research process provided information about ICT application process to the EFL students through learning practices applied in COVID-19. This study also contributed to understanding EFL learning during lockdown because it allowed visualizing students’ perceptions about the use of technology. These perceptions were used to understand the use of technology in the students’ learning process. Likewise, the study allowed us to analyze students’ perceptions during the COVID-19 pandemic, considering the use of technology and pedagogical changes. The results obtained contributed to the theoretical, practical, and pedagogical training of EFL students. In this way, we could understand the students’ perceptions of the implementation of ICT in their EFL learning process during the COVID-19 pandemic. Finally, this research process was important owing to the fact that this type of exploration had not been carried out in Caquetá contributing to regional research and, above all, providing new knowledge to people who intend to inquire about this stage that humanity lived in a local context. The construct of EFL learning is based under the legal framework in Colombia, which is determined according to the General Education Law (Law 115 of 1994). The National Bilingualism Plan, which considers the different levels of English teaching in the educational context; Law 1651 of 2013 also known as Bilingualism Law. Clearly, these laws are subject to modifications according to the context in which they are developed to achieve adequate levels of EFL education in Colombia. Objectives General Objective To explore 10th graders’ perceptions of their EFL learning process mediated through ICT tools during the COVID-19 lockdown. Specific Objectives • To determine the ICT tools that the 10th graders used during the COVID-19 lockdown to attend their online EFL classes. • To describe the experiences and challenges faced by 10th graders in using ICT tools for EFL learning during the COVID-19 lockdown. • To analyze 10th graders’ attitudes and feelings towards the effectiveness of ICT tools in enhancing their EFL learning during the COVID-19 lockdown. Chapter II Theoretical Framework State of the Art This section entails an overview of research studies related to this research concerns. This is done to establish the relevance of the constructs presented in this study in different teaching contexts at national and international levels without involving the regional level because no studies were found that related to the constructs of this research. The studies presented were taken from the following sources: Veda’s Journal of English Language and Literature-JOELL; Google Scholar; Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning; Scielo; Institutional Repository – Universidad del Externado; Indonesian Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistic (IJELTAL). Concerning EFL learning and ICT tools, Rojas (2021) developed a case study in which the author describes what the implementation of ICTs reveals in eighth graders about their learning of English during the COVID-19 pandemic through their perceptions. The author relied on surveys and semi-structured interviews in which 43 students participated for data collection. The data revealed the contribution of ICT to the diversification of the curriculum due to the exploration of new types of texts, platforms, and websites. Likewise, ICTs contribute to student interaction and motivation through gamification and, at the same time, strengthen the evaluation and grading processes to provide immediate feedback. ICT tools are presented as a facilitator in the personalization and adaptation of the contents, impacting the practices and teaching of English. This study was meaningful to our research, in the sense it provides a better understanding of the positive aspects of ICT in education with respect to how students’ learning becomes more efficient for them. The study developed by Bagata (2020) explored English as a foreign language (EFL) students’ perception of the use of online learning platforms during the COVID-19 pandemic. The researcher opted for a quantitative approach using a survey design. The study sample consisted of 80 sixth form English Education students from Universitas Islam Malang. To collect the data, a questionnaire on students' perception towards online learning platforms was designed. This questionnaire was distributed through a Google form and was completed anonymously by the students. Data analyses revealed a mostly positive perception among EFL students regarding the use of online learning platforms during the COVID-19 pandemic. Students expressed that these platforms offer significant advantages, such as saving time and effort by allowing them to complete and submit assignments electronically. This was one of the major contributions that ICTs provided during the COVID-19 pandemic, allowing for a more innovative form of education, and enabling education in a time of crisis. To sum up, this research was meaningful for the development of this research because the review showed the advantages in terms of online learning platforms, emphasizing the time-saving and innovative nature of ICT in education in times of crisis (COVID-19). These concepts were the subject of our research. The research conducted by Mashhadi et al. (2022) contributed to understanding the impact ICT in EFL has had on students’ learning experiences. Considering that this research was conducted in an Iraqi educational institution and sought to determine EFL students’ preferences for ICT-enhanced education and whether they were ready to adopt this type of learning in their training process, another point to note in this research, as observed in the research of Apriani et al. (2022) was the consultation of the two genders to find out whether the differences in preferences and readiness had significant changes if it was the female or male gender. Data collection was carried out with a mixed-methods design through a questionnaire and semistructured interviews in four Iraqi universities, where 65 men and 25 women participated, using descriptive analysis to analyze the data collected. Data collection and analysis revealed that student attitudes were positive towards the use of this new mobile learning platform as a viable means of pushing the boundaries of learning outside the traditional school environment. The research found that there were no considerable differences between the two genders in terms of preferences and disposition towards EFL, only those females liked it more than males. Based on this research, the issue of gender is considered since its results showed that women tend to be more perceptive to the use of ICT since they consider themselves multitaskers and that using ICT improved their class participation compared to face-to-face learning. Considering these results, this study was relevant for our research because the surveys or questionnaires could include related questions to our research, and it could be more specific in topics related to the students. According to the descriptive quantitative research conducted by Apriani et al. (2022) the main objective was to find out which ICT platform they were using at the time and how it helped their self-efficacy and had a constructive effect on their use of ICT for learning. This study focused on male and female students from Islamic universities in Indonesia, their perceptions of ICT use, and the barriers it presented to learning English during the COVID-19 pandemic. To collect the data, the authors relied on Google Forms, in which 30 male and 30 female students were surveyed at each university, giving a total of 210 respondents. All these data were analyzed qualitatively through a program called SPSS, and the results showed that males used more ICT than females. This research is related to ours in that it examines how students’ perceptions at the COVID-19 time made used of ICT and how these influenced their learning process so that objectives were carried out satisfactorily. In view of this, this study provided us with more ideas about how to carry out our study based on the data collection proposals presented by the authors. The study developed by Pardede (2020) in which he says that the research aimed to explore the perceptions of secondary school students in EFL classrooms. This research was applied to a total of 197 students from 15 secondary schools that were in Jakarta, Depok, and Bekasi. For data analysis, the researcher made use of descriptive analysis which in doing so the results showed that students’ perception was positive and increased dimensions in some ICT usage such as its impact on the use for learning, its potential for interest, and motivation, the educational values of ICT and the self-efficacy that these tools generate. On the other hand, it was found that students used ICT for entertainment and socio-economic activities rather than for their learning activities. It was also evident that most students responded that they did not need any training to be able to use these tools effectively. Considering this, Pardede’s (2020) research was significant for the development of our research to understand the impact of ICT on students and in which we were able to understand that students did not use ICT only for learning purposes, but also other activities they performed while using ICT. Referring to the constructs of this research, the study conducted by Tanjung and Utomo (2021) highlight that because of the change of the learning process to a fully online one by COVID-19. The researchers have focused on investigating the students’ perspectives on the implementation of online learning in a low-tech context. The participants of this research were 104 university students, so researchers used a survey method. The results showed that students were knowledgeable about the use of ICT. In addition, this prior knowledge of the students allows them to be more autonomous in terms of their learning and they can improve their language skills. However, it is important to improve the development of ICT in education to be a support system for students. This study was necessary in our research because it offered us a point of view in a context with fewer technological resources, but it highlighted the students’ knowledge of technology to promote the use of ICT tools in education, so that students continue learning. Regarding to the constructions of EFL learning, and ICT, Rahim and Chandran (2021) argue that the purpose of their study is to investigate the perceptions of EFL students during the COVID-19 pandemic on the implementation of e-learning in teaching at a university in Afghanistan. The study was conducted on 21 EFL students through a semi-structured interview. The results showed that although e-learning is an interactive way to learn English as a foreign language, it faces several significant obstacles. These challenges include difficulty accessing electricity, internet, technological tools, adequate infrastructure, and a lack of teachers and students. These factors combined hinder the effective implementation of e-learning in education. Rahim and Chandran’s study were relevant to us because this study highlights the obstacles of education to adapt to the new educational “normality” caused by COVID-19. The study developed by Layali and Al-Shlowiy (2020) seeks to review students’ perceptions of online ESL/EFL learning in Saudi universities during the coronavirus. For that purpose, they considered four primary studies that contributed to their approach as it is a literature review. For that reason, the research did not have several participants of its own because it is based on the four studies already mentioned. The first objective of the review was to report on students’ perceptions of e-learning for EFL, and the benefits and drawbacks of elearning for EFL. Finally, the results showed many benefits and drawbacks related to e-learning for EFL, but also highlighted the positive attitude of students towards this new strategy. This study was meaningful to our research, in the sense it provides a better understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of the use of e-learning to EFL. Concerning EFL learning and ICT tools, Ariyanti (2020) conducted a qualitative research based on the impact of the COVID-19 lockdown, especially the change it brought about in the education sector. Therefore, the objective was to investigate students’ perception towards their EFL learning during the COVID-19. An interview was conducted with 8 students from the Department of English at the University of Widya Gama Mahakam Samarinda. The results were divided into three main challenges: internet connection, healthy reason, and use of certain online applications. However, discussions and suggestions are provided within the research. Thus, Ariyanti’s (2020) study was relevant to our research because it provided theoretical support on the main difficulties encountered in the use of ICT. In sum, these studies provided a comprehensive overview of the impact of ICT in EFL learning, with a particular focus on the challenges and opportunities presented during the COVID-19 lockdown. They offered valuable insights into the perceptions and preferences of students and provided a foundation for the current research, enabling a better understanding of how ICT can be effectively utilized to enhance the learning process in different educational contexts, both nationally and internationally. Conceptual Framework This research explored 10th graders’ perceptions of their EFL learning process mediated through ICT tools during the COVID-19 lockdown. This section reviews the main constructs that help to tackle this research: EFL learning and ICT tools. Conceptualizing English as a Foreign Language For the purposes of this research, it is important to define EFL from a conceptual perspective. In this sense, EFL is the use of English by non-native speakers learning the language in a classroom setting, where English is not the usual community language (Erbeli & Joshi, 2022; Thornbury, 2006). However, EFL should not be confused with ESL (English as a second language), which refers to the utilization of English within an English-speaking context by individuals whose native language is not English (Davis, 1984). Therefore, Heidari-Shahreza (2014) argues that EFL teachers are advised to shift their teaching emphasis towards more communicative language teaching methods because students are not able to learn the language in an English-speaking environment. Accordingly, EFL teaching should occur in a dynamic, diverse, and social atmosphere. Finally, this educational environment can effectively address the lack of enthusiasm among students and change their perception of language classes as monotonous. English as a Foreign Language in Colombia. Over the years, an increase in the relevance of foreign language teaching has been observed. Correspondingly, Aguirre (2021), and Cronquist and Fiszbein, (2017) state this has been reflected on improved policies at the national level for the regulation and promotion of language teaching. For this reason, Colombia since mid1994 implemented EFL as a necessary resource for economic progress in the country and began to establish requirements to govern English in educational institutions. According to Aguirre (2021) the implementation of educational policies for strengthening foreign language has required the use and updating of ICT structure. However, the established model has followed foreign political ideals. Likewise, this model must be contextualized to the environment. Having defined what EFL is; we can add that EFL learning usually takes place in a classroom setting. Consequently, Ministerio de Educación Nacional República de Colombia (2006) and Beltrán (2017) express that the classroom allows a variety of directed activities to take place. In this way, students can achieve a high level of English language proficiency. In this sense, students should be provided with a good classroom environment. Therefore, it is a relevant factor in learning and creates the appropriate conditions for them to develop their language skills (Juan & García, 2012; Ordorica, 2010). On the other hand, according to Rahim (2019), learning a foreign language is currently influenced by numerous technological advancements that have captured the attention of both language instructors and students. Considering this, contemporary education demands that educators and educational institutions reconfigure their approaches for more effective teaching practices and modernize their educational platforms to align with global requirements. In conclusion, the importance of teaching EFL in Colombia has evolved over time. However, the implementation of these policies has required an adaptation and contextualization to the Colombian reality in which it has been necessary to involve the use of ICT. Likewise, due to COVID-19, ICT became even more relevant in education; technology and online learning, such as e-learning, are transforming education, requiring educators and institutions to modernize their approaches to adapt to global demands. In this context, it is essential to understand how students perceived their learning of English mediated by ICT tools during exceptional situations, such as COVID-19 lockdown. Information and Communication Technology tools The second construct to be addressed is Information and Communication Technology (ICT), which is defined by the Ministry of ICT as the set of tools, equipment, software, applications, networks, and media that allow the compilation, processing, storage, and transmission of information such as: voice, data, text, video, and images (Art. 6 Law 1341 of 2009). Then, a factor related to the transition between knowledge and society is technology, which is sometimes observed in the different sciences, generating opportunities for change and adaptation, but also posing challenges. Besides, Chaparro (2001) identifies the affinity of three technological areas that have led societies to become contemporary: (1) informatics; (2) telecommunications; and (3) data processing. The implications of these in the different sciences have generated changes in contemporary society. The implementation of Information and Communication Technologies. Educational centers in developing countries face challenges in the learning process related to the implementation of ICT. Some of the challenges mentioned by Kettunen and Sampson (2019) are that students and teachers have little or no experience with technology, poorly equipped classrooms, lack of electricity connection in rural schools, expensive and slow internet connection. Most schools that have computers do not use them as a medium of instruction, and there is a shortage of e-learning materials for students (Hinostroza, 2018). On the other hand, Al Ansi et al. (2021) expresses that the application of ICT in learning leads to several advantages, such as improving engagement and knowledge retention, fostering individual learning and collaboration, and learning different skills in flexible time. The role of Information and Communication Technology during the COVID-19 lockdown. COVID-19 that started in 2020, was a global health emergency that affected the way of life of human beings until that time, generating a sudden enclosure and the implementation of new strategies for working, teaching, and learning during this time. Therefore, the presence of COVID-19 lockdown, the ICT was a solution of physical distancing to prevent the spread of the epidemic. Thus, keeping people safe and not getting infected in such a way that could lead to death (Adisel & Prananosa, 2020; Komalasari, 2020; Pakpahan & Fitriani, 2020). However, and citing the research of (Almetwazi et al; 2020) this new form of education COVID-19 presented itself as a good opportunity to generate an acceleration in the process of digitization of education. To conclude, the impact of COVID-19 on human beings, this ICT-based learning offered many opportunities during the pandemic, such as saving time, expenses, making use of more technological tools, acquiring new skills, and having different learning materials online all the time, as well as spending more time with the family in the learning process Mashhadi et al. (2022). For this reason, different studies have discussed the opportunities of ICT-based learning for improving students’ skills and competencies and facilitating the learning process (Al-Ansi, 2020). Therefore, this whole process with the right ICT tools will achieve the previously stipulated learning objectives in a satisfactory way for the students in each of the levels. The constructs described above establish the theoretical basis for our research. The literature presented above establishes the importance of implementing ICT tools to promote more accessible EFL learning in times of crisis due to COVID-19. Finally, exploring the perceptions of 10th graders is essential to understanding how ICT influenced their learning and to identify gaps to fill them. Chapter III Methodological Design Research Design The aim of our research was to explore 10th graders’ perceptions on the implementation of ICT in the EFL learning processes developed during the COVID-19 lockdown. Hence, this chapter presents the methodological design, the participants, and the data to be collected and used during the research process. Type of Study. The type of study to carry out our research was the case study. According to Heale and Twycross (2017) a case study is a research methodology mainly used in social and life sciences. A case study can be defined as an intensive study about a person, a group of people, or a unit, in which the aim is to generalize into several units (Creswell, 2012). Additionally, a case study can be described as an intentional and systematic investigation of a single person, group, community, or other unit in which the researcher examines in-depth data related to various variables. Setting and participants This research was developed with the participation of 26 students of the Juan Bautista Migani Educational Institution of the 10th grade, aged between 14 and 17 years who were selected for having studied during the COVID-19 lockdown in grades 6th or 7th. Thus, they had more awareness of the events experienced during that time. All the students, being in high school, were already seeing English on a more frequent basis and of course had to use ICT for their learning process. The participation of the students in the data collection phases, including the completion of the survey and the participation in the interview session, was sought to obtain the necessary information to carry out this research. The following table describes the participants: Table 2. Basic information about the participants. Basic information Options Gender Female Male Age Less than 14 years old 15 to 16 years old 17 to 18 years old Number 14 12 1 15 10 Percentage 53.8% 46.2% 3.8% 57.7% 38.4% Data Collection Instruments The instruments we used to collect data in this research process were an open-ended survey and a semi-structured interview. These data collection instruments served to explore 10th graders’ perceptions of the use of ICT for their EFL learning during the COVID-19 lockdown in 2020 and 2021. Survey. Survey instruments, also known as questionnaires, are used to collect data on demographics, personal histories, knowledge, behaviors, and attitudes of respondents (Passmore et al., 2002). Furthermore, according to Creswell (2012), questionnaires can be employed to gather open-ended responses, allowing for a deeper exploration of a theme. Therefore, the purpose of the survey in this research was to collect qualitative data, aligning with the objectives previously stated. Semi-Structured Interview. The semi-structured interview is a communicative process that aims to collect a set of private knowledge, the construction of the social sense of the individual behavior or reference group of the subject interviewed, in which information is obtained from a person; and in this way, allow entry into a communicative place of reality, where the word is the main vector of a personalized experience, biographical and non-transferable set of representations associated with the events lived by the interviewee (Alonso, 1999). We used this type of interview to deeply explore 10th graders’ perceptions. Research Phases This research was developed in 4 research phases. Phase 1. In this phase, we implemented a survey with open-ended questions to value the digital tools used by 10th graders during the COVID-19 lockdown. These results served us to further understand how students used different tools for EFL learning. Phase 2. During this phase we implemented interviews to inquire 10th graders’ EFL learning processes during the COVID-19 lockdown. With this information, we analyzed the learning strategies used by the students and how these strategies impacted their EFL learning process. Phase 3. In this phase, we analyzed the data using grounded theory methodology in the context of the theoretical constructs previously defined. We began by recognizing themes through open coding, followed by identifying categories through axial coding. Finally, we defined the categories that emerged from this process using selective coding to describe the 10th graders’ perceptions of their EFL learning mediated through ICT tools during the COVID-19 lockdown. Phase 4. During this final phase we wrote the findings, and conclusions, recommendations and pedagogical implications of our research study and we prepared the final report. Chapter IV Data Analysis and Findings Data Analysis Procedures To analyze the data, we employed a systematic approach based on grounded theory methodology, which allowed us to derive meaningful insights from the qualitative data collected through surveys and interviews with 10th graders during the COVID-19 lockdown. The analysis began with an open coding process, where we thoroughly reviewed the responses from the surveys and interviews. During this phase, we identified and labeled key themes, concepts, and recurring patterns in the students’ experiences with technology in their EFL learning. This process involved breaking down the data into smaller segments to capture the essence of what the students expressed. After the open coding, we proceeded to axial coding, where we sought to identify relationships among the initial codes identified during the open coding process and organize them into broader categories. From this coding process, we identified a total of nine distinct codes that emerged from the data, including technological tools used in English virtual classes, general experiences, technical difficulties, utility and comfort, engagement, learning through ICT, digital platforms, educational interaction, and perceptions of English teachers. This step involved connecting the initial codes and understanding how they interacted with each other, leading to a more cohesive understanding of the data. Finally, we employed selective coding process to refine our categories and identify a central theme that encapsulated the overall findings. These codes, along with insights gathered from the surveys, were organized into two overarching categories. The first category addressed the challenges faced by 10th graders in EFL learning during the COVID-19 lockdown, encompassing codes related to difficulties encountered by students, such as technical difficulties, motivation issues, and concerns regarding safety and comfort in online learning environments. The second category focused on students’ perspectives on adaptation and support in online learning environments, which included their learning experiences with technology, educational interactions, and perceptions of English teachers. This comprehensive coding process allowed us to gain valuable insights into the challenges and adaptations experienced by students during this unique learning context. Data triangulation After conducting the data triangulation, we identified several recurring patterns and outcomes, which allowed us to define the research categories and subcategories (see Table 1). These categories and subcategories are used to present the findings and discussion of this research study. Firstly, according to Rahim (2019) the COVID-19 lockdown forced students and teachers to adapt to a virtual learning environment, presenting unprecedented challenges for the global education system. In this context, analyzing the experiences of 10th graders regarding the use of technological tools for EFL learning becomes crucial for understanding the effectiveness of these technologies. Data triangulation was employed to provide a comprehensive understanding of students’ adaptation to virtual experiences with technological tools for learning English during the COVID-19 lockdown by integrating qualitative data. As Creswell (2017) explained, the goal of the qualitative approach is to understand the subjective reality of the research participants from within their perspective. In this study, a qualitative approach was applied using semi-structured interviews and surveys to gain deeper insights into students’ experiences. In line with this, interviews with ten students were conducted to explore their personal experiences with tools like Zoom and Google Drive, highlighting challenges such as connectivity issues and varying levels of comfort with technology. This qualitative data was complemented by a survey administered to 26 students, which provided statistical evidence on the frequency of tool usage, perceptions of effectiveness, and motivation levels. By comparing these data sources, it was possible to identify common themes, such as the impact of technical difficulties on learning and the disparity between perceived and actual effectiveness of the tools. The triangulated data revealed both the successes and limitations of virtual learning environments. Table 2. Research categories and subcategories Research question What are 10th graders’ perceptions of their EFL learning process mediated through ICT tools during the COVID-19 lockdown? Category Challenges faced by 10th graders in EFL learning during the COVID-19 lockdown Subcategory The absence of face-to-face interaction significantly reduced students’ engagement. Students experienced a lack of confidence in their English language learning. Limited support and resources for overcoming technical issues Perspectives on adaptation and support in online learning environments Students demonstrated resilience in adapting to virtual classes. Teachers held a crucial role in facilitating the effective and appropriate use of ICT tools. Findings and Discussion Upon completing the triangulation of the information obtained from the data collection instruments, we identified commonalities within the previously established research categories to describe our study’s findings. This section presents these findings, organized into two main categories: Challenges faced by 10th graders in EFL learning during the COVID-19 lockdown and Perspectives on adaptation and support in online learning environments Challenges faced by 10th graders in EFL learning during the COVID-19 lockdown This first category shows the adversities perceived by 10th graders during COVID-19 lockdown related to their virtual English classes. Regarding this, Rahim and Chandran (2021) discuss the challenges in implementing online education. Many EFL students struggled with elearning primarily because of insufficient internet connectivity and limited access to ICT tools. The COVID-19 lockdown had a negative impact on academic performance, with academic, motivational, and socio-emotional factors playing a key role (Cortés et al., 2023). Taking this into account, the subcategories absence of face-to-face interaction significantly reduce students’ engagement, students experienced a lack of confidence in their English language learning and limited support and resources for overcoming technical issues illustrates the multifaceted challenges faced by 10th graders in EFL learning during the COVID-19 lockdown. The absence of face-to-face interaction significantly reduced students’ engagement. This subcategory concerns the negative impact that limited interpersonal communication has on students’ motivation and participation in virtual learning environments. This idea is supported by a student, who stated that: “no era mucho como el ánimo de querer aprender inglés virtualmente” (S1). Similarly, some students argued that they were not motivated (S2, S6). These notions align with the information represented in Figure 1, which shows that 38.5% of the students perceived that they were not sufficiently motivated to learn English during COVID-19 lockdown. Figure 1. Percibo que mi motivación para aprender inglés se mantuvo alta en el transcurso de las clases durante el confinamiento por COVID-19. Moreover, related to the aspect of face-to-face interaction, a student argued that: “No me gustaba la parte de que tengo que estar en una pantalla con una cámara y mirar a todos los compañeros, sino estar acá en clase, en el salón que uno puede interactuar y hablar con los compañeros” (S9). This statement reflects the discomfort students experienced with the lack of direct interaction in online classes, emphasizing the preference for a classroom setting where natural communication and peer interaction enhance the learning experience. This highlights how virtual learning can hinder students’ sense of connection and engagement. Figure 2. Creo que tuve la oportunidad suficiente de interactuar con mis compañeros en ingles durante el confinamiento por el COVID-19. Students experienced a lack of confidence in their English language learning. This subcategory arises from the challenges posed by online education, which hindered 10th graders from gaining confidence in their language skills. These difficulties can be attributed to several factors, including technological limitations, reduced interaction with peers and teachers, and less effective teaching methods in the virtual setting. To support this perspective, a student mentioned: “la verdad, no me sentía cómodo, ya que sentía que no estaba aprendiendo nada y que era una pérdida de tiempo” (S10). Similarly, another student remarked: “yo considero que no fue mucho lo que aprendí durante ese confinamiento” (S1). Additionally, it is noted that 69.2% of students believe there was no progress in their ability to communicate in English (Figure 3). Figure 3. Siento que mi capacidad para comunicarme en inglés mejoró durante las clases de inglés en el tiempo de confinamiento por COVID-19. Likewise, a student mentioned that: “no me sentía segura” (S7). In the same way, another students stated that their experience with English was poor and they did not learn much (S3, S10). As a result, 53.8% of students do not believe that their confidence in communicating in English improved during the virtual classes (Figure 4). Figure 4. Creo que mi confianza para comunicarme en inglés ha aumentado gracias a las clases de inglés durante el confinamiento por COVID-19. Limited support and resources for overcoming technical issues. This subcategory denotes the challenges faced by students in accessing appropriate tools to address technical difficulties during online learning. The interviews and the survey revealed that students faced significant difficulties in their learning process. For instance, in the interview with a student, she stated: “siempre tenía interferencias por el internet y, bueno, pues diferentes motivos en donde se me dificultaba atender a mi clase de inglés con regularidad” (S6). In addition, other students, also mentioned that connectivity issues were recurrent due to internet failures (S7, S8). Figure 5. Creo que el uso de herramientas TIC mejoro mi experiencia de aprendizaje de ingles durante el confinamiento por COVID-19. In relation with the survey data 34.6% of the students stated that the use of ICT tools did not enhance their English language learning experience (Figure 5). Meanwhile, another 38.5% were neutral, indicating that more than half of the group did not experience significant EFL learning. This highlights that despite the availability of technology, technical problems were still a major obstacle to the effectiveness of virtual classes. In addition, connectivity issues and lack of suitable devices negatively affected students’ ability to attend and actively participate in classes, creating an educational access gap. This category reveals a complex picture of adversities that affected the educational experience of 10th graders. The lack of face-to-face interaction resulted in a noticeable decrease in motivation and engagement of the students, who felt disconnected and less inclined to actively participate in the virtual classes. This situation was exacerbated by a shortage of confidence in their language skills, resulting from technological limitations and a lack of adequate support to solve technical problems. Despite the availability of digital tools, many students failed to benefit from them, creating a gap in access to effective education. Taken together, these factors highlight the need to rethink teaching strategies and available resources to improve EFL learning in virtual environments, ensuring that students feel more connected and supported in their educational process. Perspectives on adaptation and support in online learning environments This part of the research examines the perspectives of 10th graders related to their adaptation and support within digital educational environments during the COVID-19 lockdown. This evaluation is informed by the recognition that ICT plays a crucial role in the pandemic. Based on Al Ansi (2020) ICT-based learning during the pandemic presents several advantages, such as reducing time and costs, integrating more technologies into the learning process, acquiring new skills, and providing constant access to online learning materials. Additionally, it allows the opportunity to study or teach. Considering this, the subcategories emphasize how students demonstrated resilience in adapting to virtual classes and how the teachers held a crucial role in facilitating the effective and appropriate use of ICT tools. Students demonstrated resilience in adapting to virtual classes. The analyzed to the interviews and the survey reveal that students experienced a significant resilience in their English language learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, which can be attributed to various factors, including technological challenges, reduced interaction, and ineffective teaching methods. Figure 6. Me resultó fácil adaptarme al uso de herramientas TIC para mi aprendizaje de inglés como lengua extranjera durante el confinamiento por COVID-19. According to the survey data, 50% of the students reported having an easy time adapting to the use of digital tools for their English learning during the COVID-19 lockdown (Figure 6). Likewise, with easy adaptation, there were problems with Internet connectivity and navigating the online learning platforms, which directly affected their ability to engage with the material. Supporting the above, a student noted: “bueno, lo que yo opino es que las herramientas fueron algo útil ya que no perdemos clase en estos dos años o un año en el que tuvimos esa pandemia. Pero yo siento que es un aprendizaje un poco más lento comparado a las clases presenciales” (S3). This reliance on repetitive and impersonal learning implications contributed to students continuing with their study and learning progress. Figure 7. Me resultó fácil adaptarme al uso de herramientas TIC para mi aprendizaje de inglés como lengua extranjera durante el confinamiento por COVID-19. Moreover, technical difficulties exacerbated the problem. 50% of students responded that it was easy to adapt to the use of technological tools such as computers and phones to participate in classes. In spite of and the different challenges with the technology, the students had other perspectives that contrast the information to the survey and in comparison, a student expressed: “pues cuando de pronto no tenía teléfono no podía acceder a las clases y entonces ese era también un problema que no podía asistir a las clases virtuales” (S1). These technical barriers created an environment where many students felt disconnected and incapable of fully participating in their learning, which in turn diminished their confidence in using English effectively, but that did not mean that students could not access the different activities and have effective learning, as student mentioned that: “por una parte sí, porque como lo dije anteriormente, el dinamismo ayudó a que yo aprendiera más fácil y más rápido, pero creo que por parte de mí como estudiante si dí como ese impulso para aprender más el inglés” (S7), (Figure 7). In conclusion, the survey and interview results paint a clear picture of the resilience students faced in building confidence in their English language learning during the pandemic. It is evident that the virtual learning environment created a supporting students’ language acquisition. The combination of technological difficulties, interactive teaching methods, and emotional challenges significantly contributed to students’ resilience of confidence. Moving forward, addressing these issues require a focus on providing more engaging, communicative, and supportive learning environments, especially when relying on virtual tools. Teachers held a crucial role in facilitating the effective and appropriate use of ICT tools. The analysis revealed that educators are fundamental in guiding students through the complexities of digital learning environments. According to the findings in the interview and survey, teachers not only impart knowledge but also facilitate the integration of ICT tools, which can significantly enhance the learning experience. Students emphasized the importance of teacher guidance in navigating digital platforms. For instance, a student stated: “el profesor nos ayudó a entender cómo usar Zoom y Google Meet, lo que hizo que las clases fueran más efectivas” (S5). This sentiment reflects a consensus among students regarding the necessity of teacher support in mastering the technological tools essential for online learning. Effective instruction from teachers was identified as a critical factor in ensuring that students could utilize these tools effectively. Figure 8. Mi profesor/a de inglés nos proporcionó recursos adicionales, como sitios web y aplicaciones, para practicar inglés fuera de clase durante el confinamiento por COVID-19. Moreover, one student highlighted that “los maestros nos dieron recursos adicionales y nos enseñaron a utilizar plataformas que no conocíamos. Eso realmente ayudó” (S2). This underscores the proactive role teachers play in equipping students with the necessary skills to engage with ICT tools, demonstrating that their involvement is not just about delivering content but also about fostering digital literacy (Figure 8). Figure 9. Mi profesor/a de inglés fue creativo al realizar las clases de inglés y utilizó recursos como videos, juegos en línea y ejercicios interactivos para mantenernos interesados durante el confinamiento por COVID-19. The teaching methods during lockdown were also a point of concern for students. While 42.3% of students disagreed that the online activities and resources enriched their learning experience, 15.4% felt that the teaching was inadequate (Figure 9). A student shared: “el problema fue el profesor que solamente colocaba los talleres y los videos, pero no explicaban. Entonces, fue bastante complicado en ese aspect” (S9). This demonstrates the divide between those who adapted to online learning and those who struggled, further affecting confidence in language learning. When asked about the effectiveness of their teachers in the use of ICT tools during COVID19 lockdown, 60% and based on the interviews (6 out of ten students) disagreed that their teachers facilitated the effective use of these resources. This high percentage means that most students felt negatively supported, which highlights the impact of educators in this context, as expressed by a student: “el problema fue el profesor que solamente colocaba los talleres y los videos, pero no explicaban. Entonces, fue bastante complicado en ese aspect” (S9). In this way it is supported that in general the students did not have effective and continuous teaching from the teachers. Figure 10. Siento que las herramientas TIC fueron efectivas para recibir comentarios oportunos y constructivos de mi profesor/a de inglés durante el aprendizaje en línea durante el confinamiento por COVID-19. On the contrary, 23.1% of the students’ responses leaned towards the options “disagree” and “strongly disagree” and also an equal percentage of 46.2% indicate that the effectiveness of teachers in the use of ICT to send timely and constructive comments during the process of learning English during confinement indicates that students experienced it in different ways and with divided opinions that leads to the conclusion that not all teachers were attentive to the feedback given to students (Figure 10). As a student remarked: “a veces no entendía bien las instrucciones del profesor sobre cómo usar ciertas herramientas, lo que me dejó perdido” (S8). This feedback points to the necessity for continuous training and development for teachers to ensure that they can provide clear and effective guidance. Additionally, the students’ feedback on the usage of specific ICT tools reveals varied experiences. While platforms like Duolingo were mentioned positively by some, a student expressed frustration, notting: “el uso de Duolingo a veces era confuso, y no siempre sabíamos cómo aprovecharlo al máximo” (S3). This illustrates that even with the right tools, the effectiveness of their use is contingent upon teachers’ ability to guide students in their application. In essence, the analysis underscores that teachers play a pivotal role in facilitating the effective and appropriate use of ICT tools within educational settings. Their guidance not only aids in the understanding and application of these technologies but also enhances students’ overall learning experience. The data and student testimonials highlight the importance of teacher involvement and the need for ongoing professional development to improve their digital teaching strategies. Investing in teachers’ training and resources is essential to harness the full potential of ICT tools, ensuring that students can thrive in increasingly digital learning environments. Chapter V Conclusions and Pedagogical Implications After analyzing the collected data and its results, we intend to explore the conclusions, pedagogical implications, limitations, and avenues for future research related to the themes investigated in this study. Conclusions This research on 10th graders’ perceptions of their EFL learning process mediated through ICT tools during the COVID-19 lockdown has revealed both positives and negatives aspects. On the one hand, it was observed that many students managed to improve their technological skills, which allowed them to adapt to a virtual learning environment that, although challenging, offered opportunities for the development of digital skills. This adaptation was crucial in a context where face-to-face education was interrupted, and ICT became the only means to continue with the educational process. However, the results also show a number of significant difficulties. The lack of face-toface interaction negatively affected the motivation and engagement of students, who often felt disconnected and less confident in their language skills. Most students did not perceive improvements in their English learning through the technological tools used, indicating that, although these tools were available, their implementation was not always effective. This highlights the importance of having adequate pedagogical strategies that integrate ICT effectively in the virtual classroom. The research underscores the need for educators not only to master ICT tools, but also to develop methodologies that foster active and participatory learning. In addition, the importance of emotional and academic support to help students navigate the challenges of online learning is highlighted. In conclusion, this research contributes to a deeper understanding of how ICT can influence EFL learning in exceptional situations such as the pandemic. The findings suggest that while technological tools offer valuable opportunities, their effectiveness depends largely on the preparation and pedagogical approach adopted by teachers. This opens a path for future research that explores not only student perceptions of ICT use, but also how these tools can be better integrated into diverse educational contexts to optimize the EFL learning. Pedagogical Implications The pedagogical implications of the use of ICT tools in the teaching of EFL during the COVID-19 lockdown are significant and multifaceted. First, the abrupt transition to virtual education forced educators to rethink their teaching strategies and adapt their methods to make the most of available technologies. This implied not only the integration of digital platforms in the classroom, but also the need to develop digital skills in both teachers and students. The lack of face-to-face interaction, an essential element in language learning, highlighted the importance of creating virtual environments that encourage active participation and engagement of students. In addition, it was evident that teachers played a crucial role in guiding students through this new educational landscape, providing technical support and additional resources that facilitated learning. On the other hand, the experiences of students during this period revealed a series of challenges that must be addressed to improve the effectiveness of online learning. Technical difficulties, such as connectivity problems and lack of access to suitable devices, limited the potential of ICT tools to enrich the educational process. Likewise, many students expressed that they did not feel motivated or confident in their ability to learn English through digital platforms. This indicates the urgent need to implement educational policies that not only focus on the availability of technology, but also consider the socioeconomic and emotional conditions of students. Consequently, it is essential that educational institutions develop continuous training programs for teachers and provide comprehensive support to students, thus ensuring that technological tools are used effectively to improve English learning in challenging contexts such as the one experienced during the pandemic. Recommendations and Implications for Future Research These recommendations for future research in the field of ICT mediated EFL learning during exceptional situations, such as the COVID-19 lockdown, are critical to improving educational practices. First, it is essential that future studies delve into the relationship between students’ perceptions and the teaching methods used by teachers in virtual environments. This includes investigating how different pedagogical approaches can influence students’ motivation and engagement, as well as their perception of the effectiveness of ICT tools. In addition, it is suggested to explore the experiences of students from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds to better understand how inequalities in access to technology affect their learning and what strategies can be implemented to mitigate these disparities. In contrast, it is crucial that future research address the ongoing professional development of teachers in the effective use of ICTs. 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