EEXPLORING THE IMPACTS OF OIL AND GAS DEVELOPMENT IN AMERICA (Explorando los impactos del dessaroyo de la actividad petrolera y de gas) MISSION The FracTracker Alliance shares maps, data, and analyses to communicate impacts of the global oil and gas industry and informs actions that positively shape our energy future (FracTracker Alliance comparte mapas, datos, y analisis para comunicar los impactos de la industria del petroleo y de gas a nivel global, e informa acciones que pueden dar forma positiva a nuestro futuro en la energia. Howmillion much oilgallons does theper world use? 22.7 minute Cuanto petroleo usa el mundo? 22.7 per minute 2.7million milliongallons gallons per minute 2.7 millones de galones por minuto Where is extraction happening? Donde está ocurriendo la extracción? International Shale Basins Cuenca de esquisto internacional Shale Basins and Plays Cuencas de Esquisto The Extraction Footprint la huella de extracción Oil and Gas Wells per County Los pozos de petróleo y gas por condado. 9,000 Unconventional Drilled Wells 9,000 pozos perforados no convencionales Bakken Shale North Dakota Cuencas de esquisto Bakken The Impacts and Issues Los impactos y problemas Human Health Concerns Environmental Public Health Dimensions of Shale and Tight Gas Development,” Environmental Health Perspectives Journal. April 16, 2014. The review reports: A number of compounds known to be toxic to humans are associated with shale and tight gas development, and have been found in elevated concentrations in air, surface waters, and aquifers. Some evidence suggests that living close to active development may increase the risk of certain birth defects, including congenital heart defects and neural tube defects. The literature also suggests that improper treatment of wastewater (flowback/produced waters) is associated with contamination of surface water with chemicals from fracturing fluids and naturally occurring substances such as radium-226, arsenic, and barium. Other studies suggest that aquifers in closer proximity to active shale and tight gas development are at more risk of methane contamination than those further from active development. For a comprehensive online citation database of the peer-reviewed body of literature on shale and tight oil and gas development, including all of the health studies noted in the review, visit Air Pollution La contaminación del aire Kern River Oil Field Bakersfield, CA Recognized Health Effects of Air Emissions from Natural Activities Recognized Health Effects of Air Emissions from Natural GasGas Activities* Efectos reconocidos sobre la salud de las emisiones atmosféricas de actividades con gas natural Pulmonary Pulmonar PM X H2S X Ozone X CO Neurologic Neurologico Reproductive Reproductivo Dermal Dérmico Hematologic Hematológica X X X X X NOx X SO2 X VOCS X X X X X BTEX X X X X X X X X Methane NORMs * Table compiled by Leslie Walleigh MD, MPH (7-20-12) Water Pollution La contaminación del agua Surface Water Risks Los riesgos del agua superficial Groundwater Complaints Quejas de Aguas Subterráneas Excessive Water Use El uso excesivo de agua RecognizedWater Health Effects of the Air Emissions from Natural Gas Activities* Use in Utica Shale, Ohio Uso del agua en el Utica Shale, Ohio * Table compiled by Leslie Walleigh MD, MPH (7-20-12) 16 Olympic-sized pools per Well 16 piscinas olímpicas por pozo de gas Hazardous Waste Residuos Peligrosos Pennsylvania Drilling Waste Top 20 Producers During Last Half of 2013 Residuos en Pennsylvania durante última mitad de 2013. Ohio Active Class II Injection Wells Pozos de inyección Activos; Clase II en Ohio Solid & liquid waste disposal for top 20 producers of PA unconventional Earthquakes Terremotos A Growing Pipeline Network Una red de oleoductos crecientes Pipeline Incidents Incidentes de oleoductos The Growing Transport of Oil by Rail El transporte creciente de petróleo por ferrocarril Sand Mining Expansion Expansión de la extracción de arena Public Land Impacts Impactos en tierras públicas Pennsylvania State Forests Bosques estatales en Pennsylvania National Grassland - North Dakota Praderas Nacionales en Dakota del Norte North Unit Theodore Roosevelt National Park Unidad Norte Parque Nacional Theodore Roosevelt State –Issued Violations Violaciónes emitidas por el estado 5,100 Violations in Pennsylvania since 2005 5,100 violaciónes en Pennsylvania desde 2005 Drilling in the Gulf of Mexico La perforación en el Golfo de México