CONTENIDO Direcciones ................................................................................................... 9 Abreviaciones y abreviaturas .................................................................. 15 Artículos / Articles GARCÍA ARÉVALO, Tania María ‘Recristianización’ de los manuscritos del Mar Muerto: elementos comunes entre los textos de Qumrān y el cristianismo primitivo (una revisión) ........................................................ 23 GIAKOUMIS, Konstantinos The Perception of the Crusader in Late Byzantine and Early Post-Byzantine Ecclesiastical Painting in Epiros ..................................... 41 HØGEL, Christian An early anonymous Greek translation of the Qur’ān. The fragments from Niketas Byzantios’ Refutatio and the anonymous Abjuratio ............................................................................... 65 MUHAMMAD, Tarek M. The Conversion from Islam to Christianity as viewed by the Author of Digenes Akrites ...................................................................... 121 NESSIM YOUSSEF, Youhanna Coptic Bohairic liturgical texts relating to Abbā Samuel of Kalamūn and Julius of Akfahs ............................................................... 151 PIERRI, Rosario Del genitivo epesegetico nel Nuovo Testamento ................................... 197 SANTOS, Diego M. A note on the Syriac and Persian sources of the pharmacological section of the Yŏuyáng zázŭ ....................................... 217 SOTO CHICA, José El día de Aǧnadayn y los comienzos de la conquista árabe de Palestina ................................................................................................. 231 Varia AFFAS, Pios Aperçu sur les mss. du ‘Musée Mar Thomas’ des Syriens catholiques Mossoul-Irak ....................................................................... 255 MARFIL, Pedro Ḫirbet al-Mafǧar y el enigma del término al-walīd ................................ 261 MONFERRER-SALA, Juan Pedro Two names and one title for a she-demon: a note on the ‘queen of the demons’ in TestSal(ar) ................................................................. 269 URBÁN, Ángel Virga fuit: Ov. ars 2,339-342 y rem. 84-86 en Aug. in psalm. 66,3 ......................................................................................................... 277 Miscellanea Epigraphica TSAKOS, Alexandros Miscellanea Epigraphica Nubica I: A monogram of Abraham from Meroe ............................................................................................ 287 TORALLAS TOVAR, Sofía Cristianismo en Asuán: nuevos y viejos hallazgos epigráficos en la orilla oeste del Nilo ........................................................................ 297 Congresos y noticias / Congresses & news FRUTOS GARCÍA, Alba de ‘Gestión del patrimonio escrito’ (Abadía de Montserrat, 13-17 julio 2009) .............................................................................................. 303 SÁNCHEZ MEDINA, Esther ‘I Jornadas de estudio de las fuentes no islámicas (textos documentos y arqueología): de la conquista islámica del Norte de África y la Península Ibérica’ (Alcalá de Henares, 19-20 de Diciembre 2008) ..................................................................................... 305 SÁNCHEZ MEDINA, Esther ‘II Jornadas de estudio de las fuentes no islámicas de la conquista islámica’ (Granada, 26-27 Octubre 2009) .............................. 309 QUIROGA, Alberto ‘Emperor and Author: the Writings of Julian the Apostate’ (Cardiff, 16th-18th July 2009) .................................................................. 311 Reseñas / Reviews BIBLIA GRIEGA SEPTUAGINTA (La): I. EL PENTATEUCO, coordinado por Natalio Fernández Marcos y María Victoria Spottorno Díaz-Caro (Salamanca, 2008) [Á. Urbán] .................................................................... 319 BIEDERMANN, Zoltán, Soqotra: Geschichte einer christlichen Insel im Indischen Ozean vom Altertum bis zur frühen Neuzeit (Wiesbaden, 2006) [A. Sidarus] ..................................................................................... 323 BLUM, Georg Günter, Die Geschichte der Begegnung christlichorientalischer Mystik mit der Mystik des Islams (Wiesbaden, 2009) [J.P. Monferrer-Sala] .................................................................................. 326 BOUD’HORS, Anne, James CLACKSON, Catherine LOUIS & Petra SIJPESTEIJN (eds.), Monastic Estates in Late Antique and Early Islamic Egypt. Ostraca, Papyri, and Essays in Memory of Sarah Clackson (P. Clackson) (Cincinnati, 2009) [Mª.J. Albarrán Martínez] .................................... 329 CANER, Daniel F., History and Hagiography fom Late Antique Sinai, including translations of Pseudo Nilus’ Narrations of Sinai and Raithou, and Anastasious of Sinai’s Tales of the Sinai Fathers, with contributions of S. Brock, R.M. Price and K. van Bladel (Liverpool, 2010) [J.P. Monferrer-Sala] ........................................................................ 335 CRAGG, Kenneth, Trans Action in Biblical Society (London, 2009) [J.P. Monferrer-Sala] ......................................................................................... 338 DÍEZ MACHO, Alejandro (†) – PIÑERO, Antonio (eds.), Apócrifos del Antiguo Testamento. VI (Madrid, 2009) [J.P. Monferrer-Sala] ......................... 340 DITOMMASO, Lorenzo & Lucian TURCESCU (eds.), The Reception and Interpretation of the Bible in Late Antiquity. Proceedings of the Montréal Colloquium in Honour of Charles Kannengiesser, 11-13 October 2006 (Leiden-Boston, 2008) [E. Grypeou] ....................................... 345 GRYPEOU, E. & SPURLING, H. (eds.), The Exegetical Encounter between Jews and Christians in Late Antiquity (Leiden – Boston, 2009) [J.P. Monferrer-Sala] ......................................................................................... 351 HAMILTON, Alastair, The Copts and the West 1439-1822: The European Discovery of the Egyptian Church, «Oxford-Warburg Studies» (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006) [A. Sidarus] ................................... HANNAH, Robert, Time in Antiquity (London–New York, 2009) [N. Al Jallad] ....................................................................................................... Hechos y dichos de Jesús en la literatura ascética musulmana. Int., trad. y notas por P. González Casado y J. R. Martínez Murcia (Madrid, 2009) [L. Bonhome] .................................................................................. HITCHCOCK, Richard, Mozarabs in Medieval and Early Modern Spain. Identities and Influences (Aldershot, 2008) [A. Echevarría] ............................ IOAN, Ovidiu, Muslime und Araber bei Īšō‛jahb III (649-659) (Wiesbaden, 2009) [L. Bonhome] ............................................................... JAFFÉ, Dan Il Talmud e le origini ebraiche del cristianesimo. Gesù, Paolo e i giudeocristiani nella letteratura talmudica, trad. G. Regalzi (Milano, 2008) [R. González Salinero] ........................................................ JOOSE, N. Peeter, A Syriac Encyclopaedia of Aristotelian Philosophy: Barhebraeus (13th c.), Butyrum sapientiae, Books of Ethics, Economy and Politics. A Critical Edition, with Introduction, Translation, Commentary and Glossaries (Leiden–Boston, 2004) [J.P. MonferrerSala] ......................................................................................................... KERYELL Jacques, Af î f Osseïrane (1919-1988) : Un chemin de vie (Paris, 2009) [A. Sidarus] ........................................................................... LUISETTO, Frédéric, Arméniens et autres chrétiens d’Orient sous la domination mongole: L’Ilkhanat de Ghâzân 1295-1304 (Paris, 2007) [E. Loosley] ............................................................................................... MOISÉS DE LEÓN, Seder Gan ‘Eden סדר גן עדן/ El jardín del Edén / The Garden of Paradise, ed. C. del Valle, N. Roth y A. Reguera Feo (León, 2007) [Á. Urbán] .............................................................................. MONFERRER-SALA, Juan Pedro & Ángel URBÁN (eds.), Sacred Text. Explorations in Lexicography(Frankfurt am Main, 2009) [R. Martín Hernández] ................................................................................................ MONFERRER-SALA, Juan Pedro, Vassilios CHRISTIDES and Theodoros PAPADOPOULLOS (eds.), East and West, Essays on Byzantine and Arab Worlds in the Middle Ages (Piscataway, NJ, 2009) [N. Al Jallad] .................... MOUKARZEL, Joseph, Gabriel ibn al-Qilāʿī (ca 1516). Approche biographique et étude du corpus, préface de Gérad Troupeau (Jounieh, 2007) [L. Bonhome] .................................................................... NASRY, Wafik, The Caliph and the Bishop. A 9th Century MuslimChristian Debate: Al-Maʾmūn and Abū Qurrah (Beyrouth, 2008) [J.P. Monferrer-Sala] ......................................................................................... 355 358 361 362 363 366 370 372 374 376 381 383 386 388 PAZZINI, Massimo, Il libro dei dodici profeti. Versione siriaca, vocalizzazione completa (Milano, 2009) [J.P. Monferrer-Sala] ........................ Quo vadis, Theologia Orientalis? Actes du Colloque Théologie Orientale: contenu et importance (TOTT) Ain Traz, Avril 2005 (Beyrouth, 2008) [L. Bonhome] .................................................................. RIO SANCHEZ, Francisco del, Catalogue des manuscrits de la fondation Georges et Mathilde Salem, Alep, Syrie (Wiesbaden, 2008) [A. Zomeño] ................................................................................................... ROGGEMA, Barbara, The Legend of Sergius Baḥīrā: Eastern Christian Apologetics and Apocalyptic in Response to Islam (Leiden–Boston, 2009) [J.P. Monferrer-Sala] ......................................................................... TREBOLLE BARRERA, Julio, Imagen y palabra de un silencio. La Biblia en su mundo, «Colección: La dicha de enmudecer» (Madrid, 2008) [E. Benítez] .................................................................................................... UBACH, P. Bonaventura, Dietari d’un viatge per les regions de l’Iraq (1922-1923). Ed. D. Roure (Abadía de Montserrat, 2009) [M.T. Ortega Monasterio] ..................................................................................... 390 391 395 397 401 409 Normas de colaboración .......................................................................... 417 Information and style sheet .................................................................... 419 Order Form ............................................................................................... 423