Avelino Álvarez Casas Experience

Avelino Álvarez Casas
Plaza del Ayuntamiento, 29
46002 Valencia (Spain)
+34 96 353 66 11
+34 96 394 47 34
Labor and Employment Law
Lawyer in the Labor and Employment Department of Garrigues since 2000. Member of Alzira Bar Association.
Specializes in collective bargaining: collective agreements (across industries, companies and groups of companies), corporate
agreements, material modifications to working conditions, transfers, mobility issues, etc. Business restructurings: collective layoff
procedures, individual objective dismissals, mergers, spinoffs, outsourcing and subcontracting. Supplementary employee welfare
(individual and collective): pension plans and funds, collective insurance and pre-retirement plans. Labor union law: labor union
elections, workplace labor union branches, central works committees and other representative forums.
Assistant lecturer on the Master?s Degree in Legal Counseling for Businesses offered by Fundación de Estudios Bursátiles in
Valencia and on the Master?s Degree in Labor Law Counseling offered by Centro Europeo de Estudios y Formación Empresarial
Garrigues in Madrid. Also teaches collective bargaining on the Human Resources Master?s Degree offered by Centro de Estudios
Financieros in Valencia and the labor law practice workshop at ESTEMA (Universidad Europea de Madrid).
Academic background
Degree in Law, Universidad de Salamanca.
Master?s Degree in Labor Law Counseling, Centro Europeo de Estudios y Formación Empresarial Garrigues&Andersen.
Course on Community Law, Jean Monnet Chair of European Studies at Universidad de Salamanca.
Qualification as legal adviser on consumer issues, Universidad de Salamanca.